Batteries Not Included | Charlotte Gambill

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thank you you all sat down way too quickly you only just stand back up again the boss the english girl is in town i'm serious i can see you all i'm going to have you all stand to your feet you um i'm having you sang cause in a moment we're going to pray and i always think it's good that we stand before we open the word of god and honor the word of god i want to say just before i do that that it's a privilege to be here it's an honor to be here i don't take this responsibility lightly especially in a church where you have one of the greatest preachers as your pastor i have to say so i love this house i love your leaders i am i'm thankful to be here today and um you know divine day is a divine day but it's not just about a conference i just want to say that before i move on it's not just about a conference you know we're a time in the earth where we need to invest in the right things and when we get together as women and surround our daughters and our sisters and our mothers and we pour into them we don't just bless the people in the room we bless everyone attached to them and we need as women to gather together to strengthen one another to be sisters to each other to uplift each other and in a world where women often pull each other down the church needs to stand out for a place where we build one another up right so i want to say make sure you do register don't just think well it's another event in the church calendar it's not it's a it's an appointment that you make with god and i want to say to some of you guys in the room you need to sponsor some of the women to go on that conference some of the single moms in this house you need to say i want to register for a single mum you might never meet her but i'm telling you your investment in her will make a difference as she mothers children on her own as she stands and tries to raise a family for men in the house to come alongside women in the house and say i want to invest in you is huge so can i encourage some of you guys to do that today as well well i'm gonna open the word of god and preach something that i believe god's put on my heart for you free chapel today i i get to have the privilege of speaking a lot of churches but i always am aware that you're god's kids and he knows exactly what you need today and so i've been before god about what i need to bring but i want to say before i open the word of god that that you know the word of god is powerful right it can change our lives so why is it sometimes that you can come into a service and though the word has the power to change you you can leave unchanged why is it you can be in an environment where the king of kings and the lord of lords is in the room but you can go away exactly the same way as you entered there's nothing wrong on god's end that's why we have to take a moment to make sure that we understand we have a part to play that the word is seed but our own heart is soil and i can't fix your soil only you can and it's in these moments that if you will allow the soil of your heart to be turned if you allow the hardness of your heart to be softened if you'll allow as it were the watering of the soil of your weary soul then the seed will go far further today than if you were just to come in and walk out and miss the seed being planted in your life so i just want you to take a moment that's why you're standing to just realize okay this is my part god you're gonna speak and i'm gonna listen god you're gonna show me something and i'm gonna pay attention so god we stand in your presence who are we that we get to stand in your presence god forgive us where we become so familiar god you are awesome and even in the midst of circumstances that may feel awful you are our only hope you are the god of the impossible you are the one who sees all and knows all and you care god and today god i pray that i would get out of the way so that you can have your way god i pray that you right now would soften hard soil that the weary soul would right now become refreshed god i pray that this seed that lands in every heart today would bring forth a harvest god i thank you for this house i thank you for every life represented god i pray today you do what only you can do in jesus name amen and amen thank you team i guess some people that come and bring the word might bring you a a wow message i've never really been known i think as a communicator that has wow messages i think i'm more a communicator that has an owl message take the w off like ow but how many of you know that that in order to really grow the life that god wants us to have that that we don't just need wows we need owls we don't just need encouragement we also need correction we don't just need to make to feel better we actually need to be able to show how to do better and so today i come because i love you and because your pastors entrusted this great responsibility to me to try and help you help you leave here with a revelation help you leave here different than the way you came in because god is here and when he's here anything is possible but we've got to be willing to sometimes take the medicine that maybe we don't like the taste of but it's going to do you good today it's going to do you good 10th of the best next day it's going to do you good you're going to have to swallow this medicine down it's going to do you good because i want to talk about something that maybe we don't like to talk about but is it just me is it is it just my observation or have we all seen that the world seems to have gone crazy right we've been through a crazy season and it's made people go crazy and