This FNAF VHS Looks Scarier Than The FNAF Movie! | @Battington "The Case of Edward Morris"

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this is this is a meme format waiting to happen like me after final exams me after Friday nights me after a hard day of having kids shoved into my [Music] stomach hey guys and welcome to GT not live where today we are exploring that favorite topic of ours that never gets old Five Nights at Freddy's but not just any Five Nights at Freddy's friends because it is a franchise that touches a lot of different things it is books it is cookbooks it is liveaction experiences and it is also a robusto community of fan games and fan Creations in this case we are returning back to battington um who is one of our favorite uh creators to react to here on the channel um battington YouTube channel is incredible just uh I first became aware of battington uh for his work with the harmony and horror series which is about similar fnafy style where PE terrible things happen and a family is torn apart and those people wind up in animatronic stuffed animals you know large ice cream themed mascots you know all that and what's wonderful about him is unlike a lot of other creators unlike a lot of other uh just horror content in general there isn't this Reliance on like cheap jump scares although there are sometimes cheap jump scares but it's it's more this idea of you're creating a a world full of dread and you're creating a lot of this like tension that never truly resolves or you're waiting for it to resolve and by the time it finally does it's like oh je like pushes it right to the breaking point and his his work has historically been really really good and Ash brought it to my attention that there are a couple more episodes that we need to react to a couple more a literal couple a literal couple a Duo if you will yes a duet like the two of us a duet yeah pod a pod a pod a pod d d yes do you move your jaw a little bit with that P do a step for two okay a wait I kind of love that a step for two yeah a step for two that's adorable uh thank you that's why I try to be adorable that's it uh but yeah so speaking of adorable let's talk about animatronic murder so uh these are the FNAF tapes that he's done the FNAF related tapes and uh We've reacted to a bunch of these in the past and so it is a series that gets periodically updated every now and then um the most recent one was from from a couple days ago actually so good on us to be on top of this I know right I like that the one before this was 8 months ago I you know you got to take breaks eight eight months right I guess it's about time well you know battington has been cooking up a lot he does a lot more than just like FNAF VHS stuff so that is just the last entry to this series but wait is this the last entry to the series no no the most recent oh oh last as in most recent not last as in final no yeah I don't to my knowledge is not ending it here oh man we're we're calling final oh wow the the pen this so This the penultimate the penultimate she was pen one of those words that I just want to use more have that's one of those really awesome words that I wish I had more opportunity to use in my day-to-day life penultimate penultimate it's it's a great it's a great word that is a great word right but how often are you talking about the second to last thing cuz for those you don't know penultimate it's the second to last thing right is the thing that leads up up to the finale and it's like how often do you need to refer to that spec it is a very specific word right no it is another great word that's a little bit too specific to use on a regular basis Petra cor ooh I like that Petra cor is a great word wait what what does Petra cor mean uh smell of Earth specifically like wet earth like after a rain so smell of petor great I can smell it right now the Petra cor is like going into my nostrils but like in in the you know psychological sense yes absolutely like like an air up bot notor pod they did not sponsor this episode but they're here and uh it's the Petra yeah you too can inhale the smell of Petra cor oh it smells like wet earth going down my my throat it's great uh so anyway should we hop into the FNAF tapes uh the the penultimate one and the ultimate one that may or may not be the finals but not I was actually going to say oh maybe we should hop back back by like 180° and take a look at what's behind us whoa yay I did it fin it is this is this the finish product yeah this is at least phase one of the season season six phase one season 6 phase one are we becoming Marvel now I think so oh no well we don't want that because we're going to take a steep plant off the off of cliff a while I don't know I feel like we're pretty good at oversaturation we do three uploads a week hard to keep up with we we thrive in saturation I I do feel is there I feel like this guy might be missing a little there's a shelf right there is a shelf going to go under this guy or is he just hovering there no it's not going to go under him he's he's just hovering yeah so everyone meet physics defying anxiety inducing bread o anx yes because when people watch our videos we really want to induce the sense of anxiety