The Avengers Become Weapons Of The Gods

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fear itself came to us in 2011 following the destruction of Asgard at the hands of the Void during The Siege event and it has one of the most awesome Avenger power-up scenes in Marvel Comics so let's just jump in and talk about it shall we it all kicks off with the character sin the daughter of the Red Skull recovering an Asgardian hammer called Scotty that was discovered by her father but could not be used and so it was kept in a facility in the Antarctic to be kept safe after busting in there and taking the enchanted Hammer by force it Dawns her in Asgardian armor and grants her insanely powerful abilities but it also seems to have some sway over her actions and it even gives her its own name Scotty Scotty now driven by the hammer travels to the Marianas Trench fights four dragons or serpents and then uses her Hammer to enter into an underwater Asgardian tomb inside she finds an old man who refers to himself as the all-father and who Odin calls the serpent meanwhile a project to rebuild Asgard in Broxton Oklahoma with the help of Iron Man and the Avengers is put underway now Odin ain't really a fan and he is visited by The Watcher which used to actually mean something absolutely Bonkers and massive was about to take place and it definitely was Odin sensing the release of the serpent comes to his people acting irrational and fearful and he tells he has Guardians on Earth to head to the world tree so they can flee back to where Asgard should be in space but not before he humiliates and beats the snot out of Thor for speaking up against him now meanwhile Scotty and the serpent who seems to refer to himself as the rightful ruler of Asgard over Odin who he calls this usurper gets to start with their plan of spreading fear and Chaos around the globe to that end the serpent summons the worthy all of a sudden seven celestial objects moving at immense Speed come hurtling towards the Earth from deep space they come crash landing all over the glow in the Pacific Ocean Brazil China Manhattan Broxton South Africa and Paris now back on Asgard Odin vows to recreate Asgard where it should be while allowing Earth to deal with the serpent and whatever he has planned on their own he also locks up Thor who seems to be the only Asgardian to stand against his father Odin then basically confirms that the Earth will be completely destroyed thanks to the serpent if no one stops him and he basically says that the asgardians have to let this happen then Purge the Earth to defeat the serpent which seems pretty Twisted coming from the all father now doesn't it yeah it does now meanwhile at the raft on Manhattan's East River the Juggernaut is just minding his own business putting in some training when all of a sudden one of these seven celestial objects comes Crash Landing in a massive explosion that levels the room in rubble this object like all the others is a hammer and it calls the Juggernaut to touch it when he does just like Scotty he is transformed and imbued with awesome power becoming Kurth breaker of stone and he speaks in this runic language as he lays down a massive strike that completely destroys the raft next we switch over to Brazil catching up with Bruce Banner The Hulk and Betty Ross the Red She-Hulk when the hammer Here Comes Crash Landing with Bruce and Betty going to investigate in their Hulk forms but seeing as he's in Hulk form Bruce throws all caution to the wind and immediately grabs at the hammer and just as you guess Hulk is also transformed into null the breaker of worlds in South Africa the absorbing man is trying to lift the hammer that fell here but he can't seem to do it so his partner Titania who seems to be hearing the hammer sing to her tries and is transformed into skern breaker of men but instead of immediately attacking those around her like the other Hammer wielders have done she takes her man by the hand and they travel North to apparently claim absorbing man's own Hammer which turns him into greathoth the breaker of Wills in the Pacific Ocean the Atlantean tank known as Uma has been transformed into nercod breaker of oceans and in Paris the great gargoyle picked up the sixth Hammer becoming mock breaker of Faith now while all that is happening the serpent speaks to his new followers ordering them to spread chaos and Terror with Scotty AKA sin leading an army of her own followers on a blitz of the USA all the while a huge green aura envelops the entire planet as Captain America and the Avengers are trying to just deal with the threat on Earth in Asgard space the asgardians are building massive war machines all while Thor is being kept prisoner guarded by two massive as guardians but it seems those big old hunks of muscle are nothing compared to one scrawny trickster God and some suspicious food this newly resurrected kid Loki bust Thor out of his cell and informs Thor of Odin's plan to just completely cull the Earth in order to destroy the Serpent's followers the threat here is such that Odin is willing to just wipe out midgard in order to secure a victory but luckily Thor Loki Sif Baldur and the Warriors 3 AKA Thor posse are there to stand against this the problem is Odin has sealed midgard from the rest of the nine Realms and the only way to get Thor there is to sneak him out but then Odin just comes barging in because he's the all-father and he can't really hide anything from this kind of guy Odin agrees to send Thor to midgard and give some until quote the shadow of the serpent falls on the world tree which is a really vague frame of reference for time just saying now meanwhile The Avengers are trying their best to just keep things together showing up at the Hulk or null's location and trying to contain him the same time in New York the Future Foundation so what the Fantastic Four became after the passing of Johnny Storm taking on some of the smartest children in the world to help him solve Earthly problems are attempting to pick up the seventh Hammer with Ben Grimm being the one to give it a shot but Ben just goes gallivanting on in there snatches That Thing Up and is transformed into angrier breaker of adults he looks awesome he's even got these like little weird slug squid fishy things on his shoulders that part has a bit more terrifying but overall pretty awesome that is until he starts laying waste to the area meanwhile in Washington Bucky Barnes who is the current Captain America right now and the Avengers are facing off against sin Scotty who ends up laying such an insane Beatdown on cap that he ends up with no arm and is completely decimated killing the Avengers will to fight all across the globe heroes are just trying to fight back against the worthy these amped up Hammer wielding