unfortunately that has not been different when it's come to the church that the same fear that crept into other people's hearts has found its place in god's people's hearts that the same anxiety is spread throughout the church like it has throughout the world and and crazy has been crazy in church and crazy has been crazy out of church and and i think everybody is kind of coming back into what does life now look like after the season we've all been through so i want to help you today learn a huge lesson that that it doesn't need to take another pandemic to teach us can we learn this lesson now so that when crisis hits your life when when circumstances are difficult you have this lesson in your life and you can go to it and you can lean on it and you can stand strong in a way that maybe you found you couldn't stand strong in times recently just passed today the title of my message is batteries are not included the title of this message was inspired by one of my epic parent fails any other parent had an epic parent fail and if your hands are up lie a liar pants on fire because there's no such thing as a perfect parent well this one happened on a christmas that actually it was the christmas when our children were just old enough to understand that the present was not the wrapping paper and the cardboard box right it was that year so i realized okay this is the year we're gonna get the best you know toys that do everything and so fisher price was our best friend like we ordered everything that they advertised you know the thing with the keyboard and the lights that flashed and the doorbell that rang and and we wanted it all to you know happen on christmas morning all the oohs all the hours and so we ordered all of these things and we had them in the boxes and christmas morning rolls around and and they go and open all the presents and they're so excited but as they get so excited we realize as parents our epic parent fail is that we had not read the small print on the box that fisher price had placed this item in and the small print had these little words that said batteries are not included now let me tell you santa claus is not coming back down the chimney on christmas morning with the batteries that we were going to need to power up all of those toys and so we had a christmas morning where when they went to press the keyboard there was no sound they went to push the doorbell nothing happened they went to put the light switch on no lights came on and we had kids that were highly disappointed for what we had purchased was functional but without us doing our part it was not powerful and i wonder if over this crazy season that we've all been through maybe some of the realizations that we've had to come to face are that actually our christianity is functional but maybe it's not as powerful as we thought it was maybe in this time where we felt like we've had the lights go off we began to realize that actually the power source for our faith has been borrowed from other people's faith maybe you have been running extension cables in your life to keep you going in life and when the season we all went through meant that a lot of those extension cables were removed we found ourselves feeling powerless we found ourselves with fear rising up instead of faith we found ourselves anxious instead of at peace we found ourselves panicking instead of being able to stand in the storm i think a lot of times we are borrowing other people's energy and when you borrow other people's power you will live an inconsistent life and today i want to give you the gift of having consistency in your christianity and that means you're going to have to bring your own batteries the bible makes it very clear that god has done all that he ever needs to do we just sang about that just a moment ago we we know that god has done all he needs to do he sent his only son he has paid the ultimate price but god did not design you and i to be robots he designed us to have a relationship with him and relationships go two way if you are in a relationship and all the effort is being made only on one part of the relationship you know that that means that the relationship is dysfunctional and in our relationship with god if it's all just on god's end and none of it comes from our end it also becomes dysfunctional and so god wants to have a relationship with you which means you're going to have to bring some stuff to the table the bible puts it this way in 2 peter 1 5 to 9 it says this for this very reason make every effort how much effort now i can't have you repeat a word that says every effort and only half the room do it okay so we're going to do that one again how much effort every effort means everybody everybody has to be a part of this listen to this you have to make every effort to add to your faith here's the batteries like like like we got to start adding to this thing you got to add to your faith goodness and then you've got to add to goodness self control self-control doesn't just arrive it's the battery you must bring you have to add to your self-control perseverance and to your perseverance godliness and to godliness mutual affection and to mutual affection love for if you possess these qualities in increasing measure they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our lord jesus christ ouch what you mean that god isn't just gonna fix everything for me you mean that i can't just give him all my problems and everything will be better tomorrow no god wants to help you live a life where you understand that there is power within you and that god wants you to add to your faith self-control perseverance godliness devotion he wants you to have a relationship where you