Basic Poly Modeling for Beginners [EP 3] #Beginner #Tutorial #Blender #lowpoly

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hi and welcome to another video this we are becoming one of the two primary modes that we'll be working in when we are modeling in blender edit mode also be talking a little bit about the three main way that you can transform your model so we got a little bit of a journey ahead of us in the last video we talked about my personal preference the basics of navigation and selection so check that video out if you want to get up to speed so first of all I want to talk a little bit about modes in blender but what is a mode in blender you can find a mode menu here in the top left of your viewport the simplest way I can explain each of these mode is that it's a different tool belt that you put on so if you put something on like edit mode you were wearing a construction belt and this is what you would use to change the look of your model but if you were to put something on like texture paint mode this is where we would get out all our brushes and pencils to paint on the model theirs have cost more to it than just this but that should give you a little bit of an idea of what modes are let's start out by talking a little bit about optic mode because that is the default mode that you look into when you open a new file in blender and I've made a little template for me to explain this better so we are currently in object mode and just to give you an idea of what object mode is it's essentially our decoration mode it's where we place objects around in our scene and manage our file but we don't change the look of any of models so right now I'm basically just decorating my scene with each of my models and that's essentially what object mode this decoration and managing mode but let me go back to a default file here because next up I want to talk about edit mode in order to switch to edit mode you have to first select the model that you want to edit let me go up here to the mode drop-down menu to select edit mode you can also go between object and edit mode by pressing the tab button on your keyboard when you enter edit mode it's sort of like we are opening up the model and we can change every little part of it very manually this is one of the things we'll be looking into today the very basics of poly modeling so now that we are in edit mode you can see I don't select my whole object when I click on it but I rather select small parts of it if we look close you can see the model is now constructed of these little points here two points make a line and multiple line makes up a surface the point here are called vertex the lines are called edges and the planes here are called phases and this is what all models are made out of these are the things that we can interact with and change the look and construct our model in order to choose if you want to select vertices edges or faces you can go up here to the top left of your viewport next to the mode drop-down menu and you can choose which selection mode you want to be in if you want to be in multiple modes you can hold down shift and click on another button that way you have multiple selection options available or if you want more precision you can also just click 1 2 & 3 on your keyboard to go between the three modes one represent vertices to represent edges and three represent faces now the recent selection is so important to know before we start digging into modeling because a lot of the modeling is based on what you have selected not in all cases but in a lot of them and I think we covered the most basics way then we can select every part of our model but the next thing I want to talk about is the most fundamental of changing the look of our model there is essentially two ways that we can manipulate our model one of them is by changing what's already there and the other way is by applying more points edges and faces to our model we're here to the left you can see we have a set of buttons they're divided into groups as you can see with a little bit of space in between some of the buttons here one thing to note here is that these buttons here changes depending which mode we're in so what you're seeing here is currently the tools that we have available when we are in edit mode up here we have the selection tool the next group here is our transform gizmos here we have our annotation and measuring tool and the last group here is our modification tools in today's video I'll be focusing on the transform tool up here and the modification tools down here as those are the primary tools that we use to change the look of our model but let's have a look on how we can change what's already there by moving rotating and scaling if we look at the panel over here to the left we have these four buttons here this is our moving tool our rotation tool our scaling tool and our transform tools so let's take a look at how these tools works the first one we have here is our moving tool and if we click on it you can see this little moving gizmo appear on my current selection I essentially have three things I can click on here one is the arrows here two is the plane and three we have this white circle here the arrows will move in one direction here following the set x and y direction and if you have a hard time knowing what is XY and said you can come here to the top right of blender and you have a little bit of an indication of what direction is one one thing to note is that X is always red Y is always green and set is always blue you can always look to this if you want to know which direction X Y and set is a nifty little thing to keep in mind now back onto the gizmo here you can also see we have this low square planes here those are lined with two of the arrows on the gizmo because if we click on it it will move in the two arrows direction that it's parallel to so in this case the Blue Square will move in the X and y direction so the last thing we have here on the gizmo is this little white circle here when I click on it you can see I'm kind of moving in a very free-foam way and we don't have the same precision as we did when we were using the arrows I honestly rarely use this white one myself as I prefer the other methods as it gives me greater precision when I'm moving objects around one thing to note about this white one though is that it's based on your point of view so if I'm moving it here you can see I move the object sideways based on my point of view although if I see it from here I still move it sideways based on my point of view typically colored gizmos move in a set direction where white dis Mouse moves based on your point of view now before I move on to the rotation gizmo I just quickly want to mention there are shortcuts for all