Spider-Man Reveals his identity to Jonah Jameson

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I really think this was one of the best interactions between jj and peter. And this was fair justice to their relation. Good job bringing it out to the world. This should definitely happen in the sequel

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Least-Talk-4702 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2023 🗫︎ replies
Jonah Jameson just met Spider-Man and the tensions are high I can't believe I'm doing this fine you have one hour Jonah a deal is a deal but what Jonah doesn't know is that he that he's about to get the shock of his life who are you huh nice try why do you do this is it some sick thrill running around in your tight costume masked messing up people's day just yours Jonah it's always been just your days that I yearned a mess up you are my everything cut the wisecracks you promised an interview you look you want the real reason I when I was young someone close to me died it was a senseless random act of violence but I could have stopped it and I didn't so yeah I do this because I can't let that happen again I do this to save people ah bull you're a clown you endanger as many people as you save I was there from the beginning I know what you are amazing Spider-Man what are you do you even know how crazy you sound right now I was there in the audience the first time you were on TV I'd never seen anything like it I'll admit it The Amazing Spider-Man was amazing I'll never tell anyone else but there it is you were a great performer you're an Entertainer you should have stayed that way should have stayed a TV clown but you chose to be a jokey vigilante answerable to No One For Kicks some cheesy costume and that mask the mask of a coward that's not fair I wear this mask to protect my loved ones if my identity ever got out they would hogwash cops don't wear masks they deal with the consequences of their actions like real heroes you wear it so you don't have to answer to anyone but you have to answer to me to J Jonah Jameson and the city I love I keep you in line my blog keeps you in [Music] keep me in line you've tried to kill me kill me Vendetta is sick in trying to murder me you created the Spider Slayer the Scorpion you think I've lived without consequences friends have died family have died but I've saved more people than I can count and you you're just a pathetic old man who's wasting his life trying to stop me from helping others and now instead of using a newspaper you're holed up in your apartment on a Blog a Blog with no comments and no readers I'm I'm helping helping the city how by holding you accountable by taking off that mask hmm what does it even matter to you I'm not the one being interviewed you I don't care this thing between us has gone on long enough Jonah why of everything in this world is this your mission [Music] you know years ago decades really I was mugged I was going to fight back but the girl I was dating at the time said not to she was right but still I sure would have liked to he wore a mask I always remember what was going through my head saying that you coward you damn coward I used to think maybe I was jealous of you deep down I sometimes thought about how you'd Inspire kids to do what you do leading them to their deaths there's your want and destruction of property all while you'd crack wise so many reasons to hate you but really it's this that mask that cowardly mask you could have joined the police the Army helped people shown true courage and selflessness as a part of institution that's rich coming from you you formed an anti-spiderman task force you chose to throw away money no matter what I do you can't accept that I'm one of the good guys Spider-Man and Jonah keep going back and forth insulting each other but then something happens I help people you help no one you're tiny you're worthless it's just that simple you've wasted your life you've got nothing except your stupid Vendetta against me listen to me love don't waste any more of your life on hate Jonah Jonah I I didn't didn't mean don't you don't you think I I know that I have nothing that I've lost it all you say you do this to save people but you couldn't save my wife my Marla you say you do this to save people but you don't people still die don't they I know I'm not supposed to hate anymore it's killing me but it's all I've got now all I've all I've got is you to prove it hasn't all been for nothing to hold you accountable my father is dead my daughter is dead the bugle The Only Thing Worth a dam in this world has rejected me my wife is dead my wife is dead Jonah interview's over I've got nothing in my life now you win Jonah I get out no get out please I'm tired of this game it's gone on too long and you're your family you think nobody cares about you but I do I care you think you are alone what are you you're not after all these years of working together Peter Parker finally decides to reveal himself to Jonah of course Jonah is surprised to say the least is this some sort of joke no joke JJ now you know my aunt mate I could never yeah you you are Spider-Man yeah Jonah I'm Spider-Man it was my Uncle Ben I Let Die back when I was The Amazing Spider-Man he's why I do this he was the reason now I do it because it's right I'm begging you now Jonah to look past the mask and see the man the man you've known all these years who stood with you when your father married my aunt you and I we've gone through it so much together I told you I do this to save lives and if telling you this breaking this cycle helps save yours did you did you tell the world that I'd be here tonight I I was promoting the the interview unbelievable Jonah snap out of it I know this is a lot to dump on you and then leave but I have to go someone may be in danger remember I'm trusting you with this trusting me Mr Jameson back away from the door he's gone sir you can trust him
Channel: Comic Stories
Views: 1,888,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spider-man
Id: 0u4H_B7FLAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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