"They Love Israel But Hate The Jews" - Bassem Youssef on the Hypocrisy of Israel Supporters

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so curious It's Going to Be Wild because because I think that's at the top of their mind I think that's at the top of their mind Boston what do you think well I uh I want to get it back a little bit because since we were talking about Palestine and Israel I think the the the most danger thing when you talk about this is you're either called a terrorist or anti-semitic and whatever right and people I wish see the people who are the very pro-israel who who really supported Israel and 7th of October many of them are actually anti-semitic especially right-wing politicians Med Gates and U mtj and all of those people those people they love Israel but they hate the Jews they are anti-semite it is very obvious and this is why you see this the dichotomy about how the Jewish voices for peace these are Jewish people in New York they come in and they take over the Central Station and they're all Jewish and they say not in my name the whole idea is conflating Israel and with Judaism is wrong and I think the most dangerous thing that can happen to the Jewish people of the world is to have Israel as their representative because a lot of Jewish people don't like them to be their representatives as many as many Muslims don't like some of those Islamic regimes representing them this whole idea about making it's all or none no Israel have actually done a lot of criminal activities that a lot of Jews do not agree upon and a lot of the people who go out in New York in Brooklyn in Los Angeles these are Jewish people shouting not in my name many of those people are actually um Holocaust Survivors like Gabor who is like a very famous Hol Holocaust surviv himself and he say Israel is a Zionist terrorist aparte country so if you think like I'm saying this because of my Muslim or Arab background listen to the other Jews they're saying that Israel is the criminal here and it's been supported Time and Time and Time Again by the EU by American by American Administration I'm not asking for any anything that is out of the box I'm asking them to stop the killing because let's say 7th of October worst day ever okay how many people are you going to continue to kill in order to get your revenge because it seems that you will not be able to eradicate habas as a matter of fact you can kill 100,000 people today what you have created is 100,000 Hamas killer no this has never it it Israel tried it before 2004 and it failed 2006 and failed 2009 and fade 2012 2014 and every time Israel came in and they killed many people as possible and they came back the solution for this is not more killing more War I know people like like War solves everything you will not be able to solve everything with war the whole idea about this is to Justice if there's land to be given back give back the land if there is agreement to be done do the agreement and sit together because believe me whatever cost you think is too high I giving up land it will not come close to the cost of human lives that we are losing every life whether on the Jewish side or the or the Muslim side or the Israeli side or the Arab side so how do you get rid of Hamas get rid of the reasons that created Hamas which is what the horrible living conditions the uh the blockade putting people in prison not allowing people to get their own destiny if you do that in any more you listen Israel could have found been found in in Uganda which by the way the British government gave the Jews 8,000 acres and then they said no to 1903 if Israel want to go Uganda you can have Uganda Hamas if you make people and put them in the lands of other people there already 2 million people that already there and then you just push them around you will have resistance right and the thing is Hamas wasn't there since 1984 Hamas was created 1987 until 1987 Israel killed 100,000 Palestinians since 1948 it's not about the PLO because Israel took uh took isra 1948 the PLO was created 1964 these are all a result of what Israel has been doing wh why do you mention Uganda because the British proposed that the Jews should move to Africa and Uganda pull up Uganda on the map just so we're clear what does that have to do with anything what I'm saying is is before the the Israeli were pulled were the Jews were transported to Palestine you know right right after that whole you know World War II Holocaust genocide thing that no no no before before before yeah yeah before during that time no no no before before I'm I'm talking about 1882 mhm when the Zionist movement started exactly 1882 at that time there were only 3% of Jews living in Palestine M and they were like different they were like they said Argentina they said Chile Madagascar South Africa and Uganda in 19103 uh the British government offered the the Jewish people about 80 acre 880,000 acres in Uganda mhm and uh they said no and the reason that they said no so there's what you know know there was like a big this very interesting there was a big conflict between the rabbis and the secular uh Jewish movement so the rabbi said like we cannot go the rabbis were the one who actually uh the object said we cannot go to Palestine like what do you know what do you mean it's the promised land it's like yes it's the Promised Land when the real Jesus comes so the secular said well maybe we should go to Palestine and that will invite real Jesus to come it was like a whole by the way this is all in Tudor herel uh uh Memoirs you can read about that and even 1903 Tudor herel in page 96 in the penlet for the Jewish State he said maybe the Jewish people should just get what they can so what I'm saying is these were discussions and the end of the 19th century and the 20th century and then the there's like a the movement that wanted to put the Palestinian sorry the Jewish people in in Israel actually won and it happened very very very very slowly by 1914 there were about 7% of Jewish people in Palestine now