I Teach You How Make :: Hermitcraft #52

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check tango’s latest video, its the 4 of them playing stat poker for the whole episode

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/I_Maverick_I πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

There's also a Shade-E-E's reference at 22:17!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/knl7qc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft what a fine day it is in the city and i think some things have happened the lots of things have happened this city is booming and bustling as you can see there's a new building here in town and this is so originally and you guys a lot of people have been mentioning this from the start when scar originally bought this land near the beginning of the season he lost a piece of it or green bought a piece of the middle of all this land and sure enough green has claimed it and put that tower in green also bought from scar our big building here so he's it's his you know as i said whenever somebody buys a piece of property all the land etho impulse corrales all the stuff that they bought they can do whatever they want with it scar bought this tower he can do whatever he wants with it he sold it to graham he could do whatever he wants with it and he replaced the billboard that we put up there with his own skin and funny enough he retained the old billboard and hung it on the side of this new building that he put in here so there we are and i think we may be taking that because why well at least part of it because for some other reasons there's lots i mean today there's we're gonna do a lot today there's a lot on the agenda so hang in there we're gonna be doing some over at the base i got some really cool ideas uh but we're gonna start out here in a cute town so scar has finished the interior of his realty building you know the structure was in place before but now the interior's done and how cool is this it did a good job but oh what is this all about there's a there's a sword through me hey oh that's really cool the map of the city oh i like that a lot oh that's so cool i love that i don't like that there's a tar oh it's an arrow okay i can see it now and there's a target okay okay notice our diamond banners that we put here they're fully covered up now uh and you can't really see them and it looks like this is scar's head office up here yeah where he'll be spending the majority of his time so we'll have to put another something here don't you think and i could you know i could brag again and put diamonds but i got another idea for that speaking of diamonds not only do i have like 52 diamonds that we'll recollect there 52 diamond blocks i've got 42 now how do i have 42 diamonds because i just played a fun game of stat poker with some friends oh [Music] okay it's the highest as well okay i'm gonna bet 12. okay i'm gonna call and i'm gonna raise it 24. oh you guys are crazy what i'm gonna lose this but i'm gonna i'm gonna call that you're calling i'm gonna go i'm calling where do you crouch everywhere you're trying you're trying to get more crash points three hello 300 absolutely and 22 kilometers 322 kilometers i can't compete with that you can't that is just he's not taking the diamonds no i can't compete with that i had a hundred and i had iphones how much did you have 123. i had the least amount let's go we got a 20. that just seems like so much how are you crouching so yeah etho tango corrales and i we all played a little bit and i i won some really big pots so i got vito got a lot of diamonds i gotta say i i don't know how this has all happened but i'm very wealthy all of a sudden uh so i'm loving it i'm loving every bit of it but we're gonna collect these and we're just gonna keep these you know for ourselves let's try not to fall all the way down okay that's good i'm gonna get that other one and then we'll put something else in here so cigar can look at he needs a nice view you know instead of hey there's a hole here hello i busted okay out i did not get hurt and a half hearts all right let's hop on up and take a quick look and see how we're doing oh yes wonderful okay that's a perfect spot for my billboard see what because if scar comes up here and he's doing any business and another customer is here they're going to see oh oh right name recognition b-dubs and plus i could always keep a good eye on him right here with my big smile and shining face oh it's perfect i love it okay that's one wonderful thing that we're able to do here another some other things i've been working kind of off camera there's so much going on in the city i put these power lines in here just to add a little bit of interest and i've set them up to where i could put chickens in and connect uh the lines the leads like i did over right over here so these leads these leads right here are connected to chickens that are named in there and silenced of course they are not clucking about though these are set up for that but i think it looks cool it's just one of those little things that you add into the city that makes things look very alive but more things have happened ren is kind of uh taking over that spot up there he's doing some great things in there and uh if you didn't catch his episode i gave him a new haircut uh at snips which is fantastic let's see wow i sell much i sell much much i can't i really can't keep oh my goodness the tnt shop oh boy we gotta check down here i think i need to make a shutoff for this oh i need to make a shutoff it's too full it's too we're too full oh goodness you should shut off the system i need i'm gonna make a shutoff for that but uh and that'll be easy that's just gonna poke some lights up in the top with some pistons it's simple simple but hey we're doing great we're selling that's awesome