these that you can do with a press of a button and you can combine shortcuts to have the same kind of precision as you did with the gizmo but I plan on doing a little quick tip video that I'll add to my blender playlists if you would like to speed up your workflow but in this video I want to keep it simple and not overload you with information but now let's have a look at the rotation gizmo and we can get that by clicking the next button over here to the left you can see the rotation get small looks a little bit different from our moving gizmo but if we take a closer look at it it kind of makes sense first up we have these three lines here which all move in a fixed direction this is personally one of the rotation options that I use all the time next one we have this white circle all around the gizmo and it functions a lot like the white circle that was on a moving tool but in this case it just rotates instead of moving based on your point of view again this white circle doesn't have the greatest position and if you are a complete beginner I would advise you from not using the white circle too much as of now and lastly we have one more rotation option but you can't really see it just by default you actually have to hover your mouse over here in the center and you can see this little white sphere appearing for this transform option to make sense I want to select my whole options just to give you a proper preview of how it functions by clicking on the sphere we get the trackball rotation it's a very free fun way of rotating your object and when we click and move our mouse around it's almost like it's a ball that we are rolling our finger across I personally use this option quite a lot as it's really great for posting your object that is not placed on top of the ground and it's just a very organic way of quickly posing and rotating something but for now you know that it's there but I would highly recommend just sticking to the color rotation gizmos until you feel a little bit more confident in working with all these tools that was the basics of the rotation tool now let's have a look at the scaling tool the next button here is the scaling option and you can see it has this little arrow at the corner of the button it's because if I click and hold my mouse on it you can see it has two different options in terms of scaling we'll be taking a look at both of them as they are very useful in their own way but the first option here is a gif mode that looks a lot like our moving tool so let's start out by looking at that so you can see rundas scaling gizmo we have these colored arrows like we did on our moving tool but rather than having arrows on them they have a little cube and that's a good little indication so that you don't get confused if you're using the moving or the scaling gizmo but they do work very much in the same way let me select the whole object here the color line scales in a single direction based on X Y and set and like the moving tool the planes here scale in two direction based on the line that they are parallel to so you can see a lot of the gizmo function very much in the same way so you can see if we have this white circle around the scaling kiss might as well there's really not a whole lot to this last option because it basically just scales in all directions at once so that's pretty straightforward and that's really all there is to the scaling gizmo so let's go over here and take a look at the next scaling option which is the scaling cage and it functions a little bit different from the other transform gizmo that we have played with so far when we have selected something you can see that it in cage our selection with this box with some little points around it the neat thing about the scaling cage is that it sort of functions a lot like a lot of 2d tools that some of you guys may be familiar with let me try and demonstrate something in 2d because it's going to be easier to understand here and then it's going to be easier to translate that into a 3d after so I've got this lovely picture of a little kid in a red shirt and he's super excited for me to demonstrate the transform tool for you guys when I click on one of these squares here I can drag my selection around in a more organic and free-foam way the cube at the opposite side of what I clicked on becomes my focus point and you can see I scale towards that point if we go back to blender here you can see that is the case here as well so if I click on this point here the point in the other set direction would be this one down here and you can see that I scaled towards it you can also select smaller bits of your model and use it as a way of kind of reforming your model around like this I have to admit I personally don't use this a whole lot myself but it's good to know that it's there and how it functions but who knows perhaps one of you can find it very useful lastly I just quickly want to mention the fourth button over here to the left this is our transform gizmo and it's essentially our army knife it's all the three gizmo tools combined into one you can see that we can both move scale and rotate our object and it's very handy to have rather than having to go and switch between the other three gizmos although there are a few tiny downsides to this transform gizmo over using the three main gizmos one is that you can see it's kind of taking off quite a lot of space here where the main gizmo doesn't look as intrusive and another downside is that you are actually missing a few options here if we just take the moving as an example you can see we don't have the planes anymore to move in two directions so although you have all three tools in once you are just missing a few options these are obvious things that you can get by there are not such a big issue then you can use the transform tool at all in fact it's really nice if you just quickly get a move rotate and scale and then when you need more precision you can use that one tool that it is you need now like I mentioned earlier you can do all these things with a press of a button on your keyboard and I'll make a little unscripted video that I'll attach to the playlist where I go into difficult cuts but now you know the basics of how to start modifying bits on your model that you already have there and with that said let's move into a brief introduction of all the editing tools over here so we know how to actually add more to our model so over here to lift you can see we have a bunch of buttons some of them are green and some of them are pink the difference between the green and the pink are the Green add more to your muddled meaning that it creates new points on your model where the pink one changes parts of that selection that you have with some kind of modification