when the bill for declaration happened when the bill for declaration happened the only one who rejected the B for Declaration of like putting Jews in Palestine was a Jewish British businessman in the Parliament and said like those people are British people and we should not put them into one another place I'm not giving you I'm just giving you the historical you're giving us the history I appreciate it I get it but I doubt the Jews were like yo Uganda let's do it no they wanted Israel but what you do what do you do I'm I'm I'm sorry I I will have I I'll have to I'll have to disagree with you sir because you understand many of those Jews they came from PMS from Ukraine and from Russia yeah and then when they went to London they were really treated bad and they were called the problem the problem we need the solution we need the solution this is why when Hitler came to power he said we need the final solution of course so you understand all of these um problems happened between the Jews coming from Eastern Europe when they went to England and Western Europe so basically the basic the the British people didn't like them and they want to push them up so do we all by the way I mean we can joke about that but seriously the whole thing about Madagascar South Africa Chile and Argentina and Uganda these were real discussions with real budgets I'm I'm very familiar with the Zionist movement I get and then and a certain time so 1914 uh 7% and then the bill for declaration and then the first world war nothing happened second world war with the Nazis were like being kicking killing everybody and then they started to go in mass in palestin but are you sensing a common theme here they go to a country they have success let's kill them they go to a country let's they have success let's kill them they started in Egypt they went to Spain they went to Morocco they went to Europe they went to PG in Russia can I speak can I speak ask question this is not accurate this course this is accurate sir this is not accurate what's not accurate of what I just said the whole reason that I say that is that they've been running around the entire world it's called the Jewish diaspora I'm speaking I'll let you speak you could speak for a half hour I'm asking you a two-minute question the there's a Jewish diaspora they're running all over the world it culminates on the Bolshevik Revolution Zionism it starts Theodor herzo it ends in the Final Solution in Germany the Jewish people said listen we just need a state you look at the map of the Middle East it's as big as this room we have a little tiny microphone and we're fighting over the size of this microphone when you have the entire room right here so tell me what should Israel do now does Israel have a right to exist and defend itself or no so can I answer I answer yeah go ahead so first of all certain things that you said in in that monologue was a little bit inaccurate yes they were treated badly in Europe they were treated badly everywhere else they were not treated badly in in Spain because there that was under the the Arab rules of course they were what do you me it was called the Spanish Inquisition look it up s s sir the Spanish Equis was done by the Christians against Muslims and Jews together okay Muslims and Jews were sitting but it happened is what I'm saying what I'm saying is before that Spanish Inquisition Jews lived in the courts as Minister and SPS as scientist under the Arab rule in Andalusia when the Spanish Inquisition came in they killed both Jews and both Muslims so well the Crusades we all know how that story goes between Christians and Muslims for decades and you centuri do you understand that the first crusade did not kill a single muslim okay but the third and the fourth and the fifth one did what what happened with the first crusade enlighten me what tell the First Crusade came out from England and they killed 2,000 Jews in Europe they didn't even make it to Jerusalem this is how bad the Jews were treated by the Christian Europeans and as a matter of fact EUR Jews did not find Refuge unless they found it in the Arab countries I'm not saying that they were perfect but if you compared what the Jews were enduring in Ukraine and Russia and in Western Europe and how they lived in Bagdad and Egypt and Morocco they were a much better but this validates the whole point of why the Jews need Israel because every country they go to they're be run out of town or killed at the very least they have their own country so they could say at least we have safety here every country every story that you just mentioned BOS is them being killed by somebody whether it's the Christians whether it's the Brits whether it's the ukrainians whether it's the Russians the whole point of Israel is like we can no longer just just rely on other people's niceties and empathy to not be murdered so now we need a state of our own let me you understand that let I understand let me so all through these years they were living peacefully relatively under the Arab Rule and then what happened the programs in Russia and Ukraine push them to England then England said we cannot take them anymore push them more to the Arabs at the time at the time Jewish people in the Arab W especially Egypt were living I mean the first people who actually did the cinema and the theater were Jewish Egyptian people who lived their older lives Jewish Christians and Muslims were living right now the department store like our version of Macy's Target they all have Jewish names because they have part of the fabric of the Egyptian Society for decades way before the Jews from Europe came now when the Jews from the Europe came there's two ways to come you can come easily or you can come by force they started to come with all of these ship ships and then you have the hagana and you have all of the Zionist um um um gangs who started to come into uh Palestine and they started to they were like 1.5 million Palestinians that you cannot raise so the fact that they there this the Arab board you