November 17, 2019 Barry Spears Sunday PM Service

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's everybody stand to sing that course that stand is singing out he touched me [Music] aren't you glad for that day [Music] he touch me let's sing that again singing aren't you glad he touched listen again remember that day [Music] haha [Music] you remember that day that he reached down and touch the inside your song Amen if you're here tonight and you're not safe we pray that for you lead to not that you'll just surrender your heart to God let him come into your heart and save you by His amazing grace let's everybody grab a handle if you need one turn to page 323 323 we're gonna sing at the cross you probably know that those sing it out that's where it all began let singing out [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a man let's have a time of fellowship let's be careful with the hands shaking with all the sickness [Music] alright anybody say did not say man if you are man I'm glad you're here tonight thank you so much for being a part of our Sunday night harvest Jubilee our annual harvest Jubilee this is the first time we've had it but I think it's gonna be an annual thing amen amen amen we're so looking forward to brother berry hearing from brother berry tonight and it's it's I'm so excited by the berry Spears is with us and then I've heard him several times brother Charles were Lee's church and brother Barry we're not going to take you long horn denied after service amen no he was brother Charles other last week I think got sick and but we promised him we wouldn't take him to Longbourn afterwards amen we're not knocking Longhorn but we're we're not going to threaten him with that tonight but I'm glad he's with us in the service tonight I'm glad you're with us in the service tonight amen thank you so much for being a part of our service looking forward to seeing what God's gonna do I believe God's wanting to do some great things here tonight let me tell you what I told the church this morning I'll tell you again the night we're not we don't bother us if you say amen amen fact we get nervous if it gets too quiet around here amen and so you're not going to scare us the Lord gets on you you just have a time and have a good old-fashioned spell amen and we're so glad I see a few visitors with us tonight we're glad you're a part of our service I mentioned the other night I preached them I think it might have been Wednesday night I can't remember on sounding the battle cry with Gideon and I told him I said I want the devil to be so afraid that when my feet hit the floor he says Oh Lord he's up again amen and somebody made me a shirt it says I want to be the kind of man who in the boot my boots hit the floor in the morning the devil says oh no he's a man I appreciate that amen yeah I hope that you desire amen I told our church the other night brother Barry I said I want our church to be that kind of church where when they wake up in the morning all Hell trembles amen and I appreciate the good Lord but so thankful that you're with us tonight we want to go to the Lord in prayer let me just say this tomorrow night Lord willing if he allows us to be around whether Daniel Buchanan's will be with us and then Tuesday night brother Joe Arthur and then Wednesday night brother Larry Winkler you be sure to bring somebody with you these nights and God will bless he'll do some great things in their lives and especially folks that are lost amen it's our desire it's our desire to see those that are lost brother brother Charles to preach for us this morning knock the ball out of the park amen I appreciate you preached here amen preached on the rose will bloom again and he helped our church amen and I appreciate that and I'm gonna give him a rest tonight he's battling some fluid in his lungs and coughing and he told me this morning he said preacher if it wasn't for the Lord and you I would have come he's just so he was just battling with coughing and stuff but I appreciate him being with us I'm glad to see many of our preachers with us tonight and I appreciate all of these men I love them and I appreciate them being here brother Stacy lanes with us tonight from solid rock brother I love you I appreciate you he's a friend of mine and if you would I want you to make your way to the pulpit and come and pray for us not pray God just blessed this service in a very very supernatural way and I would just say this while he's coming you just worship the Lord tonight amen we didn't come to see or be seen we came because it's all about him the preacher you lead us to the Lord our Heavenly Father we're grateful for the opportunity to be gathered together again with the Lord's people thank you Lord for that glad hour when you saved us you drew us under yourself and put us among the ranks of the redeemed yes thank you dear God you drew us out of many waters as David said you've set the solitary and Families we're so glad to be a part of the family of God realizes only because of your mercies your grace and our Father we realize tonight in this hour that if you don't have mercy all of it'll be vain all of it to be futile and we do pray we ask in the name of the Lord Jesus that you might just bind our wandering hearts unto yourself may the Holy Ghost draw us near the cross and may our hearts be open and receptive to what's coming out of heaven for our lives tonight we pray for your servant God that you'd give him utterance that you'd lose his tongue make it easy for him to preach the Word of God and I pray for our hearts tonight here in this place that it may be good soil for the Word of God oh how we prayed truly dear God that you might revive us again but I people may rejoice in the fell each heart with I love made soul be rekindled with fire from above touch this church this place may the light of God the glory of God emanate from this place in this community the name of the Lord be made known touch your pastor here use him we pray and our Father we just want to pause and thank you again for an old rugged cross thank you Lord that when you were on the cross we were on your mind and that you loved us so much that even why we were yet sinners Christ died for us we glory in it tonight we revel in it we rejoice in it and we bless your name for the shed blood of the Cross in Jesus name we pray amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I appreciate the day that the Lord came in and made all the difference say Amen amen well we're gonna try a song here and one way to get right into this and then brother Barry's gonna come and he's gonna sing for us tonight preacher you saying however many you want to tonight amen and we're planning on being here for a while amen I like um to get in not to get out say man right there Amen so since you want us it's my daughter Leah since you want to say anything 40 seconds all right this song says stand still listen to the words of it [Music] the father [Music] No when the storm and you're toast when your face [Music] rest assured now [Music] let go stay stay [Music] when you [Music] when you feel ooh [Music] Stanzi Lagaan [Music] come on up here mama let's sing this next song we're gonna sing is I'm not perfect that's definitely what I am not perfect I'm just forgiving as a boss God's grace I would ask my son-in-law if he wanted his father he don't even talk no bro right here on the dobro Brennen you got a word okay we're good hey man listen to the words of it [Music] no I'm not perfect just forgive since Jesus ow and forgave me see I'm saying [Music] there times am i deceived of the cone hole Satan's face when I view system for all Bruce and say no thanks on stage cause he knows as well as I do they're not what I used to be thank god there's been a differences Jesus and me Bri know I'm not perfect just forgiving [Music] my way since Jesus found me and forgave me when I say I'm saying I hope you say that you're saying [Music] [Applause] [Music] now thought and all the battles and sometimes when I've warned Satan comes reminded me of some Mills wrong out dawn he questions my salvation he tries to make me doubt but when I think of Calvary I christen Radha bathtub no I'm not perfect just forgiving and yet my way since Jesus found me and forgave me can't say I'm perfect raunchy I'm say say I'm perfect Amen preacher you come up you make yourself at home amen appreciate brother Barry being with us tonight and you want to sing us a couple you sing whatever Lord puts on your heart preacher amen I'll leave one of these up here for you if you need me to [Laughter] I said we get to heaven we won't have to tune these instruments they'll be glorified amen amen - man I don't even need all this stuff it intimidates me I'm glad to be saved I'm glad in the house