STAR WARS: SQUADRONS All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p 60FPS HD

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[Music] alderaan chose destruction they incited rebellion and anarchy and paid the price the survivors continue to spread descent find them do not rest until the destruction of alderaan is complete [Applause] lord vader's orders are clear are they yes wipe out all that remains of alderaan how i understood the survivors were in hiding intelligence reports a possible alderaanian convoy heading to foster haven you are to draw them out and finish them off do you understand that captain perfectly commodore sloan dismissed captain james everything ready lieutenant carol squadron's on their way they're excited to fulfill lord vader's command and you no qualms hunting down refugees from a world we destroyed during the iscalon uprising you taught me to ignore propaganda they're traitors not refugees and will be dealt with accordingly i've prepped our usual sigma 9 loadout no only standard ties today flying old school sir this might be a real challenge after all you hear me teresa but i don't think you understand me i guess we'll find out follow my lead and don't fire unless i give the order the conway is out there we don't want to scare them off let's do this right rebel death imperial victory [Music] begin pre-flight checks pilot hold up your cockpit systems understood all systems up and running preflight complete let's get a clean launch lock onto my fighter [Music] forward sensor online and tracking now throttle up and deploy out of the hangar [Applause] ah the rest of the fleet is back from malistaire we'll have plenty of help to deal with that convoy of sympathizers helix squadron we're prepping yogazanti transport standby coffee vigilance all pilots follow me we'll do a quick pass of the fleet calibrate flight controls no problem stay mobile we don't want any collisions flying so close to the hall is no time to get careless you're right sir it is good to fly old school again there's something very forthright about a thai fighter good all systems calibrated and the fleet is in good shape the vigilance reports how goes anti-transport is ready helix squadron head to the gaza and dock for hyperspace jump not a problem throttle down below its locks can engage clear for hyperspace jump remember helix we'll have support but finding the refugee convoy is up to us they won't escape the empire twice [Applause] foster haven probably the most isolated trading post in the sector it's only a haven for thieves and pirates if the refugees are hiding here clearly they're not as innocent as they claim [Applause] carrier's moving into position blockade is forming up our rear guard is secure at least interesting there's a lot of cargo traffic today and our convoy might be hiding among them [Applause] agreed all cargo vessels this is captain lyndon james of the galactic empire prepare for immediate inspection and this is foster haven station master kindly avoid harassing my customers if they cooperate they'll be fine pilot proceed i'll handle it check your forward sensor it will identify potential targets pilot begin by inspecting that ship [Applause] wait wait we have always been loyal to the empire see we're loyal i swear no sign it's from alderaan keep looking pilot keep inspecting those ships and see the refugees are here good check that ship next look i'll pay anything just don't impound my ship no refugees are bored carry on so you're not compounding my ship there a ship's trying to flee from a simple inspection we should teach them some manners all pilots bring your weapon systems online pilot track it on your sensors and fire a small volley just enough to damage them then see if they're hiding the refugees stop that ship no refugees here sir just smuggled weapons and a cargo of spice let the fleet handle those smugglers we should get to the station my customers are legitimate traitors you have no right captain the station's defenses just activated helix squadron destroy those turrets we can't search under fire out here no one shoots unless they're prepared for return fire even the empire should know need to be that targeting is useless that should do good shooting pilot our reputation will never recover from this captain james i think i found where the refugees are hiding on our web pilot with me we've got enemy activity they must be protecting the convoy defend yourselves if necessary i'll look for the refugees enemy is down destroyed rebel down all rebel targets destroyed captain the rebel fighters are coming from that tunnel through the station the refugee convoy must be hiding in there after them we'll deal with you later station master there the convoy prepare to fire where the hell did they come from sorry theresa after iran i can't ignore what the empire's become sir lyndon what are you saying that i don't care who ordered it i didn't sign up to her innocent refugees and if protecting them makes me a rebel then so be it damn it pilot see if you can bypass his shutdown lieutenant carol to the vigilance captain james is aiding the rebellion send immediate assistance i hope you wouldn't come to this watch you won't stop me i see the convoy dead ahead prepare to fire imperial squadron this is refugee convoy hope of alderaan we have families aboard i'm here to help convoy leader no time to explain just get out of this i wish you'd tunnel things [Music] [Music] hanging in there [Music] that call sounds desperate can anyone make out what he's saying they're working on it okay echo squadron on me any luck pinpointing that distress call hopefully you may need to get creative make sure your fighters are in good shape understood sir echo prepare for systems check coming back around squadron on me so much for a quiet patrol starting systems check thumbs up for up against a star destroyer we'll need maneuverability fast and nimble got it systems check complete information echo 3 matching formation echo 2 standing by echo 5 standing by look at us flying together okay squadron anyone low on missiles needs to stock up now head to the u-wing for resupply [Music] all good good commanders verified the distress call from all fosterhaven time to go echo squadron join the first wave and head to the rendezvous point this had to happen while half the fleet's away prepping overdrive [Music] april we're here yeah but the convoy's way over there with the bad guys between us and them echo squadron transfer all power to engines head below the star destroyer and wait for my signal it's risky but flying fast and close to the star destroyer's hole should get us to the other side safely steady hold now fire all boost thrusters ships are moving in rebel alliance forces the convoy needs support wait that was an imperial transmission on an open channel i call squadron move in and give them cover i'm glad someone heard my distress call i couldn't hold off those ties any longer who are you a defector if you'll take me call me lyndon i'll explain later pilot help me push these fighters back echo 4 leave that quasar for now focus on ties then we better get rid of those ties fire missiles here i come defend the convoy before it's too late let's get in position and escort these transports i'm right beside [Applause] and keep assisting echo squadron squadron there's a quasar bearing down on the convoy and filled with reinforcements take the ties down is a beautiful sight corvette captain focus on the quasar we'll mop up the ties yes that's all the ties down yes come on i think we're clear for now let's make the most of it echo squadron bring the convoy and linden here to a safer i know how this imperial fleet operates i can tell they're prepping their capital ships for an attack right now we need backup all right i'll send you the rest of echo squadron with everything they've got heading towards a star destroyer again facing its turrets this time it's okay our fleet's coming well not fast enough fleet is now at your location echo squadron keep the convoy safe while the flagship engages the vigilance leave it to us wait the empire's sending in a radar to intercept the convoy we have to take that raider down pilot with me almost in range get ready starting the raiders lost shields they're trying to get cover from the capital ships this is our chance finish this at least the fleet's keeping that star destroyer busy we're wearing them down keep it up yes we're raider is refugee convoy we're out of time we've gotta get you out of here refugee convoy to rebel alliance we're ready for light speed jump wait the star destroyer will be watching all possible vectors they can still find you pilot it's risky but if we can destroy the targeting system on the vigilance we might throw them off the convoys trail wait you two are attacking the star destroyer let's hope your feet can keep those shields down strike here we can take down the visual this is targeting we're getting there keep firing echo squadron keep the star destroyer occupied i want this turret's pointed away from our star fighters that's it vigilance's targeting is down oh convoy vessels prep for light speed jump ankle squadron withdraw and handle any fighters near the convoy you did it now both of you get clear pilot whatever happens next you saved a lot of innocent lives and mine cowboys ready to jump thank you we'll tell everyone what the rebel alliance did for us all ships prepare for lightspeed [Music] we all choose our path light or dark freedom or destruction the empire chose to destroy alderaan in order to spread fear and douse the fires of rebellion but the heroic pilots of the rebel alliance have chosen to keep fighting to show the empire that we are not afraid it was their bravery that ended palpatine's reign and brought about our new republic however the empire lives on shattered though it may be as i speak imperial forces are edging toward the bormia sector hoping to end our new republic before we find our footing as their empire collapses they try to tighten their grip but the galaxy is changing and you can be a part of it with the help of brave and daring pilots this war can end make a choice fly with the new republic change our galaxy for the better vanguard squadron to temperance do you read us now had some trouble with our long-range calms you're the third patrol reporting com blackouts head on back gunny the commander will want a full report lousy calms chasing our tails for hours and now we're late to meet the new boss well do you want to race home frisk we might make it before his speech ends ko i ain't racing you i learned my lesson the first 12 times ash the speech is starting i'm not one for speeches so i'll just say i'm honored to assume command of the temperance in this fleet vanguard squadron's reputation for bravery and integrity is unrivaled which is why effective immediately we have been reassigned to an initiative code name project starhawk starhawk then those rumors about a secret project are true what do you think it is some kind of weapon the key to victory if it helps end the war who cares i care i like to know who i'm working for the good guys risk remember the only people in the galaxy who don't have a death mark on you ah grace the day ain't over yet come on back to the temperance we can meet the new boss and anyone else he's bringing along ah there you are are those said to expect you i'm zarel de sage chief mechanic and this here's the temperance my pride and joy i imagine you're excited to join the action speaking of here's the rest of your squadron hey donnie i got your new pilot over here you go ahead i'll meet you in there welcome to vanguard squadron i'm kyra kuva you can call me gunny happy to have you on the team let's talk after the briefing you're joining one of the best outfits in the new republic hope you can live up to it anyway follow them into the briefing room i think