Basilisk - Maximum Damage Starfield Scratch-built Razorleaf Replacement Ship Full Build Guide

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greetings fellow captains space truckers Pirates and the like I'm Wizard and welcome to my very first ship build guide this is the Basilisk and it was my first scratch built ship in Starfield I started with the Razor Leaf and the reason I did that is for The Unique encounters that you receive when you come up against Pirates and spacers and ecliptic this is a Class C ship full Mobility I've optimized the mass such that I can still have full mobility and I'll go over the stats later in the video as well as a full interior walkthrough and a combat run through every planet in the serpentes system stick around to the end for that it's the most exciting part of the video and hopefully you can stand listening to me talk you through some of the decisions that I made throughout the video I'm gonna try to keep it to a minimum I do want to go over some of the decisions that I made and why and hopefully that can help you and your future builds and potentially inspire you for things that you would like to build welcome thank you for being here and we'll get into this ship momentarily [Music] the bridge that I chose to use for this ship is called the Cabot and it's made by Nova Galactic now if you didn't already know to get the special Nova Galactic Parts such as the bridge that I'm about to show you as well as any of the 2x2 or 2x3 parts to go to Titan the moon of Saturn in the soul system and you needed to land at new Homestead the ship tech there has all the Novo Galactic unique parts um I don't believe they're available anywhere else just like Deimos and the other manufacturers they have one specific location for anything other than the one by Hab units and the typical cockpits and bridges find your cockpits and go down and find the Cabot Bridges now there's three variants just like the other ones um effectively all they give you is 20 more units of storage cargo space and they increase the mass slightly with each one and personally I started with the C3 due to the lower cost and the lower weight I didn't know how heavy this thing was going to be when I started so I decided to start with this now if you've got extra mass left over once you finish the rest of your build feel free to go back and put on the C4 bridge if you want you will not notice any visual differences they're completely the same visually you're only going to get that little bit of extra cargo space so totally up to you here throw that baby on there and the next place we need to go is to the demo star yard this is where you're going to get the two Hab units that I chose to use on the build the rest are from a different manufacturer once you get here you're going to want to talk to this guy you deserve the best of course the main reason I went here is to show you where you can get the demo specific Parts I believe you can get all of the one by one one by two and one by three have units at any other star yard that has demos parts available I'm just going to move some things out of the way flip this Bay around because I want this thing on the front and that is the bay that we're going to use it's a Teo Bay the shipbed 200 I think it's called so anywhere you can find a Teo ship Tech that you know has Teo Parts you can find that Landing Bay there so I'm just going to take this one by one this is going to control where your ladder goes within the ship which was another goal of this build was to have one unified ladder for the main decks of the ship so we're going to start with the storeroom and if you didn't know you can select these components and flip between the different variants of the hab when you have it selected I like the engine engineering Bay B from Deimos and that is going to go right behind the storeroom and the storm will be connected to the landing Bay put that there or however it works for you to begin with just as long as you can fly this monstrosity away while you're finding your different components I'm gonna put this living quarters back on here so we can attach the bridge and we'll be on to our next location from the Deimos star yard we're gonna go to the narian system and this is where the Stroud Eklund star yard is located there's also a Stroud eclined Showroom on Neon either of those will have Stroud Eklund specific Parts this one's one is close and easy to get to one issue you may encounter which I did here is that havershaw which is the guy you got to talk to doesn't always spawn right away he either spawns in at the desk behind the glass or at that one there and if he's not at either of those locations no big deal I found that if you just wait for an hour he will show up but compared to a trident so we're gonna do just that we're gonna have a seat wait for an hour and see if he spawns in I heard they're making a new class of check desks there he is talk to him and this is where we're gonna get into the brunt of our build most of the ABS that I use were Strouds I like their exterior shape and their interior shape the main difference between Deimos and Stroud is that the Deimos halves will have black floors get rid of all this stuff we're not using any of it the only thing we're going to keep here is that shielded cargo three by one and one by one demos those landing gear modules here we're gonna use a bunch of those get rid of the engines and we're of course going to use this bridge so get those out of the way so we can start laying out the main parts of our ship here I'm gonna move these out of the way for now but they are going to reattach basically back in the same place and we're going to duplicate them a bunch of times so here's our one by one store room our shipbed 200 Landing Bay our Cabot Bridge in the engineering Bay this is what we're going to start with so take yourself on over to the halves tab of your of your menu first thing I