Basic waste oil burner without blower

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foreign [Music] foreign we have the container again with the vegetable oil in it which is kind of uh like a grease because it's pretty cold outside uh two shutoffs right one a needle shut off needle valve and regular shut off and then a little pipe coming down into these containers here and this is pretty much a stainless steel uh utensil holder I guess from the kitchen and three bolts in it just uh suspend the pipe and then two two stainless steel uh dishes why too well because they hold the temperature better that that that oil needs to be needs to be really really hot so that's why I have two and this one goes in here pretty much like that and that's to feed the air through the holes and then this is the chimney pipe okay that goes in there I'll show you how and then this one is the extension pipe I show you how again just to extend the chimney and this is pretty much running uh out of any any blower or any power just running by itself okay so I'm gonna put it together and so we're gonna get it started so I'm gonna actually show you how easy it is to put it together okay this this spine have to go inside here uh this questions first this okay side I'll show you again it's coming here and then this chimney is going to go far like this okay and I think we can get it started very fine stable let's turn around the grease right and little kerosene salad all right let me out of gas here I don't guess good I'll be right back [Music] [Music] so again right now yes let me get this in my hand so you can see the whole setup here chimneys crooked like a hell but again the chimney it's pretty much he was just by dripping the oil so I'm gonna probably stop right now because it's not just slow it down a little bit because it's growing really fast and it's full enough to okay and right now we have about a rubber then I would say bad and uh at least like a pinch of pinch of oil in the pan or in the in the bowl okay that's kind of that's kind of too much oil for the comfort here you really need about a quarter inch or half inch I would say so I'm just gonna shut it down for a minute until it will start burning and then open it up again okay and from here it's just going to start rolling okay and from another from another angle pretty much that's what it is and a long chimney you do need a long chimney for the draft pull the air [Music] okay I forgot to mention that this pipe here actually has a few holes around quarter inch holes just to get a little more air for the vaporized oil right now we have the oil burning already and it's starting to produce in really nice meat that took just about a couple of minutes I would say okay there is no blower whatsoever it's just uh it's pretty much free flow starting to format nicely again I can show you from the distance the whole thing [Music] here the chimney is crooked as a hell but that really doesn't matter but that's where it is okay [Music] I'm gonna put it back on the stand and give it a couple of minutes to make it nice the red hot [Music] let's get a little bit closer here [Music] I think I'm gonna dry here foreign foreign in the meantime I will explain to you how this works okay pretty much uh but you want to accomplish here it's the flow of the air coming through the holes feeling the fire and then getting out of chimney so let's say if you're gonna have those holes too big and too much air coming in it's not gonna be [Music] strong trapped enough to to kind of the kind of it it's it works like a like a wind pretty much okay if you're gonna blow into the fire you will see the fire will just just uh really be happy so you got to be like right in the middle and just experiment with the holes you know I was so so you will get the perfect combination but the perfect airflow and we are getting really nice Red Hat here let me check on the oil I can open up a little more foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] again [Music] but I think that's enough I'm just gonna let it die yep I just shut the oil so this is gonna slowly calm down and die but it's all let's do it you know it's just to get the perfect flow perfect mixture of the air and perfect flow there it is no smoke coming out okay I think that's good for now just fairly fairly simple thing uh as long as you get the longer chimney on it then you know you can experience with the bottom holes and see what's going to take it okay guys so until next time
Channel: Vlad F K
Views: 15,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, build, built, make, for dummies, beginners, create, your own, clean, burn, blue, flame, free, energy, 폐유 난로 만들기, 废油炉的制作方法, 如何烧废油。, DIY, heater, furnace, power, electric, fan, not required, air, oxygen
Id: -IGLig-EubI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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