our new commander's waiting for you in there ah you've arrived excellent otto meet our new vanguard five oh the one who saved your skin at foster haven artobera fleet intelligence a pleasure i heard they rewarded you with the posting to chandrila a real honor very safe but a good pilot shouldn't just gather dust i needed people i can trust and i figured you'd want to get back into the action huh there's no shortage of that around here right let's get you briefed welcome back to the front line vanguard five as you've no doubt experienced the empire is jamming communications across the sector i fear these blackouts could be a prelude to invasion vanguard squadron i need you to split up to solve this christian grace bring our new pilot to the brenthal system's borders the scouts we sent to investigate haven't reported in find out what happened to them then regroup with your squadron near the planet cabos gunny and keo that's where you're headed if i were still an imperial well i'd send jamming ships there knowing the empire i expect they're using these jamming vessels to disrupt our long-range calms they'll have thai squadrons in tow destroy all imperial squadrons and jammers communications must be restored for project starhawk's future when you've succeeded regroup and return to the temperance let's see how you do vanguard squadron got a moment oh hey i'm keo venzie welcome to vanguard squadron you'll do great things with us trust me this is an amazing team i went from semi-pro racing to fighting the empire quite a change but everyone in vanguard lifts up the others you'll fit right in whatever this project starhawk is i suppose the commanders will tell us when they're ready but for now we have scouts to find according to the battle plan we aren't flying together on this mission but you'll be on my wing sooner than later see you out there hello grace sally avatara signer grace if you like it's a pleasure i've been with vanguard long enough for gunny to trust me with second position and she doesn't trust easily especially those from imperial families well everyone finds out sooner or later yes unfortunately my dear estranged family builds tie fighters for the empire and i take great delight in blasting those fighters to stardust i trust you will too see you out there [Music] finally chance to get acquainted like i said the name's gunny stay sharp keep your nose clean and we'll be off to a good start we had calm blackouts like this right before the empire invaded mimbin lost a lot of friends but i learned to shoot a blaster you'll be flying with frisk and grace today meet him if you haven't the best advice i can give you is this stick with your squadron it's simple but sometimes hot shots and lone wolves need to hear nice to meet you squad calls me frisk only grace calls me by my real name and only when she's mad i know it's not often you find a handsome fella like me fighting for the rebellion uh new republic or whatever we are now i used to be in what you might call acquisitions you know hunting down trophies antiques anything collectors wanted until i got that pesky death mark of course how was i supposed to know that painting was fake or that the imperial governor was gonna show it off to admiral thrawn that's what's great about this place though they always got a berth for a good pilot death mark or not but say you play sabach i'm trying to learn but no one around here ever wants to play me maybe we could uh go a few rounds huh for credits of course it's the only way i'm gonna learn right yes we should get on and fix that calm blackout you ready to go just open the cockpit power management systems check all right i'm loading in your astro mcdroid now keep an eye on it radar working like a dream loadout data looking good combat display check primary weapons charged up ready to take down ties throttle and boost good to go whole integrity never better you're welcome all systems go vanguard 5 you're clear for launch good luck out there warm up on me on your wing away we go stay close vanguard five you remember your mission parameters vanguard squadron find the scouts smash the jamming ships and get back before the cantina closes i think commander james skipped that in the briefing thanks ardor we'll be careful regroup at canvas once you find our missing pilots all right see you soon good luck you two our jump points just ahead [Music] hyperspace coordinates calculated engines are hot let's do this vanguard squadron this never gets old hey grace let's go no scout's showing on sensors you got anything grace negative we've got to be able to find someone out here wait i've got a republic signal temperance we may have found them [Applause] heavy interference gunny and kia will take care of that shortly we should investigate the signal and regroup with them i hope the scouts are all right me too grace me too there's our target let's slow it down our scouts didn't make it empire must have found him first if that's the case where is the empire 5 scan the debris such brutality even that astromech got dusted someone really didn't want these scouts getting home hey i'm picking up a second signal let's check it out follow me i don't like this grace i hear you something's not right if we're lucky something survived the attack stay ready for anything wait that's not a new republic signal it's imperial let's get it off our tail then still not tired if we scan the wreckage for its last known trajectory it could lead us to the jammers that's a heck of an idea vanguard five scan the debris and we'll watch your back that's it nice work vanguard five let's see that path was leading them toward gunny and kia's coordinates if we're quick maybe we can cut off the empire before they find our friends marking coordinates hopefully they don't know we're coming let's do this right for the scouts we lost lead the way vanguard 5. whatever comes next we face it together look two imperial championships ahead no sign of gummy or keo that's the source of our comms blackout frisk bomb those jamming ships sure thing grace all soften them up you two finish them off missile coming at me good work everyone stupid empire try to invade our territory will ya gunny do you read me we just got off two jamming ships on route to your location what's the situation let's move vanguard five [Music] you see that shot running scared i bet you're safe that's all the tie fighters vanguard we have an imperial cruiser protecting the last of the jammers taking down these ships ain't gonna be easy not while the cruiser has a missile launcher we'll keep our countermeasures ready what's our plane if we take out the jammers first we can call the temperance for reinforcements that's why you're in charge cubby vanguard 5 focus on the jammers all right then here we go i feel better already cruiser destroyed not what i asked for but i'll take it you almost sound impressed maybe when the new pilot starts following my orders communications are restored across the sector i knew you'd work well grateful to command such a strong squadron come on back to the temperance thank you commander james we'll celebrate a job well done at the cantina come on vanguard let's get out of here [Music] great work team first rounds on frisk welcome home vanguard no time for celebration i'm afraid we have a visitor and a mission i think you'll be interested um [Music] additional emergency procedure so where is it now i helped alice group chasing away from a medical convoy towards yavin it's pinned in the upper atmosphere with no hyperdrive but too many fighters for talus group to handle alone this might work out for both of us come meet a visitor why gentiles rogue squadron i hear you're the reason i was able to finally get a com through i have a star destroyer problem that vanguard might be able to help me solve we need a star destroyer for project starhawk intact now we prove what vanguard's made of wedge you would [Music] as you may have overheard talus group has cornered the imperial star destroyer victorum above the planet yet they're in tough but it's presented a great opportunity for us to jump in and not only disable that star destroyer but to seize control so first we need to give ourselves some cover by knocking out the turrets naturally if we can also take out the targeting system that'll buy us even more time next we need to prepare the star destroyer for boarding you'll need to find a potential breach point in the victorium's hull preferably near the bridge once you find a good spot bombard it until the hull is breached however we can expect that the victorium still has plenty of tie fighters they will try to stop us once the skies are clear we can bring in the boarding team while our troops capture the bridge vanguard will defend the exterior from reinforcements once the boarding team has seized the bridge and is in control of the star destroyer we will rendezvous with the temperance okay i think i accidentally made stealing a star destroyer sounds simple let's hope it is sorry for the speedy introduction but talus group was counting on me to get reinforcements fast your commander says you have talent enough to steal a star destroyer and get away with it normally i'd have rogue squadron for this but general sendula gave me a temporary assignment to project starhawk meanwhile rogue is handling well that's classified too general sendula keeps us busy your commander and i have something in common i once flew for the empire too at skystrike academy turning to the rebellion was the smartest move i ever made i wish more of my friends had done the same look i appreciate the talk but uh talus group's waiting for us the star destroyer aren't you tossing him in the deep end a little early lyndon vanguard can handle it can't you besides project starhawk needs that star destroyer for well you know wedge made a name for himself at the battle of yavin he knows that system better than the empire ever will you'll be fighting on the rebellion's old turf so if wedge has any advice you'd be smart to listen you know a wounded krakana can still bite just watch yourself around that star destroyer huh get out there as soon as you can so we're headed to yavin an exalted company it seems and now we know project starhawk needs an imperial star destroyer that's enough firepower to tackle a small fleet or a means to catch the empire off guard but that wouldn't warrant all this secrecy there must be more to the commander's plan we'll just have to trust him too bad there isn't an easier way to get what we need even a damaged star destroyer has deck upon deck of dura steel plating turrets shields my poor bigoted father called star destroyers the fists of the empire it wasn't wrong but they can be beaten if you're good and lucky let's stay optimistic to yavin then let's not delay [Music] [Music] yavin prime this place always brings back memories let's hope for some of that skywalker luck today all right ready vanguard we're heading for the heart of the action vanguard follow his lead this is it's damn good to see you wedge we've taken heavy losses we need that star destroyer stopped don't you worry we're here to hijack it you're what be ready interceptors those have got to be the first to go agreed they're fast they rip right targets [Music] i've got you thanks that's it all ties down good job okay regroup on thomas leader heavy losses we need to make a few repairs then get ourselves out of here roger that talus leader don't worry about the imperials we'll keep them busy you're really gonna steal that star destroyer that's the plan okay vanguard on me let's head for the victoria [Music] all that damage and this thing still has teeth no wonder took a beating just chasing it i wanted to see the victorian flames i'm stealing it i like that even better star destroyer targetings out for good i'm in formation the ewings can get in safely is our chance to capture that