uh i don't need more diamonds i'm full but uh suzuma's made a new building here oh it's beautiful brick and morty it's full of bricks and good things it looks awesome and bricks are a very good thing to have pots wonderful he's not selling brick blocks because i think that's something uh that you can get with villagers and some you know other stuff but boy he's adding little little bits of interest right here i love that and he made another building over here that i think we saw last episode but it's just really filling out the city aren't things coming along and oh looks like impulse is doing some stuff check out everybody's videos on this stuff to see what's going on with them but i know false uh and i we a couple days ago worked out a little deal for this spot right here can you fly with me you have wings you got rockets can you fly with me into the shopping district to your terracotta shop if i could get let's see what's the price one diamond per 32. oh for dead bushes dead bushes yeah yeah yeah yeah there's one dime at a stack basically one diamond per stack okay so would you be willing to offer me three stacks for two diamonds a special b-dubs deal yeah of course i can do that you can return yeah i'll give you that if if i could come in and grab three stacks for two diamonds yeah no that that's a deal yeah and i'll try and keep it stocked pretty pretty well oh look at this we are selling wool i need to restock my brown and cyan no way i need to restock my brown i had no idea oh my goodness uh oh that's gonna make a mess okay okay okay i can't this is this is a sign right here this is a sign that a cute town is really popping baby that's so exciting oh wow we're selling stuff in our shops out here it took a while for people to realize hey we got good business going on in town but they're realizing we're going to do some things some little things to add some life to the city there's just little things that were popping up to make it feel fun and exciting for people to come by and visit and i want to add a little bit of a you know how you'll be walking down the street and there'll be a vendor they'll have like a almost like a u-haul big thing on wheels that uh is on the side they sail in hot dogs or whatever or uh you get something like that and scar and i off camera from time to time we'll just these pillagers will come by and we'll trap him totally trapped i think and he said i could use one of these now this guy i believe still has a bow let's hop up and check sure he's number one uh oh got a shriek so we could use you know last episode we worked on all those villagers out in our town at our base we've got tons of villagers over there we could try to transport one all the way over here but scar and i worked so hard on getting these pillagers here then maybe we just try to trap one in one of these things it's going to be a small little design but it's going to be kind of unique so i'm going to work on that and i think i'm going to place it like right about here aha perfect this is it this is a spot uh all in place and i mean it's small it's really hard to make something so small that kind of fits the scale of the other buildings right in this area but it works and oh man i can feel it i can sense it gotta sleep okay so this is the spot but like i said this is where i breathe heavy um so we want we gotta have somebody in here somebody's gotta oh breaky breaky okay that's okay that's okay that's okay we're gonna have to trap somebody in here and this will not be hard yes it will so i'm going to break everything that i just made wonderful and i'm going to make a perfect spot for him so it's going to go like that and then i'm going to get him trapped and then i'm going to boom put that block back in there this block back in there so because a villager you know we could lure him and he'd probably find his way right to this and uh they're actually the villagers are cool maybe i'll do i don't know we'll see over time but a villager the villager that with a smoker has a headband on so it looks like a sushi shop which would probably be good but for the minute let's just try this okay so scar has told me how to tame these guys there's a tamed one over there and he has said oh this is gonna be hard okay he's told me how to tame him so you have to put glass yeah and just the right and stand in just the right spot okay no not interested okay okay now okay this feels right uh-huh okay he aimed ouch it hurts though okay what about if i put that there shoot ouch it hurts okay do i have a shrap i do have slabs okay let's try a slab this is science ouch okay heather oh ah okay ow okay aha i found the perfect spot yes this is perfect so now i just stand here for 5 000 hours and wait for him to shoot all the bow or all the arrows in his inventory and don't move hello just eating a carrot snack in your face and we'll just wait for all the arrows to be gone and then he'll be somewhat peaceful i think he can still hit me we'll wait and see [Music] well i was hoping it really wouldn't come to this but it looks like it has i didn't want to have to move my spot because i found the perfect genius spot and now he's still not out of arrows what is he got 10 stacks of arrows this is crazy and i have to move now because x is on but he's afk so i i have to i have to go street and then i'm going to lose my spot let's see if i can find it we'll go to sleep unless he runs out right now before the sun goes down please run out now please run out this is your last chance run out this is your last chance run out now ah okay oh it won't let me sleep because there's monsters nearby oh boy okay okay okay fine all right gonna have to okay let's see if we can find that okay this is definitely now then not the spot okay aha okay oh he did a jump shot okay okay this is fine it wasn't as difficult