I won't be covering all these tools in this video but I'll cover the most important ones that you'll be using most of the time and the ones I don't get to look at today we'll take a look at in another video the first button we have here is the extrude region button when we select a part of a model you can see this yellow + arrow appears clicking on it will make me extrude out new points on the model and this is one of the most common ways of adding more mesh to your model with the extrude you can also have multiple selections and shoot out multiple parts of the model and you can see that extrude along the axis of this yellow arrow plus sign now if we go over here and hold our mouse button on it you can also see we have a few other extrude options I would say the only one that's really useful for you at this time would be this extrude individual you can see here if I select multiple points now and start extruding out you can see that they are not tied together where if I use the normal extrude region and I would extrude the same selection out you can see it's all tied together these are some of the main ways that I create more mesh for my model that I can then later select and change that is essentially the most basic of poly modeling but we got some more buttons to look at - the next button we have over here is the insert faces button if we click on it you can see if we have something that looks a little bit similar to the extrude gizmo but this time when we click on this and start dragging we'll basically insert a face within the face itself that we could potentially later go and extrude to make a hole and here we almost have a very square pocket man it's almost like we are recreating Minecraft here but essentially what insert faces does is that it creates a loop within a loop and you can use this in many different ways to modify the look of your model now the next button I want to take a look at over here is the bevel button when I click on it you can see the gizmo doesn't change but are doing a new type of modification so when I start dragging on this you can see that my selections get split and kind of curved a little bit now I can scroll on my mouse wheel while I'm dragging here to soft and out the curve but essentially what this does is that it takes a niche and then it's moving it's out you could do this to the whole model to get this kind of cute little smooth box now the next tool I want to take a look at here is our loop cut tool see when I click on it there's no gizmo appearing like the other modular tools but rather this time something is appearing when my mouse hover over my model this tool is not based on your selection but rather where your mouse is and you can see when I click here I create a piece of H loop around my model and I could then take that new created H loop here select the top part and boom we have a little house now the next tool I want to take a look at here is our knife tool and like the name applies a little bit it can be quite dangerous to play around with as a beginner but I'm not going to explain what it does anyway but I hardly recommend trying to avoid using this tool too much anyways so what it does is that wherever I click on my model I can create points right onto the face that I click on or a niche and you can see here I'm basically just clicking on the model and making points in order to confirm my current cut you then press the Enter button on your keyboard and you can now see down crater all these edges and vertices on my model now what I've done here is kind of bad in a way there's something in 3d called edge flow and a way to demonstrate if you have a good or bad edge flow is that if you take the loop cut tool here and you try and hover it over something and it doesn't loop all the way around you have essentially broken the model a little bit you can still use the model if you want to but this is just something to be aware about that using the cut tool destroys the flow and at this point I would recommend if you use the cut tool only do it to cut between two specific points because if you ruin the is full of your model it can be really hard to work with later on now there's a little bar to the whole edge flow than just that but I just want to point out that the to basically just create points straight on the model but if it's done wrong you couldn't be a bit hard to fit of work with your model now I won't be talking about the next two buttons here in this video as you can kind of see the further down we get with these green buttons here the more difficult they get to use and if the knife tool is a bit hard to handle for a beginner these two would be even more hard to use so for now I would say used to extrude insert faces bevel and loop cut tool to start doing some low poly modeling but I do want to talk a little bit about this pink tool down here called smooth when I click on it you can see I get this yellow gizmo like some of the other modification tools and if I click on it it's kind of like I'm just scaling at a little bit so in order for this tool to make more sense let me try and take my loop cut tool here and cut a few loops around my model then go back to this moving tool select everything and try and smoothen it out you can unsee that it's trying to kind of soften out my selection and this is a nice little tool to have if you want to try and make something a bit more organic maybe I talked about with the rotation moving and scaling tool that they all have shortcuts and alternative ways that you can manage them the same goes for a lot of these tools over here to the left but I think what you know now is pretty good for a beginning point and then in the next video we'll be digging more into some low poly modeling but before I end this video of I think it could be fun if we make a very simple little model with some of the new tools that we just learned about the first thing I want to do is go up to files and create a new general template and I think it could be fun if we recreate something like this now before you start editing the model I just quickly want to mention the approach I'm going to take on this model we are making it's probably not how I would do it personally today with my level of knowledge this is just a demonstration to kind of help you understand how these tools are working and how you would use them with that said let's just get right into it so the first thing we got to do is go up here and change into edit mode I'm gonna zoom in a little bit here so you can see the Box a little closer now I want to start with this part down here so I'm going to go into scale mode here and I'm just going to kind of scale it out here and B one axis to make it a little more why and I think I want to shrink in it a little bit