star destroyer if we take the bridge we'll have access to its internal systems stand for a breach point so he can send an aborting team europe five breaching a star destroyer just like the old days look out vanguard we got a gunny story incoming five hasn't heard it sure let's keep looking imperial is incoming here we can send the team in here hey five how about you preach that breach point yes thanks five i owe you one let's stop those fighters disabled well done that's it all fighters destroyed great work your wings are on the way we can bring the boarding team in safely follow me to the running room we'll give them cover vanguard let's go ready to take on a star destroyer copy captain antilles just get us there and we'll do the rest you heard him back on guide those u-wings into position stay sharp what about the star destroyer's crew if our boarding party takes the bridge they'll slice internal security systems the crew won't be a problem with no computer access and all the blast doors locked we've got an imperial carrier they're launching reinforcements they're not giving up without a fight take down that cruiser my position the boarding team might need support we're almost through those blast doors that star destroyer has taken down its own carrier what a sight yes the ship is ours you actually did it and project star hawk has a star destroyer will be impressed wedge out not now frisk i'll answer your questions once the star destroyer has been delivered safely delivered where we risked our tails to get that star destroyer and you can't even tell us where we're going it's not my call besides i'd be risking a lot of lies if i shared too much too soon you hearing this after all we did for project starhawk listen all i can tell you is the basics [Music] it was just getting good we have an emergency the star destroyer you captured has unexpectedly fallen out of a hyperspace behind enemy lines our troops are repairing the hyperdrive as quickly as possible but you need to buy them some time there's an imperial fleet advancing toward the star destroyer victorium i want a wings intercepting enemy fighters the rest of vanguard will provide defense and support i know imperial protocol better than most i have no doubt the empire will disable the victorium with ion weapons before sending shuttles to recapture it stop them at all costs the empire must not reclaim the victorium once the star destroyer's hyperdrive is operational cover its escape so it can jump to safety i'll send you rendezvous coordinates when the time is right this is my fault i underestimated the repairs now the whole project's at risk hyperdrive's break ardo it's not your fault they should have suggested you send more engineers to yavin then this never would have happened it's fine vanguard is ready they'll get there in time won't you i know i know but i'll reach out to hosnian prime and requisition a few more engineers just in case get moving pilot i remember the first time i was trapped behind enemy lines it was the battle of mimban the first year of the clone wars the separatists had dropped a battalion of b2 droids on the nan flatlands cutting us off from the 224th pawn division a thunderstorm was jamming communication so i took a sky hopper to rendezvous with the 224 hoping to get some reinforcements it didn't go well i was halfway across the flatlands when those droids shot me down and believe me you have never seen a final crash landing the only problem was my arm got caught in some wreckage figured i'd rather live my life with one arm than sit around and wait for those droids to find me besides you only need one hand to carry a blaster right i dragged myself out of those flatlands with only one arm and a seriously sour disposition i guarantee those clone boys had never seen anything like me before but they fixed me up then they helped us drive those blasted droids right off planet if only i'd known that three years later those clones would be replaced by stormtroopers but anyway we should head back to the hangar the victorium needs us keo had one of those uh what do you call them it's just a hunch frisk that's all so what do you think happened i feel like it was the imperials they probably sabotaged the hyperdrive before our soldiers could get them off the ship i know it sounds wild but when keo has a hunch they're usually right don't listen to him it's really not that big of a deal on muriel we're taught to respect and listen to the force i can't reach out and touch it like well like others could but sometimes i just have a feeling about things i don't like to talk about it these days you never know who in the galaxy is listening now let's get serious huh when are you gonna have a premonition about the carillion lottery really people are waiting for us to save them and you're thinking about credits look you see any numbers just tell me okay they gotta be good for something we really should get going [Music] sensors [Music] oh what happened here who cares our star destroyers in trouble vanguard good to see you again think you can keep those bombers off us we're on it victoria i'm sit tight five intercept those time bombers we need to buy our crew sometimes turbo lasers don't yeah you'll lose your controls or worse dodge those fighters just need time to restart our systems work fast imperial shuttles headed your way hold them off if even one imperial shuttle reaches us we'll be overwhelmed you heard him vanguard intercept those shuttles we should split up to take them down fire on that target on it you handle the other shuttle detecting two more imperial shuttles they're trying to flank us we can't let a single shuttle board see that shoot it imperial transports are done for that's the last of those plastic shuttles just in time systems are up time to fix the hyperdrive take out the empire's carriers at buy us time all right i'm calling ny wing support they'll lead a bombing run on those carriers don't let any tie fighters near them all right y wings are here vanguard if we lose our bombers we're done for take out those ties to intercept their fighters i'll help out our bomber back up fire that's one carrier down don't worry vanguard has you covered squadron take down the rest of these ties that's the last of them your timing couldn't be better we're almost done our bombers are out of here thanks for the backup we're doing our final test vanguard spread out and keep watch nice moves back there keto you gotta teach the rest of the squadron that drift you want to learn right now i'll watch five figure it out first okay follow me i learned this racing in the koshi star circuit first transfer all power to your engines and fly as fast as you can yes now we're going to buzz the bridge of the victoria be ready to boost okay we're ready to boost punch it when you're ready turn as hard as you can then cut your engines to drift i know you can do this five let's try again you got this yes you got it five all right who's buzzing up bridge someone the empire is never gonna catch again sorry team it's for the greater good of the new republic uh practice drifting later without spectators [Music] hyperdrive's operational vanguard what do you say we get out of here regrouping on your position victorium somewhere classified just send you the coordinates got them punching them in now jumping to hyperspace in three two one punch it ah what the hyperdrive failed again no oh man well we gotta get there now i don't know what happened everything was fine and then our system is just shut down sounds like your mafia nullifier is blocked run a system flush then restart it should be fine can you hold them off a little longer didn't come this far just to leave you hanging it's now or never vanguard printed the victorio more imperial ships they really want their star destroyer back no they're here to destroy it see that shoot it this is taking too long don't tell me this is too much for you frizz no sugar fingers getting tired is all do something about those to bombers [Music] gotta reload here we go yes it works not likely you have the new jump coordinates vanguard see you on the other let's get the hell out of here this is where the boss keeps his secret project who'd want to get this close to the ringali nebula i believe that is the idea [Music] [Applause] now that is a battleship [Music] that's why we've been gathering imperial ships to build this we call it the star hawk and it's going to help us end this war general syndulla hello vanguard welcome to the nadiri dockyards i'd give you the tour but the empire knows we're up to something now they'll be looking for us which means we have work to do [Applause] an old enemy has finally surfaced one of my spies has linked the attacks on our star destroyers with the new republic starhawk project a common factor is lyndon james you knew james better than anyone captain carol if i had i'd have destroyed him before he betrayed us at foster haven then this is your second chance the rebels are keeping a low profile take titan squadron hunt down this starhawk and eliminate it gladly add more sloan but if i may ask there's a particular pilot i'd like to requisition [Applause] why come in is it true we're getting a new pilot copy so captain carol is bringing someone in john the treacherous slime taking our ships good more the merrier remember the last time you lost your call the day i cut through a whole squadron of rebels have saved your name shen's right tighten it up soul and bone right save a little [Music] [Applause] your new wingmate has arrived [Applause] so you're our new wingmate welcome to titan squadron i'm varco gray squadron leader i think they're waiting for you in the briefing room better make a good first impression welcome home pilot it feels like a lifetime since foster haven doesn't it one fool betrays his squadron and loyal officers like us are reassigned in disgrace i heard they sent you to the outer rim i got the medams sector protecting fuel shipments from petty scoundrels and pirates the kind of posting that used to end careers before endor before lyndon james reappeared no doubt you've heard admiral sloane has instructed me to hunt that traitor down and end this project starhawk it seemed fitting that i bring you back to help me destroy lyndon empire needs you pilot are you willing good for now you will be flying as titan 3 let's get to work one of our spies agent thorne has discovered vital intelligence on project starhawk your mission is to extract her from an orbital outpost above hosni and prime your job is to secure the outpost for our extraction team who will arrive aboard the shuttle gladius behind enemy lines you must be precise and swift we have no room for error titan to gain access you'll have to eliminate perimeter defenses intelligence reports missile platforms defending hosni and space destroy them the outpost itself is protected by turbo laser cannons on all sides evade and eliminate them all when you've secured the area you will escort the gladius to the outpost and our extraction team will acquire agent thorne once thorn is secure reach your gozanti cruisers and return to the overseer do not lose our spy under any circumstances that is all [Music] i'm runner soul no need to introduce yourself i've already reviewed your service record it's been a long time since you were on the front lines in days past a mission like ours would have been afforded every possible resource unfortunately times are tight since endor in one battle we lost our emperor and gained a hundred warring factions if only emperor palpatine hadn't dissolved the imperial senate at least then senators like my parents could have maintained order after endor but no not that i questioned the emperor's decision of course but now that he's gone we must look to the future and reinstating the senate would help subdue all of this infighting we can talk later perhaps now more than