begin to understand that you don't have to just be functional but you can be powerful often times in our christianity we rely on everybody else but if we're relying on everybody else then when it comes to those moments when we find ourselves alone we are in trouble there's a story in the bible it's an unusual story but it's a story that paints a picture that i want to paint for you today it's the story of some people that had to understand they have to bring their own it's found in matthew 25 and it's the parable of the ten versions it says at that time the king of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom five of them were foolish and five were wise the foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them the wise ones however took oil in jars along with their lamps the bridegroom was a long time in coming and they all became drowsy and they fell asleep at midnight the cry rang out here's the bridegroom come out to meet him then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps the foolish ones said to the wise give us some of your oil because our lamp is going out no they replied there may not be enough for both us and you so you know what you gotta go get your own i guess the modern day equivalent would be that there were ten friends that went to free chapel and these 10 friends they knew the bridegroom's coming back we've got to start living our life so that we're ready we've got to start getting our life lined up for his return we've got to do all that we're called to do and and so they were aware of the assignment that they were called to but as they set off and as they prepared themselves it says they became weary because let's be honest life makes us weary things happen that make us exhausted we become tired and we're like they thought the bridegroom should have showed up by now like like like some of us like god you should have shown up by now like you should have shown up in my marriage by now you should have shown up in this circumstance by now and we're telling god that he's out of time when he's the one that is beyond time so in their weariness and in their impatience and in their disappointment they begin to gradually fall asleep and then it says at midnight you know it's in the midnight moments of our life that we discover whether we have power or not it's in the midnight moments of our life that we discover whether we've been borrowing someone else's energy or we've discovered actually our own revelation of christ within us and the enemy will often wait until a midnight moment to test you you'll wait until there's no one else around you'll wait until you feel disconnected you'll wait until you're isolated and in the midnight moment the cry runs out okay now is the time and as the cry runs out they all go and grab their flashlight this is the modern day equivalent of their lamp and five man i thought in this season when when there's so much anxiety that i would have peace man i thought when the doctor's report came i wouldn't freak out and i thought when the temptation came i would have self-control and in the midnight moment they found that actually they did not have the power to illuminate the darkness but then there were five who didn't just bring their flashlight but they also brought their batteries they brought the oil and in the same midnight moment they grabbed their flashlight they grabbed their lamp and they were like okay i can see i can see a way out of the fear i can see a way out of the temptation i can see a way out of the trial i can see a pathway and then something that feels really unkind happens because the five that didn't bring any batteries the five that have always relied on other people's light to get them through turn to the five that have batteries and say could you lend me yours and the five turn and say no not this time because there comes a time when you have to get your own there comes a time where the best help is turning to someone and say i can't do this for you anymore i can't be god for you anymore i can't stand in the darkness for you anymore i can't be your self-control anymore i can't turn up and be your praise party anymore there's time for you to understand that christ in you is the same as christ in me and he wants you not just functional but powerful [Applause] and some of you today are exhausted and you're exhausted because you keep giving other people your oil you keep giving other people your batteries now i'm telling you you think you're helping but there comes a time where you're actually hindering a revelation coming to their life about who god is inside of them we get so used to borrowing other people's energy spare a thought for the poor worship team i often think that the worship team are like workout coaches they're like you know planning the set list and then like okay guys okay we have no idea how they're going to enter the room today so we're just going to go slow on the first song like warm them up some of them haven't exercised all week maybe all month so we're just gonna go with a slow song just you know relax them into the worship okay now we're gonna pick up the we're gonna see if anybody's gonna get the energy yes and then we're gonna see if we can get a hand raised yes i think we've got a few hanzos yes now we're gonna go for a jumping jack for jesus yes i see a few it's like cranking up the worship but that's not their job the bible says i will enter his gates with thanksgiving you're supposed to bring your own worship you're supposed to bring your own praise you're supposed to bring your own energy into the room because you're so ready to worship the king of kings and the lord was no matter what week you've had you realize i am