Battle of A.I. Bokeh - Photoshop vs. Luminar!

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[Music] hi there this is anmesh from pics imperfect i hope you're having a great day and if not i'm sure you are doing your best to make it an awesome one a couple months ago photoshop really rocked the cradle by announcing a feature called the depth blur it is photoshop's way of adding a shallow depth of field effect to their photos however i have to admit the cradle broke a little if you want to check out how watch this video later but now luminar announced their new feature and they're calling it the bokeh ai which is kind of the same thing slightly different but since it has bokeh in the name what we really want to know is whether it can simulate the creamy bokeh of a 200 millimeter f2 lens without selling both the kidneys i don't know what is happening with both of these companies headquarters maybe they are playing top trumps because first luminar came up with automatic sky replacement photoshop followed with the same feature then photoshop rolled out depth blur now luminar has come up with bokeh ai either way all to the consumer's advantage and i love this healthy competition i'm sure it's all in good fun in this video we're gonna put both of these technologies head to head and find out where each of these falls short or has the edge there's gonna be situations where photoshop wins and there are times when luminar has the edge but the question really is if you can do everything with photoshop is luminar even worth it as an accompaniment let's find out so without any further ado let's get started back in the magical world of photoshop and luminar and if you're interested in any of these programs both photoshop and luminar are linked up in the description there might be some discounts so keep an eye out for that as well first of all let's look at the general quality of bokeh in default settings so here we are in luminar ai and all we have to do is to scroll down to the portrait section and the very first adjustment here is portrait bokeh ai so let's click on that and increase it all the way to the right hand side let's see how much time does it take done done it's that fast now let's do the same thing in photoshop and compare so in photoshop we need to go to filter and then neural filters and in here simply turn on depth blur and by default depth blur is set at 75 percent so as i speak it is processing let's see how much time does it take i'm not gonna fast forward the video it is the way it is now what's happening is it's sending the photo to photoshop's cloud to adobe over the internet and then it's processing there on the internet and bringing it back and this is what we get now you be the judge you decide which one is better so this my friend is photoshop if you just zoom in have a look at how the blur starts it is just so abrupt not at all realistic it's not even a competition have a look at what luminar does just zoom in i'm not being one-sided just look for yourself so have a look how smooth and natural the blur is and if you just look down over here look how gradual the blur is now if you hover over it there's a mask you can adjust the mask later you're gonna come to that but for now let's just compare the overall quality this is luminar and this my friend is photoshop and here's both of them side by side so that you can zoom in and compare for yourself the next feature that we're going to compare is connectivity you might ask mish how is that even a topic well it is because photoshop's neural filters many of them require for you to have an internet connection to work however luminar is completely offline so once you install the software it doesn't require for you to be connected to the internet all the time so if you're using filters like smart portrait or depthler you would notice that at the top it is written over there this filter processes image data in the cloud so every time you move a single slider it's going to send that data to photoshop server and then it will be processed over there and get back to you so if i turn on depth blur you would notice that this circle is going on it just means that it is just sending it to photoshop service it's processing over there and bringing the image back to you to be transparent i just fast forward it a little so that you don't have to wait now at this time even if you move any slider slightly to the right or left it will again send the data to photoshop servers you have to wait for it to be processed over there wait for it to be downloaded again it's pretty long however with luminar it is all offline so if i go down there in portrait bokeh and if i increase it let's increase it all the way to the right hand side it's just done instantly and i promise there's no fast forwarding going on right over here and at the moment you can even stop watching the video it's not even a comparison so this is luminar and have a look at what photoshop did it even maybe it's very intelligent it it wants to censor up the logo so that we don't have any trouble in publishing this photo for a video so it's so intelligent that it's automatically censoring the brands now for the third example we have a rather tricky image and there's a reason for it it's because we're going to compare speeds you already know luminar is a little faster than photoshop but how faster is it let's put a timer on it so in this image as you can clearly see the background is very crowded and we do need to blur the background to separate the subject from it so here we are with portrait bokeh ai and we're gonna just increase the amount all the way to the right hand side now let's see how much time does it take there's a timer on at the corner of the screen and we can calculate with that and it's already done now the blur might not be that much but you can