ever the empire needs reliable soldiers like agent thorne like you unity is the only path to progress i trust you are aligned with admiral sloane's vision for the empire we cannot afford to fracture not after end all this mission is a vital step towards dismantling the rebellion and they are a rebellion don't be fooled by their new name the new republic will fall just like the last one it's time for you to play your part get to the hangar ready your ship newcomer welcome to titan call me shen before you ask helmet stays on cockpit or not too many hard landings broken neck five six times cybernetics keep me going fight fall get up fight again all for the empire advice good talk another time you're the new arrival i'm javina vonreg titan can always use another pilot so long as you're good at killing rebels we're going right into their territory hosnian prime we'll give those scum just a taste of what it was like at endor i was there you know when the rebellion murdered our emperor half my squad died trying to defend him captain carol understands she doesn't lecture me about justifiable force like my other commanders she knows all i need is a target politics are for admirals i keep it simple always shoot to kill mess with the squadron and you mess with me but do your job and i'll have your back later you'll be the new pilot sergeant wait chief mechanic and head of the hangar crew don't see the appeal in flying myself but i've been working on ties since they rolled off the assembly line your fight is in good hands the overseer saw some action at poco and jail but it's had a complete inspection and overhaul for this mission admiral sloan's orders and on my orders every tie in this hang has been serviced and test flown tighten up the rivets myself we're ready gotta say i don't know how you and titan cope out there no shields or life support just hold plating between you and space it must build character never met a tie pilot who backed down from any challenge shields or not i've prepared your starfighter to match the latest imperial guidelines but if you've got a preferred component or need something customized i'll take care of it just say the word your tie fight is ready good flying squadron on fight us quickly no doubt they'll reinforce from the surface as well as the station [Applause] sounds like a good strategy to me titan approach and eliminate the outpost outer defenses [Applause] here and ready to go missile defense systems activated wipe them out and clear a path to the station we can shoot down their salvos keep it up you see it take it out that's what i like to see our path is clear advance on the outpost that's how it's done titan what they breached our missile defenses scramble fighters take down those ties i wish i could see the panic inside that station right now appreciate it get the cargo out of here i'm seeing a rebel transport ship fleeing the outpost you got them all defenses are critically low keep it up enemies closing on you joining up taking fire take it out will rendezvous with these coordinates show no mercy let's get you to the outpost's landing platform affirmative squadron leader we'll be gone before the rebel fleet even knows we were here heads up squadron enemy a-wings are deploying from the station coming our way we've reached the station initiating extraction imperial shuttle has landed they're storming the outpost squadron we're on route to agent thorn's location standby escaping with agent thorne is captain carol's strategy we gain nothing by destroying a single outpost more enemy fighters inbound they've come from the surface only to die in space shoot them all down that wasn't necessary standby starfighters incoming they're locking off watch out you see it take it out you're welcome your reputation precedes you it's good to know my life is incapable hands we won't let you down agent thorne enemy fighters are finished titan squadron regroup with the gladius we're clear of the station cover our escape and escort us to the jump point affirmative protect the shuttle at all costs i'm with you agent thorne you're in the clear you have my thanks titan squadron and my respect shuttle gladius jumping to lightspeed let's leave this wretched system more rebel ships inbound they're attacking our exit strategy nice work titan 3 you're officially part of the squadron now [Music] agent four may not have named the precise location of project starhawk but the intel has pointed us in the right direction then we will proceed as planned oh hello captain is this the new pilot yes a valuable addition to the squadron wouldn't you say indeed marvelous works curing agent thorne you've exceeded your previous statistics by oh forgive me i'm so familiar with your profile that i forgot we haven't actually met i'm lt 514 imperial intelligence i'm eager to analyze your performance in the upcoming mission captain carol shall we proceed with the briefing agent thorne's intel has paid off we've learned that a convoy of new republic engineers is traveling from hosnian prime to project starhawk's secret base their chartered path leads them straight through the contested territory of de severo according to our new information the convoy will attempt to conceal its presence in a local debris field follow the convoy through the wreckage and allow them to jump to hyperspace we will calculate all possible destinations along their trajectory to find project starhawk you must not be detected we cannot risk losing this convoy local imperial forces have been advised not to interfere once the convoy is clear of the debris it will leave the system pointing us toward their hidden headquarters once we have their jump vector return to the overseer and prepare for immediate redeployment [Music] i've already contacted the imperial authorities at decevro they're aware of the situation you're certain he won't interfere my records indicate that captain amos is trigger-happy to say the least his fleet is already in ruins after initiating several battles that were frankly quite unnecessary captain amos is enthusiastic i'm hoping he's not a fool the empire can't afford to lose assets at this stage in the war i agree wholeheartedly captain after your impressive work at hosnian prime this should be an effortless mission for you pilot yes my faith in you was not misplaced make sure it stays that way that will be all a simple in and out mission should be painless for us but stay on your toes you never know what cheap tricks the rebels will pull de sevro hmm long way from civilization i haven't seen the outer rim since the insurrection at krigo well let's get to it then get to your tie the captain has a personal stake in project starhawk a vendetta with lyndon james take it from me nothing motivates like betrayal i've seen too many good pilots friends turned freighter i put them out of their misery but there's always more out there iden versia erica quell lyndon james they're not just traitors they're loose ends problems to solve once the war is we should done [Music] all this wreckage what happened here captain amos is bloodthirsty he's baited the rebels into pointless fleet battles over decevero and lost several destroyers by the look of it at least his recklessness allows us to stay hidden stay together and keep your distance the convoy can't know we're tracking them yes sir title 3's radar jammer will make it harder for the enemy to track you use it wisely attention the star destroyer tormenter is emerging from hyperspace near the preview oh no he can't be serious captain amos what is the meaning of this you're letting our enemy escape captain carol i will not show the same mercy fire the missiles we can't lose this convoy titan shoot down the tormentor's missiles captain amos you are compromising a delicate mission delicate this is war snuffing out this new republic is the only mission hurry titan iii destroy those missiles that colossal idiot convoys alerted to our presence no way we'll track their jump now out there shattered broken yours i assume every victory has its price take it out just praise me keep it up patient three we need this stay focused stop that scattered convoy under enemy fire titan the tormentor is firing another missile volley i want that god good shot excellent your eye on fire is working titan three is ionized the first transport don't stop now stay focused stop that scattered convoy um [Music] nav data i'll keep the channel safe see that you do thanks to captain amos physically retrieving the nav data is our last chance of finding project starhawk joining your position i gave you an order titan 3 regroup with the shuffles you're welcome i headed under control and with that the starfighters are gone for now overseer ready to receive shuttle team titan three keep them safe titan the rebels have scrambled another fighter squadron they're truly desperate now information and ready [Music] [Music] tactical shields got you covered good work i'm reviewing the nav data now captain the tormentor is taking heavy fire its destruction is imminent then you're prepared to retreat never you will not survive this assault captain amos watch me captain carol that frigate is the tormentor is too close amos evasive maneuvers now what are you talking about the frigate is about to explode he's dead what a waste at least we have what we came for titan we've recovered the sector coordinates for the star hawk dockyards but the rest of the data banks are empty engineers must have wiped the rest when captain amos blew our cover they were so close deserves to go down with this ship knowing the sector at least narrows ourselves lyndon can't hide forever titan eliminate the convoy let lyndon know we're coming for him [Music] you're right lyndon my contacts verified your suspicions it's her i knew it could only be jerusalem her mark is all over these attacks we know her style you do realize there's only one reason she would attack hosni in prime in the engineering convoy she's searching for project starhawk that's why i've already taken steps to stop her before she can find the nadiri dockyards anyone else gets hurt lyndon what have you done relax otto all i did was center us a message one she can't ignore an old protege of mine teresa carroll is leading the empire's search for project starhawk she won't stop until it's destroyed so i've initiated a plan i sent a message that we know was intercepted by an imperial listening post hidden near esselus what was the message bait for teresa and now that the imperial post has served its purpose we're ready for part two if we destroy that listening post teresa will think we have something to hide and follow that message to the letter vanguard i want you to take y-wings with heavy ordnance to that post in esselus and bomb it to oblivion a corvette will join you to draw imperial fire gunny will support and resupply our bombers these are your targets we've identified the receivers along the hall as weaker areas destroy them all additionally destroy the thermal regulation systems along the exterior trench and any dishes atop the listening post if you pull this off we'll rob the empire of a valuable asset and then teresa will fall right into our trap teresa carroll was my second in command at foster haven she was my protege she's gone from a coruscant street orphan to captaining her own star destroyer the empire gave her everything and she'll do anything to defend it that's why i'm keeping certain details quiet with teresa in the game any leak is a risk just trust me a little longer head to the hangar zorelda should have your ship almost ready [Music] so uh with the empire he's dropping on new republic comms do you think teresa carroll overheard everything she only cares about finding her star hawk frisk oh sure sure still that upon this listing post into oblivion right for the safety of our new battleship and for no other reason vanguard squadron