that is that is the goal of GT live yeah well it's actually a test of color theory right um because now we have a much softer background right whereas in front of the yellow when the bread was balancing the potted plant on its head and it looked like it was about to fall that was just pure anxiety there was nothing settling about that aesthetic right but here we have the anxiety inducing why is that bread just on the wall it's floating when is it going to fall down this is so wrong um with the more soothing grayish green background yeah I like the just random pot peeking up like it's not even the pot Blends in and so it's just like random grass sticking up from this corner it's it's an interesting choice I like it I thought it was fun it is it's fun it's like sneaking out from behind um I will say so we've been film we filmed a couple of the transitional episodes while you've been working on this um there is a different vibe yes and I I am curious to see how it evolves and how it changes with time but the I don't know if it is color I I'm assuming it is color theory and maybe like the fact that you're on this side and the the things are slightly out of place or whatever but there is a slightly different vibe and energy to this room as opposed to what existed downstairs right and I'm not saying it's better I'm not saying it's worse I'm saying it is just palpably different right now and I'm curious where it where it comes where it goes from here yeah but it was like a louder space it was a larger space so it felt like there was a lot of like it was a more I don't want to say chillax but a more like open spontaneous energy yeah where it feels like here you know we're more it's more concentrated in one spot we we are kind of in a little like corner right we're in a little corner the colors nestled we're nestled we are we are nestled nestled major nestling happening up here hardcore nestling in this moment right now yeah are you feeling nestled I hope so are you nestled are you nestled right let let me know down in the comments below are youest nestled right now I certainly hope so on a scale of 1 to 10 what is the Nestle level you're exper relative nestling yeah but again like the colors our camera angle the spatial relationship it feels more I don't want to say like manufactured but it feels more structured in a man manufactur it feels like a more structured production um and I wonder how that's going to impact we also got a fancier camera now like not fancier camera but like the camera is better now and so it's like crispier I finally convinced people y'all I finally convinced people but now people are seeing every pore in my face I but the autofocus is so sharp I know it's so sharp you can go up to the camera and you can actually see you instead of just like not like a blur I'm coming to you in in like 8K resolution at this point because that's what the world needs oh yeah Matt Pat in 8k yeah it's it's like you're here with them yeah on the couch also you're collecting fan art still for the for these guys right yes please put your fan art on our rgame theorists or while you're doing that on rgame theorist you should you should you should follow the subreddit because we're at 799,000 sub redditors we're so close to 800,000 just push us just focus a little give us that 80 80 oh that was too many O's 80 oh and that was the comma oh okay let's start bannington woo let's go Motion detected in cam 4 this eight months ago so really fresh on the trigger right here we're we're popping right into it in a timely fashion and then we'll move on to whatever this other one is what is this the case of Edward Morris isn't Edward Morris Edward Morris College of Performing Arts I thought it was a what am I think isn't there a Edward Morris first be Morris I thought that cigarette company what's the cigarette company Edwin Morris isn't there Morris cigarettes or something like that I don't follow cigarette how oh my God stop don't smoke kids oh my gosh what is the brand Phillip Philip Mor I Brothers must be brothers really you don't know you're not Expos like and and that's actually fascinating because we've noticed some of the generational differences between us you're not exposed to cuz I do not smoke I do not in I do not encourage people to do it I think it's it's bad across the board there's nothing positive in it whatsoever but even I know that they exist and the key Brands and stuff but no you never I don't know I know Marlboro I know camel yeah um I think the Beatles did a little video on a bus one time or a train anyway that was JN and George no or was it Ringo shoot sure okay anyway this is where ash goes down their little little pathway sorry um no but I don't really know at any other ones besides that right okay I've seen them but I don't memorize it sure sure you got you got to know you got to know your lore in all categories the lore of camel oh no the camel he's got it's a disturbing Char it's a weird one I don't know I look at that and I'm like why would this attract anyone to your product it's weird motion detection cam 4 let's go animatronic camels oh I am seeing that motion I'm assuming this is camp for okay it's in a lot of motion O Okay checking the out