Space Hulk Deathwing All Cutscenes (Game Movie)

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this is Grandmaster belly Oh addressing all warriors of the first company forged from countless ships in the seeding forces of warped space a space hulk has been deposited here by the uncaring tides of the immaterial I have dubbed this drifting lair of abominations or let us hive swarm of tyranids already Behcet's the system so while the honored warriors of the death wing embark upon the purging of this space hulk our brothers shall assist the astra military man imperial navy in destroying this tendril of the great devourer commander the assault belongs to an epistolary of the librarian a deadly battle cycle of the chapter leading a specially Assembly Squad the librarian will investigate abnormal all the returns and psychic emanations from within his space premonitions the ether gives me visions I see a threat far more deadly than Jean hundred demons a scream the dark promise a ship in the shadow a relic from our secret past I feel the tightness in my gut as I see the Cataclysm as yet unseen the Opera or Palace descends upon us the shadow of death brothers the verse scans of the space mob have revealed a dark angel ship that dates back to the age of heresy it is located in the heart of your letras Space Hulk this ship from our ancestors seems to be protected by a mysterious energy field teleportation to the ship is currently impossible the only way to reach it is through the main mass of the Space Hulk reaching this ship is your primary concern trust your battle brothers to deal with the rest of their left Ross brothers retribution is at hand it is our strength we are the sons of caliber let fury guide your weapons let vengeance be our song we are the angels of death and our enemies brother librarian the initial boarding strike is proceeding but we have lost contact with squad Gideon your sensorium should receive Gideon's beacon signal though it will be weak we need squad Gideon to secure the breaching zone locate them as quickly as possible when you're successful proceed to secure the landing area to establish the full bridgehead praise the lion we start singing obedience murder by sending Gideon's a consumption Swift vengeance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my British in power lets me see the prediction of the future fortunately my fears were well-founded may their shades fight off and a health authorities day to retrieve that better than I planned as well as the bridge pages established that live off I have an anomalous signal return verify it first [Music] [Music] sensorium is showing multiple returns in your area stay vigilant we activate the Defense Grid at any cost our followers approach quickly we must reactivate local defensive systems to secure the bridge we are receiving strange signal heck violent words the activation of the generators has woken a dormant gene stealers for it is time to establish the fridge heads to allow the main force to reach those are assigned battlezone your command squad [Music] Zenoss hold impact position devoted to the Empire glory to the Mayan brickhead secure this is only the start commence the hunt for the four we located the ancient dark angels ship in the heart of the Space Hulk after finding out the squad Gideon had been slain we fought a horde of xenos as we conducted investigator emissions to uncover this enigmatic vessel from our dark and distant past the death wing moved to secure entry into the old ship while we overcame the energy and psychic defenses created by the gene stealers hard fought was the battle but the bridgehead had been established and progress to our objectives continued we are the Emperor's blade [Music] you we have encountered gene stealer hybrids ond with ranged weaponry they're launching counter-attacks against the perimeter threatening the integrity of the landing zone on the aleph horse looking at our scan data the tech Marines have advised that the hybrids may be able to sever the ship where our squads are currently located to propel it into the gravity well of the nearby planet to prevent this we must disable the propulsion system in this sector if the enemies succeed we will be forced to withdraw and return in another costly breaching assault precious time and lives will be wasted the Emperor of Bors failure we have to quickly destroy the RTO tech engine nothing could be done is to be imputed so answers publicly mission status acceptable brothers destroy the best of cells in the adjacent bubbles the lion guides our fury we have to prevent the enemy being reinforced from the nests we have just discovered [Music] woman be alert every Stuber justice and master we have the opportunity to find out more about the location of the Dark Angel ship affirmative brother epistolary place and auger premisis apnea touched coordinates place the data transmitter it will send information about nearby defense and energy systems to grandmaster barrier so that he can triangulate the location of the ancient ship position there mission success brother go to your assigned battlezone we'll come on sport [Music] love us [Music] [Applause] to counter our operation gene stealing human hybrids attempted to propel a part of the Space Hulk into a gravity well after a difficult battle we defeated them and we destroyed many nests that were supplying the enemy with constant reinforcements as the aliens fell before our results we gathered more precise information about the location of the ancient ship lost Calavera we drew much higher from the xenos but matched it with our righteous hate and thrust towards the ancient signal like a blade into the heart of our foes [Music] [Music] we are picking up a faint dark angels beacon signal from