Homeworld All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 4k UltraHD

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[Music] one hundred years ago a satellite detected an object under the sands of the great desert an expedition was sent [Music] an ancient starship buried in the sand deep inside the ruin was a single stone that would change the course of our history forever on the stone was etched a galactic map and a single word more ancient than the clans themselves higara our home the clans were united and a massive colony ship was designed construction would take 60 years it would demand new technologies new industries and new sacrifices the greatest of these was made by the scientist karen saget who had herself permanently integrated into the colony ship as its living core she is now fleet command [Music] the promise of the guide stone united the entire population every mind became focused on the true origin of our people every effort on the construction of this ship that would seek it out among the stars [Music] scaffold control standing by all stations green you're cleared to approach you got it phase eight nine and ten seals scaffold decks a b c secure decks d and e secure scaffold secure all systems green release crews standing by what a beautiful sight this is fleet command recording mothership relaunch status command online resourcing online construction online cryogenic subsections a through j online [Applause] scaffold control standby for alignment alignment confirmed standby release control all caliper banks released the mothership has cleared the scaffold we are away so [Music] stand by for command line testing command line green initial fleet in position course deleted our planet is dying the desert grows with every passing year but there is hope hyperspace module charging 35 capacity and rising the mother ship will be ready for the hyperdrive test in 10 minutes stand by for a hyper drive test internal pressure doors will be sealed in two minutes the board system is standing by hyperspace module fully charged i'm ready to initiate quantum wave generation on your mark good luck everyone all sections have reported in we are clear to proceed trigger the hyperspace drive at your discretion [Music] [Music] all hyperspace systems operating at full power if the hyperspace targeting system is accurate we will emerge in close proximity to the support vessel carcillim this ship has spent the past 10 years traveling on conventional drives to reach the outer car ax system the car salim will monitor the quantum waveform as we return to normal space and assist in tuning our drive control systems if the hyperspace module malfunctions the car salim will provide assistance and resupply mission objectives will be to dock with the support vessel in order to complete adjustments to the mother ship in her [Music] drives new research available we made it hyperspace jump complete all systems nominal and the quantum wave effect has dissipated we have misjumped the support ship is not here fleet command will signal the car slim while we confirm our current position this is the mother ship calling support vessel car salem come in please we've misjumped and are requesting your beacon this is the mother ship calling support vessel car saleem please respond priority alert we have picked up the car slims automated beacon send a probe to make contact and re-establish communications okay [Music] um um [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the mothership is under attack engage incoming units the mothership must be defended assume combat mothership sustained minor hole damage repairs are underway the car salim has been destroyed heavy weapon damage is visible on the remaining fragment a salvage corvette must be sent to retrieve the mission data recorder priority alert additional hostile units detected on an intercept course with the car slim protection of the salvage team is a primary objective it must return to the mothership with the mission recorder we need that data all right hang in there group 1 under attack group one under attack we're under fire this is looking good stay tight drawing light fire contact confirmed group one reports enemy contact we've got a situation here stay on top of the drawing salvage team dock safely downloading mission data recording replaying last entry what do you mean you detect the hyperspace entry the mothership isn't due sir sir they're coming in fast incoming fire we are under attack they're getting through reaches across all decks full integrity is failing to mothership if you are receiving a board hyperdrive test repeat the fourth hyperdrive test [Music] we are detecting enemy units advancing on our position organize a defensive force to protect the mothership large power signature detected nearby recommend immediate investigation we've determined that these enemy units are inferior to ours to protect against penetration of the karak system destroy the attacking force completely it's an enemy carrier they appear to be reinforcing their squadrons of fighters and corvettes with talking with is [Music] so [Music] analysis of wreckage reveals the hostile units are using strike craft ranging from fighters to combat corvettes all pilots will be briefed in case hostiles have penetrated farther into the car ax system on our return to karak the final outfit of the mothership must be accelerated in order to defend against possible future attacks many major mothership systems are still incomplete we will notify carax missile defense system of this possible threat the mother ship will then dock with the scaffold for repairs stand by for a hyperspace exit to karak [Music] ah no one's left everything's gone [Music] carrick is burning karak is being consumed by a firestorm the scaffold has been destroyed all orbital facilities destroyed significant debris ring and low car rock orbit receiving no communications from anywhere in the system not even beacons wait on the maintenance frequency i'm getting a signal from the cryotrace systems in orbit one of them is suffering a massive malfunction the cryo trays are under