as i thought all right 10 more hours of him shooting thousands and thousands of arrows no big deal i heard it break yes wonderful oh that's great okay i just heard it break that's fantastic okay so our goal now is to lead him from there over to here now i think the best option will be to create a tunnel that he can't get through a tunnel will be a a nice way to go so i think i've got a ton of cobblestone here yeah this will work it'll be a tunnel and i'll take this off real quick okay and i don't have any room in my inventory okay okay okay okay that's fine that's fine you know what let's put this right here for right now for safekeeping that actually looks really cool right there okay so boom boom you don't need to see this i'll make the tunnel and i'll be right back okay here's the moment of truth let's knock that out okay i think we're fine there i think we're gonna have to knock that out okay good thing we checked good and then i think if i knock this out hold on okay and then this okay now come get me wait hello oh just like just like nice huh okay just like walking okay wait i thought he would melee attack me i'm gonna put this back while we're uh doing whatever this is come on number one come on he okay okay okay i could take a boat or a minecart very good very good very good very good very good can't go further than that now can't go further than that keep going i'm going to block him off as we go very good and boom okay keep going keep going that's the way you want to go now oh my goodness oh i had an opening in the tunnel okay move very good and i'm gonna do a trick to you watch this trick okay he thinks i can't push him but sure enough i can from under here minecraft pro move that's right okay it's really getting close to bedtime okay in you go jump do a jump yes he wants to work here yes yes yes boom he works there he can't get out yes i sleep oh this is fantastic i didn't know it would be so easy he really just went for now so so this guy over here hold on i gotta there's a couple other things that i gotta do like i gotta put this okay there's a couple well i'll fix those in a second this guy when you get close what's he do he puts his hands up wait you don't do it anymore they were putting their hands up when they saw you now they're just looking okay i mean i guess that's what it is i did i get i thought they would do a little more than that okay but this is awesome okay and where's the other one the other one's way over here now today the big important thing that i want to do uh is get i want to make a place to store a beautiful place to store terracotta at my base so we've got we have i'm sorry wait no i'm doing this wrong we have uh some really nice we we've separated all of our stuff out into different buildings okay i think that's right i don't know if that's right or not what's it on this side aha aha give me that give me that perfect perfect uh so we've got different buildings to store all of our goods and we're going to be coming into a lot of terra cotta now because of this wonderful deal so as we block that off and then we're looking for let's block the top off we're looking for the apple or the the apple painting where is it come on aha that's not an apple i don't know what that is let's say it's sushi wonderful uh so we're gonna we're gonna head on over to our base this is awesome though let's feel this out i mean we got cobblestone we gotta clean up and stuff like that but pretty cool do they wear your armor put that on wear that he's not gonna wear it okay i'll i'll keep that okay okay okay thank you thank you thank you uh so anyway this is our little worker here in our whatever shop you know hot dog stand sushi shop whatever it is pretty cool we may bring a headband villager over maybe i don't know but for the moment i think that's really cool it's just one of those things and maybe if we find some other spots in town i don't want to have them crammed too close together but some other spots in town maybe we can pop some more so maybe like here would be a good spot or down a different road where it feels like it needs a little more life or something could be great but i think that's awesome i like that okay now i mean there's so much we can do there's so much all over town that we can do and so much that i've done in the last couple weeks but for now that's going to do it that's going to cover it for this area in aku town we may come back a little bit later but for right now let's head back to our base let's make a beautiful terracotta place oh it's good to be back at the base there's our mason hey buddy oh he's loaded is everybody still alive so i've been back and i've been collecting resources all the shulker box full of the goodies and a couple of nights passed and of course i i did my thing i was very diligent about going to sleep people have been wandering though i believe and this is exactly what i want i want the villagers to really wander and some people were saying you know name tag them and stuff lis these guys are disposable if they don't survive that's it end of story there's a guy that lives in here there he is look at the greenhouse man he doesn't know how to get outside and that's fine there's a lot of stuff uh with the builds here that uh see i can get out stupid uh there's a lot of stuff with these builds that that they don't trap doors villagers haven't really figured that out yet mojang you could fix that if you want though that's a good idea uh but maybe not a good idea because i have used a trapdoor right here to make sure they can't go through there into the portal and stuff so anyway one thing we have to address before we get started on this terra cotta thing because we're going to have some major terracotta uh flowing into our system very soon into our hands last episode i was messing around with