4-10-18 The Sinner the Became a Soul Winner - Joe Arthur

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but the Lord is good tonight in the book of Joshua chapter number 2 and let's begin reading tonight in verse number 12 now therefore I pray you swear unto me by the Lord since I have showed you kindness he will also show kindness unto my father cells and give me a true token man if I get money in pain pills I praise God Oh pray I felt like rod parsley with this thing praise God I don't Lou you and verse number 13 and ye shall save alive my father my mother and my brethren and my sisters and all that they have and deliver our lives from death notice what she says now I'm verse number 18 this is the reply of the spies behold when we come into the land thou shalt Byam the slide of scarlet thread in the window which thou eatest led us down by and thou shalt bring thy father and thy mother and thy brethren and all thy father's household home unto thee now come over to chapter number 6 and verse number 25 and Joshua saved Rahab the harlot alive that Old Testament was the New Testament word Jesus so you could say it like this and not doing justice to the scripture and Jesus saved Rahab the harlot and according to John 3:16 you can put your name in verse number 25 and Jesus saved you and Jesus save Robin Jesus saved you one day I'm telling you Jesus saves sinners I thought about it today they named a whole street out of a non soul-winning Church and gastonia and it's called tulip drive you'll get that in a minute the Calvinists say the tulip is their big deal let me tell you what it is it is a total unscriptural lying indifferent perverted interpretation of the grace of God and someone said there is no definition for grace Hebrews 2:9 says that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man one of the Calvinists said brother Joe and Brian McBride and people like that they're not intelligent thinkers well I just want to say this tonight if you don't know what all means and every man means and whosoever means that every man means I wouldn't brag about my intellect I'm glad Jesus saves sinners and Joshua saved Rahab the harlot and Jesus saved all of those that call upon his name and the Lord being a helper I want to preach tonight on the sinner that became a soul winner back during Christmas I was preaching through the genealogy of Jesus and I found some interesting people in his family tree I was doing pretty good like aimed Bathsheba I was doing pretty good and I came to Ruth and I was doing pretty good and I came to rehab of the harlot and I said how did somebody like that ever wind up in a family like his and about that time the Holy Ghost said to me how did somebody like you ever wind up in a family like his and this is the conclusion the Holy Spirit brought me to God through grace can take a Crooked Stick and draw a straight line what you have denied is an Old Testament illustration of a New Testament verse for by grace are you saved through faith and you say well what does faith have to do when we have the harlot in the Old Testament in Hebrews 11 God's Hall of Fame of faith it said and Rehab my faith perished not I'm glad that God is in the saving business and the night in the life of this woman what a beautiful picture of the amazing saving grace of all that mighty God number one tonight I want you to notice her condition you say what was her condition the same as ours she was a sinner she was a sinner by birth and by nature and by choice and my practice I can say about rehab this she was born a sinner and she lived like a sinner and had not been for God's Amazing Grace she would have died like a sinner I'm not being vulgar tonight in mixed company but they didn't call her Rahab the harlot just to have something to say they called her Rahab the harlot because that's how she lived that's what she was that's what she had given her life here is a young lady that took a wrong turn here is a young lady that had made the wrong choices and here is a young lady that is proof that sin will take you farther than you want to go here to keep you longer than you want to stay it will even cost you more than you want to pay here is a woman whose reputation has been soiled by sin she is so connected to this sin that when you say her name you think of a harlot and when you think of a harlot you think of her name she is a born sinner she is a practicing sinner she is someone whose sin has God ahold of her and seeing has had dominion in her life but let me say this tonight about her sin she is not only a born sinner and a practicing sinner but according to the tax she is a condemned sinner you say what do you mean by that a condemned sinner well she lives in Jericho and Jericho was under the curse and condemnation of God God's judgment is coming through this wicked City called Jericho and it doesn't matter how high how thick how massive their walls are it may keep another nation's Miller hurry out but there is a sovereign righteous holy God that they can't keep away they are going to be destroyed completely the walls are going to shake everything in it is going to the dust and then they are going to burn it to the ground she is a sinner she is a born sinner she is a practicing sinner and she is a condemned sinner all Rahab has to look forward to is the coming wrath and judgment of Almighty God you see now what is that got to do with us I'm glad she asked every person in this room tonight is a sinner every person in this room tonight is a born sinner your children will not mourn angels no need to go to the youth pastor in line say