adjust that by adjusting depth correction so you want to bring the blur a little closer as you can see it's coming closer and it's happening instantaneously by the way and there you have it now there's a problem with this hand is cut off first of all let's do the same thing in photoshop and then we're gonna get back to this and correct the hand so here in photoshop let's simply turn on depth player and start the timer there you go i might speed the overall video for your convenience but the timer will also be sped so keep that in mind um and uh well there you have the result might not be what you wanted but is there a way to adjust the focus maybe there is so if i click on the focal point so if i click on the subject and say to photoshop all right i want this to be in focus let's click on that let's see if it improves the mask there is a little bit of improvement but you know it's just well i cannot recommend it guys i just cannot now let's get back to luminar and let's see if you can get the hand back let's zoom in and all you got to do is first of all let's decrease the amount overall amount of portrait bokeh so i'm going to keep it at about one or two so that we can see the hand right over there and i'm sure there might be some other better ways to do it but i'm not aware of that anyway so all you have to do is to choose what you want to do you want to bring the hand in focus so select the focus tab if you want to defocus something click on defocus and paint over that so you want to focus you can also change the softness of the brush and also the opacity right over here so we're going to keep the opacity all the way high softness a little less and then just brush over the areas that you want to bring in focus and there you go my friend we have the hand painted let's zoom out and see we have not added the blur yet so let's take it all the way to the right hand side and have a look the hand is back now you my friend must be thinking what is the point of even watching this video luminar is clearly winning right over here well i'm gonna give you two points number one you are my friend so you are obligated to watch this video thank you so much number two is there might be some areas where photoshop is a little ahead let's talk about recognition now at the moment of recording this video luminar only recognizes human portraits no objects no animals nothing only human portraits so if i click on portrait bokeh ai in luminar with this dog photo it's just all grayed out because it doesn't detect any human portrait however with photoshop that's not the case if we turn on depthler it still works it's still processing and as usual i might have to fast forward but have a look it detects that so we have to respect adobe for it now you might again notice that the blur just starts so very abruptly let's try adjusting the focal range let's see if it fixes that well it doesn't let's try increasing it now keep in mind every time i move anything it's processing in the background i'm just fast forwarding it guys well the blur is still abrupt so yeah it works it does recognize other objects so kudos to adobe on recognition the blur quality might not be great but it works and that's a big thing though adobe's depth player also works on non-living things like cars let's see how it turns out on this one so that is one of those areas where this kind of flexibility is just non-existent in luminar now it is time for us to look at mask adjustment now you might ask what do you mean by that well we need to control which areas are going to be in focus and which areas are going to be blurred now of course this is automatic but we do need some adjustments right because ai doesn't always get it right so here are the options in both of these software programs so first of all let's add a bokeh in this image let's increase it now the blur is pretty gradual i'm just going to bring the depth correction a little bit to the left so that the blur starts early now let's zoom in and look at the mask if you look at this side the mask is seeping in too much so if you take the edge correction to the left the mask will come out a little and if you take it to the right see it's getting more and more inside so you can adjust the edge accordingly using the slider i think the default was pretty good so double click on edges correction so it will be set to default and on top of that definitely you can manually do it by simply putting things in focus just by painting right over there or if you want to defocus something you already know that click on defocus and put that out of focus so let's go to focus let's paint these areas these were left out there we go and have a look such a great change now in here if you look at it there was some extra hair if i turn it off you would notice that it got left out so let's try to bring it back so with the focus tab selected first of all let's decrease the opacity make sure it's very very soft and then control the size of the brush and slowly and gradually paint over it try to bring back that area see it's slowly coming back keep painting over it and there you go my friend we have the hair back that was paying attention to the extremely little details which most people won't even notice now let's look at what options we have in photoshop now i have already applied depth flare to save time now keep in mind inside of depth blur adjustment in photoshop there is no option for you to adjust the mask or choose which areas are going to be in focus and which areas are going to be blurred if the masking is not proper now of course you can click on an area to choose which areas are going to be in focus but then again there is no option to correct it right now i've clicked on the subject it might come up with a better result i'm not sure we have to wait so this is pretty good my friend it's