bringing a sacrifice that's why it's called a sacrifice a sacrifice of praise imagine what church would be like if everybody came in ready to worship imagine what it'd be like if everybody had a song of thanksgiving if everybody had an amen in their heart if everybody came i'm ready lord teach me if everybody came leaning in it would change the atmosphere we can't see revival until we understand how truly powerful we are because christ lives within us this is a bring your own batteries deal in england we are very heaven pray first so in england when you get invited to a party there is often on the party invitation the initials b-y-o-b which i know because you're the bible belt if you were ever to have a party your byob would mean bring your own bible i i get it you're way more holy than us but in england it doesn't quite mean that but this invitation to the party of life this life that we're supposed to have in abundance it has a byob on it you have to bring something to the table and i'm telling you god wants you to understand that what you bring he will use to do something miraculous some of you spent your whole christian life watching other people have miracles happen in their life why not you god's not a preferrer of certain people over you but maybe just maybe they brought something that you actually need to realize you can bring to like the boy that brought lunch and said to jesus is this any good jesus is like someone brought something and what you brought i'm gonna use to feed thousands of people like the guys who lowered their friend through the ceiling and jesus is like someone brought faith today i can do something with that you're gonna walk home today because you brought something [Applause] i want god to use my lunch i want god to to be able to see that my faith came to the table today i don't want to live off someone else's experience i know that god has won for my life also telling you you don't really truly fully begin to understand and discover the fullness of the life that christ has for you until you start to add you've got to bring your own battery but more than that you got to charge your battery i'm about to say something which will be a very big ouch but i love y'all and i'm leaving tomorrow but it's the truth and the truth will set you free some of you are more aware of your iphone battery level than you are your spiritual battery like when that iphone is dipping into the red zone you have heart palpitations you're like oh my word i cannot let it get into the red if it gets in the red i might possibly miss the instagram post or the thousand selfie that that person has posted today i have to get on there to catch my daily bit of gossip i need to be in touch at all times you have a charger in your kitchen you have a charger in your car you have a charger in your purse you have a spare charger in the house you have a charger in the bedroom you have chargers everywhere because heaven forbid you would lose power but if i was to check if i was to check your car for your spiritual charger if i was to check your kitchen if i was to check your bedroom if i was to check the place where you work if i was to check your playlist for your spiritual charger if i was to check your reading list for your spiritual charger if i was to listen in on your conversations for your spiritual charger would i find the same commitment [Applause] it is not someone else's responsibility to spiritually charge up your life that's like me taking you know my iphone and saying why why is my iphone flap why did you not charge it today you're looking after me why didn't you take care of my phone be like i didn't know your phone needed charging it's not my responsibility it would be ridiculous to expect someone else to keep my phone charged but in church we do it all the time well i don't feel like it why didn't you pray for me why don't you pray for yourself [Applause] well i'm having a bad week why didn't you visit me well i was busy but god was available well you know and there's just really bad things going on in my life right now and i just you know why weren't you there well i couldn't be be there but but you didn't help charge your life when you joined the gossip on instagram which now has depleted you even more and you're wondering why your battery is flat [Applause] like like we i told you i'm sorry you'll get wow next week you're getting ouch today but ouch is sometimes what we need people like like you are responsible to keep your battery charged up spiritually that's why david when his battery was flat remember his soul was downcast he was heavy laden david didn't look at everybody else and say it's all your problem fix it david said hey oy that's what you say in yorkshire which is where i'm from oi why are you down castle my soul why are you flat battery you will praise the lord you will get plugged in you will get charged up you will praise the lord [Applause] he didn't feel like it listen if you're waiting for your feelings to get your child on you're in trouble you have to override your feelings and you have to say today i am adding to my faith i am charging up my battery i don't know much about batteries i know as much as google could tell me but i did discover this that in order to charge your battery do you know what you need negative energy does anyone have any negative energy in their life right now then you have all you need to begin to charge up something that brings glory to god that's all you need he turns the negative in to something positive that's why the bible says that he gives us beauty instead of ashes that he gives us a crown of beauty instead of a spirit of despair he takes the negative when we give it to