we're closing in on the listening post now excellent upon arrival you should be able to overhear some imperial chatter you can thank ardor and his spy network later let's form up with our corvette it'll run interference during the strike [Music] slow down hotshot don't set off their defenses early this listening post in the middle of nowhere how'd the boss find this place again he sent a message specifically hoping the empire would intercept it and reveal the outpost they took the bait talk about a long shot no way he could have known that would work unless the message he sent seemed so enticing the empire had no choice but to intercept what could be that enticing that's the thing jays won't tell us but it's a seed that will sprout into a trap let's focus on this mission and worry about the details of the trap later you think the empire built this listening post just to help him find the star hawk this one perhaps but it is the last listening post eavesdropping on the galaxy well they do seem hell bent on finding us i bet the empire cannot stand that we're building a new ship out of their old ones there's our listening post i'll jam imperial sensors on approach i love it they'll never see us coming let's make them regret eavesdropping on the new republic huh and just like that we're hidden from imperial sensors follow me five we'll lead the bombing run grace and i will take care of station defenses and starfighter patrols here we go five give them everything you got good you're almost there on my mark it's bombs away what it's a raid hello patrols nicely done you're a natural five now to bombard the rest of the receivers we need to call reinforcements oh quick take down those dishes before they can make that distress call squadron target the dishes on top of the station empire can't call reinforcements without only one receiver left let's finish is the broadcast system working good i'm calling in some backup enemies locked on you let them destroy our broadcast dishes so much for the distress call nice shooting five those imperials are on their own if you need a resupply just holler nice work gibbs won't be calling any reinforcements today you really let him have it receivers are done for i'm in formation [Applause] let's get it off our i got tailbone reloading we got a lot more ties inbound our corvette is taking heavy fire thermal system destroyed temperatures are rising they really hate our corvette the thermal systems must be overloading they're trying to cool down drop your box five don't worry about anything else [Applause] [Music] regroup and prepare for hyperspace jump [Music] our trap is set come on home it's time for the next step attention [Music] first congratulations because you captured the star destroyer victorium our starhawk prototype has been completed ahead of schedule but the empire does not know that they believe it's still under construction teresa carroll will keep hunting project starhawk until it's destroyed and we've been assigned to stop her so using that decoy message i sent we're going to set up an ambush the false intel stated that you're protecting a shipment of magnetic crystals essential to completing the starhawk with this bait we'll draw teresa and the overseer deep into the zabian abyss a highly volatile area of space here is where we set our trap don't worry about the convoy it's empty and droid piloted however that does mean you'll need to clear any obstructions from its path vanguard i want you to defend that convoy with everything you've got we need to make this look good your destination is this bottleneck there the starhawk will be waiting to disable the overseer and hopefully capture teresa now it might sound simple but nothing is simple in this avian abyss brace ourselves if lyndon's right this plan could knock teresa carroll off our tail sooner the better if you ask me lyndon's convinced himself that he's put us in danger yeah they can't make him focus on the bigger picture while teresa is still in it the commander is a smart man but everyone has someone who can push their buttons i wonder if we can push hers too we'll give teresa a harmless convoy to follow play this out and see just how far we can lead her it's all about playing the long game when the empire occupied moncala i learned how to string imperials along if you seem harmless people underestimate you i spent a lot of time around imperials playing the dumb alien a bartender a sweeper someone safe next day the rebellion would know everything i'd overheard it wasn't easy but i learned to stay patient and wait for opportunities remember the xavian abyss is no place for the faint-hearted and teresa knows a few tricks of her own keep your eyes and ears open all right [Music] and the starhawks crew more than ready i selected the crew personally based on their expertise and experience they've been training for months that's good i appreciate your support on this general it's a good plan lyndon just be careful i know you have a past with the overseer's captain don't let it cloud your judgment one moment general sorry i can't talk right now your squadron is waiting [Music] come on as you can see i wasn't exaggerating about the dangers of the xavian abyss yeah look at that lightning and we got word that carol has taken the bait her flagship overseers closing in good luck vanguard protect that convoy and see you on the other side you can feel it right chaos on every side we don't belong here i'd hate to see what does hey what happens once the starhawk disables the overseer the same as the victorium i expect board it lock its systems and take the crew prisoner i don't know grace i can't imagine teresa carroll coming along quietly i hate these clouds who knows what's out there we know what's out there a star destroyer with a captain who wants us dead real helpful thanks connie the convoy's droid autopilot ain't smart enough to steer through these asteroids then let's blast them a path look lively vanguard imperial ships are on radar scouts perfect the boss's plan is working give them a show make sure they buy it i caught those ties scanning the convoy do you think they know there's no magnetite one more for me i'm in their sights fire on that hall is target damage uh hit the fighters [Applause] love to be the hero hey vanguard the imperial stand the convoy but the overseer's still on approach he must have stopped the ties before they could transmit that signal's breaking up let's push on the ambush point is this way ready let's go [Music] [Music] there it is the overseer finally we've drawn it in panic this is the plan defend the convoy and keep luring the overseer to the ambush point how could you challenge an imperial star destroyer the overseer is closing in clear those asteroids before we lose the convoy guess terence decided to handle this convoy herself stay focused i am i'm very focused on the star destroyer right behind me trapped with nowhere to go large fighters more imperial fighters check behind gotta take out those bombers i got him enemies watch the storm i have no interest in prisoners they're chasing you shake them off [Music] stay strong we fly for the new republic let's push on ready to trap [Music] now ah the scan worked titan that convoy's navigator had the sector and system we've been looking for we've got them right where we want them [Music] [Applause] so titan return to the overseer immediate hyperspace jump we can't jump that fast we could end up in the middle of a star or worse stay and we die for sure [Music] [Music] [Music] well we know this star hawk works and tossed the overseer around like a loath rat good lousy imperials deserve payback with interest shall we just build a death star and get it over with oh come on grace we're still the good guys anyhow we won right wherever they jumped no ships coming back from that let's hope so [Music] [Music] where are we out of rem aromatic system grid scramble fire crews get a distress call to the nearest imperial station there's an old munitions depot in this system captain run by a colonel grom must be our lucky day make the call this isn't over thank god so you jump to my territory uninvited then demand my supplies colonel growl the starhawk project is within our grasp all i need is repairs and proper munitions no the emperor signed me to this depot i decide how its resources are used as of this moment that includes your star destroyer consider yourself reassigned the overseer was sent on this mission by admiral sloan herself admiral sloan isn't here captain i have rebel gorillas to deal with and now so do you grow out he wants us to fight rebels all right we'll protect his depot and if his munitions get lost in the crossfire well lucky for us ma'am regulations specifically forbid this i will not be beaten by vanguard grandstanding imbeciles or anyone else please no judgment he's just fine call in titan squadron [Music] now could we talk local rebel forces are preparing to attack colonel grounds munitions depot you'll patrol the area in preparation for the attack and keep the depots safe growl is a fool but his assets belong to the empire therefore they belong to us during your patrol titan three will secretly search the station its freighters and cargo shuttles for baradium this explosive material will be a valuable tool against the starhawk tag the baridium and lt514 will retrieve it remotely while ground is kept busy by the rebel attack escort the baradium to the overseer for safe keeping according to the colonel these three towers hold large munition stockpiles and will be the rebels priority targets it's a powder keg if we lose the towers we lose the depot and the overseer will be defenseless remember as long as repairs are still underway we can't afford to engage the republic secure the baradium halt the rebel assault and then we can leave the remetic system you're on your own titan squadron let's do this right i owe you and the rest of titan squadron an apology when the overseer was attacked i realized that everything i know about war is what i've read i'm beginning to understand how it must feel in that cockpit under fire terrifying yet you and the others risk it every day i took this assignment to learn clearly i still have a long way to go i know colonel graham is in the wrong and yet seizing his munitions feels drastic but captain carol is entirely correct that admiral sloan's orders supersede grams and we are committed to work there's much to do why is it that small-minded officers are always the quickest to flaunt what little power they have ground can lord over this pathetic corner of the galaxy all he likes but i will not allow him to jeopardize our mission this depot has everything we need to annihilate the star hawk graham may be an obstacle but he's not our enemy we will do our duty to protect imperial assets go prepare your ship [Applause] [Music] overseer titan is outbound colonel ground i've ordered titan squadron to patrol the area in preparation of the enemy attack good my munitions depot is as valuable as it is volatile i expect you to defend it with your lives titan squadron split up and patrol the depot find the paradium before any rebels arrive copyright titan 3 follow me control towers are operational don't let the rebels destroy all three nobody survives that chain reaction sounds like you speak from experience shen which i know you do [Applause] weapons [Music] medical [Music] the freighter doesn't have paradium but i'm detecting concussion missiles heavy ion cannons and plasma bonds as well think of what we could have accomplished at endor with these supplies come on titan three got a plan during the job s incursion our forces used peridium moved with zeta-class cargo shuttles if chrome has paradium he might be doing the same we use bradium strikes to drive the rails out of hiding a job [Music] them [Applause] [Music] [Applause] excellent we'll secure the radium