want to do is set up the ladder so get your Stroud companion ways and stack these up twice our main ladder is going to be within those one by one units as long as you lay out the rest of your halves the right way that's where your ladder is going to be first thing we're going to grab is our well really I should be grabbing the two by two Battle Stations now and I realize this in just a second so put this one behind that's going to be your first living quarters two by two Battle Stations in front of the ladder and our bridge is going to attach to that I like the bigger halves they give the ship a more open feel I'm gonna throw a computer cord next to the Battle Stations and we're gonna put our Bridge up against those so now we're going to duplicate this because you can duplicate and then flip through the different variants I like having my Captain's Quarters up here so we're gonna put that down there and duplicate this again move it behind the ladder that's going to be our Workshop easy access from the Captain's Quarters now we still want to have we're going to take this two by two because we want to have some more of those big Open Spaces I like the way the brig looks it doesn't really function as a Brig in the game but it really just gives you more passenger spaces on your ship we copied that rig and did the two by two living quarters on the other side another all-in-one I like the all-in-ones because they have a little kitchen they have four beds and then an infirmary off of the brig so that's gonna go here and that's really your Habs set up those are your modules I decided to put an Armory up top and it's the only unit that isn't directly accessed by the main ladder but to me I feel like that makes sense I think the Armory should be kind of hard to find within your ship just you know role playing you would want your Armory to be kind of secure and away from the entry points on the ship so just as an overview I'm gonna fly around this a little bit but we're going to take our landing gear and start putting it in there I stuck those a little too far forward first but I'm gonna take these and start duplicating them we're gonna have eight of those Landing modules on the center fuselage we're gonna have two out on the outside underneath of the outer engines put that on just so we can leave here when we're done at Stroud and here I am realizing I put those too far forward let's move these back put this back I just need to fill up the spaces in between I'll go ahead and duplicate those are one by one this is where our ladder is going to be it will give you access to all the halves you'll have one long main Corridor all the way down the length of your interior it'll be very easy to navigate you won't get lost and it will be somewhat sensible this is all up on top by itself but again for me I think it makes sense if I could have pushed it Forward I would have um but you'll see the end result is pretty successful at least in my opinion this engineering Bay and storm on the bottom and the Italian Landing Bay at the front now let's copy those landing gear as I said before we're gonna have eight in the center and two on the Outriggers are outsides and that is actually the bare minimum for this ship when it's complete if you have any less than this amount of landing gear you'll get an error and you won't be able to flash ship so 10 of those Landing units are the bare minimum this is the base for the ship and we're going to start with the fuel tank it goes at the beginning of our stack of primary functional components grab Drive will attach to the fuel tank and the reactor will attach the grab Drive I went with the 900t it's got the highest capacity of any of them and for a single fuel tank maximizes space and gives you pretty much the maximum jump distance that you need let's find our graph Drive with the j52 gamma I like the way it looks I like its stats and the grab drives as you know you don't need to power fully they really only need one bar of power and then for the reactor again the pinch 8z from Zhang I like the way it looks stats are great I think it's got the highest repair rate of any reactor out there correct me if I'm wrong and that's that see our ship is approaching 40 meters four and aft 80 meters is the maximum for a vanilla ship and that was another part of my goal for this build was to maximize the size of the ship this is all vanilla I'm not using any glitches you can see from all the footage I'm using the in-game snapping mechanisms and uh not exploiting any of that stuff so now we're putting our shield on the first I went with the warden shield with 1125 capacity it only needs 10 power to be fully powered fully functional but you'll see later in the video I went with a slightly different shield and I'll explain why at that point but for now we're going to add our Docker and I'm realizing that Stroud does not have the one that I want here so we're gonna have to go pick that up back at Deimos again later on I'm gonna put the old one back on here for now so we can fly this ship out of here when we're ready so this is just a placeholder for now so we've got our Shield we've got our fuel tank we've got our grab Drive we've got our reactor we've got our landing gear got our Landing Bay we've got our Docker now we need our engines I went with the Sal 6330 because as you can see they only have a max power requirement of two meaning you can put six of these engines on your ship they give you the most maneuvering thrust of any other engines and they really allow this ship to be as Nimble as it can at maximum weight gonna put these six on here for now because Stroud is one of the few places you can get these engines it's not the only place but since they're here we're gonna put these bad boys on I'm gonna put on my cargo units real quick because the last two engines will attach to those I like these gallons to start with they have great capacity we're gonna stick