so it's not as tall now I want to go into the insert faces tool here make sure that I'm in face selects option click the tough face here and just insert a little face like this next up I want to make the blade itself but before we do that I think the blade will be way too wide if we extrude it like this so I'm gonna undo this go into my scaling option again and just scale this inward a little bit and maybe slimming it up a bit as well and now we can go into our extrude tool and extrude out the blade now the salt is very square right now so I think one thing we want to do is take our edge loop here and just make two loops here one on this side and one on this side then I'm going to select my scaling tool again but I want to select each of these corners here of the blade and then I want to use the blue plane here to scale them only in words next up I want to go up here and take my vertices selection and I want to take my move tool and select the top vertice here and I'll just drag it up and then I want to take this vertice right here and the one on the other side and drag those up a little bit as well now the next thing I want to do is kind of make the top part here a little bigger so I'm going to take my face selection option and select all the top faces here on the sword going to scaling and scale it along the x-axis here and that makes it a little more cartoonish now let's take a look at the bottom part here of the sword this is very square as well so let's take all these corners here of the bottom part and scale those along the blue plane as well now it has a little bit more of a curve to it now I want the top part here to be a little bigger than the button part just to give it a bit more katooni snitch in my case summer hold down shift and alt while selecting this edge here you can see I select all the edges all around here and this is a loop that we are selecting then I'm just going to scale it along the blue plane again and you can now see that it looks a little more fun to look at now let's make the handle down here so I'm going to go into face select and then select these four faces here and then we're going to select the insert faces tool and I'll just insert a face like this a little bit but if I extrude this out now the handle is going to have a weird shape so rather than having to fix that later I'm gonna undo this and try and make this circle the shape of the handle that I want it to be so let's scale it along the x-axis here see we got a nice round circle there and we can go in and now extrude this out as you can see we got a pretty good handle there now I think we can make this a bit more interesting if we decorate the bottom part here so I want to go into my loop tool again here and I'm going to make a loop here but while I'm clicking down my left mouse key I also drag it down just a lick where I want the loop to be some our place it right here and then I'm going into the extrude tool again because I want to have this sort of outer thing here on the bottom part so I'm going to go into face select and then if I go up close here hold alt and shift while clicking on the edge here it's going to select all the faces all around the sword here and I can now extrude this out but wait this looks a little weird that doesn't extrude outwards that's because we have to go into one of the other extrude modes summer select the one here called extrude along the normals and you can see that they now all extrude it out straight from where they were facing now that's all good and fun but it looks super flat and I want this to be a little more roundish but with the tools we know the way I think I'm going to go about it is by selecting these faces here select my moving gizmo drag this down a bit hold down alt and shift and click on the edge here to select the loop and do the same above here and now I'm going to click on this pink button down here this moving and I'm just going to drag and kind of move this out a little bit if you want this to be bigger you can simply just take a scaling tool now and click on the white part but it's a little bit off here as you can see so I want to move this down a little bit and maybe use this move tool a little bit again perhaps how about we make something that makes it have a little more grip so I'm going to take my loop tool here click with my left mouse button here and just make a few loops around it then I'm going up and select my scaling and gizmo and I'll make a loop select here with alt and shift and just have these two selected and then if I scale out with the blue plane from here you can see it looks like it has a little bit more of a grip to it and that's basically going to be our little sort here that we have made probably not the most complex model but pretty good for a simple start all right so let's have a little bit of a recap of what we learn in this video so we talked a little bit about different modes we learned a little bit about object mode and edit mode when we enter edit mode here we talked a little bit about that a 3d model is made out of vertices edges and faces we talked a little bit about the panel over here to the left and some of the tools that it offer some of those tools were there moving gizmo that we can use to move objects rotation to rotate objects and scaling to scale then we talked about the extruding tool here that we can use to shoot out more mesh on our model we talked about the insert faces that we can use to insert a face within a face we also talked a little bit about the bevel tool here which we can use to soften some pitches then we talked about the loop cut tool here that we can use to make loops in our model that we can then later modify in various ways then we talked about the smoothing tool here that we can use to smooth out things that might be a little too bulky now what we did in today's video is quite simple if you have any experience with 3d and the reasoning behind this video was to make people confident we start moving into something a bit more complex soon in the next video we're going to take a little bit more look on modeling we'll also try and do some texturing in the most simple way possible now these videos are completely free for everybody to watch so if you want to support in any way I've left some links down below that you can use and with that said I'll see you in the next video bye continue
Channel: MortMort
Views: 29,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mort, mortmort, mnrart, gamedev, gamejam, pixel, pixelart, art, painting, bob ross, draw, drawing, artwoek, zch, jazza, waffle, retro, 8bit, 8-bit, 16bit, 16, beginner, tutorial, first time, newbie
Id: QYZ5p-gGSws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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