can go anywhere no because this is their country so they went in they replaced them and then we had the 1948 and the rest of history now having said that do I want Israel to be erased and I want people to go back to Europe I will never use that kind of of argument unless that you tell me well why don't the Palestinians go to Arab countries if you don't use that I'm not going to use that I believe that Israel is a is a matter of fact and I think it's too late to come and erase or uh get get people out whatever what we have to do either a one-state solution that everybody Palestinian and Israeli have exactly the same equal right and all of them have the same passport and they live in peace and the other reason is a two-state solution obviously so far Netanyahu and other Israeli uh officials have said many many many many times there will never be a pales Ian State not in the West Bank not in Gaza ever and these are official uh statements by them so they have already said that you you sometimes people accuse Arabs but we do not want the state of Israel they say we don't want an state for Palestine so you have this as long as you think that this is your land only and those Palestinians are indispensable and they can go other places you will never have peace they've had the Oslo records they've had the abraam records at what point does Israel say I can't negotiate with these people hamas's CH charting a founding Charter says we call for the destruction of Israel in order to make peace or to make a deal you need to have someone on the other side that is willing to at least come to the table the closest that come was yaser Arafat the PLO under Clinton 1998 he came back he they they gave him 98% of what he wanted he came back they said no what Israel or listen Israel is just like America it's a democracy in a democracy you have a free exchange of ideas the Marjorie Taylor greens that you mentioned are wildly different from the aoc's it but policy is different from rhetoric the policy of the PLO of Hamas of fata is essentially destroy Israel there's no two solution the rhetoric Hamas is different from fat fat is from The Authority because there's nothing in the shter of of fat or the or the the point that I'm getting at is all these political factions no one wants come to come to the table do a deal and here's what's happening because they're getting worse and worse worse they gave them 98% of what they want have you seen they had a good hand a few decades ago now they have no hands you have no leverage now that's the problem sir have you seen the video by Netanyahu who's bragging about spoiling the the Osa Accord on his own I've seen the video yeah he said like like I'm going to destroy it we're going to hit them nobody's going to do that anyway this is the guy and by the way just a little bit of think the oo Accord you know it was signed by Yad from one side and from Isaac Rabin from the other what happened to is he got assassinated by a Jew by a Jew okay by by by a far right radical Jew cuz he was a moderate who who who who uh was a part of what part that's that's Jew what kind of organization was he part of he was on the far right party where organization where benir the head of the National Security Now is AD Minister NY yeah news flash every country that democracy has a leftwing and a rightwing I but I don't think every country has at least two terrorist people as ministers because Ben gair was arrested on the account of killing ishak Rabin as a matter of fact there's a very famous video for him where he got the emblem of his car two months before ISAC Rabin like we've got your car next we got you two months later ISAC Rabin this is the kind of government that you are defending it is a terrorist government that kill its own people even balim who is the Minister of Finance he was arrested because he was was going there by 600 liters of gasoline to blow up and Israeli Highway this is the kind of criminals who kill people Gaza everywhere and I I find it very difficult that to find somebody actually like to defend so are you saying that Israel is the only country in the Middle East that has a thug likee regime oh no not at all okay so this is pretty common for that neighborhood but you know what's the difference I don't see any other country in the in the regime saying I'm a democratic secular country and I have Western values well according to the world index World economic index Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East this isn't our opinion exactly the only democracy would would have terrorist people in the government which I find it very interest here's the problem that I'm having with you is that I actually problem with me no with your argument with me well you've already called me racist if I'm a very nice person I think you are a nice person I'm very nice you're nice I never called you racist I I called your argument multiple times but it's all good he said undertone he didn't call I said I said it's a racist undertone thank you so much it's a racist undertone thank you bosome if you look at the chat you're probably the nicest to me today so we're cool so the problem that I have with you is that either you're um anti-israel or you're just intellectually lazy so if you like this clip and you want to watch another one click right here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click right here
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 785,277
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Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, Patrick Bet-David, PBD, Valuetainment podcast, PBD podcast, Patrick Bet-David Podcast, Valuetainment, Podcast Patrick, Patrick Bet David, The PBD Podcast, Valuetainment Media, Bassem Youssef, Bassem, Youssef, Dr. Bassem Youssef, Politics, piers morgan talk tv, Israel, Palestine, Israel vs Palestine, Gaza, War, Middle East, Qatar, Terrorism, al-qaeda, ISIS, Middle East violence
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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