my little angel wouldn't do that you say my little angel has wings no your little devil has horns we are born sinners and may I say this tonight we are practicing sinners and the reason why we're practicing sinners is because we're born sinners people do what they do because that is who they are they are practicing sinners the other day my daughter was coming out of the courthouse and several of the other lawyers said to Joanna said let's walk across the street and and get a drink and they were not talking about coca-cola they were talking about strong drink liquor booze wine beer it's all slop can I get a witness and she looked at those people and said I don't do that and they could not believe that she was a lawyer that didn't drink she said I don't do and one of them looked at her and said well what do you do with all the stress of the job that we have how do you deal with all the pressure she said I go to church I pray I read my Bible then she said since you're asking questions let me ask you a question why do you do that why do you drink why do you do that and they said to her well that's all we've ever done that's all we know to do they were doing what they know to do what do they know to do sin because all of us are born sinners and we are practicing sinners and yes may I say tonight we are condemned sinners every person in this room tonight outside of the grace of God has a sentence upon us loss and undone without God or his son headed to hell and the fire and the brimstone our future is just like Rahab's this world we call our home it's gonna shake to the foundations are destroyed and the fire of God's judgment it's gonna now late planet Earth and one day every man and woman in this room if you reject Jesus Christ you will burn in hell forever and forever ladies and gentlemen there is a heaven to gain and there is I hailed a shun she is a sinner that is headed for the fire she is a sinner that is headed for the judgment she is a sinner that is headed for the wrath and the condemnation of Almighty God her house sets upon the wall it's headed for judgment her family lives in that same area and they are headed for judgment but she lives in that area and she is headed for judgment when you first read the story it's pretty bad a young lady to see by the devil a young lady abused and input in bondage by sin a young lady of that's reaping by consequences of bad sources a young lady that is a sinner and a condemned sinner and whole world is going to fall apart and she's going to burn in the fire but as Paul Harvey says page 2 I'm glad that's not the end of the story I'm glad the story doesn't close with her a born sinner the story doesn't close with her a practicing sinner the story doesn't close with her a condemned sinner I'm glad page number two somebody knocked on her door it's right there in the scripture somebody knocked on her door and she answered the door and they said hey we're the Jews we're the Semites we are the children of Israel and when they said that she said this she said I've heard about you and she said more than you I've heard about your God and she said I heard what he did to the Egyptians at the Red Sea I heard that he drowned Pharaoh and all of his army I heard he redeemed shawl by the blood of the Lamb what I heard that he annihilated your past I heard he sets you free from the bondage of sin I heard that he buried your past in the depths of the sea though I see her condition oh but number two I see her conviction for she said to the spies when we heard about your God and what he did she said our hearts melted with fear she said the terror and dread has fallen upon all of us she said we are fainting we are about to die in plain old southern language she said we're scared to death she said we can't sleep at night we've lost our appetite we are full of fear cause we heard what your God did to them and when we heard you guys were coming this way everybody around here is scared to death you say what is that preacher that's old-time conviction you said what is old-time conviction realizing you are a boring sinner realizing you are a practicing sinner I realized that you are a condemned sinner and getting scared about it getting afraid about it getting uncomfortable about it I'm glad for the blessed day I got uncomfortable with being a sinner I got scared of being a sinner and the thoughts of burning in hell scared me you say old brother Joe I think people ought to be saved for more than just being scared to go to hell you look at me tonight if the only reason you can think of to be saved is you're scared and they want to die and go to hell that's a good reason that's a good reason I'm glad one night I got lost and I came to dinner myself and the fear of God came upon me and I'm glad for conviction that comes when you hear about a righteous God and a solvent God and a holy God have a god that is angry with the wicked several years ago I was preaching in Dallas Texas flew into Fort Worth Dallas and the assistant pastor came up to me and said cannot do anything for you need anything at all laughs here I said I need a haircut and I know it sounds funny when I ball hit it man needs a haircut but you got to keep in style what you got left and I said I need a haircut he said well the only place I know is right there next to the church and we pulled up in the parking lot and the name of the joint was the mad hacker now honey you know you're in for an experience when you go to a beauty shop and the name of it is the mad hacker there were three women in that shop and everyone who looked like that I hate me an older