not bad but there is no way inside of this that we can adjust it what we have to do is to scroll down and choose output depth map only so here we have the depth map hit okay so this generates the depth map and based on that we have to apply the blur again so now you can simply decrease the opacity of the depth map and if you want to correct something what you have to do first of all let's increase the opacity to see what's there have a look it has not selected the hair properly so we would have to take the brush hold the alt key the option key click take a sample right over here and then correct the depth map so that's the only way to do it so here as you can see it has selected a little extra so we have to make sure that the depth map is proper so this is not a proper mask it's a depth map as you can see the resolution of the depth map is from the old ages of 1.3 megapixel cameras anyway let's zoom out now once you have corrected this then you would have to create an alpha channel of this and the way to do that is by going to channels hold the controller command click on the thumbnail of the rgb to create a selection based on the brightness and then you might want to create a channel this creates an alpha channel fill that with white press ctrl or command d to deselect click on the channels again come back to layers delete this make a copy of the background layer then go to filter blur and then lens blur it should be right over here and then choose the source as alpha 1 that we just created and then you can click on an area which you want to focus so we want to focus over here so click on that and by chance if you didn't get the mask right you would have to again go back adjust the depth map come back and apply the blur again and check again so that's what we have in photoshop at the moment to tell you the truth it just kind of makes sense if you're in photoshop to do it manually it would be way faster and actually more accurate there is one more area where photoshop is a little more flexible than luminar and that is controlling where to focus take a look at this example let's increase the bokeh amount right over here and it pretty much does a good job the most you can do here as far as focus control is concerned it is depth correction so basically just controls where the blur starts so if you increase it to the right the blur will start further away if you take it to the left the opposite will happen the blur will start closer and closer so for me i'm going to take it a little to the right however there's no way to control where you want to focus however although not so precise this can be done in photoshop so let's click right over here and see what happens now have a look at the results although it's not very precise it's also blurring the sky you can choose where to focus right now the subject is blurred out and the background is in focus so you can control where you want to focus with photoshop and this cannot be done in luminar now you can of course get some areas back in focus by painting over that in luminar but that is completely different than working with depth to choose which areas are going to be in focus and which areas would not so there you have it now let's move on to the next one where we look at additional background controls with this example let's start with photoshop because this is one of the very few images where photoshop performed great in our previous video where we talked about depth blur do check that out if you haven't yet after this video alright let's apply that blur this time we're going to look at what additional controls we have apart from depth control like focal range focal distance or blur strength apart from that what do we have and how do they perform so have a look the depth is pretty great if we increase the haze it's going to introduce haze in the background and this can be pretty useful in separating the background from the subject but if you have a look at the haze that photoshop adds it just isn't realistic there are other better ways to add haze it's just good for nothing now then we have warmth let's turn off haze if you take it to the right it's going to make the background warmer if you take it to the left it's going to make the background cooler so let's make it warmer and see what happens all right so this is the warmth that it has added now if you look at brightness and saturation i don't know why they have added these sliders right over here because it controls the overall brightness and the overall saturation what is the point of even this just for adding that brightness i have to send it to photoshop servers and then download it back i mean what the hell we can do it with adjustment layers exponentially quickly so if you have a look it's increasing the overall brightness and if you look at saturation it will increase the overall saturation and so much time just to increase saturation there you go overall saturation now with luminar you have an additional control right here which is highlights glow if you increase it it's gonna add glow to the highlights and the great part is you don't have to wait i'm so frustrated with waiting anyway so now look see it's instantaneous there's a little lag but that's understandable compared to photoshop so this is that and it's done now of course you have warmth so if you want to increase the warmth now this warmth looks more usable you can make it cooler if you want to that's up to you i'm going to make it slightly warm now then you have edge correction and depth correction now here you don't have haze so that's the one slider that luminar needs however if you look at sky replacement now in this image there can be no sky replacement but if you look at sky replacement there is an option for haze in this image there is no sky so we're gonna look at some other image so have a look