him he can't take it if you won't give it to him can't take it if you hide it from him but if you'll be honest and if you'll give it to him and say god i don't want to live in this place anymore i want to begin to charge this back up then god will help you charge up what has been flat in your life some of you got a flat marriage right now assume you've got a flat relationship some of you got flat in your faith you know over this whole crazy season in england we've been through lockdown after lockdown after lockdown i've lost count in fact the only reason i can be here today is that since i saw you last i think i became an american citizen so that's the only way i got in you finally claimed me as real family so like we're really family now it's too late it's like signed off and everything so but you know so many lockdowns we weren't even allowed to leave a house or go anywhere or anything so over that season i i'd not long since got a newer car and and every time i went to do the grocery run i got in my car the battery was flat and so i kept having to call out the car service to come and help jump start my car and i was like why does this keep happening and he's like it keeps happening because you're not using the battery for what it's designed to do like the battery is designed to go somewhere it needs to be mobilized it needs to actually run and go and do and you know a lot of times they're like well why do i feel so flat it's because you're stuck on the driveway of your problem and you're stuck in your bed eating another bowl of ice cream and and the ice cream may give you a high for a minute but it'll give you a low later because it didn't fix anything and though we feel like eating more haagen-dazs or we feel like staying in bed i'm telling you you have to tell yourself like david did i gotta charge my battery i know that something in me needs to move that's why the gospel is all about movement it's about you going and being and reaching and helping and serving one of the best ways that you can find the ignition switch to spark up your batteries by getting around people that actually need you to reach out and help and serve and give and tell you it begins to bring you alive [Applause] but oh how we have used the church to be our spiritual jump cables now listen i am standing on the platform at the pulpit of one of the finest jump cable preachers you could find like it like if you can't get electrocuted by pastor jensen's message i don't know anybody that like like when you're in here like you're like right am i right but guess what the idea is not that you come on sunday to be electrocuted like that's not fun the idea is not that you like you come sunday you're like whoa yes yes thank you uh yeah i got that jump cable i'm good and then you're like yes i got monday tuesday okay the power's wearing out don't worry sunday's coming sunday's coming and they come in they say hit me again pastor like that's not the idea guys that's not the way you're supposed to live like you're supposed to be on trickle feed all week you're supposed to be in your own bible you're supposed to be praying over your own family you're supposed to be worshiping in your kitchen [Applause] we need to bring our own batteries we need to charge our batteries and thirdly and finally maybe you need to change your batteries you know batteries come in all different shapes and sizes you get to choose the size and shape of your life i think a lot of times we believe that you know people that have a microphone somehow got a bigger battery in life that's not true god gives us all the same spirit god gives us all access to the same power god loves us all the same we're all his kids but the difference is whether you're willing to keep changing your battery see this battery this will power a certain amount of things but this battery this will power a whole load of mothings if i was to put a car battery on the stage that has a whole nother level of potential of charge within it god doesn't say well you can be a car battery and then you have to be a small battery you know god says you know what you get to change your batteries it tells us in the bible that we get to choose whether we live a life that is changing or stagnant it says in 1 corinthians 13 verse 11 when i was a child when i was a double a battery i felt like a double a battery i acted like a double a battery i gave my attention to the things that were childish but then i decided to become a man and i realized that i need to change my battery so i had to put my childish ways behind me joseph when he was betrayed when he was thrown in prison for something he didn't do he went in one way and in that place of darkness he had to choose he had to choose how he would exit he could choose to exit bitter and mad and cross at the world or he could choose to change his battery and become someone that was better instead of bitter and become someone that had a leadership gift on his life and the reason why god let him become a prime minister when he exited is because he changed his batteries when nobody was watching we all want the platform but we don't want the journey of changing our batteries listen platforms give you elevation but sustaining them you need revelation and that requires changing batteries and spiritually it's like some of you this is happening what is that you ever had that noise in your house what is that you ignore it cause it's not like you know a big noise just like it's annoying you hope someone else will deal with it but that sound is trying to prevent you from the next sound like the battery's letting you know if you don't change this your house is going to burn down if you don't change this the