a point where no warrior from the chapter should be it seems to originate from the cluster of ships we believe may contain an ancient Dark Angels vessel you must secure the site and investigate the beacons origin proceed with caution brother the secrets of the past the sewers that signal is far beyond the advance of our vanguard spots [Applause] resilience [Applause] I am indeed a brother ARMA signal identifies the remains as brother Magog Dark Angel from the earliest days of the Imperium along with many brothers he was lost with the ship caravans will that must be the vessel we have found it was one of the cruisers sent back to Caliban with the Uther during the Age of era see 10,000 years ago this confirms our suspicions we must discover the fate of caliban's will and that of its crew brother of history use your powers to learn what you can of Magan I saw a strange place somewhere aboard the caliban's will and within an artifact it is this prize that brought us here connected to the omens of future disaster shade of the lion if the visions of the librarian are true the chapter faces catastrophe perhaps extinction suspend all current operations the new priority is to secure the caliban's will and to secure this artifact the psychic backwash by Michael skank is awaken the dormant gene stealer swarm they are gathering for an attack exterminate them before they assemble sufficient strength another swarm is coming block the access bulkheads to hamper its progress beware the threat is awaiting pass in shadow mission success would allow other Deathwing squads to respond mission success will greatly impede the swoons ability together flanks and rear zones have been secured you are safe to proceed to the caliban's River [Music] [Music] the strange Dark Angel conducted us to the corpse of brother make up a Dark Angel from the earliest days of the Imperium along with many brothers he was lost with the ship Caliban swing it was one of the cruisers sent back to Caliban with Luther during the age of heresy 10,000 years ago this confirmed our suspicions we had to discover the story of canna bands will and perhaps learn something of the loyalty and fate of its crew I conducted a psychic scan that showed me a strange artifact inside the ancient dark angels ship we had to find it at any constant we needed to reach caliban's well quickly but more and more I felt the encroaching psychic presence of an inhuman eye watching us waiting in darkness the identifier code of the trap ship has been decrypted mixed blessings brother we have located Macallan bands will last recorded in action during the Morris heresy as we suspected it can only be reached through another vessel a crusade warship from the black tempest that is listed as lost in the warp during the 39th millennium identified in the archives as the site 20 missionaries relax destination the transport has impacted into the Calvin's will and is preventing direct access to our ancient leaden ship it is imperative that you seize the saint an imperative so that our forces can make a breach into the Caliban twin your attack must be swift alga crews have warned that elements of the nearby Terra need high flight have changed course and are now heading directly toward the Alerus [Music] [Music] [Music] Restless reside the sub temperature these umpires creatures were fun mobsters plans [Music] Oh we cannot board the caliban's wheelers access has been blocked by an alien energy field the palace walls for the energy field is a plasma reactor in your vicinity access the three power relays to redirect energy flow from the reactor rather librarian Bardwell the souls of the entities we have detected powerful psychic emanations from close to each reading these emanations might be from enemy cycles seemed to be drawing the tyranny tweet towards us eliminates the enemies cycles mission success brother the energy field is no more enter the caliban's will without delay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] three the same contract honestly odd I felt the echo of lost Caliban as though touching the mind of a Dark Angel your psychic revelation is of secondary importance brother librarian hold fast and purify the area urge the zenith's to enter caliban's will you must clear the battlezone and move their bridgehead to support the next phase of operations time is short commence boarding of calla bands will immediately these squads are on their way to create a new bridge net [Music] part of the tyranide fleet had begun to approach the space helm belly I'll tasked us with a mission to find a way to reach Caliban swill through another impacted vessel a crusade warship from the black Templars called the sanctum Imperator this ship was sent out from Terra to carry the Emperor's holy will to the galaxy but it was caught in the warp and crushed against Caliban will to enter the Dark Angel ship we had to deactivate an energy field that was blocking our way during this operation I was psychically attacked by a boar for my creature in its mind I felt a Dark Angel presence so disturbed I was heartened we had finally entered our ancestors ancient ship justice vision is deeply disturbing that a librarian and it may be an ill omen for our mission but our desire to overcome will be as strong as beaten steel you must identify the location you saw in the death memories of brother Magan to do so place an order Primus in the main console of the ship strategic let eight guide your levels [Music] [Applause] [Applause] these ancient colleague was okay a long shadow of the heresy lies heavily upon his birth only inspiring [Music] we'll be the first time it is not anxiety yes one must not be distracted from our [Music] [Music] [Music] we are the Angels trade without mercy there are local running