USS Enterprise F Retrospective

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this is the next enterprise it's the NCC 1701 F from Star Trek Online which is officially licensed CBS paramount so until we see something else in a Star Trek movie TV show cartoon whatever this is the next Enterprise before I go on I'd like to thank the channels F films for graciously allowing me to use his clips of the enterprise F in this video there's plenty to feast your eyes on there so go and check them out the link is in the description here in this video we'll break down everything run through its backstory its origins from a design contest it's placing the timeline a bunch of visual comparisons how there's more than just shuttlecrafts on this thing and really just a bunch of other stuff so we'll get into all of that if that's what you choose to do with the next few minutes of your life no one's judging if you like what you see here please consider subscribing and tapping that Bell and all that other stuff you hear in practically every other YouTube video those sort of things really help out small channels like this I only put out about one video a month so I'm not gonna spam your inbox all right now let's get to it this is the next Enterprise so real briefly here's some basic information about the ship before we dive in the Enterprise F is an odyssey class which may be a nod to the ancient Greek poem or the USS Odyssey the Dominion took out or 2001 a Space Odyssey or a 2001 Honda Odyssey here it is next to the enterprise D&E it's definitely much larger from the side profile but that's not necessarily the case we'll get into that later when we do a more in-depth visual break down the main visual feature here that jumps out are the two necks while the ship is inspired by previous enterprises the dual neck design is unique here but anyway let's touch upon its back story so when does the ship exist it launched in the year 2409 and let's give that some context nemesis went down in 2379 the supernova that destroyed Romulus went down about eight years later in 2387 Star Trek Picard picks up 12 years after that in $23.99 and jump ahead a full decade to 2409 which is when we'll see the enterprise f cruising around by this point the Romulan Empire territory was up for grabs the Klingons were like and things soured with the Federation other threats showed up and conveniently laid down the basis for a multi faction MMO in any case that's the universe where the enterprise F exists now let's get into its real-world origins the UNEP rise f is a product of a design contest fans were encouraged to submit proposals for what would become the next enterprise it was conducted by cryptic games who developed Star Trek online a few years earlier a similar contest was helped to design captain Rikers first command the USS Titan mainly because nemesis flopped and they never got around to designing the actual Titan so the design the next enterprise contest was held in early 2011 the winning designer would win a lifetime subscription to the game which is still going strong in 2020 Oh me it's free-to-play now so I guess everyone has a lifetime subscription now and the winner is there won't be any more winners here are some of the other entries this design slots the saucer directly into the secondary hull even though this entry was dismissed cryptic still liked it enough to put it in the game as the chimera class and nog ends up being the captain of one of these would be called captain - this one came from artist Chris Madden I'm gonna leave it on the screen as I talk about other contest entries because it's the only right thing to do and no offense to these other entries but seriously these three finalists all have something in common they furthered the fusing of the saucer in the secondary hull to the point where the hulls are just continuous slabs very much a visual continuation of the enterprise-e speaking of the enterprise-e well where is it the last time we see it is in the Star Trek countdown comic series that sets up the backstory for the 2009 movie so right before the destruction of Romulus by this point data is resurrected in the body of b4 which is pretty rude and he's the captain of the ship though there's not much to say about it the artwork is pretty lazy it looks like the same drawing of the ship is reused in multiple times there are maybe two or three actual drawings of the ship which are reused over so panels so getting back to the winning design here it is this is from artists at a mile you can find a link to a site in the description if you'd like to check out some of his other work immediately his design jumps out for an obvious reason it's got this black box around the ship what is that is it some kind of protective shell or maybe it's this new kind of subspace bubble oh yeah and then there's the neck or necks this is Star Trek The Next Generation that is a joke I get it it is not funny at this point the cryptic art team took over in these aisles concept design to continue developing what would eventually become the enterprise F a 3d model was composed to see what aisles design could look like in three dimensions the task of hammering out the composition and proportion would be the biggest challenge at this point it appears that cryptic was simply trying to recreate aisles design as accurately as possible on each side the neck flows up out of the sides of the secondary hull and tapers into the rim of the saucer and around the secondary hull the top and bottom halves meet with this thin gap running around the side this is reminiscent of the same visual design on the enterprise-d there was a lot of room for interpretation from aisles concept you can see here how the cryptic team made multiple versions of the neck and this was only the beginning of advancing the design to what would eventually appear on screen as the development process continued this model was created by this point the neck blended more vertically upwards into the rear base of the saucer more like a traditional Enterprise as opposed to the initial Oberth style of saucer most of the elements you see here will be further refined in the final design and here's where the ship stood near the end of the design process the neck and lines of the hull flows seamlessly into each other whereas Isles concept treated the saucer and the secondary hull like two separate pieces this design presents the ship as if it were sculpted from one piece for the most part this is mostly the final design so how did it turn out well let's fire up Star Trek online and find out okay let's give this a go don't want to do here try steam okay so I'm not trying that okay how about this okay let's get this installed hmm okay that'll do all right here we go I mean open this door very slowly okay a sovereign class yeah with a kids I don't like WIPA kids I don't even see my inventory better get