of Lord tonight my GPS went out on me but I'll be honest with you kind of scared me does a graveyard right now a few miles down the road and I got it up to it and it said you've reached your final destination let's get a little worried about this place man he asked to all Astra's can you explain how a man can be dead then live again that's just insane who has resetboys I heard voice it spoke life to me death set me free when he called my name but he called my name and I heard his voice when he called my name and I made my choice and I knew my life would never be the same after he called he called my name the ice sack yes can you tell us about Jesus in a sycamore tree he said I climbed up to see the Lord passed my way and the Savior called out today you'll stay at your house so I took him in he forgave all my sin and he called me by my when he called my name I heard his voice when he called my name and I made my choice and I knew my life would never be the same after he called he called my name I want to thank God he called October 27 2003 about 9:30 in the morning he called my name I love the Lord with all my heart the pastor asked me if I could incorporate my testimony tonight to the service and I is anyone here never heard my testimony how many have you never heard my testimony my faithful friends up here have heard it more than once we're brother Pete miss Monica I want to give God glory for what he's done in my life I was in sins prison or so dark and cold like a lost sheep wandering from God's eternal foe then the door swung open Jesus spoke to me he said I have signed your pardon and now you may go free and Jesus sign my pardon this I surely know he took my place on Calvary now I don't have to go and all my life I owe him as he gave his for me when he signed my pardon here at Calvary since to save your led me from that awful place I can hear my grandma singing she sang Amazing Grace and I know I was pardoned from my guilt and shame when he signed my pardon all glory to his name and life is now worth living since I've been made free and I'm so glad he was willing to save a wretch like me and now I own a mansion not a prison wall the codes win Jesus sign my pardon thank God he paid it all and Jesus signed my pardon this hi Shirley no he took my place on Calvary now I don't have to go and all my life I owe him cuz he gave his for me when he signed my pardon here at Calvary I've been healed by the Saviour I feel fired from above I've been down to an old-fashioned altar who ain't the same the product cools returned now I'm singing that Oh my hope is in Jesus I thank God my yesterday is gone and all my sins are forgiven and I've been washed by the blood I'm no stranger to prison I've worn shackles and chains but I've been freed I'm forgiven whoa I'm not going back though I'll never be the same yes and now all my hope is in Jesus I thank God my yesterday's gone handle my sins are forgiven and I been washed by the blood there's a lot of things that'll break him and break him down to his knees god I've been broken more than the time or two but that's when you pick me up and I learned to trust in you you gave me this song about singing Oh oh my hope is in Jesus not thank God oh my yesterday's are gone and all my sins are forgiven and I've been washed by the blood [Music] just one two I'm glad to be in the house of God tonight I may not I preached our 10 o'clock service 11 o'clock service two o'clock server my throat is about gone so I'm gonna preach on frogs is this how it's gonna work go to Exodus with me chapter number 8 you don't think I'm kidding I'm kidding a bit man I'm gonna sound like a frog tonight man this is a beautiful church I love it love the spirit your pastor has men that's a great y'all didn't throw that song together overnight y'all can do some practicing man that's good stuff they play skillfully and I'm telling you man I go to a lot of churches here who some of them you'd be like God you just need to put that thing down and you and you ask you say how long you've been playing and you expect me to say like six months and be like sixty years and you're gonna stop yes I'm just sayin what y'all are thinking Exodus chapter 8 what time we got to be done preacher it's 6:30 good man I got plenty I like when I get plenty of time to preach I'm not normally pretty honestly now y'all know that's true my people know so my people here you know I normally preach 35 to 40 minutes I'm 35 minutes I'm pretty much done but I may go a little bit over tonight because I want to give I'm 47 years old if I get a minute per year that's 47 minutes so I want to give you a neat little thought out of the book of Exodus chapter 8 springboard off of it and see what God will do with this crazy thought on frogs y'all thought I was kidding about I'm up preach on frogs tonight no it ain't fully rely on God but you can do that chapter 8 verse 1 and the Lord spake unto Moses go unto Pharaoh and saying to him does say at the Lord let my people go that they may serve me and if thou refuse to let them go behold I will smite thy borders with frogs my mom gave me some stuff to spray on my throat it's 80 proof I mean it's honey lemon it's supposed to help me he said almost smite all that borders with frogs and the rivers shall bring forth frogs abundantly which shall go up and come into that house and in that bedchamber and upon that bed and in the house of thy servants and upon thy people and ended on ovens and then die kneading trough love frogs and the Frog shall come up both on me and upon thy people and upon all thy servants and the Lord spake unto Moses saying to aaron stretch forth thine hand with thy rod over the streams over the rivers and over the ponds and calls frogs to come up upon the land of egypt and aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of egypt and the frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt and the magicians did so with their enchantments and brought up frogs from the land of Egypt now I don't know if you write in your Bible or not I wrote in the middle margin of my Bible how dumb can you be God is chastising Egypt with frogs in the air and this dumb crowd looks at him says all we can do that and they brought in more frogs is that not the dumbest thing you've ever seen in life oh that's it and the magicians did so with their chambers I didn't say oh you can bring frogs it will bring frogs into stupid verse 8 then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said and treat the Lord that he may take away the frogs for me and from my people and I will let the people go that they may do sacrifice unto the Lord I'm not preaching on one more night with the frogs because every preacher has probably preached that it's a great thought but watch this and Moses said unto Pharaoh glory over me you tell me what to do Moses walks up to King Pharaoh says glory over me you tell me what to tell God you got the power here and watch this you would think he would say tell God to get rid of them right now they're everywhere like right now Moses go to your prayer closet and tell God right now get rid of these frogs but watch what he tell us he wins I entreat for thee and for thy servants and for that people to destroy the frogs from the end the houses that let me remain in the river only and he said tomorrow he said just give me one more night with my sin yeah in that America one more year Sinan one more night on the town one more time in the barroom one more here from the crack pipe one more pillow one more party one more there's one more that I won't get right with God but not to the party's over one more night with the frogs I would preach own the wrong on the wrong motive for prayer sometimes I believe that when we pray we're praying God get rid of the frogs when in fact we ought to be praying God do whatever you got to do to get our attention Exodus chapter 8 and verse number eight I want to take a little bit different of a direction today it's amazing to me how God uses so many different types of judgments in the King James Bible to get people to turn back to him he can use lions we can use lice God can use famines or he can use flies God can use the Sun to get your attention or he can use the darkness to get your attention he can use whirl winds or he can use a still small voice he can use the rain to water the crops or he can bog down to Cirrus chariots hey man he can use the wind to blow the chaff away and he can use that same wind to break a ship into pieces he can use his word to break into pieces and he can use that same word to build you up he's God he does what he wants to and I want to go now to this place come to a place where God is going to use a bunch of frogs to humble them great and mighty Pharaoh God's gonna use frogs say why is God using