Luminar Ai Local Masking

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hey what's up everybody it's larry lurcy welcome back to the channel in today's video we're going to take a look at luminar ai's local masking ability it's kind of their way of introducing layers of doing multiple things on top of your image and as you can imagine it's pretty cool if you don't already have luminar ai there is a link down in the description where you can check it out i'll also give you a discount code here in the video where you can get a discount on the software by the way i hope you'll help me with my 2021 new year's resolution of getting 1 billion subscribers seems like a lofty goal but with your help i can get there but if you're ready to learn about local masking in luminar ai let's roll the intro all right so here are the two images i'm going to work with today for this tutorial uh one is just kind of a front porch with a bike on it just gives us some shapes textures and things to work with and then we've got more of a straightforward portrait that we can try and add some texture to the background and things like that so kind of two extremely different images that we will try and apply some of the same techniques to just to show you the different ways you can use the tool so we're going to start with this one and as you know if you've watched any of my videos you know i always like to start by making a new layer just call it lum for luminar and we'll go back and probably rename that later once we've done some more work to it but let's jump in to the software all right so luminar ai is always going to start out here in the templates we're going to have to go over here to edit first thing because while the templates are fun that is not what we're working with today we're going to go over to this little i guess it's like a marker maybe and choose that local masking so this is going to bring up this local masking with the little ad here we don't have anything going yet so we're going to have to add them and what it's going to do is it's going to add these little uh layers that will stack on top of the image and affect how it looks and that you can have i believe about 10 of them is the max on this thing but i haven't ever needed to use that many before so it hasn't really been a problem but you're going to click add you can either do basic or texture these are the only two options in here right now i suspect that there will be more coming later who knows but these are pretty good to get you going so we're going to pick basic it's going to bring up this menu and what you want to look for up here is the masking first of all and you've got a few options a gradient you know where you can have it tapering off as it goes just like a regular gradient mask or a radial where it starts in the middle and fades off but we're going to just paint on the mask ourselves and you can either paint or erase if you paint it's going to start with nothing and you paint on what you want using this little brush which you can use the bracket keys to make that bigger or smaller you can also affect it over here with the radius the softness the opacity just like you would any other brush in photoshop or you can use the eraser if you know you want almost everything except one item you would use that one if that makes sense would be less painting once you've created your mask then you go through and decide what you want to do to it so let's say for example we want to work on just the door first thing we would do is switch to the brush and i'm going to do just a very fast selection obviously if you were doing this for keeps you would want to have a a much more accurate selection but this will show us what we're trying to do and i'll just go like this get a little bigger brush fill in that middle so the red is is what is selected this is what we will be working with so you can see it's only going to be this door and you'll see that by coming down here and starting to play with some of these sliders like if we push that all the way you can see how the door color is changing the rest of the image is not so we could lighten it up some we could darken it and uh add contrast shadows all that type thing what we're going to do is add some saturation to it maybe a little bit of structure to sharpen it a little bit that vibrance it's going to play around until we're happy with it you can come up here to the little slider and turn it off and on that was the before and that's the after so let's give it a little more interest there so i like that let's let's do that and once you're done with it you just click up here and we can see that it's sitting here this is one of the layers that we're working with so let's say you wanted to add some sharpness to the image you wanted the whole thing to have a little more sharpness we would come in here hit add basic and the sharpness is going to a lot of this is is basically through contrast and and structure and so let's beef up this structure some a little bit of contrast and you can definitely see a big difference here again if we do the before and after there's the before and there's the after and let's say just for the sake of argument that you decide that you don't want that extra sharpness on this door that you like it everywhere else but the door has gotten too bright and sharp not a problem we would come over here to the eraser this time and then we would come on here you can see everything's red so it's affecting everything and we just would erase it off how we want it just like that and that of course is taking it completely off you could go with the opacity like we could bring the opacity down to 50 turn this back on and paint it and so now it's going to be getting you know about a 50 opacity on that door and so you can play around with that erase a little bit until you're getting just some effect on the door however you want to do it there's not a right or wrong answer well i guess there's probably some wrong answers but so now we can see as we turn this off and watch the sharpness come back everywhere but it's not going to affect the door nearly as much [Music] as we click