villagers and our mending guy is out our mending guy is around here somewhere i saw him recently uh we'll see him throughout the day i'm sure but when i was messing with him i broke this barrel and i picked it up and put it down and had i totally missed until i was editing aha the buzzing in my base oh etho hello hi etho i know about this and i'll break that and this b is glitched he's full glitched huh he seems totally glitched he's not even mad shouldn't he be upset about what i just did i guess he's fine what a silly goose hey here there it's back you can enjoy that and give me some honey but anyway so we found another one there's others all over the place there it's so hard to find them but every that one i found by accident but anyway location wise i'm thinking we like to spread everything out and everything that i do here in this area i'm always thinking about how do how is it going to look composition is the main is the technical term but how is it going to look from certain angles uh what we're putting and what's the view going to be when you're you know walking to that place so i'm going to go to sheep real quick oh my goodness i let it get dark that was a big that was silly i got really into my conversation there and i let it get awfully dark like dark enough for zombies to spawn as i said i'm not too worried about it if zombies you know chase some guys off so be it but i'm is everybody okay just double checking seems like everybody's fine that wasn't too bad so i like to think about where i'm going to put it and with this build i want to help i want to try to explain my thought process a little more because usually it's it's kind of tough to explain but i think i have a good way to explain this one so hopefully we can walk through this one together a little bit at least so i'm thinking location wise we're here because we want to kind of balance out we got the flower shop way over there we've got some builds there and way over there i'd like to stretch it this way and this of course then will be the road right here that connects up to that path that we made last episode that goes up the mountain so we'll have some good traffic going through here and i think this is the perfect spot for it so i'm going to lay out some shapes and then we're going to build them up so this will be the basic shape it's not going to be huge but it's just squares and rectangles that's that's how i think of builds when i kind of lay them out so here is a 5 by this is like 11. so this just comes this will come straight through here and this is kind of how i think of the roofs too when i'm laying out the base i think about the roof and how the roof is going to lay out and then there will be a section this is five one two three four five this was an accident and then this will come straight across here okay so these roofs it'll basically be you know how to do a roof for a five by whatever right so that's simple and then that leaves us with this area here where we'll do kind of a hip roof we'll talk about that later but that's basically the shape and then just for some interest we added like a little seven by three thing out on the side here so that's the basic shape now for what i want to do with the it's going to be two stories and then some other fun stuff up on top but for the first story it's terra cotta so i don't want to do the whole thing out of terracotta i want to do like a mix of brick and terracotta i think that'll look really good it'll be terracotta but then like with some bricks make it mixed in to make it look structural and architecturally there's one there's a couple interesting things that i want to do on this floor i want to have arches like an arch here and an arch here to enter and then an arch on this side because i think we have if i laid this out right we have boom and boom three a space of three and then one two three space of three and then to get to here one two three so that leaves us some good room for some arches so i'll get to work on this first story not super detailed or anything but i'll get the floor built up so you can kind of see what it's going to look like and boom mission accomplished so we got the first floor laid out with those arches in place and then kind of tapping in some windows i think it's pretty easy to know to you know decide okay it's five i could either have one window in the middle or one on either side you know you got some window options so you just kind of decide pop some windows in there but basically we'll walk through it because now you start to get an idea of what the interior will feel like this is the best time to start planning out the interior so here i've got kind of a weird window this is going to be like um a one and a half window but i think that'll be cool just a little different thing you know and then uh maybe we'll have like a wall here to separate this room from this room and this will mainly all be storage it's all gonna be tons and tons of storage to store terracotta stuff and then i'm thinking this would be a good space for a stairway and then maybe a wall coming across here to separate this room potentially so if the wall comes across like this look you have this room right here for stairs which i think could be good but anyway that's the first floor very simple you just kind of lay out a shape decide some architectural things that you want to add into it pick your materials and boom just go it takes time you know to get used to it and and get good at it but i think that's going to be a good start so and and the other thing is it looks like garbage until you really detail it so just trust what you got get some shapes in and trust them stage two we're gonna go on the top and we're going to go with smooth sandstone i think smooth sandstone's gonna be fantastic and we're gonna do this deal you