Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold Heart (Full DLC Walkthrough)

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[Music] [Music] people caring for people compassion that's the foundation Gotham was built on and I have proudly built golf court on that same foundation the people company thank you so much please mr. Barr seems to be after your title as Gotham's biggest philanthropic industrially awesome needs more people like him Bruce hey I am blown away by your support it's well-deserved you're going to change the world fair say people will change it together right odd me mr. boil the press is waiting this way very bright for Gotham now it's almost midnight and you all know what that means let's get this New Year's Eve party going with them forget to pay your he didn't go [Applause] bring me Ferris Boyle Alvin where's Ferris Alfred all right there ya got it Butler's got crazy are you couch afraid of an old man just take it easy hope that vase wasn't worth something [Music] [Music] are you okay I've been through worse these are penguins men what do they want with fairies I'm not sure they're being led by someone in a mechanized suit I need to find Ferris before they do well you're no use to us dressed like that you need to put on your other suit the closest entrance to the Batcave is in the study Bruce Bruce do you have a minute someone's at an iceberg just appeared exploded in the ballroom I need details what happened who do you think where's Faris he never made it to the interview wait you're not going out there alone are you stay with Alfred he'll keep you safe right what's he going to do pay them to go away just hide here and keep quiet we'll be fine Bruce these are dangerous men let's just wait for the police I can't use the clock entrance to the Batcave with all these guests around I need to use the entrance in the wine cellar be careful passing through the library sir penguins men have infiltrated the entire Manor you keep out of harm's way no more heroics these animals don't threaten me Alfred you'd better get to the wine cellar before I have to take on penguins entire gang myself I have the situation well in hand master Bruce those men are armed I'm going to have to take them down quietly if they don't want to get shot okay I call dibs on those perks and taking a before we torch the sports I got it [Music] I love you have mana me be nothing back there said more wine audience chatter expensive it's not 40 bucks it's bored Oaks Oh shopping for Dukes is that expensive or what I'm inside way mannequins it's all expensive so wise penguin got us working with this mr. freeze why do you think did you see that iswe made threes forced Elna we helped freeze get boy when he gets us more of those ice rain things [Music] sir if you'd come out of that cave more than once a week you'd know that the Batcave entrance is in the wine cellars tasting room look for the statue watch yourself in that tunnel sir it's still suffering from the damage our visitor did on Christmas Eve master Bruce I caught a glimpse of your mechanized man these hooligans are calling him mr. freeze you might consider donning your extreme environment suit the XE suit it's not ready for deployment oh yeah yeah helicopters more penguin brutes do hurry I don't have time to prep the XC suit for deployment I'll need Alfred to put the finishing touches on it why did you get back to the manor and find Faris before penguins men do before you ask the formula we used for your glue grenades was unstable what was left up to Christmas Eve was degraded into dust [Music] alfrid what happened to the power sir you must hurry they're sitting the manor ablaze I managed to get most of the guests into the East and South wings but the Butler Alfred Alfred [Music] still no signal from Alfred damnit Alfred [Music] I see him I have to get these people to safety of the Wayne crest is blocking the exit please the crest is blocking the way out you have to move it so we can escape this way it's amazing we just picked those goons apart she's quiet they've got Ferris Boyle in the next room I think they're going to kill him sir are you alright thanks to you the hero of Christmas Eve come to rescue us from thee can I trust you'll get these people to safety of course now that you've dealt with most of these hooligans you should restore power to your sprinkler system to deal with these fires not to worry I won't allow Wayne Manor to burn to the ground winds are in your debt you know you really should do an exclusive with me the people want to know what you're all about I've got more important things to do this is important you've become a hot issue for this city you need to state for the record what you're trying to accomplish my actions state that loud and clear think about that exclusive you need to manage that image before someone else decides to manage it for you thank you you've got a new supporter in me thanks again are you here to stop these maniacs [Music] we need to get you out of here I I heard about you I have no quarrel with you then you crashed the wrong party freeze it looks like fries isn't the only one with a cryogenic weapon this door is frozen shut I'll need to enter the ballroom through the balcony penguins goons one over that choppers going escape that's mission accomplished much I to time the counterpart of loot and bug out [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I give up stop where is he taking Ferris I don't know I promise do you