it there he goes you can see the door didn't really change we're only adding that sharpness and structure to the rest of the image and you could go through and do this you could do this to the color of the bike you could do it with any number of things you know if you think about it you could do say you wanted to add a vignette with this let's do one more just for fun and this one like you might even do a you could probably do it as a radial but let's just do it as a regular mask and what we would do is go ahead and darken things so you could just take the exposure down a little bit like that and then you could either apply it to everything and just clean out the middle i'm going to hide it from everything and only add it here around the edges at a low opacity i'll put it at 50 percent and i'm just going to go around like this and just kind of color these edges you'll see it's starting to darken there let's keep this down about 40. do a little more we may go farther than we want i don't know we're just playing here these corners really good up here and you can definitely see that if we turn it off and then back on you'll see whoops close the whole thing turn it back on you can see that little bit of a vignette popping around the edges so there's a whole bunch of different uses you could do this let's do one last thing to this image with a texture again we can see here's our three different things you can go back to any of them by the way at any point if you want to go back and change here's where we added the structure if you decide you added too much you can bring that down a little bit you can go back and play with these all you want let's add one more and this time we'll do a texture so what you'll have here again is the same painting options and we want to apply this texture everywhere so i'm not going to mess with any masking itself i'm just going to go ahead and load a texture let's just use this antique filter and it gives it this hideous look you can by the way flip it right here if you want to flip one side to the other or top to bottom if there's you know something that you want to move around on the texture um a piece that's showing more or less texture you can flip that piece of texture using these you can bring that opacity and see that's what we're working with but for now we're okay you can even zoom it we're going to go to the advanced settings because nobody ever does an overlay in normal mode probably not so what i always do is go into usually one of these three the overlay soft light or hard light and you can just kind of hover over there and everybody will have their own idea let's go with the hard light just go for the super dramatic um look like that as long as we're going for it we could even bring down that opacity a little bit if it's too much and you can again play with all these things like the brightness the contrast get it exactly how you want it and again if you decide that you don't like that extra overlay you can come back in here and mask it out of places i don't want to do that because i want to keep keep it everywhere in this particular image but just to kind of show you what you'd be working with so there we go we've got a texture and three basics and of course what you can do down here if you just love this look you've come up with you can save it and then what we would do is come here back to templates hit the star for my collection user templates and here it is sitting right here we will rename it and we will call this porch texture probably should have a name that describes what it's doing but uh for our purposes we'll just call this porch texture and so there you have it then all we have to do is hit apply it will do its magic in the background and kick us back out into photoshop first thing i will do is change this to luminar porch texture so that'll allow me to go back if i decide i want another frame from this that i think would work better but i want to apply that same look i've got the ability to go back and recreate this without having to start over and by the way because we've got it on its own layer here if i decide that i went too far i can always dial it back to the point that i like it so pretty happy with that considering where we started i think that is a nice improvement over the original so let's jump in and take a look at using a portrait okay so let's take a look at this one we're going to go to edit of course over here to local masking and let's start with uh perhaps we want to just add a little bit of warmth to her face we would come here to add basic and we're just going to select her face hair i don't know that you have to be as accurate when you're doing this type of like a warmth because we're only going to do a subtle warmth and so i don't care if it bleeds over a tiny bit into her surroundings that's not going to be the end of the world i'm just going to try and get as close as i can here so that you can see what we're doing just any little bit of skin just a little bit make sure i got everything perfect may have gone a little bit over on the neck on her collar take that down tiny bit there we go that's pretty good and then we'll just basically give it a little bit of warmth okay like that maybe you could do a little bit of the vibrance and this won't be super noticeable we don't want it to be super noticeable let's just do a tiny bit here we go warming it up a tiny bit you may not even be able to see on your screen just make it a little bit warmer and it's only affecting the the face and hair the backdrop isn't changing so we've done that now let's say we want to go in and put some texture behind her what we would do is do add texture what we will need to do now is deselect her so we would hit eraser and then we're going to start coloring in her because we don't want this texture we're about to apply to be on her necessarily we want it to be on the background so go through here and erase the red off of her because again it's only going to be doing this where you see that red and again not super worried about how accurate i am on this i think you need to be close but if you have a tiny bit of spill it's not going