face that woman in that middle chair put that Batman robe on me and said sit down brother she bought out a pair of clippers about that long scared me to death well while I'm sitting there they began to talk and I found that something when you go to a strange town that you've never been to and you want to find out what's going on don't listen to the radio don't read the newspaper go to the mad hacker you will get information you wish you two never heard and all of a sudden past Raceland the subject of church comes up and that lady cutting my hair said you guys are not gonna believe this but I went to church the other day just to get one of my neighbors to leave me alone and you guys are not gonna believe this man but that preacher yelled if those people and you guys are not gonna believe this he sweated and said you guys are not gonna believe this he spit on two or three rows and you guys are not gonna believe this he preached Oh hell fire and brimstone she said I'll tell you what I did I had my nine-year-old girl with me and I flicked my fingers and I plugged her ears up I didn't want her to hear all that and be traumatized by that preacher yelling about fire and the hell but I looked up and seen the Clippers more about that time showed me she said hate you she said do you go to church I said yes ma'am she says this your preacher yell I said yes ma'am she said this old preacher sweat I said yes ma'am she said his old preacher spit on three or four rows I said yes ma'am she says this old preacher preached on health I'm brimstone I said yes ma'am she said who is your preacher well I looked up at them Clippers and I thought bless God I'm not going to pull a Simon Peter I said you're cutting his hair she said oh my god I said yeah I'm preaching about him too and then I got a case of boldness I said by the way I preach like that and my daddy preached that way and all my friends preached that way and I said don't preach that way are liberals and then I got real bold I said do you let your daughter listen to rock music play on the internet and watch vampire movies yeah I saw my promise you honey that old fashioned preacher trying to keep you out of hell won't traumatize her near as bad it's all that mess you're letting her listen to and said I don't wait it only and I thought I'd finish it and I said by the way they use for traumatized me too when my daddy would preach on it it used to traumatize me too but one day Jesus saved me and Jesus forgave me and I'm not going to the fire and I'm not going to hell and if you'll get sane it won't promise house you either she popped that towel and said I'm finished with you I said more power to you I said I must oh yeah oh yeah she said $15 I say here take 20 and have a good life though I got outside and the Holy Ghost come by me and I know my daddy's dead he's in heaven but I looked up I said Jesus go tell daddy but I'm glad I got traumatized I want to face anybody in this room that I you remember he was a born sinner and a practicing center and a condemned sinner but you heard about God and you got traumatized you got under conviction you got afraid she's gonna go to hell I want to tell you tonight if fires are not holy feelings struggling in your breast and you don't want to die with that God go to hell you don't have to you don't have to Jesus Saves Jesus says Jesus Saves and he saves from the fire whoo she said we're scared to death and all I want you to do save me whoa save me for I see her condition and I see her conviction and now I see her conversion she called and said save me save me and to show you she meant been that she said and I told you to say my mama and I want you to say my daddy and I want you to say my brother and here's a real good dose evidence she got a good dose she said and my nosey sister save us alive save us I lied I don't want to die in this place I don't want to burn in the fire in this place save us I lied and the spies said you got a deal we're going to save you and everybody that is in your house and then she said well I need some assurance I need some proof I need something that when I go to doubt I don't believe these preachers that say if you've ever doubted you don't know God I don't doubt you I doubt them hello-o she said I need something when the night is long I need something when the devil is a region I need something I can depend on and hold on to she said what I need is a token I need a true token I looked at that little word token and it literally means proof of purchase and rite of passage Lord can I say that again proof of purchase and write up can I say that one more time proof of purchase and rite of passage praise God I'm glad tonight I got me a true token I got proof of purchase I got rite of passage you say what is had it's the blood of Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit and the promises of the word of God I got my proof of purchase and I got my rite of passage I'm glad I got me a token you better watch that word token in the Bible it's real big God put that rainbow in the sky and said Noah that's proof of purchase and rite of passage this ain't gonna happen no more he said the Israel put that blood on the door it is a token proof of purchase rite of passage your ticket out of Egypt is the blood of that lamb and he says to that little old girl he said honey you take that scarlet cord and you bind it in the window it is going to be your proof of purchase and rite of passage and when we get to the house that's got the cord hanging out the window we're going to save you and your mama and your daddy and your brother and your sister