frogs he uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise I don't know why I use the Frog but I will tell you this whatever God uses if you will allow him to use it correctly in your life it will get your attention and it's for the betterment of your future he used the jawbone of an ass when Samson grabbed ahold of it to slay a thousand Philistines I don't know why I use the jawbone of an ass there's a lot of pictures and typology there but the truth is God can use anything he wants to use whenever he wants to use it just pay attention to what he's doing the irony of this judgment not when a springboard out of this yet in my testimony the irony of this judgment is this if you study the Egyptian past and the cultures back in these days if he one of their gods was a frog if you go to the tombs of the Egyptians even today the hieroglyphics and all those things you'll find goddesses with frog kids they had three major gods they had Ronda Sun God they had flood to fly God and the Frog God they worshipped these frogs and if you go to the Egyptian tombs today you'll find frogs the Frog hands and all over the place I mean they worshiped the frogs and so it's like God is saying you love frogs you want to bow to frogs you really want to worship these frogs I'll give you frogs output from I'll give you frogs but you you ain't never seen the like of frogs when I'm done with you you're gonna have frogs in the rivers frogs in the creeks frogs and the swamps frogs and the marshes you can have frogs in your living room frogs and your DN frogs in your kitchen you can have frogs in your bathtub and your sink your closet your bedroom and even in your bed you're gonna wake up in the middle of the night hop and you have frogs climbing up your legs you go to the kitchen to open up the microwave and frogs are gonna be jumping out of the microwave they're gonna be coming out of the cookie jar out of the pantry out of the sink you're gonna go to the outhouse and they're gonna jump up out of the toilet and grab ahold of you friend you are frogs I'll give you frogs but you really don't want frogs you really don't want them hey America we're worshipping a lot of vain things in 2019 it's almost like God saying okay America you won't dope I'll let you have dope you want to legalize marijuana you want to legalize this mess I'll let you have it man I'm gonna allow meth labs in every neighborhood dope and drugs on every street corner crack houses and every subdivision heroin in every other home doctors are gonna invade your medicine cabinets with oxys and lortabs and benzos I'm gonna put methadone clinics in every County you're gonna have suboxone and subutex you won't go I'll give your dope hey America you won't alcohol you want a really worship a bottle I'm gonna allow alcohol to invade your land it's gonna be in every grocery store it's gonna be in every gas station every 7-eleven television commercials race cards billboards magazines there will be a bar on every corner Hollywood's gonna glamorize it it's gonna be everywhere you look even some churches are gonna accept alcohol you won't alcohol I'll give you alcohol here a frog there a frog everywhere a frog frog ohmic Pharaoh had a frog yeah yeah oh you won't dope I'll let you have it you won't alcohol I'll let you have it you want to lust and fornicate I'm gonna put it on your cellphone's I'm gonna put it on DVDs I'm gonna give it on phone calls magazines adult stores STDs and sex trafficking it's gonna be everywhere you want it I'm gonna let you have it am i right but could it be that frogs or what's gonna get America's attention I remember I remember when I started playing around with the frogs I thought I wanted frogs in my life but I really didn't want frogs I was born and raised in this stuff right here y'all this I was born and raised and independent fundamental slobber slinging man a puddin eatin offer and taking biscuit bacon earthquake and Baptist Church I was raised in camp-meeting I'm talking about shouting and streaming and running and foaming at the mouth leather long preacher pin his ears back and liked it a little bit pumping her jumpin honey he'd preach the hide off the walls you could shout powder pass out he's gonna preach the word I remember mountain my mom and dad getting up and running the aisles I the choir would take their shoes off and march around on holy ground I'm talking about the glory of God would fill the temple it'd be so foggy you couldn't see your hand in front of your face ice rage the Greer Baptist can't mean Blue Ridge Baptist can't mean we wouldn't heard dr. Sattler we heard Sammy Allen preaching all my life I remember Billy Kelly was a was a friend of our family I'm talking about some mini God who could show enough rear back and pray I was raising this stuff y'all listening my dad got saved in 1972 I was born in 1970 Charles just a few months over my daddy got saved I don't remember him being a drunkard all I remember is going to church I mean good we went to church three or four five six times a week sometimes we go watch the grass grow just so we could cut it the following Thursday I mean we just like going to church I was 13 years old my dad took a pastored up in Pennsylvania and we lived there for about four or five years at the age of 17 and a half years old I got into an argument with my girlfriend and I was working in a food court at the mom mall Morgantown outlet mall in Morgantown Pennsylvania it was a fellow who weren't run the liquor store around the corner and he was he had befriended me and he told me said man if you ever want anything to drink he said if nobody's in the store you come see me and I'll give you anything you want I dismissed it with a thumbs up but in my heart I said I'll never do that I don't want to liquor I don't want no alcohol I remember brother anybody know brother Alvin Fleming anybody ever know him he won my daddy to the Lord in 1972 he was my pastor well I loved him and God he's in heaven now y'all pray for his wife she's about 120 years old praise God still driving pray you pray I'm I remember that particular day I got into an argument and we had a breakup with my girlfriend in a minute I was hurting and rather than go to the Bible I went to the bottle man I got me a fifth of Jack Daniels rolled it up with some cigarettes and rock-and-roll music I did I was not subject to any of that stuff as a child and I got it all I rolled it up in a bad paper bags back then whatever happened to that now we don't know it I'm gonna get all I'm gonna get off on a rabbit trail in a minute cuz I'm about tired as a bunch of mess now we can't have plastic bags y'all know that you have to have your own class you have to know you have your own bag when you go to the grocery store what's going on I'm a tree hugger I'll hug them right before I cut them down roll all that still put it in a bag about 9:30 that night I got into a 1986 Camaro seventeen and a half years old got to a 1986 Camaro backed up to the back side of a mall parking lot looked up through a sunroof and said god I just want to step into Sin City for a little while I want to see what this alcohol will really do to ya I want to smoke and I want but just for one just one time God and I'll never forget popping the top on a fifth of Jack Daniels in a 1986 Camaro poured liquid fire down my throat lit up a cigarette back off myself to death and put on a cassette tape that said Def Leppard on it I had never listened to rock and roll music I never drank liquor never smoked and I decide if you're gonna go go big do you know what I found out that night after a few drinks of liquor the next night I said you know I'm gonna do it one more time and then the following night I said I'll drink one more and then I I went got more rock and roll and more tobacco and more alcohol and then and then I met a friend who decided to introduce me to a Thai locks oxycodone five milligrams in a Thai locks he said if you'll let this soak up underneath your tongue and wash it down with a cold Michelob he said you've never felt a high like you're getting ready to feel I said sure why not man so I washed it down and then a few weeks later I'm snorting cocaine off of a glass coffee table in North fourth Street Reading Pennsylvania and 13 years later I found myself riding with Hells Angels motorcycle club y'all listening to me needle tracks in my arms tattoos all over my body I'm talking about methamphetamines in my body and cocaine in my nose I was a drunkard I was a mean vile person I found myself at the scrap pile of humanity for 13 years running from God I just wanted a little bit but God said you want frogs I'll give you frogs I'll put frogs everywhere you go you'll get sick of frogs they said I've been up for four days straight on heroin and