blue screened up all right Bonnie hey toy Bonnie what you up to awesome I love again I love battington sense of motion and the heaviness of these animatronics right I think it's easy to forget or what is this in the corner is that just dust what is that and also are we getting are these flash frames cuz there's been a couple flash frames where I'm like is that something or is that just static so I just want to check one of these real quick okay that was just static just to cover up the cut but you have all this in the corner that keeps going and I don't know if that's dust or if that's actually something else controlling it but the heaviness of the Rob cuz again these are heavy duty robots and especially if you're talking about the technology of like 1980s 19 early 1990s like it's these are heavy parts and there's a lot of extra stuff on them so they're going to be chunky and you're going to have that like you know the motor turns and it's going to kind of jolt over it's easy to overlook that stuff because the original game were so you know everything was static images really so you never saw anything actively moving it was just you saw them after they had already moved so you lose a lot of that and more modern games have a little bit of that but the robots are so futuristic and their animations and stuff are so modern and fluid you're losing a lot of the kind of like janky robotic isms of the initial batch of robots which to me is probably like the scariest most uncanny part of it is that idea of like the Herky jerky movements as they kind of approach the camera like focus on things that's upsetting you know the Monte Gators and the like glamrock Chas of the world are so modern and you know so naturalistic it doesn't you don't get that sense of like oh this is literally a giant 100 pound robot that's coming to attack me right now and I I appreciate that about all of battington work is is he really leans into to those Aesthetics which is cool cool oh he'd be looking at me that's creepy it's a good look that was a good look and he gone look what a fun place what a fun delightful place this is although I will say the door placement right here whoever's sitting here getting cold and getting a lot of obnoxious you know stop leave me alone stop yeah not not the most optimized layout and no birthday boy wants to sit there let me tell you no if someone's pushing that door open in a hurry you have you're you're not in luck no you're in trouble man you're in trouble also that idea of being downwind of the the door at a restaurant where they open it and all of a sudden you're like cold every couple seconds because someone's coming in at worst worst I will say needs to be a cry oh yeah what's up no I was reflecting on how the blue chair to the right and the green green chair to the left would kind of put you in the command position or maybe that red chair above the are you talking funu I am talking fun we're doing an episode right now in Funway and and this is unrelated to that but we've been like Ash and I both have like changed some of the things in our spaces to see a funu which is the idea of changing your space to see how it impacts your mental state and like simplifying and doing certain things help and one of the key features is position positioning yourself and the way that you're looking and the way that you're sitting so that way you're not in direct line of a door but you're able to face the doorway right and so you're saying that those chairs are in position like command positions oh yeah cuz they're facing that door and they're out of line of that door yeah but nothing is in line with this doorway no nothing it's literally that's a great start right they're they're pretty good yeah they're F that that's the episode that we should do H that is you know all these years of game theories about like solving the lore this and that no one cares you know what they do care about the fun of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza yeah that's what we should do like honestly this they could stand to lose some there's a lot of clutter on the walls there's a lot of things that are not serving my immediate purposes right now not bringing me a lot of Joy could probably thin this out a little bit yeah maybe William Aton wouldn't have killed those kids if his space was a little more conducive only there were slightly more reflective metallic surfaces that would have helped SP and funnel and fuel his creativity if only boom so many Child Murders would be would be solved had it not been for that the the tablecloths are too busy from a pattern standpoint oh my God simplify Willer simplify also these lights just popping on and off all the time [Laughter] that's that's good oh suddenly we're in the Walton files this is a very Walton files jump scare that's cool hiding in found a way inside I keep expecting he's hiding in the I know it's he's hiding in the shadows but it because of the tone of the song it should be like a one syllable word he so I keep explaining he's hiding in the sand he's hiding in the sand like what sand toy Bonnie what sand is William Aon hiding in right now or like you could go Shadows right he's hiding in he's hiding in the shadow or