to be the end of the world but again if this was something you were doing for real you'd want to probably make sure and be a little more accurate with that mask but that gets us pretty close right there so then we'll come in here and load a texture we'll just go with this angela paper and it brings it in and you can again use this to flip like if you watch this little piece of texture up here in the corner when i flip it it goes to the other side so you can flip it that way or you can flip it top to bottom like that see it move down there until you find like i don't like this dark piece right by her head so i could flip it still don't like it there flip it again so you can adjust that until it's exactly how you like it you can also come back in here with the opacity and make it stronger or weaker i want just a little bit of this here like this again we're going to go to advanced settings change the blending mode we'll try a few here kind of like hard light you could play with the texture on it i mean the hue if you want to change the color of that or the contrast but we're going to leave it like that for now and again you will notice if i turn it off and on it's not on her it's just on the background behind her if you think it's too strong you just bring that opacity down a tiny bit just like that then what we'll do i'm going to add another texture what i'm going to do is stack two textures on top of each other so i'm going to load another texture here we'll go with the antique filter this time now let's put it on oliver i've got to remember to come back up here erase and i'm going to go back through here and start erasing her again so that we don't have texture on her just real quickly just get the basics here i want you to understand the the process here and if you're doing this yourself you're going to want to spend a little more time on the masking than what i'm doing but this will give you a good idea what we're dealing with which by the way you're going to have problems in areas like this where there is the hair coming through and you can still see some background behind it if you can kind of see there so what you'll probably want to do with that is have a lower brush opacity and maybe work back and forth until you have some texture in there and you're going to have to play with that a tiny bit oh we don't want it on our face so i'm going to go back and erase that there we go i think that's pretty good so again now this background we need to go into advanced settings change this blending mode i kind of like overlay on this one all right so now we've got this checked texture in behind her we could come in and do a little vignette you can see i've got a little bit of a glow going here where i didn't do the best job with the selection not the end of the world um that's something you can go back and fix by coming back in here and saying okay we want more here you can just paint that out we'll need to do it to both of these textures though because we don't know which one it is we're seeing that should make it a little bit better there we go that fixed it now the final thing i might do is see we've got our two textures and then the basic let's go ahead and add one more that is just kind of giving it uh overall some warmth so it's giving her some warmth and the background just to kind of tie things in together give it a little bit of saturation tiny bit of contrast um not too much a little bit of vibrance that kind of ties it together there we go let's see the before and the after probably still a little too strong so i might just come back on um pull that vibrance down a little bit maybe bring that warmth down to just one just a tiny bit and again we can come up here to this little comparison and there she is with the background without and width so you'll see if you look closely you'll see some areas where the masking is not perfect but you get the idea of the concept that is how you would want to add these type things selectively to your images and it works pretty well and you can decide you know afterwards if you decide the whole thing's too much you can come in right here and dial that all the way down or bring it back up until it's exactly how you like it so you got a lot of control once you're done of course you just hit apply and you're back into photoshop to work with it however else you need to there you have it really is a cool way to add these things into the software that you can adjust little bits by themselves without having to do these universal changes and being able to mask those things while you can mask some of the effects individually this allows you to go in and really fine tune what it is you're working on on each different part of the image it's really kind of the exact opposite of using templates which are kind of a one-stop shop you hit a button it does everything this is more going in and you're picking each individual part and working on it so it's a bit of a time trade-off but what you're giving up in speed you're picking up in power if you want to check out luminar ai there's a link in the description you can use the discount code larry photo that'll get you a discount on the software which you can use to either save a little money or buy some of the add-on things that are available but that's all i have for this week if you aren't already one of my soon-to-be one billion subscribers i hope you'll take a second to do so otherwise i will see you in the next video take care bye-bye you
Channel: Larry Lourcey
Views: 15,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luminar ai local masking, luminar ai local masks, local masking, luminar ai, local masking luminar ai, luminar ai beta, luminar ai layers, luminar ai masking, luminar ai new features, luminar ai portrait, luminar ai portrait editing, luminar ai release date, luminar ai tutorial, luminar ai vs portrait pro, skylum luminar ai, what is luminar ai, when is luminar ai coming out, luminar, luminar local adjustments, luminar masking, landscape photography, photo editing
Id: hxNA6-Blye0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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