us Walter theses they do not look like any we have externally to trees I cannot say as soon as the situation is under control I'm in place [Music] I'm in place the change we are seeking does not appear on the schematic only conclusion meeting is that the chamber was deliberately omitted are hidden gene see gated and recover the Kings the genus 8 is behind this door rather epistolary you have to find the chamber from your vision with the utmost urgency [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this holistic by med-surg echo crazy serie possible performer laughs of Canada brand NASA this crisis friends we must assure secure except I have the entity borrow additional Swanson with more insight Road [Music] skaar the gene stealers from the caliban's will leave nothing alive there's Ennis are coming we have to exterminate them at all costs so that other sports can secure the Caliban will we finally found the artifact that I had seen and perhaps was the source of the visions that beset the libraries in the ancient dark angels ship we uncovered a conservation chamber that held ancient Judah seek for the Legion of the lion a gift of the Emperor's genius even as we celebrated this discovery a terrible brood Lord the final evolution of gene stealers assailed us and we only vanquished it with much difficulty our brothers came to our assistance and with them we secured caliban's will to ensure that no gene stealers would seize the precious gene seed the strength of the Deathwing holds secure the caliban's will and the Jean seed store is currently safeguarded but the emperor yet has Labor's for us Tech Marine analysis of the city agencies filled something the trumpet these Steelers have established a guru there aboard the talibans will close to the gene data they desire our gene seat contained in the vault this Valley velocities to the chapter the gene stealers seek only to pillage and corrupt its secrets this swarm of gene stealers already contains the code of our ancestors they cannot reunite with the tyranny fleet the genetic code of the lion and the Dark Angels the grand creation of the Emperor would be perverted into countless aliens velocities these abhorrent creatures must be destroyed quickly grooves of hybrids have activated the energy to empowering nearby banks of Savior pots giving them the means to dispatch their gene bearing abominations to the approaching tyranny vessel stop this Zeno sport at all costs [Music] [Music] escort brother bear akhil to the savior array interface chamber mission parameters incoming every synopses new swarm contains a mockery of objectives to Native Heritage not a single teaspoon of this one and assimilated other tournaments if the rotated ability of the chapter if it happens these monsters defile our heritage that free of the fury of your every weapon rather novel shall survive [Applause] [Music] thoughts [Music] language [Music] totally I'll need a few minutes to maximize the points destruction we need to place a modified teleport beacon a location on send indeed it will allow our ship to pinpoint its gymnastics directly on to the bots fingers we await your signal brother [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] warias mission confirmation received the ship will open fire once you've evacuated the area sorry in position [Music] we learn something terrible from the tech Marines when they examine this second swarm of enemy the conservation store had not been the only place that held our genes the xenos themselves had taken it into their bodies corrupting it with their own alien gene code their brood lair aboard caravans will have been created in defense of the source of their lifeblood the Dark Angel gene seed contained in the vault this brood of gene stealers had to be prevented from reuniting with the tyranny fleet lest our heritage be turned into some fresh abomination we could not let that which our creator made for the defense of mankind returned against his faithful people though hybrids eNOS attempted to launch savior rods containing their alien pin we cut off the pod deployment and kept the safe the blood heritage of Caliban [Music] we cannot be complacent there may be other means for the gene stealers to depart me Allah throws even though they are currently trapped aboard scan data has shown a vast horde of sends awakening from countless layers and hiding places across the space book bolt blade and flame will not be enough to hold back this rising tide of xenos filth to slow down the gene stealer progression we must seal off the airlock and stop them from access in the Calla bands will in order to eradicate the threat I have ordered the armory to release supplies of a mutagenic virus to unleash on the enemy but it is unstable and must be precisely deployed we will gather more data using small cyber altar task units while they infiltrate the environmental systems and physical layout of the Space Hulk the death wing will engage the enemy to allow the recon to take place when the cat's have completed their task their machine spirits will guide them back to our lives we must seal off the caliban's will and prevent further incursions [Music] stole for spray [Music] look out for the hole I feel a psychic echo from a brood Lord we have detected another group Lord exterminated I feel the presence of three hybrid cycles the brood Lords mind obscured their presence before it is likely another attempt by the brood to contact the tyrannous fleet eliminate you cannot pinpoint the location of the psychist find them kill them and take glory in their deaths I saw them but I cannot feel where they are Kill Confirmed one last night the virus must be dispersed quickly lose the environmental systems of Isis [Applause] resilience the virus is spreading