just skip the word the yeah he's hiding in Shadows yes yeah 100% I wonder if this is like to make it copyright neutral although I think this is just inherently a copyright neutral song so anyway most patriotic songs fairly copyright neutral hey hey body getting a little close there [Music] bud in the sand every time it sounds like the sand he's hiding in the sand and that sand is all up in his bathing suit right now and he can't get it out it's the worst oh man he's going to have to shower like three times oh wait there was oh oh now we're on the next one hold up real quick I just wanted to call out and again and this is what I love again I I talked about this briefly at the beginning but how much I love battington sense of tension like this is so good and the fact that we've never seen something like this in FNAF seems like a big Miss right because in FNAF you flip up the camera and it's already there you know the animatronic is already in frame so seeing the slow move into frame is so is so good I love that and then I'm not going to subject you to the jump scare because that was intense for me too um but the idea of it transitioning from what you know is going to happen this is one of the best versions of sub like subverting the audience's expect it's so well done here I love this cuz you saw the ears you saw Bonnie slide into F you know what the shadow is you're like oh it's a bunny and you know that the jump scares coming whatever and then this to switch to oh it's a human face so so upsetting and so shocking to me cuz it's not at all what you anticipate it's so good I I thought that that was fantastic and I do stand by the fact that once once it's on screen though this is very walon files where it feels a little bit stretched out and a little bit exaggerated so and then and then you have the like uh the kind of like deep fried color filter pixelated whatever whatever which is also very battington or U also very Walton files but all right so he's hiding in the sand that's good I again this is the reason why battington stuff feels so cool and so special um there's something at the end isn't there he's hiding in the sand oh there's right Sando well there it is that was the one I'm glad I'm glad we found the frame nailed it okay case of Edward Morris brother of Philip Morris got the money to create his uh his fictional Five Nights at Freddy's pizzeria off of you know his brother's cigarette company his brother's cigarette exactly all right what we got warning the following footage contains flashing lights loud noises and graphic it's FNAF go figure ah viewer discretion is advised consider that you're warning friends well oh wow is this real this looks like a real set that he built I don't think you're making this looks too realistic to be like a virtual set this is cool I love the fact that I can't even tell like virtual sets from real sets anymore like it's really impressive right people are just that dang good right in the in the FNAF community at this point like I've seen people build Pizzeria replica this is virtual I've seen people building stuff in their basements and it's it's incredible what people can do like practically but also oh that's foxy oh there's those are a buds when we shine the flashlight on them I I'm a little uncomfortable with them staring at me in the darkness there they are pretty terrifying cast these guys in the next snaap movie real these these are your horror animatronics for a FNAF 2 movie FNAF 1 movie that's already cut print can't do it FNAF 2 hire out these guys FNAF 2v yeah the FNAF 2 V it's like a childhood R like a uh secret life of pets you know like a illumination entertainment like kid animated movie all those crazy animatronics at the pizzeria when it turns Sinister it's the TV I already see it's like a made for Disney movie yeah oh yeah right like look at these guys horrific absolutely horrific I hate every moment of this it's the worst I love chica's fandex pants chica be sporting her Lulu [Applause] lemons oh not great not great what we got going on here why do we why do we call it this blue thing is there a reason what would this be just a purple curtain random curtain for fun purple curtain right I mean it could just be the cut but it felt intentional to like focus on this like very brightly colored object this is this is a meme format waiting to happen like me after final exams me after Friday nights Freddy's had himself a good weekend let's just say that yeah he's he's tired that's me after a food Theory shoot this me after like I finished my fourth episode of the week I'm like oh thank goodness I'm just going to lay here oh the relief me me after a hard day of having kids shoved into my stomach so the fact unless unless the lore starts picking up I'm assuming that we are Edward Morris in this moment that's my guess like this is whose perspective we're watching this from so we're going to see what awful ooh hello you don't say Bonnie on the loose Bonnie's got like what it look it looks like a like a horse skull sticking out of there I know doesn't it like I'm assuming it's meant to be the the like robotic muzzle for Bonnie's face looks like a coyote but right it it does it looks like some sort of you