cocaine I don't remember a whole lot about it I do remember this they said I passed out for about two hours in a Hells Angels clubhouse don't outside of Charleston South Carolina I do remember waking up from whatever time I had passed out the night before it was a huge party going on that weekend I had been dealing a lot of dope to a lot of them boys and I literally had it duct taped to the inside of my legs and some to my abdomen and I'll never forget waking up that particular morning it was a Sunday morning and and I was sitting on an old grungy couch and a Hells Angels clubhouse and an old long hair was hanging down I weighed 146 pounds scabs all over my body from the methamphetamines that was eating my body up and I would dig into my skin with a knife after things that weren't even there and I remember waking up after I passed out for a couple hours on a four-day high and I stared down at the floor and I stood up and I looked around trying to figure out what day of the week it was there was blood in the floor where someone had got hurt the night before the bartender had passed out on the other side of the bar and there was he had thrown up in his long beard and I remember looking at that thinking how disgusting it looked I could tell you the song that was playing on the jukebox by Kid Rock that night that morning I remember smelling marijuana in the air and and all of the lusts and all of the things going on around me and I I went back over to that couch and I sat down thirteen years after my first drink and I sat down on that same old grungy couch and out of nowhere the sweet holy goes to God tapped me on the shoulder and said hey boy what are you doing in this far country you weren't raised this way hey you wasn't raised to be a Hells Angel and a a rebel and a dope smoking hellbound heathen you wasn't raised this way and I remember looking up to heaven in tears for the first time in 13 years beginning to roll down my old dirty cheeks and I said my God how did I end up here and God rolled my mind back to the first drink thirteen years ago when I took my first drink it snored in my first line and crunch my first oxy and God said I tried to tell your boy say I'll take you further and keep you longer and make you pay more than you ever dreamed and out of nowhere I don't know where the Holy Ghost rolled my mind back to the grier but I just can't meet anybody no other Billy Kelly I don't know where I like it here was like the prodigal son I wandered in darkness I trade in my life for a world of good times no peace in my heart I ever could find and I got so tired of eating after her the swine and I beginning to think oh god I got to get out of here I got to get out of this mess I'm in but I don't know how I didn't know where I was going I don't know what I was doing in life all I knew was I wanted to get out of that Clubhouse and I remember standing up and walking out and getting on a 1999 Harley Davidson Fatboy Hills Angels on my back a ponytail down to my belt dope duct tape to my legs high as a kite been gone for four days my wife and two children even know who I was anymore I thought if I can just get home and see my wife if I could just get home and see my kids I'll be all right I rolled the throttle back buddy and I was heading home I don't know how long it took me to get home and it was a Sunday morning my wife and kids were trying to go to church on Sundays just to escape the reality my wife said she's she's that go to church and that's sitting there with your mom and dad and she said I would just close my eyes by that man of God was preaching and I just daydream and wonder what it must be like to be married to a man who was a preacher and not a dope dealer Wow she is heading to church from a four-day high from I was heading home from a four-day high she was heading to church they ain't seen me I pulled up in that stop four-way stoplight in Elgin south we still live in the same place but in their 22 years I've been saved 16 years this I pulled up that stoplight and my wife remembers this just as well as I do when I pulled up to that stoplight I looked across the intersection and there she was all 5 foot 0 of her without two kids our son Cody was 10 and our daughter Alexis was 2 years old they had on the little Sunday best heading to church that must have been about I don't know somewhere around 9:30 that's Sunday morning and the stoplight turned red and I thought my god if that thing will turn green just get me out of here I don't want to see her right now in this condition I want to go home I want to sober up a minute but you know God has it God has the power to make a stoplight standstill he made the Sun stand still in the Book of Joshua he ain't got no trouble with a stoplight I had to cut a 21 inch a pengus I got the clutch in I got her down in first gear and I'm going please turn green turn and you never did turn green i sat there and God said you got to look at her sooner or later now look down at her and my wife was staring at me from the other side of a four ways to a four way intersection I couldn't hear a word she was saying but her heart began to scream as loud as I've ever heard it honey how long you gonna do this to her family I didn't sign up for this and and I'm a nervous wreck I don't even know if we're gonna have a vehicle to drive tomorrow there's a red label on the electric meter and they said they're turning the power off the kids are hungry there's nothing but beer in the refrigerator from your drunken lifestyle how long are you gonna put this dysfunctionality into our home our little boy Cody was 10 years old he picked around from behind his mama in the backseat and pointed at me as if to say dad I hey Dad mama went to bed crying last night we're a nervous wreck we've never seen you and mom go laughing and laughter in the home and and mama mama mama is a nervous wreck and she's trying to round up money to feed us and and they dad you don't take me fishing I've never thrown the football with you all I've ever known dad is getting on the back of a motorcycle and going to bar rooms and clubhouses and and hey dad I don't want to live this way anymore our little girl was two years old she picked out from behind the backseat and pointed at her daddy is it to say dad I it won't be long I'll have a property of patch on my back they'll pass me around the clubhouse and I'll be pregnant before I'm 14 years old and I'll have STDs and tattoos and and they dad there's nothing you could say about it because you take to me that's a way of life dad and more tears begin to flow down my cheeks again and I looked up at that stoplight God said let her rip and it turned green it's three miles from the stoplight to my home and I want to tell you what happened when I let Lisa not clutch and I went past my wife the Holy Ghost to God got on the back of that motorcycle begin to squeeze my chest and begin to squeeze my heart I couldn't stop crying I didn't know why I was crying all I knew was something was going on something was wrong she what I didn't know was when I was party and mom and dad was praying well I was partying the local church was fasting and praying you say preacher well what does all that about it's called conviction it's called the hounds of heaven was on my heels but there and everywhere I went all I could think about I'm gonna die and go to hell my family's gonna die and go to hell you're a sorry lowdown daddy you're a sorry lowdown husband you're in a far country and you need to get out I'm telling you friend for three miles the Holy Ghost of God I'm glad I was riding a Harley that morning I don't know if gobbledy got on a Honda but praise God he got on the back of the harley-davidson and begin to tell me come unto me all you that labor and are heavy-laden I will give you rest and that's what I wanted I needed rice I needed rest I got to the house let the bike fall to the country I didn't care yeah harley-davidson I got in the house crawled into the master bathroom and locked the door I laid down on a cold linoleum floor and I looked up to heaven I could take you to the spot where my head hit the floor and I said God where are you I can't break free god I can't get out of this mess you say what mess was he in every time I tried to put down the heroin and the pills my body would lock down on me 13 years of opiates and heroin y'all listen to me 13 years of speedballing not only that but several years prior to that morning in a mobile home six grown men members of the coalition of the Hells Angels motorcycle club I was the big everything I do I go big I'm the only one in the whole place that got their entire back tattooed club colors how dumb can you be as they sat down and drilled their colors into my back over two or three different days sections