rapidly that will delay the occur seeds eNOS the war is not yet one rendezvous in the next battle zone as swiftly as possible it was impossible to remove the traces of our genes sealed from the bodies of the aliens so grandmas de Balliol vowed to destroy everything instead to do so we had to slow the oncoming tide of xenos far too many for even the death wing to hold back with physical weapons a mutagenic virus unleashed by the tech Marines slowed their assaults while machine spirit guided cats scoured the Space Hulk for more evidence of the gene seed a modified cat was deployed to recover by through gene data but the situation in the Space Hulk and especially around caliban's will was increasingly desperate the longer we remained but closer the tyranny hive ships approached the viral attack has been successful but we are still not yet victorious the gene stealer offensive has been devastated by the virus but not all today I have devised a plan to overload the reactors and destroy the electrics but we have a final opportunity to retrieve vital gene seed and samples before the conflagration consumes everything modified cat has been deployed to recover lost keep data and a sample of the Dark Angels King said father I need you to retrieve the cat before we can begin with the complete destruction the elephant's since aureum returns indicate an impressive number of genes steelers hold the caliban's will [Music] zwei don't sense [Music] before degrees withdrawal recover the caps for extraction the gene Steelers are beyond counting and cannot be slain by Balta and blade alone you must execute an orderly retreat but before leaving the caliban's will you must locate and retrieve the cat and the vital data it has gathered perhaps the secrets of the legion gene see the want of means to avoid the catastrophe predicted by the librarians [Music] the journals uncounted vigilance brothers smoker sprayed close that is starburst artist is all cat secure bring it to the extraction point Spray close the righteous shall prevail you have to stay in a closed perimeter around the cat to protect it while it hacks the lock I've sprayed private place [Music] hard street singer option three fireball [Applause] resistance we are not on which wallace Beery [Music] five in place finding place [Music] all squats fall back to the missionary ship through great courage and great sacrifice we recovered the cat and its precious data to safely dispatch them to Grand Master belly oh the situation inside the space help was rapidly deteriorating as the enemy fell upon our squads in ever greater numbers and strength yet our objectives remained unchanged to purge the aleph throws and ensure that the gene seed of the chapter did not fall into the clutches of the vile tyranids to preserve our strength for further battles knowing that there would be no Swift victory against the tyranny de médecine belli I withdrew the majority of his squads leaving only a few of us to complete the final mission belly I ordered that we would wait as long as possible for the enemy to draw close and then set the plasma chambers to detonate consuming both the Hulk and the bioships with the fiery rage of a man-made star it was time for the final battle with praise for the Emperor on our lips we set upon the enemy with vigor our battle cry filled the Vox for the Emperor for the land the enemy are greater in number than even I anticipated we cannot hold the caliban's will against them yet it is our duty to deny the tyranids the gene seed inside both the vault and the gene stealers themselves the Emperor forged genes of the dart angels would become a weapon of the hive leads turned against us the chapter must not allow such a dishonorable fate though the psychic signal drawing the tyranids has been weakened by the death of many hybrid psychos the hive ships are dangerously near and still closing we have an opportunity here not only to protect the emperor's legacy but to strike a blow in the war against the high peaks as they would attempt to turn our own strength upon us we will use the enemy's powers against them to turn the aleph Ross into the means of their destruction the psychic signal from the Zen of Saiga's continues to lure the bioships from the tyranny - it it will hold until they are close enough and then you will set the plasma reactors to overload before exiting the explosion will cause the complete destruction of the space hulk and the conflagration will consume the hive ships as they feed let righteous fire cleanse this system of their taint exterminators extremists activate the relays to overload the reactor by such factors is on the one and legends create promises to be an impressive explosion that I hope to see it from the outside rather than from the inside how dull but if that has to be so I shall be comforted by our future opportunities to chastise more enemies of the Emperor the tyranny fleet is dangerously close and still closing warning one last relay must be reactivated to overload the plasma reactor critical reactor detonation imminent the resultant explosion will consume a space heart [Music] go to the main shrine we have teleporter locks to return you to the sprang Cruiser plasma chamber detonation countdown activated do not delay [Music] little toy [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Game Movie
Views: 788,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, space hulk, deathwing, space hulk deathwing, all cutscenes, wh40k, imperium, emperor, chaos, tyranids, mechanicus, enhanced edition, All Cinematics, game movie, warhammer 40k
Id: NR8Vq5W9Y_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 22sec (7162 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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