these on here for now one and two and we're going to attach our final two engines to those now you can see all of our errors are gone we have everything we need to fly out of here and go to our next location before we leave we're gonna go ahead and apply some of these structural elements to this ship before we go now if you didn't know if you build a landing pad with a shipbuilder at one of your outposts they include all of these structural units from every manufacturer so at this point if you've got a landing pad at one of your outposts go ahead and go there and you can put on all the structural elements at once but we're going to start with these nose caps and go on the front of the outside tab units and we're going to start seeing the shape of this ship come together now those there we've still got some empty spaces in the middle but we're going to fill those in as we go I really love the Stroud nose caps they have a nice angled shape to them and really lend themselves to giving your ship a great silhouette and profile we're gonna put our final two cargo holds on here now I went with the 585 capacity polos the polo 2010s once you have everything else put on this ship um these will get you right up to the maximum Mass you can achieve with these engines and as you can see we're already starting to approach our final Mass rating so follow two Polo 2010s they only attach on the top so we need to add a couple of other modules to attach those so leave those there for now we're going to get some more structural elements from Stroud on here the Stroud cowling three units long which I just went past but we can also get these units in here now the mid bracers now if you put a Hab unit in that empty space there it will mess up the flow of the ship I tried it before it gives you side halls and not one long Central Corridor that makes the layout kind of confusing put on these Stroud cowlings here and now you can attach those cargo Bays that are hanging out in space I'm also while we're here gonna put on these Stroud caps you're gonna need one on each side of your central landing gear down here finish those off bring our Cargo in underneath and you'll see why I put these in this location in a little bit I end up putting a weapons mount on that Stroud mid bracer and I just duplicated one of those Stroud nose caps flipped it until it was the right way put these two here facing backwards and then we're gonna need two more of those caps to go at the front of our second engines in one of the design elements that kind of wound up just becoming was the angle of those two caps opposed to each other they end up looking like a an intake for the engines we're going to close up some space on the top there and you'll see exactly what I mean when we get closer to our final shapes Docker for now and it's just a placeholder put our rear cap up here most of the other structural elements that we need are from different manufacturers we're gonna be adding some demos wings and a couple of Teo braking engines the bottom part of our Outriggers out there for our outside engines now while we're here we're gonna grab a couple of the weapons that we need uh at on this save I hadn't done the first mission for the UC but um you need to do that to get the Vanguard obliterator Auto projectors they're Class A particle Auto particle beams and they've actually got the highest DPS of any particle beam available in the game PBO I'm sorry the second highest these PPO 175s are the highest DPS so we're gonna grab four of those while we're here before we go and later in the video I will show you the Vanguard Auto projectors and one of the locations where you can find them next best are these exterminator 95 Mev Auto helium beams so we're also going to grab three of these while we're here and I don't have a good place to put those so I'm going to go ahead and add my Horizon weapon mounts to these mid bracers that we put on just a few moments ago one and two and we are going to use those in the final build but for now we're just gonna put these helium beams on here duplicate the first one duplicate the second one attach it and as I said before if you didn't know all of these structural elements from any manufacturer in the game are available at your landing pad with a shipbuilder at one of your outposts if you've got one so here I am still looking for the vanguards and realizing that I hadn't done that mission yet in this save I also changed my shield the one that we chose in this clip to a Vanguard Shield which is only available after you do that first UC Mission as well so go to Mast in new Atlantis on jemisin get into the UC and do the first mission once that's complete you'll know you've done it because they will give you a spacesuit so now we're going to leave Nary in go back to Seoul back to demo star yard to get our demo structural parts and you can skip this if you are at one of your landing pads the cool thing about these Deimos Wings is they provide you with many weapon attachment points I don't think any other structural element is as good as the Deimos parts for giving you weapon attachments we are going to replace not replace we're going to move these cargo units down and put a braking engine there in front of our actual engine now I prefer the Stroud ones but as a placeholder I put the Deimos one in there we're also going to add this lower structural piece to kind of finalize the rear lines of the ship these demos whole pieces are very nice they give a nice shape to complete the look of these engines the top engines and we're gonna need Anova piece to finish off the front of that element so here's the braking engine now the reason I like the Stroud better is because it's a bit longer and fills a whole unit space instead of just half of one it closes that space off better we'll use it as a placeholder for now there's demos bumpers good way to unify the shape of those Outriggers to the hab units and give