attack defend them [Music] these ships are different from those we encountered at the car slim it is likely they were involved in the destruction of karak capture at least one vessel for interrogation and destroy the rest groupon [Music] enemy units neutralized begin salvaging the cryotrays hostile vessel captured crew interned interrogation is underway while searching the enemy's ship's computer systems we came across these flight recordings standby for playback [Laughter] group three moving in all right now stay together ready spread [Applause] there's another one prepare for immediate surface bombardment to commence surface delivery target acquired watch the sprint pattern stay sharp target destroyed delivery to all targets acquired multiple impacts can surface temperature fifth estimated immediate casualties temperature 1742 and stable clearance granted primary direct is achieved [Applause] analysis of the recording indicates that the carrock missile defenses heavily damaged the attacking fleet however we have concluded that at present they can still easily defeat us we have therefore plotted a course to a deep space asteroid belt there we can hide and prepare our fleet for an assault [Music] our research division has analyzed the captured frigate we have reverse engineered the drive technology and developed two new ships plans for a third vessel are underway but will require frigate chassis research [Music] cryo tray loaded 100 000 people secured [Music] [Music] cryo tray is loaded and secure hyperspace module charged there's nothing left for us here let's [Music] go [Music] cryogenic trays have been processed and our colonists are safe for now we are all that's left of our world our culture our people from the interrogation we learn that a frontier fleet patrolling the borders of a vast interstellar empire was dispatched to destroy our planet the captain claimed our people violated a 4 000 year old treaty forbidding us to develop hyperspace technology extermination of our planet was the consequence the subject did not survive [Music] interrogation [Music] hyperspace jump successful scanner data indicates asteroid density is highest in this region commence resource gathering resource controllers are available for construction to improve the efficiency of collection build one and position it near the asteroid vane long range sensors indicate a mothership class mass signature it's coming in fast power readings are off the scale full combat alert standby for contact [Music] [Applause] [Music] ambassador away trajectory locked in hailing signals open on all channels [Applause] [Music] entering magnetic fields now almost there we've lost guidance in our being drawn [Music] in a lot of lights there seems to be some kind of activity inside the resources you collect to the as an victories medium for trade if it [Music] is this is ambassador we are clear of the ventusy vessel all systems green harbor control has released guidance and the exchange unit is secure receiving crews prep the quarantine chamber roger that quarantine standing by bantucky trading link established [Music] all that moves is easily heard in the void we will listen for you farewell [Music] tyranic raider fighters are attacking prepare for more hostile ships to arrive light quarter complete resource collector under attack several tyrannic raider capital ships have just emerged from hyperspace near the mothership supporting friendly unit group 1 watch your six resource collector taking enemy fire resource operation reporting enemy contact heavy corvette complete resource collector taking enemy fire moving to intercept resource collector under attack you know [Music] friendly under fire moving in the raider carrier has been located it is reinforcing their squadrons of fighters and corvettes [Music] the carrier is retreating if it escapes that will warn the tide and fleet of our pursuit do not allow them to hyperspace further orders the tyrannic raiders have been defeated we can now return to our immediate goal preparation for an attack on the tai dan fleet the devastated karak using data from the tai-dan vessel captured at karak we have been able to determine their location if we strike now we can take advantage of their damaged condition hyperspace coordinates have been transferred to fleet command we have repaired the damage incurred by the tyrannic raiders combat and sensor systems returning to optimal functionality our first hyperdrive test led to near genocide carrick destroyed all of us all that's left hunted by two alien races we must focus on the matter at hand elimination of the fleet that destroyed our world coming up on hyperspace coordinates [Music] me hyperspace successful current position and pre-jump coordinates are in perfect alignment we are on target we detect large resource deposits but no vessels it is possible that the tie down could be hiding in the denser portions of the belt it may cause interference with our sensors send probes to investigate all fleet assets should be kept on alert dispatched ship profiles and markings match those from the recording at karak there is no doubt that this is the fleet destroy them line confirmed moving to intercept watcher group 10 destroyed enemy capital ships appear to have lighter armor on the top bottom and rear sides our capital ships should be issued new orders while attacking to take advantage of this weakness defensive capabilities but low maneuverability our research division reports that it can produce a similar vessel begin research as soon as possible frigate lost group three reports enemy contact capital ship targeted trigger lost group one report pursuing targets we're drawing heavy fire frigate lost attack complete awaiting further orders [Music] watch your six [Music] [Music] reported by the members [Music] so [Music] [Music] tie dan fleet destroyed hyperspace coordinates locked in [Music] we've completed decrypting data from the enemy frigate we captured in the car acc system it appears to be an imperial broadcast in order to stay clear of these outposts our course will take us into a turbulent asteroid field and