a trophy for this okay yeah I give up okay screw it this is not working out once again these are some clips from zeph films here it is in all its glory you can definitely see the enterprise lineage the overall silhouette is very similar to the enterprise-e while much of its hull shape is inspired by the enterprise-d you can actually see elements of both ships throughout the enterprise F around the rim of the saucer there's the same sensor array strip you'll find on the enterprise-d the enterprise-e didn't have this the saucer itself is nearly a control-c control-v of the enterprise-e they both share that same elongated overall shape with the same raised arrowhead area traveling backwards from the bridge dome along that the impulse exhausts and the main shuttle bay share the same placement though the main shuttle bay door is still the same garage door style from the enterprise-d when we step back and look at the entire saucer we find the familiar hourglass shape to what we saw or will see whatever it's got the same hourglass shape as the enterprise J while we're still on the saucer it separates as well though enterprises have been doing this for over a century however moving farther back the pylons have practically the same profile and swept-back design is the enterprise-e in another interesting touch the pylons also have an additional pair of impulse exhausts on the lower half of the secondary hull you can also see a bank of large windows much like those found on the original refit Enterprise when it comes to its size the side profile makes the F look much larger than the previous two enterprises the D is clearly the shortest of the three however when you take a look at all three enterprises from a different angle you'll see they equated the last couple minutes of your life you'll also see that the F is very close in size to the D once you eliminate the new cells the actual hull mass paints a very different picture the ease absolutely dwarfed and it appears that the F is just slightly larger than the D though looking at them from other angles you'll find that the D saucers both wider and taller which means you can literally fit the F saucer into the enterprise-d and speaking of fitting things into each other when we go all the way back to the rear the enterprise F features something that we haven't seen on any other Federation ship there's an auxilary vessel named the USS Aquarius it's about half the length of the Defiant its name also is designated with a USS which means that it's a ship on its own and not consider just a shuttlecraft those usually just have a plain name like Galileo or Elbaz or Galileo - you can see the cryptic art team toying with this idea back during the design phase other considerations for this area of the ship included a shuttle bay and additional impulse exhausts and stepping back and looking at the whole ship it's impossible to ignore the black and white design all over its hull this motif is on the saucer the nacelle the secondary hull it's all over this thing which makes the ship look like a cop car or a skunk or an orca or pair of Jordans or spy versus spy or James Bond or Barco that time the Riddler was on TOS appendix press or the Scarface poster or penguin or an Oreo or a double stuffed Oreo Young Frankenstein or storm trooper or piano key soupy or crossword puzzle high rate flash or White Sox referee or soccer bar anything a dog sees when we get to the bridge we see a familiar layout there's the command chairs in the center the chairs themselves of the similar orientation to the enterprise-d and the seats themselves are also very similar to the previous two enterprises no armrests though which is pretty inconsiderate of the cryptic our team behind them is a crescent-shaped piece like the wooden arch from the enterprise-d behind that is a full-size transporter pad integrated directly into the bridge so no more unnecessary trips to and from the transporter room which is pretty considerate of the cryptic art team up front there aren't any forward consoles like we typically see on a Starfleet ship and the view screen is an isolated panel right in the middle of the room up top there's a skylight window there are more windows down the sides and even a window in front of the view screen so it fits the vibe of both the Kelvin and the primetime lines there's also a lower level of stations in the very front and you can see here that elk cars is still a thing on this holographic console I wonder if it's filled with holographic rocks elsewhere in the interior things are pretty generic corridors are cavernous in this game running around in them you feel as if you're shrunk down and everything else is normal somewhere along the line the enterprise took a serious beatdown and required a substantial refit following that the ship was categorized as being a Yorktown class or a Yorktown variant of the Odyssey class I really don't know remember I couldn't even finish this tutorial it features numerous slight tweaks to the overall hull I'll mention briefly that there are a ton of variants and customizations that you can make to the Odyssey class in the game and not just to the hull skin you can straight-up change the nacelle the saucer the secondary hull if you want to get into all the fine detail again go check out Zeff films channel he takes his time going through each of them as for the broad updates to the standard Odyssey class the new cells now have these fins in the rear the pylons also wrap into the hull more like the enterprise-d and are oriented more upright on the bottom of the saucer you'll also find this blue element this is a nod to the USS dauntless which wasn't actually a federation ship I did a video on it but they gave the Odyssey quantum slipstream drive just like the dauntless had so this so this isn't just the next enterprise this is the next enterprise until we see something different in an official Star Trek production this is the new official enterprise and this is the actual new enterprise so that's the video and this is actually my 100th video so I figure now's as good a time as any to say thank you face to face or face to screen it's been a lot of fun making these over the years so I'm very appreciative and humbled by the fact there are people like you out there to enjoy them these names here on the screen right now are the Rock's splitting on the consoles thank you for your generosity I hope there's a lot more videos to come and I will catch you in the next one
Channel: Junkball
Views: 691,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star trek, uss enterprise, new, next, 2020, picard, show, finale, odyssey class, game, future, ncc-1701-f, yorktown, refit, cbs, series, the next generation, galaxy class, sovereign class, timeline, romulus, data, dead, death
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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