guys know the the deal right when we're going if this is a what is this tutor style that's right we're going to go like this i think it looks fantastic you know over here we kind of did tutor style with concrete white concrete and diorite you can use mushroom blocks here's tudor style with yellow you can use all sorts tudor with brick everything here we're gonna go sandstone we haven't really used that very much out here so i think that's gonna look fantastic and it's gonna look really good compared to this it adds a good contrast value this is very saturated this is low saturation so that'll be here a couple things right above here we're going to have this roof there's going to be a story and then there's going to be a peaked roof up here and then there will be a hip roof here which we'll deal with later but then here is going to be up and a peaked roof again and those will go this way and they'll intersect oh i hope this is making sense they'll intersect like right about here so uh what we're going to do on those peaks instead of repeating these two windows here i want to have like circle windows i think that's going to make this build look really cool i think it's going to make it stand out from all the other builds here and it's a little bit of a fantasy element circle big circle windows is a fantasy feel makes you feel like you're in a magic land and we're doing that a little bit with this with this spirally tree so i think if we're over here at our base and we're seeing the spirally tree and we're seeing this these big circle windows here i think it's going to be a good combo so i'm going to get laying that out uh i think hmm we i might not let me let me let me clarify this before we go too we have a couple decisions to make here where we're going to have a building coming straight across here and the roof is going to come out this way building going straight across here i might not put floors here or i might indent it a little bit just to add a little bit of difference we'll see but i'm thinking here will make some kind of difference we might shrink this in by one we'll see but anyway i'll get going on that and just like that the top floor is done not so bad so a couple things as i'm going along whenever there's windows that are straight up and down and put a little cut piece just add something interesting there and then every once in a while put some regular sandstone in but there you kind of start to see the circle windows and i'm pretty confident these are going to work out they look a little strange like that because we really haven't put the peak on this roof yet it'll give some you know stuff above it but something very nice a nice little thing that i do when i'm doing windows let's go on up right up here and when you got something this shape and it depends on the shape but for this shape it should work out fine and of course i'll probably reorient that so it's facing the right way but that helps round out the circle a little more so if you look at it from a distance it looks more like a circle and less like a diamond you can already see it kind of showing up like a circle there then putting a top on it really helps but yeah that's it i mean look at this it doesn't look exciting it doesn't look fun when a build hits the level the detail level that's when it really really takes off uh this will be where the stairs are but let's go on upstairs uh so i was laying out the floor i'm thinking i'll put i'm gonna put um a fireplace down below that goes all the way through the top uh but here we go again with boom boom boom easy right this just adds a little bit of thickness on the sides to make it a little more uh roundish which i like it's nice boom uh so i'm thinking we'll have a wall right here wall right here and then this could go into like a bedroom there'll be a fireplace here fireplace here and this will connect down to the uh furnace below although we may move this in one this is looking it's mere scars here we may look i think we're going to be there i think that's it that'll be kind of tight but i think that'll be good and look at the view we'll get from there as well i think that's going to be awesome so next thing these everything's looking nice i'm thinking i'll put a little deck out here potentially and maybe something that i'm thinking maybe a wraparound deck because we're going to be using this path quite a bit and if there's a little deck that overhung the path that would be a nice feel so anyway next is the big one this is the big one that everybody has a hard time with and i get it i had a hard time with it as well i used to be a general contractor so i've been on top of a lot of roofs and i'll tell you more in a second after i shreep so i've been on a lot of roofs i've seen a lot of roof shapes and that definitely has helped me with figuring out roofs and stuff but once you kind of get the idea it's simple so like i said before we're going to have and i'll try to get up here to hopefully explain it a little better okay i'm up here i think this is going to help actually so we the way we laid this out from the bottom we were already thinking about this so we're going to have a peak here it's going to be a little steeper than that but we're going to have a peak here and that top block is going to go straight across and connect with that one so this rectangle is all the same and it's going to get the same roof on top all the way across this one gonna be a little taller peak as well is the same rectangle as this one so this top will connect to this so all these blocks will connect to each other and then when they intersect you know you just work out you know because they're gonna touch each other and there's gonna be a little bit of weirdness but you just work it out this here i'm gonna do a hip roof and a hip roof is like this so