The Best Augments To Use In Dragon's Dogma 2 - Complete Augments Guide Breakdown

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in Dragon's Dogma 2 all vocations have access to a list of weapon skills and core skills that they have available at their disposal on top of that each vocation also has their own unique augments which are essentially passive benefits that your character can have that being said these augments can be shared across different vocations so you might want to dip into Warrior for example to pick up a certain augment and then go back to your main vocation and with all of the weapon skills as well as the augments costing discipline to unlock knowing which ones are good and which ones you should Should Skip is going to be very important especially early on into your playthrough and so in today's video I will be going through what I believe to be the 10 best augments that you will want to unlock first in Dragon's Dogma 2 with that being said hello everyone my name is dark hero and let's get started the first augment on the list is going to be through that you can get from the fighter vocation rank six this augment is going to enable you to carry additional weights increasing your overall weight capacity by 10 kilos and given how important weight capacity is in Dragon Dogma 2 being a determining Factor on how fast you can go and how far you can jump but also the amount of things you can carry being able to increase it by 10 kilos is going to be especially useful to those that are still starting out and have a lot to explore in this game and maybe don't have access to many Port crystals once you get your hands on a lot of Fairy Stones and Port crystals which you will have an abundance of when you reach the end game this augment is not going to be as useful but I still believe that it is worth including on the list now the next augment on the list is going to come from the Archer and it's going to be endurance you get this at Archer rank four and it's quite simply going to increase your maximum stamina by 150 and with how important stamina is in Dragon's Dogma 2 allowing you to Sprint and use different skills having more stamina is always going to come in handy and with this augment you will be able to perform more skills in combat without the risk of ever getting tired which is going to leave your character vulnerable and can lead to a lot of bad scenarios and thus being able to increase your stamina is just a very nice quality of life Improvement and given how early you are able to obtain this I strongly advise everyone to go and get it now the next augment on the list you're also going to be able to get it from the Archer at rank eight and that is lethality this augment is going to increase your damage whenever striking a targets vitals this augment is of course going to be especially useful in vocations that can easily access the enemy's weak spots such as the thief the Archer and the magic Archer some other vocations May struggle to hit the enemy's weak spot but you might actually be surprised as to how some vocation are able to do it with for example the more powerful spells of the sorcerer being able to hit the enemy's weak spot multiple times in an AOE and when you reach the end game of Dragon's Dogma 2 you will see that a lot of monsters that you need to take down can only take damage when you are hitting the enemy's weak spot and in those cases having an augment like this is going to be perfect it's a fantastic tool that lets you deal even more damage by attacking the spot that by default you should be targeting and so it ends up being a big recommendation from me now the next augment on the list is going to come come from one of the hybrid vocations and that is in fact going to be the detection that you get from the trickster at rank two this augment is going to alert you to the presence of any nearby Seeker tokens or W Stone shards by making a sound and also making them glow and with how important W stones are in Dragon's Dogma 2 and the Seeker tokens giving you plenty of good items such as this eternal Bond ring to give one of the NPCs the legion might staff that comes with an auto revive and the Ring of endeavor that will boost your discipline gain whenever you defeat an Enemy being able to not have to rely on the map and having a way to tell where these items are located in game is going to be very beneficial and with how easily you are able to get the detection augment requiring you to be only trickster rank two it's an augment that I recommend everyone to get the next augment is going to take a little bit of time to be able to get and that is the exaltation that you get from Mage rank n this augment is going to improve your stamina recovery speed and as we talked about before stamina is such a huge thing in Dragon's Dogma 2 so being able to recover it faster is going to be beneficial now one thing to note about exaltation is that it's not going to work with some skills skills like formless faint that actively drain your stamina so you do need to keep an eye on that you should also note that whenever you are charging up an attack or even attacking your stamina recovery speed is going to be a little bit slower so you need to keep an eye on that as well that being said I find that over the course of an entire fight exaltation ends up being very handy and you can even combine it with endurance to have more stamina that comes back even