know like muzzled creature with a skull yeah terrifying disa pointing yeah no thanks no thanks hard pass I don't know man I love that it casts the glitch too oh oh the the wear and erosion it's a gross makes me feel uncomfortable it's also interesting too cuz is this is this is this indicating that a soul or spirit is active and possess like why is it all of a sudden like glitchy glitchy glitchy and then all of a sudden it goes away right is that a spirit has arrived the spirit is in this animatronic right now and then it transfers that's really interesting I like that as a creative choice and it makes me really curious why the technology is is glitching in that moment and why you're getting that versus now where it's it's stabilized is just an anomaly that it happens when a spirit arrives or like one of these animatronics is like going haywire or what stranger [Music] stranger strer oh that is Bonnie seen rough days Freddy Freddy's like oh I'm I'm relaxing for the weekend in my hammock B is out there fighting the good fight yeah that's me during the food theod that's Ash being like by the way we're doing a fun Sho you're like are you kidding me right now and see here's everyone complaining about the red eyes in the FNAF movie I have no complaints with these red eyes it's and which is an interesting call out and again I think this is one of the reasons why it would be cool to incorporate more of the FNAF community in the FNAF movies in some way cuz I think a lot of these creators have really cool perspectives on it cuz the difference between the FNAF movie and this is in the FNAF movie they just like here's a red mask over the whole eye whereas here you can tell battington is thought through what the animatronic eye is really working it's not a full-on light bulb all the way through but it's a a point of light in there that is lit and the ball is the eye ball is kind of a a surface around it um it's cool like this works really really well and sells that like oh it's possessed but it's also evil strer not great gross this is really effective oh oh I think g a wire this is disturbing such a level oh you here okay we're going to pause this and reflect what's going on when it comes down here in a second this is terrifying we shed our hidden Smiles a new fawn has come to play gross not happy about that don't love it when you phrase it that way our cries were not heard the Fawn could not stay a Maria playing no empty box to shelter him yeah I was going to say so this means a kid is died but there was no other like available animatronics no silver eyes to see through it's a reference to the books run Little Fawn so now the spirit's loose right the spirit's [Music] free before all hope [Music] disappears run little phone let's let's stop calling little kids fawns that's that's concerning to me like that's but the reason why right it's the innocence of a deer you know and fawns or baby deer but like the golden hair I've never thought of I never thought of uh spring Bonnie as being a a hair I like that that's a cool distinction I'll let it keep playing Curious where we're going with this and then we'll go back and oh oh oh oh no 15-year-old Edward Morris was found dead inside an air vent at Freddy Fazbear Juniors Juniors oh man Juniors that's that's like our old timeline theory about what Juniors is meant to be or Juniors the game after complaints of an awful smell that flooded the pizzeria oh hate that oh that's not great Edward Morris went missing after his friends dared him to hide in the building until the place was closed together evidence that the people was haunted oh oh that's so sad friends are the worst though it isn't clear if Edward's family will be taking any legal action against the pizzeria Fazbear entertainment has stated that they are not responsible for Edward's Death or the man seen wearing the Y oh by the way also the man wearing a yellow suit this is a public statement announcement to Please be aware of the danger of being alone anywhere that you shouldn't be you can be putting your own life at risk so be smart be safe and stay away from this stay away from this by the way stay away from this guy this guy right here what's that sound don't love it I was waiting for it I was curious where we were going with this one huh interesting oh poor Edward Morris okay let's go let's go through this craziness let's go through this craziness and actually break down to what happened so so we're Edward Morris I have more than enough information for my friends that this place is haunted at this point let's let's be honest if I'm Edward Morris I'm getting out of here like I see this bunny and I'm out I in fact I am out the door the second Freddy tips over like the second Freddy falls on his side I'm just out cuz it's a loud sound it's a a dark building I'm not supposed to be where I I'm here it's it's the worst that is terrifying and then all of a sudden you know giant ruin thing comes at me the way it's revealed is so creepy okay so I'm running away we've got right the the sound again the sound design is so disturbing and and this I I see a lot of horror stuff obviously I'm familiar with a lot of things for some reason the like twitching glitchy like robots