through the heart of a nebula [Music] hyperspace jump six face jumps we haven't cleared the asteroid field prepare for collisions incoming asteroids must be destroyed before they impact with the mother ship concentrate fire within this collision envelope research division reports it is now equipped for super capital ship drive technology we advise commencing research immediately collection confirmed repair order confirmed enemy neutralized awaiting orders got it we're locked on here local resources exhausted fleet moving on group one reports victory moving to intercept group one group one is group one has defeated the enemy we've cleared the field detecting incoming bentuzi vessel from the clearing ahead [Music] greetings we have come to trade [Music] new research available new frigates this is a dangerous and unpredictable region can you give us information that will guide us through the nebula we hear nothing there even the tide and fear the great nebula no one returns docking with mothership hyperspace module fully charged [Music] the pintuci said no one returns [Music] [Music] the nebula is incredibly rich in energy and resources energy levels are so high that our sensors are having trouble compensating begin harvesting the nebula while we recalibrate the sensors research division reports it is now equipped for super capital ship drive technology we advise commencing research immediately [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there is a contact closing with the mothership sensor instability in this region makes it difficult to identify prepare the ambassador [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the garden of kadesh for 13 generations we have protected it from the unclean the tyrannic raiders who came before you refused to join and were punished for this trespasses like theirs your ship has already defiled this holy place if you have come to join we welcome you and we'll spare you your ship until all have disembarked if you have come to consume the garden you will be removed at once what are your intentions there is no withdrawal from the gardener delay the attacking ships while fleet command charges the hyperdrive module should have the range to jump clear of the network restore targets hyperspace module charging ready in eight minutes enemy forces are concentrating on our resource collectors allocate combat vessels to protect engaging targets of opportunity there's nothing left out here the enemy is relying heavily on fighter class ships our research division reports it can design a new type of corvette specially suited to combat multiple fighters begin research as soon as possible hyperspace module charging ready in one minute so engage hyperdrive at ease hyperdrive jump failed the quantum waveform collapsed due to some kind of inhibitor field analyzing field continue to protect the mothership until the source is located [Music] supporting friendly units the inhibitor field has disappeared the hyperdrive is fully functional the enemy mothership appeared to be equipped with a powerful field generator this field deformed our quantum wave front and prevented us from making a hyperspace jump we also observe that the enemy's hyperspace module has an identical power signature to our own this raises interesting questions considering our own technology was reverse engineered from the wreck of the car toba our hyperspace systems are now functioning properly and this jump will carry us clear of the nebula something's wrong we've been pulled out of hyperspace we're still inside the nebula it's a trap sensors detect hyperspace inhibitors in a triangular formation even one can keep us from entering hyperspace all of them must be destroyed the nebula is still scrambling our sensors but it looks like we have incoming enemy units again we offer you the chance to join us and live here in peace we cannot stay we're on a journey but let there be peace between us for we have something in common the hyperdrive technology left to us by our ancestors is identical to yours the homeworld we seek may be yours as well you will fail the evil that drove us here will find and destroy you from you they will know of us and come here this cannot come to pass we have enemy units closing on multiple attack vectors engage and destroy hostiles under attack you are clear to dark goodbye failure pressure dropping trigger pressure instructions instructions [Music] enemy vessels retreating to this point this reading has been consistent despite sensor interference it has a friendly signature but it's not one of ours supporting friendly units all stations reported by the numbers it's the karatoba in fact metallurgy and structural composition are an identical match to the kartoba wreckage on car collector awaiting instructions pursuing targets intercept course punched in supporting friendly units the inhibitor field has ceased hyperspace module back online [Music] after analyzing the data we collected from the kartoba's sister ship we've been able to determine what happened in the nebula while the kartoba was able to limp to karak this ship instead must have tried to hide here they soon resorted to preying on ships passing through the nebula in time the nebula became off limits to all shipping they developed hyperspace inhibitor technology to trap prey from far away without leaving the safety of the nebula eventually it became the center of their existence and ultimately their religion [Music] anomaly detected override engaged sensors detect a vessel here it doesn't match any of the profiles we have encountered send in a team to investigate we are detecting various ships surrounding the alien vessel they appear to be inactive probe in position attention those ships are operational we believe the control center is the alien vessel it should be neutralized i caught one resource collector awaiting orders attention fleet friendly thunder we've determined that the alien control field covers this area no capital ship should cross this zone engineering reports supporting friendly units stay on top of [Music] them [Music] resource collector awaiting instructions our