and everybody that's in the house behind the red line it's going to be sane you say what's so big about the Scarlet land well do you know how you get scarlet there's a small living creature that lives and dies on a tree that when he has crushed he excretes a little die that they use to make scarlet a little creature lives and dies on a tree and when he's crushed he excretes it down that makes scarlet she's going to escape the fire she's going to escape the judgment house a living creature my god somebody help me right thing because I live in creature died oldest tree that caused a living creature died on the tree and excreted to die that makes scarlet you say what is your token tonight I'm at the Living Word of God he died on three and Mary shared his precious blood my ticket out of here tonight it's not water baptism our church membership it since something that was procured by the death of the creature on the tree my hope is in Calvary my hope is in the cross my hope is in the blood I'm glad I'm behind the scarlet line I'm going to heaven how's the blood had been applied whew and her hope is in the Scarlet land and they make her a promise and they leave and she's holding on to the line that was made possible by the creature that died on the tree him brother she goes on a mission like you have never seen she walks up and says daddy can I talk to you about something I got a word from God while he go and this place is gonna burn she gonna burn daddy and I don't want you to be left behind and burn in the fire so Daddy Please Please daddy I beg you don't get left out don't get left behind don't burn in the fire daddy will you come with me daddy come on daddy don't get left behind daddy don't get burned in the fire and I believe when old dad got behind the red line she said dead I'm glad you got in you're gonna be glad to out for a while daddy cause daddy the old differs between you and me and them we're behind the red line honey I want you to just pretend like your mama can't you do that real quick and she goes and says wait now dad hold on to the light are you gonna get burnt now daddy you praying I'm gonna go see if I can get mama mama I love you mama you've been a good mama mama I got the word from God this thing's gonna burn our house is going to fall down these walls are gonna fall down this place is going to burn and mama I just can't stand the thought of you getting left out then burning in that fire mama I got a promise that a living creature died on a tree whoo and mom if we get behind the scarlet line we live mama will you come praise God Mama's coming to Jesus hallelujah hold onto that line honey you're gonna get burned hang Sears say dad glad you got in mama I'm glad she got in now y'all pray y'all pray y'all pray mama I'm gonna go see if I can get brother oh you know my little brother you don't want brother left out oh no y'all pray I'm gonna go talk to brother brother I love you brother we played together and we fought together and we've scrapped together but brother I got to get real we I got a word from God brother she's gonna burn this whole place is gonna burn up and there's only one way to escape the fire we got to get behind the line that was made possible by the creature that died on the tree brother I don't want to see you burned please don't get left behind brother will you come amen hallelujah whoa brothers coming to Jesus hey man I got my daddy in I got my mama in hey I got my brother in now y'all pray I'm gonna go see if I can get sister you know how stubborn she can be y'all really pray for sister now how I wanted to get left behind in the fire let's go get sister Oh sister sister can I talk to you minute now we played together we fought together we've been alright but sister I got to get real with you minute this is serious I got a word from God sister God's mad at us he's angry with our sin and I mean the enemies are coming this thing is going to shake through the ground this thing is going to burn but sister a living creature died on the tree and we ain't got a burn we ain't got to go through the fire sis ain't my one way out of here sister will you come hey man I got sister Lord sisters coming to Jesus and she's behind the line praise God I got my daddy and Hannah get an amen I got mommy and kind of get an amen I got brother in can I get an amen I got old sister II and can I get an amen and I just stopped and saved us I'm glad to see she don't have to go to hell and Baba ain't gotta go to hell and daddy ain't gotta go to hell and mom ain't gotta go to hell and Grandma and Grandpa and got to go to hell and your nieces and nephews and your cousin's fourth fifth six or seven or double I want to tell you Jesus tasted death for every man he's not willing that any man should perish but that all come to repentance and we've got a word from God let's get busy getting folks behind the line let's get busy getting folks behind the line aren't you glad one day somebody knocked on your door and told you the story and you got I believe it goes something like this praise God I'm glad we're behind the line now before you get all filled up with pride we're no better than them the only difference is we're behind the line oh and may I tell you this young uns the lightning may flash and the Thunder may troll and the winds may blow and the foundations may shake but the devil can't cross the bloodline now I need to tell you it's gonna get a little rough here in a minute but remember this this is I you better hold on that longer this is our proof of purchase and rite of passage for about that time they hear something it's