they looked at me here's what they said if you ever tried to get out of our club will skin your back with a blowtorch I remember that morning I laid down I said god I can't break free I don't know what to do I'm scared I can't put the dope down now tried to be I've tried to turn over a new leaf I've tried to go through withdrawal but it hurts not only that but they said they skinned my back with a blowtorch if I ever tried to get out of that club where are you God where are you about the moment I cried out to God there was a feeling came over me that said hold on son helps on the way I didn't get saved that morning but I was getting sick of the frogs everywhere I went it was frogs I was sick of it it was everywhere I'm so tired of it I got up I remember looking down at the tears I've tried and it looked like someone poured a bottle of water right there and I remember thinking man you ain't cried in 13 years what's going on today man you're crying it over everything that supposed to be tough I shook it off I went back to the frogs that was on a Sunday morning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and even the following Sunday I did my best to enjoy my life I didn't know mom and dad were fasting and praying I didn't know the whole local church was praying for me I didn't know that all I knew was how sick of the frogs that following Monday morning October 27 2003 about 9 o'clock I woke up I was done it's done I don't care if I died I don't if they killed me I don't care if I died from withdrawal now I was going to the methadone clinic because my main supplier had gotten locked up and some of my opiates and heroin had backed away and I don't want to go through withdrawal so I was going to the methadone clinic and when I could get my street nope I would do it I didn't know methadone was wrong but coming to find out I get it out in a minute I woke up that morning and I remember walking into the bathroom and I looked in the mirror and for the first time my sin had to become exceeding sinful to me I looked at all the tattoos and scars and the underweight and my hair was falling out from malnutrition and eyes were all something back in the back of my head and I looked and I said there's got to be more to life than what I'm living I turned brother Pete from them from the mirror and I was walking away from the mirror I believe that's when I got saved because that's when I was done with my sin that's when I was accepting Christ right there had my heart stopped that moment I'd be in the glory world but my mom and dad represented God to me and so I was walking to the phone I was walking to what's called young people it's called a land line yep it's called a land line what's that it's a telephone with a cord hooked to it I pick up that phone I called my mom mom answer she said hey sugar bear I said hey mom is something bad wrong with me click now you know you're in bad shape when mama hangs up on you Mama's don't hey I've been hung up on by a lot of people but not mom I remember standing there and I begin to cry again I thought were you crying again for man I thought man you've done it now even your own mother doesn't want to talk to you anymore I stood there for a moment considering killing myself because now mama don't even want to talk to me and I walk out of the master bedroom we have a great room and then a dining room into the living room area and as I got back to the living room area the back door the one that friends and neighbors use y'all know everybody's got a door that friends and neighbors used I got into the fireplace room and what I didn't realize was I was getting ready to go outside and smoke a cigarette and the back door opened up and in come my mom and dad walk it in and I looked at my mom and she's out stepping my daddy she got that blood read back King James Bible tucked up under her arm but if she's ready for war she's ready to argue with me you see all she's heard for 13 years is mama I don't want to hear about God I'm not going to church leave me alone you do your thing I'll do my thing she's used to hearing that but Mama's armed for war now but if she got that King James Bible she's out stepping my daddy and she walks halfway across the living room floor and stops and stares at me unfolded that 40-foot finger and hit me on the tip of my nose and here's what she said boy your problem is not drugs your problem is you're a sinner and I looked at my mom and I said I know she said don't argue with me today boy we've been praying for you your problem is you're not sick you're under conviction you need to get saved I said mama I know she said son could argue with me today you're not gonna burn your candle at both ends for the devil and blow smoke in God's face come time to die you're gonna fry light fat back in a lake of fire if you don't get saved by God's grace I said mama I know she said what did you say I said I know I'm a sinner my mom went into a glory dance just because I admitted that I was a sinner right there in the living room she turned that cane she was walking over to a helicopter buddy she'd be getting to dance around the living room my god he knows he knows I mean she you know if you can get somebody lost you can get him saved and the town of God knows there's somebody admit they're a sinner you're that close to getting them to Jesus I have molyneux I was real close and she got this out and go to glory to answer I said hey mama will you come down here long enough I need to get saved she said all son come on my dad's just over there leaning up against the wall you know he's just going mama said come over here boy I knelt down beside my mama my living room 9:30 and I went even in church can you believe I wasn't even in church she opened up that blood read back King James Bible or the book of Romans she said son the Bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God do you believe that I said mom yeah I believe that she said the Bible says the wages of sin is death do you believe that I said I'm almost there well you cut to the chase and give me the good news she said some of the Bible says but God commendeth his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us she said do you believe that I said that's the best news I've ever heard of my wife then she said if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved and when she looked over at me to see if I wanted to do that I was already on my face saying God if you're as real as mama 6th if you're as real as that book says you are and you can save somebody like me save my soul god I'm sorry for my sin save me God save me you say what happened preacher I let down a beggar and came up a millionaire back twenty gallons of galvanized come down to my sow I got shy I got born again he never got over it preacher he got over I ain't got over the did the great big oh my god we step into the basement of hell and straight me up and wrote my name in the Lamb's Book Alive I'm telling you that gives me insight on how much time I got now I was on a Monday morning God I'm gonna break this thing that was on a Monday morning I'm nervous these I didn't know this was glass you didn't warn him supposed to be my friend that was on a Monday morning not Monday evening I went over next door to my mom and dad live right next door to me I forgot to tell you all that that particular morning I got saved I went I went in the bathroom sort of flushing dope I'm telling you I've to pour all the liquor down the drain cocaine pills everything but I was going to the methadone clinic and I'll be honest with you I didn't know there's anything wrong with methadone I mean the doctor writes a scrip for it am I am I am i Stretton don't thin water around here I don't care I'm just telling you I'm getting ready to tell you what the Bible says about it I was going to the methadone clinic so I'm flushing all the dope down told porn all the liquor down until I lost I mean flushing down the bathtub drain that evening I went next door to mama said mom I get out I got to get out that motorcycle club she said yeah I've been thinking about it she said what about the tattooed and blowtorch and all I said well I said they gonna have to do what they gotta do I got to get out she said well how you gonna do it I can now anybody know what colors are the colors on the patches that they give you that's their idols they worship those patches I mean they will kill you they'll gut you like a fish and your family over those patches they you get out if you get out they will get those patches back I said mom I got turning my colors she said well how you're gonna do it I said well I can be a wimp and I can mail them in or I can send them in by one of the boys or I can just brave up walk in there Friday night turn them in and take a licking