there's no peak but i think the way this this will work out best if there's a hip because then it'll prevent any weird areas where water would get trapped imaginary water you know but a hip roof that will connect and go in and it's the same thing you just think about the top line and connecting them so and all of these are considered you know top lines and you just bring this into that when it intersects stop take this one into that when it intersects stop and this way as well so that's the idea probably a little different pitch you know this is just i just laid these out just for simplicity's sake but that's kind of the game plan now i think when this roof intersects with these we're gonna have some cool stuff happening uh where i think i could maybe put some towers in small little towers again another architectural detail so we got arch arches for a cool detail on the bottom circle windows for cool detail on heat on the next floor and then for the roof we'll put some little towers and of course a cool chimney so i'm gonna get working on that and uh hopefully it turns out very nice okay roof is done and i forgot to talk about a very important part with the color if you we went with the warped wood i love the warped wood i think it looks fantastic over here we've got it's cyan concrete and cyan wool i believe uh i wanted to go a little darker but i think the main reason why i picked that color is because i think it goes really well with terracotta and break those colors they they kind of work really well together so i think it looks great and i also put like a dark oak trim on it but that's as far as i went with the detail we haven't put any detail into it and this is the big part okay well you can see kind of those towers up there as well that i had talked about those those look kind of cool i like that little tower right there a little tower right there will detail out the top of the roofs and some other things to help it look nice but i'm showing you all these stages so you can kind of get a feel this build does not compare to any of the other builds around here so what's the difference why does this one and this one looks so much better than this one aha you in the comment section you are correct detail so there's no detail in this yet nothing all i've done is just place the blocks and and a lot of times that's how far it gets right i was at this stage where you know you get all the blocks down and then it's like okay why does it still look bad so detail my advice for detail set aside a lot of time uh once this build is at this point where we've got it right now where we feel like okay this is good i kind of put it started to put a little roof there for that uh we feel like okay this is good this is a decent shape uh then then you have to really stop i gotta clear these trees out of here you gotta really stop and start thinking about how i'm gonna detail it out and so when i detail i go in and i just pick an area right here so how am i going to detail this well i know that i'm going to put some furnaces so i want a little smeltery thing right here probably a little water thing to cool things off some storage some barrels maybe on the outside we're going to detail of course with some flowers and bushes and stuff like that and then take this wall for example how can i detail this out well maybe i can put a little bit of a lip right there maybe i could put a little lip right there and add some fences and some gates you just pick a spot and you focus on that spot and then stand back and look at it it's a very slow all of these things each of these levels took me about five to ten minutes so in total i'm like a half hour on this thing but when it comes to the detail this will probably take two to three hours to get done because it's a lot of placing things down and as you find things that work you just know like that's gonna be good like up top we know that i can put a wall a fence maybe two fences and an iron bar and it's gonna help give some detail on that there's certain things that we know if i put little fence gates underneath there that's gonna be a cool detail so you learn some things along the way this just makes it a lot easier but yeah that's kind of the process so now it's a matter of working out all the details so i'll see you in a long long time oh my goodness i love it isn't this baby a beauty oh hours it was hours but hey it's worth it at the end of the day yeah so i i also i went ahead during the detail process and did the interior which is you know another long thing but it wasn't so bad i i would say maybe a an hour on the outside some of this was pre-planned of course so it makes it a little bit easier and then probably another hour or so on the inside but anyway it's a beauty i love it so i mean from all angles it just looks really cool my favorite thing the arches i thought were going to be kind of cool but they don't really stand out too much just looks like openings i kind of covered them with that awning the circle windows i love that i didn't really anticipate that being my favorite part but surely it is doesn't it look cool so what sort of details do we do just stuff all over the place put some boarded you know boarded up the roof a little bit and then uh you know oh you note blocks i use note blocks because i kind of use that on this build a little bit i think that's nice also i'm gonna probably put some more trees around still haven't got this path here and that'll that'll really make this feel nice once we get this path going up here and maybe a couple of because we've just been peppering some pine trees or some spruce trees so maybe a couple of those behind as well would look really nice but i think it's fantastic i love it it's definitely it's done done done can't do anything else to it but uh like this tree right here