you a better profile better silhouette and we're going to move on to the Deimos wings I've got two of the long ones on the outside of each of the Outriggers just to ship a little bit more of a presence cleans it up a little bit unifies the shape some more just makes it look like it was designed as a ship instead of different components put together get those two there and again for the sake of uh unifying the look we're going to duplicate those and put them on the back of each of these engines we're really starting to see the shape of this ship come together grab a couple of these short angled ones on the top here again helps with closing up the ship making it look more complete and then next we're gonna do our spine pieces and they also provide a very good amount of weapon attachment hardpoints gives you more options for mounting your weapons in different ways foreign when you're putting your structural elements on because they all have a mass as well it's not much but the more of these things you need the more you're adding mass and later on in your builds if you realize you're slightly over maximum weight for maximum mobility and you can try to optimize the amount of these structural elements that you have so that way you can maximize your ship's Mobility without losing any of the function functionality so there's our spine pieces we need to replace that Docker too and I believe damos has the one that we want I'm going to move these weapons up here the two outside ones are basically where they're going to need to go but we're going to have Anova piece up there when we're finished that kind of ties everything together up on the top there gives it a little more unique look this little space was a a nice little happy accident where I found I could put a couple weapons and make them look like they were really a part of the ship's integral design foreign lowest profile one is this and if you didn't know you can flip it and put it right on the bottom we're gonna put it under the one by one tab units such that it is at the very bottom of the ship right next to the entry point and you can go straight up the primary Central ladder inside of the ship this will all make more sense when we get to the interior walkthrough so we're done there well we need to go back to New Homestead to get a few Nova Galactic specific structural elements if you're at your Landing Pad you can save a lot of time first thing we're going to do is close off finish off sorry the front in the top engines the front of the top engines here and here and we need the Nova weapons mount we're also going to use a couple of these radiator Parts at the rear the outside of the reactor so it doesn't look so flat and unfinished back here this is a nice element I think it works well with the finish on the reactor and gives you that nice upward angle this finishes It Off of course you can use whichever piece you like but I prefer that one myself now we're gonna do the weapons Mount from Nova put this guy up here I need to move that spine out of the way because it's got the two weapons attached to it this attached to the front of your Armory Hab unit or whatever you've chosen two of your exterminators on the outside of the Nova weapon mount then you can move your demo spine right back here it fits in very nicely in my opinion I'm going to flip this around so that the weapon is buried back in there a little bit more and this really gives you a more streamlined look you can fit Class C weapons up there they stick out a little bit more but like I said before they have um less DPS than these weapons do now I was just calling attention to the fact that we don't have our Teo braking engines at the front of our lower engines yet so that's where we're gonna go next and the best place to go for Teo Parts is a neon in their showroom there are other locations to get tail Parts one of which is the red mile but we're gonna go here to Neon real quick and grab those braking engines [Music] let's go to the neon core it'll spawn you inside save you a little bit of time I'm going to show you where the showroom is and who to talk to real quick before we grab our parts need to run to the end that is a very dark Crimson look I would love to hang around now I realize how dangerous area here run back to this elevator and select the Teo astroneering floor spawn in you'll see the showroom just enjoy the walk back down here and talk to this lady best decision of your life she seems very invested in her company personally I'm not that impressed and we're going to be honest with her here people spend their whole and I whatever you say take a look at our catalog and are you ready to make you I just need two parts from you but this is a location where you can get that Atlantic Bay if you didn't start with the Razor Leaf but these are the two parts we're getting here I'm at the front here and they kind of double to me visually as intakes just like we did on the upper uh but they're also breaking engines so they look really cool when your ship's slowing down it's really the build it's every part and piece of course you may find more usefulness in other parts the only thing we don't have here is the Vanguard obliterator Auto projectors [Music] go do that first mission for the UC now the last thing we need to do is get our shielded cargo we can't just duplicate this one here because at this location they don't sell shielded cargo so if if you've already joined the Crimson Fleet Jazz sells them there at cricks at the key if you haven't you can go to purima and go to planet Prima three and go to the Red Mile and they sell shielded cargo there spawn in find the hatch for this main building it's fairly easy to see but you may miss it the first time when you walk in here you'll see ship services on this desk I go into his office here and talked to Wayne why not so now the first thing we can do very easy copy this piece not delete it copy it put it