and keep on kicking my mama looked at me she goes Oh son you're going in there aren't you I said yeah mama you know I can't look over my back the rest of my life I said I was gonna be getting over with I said I don't think they're gonna kill me I said they'll probably hurt me but you know I've been hurt before mama looked at me and she goes I'm going with you I went mom mom I said moms don't go with sons to get out of motorcycle gangs mom don't know my mama looked at me she goes boy she said last I checked you were the son I'm the mama I told you what to do you don't tell me what to do I'm going with you my dad just said nobody reading the paper he ain't said nothing about going with me I said dad do something with your wife my dad goes woman you ain't going my mom goes Ephesians chapter five you know I got to listen to him and you get mom you got to get her the Bible she said I got to submit to him she said okay I ain't going I said she goes here's what I'm gonna do she said I ain't gonna eat a bite til you come home Friday night I'm gonna faster pray for you all week long I said mama you can do that that Friday night I won't even make a long story short I got to tell you how I got off that dope real quick I told my walk dinner I laid the coals on the table they asked me a few questions things I would never be able to talk about in public then they asked me about the tattoo I said what do you wanna do about it I said you got your blow torch I said let's get it on he said no ain't gonna do that he said well you get it covered up I said yes sir that's no problem that's better than a blowtorch I have one I have one of those super high falutin preachers he looked at me one to have his out I never got attached to you after I got saved I said he said I don't think I said shut up you don't know what you would do tired of that junk you don't know what you do if you're standing there looking at a t-coil Hells Angels head telling you can get it covered up with anchor they could skin you with a blowtorch I didn't have enough faith to walk cut of hair telling him to I didn't have enough faith to do that I barely had enough faith to believe in Jesus Christ it was the size of a grain of mustard seed that thing's got to grow Corinthians 13 says having all faith that you can move mountains will be good off talking about faith the size of a grain of mustard seed to move a mountain and don't say that in your Bible the Bible says faith as a grain of mustard seed it's got to go in the ground and grow before it can move mountains honey you can't move mountains a day you get saved I tried that it didn't work your faith has to grow I hope I ain't hurt nobody I'm just telling your King James Bible your Bible never says faith the size of a grain of mustard seed will do anything it's faith as a grain of mustard seed what's up with the mustard seed it's got to die it's got to be it's got to break forth into the light and grow and then the birds and the fowls the air will build their nest in all faith you can move mountains that's perfectly any way let me move on cuz I got in there and they said I said y'all get it covered up and things are going really well now I'm thinking man I'm gonna walk out of here I'm gonna get a tattoo covered up I'm gonna come back and show it to them and Men everything's good and I don't know where this one dude that I never got along with the only reason we even talked is the colors on our back I thought man if he'll keep his mouth shut I'm out of here that things are going well and and I getting ready to walk out and that dudes stood up I said oh I'd be honest with you I was I said I made up my mind what I was gonna do as someone closed my eyes and I bought my fish I'm gonna fight like a woman cuz they gonna all jump up on me and you can't focus on 60 to 70 of them you can't do it are you gonna do is bottle up and let them beat the devil out of you I said they gonna know their how to hold him I'm gonna poke your eyeballs out kick him in the groin out there man I'll fight like a girl most of them got a pony telling if I grab a hold and yank the whole scalp off now fellas stood up and I thought man we getting ready to get on up in here he looked at me and he looked around he's tried to talk and he couldn't get a word out of his mouth he stuttered I can't make this stuff up he goes oh and I'm looking at him and everybody's looking at me and I'm going mama don't eat yet I know you're hungry baby but come on now give me ten more minutes and I'm out of here yeah that fellas stuttered sat down and stared at the table I'm looking at me you said what happened God shut the mouths of the Lions God said he don't belong to you anymore he belongs to me he's a child of God I walked out of there and I never looked back I was going to church I'm finished with this I was going to church I sick of the frogs I was going to church and my pastor man he was preaching a series of messages on the world he's preaching on the Egyptians and the Babylonians the Philistines and the Moabites and how they are pictures of the world and baiting the human race and invading the church and invading mankind in general I'm taking notes man and I'm like yeah man I knew some Egyptians whoo and then for listing is the next week boy yeah I knew some felicity's oh I know all about the Moabite it's women Babylonians oh yeah I have heard some of their music I'm taking notes and all this stuff right after about six or eight weeks of being saved and soaking in the pictures of the world I mean God ordained that a pastor come up to me what time he goes brother Spears I said yes sir he said um rumor has it well actually your mom told me you've been going to the methadone clinic I said yes sir every day I don't miss a day man I don't know what's wrong I had several take-homes I'm passing to the urine test I have no street dope in me so they're giving me take homes four or five at a time I don't have to go through every day but you got to pay your $10 a day and and you know they're there to help you right my pastor said he said brother Spears listen to me he gave me scripture after scripture about being sober he said if you ever want God to use you to the extent that you say you do you're gonna have to get off of that methadone he said God is very limited on what he'll be able to do with you until you clean your mind up I didn't ask him for 14 series of sermons on it I didn't ask him to wait till the revival I didn't need 13 verses of just as I am I looked at him I said preacher if you're telling me that's what God says I'm set on in my heart I called starting point on bluff road in Columbia South Carolina which is where I've been going for a couple years and I was on about a hundred milligrams of methadone a day I made an appointment with dr. Merlin's same sorry place is still there in order to up your dose down your dose or switch or benzos and mix your cocktail you've got to go in and have an appointment with the doctor and he'll write you a script right there and he'll send you over to the RM which is behind the corner in the booth and she'll give you whatever the doctor says to give you but in order to do that you've got to go into a room probably about half the size a quarter of the size of this church and it's a concrete floor with cinderblock walls everything you say echoes in the place there's metal chairs lined up on both sides of the walls and a desk right in the middle of the room up towards the front he calls you one at a time and he says no so-and-so come forward and and you got to sit there and tell him what you want and everybody hears your business well I'm nodding off I need to go down ten milligrams he'll write you down send you to the RN well I'm not making it through the 24 hours without hurting a little bit so heal up your dose ten or twenty milligrams and you go get your dose from the RN well I need more volume I need more sand X or I can't sleep or I'm up all night or I'm sleeping too much and he'll write your cocktail and you go and so everybody hears your business that particular morning I made an appointment I'm sitting there and both sides of the walls were lined up with people I'm like the third or fourth person that he calls he said mr. Barry Spears come on up I'm sitting there and I'm thinking all right man this guy's going to be so proud of me I'm gonna be their poster child because I won't off of methadone and he's been waiting for this day because nobody wants to get off of it he's been waiting for this day and he's gonna put my name up on the wall and I'm gonna be the guy he calls to come in and talk to everybody and who wait till he hears what I want he called me up there he says mr. Spears what can I do for you I said I want to get off of methadone he goes you do I see yeah he