this kind of brings it in makes it feel like it's all part of the area not just like something standing out weird vines on the outside growing up and then just some random uh bushes and stuff make some bushes and then a little flower bed there and then here's that overhang that we were talking about so when we go up we'll have that above us and to be kind of cool i like that so then then some things hanging some plants hanging and then a little furnace area and a little thing there you guys see little places stand i love it it's so cool and then here's the inside so all of my terra cotta and this i don't know i just like to store things this way all of my terra cotta has been just crammed in a shulker box but that's two steps there's more steps than i want to do so now i can just put it all here i'll i'll label it of course and know this is regular this is green and stuff like that so that's going to be fantastic and terra cotta also believe it or not has glazed variants so i'm thinking one two three four five six seven eight i mean we can put the glazed over here yeah i feel like that'll work in this room will be the glaze room and maybe a couple right there uh but i think it's cool unfortunately we see the back side of the furnace thing a little bit but that's okay then we go upstairs and then this is like a little bit of a kitchen place just a small galley style kitchen and there's that window we love with that beautiful view i love it and then boom you get to see the tree out there not the best view in the world it's a little sitting area for reading oh and what a view of the castle you get as well kind of i think i'm going to chop that tree down believe it or not just for the view because that's really nice and then the bedroom good little bedroom with a fireplace inside i think it's cute i love it but anyway oh and then this is that uh deck a little wrap-around deck that we uh oh time to shreep but yeah here we are on the wrap-around deck and i could decorate this out a little bit i haven't done that yet i should probably put some stuff uh up on the deck so i guess it's not fully done maybe it is i don't know we will just leave it but i think it's fantastic another thing that we did i put shutters on it shutters are a great way to add some detail put some fences in to kind of add some interest but the shutters i brought in the roof color down so it kind of ties it all together and then even that brown up there kind of pulls this up there so it all kind of makes it feel a little more unified and some spikes on top and a cool looking chimney i think it's a beauty oh man i don't know i think it this might be one of my favorite builds in the area so far we've built a lot over here but that one is really cool i think i mean this has been my favorite for a long time but believe it or not we built this this main starter house a year ago so we've kind of you know hopefully gotten better i think that looks much better oh i love it that's a beauty okay so hello cash i'll come back we need to do a lot in this castle there's so much that needs to be done still oh my goodness is this is it taking forever to get this thing there's so many other projects that i'm loving doing there's a cake that joe left me still can't eat it our diamond or our diorite thrown here still have to build these walls up and i mean you don't even understand maybe you do you probably do understand this needs a room that needs a room that needs a room hello skeleton oh i don't have my bow on me i mean we need rooms all over the place and we need rooms below there's going to be just so many rooms that we got to build in this thing but i think the next thing we will oh i skipped out on trapdoors here oh that's the okay i'll fix that don't don't just ignore that that ever happened i think we'll work on this side and that side maybe in the next episode that could be really nice but man i'm loving this actually you know what let's go you're not supposed to be able to spawn you're not supposed to oh imagine if a creeper fell in here what a nightmare that would be let's go down through here and take our little path down oh i love this path let's take a little path down and see the if we can see that building we made from up here at the lookout point that we made last episode sure enough you can with that circle so we'll get that gross tree out of there and you'll see it even better i think that's gonna be fantastic but i mean this is our base it's it's sprawling base it's all over the place but it's just better and better every time we add something i'm loving it so much but ladies and gentlemen that's gonna do it for today's episode i'm sure there's thousands of things that i forgot i did so much recording the hermits we got together on monday and we did a bunch of stuff and helped wren in a live stream uh i mean there's there's been so much we've been doing so much i've been doing on the side that uh it's hard to keep track of everything but i hope you guys are watching the other hermits as well to kind of uh keep track of all this stuff but boy i love this bass oh it's a beauty ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching my hair's kind of fading a little bit i don't know if you've noticed it's fading i might have to do a new die soon i love you guys to death and we'll see you all in the next episode [Music] foreign
Channel: BdoubleO100
Views: 602,297
Rating: 4.9763141 out of 5
Keywords: hermit craft, hermitcraft, bdoubleo, bdouble0, bdubs minecraft, bdubs hermitcraft, hermitcraft 7, hermit craft 7, bdoubleo100 hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft season 7, gaming, minecraft
Id: 33ruv2u6ZYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 43sec (2863 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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