during the enemy raid [Applause] we have rebel forces emerging from hyperspace [Applause] we lose [Music] fighters i want that gone watch your back that was close rebel fighters coming out of hyperspace is that a corvette focus fire on the rebel corvette taking fire now what titan squadron lt 514 will remote pilot the cargo ships to the overseer [Applause] [Music] titan it's time escort the cargo shuttles to the overseer crown won't notice a thing while he's under siege focus we'll take care of one shuttle group i'm in position you see it take it out joining your position take it out i want that gone [Music] you see it take it out the radium shuttle is exposed no mercy thank you [Music] shuttle needs us let's cover our shuttle the meridian is ours and growl is none the wiser we have everything we need to annihilate the rebel base their star hawk and lyndon james [Applause] enemies incoming [Music] we'll follow your lead all green dollar shields titan three you'll focus on the turrets after the frigging shields go down you see it take it frigging shields are down destroyed good work titan you've secured the voranium and save this depot from the rebels mission accomplished both graham's mission and ours captain titan docker board the depot for immediate debriefing titan squadron return to the overseer at once we're leaving the rhematic system captain i reassigned you you'll regret this captain i promise you that [Applause] [Music] our victory is nearly at hand we have the location of the nadiri dockyards and the overseer is almost back to full strength our only obstacle now is vanguard squadron i won't let them catch us off guard not again admiral sloane has a plan to draw vanguard squadron and other defenders away from the nadiri dockyards the admiral has ordered titan squadron to play a part and she wants you to take the lead for this mission at least i trust admiral sloane's decision you've proven yourself capable many times over just don't let it go to your head it would be a pity if you turned out like colonel graham our baradian munitions give us the firepower to take on the starhawk but the situation isn't that simple the nadiri dockyards are protected by a massive rebel fleet we cannot engage the starhawk until it is vulnerable admiral sloane's strategy is simple lure the republic fleet away from nadiri with simultaneous attacks on enemy targets across the galaxy we've been assigned to attack mancala we don't have the numbers for a pitched battle so you will have to strike fast your mission is to sow chaos through multiple attacks moving quickly these refueling pods are your first target next attack civilian transports and any medical frigates supporting them this will certainly draw out anvil squadron who are defending mancala stay ahead of them if you can titan three you're ready for more responsibility you will lead the assault make this fast and brutal they've earned it and while titan attacks mancala two battle groups will launch strikes at onderon and gores disrupting republic supply lines ah at ease pilot reports of your achievements have crossed my desk with unusual frequency those accolades have been well earned admiral if titan squadrons a weapon our newest pilot is its cutting edge just as i'd hoped then consider mancala a test pilot great talent requires greater challenges agreed admiral sloan and i look forward to filing my next commendation report i'm going to overlook your unapproved acquisition of colonel graham's paradium supply although i hope you both learned something from that encounter colonel grom is efficient after all he did successfully defend his depot without using any of his own resources but an imperial officer must also show finesse if they are to command effectively we understand admiral completely that will be all [Music] one of the republic's key shipyards so quiet perfect target show no mercy titan sowing terror and outrage here means victory at nadiri your first target is the refueling pods in orbit remember enemy starfighters are patrolling this system move quickly and cut down any interference let's get started lead on three fuel is the lifeblood of war no fuel means no ships or supply lines just a slow lingering defeat [Music] i want that god tactics remember easy pickings that problem immediately or face the consequences me you should have finished the job the new republic needs that fuel supply appreciated requesting immediate reinforcements to my location nicely done titan they will feel that loss cannons keenly up ready for whatever's next let's see what's next our next target awaits [Music] titan 3 those transports are our next target looks like anvil squadron is already here titan squadron these ships are under our protection leave now or be destroyed there's a third way angle you won't like it cut through those anvil defenders and destroy the transports understood those transports are fleeing towards mancala's planetary defenses must be destroyed he'll suffer for this it's your call three transport is down attacking civilians how much lower can the imperial sink this is so precious another transport let's press on when you're ready you fold take it out [Music] of this compromise these ships are no threat to you you see it take it out three's unstoppable today let's keep this going [Music] and stims but losing medical supplies in wartime is far more devastating oh my god good it'll take more [Applause] medical frigate or head to the silver corridor the overseer is on route lucky i was here take no chances titan return to the overseers hangar if you need emergency repairs this is it titan the silver coronet the pride of anvil squadron and a chance to strike an even greater blow titan iii lead the assault demonstrate your capabilities three it might help to take out the coronet shield generators those gills when ready a victory here means nothing titan mancala will rebuild with a new republic's help that's it the silver coronet is done for look at thanks for making it happen three even i'm impressed the republic will rush to defend monkala and leave nadiri wide open excellent work our final target lies ahead our diversion was a success vanguard squadron has left the nadiri dockyards to aid mon kala leaving the starhawk completely exposed we now have a clear shot to finish our mission admiral sloan has sent reinforcements to help secure our victory but you titan squadron will lead the strike against the star hawk if new republic patrols and perimeter defenses intercept you on approach show them no mercy before we begin our baradium assault you must bring down the dockyards shields we've discovered shield generators at these locations destroy them all and the overseer's bombardment will begin after the shield generators are down titan iii will return to the overseer to acquire baradium-enhanced munitions this is where we show our true strength immobilize the starhawk with beradium do not stop until its hyperdrive is destroyed i want that ship helpless when i deliver the killing blow let's make admiral sloane proud captain carol's tenacity and your hard work have made this possible of course mere numbers aren't enough to win a battle but i'll give you the best moment-to-moment analysis that i can the radium will be at your disposal for the crucial moment i've seen to it the rest is in your hands unfortunately we cannot issue you baradium munitions from the get-go with the enemy shields up there's a high probability that missiles will be lost in the crossfire or a pilot either would be quite devastating gray asked me about the star hawks tractor beam but don't worry that won't be a factor in this battle with the starhawk docked its tractor beam would endanger the dockyards and everyone stationed there the rebel's squeamishness gives us the advantage good luck not a factor i can predict sadly before us is a historic victory if we have the metal to seize it the baridium the overseer even out high fighters are only tools what decides a battle is our will to conquer that's what the rebels have never understood if we hold to that principle we can crush the starhawk and win the day we've successfully drawn off the rebel forces protecting the nadiri dockyards only a token defense remains and the starhawk no doubt the rebels believe the starhawk is all the protection they need they have no idea what alberidium is about to do to their defender get ready it's time [Music] [Music] this is it titan squadron everything we've done has led to this bask in the moment and then massacre your enemy we're looking forward to it captain [Music] general syndulla to imperial forces you are trespassing in new republic space leave immediately this is captain carol of the overseer your star hawk dies today as will you titan squadron attack with pleasure all turrets open fire on those ships your meager defenses cannot stop us titan eliminate all turrets let's give the overseer a clear path to the starhawk take it out how you spend your final moments is of no concern to me titan engaged history will remember what side you chose history has no sides only survivors our shields will hold only as long as shields this won't take long titan we need to fly past that starhawk to hit their generators it won't be a problem all units report in you're wasting your breath they're dead james told me about you teresa violence follows wherever you go foster haven hosnian prime de several moncala history will remember what side you chose history has no sides only survivors our shields will hold only as long as we let them tighten destroy the dockyard shield generators see it take it out take it out this is the price of rebellion all transport ships destroyed i expected nothing less i want that gone i'm hit all corvettes have been destroyed excellent work titan just because you caught us off guard doesn't mean you've won our victory was assured before the battle had even begun general syndrome all personnel bore the starhawk immediately i'm flying us out of here captain the starhawk is powering up i believe they're trying to flee pathetic titan 3 return to the overseer for moradian munitions immediately no problem [Music] elsewhere yes they're trying to tell you nice shot no starhawk hyperdrive systems are disabled starhawk engines and hyperdrive systems are severely damaged it won't be jumping anywhere i'm not done yet thank me later [Music] your people needed you lyndon but you weren't here is there anyone you won't turn your back [Music] on [ __ ] we can't let them get away they won't their hyperdrives are too damaged to jump lyndon won't escape this time the nadiri dockyards are burning their starhawk flees before us linden and vanguard are within our reach vengeance is sweet isn't it but this is no time to get complacent i've waited too long to let lyndon slip away again admiral sloan is adamant that the starhawk be destroyed but we cannot engage it directly the tractor beam is too powerful instead we must force them into the ringali nebula there vanguard and their battleship will be erased from history our empire has called us to serve we cannot fail [Music] our enemy is on the run you have done well titan squadron but in order to stop them i need you to break off from the overseer and fly ahead of the enemy fleet to set a trap lt 514's calculations indicate that the remains of the nadiri fleet is attempting to reach the new republic capital of chandrala to do so they must navigate the junkyard of scrapped imperial ships they've been using to build that monstrous star hawk poetic isn't it we've detected several reactor cores in the junkyard titan fly ahead of their fleet and use the cause to create a minefield on their path active cores will detonate when shot and devastate any ships nearby that includes you wield this advantage cautiously destroy any republic starfighters attempting to scout the dangers of the debris field your ties alone may struggle