on the other side over here now if you wanted to just stick with that you can totally do so the more shielded cargo capacity you have the less likely it is for the authorities scans to detect any Contraband that you have on your ship we also need a scan Jammer get the best one and I like to put it right under here under the Nova cowling piece but we have some extra mass to play with here you can get up to 37.89 total mass before you your Mobility begins to drop now I'm going to take you to one of my outposts and show you what you have available at your own landing pad with a shipbuilder that you can build at any Outpost as long as you have the materials to do so so here's what it's called it's literally called landing pad with shipbuilder and what you need to do is go over to this screen and just like with the ship Tech View and modify ships now at your Outpost you won't have the unique modules such as Bridges or two by two or two by three halves but you will have shielded cargo you can't buy scan Jammers or other equipment at your Outpost either but you can do shielded cargo now I added this extra one in here just because I had the mask to play with and now you'll see I'm going to replace those Danos engine brakes braking engines with the Stroud version they just fill up the space better personally I like the way they look a little bit better at least on this ship in this location go to Stroud find the braking engine [Music] a little bit cumbersome in the menus grab these and you can see they're longer fill up the space better make it look a little more complete so now really all that's left is to give this thing a coat of paint myself I enjoy black um my cars are always black my motorcycles anything else I'm just a fan of black black it looks good looks good anywhere matches almost anything um and to me I just I enjoy it obviously this is completely an aesthetic choice and totally up to you if you decide to build a ship like this I'd love to see what you go with for your own aesthetic choice for color and any other ways that you may have improved on this design and here at the end of the day I hope you got some inspiration from this and that's really the point uh copy it completely if you want that is on you um and and honestly I'd be flattered so um now we're gonna go to Jemison here and this is one location where you can get those Vanguard uh particle beam Auto projectors they are available in a lot of locations once you unlock them after the first UC Mission got anything but this is one spot sure how about it is there what they look like these are the stats and they look lackluster but you can attach six of them to your ship and so they have the second highest DPS next to the PBO 175 Auto beams that we have just underneath of that one so there's one two three on the left side of the ship and then we have the other three symmetrically opposed on the right side of the ship here because they're nice and small you can fit them in tight spaces so I was surprised when I could fit them on that demo the underside of that demos wing but it hides them really nice and they really don't disrupt the silhouette of the ship now here's a quick look at our final build all parts attached final mass now that Shield rating is with the crew member named Omari Hassan that I think yeah yeah you get them at Aquila at the bar there but he's got a rank 3 of Shield systems and so he dramatically increases the effectiveness of your Shields now this is also with the Vanguard Warden Shield module that I didn't show you initially the only difference there it's got 1450 Shield rating versus 1125 but it does also require a Max of 12 power to work now when you're using the auto projectors adding power to them doesn't increase their fire rate it only increases how quickly they recharge their ammo so for me I found that you know with the auto projectors you tend to fire a burst at a ship until it has been defeated and then you um engage in some invasive Maneuvers to position yourself for the next round of combat and by that time uh your weapon should be recharged and I feel that it is more useful to have more maximum Shields um so that you are less likely to take hole damage while you're letting your guns recharge so there's the bulwark Shield generator and again once you unlock the UC Parts these are available in many locations and that's the build so up next we're going to do an interior walk through I'll talk through that a little bit and just kind of call out which Hab units we're looking at when we're going through them and after that we'll be the combat test so let's walk through this big boy easy access on the front every Landing Pad you go to this way to get in and out quickest and easiest when you enter you're greeted with the engineering Bay and this is again the Deimos engineering Bay B three by one the way it's laid out I think is nice go ahead and choose the a variant if you want or even the Deimos version really any halves that you prefer you can put in here I enjoy the Deimos one myself so that's what I went with and this is the demo storage room one by one I'm gonna go up to the main deck this would be the Stroud Eklund all-in-one a two by one unit this connects to the 2x2 living quarters by Stroud [Music] nice open space here opens up the ship a little bit makes it feel a little less tight a living space living room here we have the all-in-one B out on the end this is in the right wing of the ship we're gonna go across the hall here and into the bridge and again this doesn't actually function as a Brig I wish there were missions where you could capture Pirates or whoever needs to be captured and put them in here but there's really no actual functional reason for it you could do a mess hall or a cargo Hall here this is what I went with I just I like the layout of it and we have our infirmary out here in the left wing now let's head to the front of the ship we're gonna go through