weapons are having minimal effect on the alien vessel but each strike causes a tiny fluctuation in the control field direct all fire at the alien ship in an attempt to disable the field all personnel goes red alien vessel neutralized our crews have regained control while the field was up they were able to analyze the alien control system we now have control of the foreign vessels send a salvage team to further investigate the alien ship new research available new capital ships available to seizing the missile destroyer construction reports we can now build a similar vessel [Music] salvage team docked the alien ship is millions of years old its purpose is unclear research division reports it has developed plans for gravity warping technology based on the alien control field we advise commencing research immediately [Music] we have known of this ship but could never approach it we are particularly vulnerable to its influence the bentuzi would like the information you have acquired it will be transferred automatically if you choose to trade [Music] the information was successfully transferred thank you the taidan are determined to destroy us will you help us defeat them conflict is not our way we will bring your cause to the galactic council the tai dan ruled the empire but even they must answer to the council hyperspace module fully charged engage at your discretion we are about to enter the outer limits of the tai dan empire as we approach the galactic core resistance is expected to increase we have identified a weak point in the enemy defenses there is a remote research station located near an active supernova it should only have a minor garrison protecting it hyperspace jump successful we have cleared the outer rim dust bank [Music] [Music] no so [Music] the research station is located here assemble a heavy strike force and destroy it the supernova is 215 light years away is emitting intense radiation strikecraft are especially vulnerable to this radiation capital ships will be the most effective due to their heavy armor research division reports it is now equipped for proximity sensor technology we advise commencing research immediately [Music] [Applause] radiation is much heavier than we expected sensors indicate that these veins of space dust may have shielding properties we recommend using the veins for [Music] protection attention fleet friendly's under fire request orders assume combat stations is engage capital ships trigger triggered [Music] attack vector laid in [Music] we must destroy the garrison protecting the station enemy units cannot be allowed to escape or they may alert the empire to our presence all right supporting friendly units we've got a situation here we are picking up a quantum wave effect a tie-down carrier is loading ships and powering up it must be destroyed before it can hyperspace group one forget under attack supporting friendly united capital ship locked in repairs initiated [Music] engage all hostiles attention fleet friendly's under fire request orders wait watch your course sure all personnel code red stabilizers offline we're drawing heavy fire what's our damage attention please friendly is under fire reflect orders destroyed hyperspace drives online [Music] we have intercepted a coated tie down [Music] transmissions the outer perimeter this could be disastrous you will find and destroy them immediately our spies believe that the benduci have interfered they must not be allowed to bring this matter to the council and gain support for the exiles [Music] so hyperdrive disengaged the bantusi are here they're in distress [Music] [Music] so attack coordinates locked in the bantuzi must be protected draw the tide and fleet away and destroy [Music] them supporting friendly bring it under attack bring it under attack looking good resource collectors awaiting orders [Music] uh [Music] resource collector awaiting orders resource collector awaiting instructions [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] for the first time in memory they've been using it has been forbidden to possess this information for some time but after your intervention on our behalf we feel compelled to share it with you behold in the first time a terrible war brought with it the collapse of your ancient empire so vicious were your enemies that all would have been slaughtered for it not for the collective outcry or mercy in an effort to soothe relations the conquerors spared the lives of the defeated all survivors were sent to western [Music] all memory of them for generations the convoy moved silently through space they endured great difficulties improving technology [Music] in time a suitable system to perceive them was found this barren world appeared to be salvation their true legacy forgotten a new vision of destiny had grown out of captivity a single artifact survived the journey the guide stone you now carry it was removed from the sacred angel moon of your homeworld a place long since reduced to myth [Music] your progress is becoming known among the inner rim worlds and elsewhere many cultures have prophesized your return [Music] [Music] engage hyperdrive emergency alert hyperdrive malfunction the quantum waveform is collapsing safety interrupt engaged prepare for immediate return to normal space [Music] dropping out of hyperspace all systems online we are caught in a gravity well fighters and corvettes will be unable to move seek out the source of this field and destroy it engage all hostiles on our way attention fleet friendlies under fire request orders coordinate to confirm we are under attack by tight end forces they are concentrating fire on our immobilized strike craft [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] enemy frigate captured only for this captured so [Music] i caught one all stations reported by the numbers under attack we're going down we're going watch attention kushan mothership this is captain elson of the tide and elite guard destroyer capela we wish to defect and need assistance in return we are prepared to help you please respond this could be a trap but the capella is clearly damaged engage the