the scuffling of soldiers feet what is it oh no it's here it's the beginning of Solace oh my you hear that shout they're shouting down the walls and son when Joshua made his thirteenth lap around that wall the walls came tumbling down and remember her house is home to wall but I believe in all the walls were laying flat stuck up like a true monument was their house upon the wall Thursday no fall because it's behind the bloodline brother the foundations may sing and the devil may be on over time for my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness I'm glad I'm behind and then she said hold on now big judgment he's going to come they gonna burn her to the ground but I Got News for you we ain't gonna be here when the fire Falls we're not gonna be here when the fire falls but time they came a knock at the door mama said what is it and Rahab said it's our ticket out of here and secretly secretly in the secret of the night they got out before the fire filled they was out and nobody even knew they had left sounds like something's gonna happen to us you say you trying to preach the rapture I ain't trying to hope I'm doing a pretty good job of it right there I got a friend of mine and I love him but he don't believe in the rapture and you know what I told him the other day I said man you gotta go if you're say brother you want to or not can I run a rabbit can you imagine going to heaven under protest Jesus comes and the rapture takes place you're going I don't want to go I don't want to go I want to tell you you're gonna want to go they got out before the fire failed they got out before the fire failed they got out of the city before the fire failed they got taken out of that region before the fire failed hold on you say what's that got to do with us the fire is coming the judgment is coming but before the fire falls I'm getting out of here before the fire falls I'm getting out of here hallelujah I'm saved from the fire more they get out before the fire falls and then about that time they hear an explosion and they look and it's on fire and I see all right say hallelujah Danny we're not burning whoa in the fire hallelujah mama were not burning in the fire hallelujah brother were not burning in the fire praise God sis we're not burning in the fire that could be us that ought to be us thanks to Calvary I am NOT the man I used to be thanks to Calvary things are different than before and while the fire burns that place she tried to tell them whoop thanks to Calvary we don't live there Lourdes aren't you glad whoa thanks to Calvary and a living creature we've been saved from the fire what I'm trying to say is I'm not going to hell I can't go to hell I've even been told to and I say I can't see from the fire I wonder if there's any money in this building tonight you're saved from the fire say by the fire and when the fire comes you're not going to be here you're gonna be taken out before the fire falls her condition her conviction her conversion now before her celebration let me ask you this tonight where did they go after the fire they went to a wedding after oh come on now after the fire they go to a wedding who's Rahab the harlot who does she marry one name's you boys out her shouting him walls down well how did it go well they had a son and it's named Boaz and blasts whoa meats Ruth and they have a son named Obed whole bad meets a little girl they get married and they have a son by the name of Jesse Jesse grows up meets little girl and they have a bunch of sons and what I'm saying it's David and begetting and begetting and begetting and be getting to one day he'll a little manger in the City of David the root and the offspring of David Jesus Christ Emmanuel the Son of the Living God but wait a minute it gets better than that but be getting and be getting and be gotten it got you saved and they got me saying and I got in and you got in and now we're a part of a rural family because praise God we're in the bloodline we're in the bloodline I am a royal descendent I'm in the royal family of God whoo I'm glad that I'm sewn in to the garments of righteousness cuz I'm behind the bloodline and I'm kin Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and David and Boaz and Ruth and Rahab and all through glory we're going to have an opportunity to say how'd you get in grace how'd you get in grace how'd you get in grace how'd you get in grace Rahab how did you get in God took a Crooked Stick thank you a straight line because I'm telling you we're going to a wedding in the sky in the Chapel of the king we're not going to hell heaven is our home not because we got baptized not because we told the church but because we got behind the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ my hope is in the blood it's my proof of purchase it's my rite of passage his blood is all my soul hallelujah what a savior and I'm a child of the king thanks guys and I'm in the family because I've been woven through the scarlet thread of God's blood bolt redemption you say what is that got to do with us everything until the fire falls let's get busy I'm bound for the promised land I'm bound for the promised land oh who will come and go with me I'm bound for the promised land all you remember that night when the Holy Ghost said you won't come you won't come right praise God you won't come again hey girls that was fun well let's take a little lap around here come praise God I'm going to heaven anybody want to go with me the invitations been given whosoever will let him come hey he tasted death for every man whose rare will let him come anybody want to join