Basil Pesto - Chef Jean-Pierre

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friends i'm going to show you how to make my version of pesto it's amazing when i do test it i got a trick also where you can freeze it you'll never see anything like it you'll love it it's wonderful first we got beautiful basil leaves how many of them i don't know just put a few of them oh no no no no no no no no no you see i already screwed up so that's okay we're gonna actually see you don't want to do it at first you want to put the garlic cloves in there first it's a good thing they see i make mistake to show you are not to make a mistake that's how i do it how do you like that one right uh so you want to put a few garlic cloves in there and the reason why you want to put the garlic cloves in it first is because you want to chop it up unless you have the garlic puree like i make the video on it then you can use the garlic puree but let's say you didn't make the garlic puree so then you can't put the basil and then garlic on it and and expect then the the garlic is going to be all nicely pureed you're going to have a bunch of chunk garlic unless you puree these for 20 minutes and that's no good so we just want to put the garlic and the olive oil beautiful olive oil yeah i'm using a garlic olive oil you can use a basil olive oil you can use whatever olive oil you want okay as long as it's a good olive oil right extra virgin olive oil right we're gonna puree we're gonna cut the garlic up now you see we're going to cut it up right there and then we're going to put the rest of the ingredients in there now at least our garlic is pureed maybe put a little bit more olive oil there's a little more olive oil i know i'm going to need it anyway and the reason why i do that now is because if i didn't do that right now you know and there's nowhere in a way that my garlic will get pureed right away right so now we're gonna put a little bit of basil in here just a little bit of basil right and and how much you put in you know it's difficult to tell you exactly how much to put in get a good couple of cups of basil that'll be good in there right and now we don't need garlic anymore because we already got it we want to put some cheese parmigiano-rajan okay remember now parmigiano-reggiano doesn't come in a green box that's the uh the other cheese didn't come in a green box you know what i mean right right that's not no good so you want to grate it you know the best way to grade it believe it or not is to cut it in chunks little chunks and put them in a food processor and look you can do it in five minutes all right so put some cheese in there measure carefully it's a pesto it's not like a a recipe to sandman on the moon just a pesto a little bit of parmesan cheese now nuts let's talk about nuts i keep my nuts in the freezer i don't know about you but i'm telling you i think it's a good idea they don't get rinse it i hate rinsing nuts so traditionally in geneva they put in the um the the pine nuts they roasted the pine nuts a little bit so to make everybody happy i roasted the pine nuts but you know what i like also i like a sliver admin almond macadamia nut also put whatever knot you want be as nutty as you want there you go what is i get it right i got the basil i got the oil i got the garlic i'm good now so now we're going to puree that whole thing and this is when we're going to add enough oil and add enough oil means then it's liquid enough let's look at this here folks let's look at this here do you think it's got enough oil i don't think so as a matter of fact it doesn't you see it's still a little bit a little bit uh needed of a little bit more oil so what we're gonna do we're gonna put a little bit more olive oil and another thing then we need to do folks is to put the juice of a lemon the juice of a lemon is going to avoid the oxidation just a little bit and that's okay because the oil is enough fat to upset the acidity of the lemon so you won't even know it's in there it's just for the oxidation of the basil let's look at it now again oh baby look you see we're almost there we're almost there friends you see look look so this is why it's not important to measure it's more important to know what it is you're looking for you're looking for a little bit of a liquid consistency so you can rub it on fish you can rub it on chicken you can serve with tomato mozzarella you can do i rather have it more liquid than too thick it's up to you you do whatever you want to do but let me tell you i do so many things with this look look look look look how beautiful it is you see look at this look at this now we don't have any chunk of garlic right there right look how beautiful that is you can do a little bit more liquid too just a little bit more okay here you go okay hold on here we go right here just a little bit all right now let me go get a lemon folks because i got a lemon no it is it is right there don't go anywhere don't go anywhere actually i got the lemon juice i got i knew i had it somewhere i i i came at night already so look don't put a lot of lemon just a little bit of lemon okay use oh i think i lost the camera knocked the camera out let's see look look put a about a tablespoon of lemon okay that was two tablespoons you guys are gonna get like mama mia this guy don't know how to measure he says put it there with spoon and he puts two all right look i promise you you're not going to taste the lemon there's enough oil in there there's no fat to upset the acidity i promise you so look look look look look i'm telling you guys look at this look how beautiful that is you see what i'm talking about right there look at that this is exactly the perfect consistency okay so now how do we preserve this well in a restaurant business what we do we take a little eight ounce container like this right i'll show you eras container and we put it on top of it and then we put the plastic on top and that protects it okay i promise you it stays in your fridge or you defrost it it's beautiful right you can do that or you can do it in ice cube trays look you want a little pesto puppet cube paper cube or pesto you see look very simple right you put it if you let it defrost a little bit put it in a bowl put a little bit of olive oil how to preserve it whatever you do you can put it in the freezer i promise you because you you can't save that in refrigerator too long maybe a few days but in the freezer 17 years very simple to make here you go friends very easy pesto recipe remember don't be measuring so much just look at it just look at it and see what it looks like you see it's gorgeous make the best too i know you're gonna love it don't forget to subscribe to our channel don't forget to ring the bell so you get a notification next week when we put up a new video and if you like it gives us a thumbs up thanks for watching make this pesto it's fabulous
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 19,249
Rating: 4.9815435 out of 5
Id: Afr_oxmZ8uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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