marriage is not going to make it if you don't change this you're going to give in to the temptation if you don't change this you're going to end up in the bad company again if you don't change this you're going to end up ruining your life if you don't change this the holy spirit is [Music] well like well it's not my fault you should have changed my battery but i don't live in your house i've got enough fun changing my own i think it's just one of those times where we've come out of a crazy season and it's been dark for a lot of us circumstantially it's been dark for a lot of us we've been isolated in ways that maybe we've never felt isolation before we faced things that maybe we didn't plan or expect and maybe in that season you've realized man i'm functional but i am not powerful oh man my marriage is flat and this season has just exposed as it sat on the driveway it just got worse i'm here to let you know that god has called you to a life that is fully powerful that greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world that there is access to the overcoming in power of god there is access to the resurrection power of god you have the access he already did all it took to get the access but you got to bring your own the whole journey of christianity is set up with you having to do something to receive that power he doesn't force himself on as he says i've done all i can do but now you've got to bring your own you've got to bring your own surrender you've got to bring your own asking for forgiveness you've got to bring your own situation to the feet of jesus you got to bring it maybe you have just lived your life borrowing energy or waiting for someone to come and give a jump start to your life but today i'm trying to deliver you from a life that relies on everybody else and put you in touch with the one who can hold you like no one else can help you like no one else can there is power in his name and that power lives inside of you [Applause] so today i simply want to invite you to stand to your feet across all of our campuses even if you're watching online today even if you're eating haagen-dazs in bed put the haagen-dazs down and get out of bed today today it doesn't need to wait for another day today there can be a change today something can shift today there can be movement in your life today the car can come off the drive today there can be a shift in thinking but you have to be the one that brings it to the feet of jesus and so i know in this church you know how to worship you know how to exalt the king of kings and lord of lords and today i'm inviting you to do something to connect today to bring your battery as it were and say god that's me today i need to charge up my marriage i need to charge up my faith god i need to change some stuff i know i do and i'm gonna ask you to do something really practical because this message calls for it it's easy to hide in a crowd but there's something about bringing your own that means we have to move means we have to change and some of you you never ever respond unless the person to your left or right responds well today we don't care about their response because it's about you bringing your own they can't respond for you in this moment your parents can't respond for you in this moment your partner can't respond for you in this moment this is all of us deciding to bring our own so i'm going to ask the band to sing this song and as they sing this song i'm simply going to invite you if today you're saying i know i need to respond i need to bring my battery i need to charge my battery i need to change my battery as they sing i'm going to invite you to actually leave your seat and come to the front so just begin to come come on come on let's have an encounter with us [Music] jesus make [Music] i came here [Music] [Music] make me [Music] you want me to be [Music] i'm inviting you still to come listen this is really brave for some of you like you're bravely walking forward like for some of you this is coming out of the dark and saying actually i'm not doing as great as everybody thinks you know there's something about that walk because if you can't make that walk in the in the safe place of the house of god you can't make that walk out there in the world something about the walk here that helps you do the walk there something about the people surrounding you in this moment that are praying and believing with you for your breakthrough that today just needs you just need to register it's your marriage and it's on the line and you know it i'm telling you you're walking forward today and god sees it and it's a commitment look we're not going to live this way anymore we're not going to live with this flat battery anymore we're going to change some things do they want to change my confession i'm going to speak life over my marriage i'm going to speak love over my marriage i'm going to speak truth over to somebody it's about your kids or your future or your finances and if as i'm talking you're like i wish i'd gone forward stop wishing and start walking when the heck just do what you need to do today to get to where god needs you to be bring your own even if your knees are knocking and you and your hands are sweaty it doesn't matter just bring your own stop borrowing other people's batteries today is today to say i'm not gonna wait for someone to walk me forward i'm walking forward for myself i love it so many still coming just keep coming as people are coming and just keep coming as i talk there's not a time when you can't come but as you're coming i just want everyone just to focus especially those up front and what it is that you're here for i'm just going to turn my attention in this