quicker for a very powerful combo the next augment on the list is going to come from the warrior and it's going to be in rapidity you get this at Warrior rank n and it will reduce the culmination of the Lost gauge whenever you receive damage as you know in Dragon's Dogma 2 whenever you take damage a portion of your max health is going to be reduced and you are only able to recover it whenever you rest at an inn or rest at a campsite so having a way to mitigate that damage loss is going to be fantastic especially for the players that are still exploring the map and this this is just a fantastic tool to use on all melee characters as you are going to be getting up close and thus are more susceptible to taking damage Additionally you can combine this augment with other defensive augments resulting in your loss gauge barely going down whenever you take damage and if you are anything like me and you want to make your Pawn the ultimate tank then having this augment is going to be very very important now the next augment that I would recommend is going to be Zeal you get this from the warf farer at rank six and its effect is quite simple but very powerful reducing the stamina consumption whenever you perform a weapon skill and with how powerful some of these skills are with the Zeal augment you'll be able to perform a lot more of them and of course you can combine it with endurance from the Archer allowing you to use even more skills and just like before with the exaltation with the Mage sadly it doesn't work with skills that actively drain your stamina like formless faint so Zeal will actually reduce the stamina that is consumed whenever you activate the skill however while the stamina is being drained because of the deactivation Zeal will not be active so in the case of formless faint you are able to keep it active for one more second but that is pretty much it that being said for most weapon skills this is a fantastic tool to reduce your stamina usage therefore allowing you to use even more skills or running away from danger now the next augment is coming from the warrior and that is going to be dominance you get this at rank eight and quite simply it increases your knockdown power and after doing some testing it comes down to a 15% increase in knockdown power 15% may not seem like much but if you take a warrior weapon that is specialized in knockdown power and focus on trying to make the enemies KO you'll see that you are able to do it a lot easier with dominance and this augment can also be used by other vocations like for example the thief and the magic Archer a lot of their weapon skills have a lot of knockdown power the same thing goes for the sorcerer as well and of course knocking down an enemy is going to make the fights a lot easier as they won't be able to damage you and you are able to easily Target the enemy's weak spots to deal a lot more damage during this window of opportunity it's an augment that is not going to work with all vocations but still I recommend you to try it because I've had a lot of success with it now up next I'm going to have not one but two different augments grouped up together and they are going to be Verve that you get from Thief rank n and sagacity that you get from sorcerer rank n these two augments are quite simply going to increase your strength and Magic depending on which one you go with by 30 points so ultimately it ends up being a flat damage increase that you can rely ibly get and add to your build with the only downside of these two being the fact that you need to be rank nine to be able to unlock them and up next I have two more augments to talk about and they are going to be metal from the fighter that you get at rank two and this one that you get from Mage at rank two that I can't pronounce from my testing these two augments will increase your physical defense in the case of metal and increase your magical defense in the case of the Mage augment from all of the tests that I have done it seems like it's a 20% increase in defense and magical defense and of course by by equipping this augment you'll be able to survive a lot more things in Dragon's Dogma 2 I value defense both physical and magical a lot more than having more max HP because if you take less damage you are going to have more effective HP and in addition to that your loss gauge is going to come down a little bit slower and again you can combine this with int rapidity from the warrior to be able to make the ultimate tank I don't normally go for these augments as my highest priority but whenever I have an empty slot more often than not that is what I end up adding and and thus I do believe that these two augments are actually quite powerful and these are what I believe to be the best augments in Dragon's Dogma 2 let me know if there was any that I missed that I should have added to the list I will probably be making a video on the worst augments for the game because there are actually quite a few that are not very good so if you look forward to more videos like this please subscribe to the Channel with that being said thank you all so much for watching my name is dark hero and as always happy Hunting
Channel: DarkHero 2 (DarkHero2)
Views: 14,055
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Id: n1Hsv4COHA8
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Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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