have any idea how many of your friends I sent to the hospital on Christmas Eve look one of penguins dealers he's done without the weapons-free scanners he must know we were supposed to meet up in South Gotham you can meet up in the emergency room instead [Music] - almost Assad Northam I hope penguins dealer can tell you what this mr. breeze has done with our friend targeting someone like Ferris Boyle it's sickening I know y'all bring him to justice I'll see this one wheeled in the Blackgate on a gurney [Music] deforming that code three looks like these anarchy fanatics has taken advantage of the lack of police presence down here no chance of that I should deal with those anarchy followers but first I need to track down penguins dealer and find out what freeze has taken Ferris I'll break through this ice [Music] it's badger 3 we have Prudential code 5 in the diamond district voice grounder 10:59 we need all heads at North Gotham if there's a bomb I need confirmation before I can release units to investigate house cord and expect us to confirm a code 5 from the air [Music] finding penguins dealer is the key to finding freeze I should scan this area for clues that might tell me where he went I'll come back to help this person once I have my thermal gloves whatever this substance is it's slowly shutting his systems down putting him into cryostasis I won't be able to safely remove him from the ice without the thermal gloves built into the EXCI suit the officer just chanced upon penguins men he wasn't equipped to deal with this cryo Tet but the cryo gun was leaking if I hurry this trail will lead me right to penguins men then I can make them tell me where this tech came from Alfred penguins men are using Spyro genic weapons to encase innocent people in ice I'm going to need the thermal gloves in the XE suit to break them free I'll get to work immediately sir any idea where these weapons are coming from I'll get that answer when I catch up with penguins dealer [Music] [Music] [Music] where's fries I know you plan on celebrating the New Year in traction okay okay you made a deal with penguin weapons in exchange for some stiff Ferris Boyle he's in gothcorp blast I saw your lying goth court doesn't make weapons I'll take those it doesn't make sense goth Corp involved in weapons tech there's got to be more to this dispatch by 5:00 we got no contact with units on the bridge [Music] should they boss are you going to you system when your friend keeps cooperating I'm sure we won't have to do anything you know trash whose men were armed how'd you do that where are they taking Ferris mr Boyle yeah they're heading to the propellant research wing these guys have been reading the whole facility do you have the codes to this security door no I don't have clearance but my boss does a bunch of them took them to the organics lab through the lobby I'll make sure they don't hurt your boss get yourself to safety my boss has the codes you need those goons have them in the organics lab [Music] why so shy about Sedna what happened at spirit of share I I cooperated I'm cooperating I know these are no weapons here just plants [Music] [Music] [Music] oh crap I saw you on GNN you just saved my life you have codes I need to access the propellant research wing I do here take them you're going to save mr. boy all right it's not safe inside goth Corp you need to get out of here don't worry I won't be hanging around and thanks you know not just for me for Gotham security please report to propellant research unauthorized access detected alfrid how's work on the XC suit coming I'm encountering ice formations impeding my progress the thermal gloves would certainly help you with that I'm looking as quickly as I can keep me posted [Music] let's just figure out a way to get in Stage one fueling complete dunking frog that initiated danger temperature anomaly detected in private before potential freak danger multiple breaches improvements outpatient detected Security Alert unauthorized activation of access panel b-17 Security Alert if made boil or I'll freeze this entire room and I give edema let's all get what he's giving [Music] [Music] I'll give you one chance to let him go you get the honors what's freeze after why does he need Boyle Boyle it's got coach access some kind of super women and now you let him have it that ice is the only thing saving you from getting the beating you deserve yeah yeah look you all save our friend mr. Foyle yeah well you'll never break through this ice gorko has a device so I know her drill a cryo drill tell me where it is I had my men bring all our acquisitions to the boy alibi'd night club for safekeeping of course then you better hope your men are still in my alibi if I want to break through this barrier of ice I better get to the my alibi nightclub before penguins men decide to relocate [Music] I'd never survive in a cloud final paper [Music] please engage your friend busted the security system on yet in the lobby we can escape no one's escaped until we get the penguin SWAT keep a guard they don't know where'd you come from no it's incredible come with me I'm getting you out of here thanks for getting me out of there what are you gonna do now after I've recovered the cryo drill I'm coming back here to save Farris but isn't freeze gonna try to stop you with any luck Alfred what's the status of the Exodus good news I'm on my way to my alibi to recover a stolen cryogenic drill have the battling drove it there it's on its way well sure I'm