against the fleet's larger ships detonate the cause to take them out if all goes according to plan the starhawk will either be destroyed in your minefield or be forced to divert into the deadly ringali nebula either way we win i trust you see the wisdom in our strategy come now even damaged the rebel fleet still presents a legitimate threat we can't simply attack it in the open too exposed exactly sabotage is the answer we pick the fleet apart thin their numbers and leave the starhawk right where we want it defenseless precisely if all gears to plan you and the rest of titan squadron will have a clear run at the starhawk lyndon james and the vanguard ah yes vanguard squadron continues to be a vexing anomaly in my calculations a problem you two are happily well positioned to correct good luck i'll be monitoring you from here [Music] [Applause] overseer titan is outbound and advancing ahead of the enemy fleet excellent dismantle their fleet to the debris field they'll die here or divert the starhawk into the ringali nebula squadron on me we're approaching the junkyard now this isn't just a junkyard vodka it's an imperial graveyard how many different destroyers do you think they left out here and what did the republic do to their crews doesn't matter we can't change what happened all we can do now is deliver vengeance before we're done today this will be a rebel graveyard too overseer we've reached the target destination the enemy is advancing as expected you have time to prepare our trap copy that let's find those reactor cores remember only active cores are explosive and the rest are useless duds understood core isn't active so it's useless to us destroy it and move on how exactly are we rigging these cores to explode we're not the active cores are volatile it only takes a few shots to detonate them so the rebels inadvertently created their own minefield i love it you found an act of court titan three inactive scan another core the proximity sensors on active cores will alert us to enemies in range of our explosives if you hear the alarm a ship is inside the kill zone that's when we attack the cause and detonate it's inactive it's time squadron enemy star fighters have entered your minefield affirmative overseer titan engage and eliminate stray shots could cost us our cause precision above all else pilots souls right titan 3 let's cut down these fighters thanks taking damage you see it take it out [Applause] regroup and be ready to strike [Music] iii when their ships are in range detonate the cause i'm with you that wasn't necessary you're welcome thanks joining up will be ashes by the time we're done with it faster titan we cannot let the corvettes cross this debris field let's get more aggressive formation we'll be ready for them titan three scan more cores we don't have much time to rearm our minefield [Music] perfect that one's no use enemy fighters have arrived take it out you see it take it out you're too close to the core i had it under control i want that gone we can use that one another convoy of corvettes have arrived don't be nearby when that core blows i'd say you owe me one that wasn't rebel necessary is ready to die be careful next time you're welcome if that detonates you're dead detonate the core now don't die drawing fire one's following me rebels [Music] left finish hit it well done squadron regroup picked up a tail it's the only way to stop the frigate that core cluster to ensure it's active the rebels have no idea their frigate is heading straight to its doom they must not have noticed these cores they're desperate so they got sloppy works for me active cores confirmed this is our last chance titan iii nicely done destroyed that's an understatement overseer what's the situation return to the overseer for refueling we have them right where we want them the starhawk is changing course they're terrified of you titan squadron we've diverted the rebels toward the ringali nebula this is where lyndon james and his wretched star hawk will die [Music] can you talk let me speak plainly then god squadron we're in trouble we have the overseer behind us and imperial reinforcements moving to cut us off there's no way we'll fend them off we need to send a distress call to our allies in the new republic and hope they can reach us in time the problem is we're wounded outnumbered and the ringally nebula is already disrupting our long-distance communications luckily general sindullah has located an old broadcast hub that once orbited a nearby moon called galatan if we restore the galatan broadcast hub we can send a distress signal to new republic forces outside the nebula chief mechanic zarel de sage will lead a repair team to do just that she'll also locate communication satellites in the area to boost our distress signal the more active comsats we have the stronger our transmission will be teresa surely knows this too we can suffer minor losses with the comsats but the more we have working the faster we can signal chandrilla for help but the empire's fighters must not destroy the broadcast hub we lose that we won't survive keep zerelda and the comsat safe i'll call for aid as soon as you get the signal strength high enough from there all we can do is wait and hope when i left the empire i tried to leave behind their views on morality and certainty the core of imperial doctrine is being certain that what you're doing is right doubt is seen as disloyalty now i understand that you have to look at your decisions with a clear heart and ask what more you could do should do for those who lead doubt is necessary the starhawk project represents hope for an entire galaxy it's bigger than any of us i know you'd rather be defending the starhawk but i promise that reactivating the broadcast hub is the best thing you can do to ensure the project's survival good luck i know you won't let me down [Music] okay vanguard the broadcast hub is close i hope it's still in one piece look what the nebula has done to that moon i dread what it could do to our ships could be worse we could be back in this avian abyss or said in the minefield see zurelda gets it there's our broadcast hub beginning docking procedure i'll have this old relic up and running in no time let's get this done before the empire notices we're out here i'm shaking in my boots you're not nervous keo i've seen vanguard squadrons like countless missions what am i supposed to be worried about [Music] here stand by while i get this hub up and running hey looks like the broadcast hub works it works but the system is a wreck i'm gonna need some time to get all the concepts back online be quick we have ties they're gunning for me enemies toast see that shoot it we got bombers coming our way just a little longer and the ties are falling back their reinforcements are running scared looks like our work here is done got a shield for you yes signal's back at full strength ready when you are commander james attention this is commander james calling from the bengali nebula requesting emergency assistance thanks zerelda we couldn't have done it without you you're damn right [Music] where's the star hawk he was more badly damaged than we thought general central has evacuated all personnel to the temperance we can't abandon it we can lose our star hot prototype but not the people who built it you're going to help them escape how boss the temperance says hyperdrive is busted they're working on it but don't worry i'll buy you enough time [Music] friends years ago the rebellion welcomed me today i feel honored to join the fight sir you can't have faith besides if there's one person who can keep jerusalem's attention it's me i need you to lead our defenders the future of project star hawking maybe the new republic itself is in your hands all due respect sir you won't last a second out there alone [Music] hello no but thanks to you i've been able to call in some help commander james this is anvil squadron we got your message we're here to help good luck vanguard and may the force be with you we've done it with vanguard squadron backed into a corner lyndon james has made his last mistake we have confirmation that linden has joined the fray that's not all he's leading the same rebel squadron we decimated at monkala this is a calculated move lyndon wants me to do something reckless he thinks he knows me but he's wrong we're not going to take the bait titan squadron will focus on our real target the star hawk admiral sloan is counting on us i wish i could deal with lyndon personally but a commander's true weapon is a squadron not a starfighter go complete your mission and if you get lyndon in your sights strike him down once and for all this is it titan squadron our moment of victory is at hand the temperance has broken off from the rebel fleet but no matter our focus is the starhawk and thanks to the reinforcements from admiral sloane we now have it surrounded the starhawk suffered catastrophic damage from alberidium assault and has had no opportunity for repairs if i'm correct a careful strike to the ship's tractor beam core should turn it into a floating time bomb reaching the starhawk will not be easy the rebels manage to call in reinforcements of their own and bill squadron to be precise lyndon james is handling anvil squadron's tactics personally anvil took heavy losses at moncala but they still have star fighters and a grudge destroy them they're also fielding a nebulon b frigate we have a raider on hand to assist you once you reach the starhawk you must breach its armor to attack the core scans indicate there's an undetonated baradium missile lodged somewhere in the starhawks hull exploit that with the hull breached a single fighter can fly inside the starhawk to attack its tractor beam core we have no idea what to expect on the inside do what you must to start a core overload and then escape to the overseer while there's still time all our work and sacrifice has led to this titan do not let lyndon james stop you now and heroes have influence a smart person could parlay that influence become admiral sloane's aide perhaps once in the hearts of imperial power you can guide it from there anything's possible even the foundations of a new senate now all we have to do is win oh don't worry i'm not losing sight of what we must do but this is about more than ending a war a true future for the empire beyond death stars and rebels is within our grasp that is what i'm fighting for whatever you're fighting for remember it today captain i would be remiss if i didn't point out that our odds of success is substantially lower than usual are you saying titan squadron is no match for a broken down rebel fleet oh no not at all your record is very impressive it's just that these rebels are desperate that makes them especially dangerous hmm a valid observation lt514 i expect you will keep it in mind [Music] i took this pasting to see how squadron tactics really work in the field and i discovered how little i really knew but now i have enough material to submit an entire intelligent data bank on titan squadron and yourself in particular watching you hunt rebels has been very educational and rather fun thank you it's been an honor to observe you've made yourself indispensable titan squadron would not have been the same without you when i called you to serve you answered without hesitation i won't forget it the battle is waiting do not disappoint me [Applause] titan squadron is ready on your order captain i've come to expect nothing less the star hawk is straight ahead but you will have to cut through the republic fleet to reach it overseer to imperial raider help titan break through the republic lines yes ma'am moving to position [Applause] heads up incoming fighters titan destroy those fighters now thanks for the second chance and if you're looking for me teresa i'll to deliver the empire's vengeance right and your leader when you're finished come join