unwilling Servants of the serpent their attack on the earth is causing chaos and Madness and it is all feeding into the Serpent's power which he is building up until he is strong enough to bring the fight to Asgard and to Odin with Bucky taken down and the world seemingly on the back foot Thor arrives back on Earth and meets up with Nick Fury and the Avengers or at least the Avengers who aren't currently fighting Thor gives as much information about the serpent as he can which is stuff we already know thanks to Odin then we get this awesome moment where Steve Rogers takes back his Captain America mantle and he Thor and Iron Man start to come up with a plan Iron Man is put in charge of finding or creating some kind of weapon to combat the enchanted hammers given to the eight champions of the serpent Thor on the other hand has connections to The Serpent and he is sent to try and intimidate the opposite to the all-father unfortunately just as they finish planning the serpent has reached a sufficient level of power to return some of the vitality and youth to himself and to erect a massive Fortress in Antarctica and claim that the world is his the three Avenger heavyweights deploy cap joins up with the Avengers in Manhattan to take on sin Thor goes to the Serpent's Fortress and begins an assault to bring out the serpent which eventually leads to a fight between Thor and both the thing and the Hulk in Manhattan in that fight that fight is awesome Iron Man on the other hand is seen flying off to broxson Oklahoma with a suspicious looking package the Asgardian and the super soldier are mainly going to fight and kill time but what we want to focus on here is Iron Man Stark shows up at where Earth Asgard and the world tree resided on Earth and he begins to call on Odin revealing that he brought a bottle of wine and he sacrifices his years of sobriety to try and gain an audience with Odin that actually works as Odin appears in order to see what Stark wants Tony isn't one to mince words ever and that doesn't change when talking to the king of Asgard Tony who is just a man in a suit calls out Odin for being a coward he doesn't ask for miracles or for saving Graces he tells Odin that what the earth needs is weapons even if it's just to go out fighting Tony Stark asks Odin for access to the Asgardian workshop and that's where things start to get exciting at the same time Thor defeats the thing and lays a beat down on the Hulk while the fight between Scotty and Captain America comes to a standstill the serpent arrived lives in New York with his Floating Palace and he starts monologuing which ew so the Avengers Assemble and swarm the guy with Spider-Man screaming hey beardo suck it I don't know why he said that that's just how he did it that's actually what happened that ain't really how this fight works though and the serpent blasts them all back with one move of his staff slash Hammer thing he destroys the shield of Captain America and then lets off a massive blast and escapes now in the aftermath everyone is okay for the most part if not busted up and feeling defeated on the plus side Ben Grimm gets healed and relieved of his hammer by Franklin Richards and that fight with Thor and the Hulk ends with a huge lightning blast that sends Hulk into the stratosphere to be a problem for another day while Thor walks away like a complete badass until he collapses from exhaustion with the Avengers on the back leg they split in half a large majority stay in New York to evacuate while a group including Captain America take Thor to Asgard to be healed now this is where Captain America gives Odin the all-father a Stern talking to with a big pointy America finger now this may be Captain America sure but Odin doesn't put up with being talked to you like that from anyone so he sends them away and tends to his son in an actually rather sweet moment that we don't always get to see between Odin and Thor it's actually really cool now with Thor being prophesized as the only one who can defeat the serpent who is revealed to be Odin's brother or who is even described as Odin's opposites Odin outfits his son with his own old armor that he used to first fight against the serpent eons ago he then gives his son Thor the Odin sword one of the most powerful weapons in Marvel Comics it's now that we finally get to pick back up with Tony Stark he had been hard at work in spartalheim with the dwarves fusing his Stark Tech with uru metal and Dwarven smithing to create Mighty weapons for the mightiest of Earth's hero Rose and when all is almost ready his last move is to baptize his own Iron Man armor in the Asgardian uru metal forges and it's so cool with the Avengers gathered in Broxton this is where they plan to make their final stand against the serpent and his worthy minus Ben Grimm and the Hulk this also happens to be when and where Iron Man Thor the dwarves and all their newly made Odin blessed uru tools of War show up to turn the Avengers including Wolverine Spider-Man Doctor Strange Iron Fist Red She-Hulk Hawkeye Black Widow Miss Marvel and of course Iron Man himself into weapons of the Gods of Asgard and into more than a match for the Serpent's worthy as the battle begins Thor wielding both mjolnir and the Odin sword and outfitted in his father's armor does battle against the serpent himself who what do you know actually turns into a giant serpent during their fight mjolnir Slips Away from Thor and comes crash into the Earth where it's picked up by none other than Captain America and a comic book panel that I want printed on a t-shirt it's beautiful it's like he's like Avengers Assemble it's so cool in the end the heroes do come out on top just as we'd expect unfortunately as was prophesied Thor loses his life after defeating the serpent but we all know that he does eventually come back so it's not that big of a deal and the asgardians are all sent back to Earth while Odin locks down himself and his defeated brother in Asgard and I guess you're gonna have to read on into the Thor Mythos to figure out what happens there but that is the end of the video guys I'm Adam Andrews this is top 10 nerd I really hope you guys loved watching and I'll catch you all on the flippy flop peace out nerds [Applause] thank you
Channel: Top 10 Nerd
Views: 19,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avengers, the avengers, weapons of the gods, gods, fear itself, fear itself explained, fear itself marvel, marvel fear itself, fear itself breakdown, marvel, marvel comics, marvel explained, marvel legends, marvel breakdown, comics explained, comic breakdown, variant comics, variant comic, top 10, top 10 nerd, top ten nerd, nerd
Id: YBJx7wUAysQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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