detecting a group of armed men outside my alibi at the jail you secure the area before I initiate the drop no no we're gonna want to hit a liquor store and maybe a strip club we do that every year see this is the problem [Applause] X is to drop incoming sir the thermal gloves should help you deal with most ice you encounter sir and the suit I suggest you deal with the last of these activists as soon as you're able the honeycomb structure insulates against extreme cold without increasing weight it won't slow down a bit I can use a thermo charge divided a rank to bring that ice down on top of those thugs [Music] if I thermo charged a Batarang I can use it to knock out that frozen security lock we're going nowhere till you tell me exactly where the money stashed I told you I don't work here then what are you doing in the back office son come on quit whinin least you'd drink his cold please you stole a cryogenic drill from Concord yeah by the night here Big Woods said to sell off the parts it's a basis where are they I'll tell you I'll tell you just don't drop the awful roof okay maybe next time you sir your map has been updated with the locations of the components you'll need to rebuild the cryogenic drill thanks Alfred I'm on it stupid stupid weather penguins I know those eye goggles whatever Wow gives me well Cary's everywhere he goes maybe it's got like a hidden gun inside [Music] I'll be fine listen I'll be fine [Music] [Music] [Music] I keep thinking maybe Cotham is a prison and the police it's warm and they do protect and serve themselves you live in fear of their gaze their billy clubs and guns when they walk down the streets we avert our eyes trembled and they speak who are these people really what as if there isn't enough going on tonight damn it the bombs are still active there must be a second failsafe detonator nearby I don't have much time there that should do it you always feel like someone's watching us on occasion to see the shrink or something [Music] [Music] Alfred I've assembled the cryo drill but it requires some kind of super conducting fluid to operate an organic super coolant used in an experimental lab run by one Victor freeze as in mr. freeze it seems too great a coincidence to ignore it says here that Ferris had mr. Freeze's lab shut down if he's a disgruntled employee out for revenge and this is about more than just stealing weapons check the freeze lab is under quarantine some kind of accident I'm on my way back to Goff Court now security breach in your class oh boy God Orbitz researching new types of supercooled propellants to help launch our country [Music] [Music] I'll need to evacuate this lab of Rio Weber before the lockdown protocol on this door is disengaged there are power conduits running through the greenhouses I should be able to disable that with a thermo charged battery now's our chance get in there uh plow a thermo charged Batarang could break up the ice encasing that Vantage hey I'm gonna get you down bro hey can't we okay [Music] I'll need to evacuate this lab of cryo vapor before the lockdown protocol on this door is disengaged there's more going on here than a simple accident the security-guard skin has the same blue coloration as freezes I should set up a crime scene data analysis indicates that he died from heatstroke but the control room doesn't show signs of overheating this is some kind of crystallized chemical residue traces lead back into the lab the trail ends here I should scan for more evidence two men struggled one of them ran out of the lab that would be the dead security guard I found [Music] these palm prints are a match for Victor freeze he must have watched the security guard die freez scavenged what he needed from various prototypes to build himself a supercooled survival suit extreme pressure built up inside the tank when ice sealed these outtakes it appears that this guard was frozen by the cryo vapors from the resulting explosion the evidence suggests that guard was frozen before the tank ruptured perhaps by freezes cryo cannon these DNA traces are a match for Victor freeze spatter analysis suggests a blunt impact someone assaulted freeze with a weapon when a cannon was knocked over and fired when the tank exploded that released a plume of cryo chemicals the plume enveloped freeze on the guard but the shockwave not the assailant clear I need to find that weapon it may have evidence I can use to identify the assailant [Music] DNA analysis confirms the gun was used to bludgeon Victor freeze and fingerprint analysis shows Ferris Boyle it was Ferris something was wheeled through this fluid possibly a gurney the fluid must have frozen almost immediately for these tracks to have been preserved freeze was secretly doing research on Huntington's chorea but this is a cryogenic weapons lab the test subject was Nora fries now I know what happened here Boyle hired Victor to help advance the secret cryo weapons program within gothcorp an exchange oil agreed to devote goth Corp resources to finding a cure for Nora's Huntington's but Boyle was more interested in how Victor had managed to put Nora into cryostasis when Victor realized that Boyle had no intention of following through on their deal he decided to do the Huntington's research himself but Boyle didn't like that the cryo chemical cocktail altered Victor's metabolism as well as the guard's boil escaped ahead of the pool that had the lab quarantined Victor survived but he knew that leaving the supercooled lab would