us come on behind us praise God we're in the family we're saved we're going somewhere praise God heaven is our home I'll never go to hell I'll never taste a fire I'm going to a wedding I got a mansion over the hilltop I'm a holler down glory hallelujah Boulevard and shout down King James Street and Amen Avenue and hallelujah Turnpike and glory to God Boulevard that I've been saved by the blood say by the blood anybody want to go anybody want to go you ain't got to stay in getting the fire who will come and go with me I'm glad the daddy can go I'm glad the mama can go I'm glad the girls and the boys can go and I'm glad too white folks can to go and I'm glad the black folks can go I'm glad the southerners can go Jim I'm glad even red Yankees can go I want to tell you it's for every man it's for every person but that was paid at Calvary and the tomb is empty and we serve a risen Savior and we serve a living Savior praise God I'm going somewhere the cause of Calvary and because of the blood and let's get busy tonight getting a whole load to go with us in closing tonight you can't take your money you can't take your house you can't take your car but I'll tell you what you can take come on young guns you can take a load that you've won to Jesus I'll tell you y'all better hurry the fires coming oh you can take somebody with you if you imagine what Heaven's gonna be like whoa ain't it good to be here oh boy ain't it good to be here Bubba praise God mom ain't it good to be here hallelu your pinky I mean bluey it's good to be here a man says mama sister daddy brother grandpa hole-in-one it's good to be here praise God the preachers here and the assistants here hey man I'm glad I'm glad praise God when the hey man when this earth is on fire and it shakes like a drunken man and they're building drips in the blood of martyrs I'm that the son of me shattered and God is on the throne and the Word of God is still true and the rock of ages' still stand and he's the king of every King he's the Lord of every Lord and the red rich royal blood of our Redeemer will never lose its power hallelujah for Jesus hallelujah for Jesus praise God my hope is him the blood are you going but for the fire phone let's get a whole bunch of people to go with cause mama ain't got to go to hail and daddy ain't got to go to hail and brother ain't got to go to hell and sister ain't got to go to hell he tasted death for every man I'd like to meet one hyper-calvinist whose kids are not elected every hyper-calvinist I've ever met he just happens to be in his wife just happens to be in and his kids and their buddies just happens to be in but let me tell you who's in if you're in Christ you're in if you're out of Christ you're out but I'm glad what can watch your weight my god I felt like please what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus I say Oh bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and made us kings and priests under God his father behold he cometh with the clouds and every eye shall see him and the kitchens of the earth shall wail because of him but jesus said let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions and if we're not so what a told ya and I go to repair place for you and if I go prepare place for you I will come again and receive you to myself that where I am there you may also but I will not have you to be ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep that you sorrow not even as others which have no hope for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him for this we say to you by the word of the Lord they returned our men to come in the Lord should not prevent them which are asleep for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and the trip of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together shall be caught up together shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord and I John saw the holy city the New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven and the Bible said and there should be no more pain and no more sorrow and no more crying for God shall wipe away all the tears from the I'm talking about heaven I'm Tomer eternity I'm talking about reality I'm talking about Jesus Christ I'm glad I know who here whew and everybody how to know who Jesus yes let's stand together Lord we love you tonight hallelujah we love you tonight thank you for salvation through your precious blood thank you for the goodness of God in the land of the living thank you for reminding us salvation by faith in the blood of Jesus thank you for reminding us this world is not our home thank you for reminding us that why we have time let's go get many women and boys and girls to escape the fire and go with us to the wedding go with us to the glory land thank you for the day you saved us Lord make soul-winners out of us and we'll give you glory and praise because we ask it in Jesus they're going to sing a number maybe you want to come tonight and pray for your mama daddy brother sister friend neighbor if they don't get left in the fire maybe you're here tonight and you've not lived for God like you should and you want to be found faithful when he comes you maybe hit a night and don't know that you know you're saying Jesus died for you and he'll save you tonight from the fire trust him he's good he's gone
Channel: Calvary Baptist
Views: 873
Rating: 4.1999998 out of 5
Keywords: calvary baptist church, gospel
Id: raM0NnW4Hdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 1sec (3181 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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