Push Feed Actions – The Real Gunsmith

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we're gonna talk about control around freed actions we're gonna talk about push speed actions I've had people ask me about this there seems to be some interest I don't think that there's very many people that understand what I'm going to describe to you our basic control drowned feet action started with the Mauser Mauser actions many many years ago the Mauser 98 the Mauser 98 FN Mausers all the Mauser actions are wonderful actions they're all controlled round feet then just drive but control frown feed means you put the cartridge you feed the cartridge into the magazine another rifle and you feed you open the bolt and you feed the cartridge into the chamber as you push the bolt ahead as that bolt makes its way ahead the cartridge rim slips up underneath the extractor slips behind the extractor between the extractor and the bolt face of the action picks it up by the time it's up over the feed ramp that cartridge case is fully surrounded in the bolt face of the mauser action likewise the winchester model 70 the winchester model 70 is basically patterned and designed from that aspect around the mauser action this includes the springfield actions the Enfield actions and there are a few other actions that are a controlled round feed action in the aspect that it controls the round as it feeds up into the rifle by necessity these are the slowest to operate type of action in a bolt-action made they work well they work reliably everything that is mechanical relies on your ability to in your expertise to be able to use it I love Mauser actions I love winchester model 70s I liked the controlled round feet aspect but for the most part this is the slowest action to manipulate we're gonna go from the controlled round feet aspect to the push feet while the first push speed rifles to come down the line was the remington 720 once and 7 22s many years ago those advanced into the 700 there that's the basic when everybody thinks of a controlled round feed type of an action they think of Remington 700s there's nothing that guides that cartridge really the cartridge can be dropped into the chamber the bolt can be closed on it the cartridge can be fed out of the magazine it's just flopping ahead and finding its way up out of the magazine of the rifle up the feed ramp and into the chamber there's nothing to gets a hold of that car keys and guides at whatsoever that's one aspect of push feed then there's other aspects of push feed and some of the first manufacturers to manufacture a push feed will say : this happens to be a Seiko rifle this is a cycle Seiko model 995 magnum rifle it happens to be happens to be a seven millimeter Weatherby Magnum now all the cartridges are fed out of the mag a detachable magazine box now I want you to see this detachable magazine box you notice how the side of this box is crimped in from each side all the cartridges feed off of the off of the center of this magazine the cartridges on the top is in the center the cartridges below it are staggered left and right just like every other magazine is made in this aspect they've advanced from this to two magazines that are much much narrower than this there are now the Seiko teeka's and things of that sort and that's a single column stacked right straight up on top of one another now this type of feed aspect you can manipulate the walls of this magazine box with a little feed tool so that this cartridge will feed absolutely positively perfectly beyond your imagination every time without a doubt fed slowly or fed quickly or fed lightning-fast damn-near you can put cartridges in the magazine of this magazine box I won't demonstrate live cartridges in this rifle I'll just simply show you that a bolt can be worked like that it can be work like that it can be work like this that's how fast you can run that bolt that fast and it'll feed that cartridge perfectly every time you cannot do that with these other push feed type rifles where the cartridges are fed off of the action feed rails only with rifles that are designed with magazine boxes this is the to my knowledge is the very first one to come along they don't manufacture the 995 anymore it's sad that they don't every few years company seemed to have to change things that they make it's not necessary if they make a good product this has been a wonderful product this rifle has served me well there's other aspects about this rifle are absolutely amazing beyond this feat aspect I was hunting with this rifle in a snowstorm I killed a cow elk it was snowing and if you're out hunting ever been out and a pretty good snow I dressed that elk out there were wolves not in sight but very close probably within 200 and some yards howling because they could smell that elk that I killed I didn't know but what any moment that I might be approached by wolves and I'd have to use my rifle I had this rifle loaded I had it on my shoulder I had the safety on over my shoulder I hunted finished that morning dressed that elk drugged those quarters down to the end of a road where I could where I could drive into a little bit later I walked out with this rifle I walked out with this rifle to my vehicle this rifle had literally a sixteenth of an inch of ice over the entirety the tire tee of the rifle the stock the action the scope and everything when I got to my vehicle this was a loaded rifle with the safety on I kicked the safety off it worked I opened the bolt and the bolt worked perfectly I dropped the cartridge out I dropped the magazine box out I put the cartridge back in the magazine box I set the rifle in the in my vehicle of course unloaded in the magazine box now try that with another rifle folks with a sixteenth of an inch ice on it and it works absolutely perfectly I've described this because it works so well there are many Seiko rifles that have been built various models built since this rifle was built the current cycles that are built now are very good rifles and most of them or in fact all of them have this the either the top center line feed or the staggered box feed and they worked just flawlessly and perfectly same thing to do with the tikka rifles people have really taken well to tika rifles they're light they're handy they're relatively inexpensive and it's a the the cartridges are as I say stacked right straight on top one of they worked very well also so I hope that this answers some of the misgivings of some of these push feed rifles except something just come into my mind you know I've had people describe to me things that have happened to him I'm gonna describe something that happened to somebody in Africa he was pretty well trampled by a buffalo a fella was and he was trying to blame my rifle and the rifle happen to be a Dakota rifle well that's made off the model 70 type action controlled round feed it was a 416 and there was no fall to the rifle he thought it was the fall to that rifle it wasn't it was his fault he's short stroked the bolt what short stroking it means that you didn't pull the bolt all the way back but you stopped a little bit short of all the way back and he never picked up around well if you didn't pick up the round you push the bolt forward you got it buffalo charging towards you it isn't gonna make a difference if it's a controlled round feed this push speed this particular push feed you're gonna have problems because you didn't pick up around it's your fault not the fault of the rifle so I hope that this clears up some misgivings and personally I think that the very best game just dangerous game rifle would be built off of this type of an action because it would work provided that you do your part better than what we've been told we got to go to Africa with a controlled round feet that's nonsense you can go there with the push speeds and get her done without any doubt but I wouldn't go to Africa with a Remington I wouldn't go there at all if I went I have two of these Rice's and I've chosen to have two of these rifles because at some point in time I might go to some other part of the country to hunt I've chosen them in in calibers that would be enough for whatever I'm going to hunt I have also one in 300 Winchester Magnum that's what I'd probably take to some other part of the country if I went to Africa Alaska or wherever might happen to be I'd take that rifle if I got disconnected from my ammunition for some reason another my precision hand loads for that rifle I could probably buy some driven winchester magnum ammunition and I could kill anything I wanted to kill and I could rely on that rifle I know I could rely on it in terrible terrible income with freezing sleet rain in Alaska because if it proved it to me the day that I was hunting elk and I and I've already described the situation to you you
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Views: 52,817
Rating: 4.8839049 out of 5
Keywords: the real gunsmith, randy selby, push feed action, control feed action, sako actions, mauser action, 7mm rem mag, 6.5 creedmoor, 6.5 prc, 300 weatherby, 338 lapua, 50 bmg, custom rifle, long range shooting, long range hunting
Id: mAT2Y1iyzrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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