our 2x2 battle station you could go with a one or a two by one here if you wanted to with a two by one next to it but again I like the two by two for the larger open space and the big uh navigation table there your crew members will occasionally stand around that as if they are studying battle plans or where to go next but I just I really like the feel of this unit there's your main Corridor back there this is the computer core to me you know for role play purposes seems to make sense that there would be a big server room next to the Battle Stations as if they are being powered by this computer courtroom and now we're gonna check out the bridge we'll go in the bottom door and this one's cool because it's the only bridge that has stairs in it and I believe the only module that has stairs within your ship so if you can get away with a single layer of Hab units with no ladder you could only have stairs in your ship if you you know can figure out a way to lay it out such that that would be possible I think that would be very cool um but I decided a ladder would be a good idea as well here's our Captain's Quarters makes sense that you would wake up from this bed and go straight to your pilot's seat and here's our the third floor of our main Central ladder all the way down to the Docking Bay at the bottom don't fall in here's the workshop it's got the main things that you'll need industrial workbench research lab spacesuit workbench and a weapons workbench here and to finish it off on the very Upper Deck we've got our Armory now you could even choose to just put some structural elements up here to finish off the exterior of the ship but a two by one is lighter than two mid bracer units all as well Captain All Things Considered Mass was a part of the consideration as well as just the interior layout and function of the ship I don't have any weapons applied in here but the weapons that you display don't count towards your ship's inventory weight so that is actually an actual function that you should be aware of and that's the interior of the ship the best place that I've found to go to test your ship's systems and weapons and really practice ship combat as the serpentus system I would recommend you're at a reasonable level to do this but every time you spawn into a planet you're going to get one to three Varun that are going to start attacking you hang out for about 15 seconds and guaranteed they will show up while we wait for this graph drive to spool I'm going to go over a few more things with you guys number one is going to be our skills and so you know we're gonna show you I've got Rank 4 of animatronic Fusion five extra units of power that you can allot into your systems very important I've got rank fourth piloting to allow me to fly the class c ships I've got Rank 4 of Shield systems and I don't think these are reflected in this ship stats stats page say that five times fast rank four of Engine Systems Rank 4 particle beam weapon systems [Music] and rank four of Starship design you just need this for certain modules that we used that require that rank and I forgot to show you the stats page rank C we've got 46 in the reactor 10 crew now this is showing us our stats with the um what was the shield I'm gonna Mouse over it real quick there's the obliterators exterminators Sal engines [Music] Warden SG 400 so this is the one before I chose to change the Vanguard and the graph Drive so with this Warden Shield you and with Omari Hassan you get 2700 Shield rating you only need 10 power in it to to power it Max so I just wanted to call that out let's get into the combat foreign thank you now I've left all of this footage uncut to show you that each and every time you travel to one of these planets in the serpentus system you could have ruined spawn just like clockwork here they come it's kind of scared foreign just start firing away they have incredible range the damage to Shield very powerful weapons and just so you can see I've been on very hard this whole time none of this clip is cut this is all raw footage here ship combat is also an excellent way to earn XP and level up in a very fun way you can exploit The Outpost and that can also make you a reasonable amount of credits in my opinion there is no more fun way to earn XP than doing this now don't forget I didn't do it in this clip but loot all those crates that the ships drop oftentimes there'll be credits in them and definitely some valuable resources that you'll need for weapons and spacesuit upgrades and research projects and things of that nature I'm going to quickly land on this Moon and do a fly around of the ship one last time so you guys can get a final look [Music] thank you very happy with the way this came out I really hope this inspires you to build your own and again feel free to copy this ship verbatim if you wish I'd love to see others using this design that would make me feel very flattered and the scale of the ship is a little bit deceptive kind of how small we are inside of the bridge there and that's the Basilisk guys thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed uh if you enjoyed give me a like and a subscribe and if I've got enough interest I'm gonna keep making videos I am already coming up with my next ship build and what to do how to set it up it will be very different than this one and uh I hope you guys are around for more of this content I play other games as well so I'd love to keep making videos cheers have a great day [Music]
Channel: Wize Old Wizard
Views: 221,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, ship, starship, build, guide, tutorial, razorleaf, mantis, basilisk, custom, space, sim, bethesda, xbox, pc, spaceship, design, vanilla, full, complete, DPS, damage, combat, cargo
Id: Oje7w6MzSV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 11sec (3551 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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