pulls out my rap scene he starts flipping papers open he was mrs. Spears 13 years of drug abuse I said yes sir he goes he started naming it oxycontin yes sir lortabs hydrocodone yes sir ty Lots percocet all that stuff oxycontin how many milligrams a day yes sir cocaine activity methamphetamines crack cocaine yes Hells Angels motorcycle club yes and he went on and on and finally he goes okay I need no more he put my chart away and he looks at me and he and I'm going wait till you hear late too late too everybody hears this he said mr. Spears you never get off of methadone and he said it just like that I went I don't wanted to cry now here's a man who's got more degrees than a thermometer above his head he knows he studied it he knows the ins and outs and statistics he knows who makes it who doesn't how long you been on it and the odds of you getting off of it and this man who's a doctor tells me you'll never get off of methadone it sucked the life out of me it floored me I we're back in my chair and I thought man I maybe I won't ever get off of it she'll remember that Holy Ghost that met me in that Clubhouse that same Holy Ghost and got on the back of that motorcycle that same Holy Ghost October 27 2003 9:30 in the morning saved my soul set me up and begin to speak through me I'm telling you I ain't he gave me the backbone the size of a saw log and I looked at that doctor and I said hey Doc you seen he's our boss God gave me I said that he said excuse me I said eyeballs God gave me sir he just looked at me I said you see that boy over there and the boy goes I said yeah you I said you see the guy with Ozzy tattooed on his knuckles I said hey Doc that's a Felicity all I knew is what my preacher told me he said Oh what team the board goes I'm a wot I said your felicity that's a police he said oh what a stop for listin I'm telling you is what my preacher said I said hey you see the dude sitting beside him with the headband on that's an Egyptian that boy said what you just follow me I said you Egyptian and he's a felicity I said that's an Egyptian in the Felicity right there I said you see that girl over there with the tie-dyed shirt on Doc he said yeah I said that's her mo we'll by this woman he's in a water bike she said what about I said Moabite and your friend is a Babylonian the doctor said oh how black I said a Babylonian and everybody's staring at me I thought he wanted to fight me and then the doctor looked at me I said you know who I am he pushes his chair back he goes mr. Scrooge there's no telling who you are I said I'm a child of God I got saved my Bible and my preacher says you're of God little children have overcome them because greater ceilings is in you than he's in the world I said I ain't coming back here I'm done I'm off his stuff let me tell you how wonderful he was to me I thought well it's over now at least you'll say well good luck oh no he stood up as I was walking away here's what he said you'll be back in three days just like everybody else he wants your money he wants to go hunting in a third-world country killing antelope now I walk out of that place and I thought well if I do go back ain't going back here I'm going to Florence buddy take my dose over there I went home I'm done with this Hawk man I got to hurry I'm done I'm home and I told my wife I gotta get off the methadone she said okay get off of it I said no you don't understand I've never been a sober day since I met you you never know me sober day the day that I picked her up to go on our first date I pulled my keys out of my Levi's and two red and white generic Thai locks fell out of my pocket ten milligrams of oxycodone I was gonna take those drink a couple beers and feel good while I was dating her I said you've never known me I said I've been on methadone since I got saved I say you've never known me sober day she was Wow didn't know that I think it's what you had looked forward to I said the day that I get rid of my take-homes I've had about six take homes I said I flushed them I get rid of them I said within about 24 hours it's gonna hit me I said my legs are gonna lock down my abdominal muscles gonna cramp up I'm gonna have the cold sweats I'm gonna be a suicidal wreck I don't be a roller coaster of emotions I'm gonna have the dry heaves I said it's gonna be bad I said it's gonna be terrible she goes why I said are you willing to go through this with me I said I'm in my right mind right now but I'm not gonna be in a day or two you got to see me through this and my wife looked at me and she she put her hand on the back of my head and she said I told you when I married you it was for good or for bad for richer for poorer for better for worse for sickness and health till death do us part she said I got your back I said alright we went in the bathroom poured that methadone down the sink and about a day and a half later it hit me I was in the bed curled up like a baby banging my head against the headboard begging God to kill me I couldn't hardly make it to the bathroom with diarrhea and the cold sweats and vomiting and everything else and I mean I was locked down about four or five days into that I hollered at my wife and said bring me the phone I can't do this you got to bring me the phone my wife won't do this she said she never yelled at me she'd never raised her voice at me I didn't even know she could sing she looked at me and she said honey you're not getting the phone I went yeah all five foot zero you gonna tell me I can't use the phone okay and out of nowhere here's what she said she agrees how sweet that saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I'm found was blind but now I see I said it's gonna be alright in and she said yeah it's gonna be alright a few days later I did the same thing I said bring me the file she said you ain't getting the phone [Music] calls and snooze I've already come it's great he's that brought us safe thus far and grace will lead us home I said okay I said we gonna make it anyway she said yeah we're gonna make it we walked around the yard one time come back to the door she was standing there holding the calendar she said you know what today is I said what's today she said thirty days you've been cleaning 30 days today I said that's wonderful get out of the way I'm gonna puke I need long enough I went for another walk come back to that same door she was holding that calendar she said you know what today I said what's today she said 60 days too much you've been cleaned two months today I said yeah I'm feeling a little better I said what's for supper I went to work one day and come home she was holding that calendar she said you know what today is as it was today she said one year you've been clean one year today I said well I celebrate you know what I found out I'm done I found out a day turned into a week a week turned into a month and a month turned into a year and this past October was 16 years and then saved by the grace of God you gotta get sick of the frogs you gotta get sick of the frogs I'm done with this we're too busy praying God deliver them God get it out God God get them off with alcohol and there's nothing wrong with wanting your children and your loved ones off of alcohol or dope or pornography or anger or lust or good people says whatever it is well when's the last time we said God do what you've got to do to get it out of their lives for good invade them with frogs until they're sick of it so they'll cry out to the God of heaven my mom and dad prayed and prayed for me for 13 years and my mom told me she said so and I got to the point where I said God destroy his flesh to save his spirit and that's exactly when God got my attention you've been praying it may get worse before it gets better I don't know about you 73 score and ten is nothing for me to suffer for the Eternity of one of my loved ones souls in heaven or hell whatever God's got to do he need to do it maybe you're here you've been pretty used to a man I just about give up on my love of my son daughter grandchild husband or wife look here God sent me tonight to tell you it ain't over until God says it's over and if God can save me he can save anybody a man pastor I'm done let's stand EP brother being come up here I want you to come up here and get with other Charles get us a hymn of invitation if you would yeah if you would sir come up here and congregational books over here I want your heads bowed and eyes closed come on bin get it to him of invitation brother Charles to play I want your heads bowed your eyes closed no one looking around while they get a hymn of invitation but other beings going to lead us in a song here I want to ask you tonight what is it in your life that you need to get sick of you say preacher I've tried this for a long time and I just can't