pursuing fleet and draw it away from the defecting ship pursuing targets all right hang in there [Music] the defecting captain has been brought aboard engage hyperspace [Music] resource collector standing by i am group captain elson of the destroyer capela the tai dan empire has become decadent and corrupt over the centuries the use of the forbidden atmosphere deprivation device in your planet finally triggered the rebellion help me get access to the rebellions communication network i will show you a way through the defenses surrounding your home world take me to the ship graveyard at keras hidden in a derelict there is a relay i can use with your help the rebellion waits for my sign to move into its next phase hyperspace transition complete we have arrived at karos [Music] the communication relay is here a fighter or corvette must dock with it to establish the link [Music] group one reports awaiting orders attention fleet friendly is under fire request orders hyperspace signatures have been found at these locations but we detect no new ships attention we have lost contact with one of our capital ships its last recorded position is here the graveyard is defended by auto guns they will complicate our attempt to reach the communications array [Music] enemy neutralized awaiting orders we've located one of the missing ships it appears that it can be salvaged and reactivated all personnel code red green line confirmed so so so [Music] i'm in communication link established patching into command node now the tide and resistance has been informed of your actions and are preparing the fleets you have our thanks the hyperspace coordinates you require have been transferred to your mothership farewell hyperspace enabled according to the data we received from captain elsin the homeworld system is surrounded by a network of hyperspace inhibitors the inhibitors are all heavily shielded and do not show up on any sensors elsin has provided us with coordinates of the most vulnerable inhibitor station our goal is to destroy the station and create our own access point hyperspace successful we are at the edge of the homeworld system elsin's information was correct this is the field generator we must destroy it now [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i can't watch [Music] watch your stick attacking capital ships [Music] so trigger life trigger lost reports enemy contact we're under fire group 5 reports victory [Music] awaiting orders that coordinates blocked it oh group six reports victory the field surrounding the homeworld system has been shut down hyperdrive online we have to assume that the homeworld's defensive fleet must be alerted to our presence all vessels and crews and maximum readiness weapons and tracking at 100 efficiency the fleet is ready there could be no retreat now [Music] [Music] [Music] so uh shutting down the inhibitor field has alerted the tight end to our presence we're on a collision course with a very large object it appears to have escorts it must be destroyed before it impacts the mothership getting banged around here damn con level two [Music] where's the escort we need cover here all stations reported by the numbers lost [Music] destroyer impact in four minutes destroyer lost we're drawing heavy fire frigate bring it under attack destroyers group six has defeated the enemy group three under attack frigate lost engaging targets of opportunity attack run complete holding pattern lost enemy impact in two minutes two minutes reports victory group six reports enemy contact destroyer lost [Music] you've taken one step too close to me [Music] we've lost karen fleet command is gone emergency biotech teams are working to keep her alive the collision asteroid must have served its purpose as a delay tactic there's a large number of tight end ships located here a mother ship class vessel is among them oh [Music] enemy reinforcements emerging from [Music] hyperspace [Music] so [Music] all right freaking farther i got one [Music] watch for debris engaging targets of opportunity enemy neutralized awaiting orders bring it under attack supporting friendly units [Music] another fleet is coming out of hyperspace right on top of us we are being overwhelmed this is captain nelson we have been battling reinforcement fleets to get here and have lost many ships already the emperor's flagship is here together we can defeat him and the tie dan fleet i am placing squadron's core and just saw under your command stay on top of them [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i got one pursuing targets watch your six [Music] i got one break it under attack pursuing targets stabilizers offline stabilizers offline stabilizers offline so [Music] all three losing control [Music] [Music] that's all of them ready for orders [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay that's all of them ready for orders fleet command back online the emperor is gone we have brought the council this war is over enemy unit emerging from hyperspace [Music] the galactic council recognized our claim to this world the sacrifice of thousands has left a trail of destruction behind us like a path across the galaxy to higgara home world so much destruction so many lives lost for this place [Music] a place of wonder to those who knew only the sands of carrick [Music] our colonists were released from their long sleep all symbols of the old empire were [Music] destroyed but the conflict will never be forgotten [Music] [Music] a celebration marked the beginning of a new time [Music] no longer fleet command karen sujet survived extraction from the mothership's core she insisted that she would be the last person to disembark and set foot on the home world [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Game Movie
Views: 307,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homeworld, game movie, all cutscenes, full story, homeworld remastered collection, homeworld 2, campaign, homeworld remastered
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 55sec (8155 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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