kill him so he built himself a suit and utilized an organic super coolant to keep his core temperature sub-zero all this violence he's just trying to save his dying wife [Music] the supercool and Victor uses in his suit is the same fluid I need for the cryo drill Alfred sent Gordon the evidence I've gathered on Boyles crimes I'm sorry master Bruce I know you had high hopes for what ferrous couldn't do for Gotham that doesn't matter now Victor's plan was never to kill Boyle he needs Boyle security access to get his wife out of gothcorp that's all he wants and now you're going to stop him I have to and are you still going to need that gurney I am but not for Victor you know I'm gonna do I'm gonna have Cathy for me a noise Hawk I'm tryin boss is tough boss you gotta calm down we'll get you out of there somehow [Music] you you're gonna get the artist damn Ausmus you're good right where you are but but you can't leave me here Oh face it that's not my problem oh so you come back the clown hey buddy can you hear me come on Batman well you go on price yeah oh you're a cold on a glass did you know that thank you I know the truth and so will the police oil will face judgment for its crimes [Music] nothing madness do you understand nothing but my Nora you've endangered lives all over the city no I would never have wanted this because him should only feel the icy touch of a man whose emotions from as cold as the blood in his veins so you need to find the control panels for those cryo generators and disable them make that five right but no one else needs to get hurt [Music] let's see how well you do and they have reason to go on anger me that room is filled with ice formations master Bruce I suggest you use them to your advantage the simple multiple redundancies 4:45 [Music] if I can get underneath him I can take it from below [Music] but you shouldn't have stuck your nose in my business and here I thought I was going to have a problem explaining what happened in your lab I mean the police are never going to look at me after what you did and with this bat freak dead there won't be anyone left to say [Music] and that just leaves you please take a seat humanitarian [Music] I'm sorry Victor I can't give you peace but I can't give you justice you breaking news out of North Gotham at this hour where protest has turned to celebration under extreme pressure from Gotham's citizens mayor Hill has just announced his resignation while Hill has not ruled out a possible run for re-election in the new his resignation means that Peter Grogan will likely not be the next Police Commissioner of Gotham speculation has already begun about who the new mayor will appoint his Commissioner with many pundits naming GCPD captain James Gordon as the front-runner and now to South Gotham where Vicki Vale brings us this live report thanks to need I'm standing at the corporate headquarters of goth Corp where captain Gordon is confirmed that goth Corp CEO Farah soil has been taken into police custody police report that mr Boyle stands accused of manslaughter extortion he has attempted murder shocking accusations given that just earlier tonight he accepted the Wayne foundations award for humanitarian of the year also in custody is the notoriously elusive underworld crime boss Oswald Cobblepot better known as the penguin as well as a gothcorp cryo Genesis Victor freeze mr. freeze is being held under heavy guard at Gotham general receiving treatment for an undisclosed medical condition Quincy sharp has suggested that mr. freeze has yet another example of the type of criminal that needs the specialized care that only Arkham Asylum can provide police credit these arrests to solid police work but this reporter suspects the vigilante known as the Batman had more than a small role to play on a personal note I owe Batman a debt of gratitude for rescuing me from almost certain death earlier this evening so Thank You Batman for all of us back to you thanks Vicki the Batman continues to be one of the top stories this holiday season so as we here at GNN wish you all a happy and safe New Year's Eve we'll leave you with just a few of the comments you've made about Gotham's caped crusader I was surrounded next thing you know man I knew coming it was all a blur he just washed in out of nowhere listen I'm a cop I can't condone what he does that can't be grateful he's doing it oh he's real all right I got the bruises to prove it he's real he's ruthless and there ain't nothing in the world is gonna stop him [Music] you congratulations Victor Faris and even that scoundrel Cobblepot are all in custody shall we call it a night then feel free to turn in I'm a Patrol South Gotham for a while you
Channel: Batman Arkham Videos
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Keywords: batman arkham origins, batman, arkham, origins, arkham origins, ao, asylum, city, game, mission, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, full, hd, video, gameplay, solution, pc, batman arkham origins cold cold heart, full movie, batman arkham origins mr freeze, cold, heart, cold cold heart, dlc, bruce, wayne, xe, batsuit, skin, mr freeze, cold cold heart full, full dlc, full campaign, no commentary, complete walkthrough, full walkthrough, cold cold heart dlc, batman cold cold heart, movie, all, cutscenes
Id: QV6bBg-eqtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 19sec (5419 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 24 2014
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