give it up it may not just be drugs it may be a variety of other things but what is it in your life tonight that you need to get sick of preacher said while ago he said this you own it God may just let you have it I found out through the years preacher that God won't stop you from sin he won't stop you from having what you want but I've also found out you won't stop him when judgment is time for judgment and tonight I want to ask you tonight what is it in your life that you need to get sick of some of you need to already getting this offer I want to challenge every preacher here tonight the Bible teaches that we need to get right at the house of God the leadership first before we can expect our people to get right and I want to challenge all of our preachers that may be in this congregation tonight to lead the way some are already coming some are already getting in this in this altar tonight following our preachers I want to ask our church members and our congregation our folks that are you may be visiting night but I want to ask you to lead the way for others that may be here tonight that need to get in this altar let's pray for God to move in a powerful way to sweep us tonight off our feet while they sing what song you got tonight brother for 602 I've decided to follow Jesus lead us in that brother beam get me a Salter tonight you may be in the balcony in the back or whatever you say it's always pretty empty he would let's sing it together who else needs to get in there saw some way to get this order on behalf of others you got a son or a daughter that's out there maybe you need to be like that mama who didn't give up maybe you need to be like that daddy who wouldn't give up maybe you need to get this song on behalf of a mom I saw your daughter a brother/sister long daddy while these were coming why don't you come why don't you come Krauss beef get this over pour your heart out did Almighty God me Crosbie fool no turning back no talking back [Music] that's right I will some are still coming you still have time some of y'all got children in the yard you need to be a preacher Barry's mama who didn't give up take a hold of the horns of the altar and say God I'm not giving up we'll kill my son or daughter come home that's rude others need to come why don't you come while these are pre attorney [Music] keep coming keep coming they'd be lost here tonight you need Jesus why don't you break loose tonight so easy [Music] to follow Jesus give me a song while girls are moving why don't you know what don't you come turn oh there's a movement on the water that's right keep covered keep coming oh geez oh yes [Music] have you decided to follow you follow Jesus yes Pisa [Music] people are still coming why don't you come the world be about to be down about James why don't you look across me fool [Music] the clothes before Crosby [Music] me across my food I'll turn [Applause] we got family members up here loved ones and or in rehab right now pray for God deliverance we got folks over here you say preacher I'd never happened to me listen friend away from God anything can happen you need to get the gun why don't you get the hell listen tonight why don't you get this old fashioned come on come on preacher I need help you'll find it tonight and it's old fashioned halter why don't you sign it - Fargo G show me young people need to get me a soldier psyche ah ah I get a little follow me I have to follow Jesus no hurry [Music] terney [Music] sing another verse brother man people still common people of God but God still me the cross before me though be had me the cross before me Oh will be high and me the cross before no turning man [Music] turning Oh none go with me still I will though none go with me still I will find with me still I will follow no turning back [Applause] [Music] don't turn I want every child by your heads and pray we've got some eternal business taking place over here father it's in the strong and powerful name of Jesus and we come tonight I plead the blood of Jesus Christ right now I ask you right now Oh God that you'll break down the bondage tonight they may be holding these I pray that you'll wash them in the rich royal red redeeming blood of Jesus Christ I think it's a night God for what you've already done god I thank you for what you're about to do I think you God for what you are doing right now I ask you Lord in Jesus name that you'll breathe on us tonight while God touches tonight in Jesus name while these are still praying maybe you need to get me a Sardar maybe you need to get saved you still have time preacher I will do it after the service you're not promised after the service singing again brother band though not father I have decide to follow Jesus I have D sad to follow Jesus I have these side to follow Jesus no turning back no turning [Music] the world behind me the cross before though behind me the cross before me the world behind me across before me no turning no guarantee donut boom with me still like I'll not go with me still I will follow with me still I will follow no turning back no turning back will you decide now to follow Jesus will you decide now to follow Jesus will you decide now to follow Jesus no turning back [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Oh turn all these are still praying I got some good news Tanner and Landry Engel over here 15 years old in nineteen eighteen or nineteen both of these got saved tonight amen this gentleman here Amen [Music] brother Barry said this gentleman in the altar praying right now just got saved do you man amen praise the Lord amen stay stay amen staying over as long as you need to stay amen praise God hey I've learned through the years that's no time to get in a hurry when God's moving amen you still listen you may be here and you say you you may be here and you say well preacher I ain't sure I wouldn't walk out the doors of the church if I wasn't sure amen listen when I've learned through the years when the Holy Ghost is moving you better move with him he listen he's not promised than moved tomorrow he's moving right now Amen you say well I'll do it tomorrow yeah I heard of another man that said that years ago in the Word of God he never got it amen you're not promised smart most not thyself of tomorrow for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth I'm gonna sing it again because somebody else probably needs to get in this old fashioned altar and get saved singing again man I have these to follow cheese you needa comes a hefty snide we follow Jesus I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back no turning and the world be hi me the cross before me the behind me the cross before me the world behind me the cross before me no 30 [Music] no 30 hey man amen thank you so much appreciate the message to not say a big amen amen I love you preacher come right on preacher I just wanted to make mention I preach I preach against the law stuff but I preach against rock-and-roll music and so in order to preach against that I got to have something to offer I do have some CDs and my wife and I made a couple CDs they're both on one I don't sell them I probably don't have enough for everybody to get one but I just take a donation if you would like to have a CD of my wife and I singing then I'll be at the back is that okay pastor I'm okay with that and if each family if you'd like to have one if you don't like it you throw it real hard at your husband or your wife it'll cut them right in the head and they'll bleed like a stuck hog man you can laugh at them but I'll be in the back if you'd like to have one you want to make a donation that's fine if you don't have any money I want every family to have one of my CDs that's all I want you to save me one before you give them all out preacher amen you love preacher Barry tonight a man I love you preacher how would y'all like for us to get him after the first a year to come and preach say man would y'all enjoy that same in Amen I told him earlier I'd like to get him after the first year hey preacher you just preached you got complete Liberty here amen amen preacher Charles I love you I appreciate you opening this thing up for us this morning and I want you to dismiss us in prayer tonight amen yes go brother Charles play us some playing music we're going to take up an offer if you appreciate what God did tonight we're gonna ask you to give from your bottom of your heart okay they're gonna start from the back of the church and after the offer has been taken after it comes by you you're at liberty to go god bless you [Music]
Channel: Winkler's Grove Baptist Church
Views: 1,408
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 21sec (6321 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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