us apple dies today the star hawk and anvil squadron all in one those targets spoiled for choice damn right after you keep taking out those fighters [Music] you all fighters destroyed good now focus on that frigate raider here moving to support titan squadron these were public fools trapped outnumbered and they refused to accept it they'll call us weak even as the might of our empires your primary target is the enemy frigate i'm here let's go is bring it down to get inside a moment i'm picking up something on radar titan stay alert more enemy capital ships are incoming [Music] i did that's why i called in ships from the borneo sector and they thought we might surrender commander chase we have imperial reinforcements in coming to our location you've got this anvil they're desperate titan leader to captain carol we've wiped out most of the enemy capital ships numbers aren't everything it's leadership that wins a battle and fury got it enemy frigate is destroyed damn it we've lost our capital ships anvil fall back to my position and regroup roger now for the star hawk titan squadron close in titan this is it follow me the star wars covered in carbon scoring from the barium attack how is it still flying because they've built it from imperial dura steel and we'll be back too late to save their battleship you'll need to breach the starhawks hole to get inside make your way to the baradium missile end the starhawk [Applause] you have it target the missile and reach the starhawk take the core ticket three we'll defend the breach but remember the tight space will make that tricky don't forget to give yourself room to decelerate commander a titan star fighter just breached your boost thrusters if you need to but remember the tight space will make that tricky don't forget to give yourself room to decelerate commander a titan star fighter just reached the star hawks hall they're inside copy and builder what are you up to i'm finishing what i began at nadiri gravity effects inside that call you should be close to the cause emitters zero win and fire reading just a little more yes wait calculations show the call is about to release a gravity burst titan three that burst will fire you out of the core like a blaster bolt center yourself with the entrance you can ride the shock wave out it might be tricky relax stay nimble and steer clear of the walls gravity burst incoming steer carefully the gravity fluctuations might knock you off course titan 3 brace yourself [Music] nothing can stop it from overloading now start us dried down more of our people saved and we're just getting started with me yes sir it's time to end this don't you dare by james without me you'll have to go through us first titan 3 we're pinned down it's in your hands now titan three i gave you a chance to pass our haven i wish you've taken it his shields are depleted was it worth it lyndon you only see what i've lost [Music] prepare to withdraw they are refusing captain they plan to eliminate the rebel fleet our mission is complete take us to light speed leave their starhawk to burn titan squadron with admiral sloane's unerring support we have left project starhawk in ruins vanguard squadron is doomed imperial ideals have prevailed loyalty duty discipline and with our latest champion we shall ascend to even greater heights titan 3 has been promoted to flight baron with full honors well done your future with the empire is bright i take pride that the death of lyndon james sends a message to all who would betray us that wherever the enemies of the empire may arise titan will be waiting no matter the cost this war is our crucible we will emerge triumphant and bring this new republic to its knees bardo confirmed what you already knew keo the commander is gone yeah you know he did the right thing though the civilians needed us the commander sent vanguard where we were needed most of course this is what he fought for that's why it hurts so much whatever happens next this is the end of the line i just wanted to say i know we haven't flown together very long but if i'm being honest it feels like you've always been here i speak for everyone in vanguard when i say it's been a pleasure fighting beside you i know we have a mission but we also have each other to lean on and to protect you've got my back out there and i have yours no matter what okay general syndulla is waiting for us in the briefing room shall we i'm sorry that our first real meeting is under such tragic circumstances we're all feeling lyndon's laws but we're cornered you and vanguard have held back the imperials but we must get those civilian engineers out safely i need you focused and ready to go lyndon saw you as a leader an inspiration even that's the courage i need right now let's get you and the others briefed there isn't much time thanks to your work on the comsats anvil squadron heard our call and with lyndon james bought us time to repair our ships for escape but now the imperial fleet has anvil ships pinned down they can't get out so we're going back into the fight because we need to buy everyone time to escape no one left behind ardo thinks we have one chance it's drastic but here it is the moon is highly unstable and the imperial ships are positioned around it if we crash the starhawk into the moon's core the shockwave should destroy those imperial ships and let us escape if we're fast how the ship's tractor beam is firing uncontrollably as it overloads if we can get a couple of corvettes into that beam we can tow it up to speed vanguard squadron you're up first we're counting on you to clear the path and take out the closest star destroyer corvettes will then enter the tractor beam and if ardo's plan works get the starhawk moving it should have a straight shot defend our fleet in case the imperials get wise to what we're doing when the starhawk collides with that moon the shockwave will hit every imperial ship in range and you unless you outrun it it's risky but sacrificing this starhawk will save our fleet and the engineers who will build the next one and the next the future of the new republic depends on it let's finish this you should know lyndon always speaks spoke highly of you he never forgot what you did for him at foster haven i know war takes its toll even when the imperials attacked monkala i had to keep my head lyndon was a friend he knew exactly what he was doing when he challenged teresa doesn't make it any easier the overseer has fallen back but the other imperial ships still have us pinned down you and vanguard are our last chance i believe in you but more importantly i believe in vanguard squadron lyndon bought us time i know you'll all make it count get your ship every moment matters now we were able to evacuate all personnel from the starhawk engineers technicians mechanics we took a big loss today those who died at nadiri lyndon it won't be in vain so long as we survive so does project star hawk and with it the future of the new republic fortunately the imperials didn't seize control of nadiri they were too busy chasing us off i've already sent meteor and hail squadrons to secure the dockyards now all we have to do is make it out of here to your fighter there isn't much time [Music] general syndulla to imperial forces withdraw or be destroyed we're in the fire now yeah time to end this for the boss hell of a place to fight i've never seen anything like it those imperials better enjoy the view while they can did anyone else hear that probably just a calm glitch focus on the star destroyer okay they missed their chance eliminate that star destroyer so we can move eliminate that star destroyer like we're swapping its shields are too strong take out the star destroyer shield generators that'll give you a clear shot [Music] a better they're chance through destroyer is done the imperials should have left they were warned they had a chance so they ain't getting another chance the star destroyer is out of the fight good job everyone now warm up what's next regroup with the starhawk for stage two of the plan vanguard looks like that signal is coming from inside the star hog what it's been evacuated we have to be sure get to the single origin point before it's too late commander grace you see that's unbelievable but you know the starhawk inside out we thought we lost you yeah i'll explain later general uh what's our status the starhawk has a straight shot at the moon sending in corvettes to get it moving give them some cover prophets to throw the starhawk into the moon and take out every damn imperial ship in range then count me in let's finish this together corvettes are in position imperial bombers are heading straight for the corvettes and they're a stationary target how long's this gonna take longer than i'd like be ready but not to fight my little droid here can only fix so much that was too close we're getting there that tractor beam's no great joke enemies toast wouldn't that be a ordered them change that maneuver almost turned out their engines it's up to you now vanguard count on us general all right starhawks picking up speed but it's still vulnerable vanguard defend the starhawk at all costs leave it to us starbucks almost ready to blow how long we gotta fly escort you see that archway between those two rocks that's where it's headed once the starhawk reaches that point there's no turning back prepare yourselves like this it was built to stop imperial fleets and that's exactly what it's gonna do thanks to jarissa though i doubt she'd like the don't irony know when to quit i can't handle it hey i'm not dead done all of you protect this keep it up a second imperial cruiser is heading to your location another one well we're warmed up already bring it on how are we looking and you've never let them down today is no different confirmed enemy joining formation i feel better already as intact as possible it's going to land like a hammer good work vanguard 5. [Music] we're gonna make it out of this right tio i think squadron get out i feel the shockwave out of my tail stay with me no room no wrong heel see that opening yes that was too close impressive sharp moves careful that's a breeze dodge around that hole's taking there's always a way i see it that's my flight path what the commander said this might take us through this'll be tight we can do it i'm hurting up in here no time to get careless all these rocks look the same there's light follow me we're almost out we're clear i did it i mean we did it let's head home chandrila's ahead our people will be safe and we can plan to rebuild you did it vanguard project star hawk is only just beginning vanguard punches hope is like the sun if you only believe in it when you can see it you'll never make it through the night we know our new republic faces great challenges but thanks to vanguard squadron peace is closer than ever general syndulla sacrificed one starhawk for the chance to build a fleet from nadiri commander james will guide our best and brightest forging the strength to challenge an empire the war goes on but we face it with renewed courage inspired by heroes who fly for freedom as we emerge from the darkness of imperial oppression into the light of a new era [Music] you
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 650,497
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Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, STAR WARS: SQUADRONS All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p 60FPS HD, star wars squadrons gameplay, star wars squadrons trailer, star wars squadrons vr, star wars squadrons walkthrough, star wars squadrons hunted, 1080p, 60fps, hd, star wars squadrons game movie, star wars squadrons full movie, star wars memes, all cutscenes, game movie, xbox one
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 19sec (14179 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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