moment to those that maybe also are in the room and you would say man i i don't have any power in my life and the reason is because you just thought by being religious you would get a relationship with god religion is not a relationship with god religion is filling a seat in a service but god wants you to have a real relationship with him which means you have to invite him into your life you have to actually say god i need you i want you you have to actually confess your sin and say i need forgiveness for my sin and he will actually come and enter your life and then you're gonna feel that your life changed from functional to powerful that's the that's the difference but he set the whole thing up where he did all he could now he leaves it down to you to ask him in so maybe you are away from god today or maybe you've never prayed this prayer and the first prayer i want to pray is for you so if today you would say i need christ today i need to come back to him i'm backslidden whatever that looks like for you just stick your hand up right where you are on all campuses just right where you are so good so brave so honest can only set you free when you begin to be honest about where you really need setting free from so many hands i'm just going to ask us all just to put our hand on our heart and first of all we're going to pray a prayer with all those that have raised their hand just repeat after me dear god today i come to you and i ask you to forgive my sins today i choose to make you the lord of my life today i leave my past behind and i choose to follow you for the rest of my days thank you jesus i am saved amen and amen let's give those people a huge round of applause all right we're not done we're about to go on supercharged are you ready the difference is that these are not my jump cables these are you hooking right into god so right now if you're hungry for god to charge something up in your life if you're like god i don't know how i'm gonna get through this but i know you're gonna get me through it i i can do nothing here only god is going to move so if that is you right now we need to lift your hands up high i'm going to begin to pray but as i pray you got to lift your voice too you got to reach in and open your mouth too you got to say the words as well god you see our hands raised right now holy spirit you are in this place god today i'm praying over every life god let your spirit fall let your power flow oh god i pray for transformation today i pray for renewed energy today i pray for marriage just today i pray for wayward children today i pray for homes to have peace again today i pray for healing today pray for blessing today come on where there is new one come on [Music] [Music] today [Music] is [Music] is [Music] so oh [Music] oh [Music] you know time's gone but i don't think the spirit's done there's just something about that we're gonna sing one one more time like some of you are empty you are so dry you're like god i wanna but i don't think i can god i want the marriage to work but i have no idea how god i wanna give up the thing that i know i shouldn't be involved in but god he seems to pull on me more i'm telling you you've got to empty out that stuff you got to begin to say god make this marriage a vessel once more like make me a vessel god i'm coming right now and this is my offering i don't know what else to say but this is my offering we came we walk forward this is our offering this is our act just like you once walked the aisle this is our moment of walking and saying make something new out of this god paul something and renew our love refresh my heart maybe you just feel so broken but i'll tell you in this moment there's going to be a pouring of new wine and nothing may change in the natural but something today is gonna change in you in the spiritual it is time to change some things up it is time to change the battery so we're gonna sing this and as you sing it you need to declare it like it's your future come on make me a vessel [Music] [Applause] [Music] you want me to be [Music] is [Music] you want me to be [Music] have given me oh jesus bring me [Music] to carry on [Music] is [Music] [Music] to carry [Music] on today oh [Music] oh [Music] make me whatever [Music] i came here with nothing but all you have given me [Music] that was powerful charlotte thank you so much thank you it was powerful thank you for each apple for being a church that stays filled up the fruit of that is right down here in these altars every single week the fruit of that is us closing this week on our brand new campus in the middle of atlanta our midtown church we bought a building closed on it this friday the fruit of that is us being able to give a check for fifty thousand dollars to a local ministry here in gainesville family promises who helps the homeless here in our community every single day children in our community every single day the fruit of that is the fact that for decades now we've been giving every single month we don't always get up here and talk about this but every single month to haiti and we will go above and beyond now what we continually have done for over a decade to continue to bring the people there food we've built over 100 homes that are earthquake proof so the people who you've built homes for they still have their homes today the meals that we send every single month are there now they're bringing love and nourishment to the people of haiti who are hurting right now this is the most incredible church on the planet and i'm so privileged to be a part of it so thank you for your continued giving thank you for your continued support and generosity that has just gone above and beyond if you want to give today