going too fast or like stuff that has been sped up to an uncomfortable degree it it gets me in a way that not a lot of other like horror imagery does and I'm not exactly sure why but if I look at like horror movies like the ring and things like that like a lot of the spooky imagery is I'm like oh okay it's kind of spooky imagery but for whatever reason it's the like sped up flies or like speed ramping that that that's the stuff that gets to that uncanny valley where I'm like ooh that that one gets me in a way that the other stuff I'm like oh I'm okay with like it's so unnatural it's not something that you could specifically replicate which implies that there is something wrong with what you are seeing or there is some kind of distortion happening with the subject yeah it's it is it it's it's a different sort of because we talk all the time about like the uncanny valley right and that's why the animatronics work so well or why like humanoid robots are so scary is because they're like not quite realistic to the point of like oh I believe this so they fit into this just unnatural state that make people uncomfortable but the speed ramping hits like a different Side Of The Uncanny Valley yeah where it's realistic but yeah it's it's not something that you can replicate or that you're used to seeing and there's a discomfort in seeing natural Creations be they robots or insects or whatever doing actions abnormally fast right it's fascinating terrifying this also I I did I did notice this during the first watch out the the ski ball collection at Freddy Fazbear's solid that is a solid lineup of ski ball I'd go you're talking six ski ball ramps right there it's legit that's how you know a quality arcade but based on the number of ski ball ramps they got I was at Chuck-E-Cheese the other day they had six ski ball ramps and I had myself a great time you were at Chuck-E-Cheese the other day sometimes I I I go like once a year oh wait then why' you decide to go so recently and then not tell me about it oh do you want to go to chuckecheese with me one day i' love to go to Chuck-E-Cheese with I'll break my Ru I'll go twice oh great okay sweet I just had to have that recycled Pizza you know yeah yeah sometimes you have a handker for that like pizza that was on someone else's plate and then you're like they put it on your plate but when I was six I wanted it so bad and have you have you gotten it since I don't even think I had it when I was six oh no well let's let's make sure that you get some pizza okay great I'll make sure that you get some some pizza okay I need other people's like fingerprints on it pizza and ski ball yeah plan oh yeah okay let's do it got it it'll be it'll be theorist bonding set woo so what is this thing cuz we all see this spooky guy right obviously that's our William mton he's chasing our kid uh and our kids kind of running away scared what is this thing it so the black and white is I feel like it's weird that this is showing up on a screen that's black and white but we're also being shown black and white footage of the animatronics like going really fast twitching um so I wonder like is it and like it like right I I because it's it doesn't really match no any of the existing animatronics it kind of looks like this face and you have the eyebrow like it's definitely a face but it looks like it has this like Mar Oro mustache almost that's what I've seen when I look at it oh see the resemblance yeah similar both got the mustache oh wow I actually really do see that it's it's Pas G Five Nights at Freddy's crossing over with Chuck-E-Cheese finally after all these years it's happening even even the cheekbone kind of like matches got the big old puffy cheek yeah there it is pascali okay chica's like no no leave away what is okay that's him so this is him hiding under an arcade cabinet or something and that looks like AP chasing him and then his hand and then reaching in to grab him maybe so this is so what is this so we have our suit I'm assuming that this is I'm assuming that this is the golden bunny right this is springtrap suit and has afon gotten out of the suit then and is celebrating his victory here is this him like boogieing down I I see it as like trying to break down some kind of wall like you're like banging on it that's why you hear the the background oh trying to well we know that Edward winds up an a event right right so it could be that Edward climbed into the vent here and this is is William Aton yeah banging down like either behind the door or trying to bang down like the vent kind of thing to like get inside CU he can't reach inside right so Edward is protected and safe so he's stuck there oh so he had to get out of the because this feels like we don't see the suit moving so it looks like William aton's like I'm going to get you in my bunny suit and then Edward's like no peace out and he dashes away and so and he climbs into the vent and so William's like I'm going to get you and he's like no I can't get into the vent vent in my bunny suit so let me put it in Spring lock mode here it is in robot mode now I'm out in human form and I'm trying to ah get back here kid and he can wait do you think he died in the vent or like will like Aton