at this photo if we go to sky ai and let's select any of these skies now we can refine the selection later but if you go to sky adjustments you would notice that there is atmospheric case so if we increase it it really helps make it a little more realistic and then of course this would be a little blurred because the background is blurred so let's simply increase defocus now definitely this is not the sky for this photo but if you increase the haze even more it will just make it a little more usable also the sky is a little dark so increase the brightness of the sky and there you have it my friend so just wanted to show you that there is atmospheric case but we really want to see it inside of bokeh ai now let's talk about the advantage that photoshop has and luminar just does not and it's very characteristic of photoshop and luminar is not actually made for that and that is photoshop gives you a lot of manual controls it is a software where you can do anything so you can bend the features somehow make it work and where it doesn't work manually make those adjustments and make it work but the possibilities are limitless so in this case let's say we just wanted to generate a depth map we would go to filter and then neural filters turn on depth map and just check output depth map only also make sure that depth map resolution is set to high now as you can see the depth map is created but it's not very accurate but still there are certain awesome things that we can do with it just hit ok for the moment now create a selection based on this depth map let's go to channels hold the controller command click on the thumbnail of rgb now we have a selection according to the depth map now we can delete the depth map if you want to let's say you wanted to increase the contrast of the areas which are closer to the camera right so you would simply create a curves adjustment layer and if you do anything right now you would notice that the further away areas are being affected because in the mask the further away areas are brighter and the closer the areas the darker it is so we want just the opposite so select the mask press ctrl or command i have a look it is the same depth map mask and now you can just increase the contrast a little bit by creating a simple s you can also use the hand if you want to select the hand and brighten this area a little bit darken this area a little bit so you can simply pinpoint which areas to darken and which areas to brighten so a slight bit of contrast have a look here's the before here's the after just with the areas which are closer to the cameras to bring attention towards that now for the last feature i have one complaint though for both the programs and that is there is no noise slider you see whenever we add a background blur we blur the background and if originally there was some noise in the background it would also be blurred so with the subject there would be noise but for the background there would be no noise it would look absolutely unrealistic let me share with you what i mean have a look this is the image that we just did right so if we zoom in the background is blurred pretty nicely but look at the noise there is noise on the subject but no noise in the background luminar do something about this now do keep in mind when it comes to sky replacements let's get back to this image again in the sky adjustment settings we do have a grain slider to match the noise of the new sky with the existing photo however we do not have that inside of portrait bokeh unfortunately i hope luminar comes up with the slider soon luminar is not the only one here even photoshop does not have that have a look there's green on the subject but on the background there is none and there is no slider to adjust the green or the noise even photoshop has noise adjustment inside of blur gallery so it could have added it here as well in my opinion photoshop stepler feature is still not ready to be used at all it definitely needs some major improvements with future updates that hopefully don't turn out to be a headache if you know you know however with the industry standard manual controls of photoshop there are definitely a lot of possibilities especially when you export the depth map on the other hand luminar just is great and brilliant at getting the job done it might not give you that much of a manual control but it just gets the job done perfectly as for me i tend to use the best of both worlds if you look at my previous tutorials countless times i have used luminar ai just to replace the sky because it is really great at matching the color of the sky with that of the image adding mood and drama so you can use that as a plugin or an accompaniment along with photoshop where you have applied some manual adjustments that's what i do if you are interested to check out the brand new luminar ai along with the brand new bokeh ai which is a part of luminar ai check the link in the description to get an additional discount what i love about luminar is that they just don't use ai as a marketing gimmick unlike many other software and plugins i hope i could show you something new i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other feature tips tricks or tutorials thank you so much for watching thank you so very much for your time i'll see you again in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] you
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 218,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bokeh ai, luminar ai, luminar ai review, depth blur, artificial intelligence, background blur, shallow depth of field photoshop, add bokeh, adobe, skylum, a.i. bokeh, photoshop vs luminar, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: -kXlAtgCIHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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