you can do that in the lobby can we just one more time thank charlotte for such a powerful word [Applause] and like she said next week now i don't expect this to be it'll be it'll still be a shock but your shock giver will be back my dad will be here next next sunday for our 9 and 11 am but y'all keep it in the word all week like she said um and he will be preaching 9 and 11 a.m and any time he's out of this pulpit even when he's in orange county i can tell you gets real fired up about coming back so you can be expecting a real good shock next week so don't miss out and on top of that we have sean foyt coming yes if you guys know about the movement that has overtaken our nation with sean and his team they came out of bethel church and they do worship experiences all across the u.s my dad was a part of one in washington d.c he is going to be here next sunday and in our amphitheater at 6 00 pm we are going to have a worship experience with his team you don't want to miss it it's going to be powerful we're excited for divine so make sure i know we've harped on it but we want you to get that discounted rate if you're online any of our campuses make sure you get that today i promise you will not leave the way that you came with that conference so now let me bless you and you have a wonderful week now may the lord bless you may the lord keep you may he make his face shine upon you may he lift up his countenance upon you and may he give you peace in the name of jesus thank you all so much have a great week and we'll see you next week [Music] hello again church wow i don't know about you but that word just convicted me and blessed me so much all in one big package of hope and conviction especially when she was talking about you know charging your spiritual faith like you charge your phone and when your phone is critically low you're very hyper aware of that that hit me straight to my gut and convicted me so i will probably be re-listening to this word later on this week through the podcast app which i already um encouraged you about getting downloading the free chapel podcast but i pray that you were edified and blessed by that word don't log off just yet i have a couple things i want to share with you first so first of all if you just said yes to jesus first of all that is just the greatest decision you could ever make in your life congratulations i don't want you to feel alone or like what do i do now in this journey i just made this big decision so please text the word yes to the number 510 510 and that gives us the opportunity to meet you see where you're coming from see how we can give you aid or resources or help support you in this journey also if you want prayer i want you to come to us for prayer please text the word pray to that same number 5 10 5 10 and we have a team waiting on standby waiting for you to text that so that we can connect with you we can support you we can do this journey with you so that you're not alone and you feel the support of the church around you because you are so important to us and i want you to feel that that connection you are part of the online campus and and you're part of the body of christ here at free chapel i also want to thank you for those who generously give week in and week out just as courtney was saying there at the end about our relief fund in haiti if you want to be a part of that you don't know how to you know how to be an aide in haiti we have a team on the ground every single month providing meals and providing aid where we can so you want to go to the free chapel app hit give and there's a disaster relief fund all of your giving will go straight to that fund so please pray about that and consider giving whatever god lays on your heart that is good soil to sow into and haiti really needs us right now as does afghanistan we're all praying together for these nations that are in critical tragic state so um also i just want to remind you that next week after service we will have a q a session all about next steps so we'll have our very own dr rich here for with you answering any questions you may have and if you do have questions drop them in the facebook chat there should be a qr code on the screen right now you can scan or look us up free chapel online on facebook and you can drop any questions you have about the church or about next steps and we'll be answering those in these next few weeks so i just want to pray and bless you guys out all right thank you lord jesus for the gift it is to come together every sunday lift your name up together and and gather whether it be online or here in the building lord i pray that you will bless those viewing the service right now as they go into their lives their work whether it be school or their jobs father i pray that you will bless these students and these teachers as we're gathering together again in these in these hallways and buildings all the faculty lord i know that you have a great plan ahead of us jesus and and i pray that you will bless them with health with protection with wisdom and that your your anointing will just uh bless us as we go into our life this week thank you that you are the vine and we are the branches we have the opportunity and privilege to connect straight to you and fill up our own battery every week so i bless this online community in jesus name all right y'all we will see you next sunday have a wonderful week [Music] i [Music] [Laughter] you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 13,986
Rating: 4.8759689 out of 5
Id: aWT5C5woaMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 34sec (3574 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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