killed him and then they stuffed him into the vent because there wasn't a suit available that's a great question to here because that's wait based yeah based on this I think that's Edward banging trying to get out wait you think wait who you think I think that's Edward at the end like banging on like a wall or a door being like get me out of here get me out of here because you could hear the oh you think this is Edward yeah and then that's Aton creeping up behind him and that's why we see the cut of the bunny oh and that's why you see the cut of the bunny yeah no you're totally right that's I forgot that we got this cut of the bunny now that now that I now that I see this cut of the bunny you're absolutely right yeah the bunny is still here you're totally right that's right oh creepy as all get out yeah and then this is like oh he ran away we shed our hidden Smiles what's that mean shed our hidden smile so cuz to me it would be like oh we shed our our our public Smiles cuz like the animatronics are kids trapped inside of the robots so the robots would be the external like public smiles and it would be like oh we shed our public smiles to protect this kid but interesting our cries were not heard fond could not stay there was nowhere to go so yeah so you think that uh the poor kid was shoved into the vent huh yeah no you're right that's fair oh that's sad I at first I thought for a second he just got stuck in the vents after he ran away and was traumatized up there but no you're totally right he got killed and then got shoved in the vents maybe he possesses the vents now oh oh gosh not not a vent ghost the vent ghost that's it kind of like how we've been talking about Charlie in in the new games how Charlie exists in the infrastructure of the building itself or maybe you know how there's like a mini music man that's in the vent and like running around yeah maybe that's sub word oh maybe we hate joking about this I know right I'm going I'm I also hate leaving it on screen right now I'm like yeah maybe I should move away from the like blood soaked vent that would be great and then what's this at the end here like I hear something is that the sound of the vents sound of breathing I don't know it could be the and here's the thing yeah maybe that is just the sound of the vents coming to life and we're Vindicated this whole time and there's a spirit that possesses the entire infrastructure of the building and that's it so creepy so disturbing I am terrified of this whole thing it is it is great the case of Edward Morris that is sad that was really tragic that made me really bummed um hey everyone this video is a small little tape to keep you guys entertained yeah and entertain well I'm busy working on bigger projects no this is not the tape that I've been teasing about that video I'm also working on that should be coming out next this video is me having fun and experimenting with new ideas oh good old good old times good old times man oh Five Nights at Freddy's you are such a dark Sinister franchise and you're not allowed to address it but all your fans are and that's how we get stuff like this in the most disturbing creepy way possible so I also as always encourage you please go check out bad 's channel uh because he has got so much more than just the FNAF related stuff on here um obviously FNAF is a big part of it but a lot of his here we go I mean here you go you got the Harmony and horror series which is fantastic and continues to be fantastic uh deep into its run I mean there's so much good stuff that it is absolutely worth your time to check out so please give him some support um because you know the the FNAF Community is full of talented creators I'm also really curious about this bat animation I've not seen this where it's him Walton files versus Walton files versus his that's Sammy the seal that's awesome I kind of love that battle of the tapes B that's awesome I want more Epic Rap Battles of animatronics in my life oh glamrock Bonnie versus toy chica ready begin that'd be awesome so anyway uh if you're if you're a content creator looking for Content that will tickle my heart animatronic rap battle that's the way to go uh so anyway thank you guys so much for watching thank you for being scared along with us and uh you know we'll see you in the next episode and remember it wasn't live stream but it was a video a video for you see [Music] you [Music] a
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Views: 746,626
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Keywords: fnaf, five nights at freddys, fnaf vhs tapes, fnaf vhs, five nights at freddys vhs, scary fnaf vhs tapes, battington, battington vhs, battington fnaf tapes, battington fnaf tapes reaction, battington fnaf vhs reaction, five nights at freddy's, fnaf horror, fnaf tapes, vhs, vhs tapes, analog horror, fnaf vhs analog horror, scary fnaf vhs, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gtlive fnaf, gtlive fnaf reaction, game theory fnaf, the case of edward morris, motion detected in cam 4
Id: aePQeeZ5TfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 33sec (2673 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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