Barr Notes: Dollar Bills Worth Money Hiding in Your Wallet

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let's start with what exactly is a bar No [Music] Pam everybody's silver picker here and welcome to the silver picker squad now today's video is all about rare banknotes worth money that you can still find in circulation now this is actually gonna be the second video in what is now going to be a series on these kind of rare banknotes and if you missed the first one the first one is all about what are called webnotes and you can watch that video right over here if you missed it web notes are a fascinating rare bill that you can still find in circulation today but today we are going to be talking about a different rare banknote that you can still find in circulation and in fact it may even be hiding unbeknownst to you in your own banknote collection and of course what we're talking about today is the bar note and that's what I have right over here now the bar note is a super interesting banknote because in a sense it was only printed for 28 days yes I would say that that's pretty rare now what we're gonna do today in this video is we're going to talk about what is a bar note how to identify it and of course what you're all excited about what it's worth so there are some interesting things about that and what it's worth and its rarity and we'll get to that later in the video but for now let's start with what exactly is a bar note so what exactly is a bar note anyway well the bar in bar note refers to Joseph's bar who is the Under Secretary of the United States Treasury under President Lyndon Johnson Henry Fowler was the Secretary of Treasury but in 1968 he resigned and Joseph bar took his place so when the United States was going to print the 1968 one dollar bills Joseph bar signature was going to be on the bill well that sounds pretty normal right that sounds like every secretary of United States Treasury well the difference here is that Henry Fowler his predecessor resigned with less than a month left in his term making Joseph bar the shortest tenured United States Secretary of Treasury in United States history at just 28 that's right so this bill was only printed for the tenure of his term which was 28 days which is absolutely mind-blowing the short so that you can see is why these bills are so sought-after by collectors so now that you know what a bar no it is why don't we take a closer look at this one and see what the identifying features are so you know how to spot one when you see one in the wild all right so let's take a look at the identifying features of the bar note well the first thing when we flip it on to the front side we notice is that on all bar notes George Washington whose self tells you guys to smash that like button ha very funny I know I know I went there but seriously it really does help me out a ton to click on the like button I put a ton of work and effort into these videos and when you hit the like button or leave a comment unless the YouTube algorithm know to share this video with more people like us and spread the word within the coin collecting numismatic and precious metals community this encourages me to continue making awesome numismatic and precious metal content for you guys absolutely free so come on do me a solid hit that like button you know you want to and according to this it really is your civic duty well anyway seriously let's take this out of this little plastic case and take a closer look by the way anyway if you actually do want to support the channel in a more concrete way you can click on the Amazon links below and you can buy your very own non reactive acid-free holders for banknotes and anything you buy through my Amazon links doesn't cost you a penny extra but it does financially support the channel and help me continue making videos so and the plus I promise Enda plugs so how do you actually identify a bar note well unlike wet notes or other rare banknotes that might have more nuanced identifying features the bar note is actually really really easy to identify and that's because it has Joseph Bars signature printed right on absolutely you can see the word bar printed right on a bar note and that's obvious of course because the whole reason it's called a bar note is as it has the shortest term secretary of the United States Treasury Joseph bars signature on it easy peasy right well it's obvious for most of us to identify a bar note based on that signature but there are a lot of people who a have trouble reading cursive on old banknotes people who don't speak English as their native language and also just people who aren't so familiar with the United States banknotes so there is one other way to identify a bar now without even being able to read the signature and that is of course by looking at the series date now the bar note was only issued in the one dollar denomination so there are no 5 10 20 50 or $100 bar note denominations and it was only issued with the 1963 B series date so that's it one dollar 1963 B series with bars signature is the unequivocal undeniable way to determine whether what you are holding in your hand is actually a bar note now just to point out also over here this is the series date not the printing date so if you're wondering why if Joseph bar started his career at the end of 1968 as the secretary of the United States Treasury and ended at the very beginning of 1969 how on earth is it a 1963 bill well that's because the last time the bill was changed it was 1963 Series A and when bar took office they changed to the 1963 B Series so that is how you identify a bar note 100% so even though I said that the bar note only comes in the 1963 B Series in the one dollar denomination there are actually five different versions of that and what I mean by that is that there are five different cities federal reserve's that this note was printed for so there is New York which is like the one that I have right here but in addition to New York there's Richmond of Chicago Kansas City and San Francisco with Kansas City having the lowest print run you can actually see the print run numbers right over here that I put up on the screen I think actually putting together a set of all five would be really really cool if you guys do have a set of all five I'd love to see you put it in the comments below and let us know how you assembled it so now that you know what a bar note is and how to identify one I bet you all want to know what it's worth well before I tell you that I need to tell you a little bit of silvering news about this banknote [Music] it's not that rare not that rare didn't you just spend the last five minutes telling me that it was only produced for 28 days and it's only in this one series of one denomination what are you not rare well what I mean by not rare is that compared to high-end rare banknotes we're only like a few thousand where ever produced in this case there were actually four hundred and fifty eight million eight hundred eighty thousand bar notes printed that is a huge huge number to put into perspective you guys have seen this bill in my collection right this is the 1935 a North Africa note to put it into perspective there were only 26 million nine hundred and sixteen thousand of these produced so so 26 point nine million versus four hundred and fifty eight point eight million so you can see that there is indeed obviously a pretty large number of bar notes that were produced so where does this actually leave us are they rare or not are they valuable or not well I guess the answer really depends on your perspective they certainly are rare to find in circulation and we're are worth well above face value but you could also just go on eBay and without really breaking the bank you can purchase one for yourself if you really want to now I found this example in circulation I was a bartender a few years ago and I would look through the banknotes that we got as tips and this one popped up however I didn't actually recognize it as a bar note at the time I didn't know what it was I actually thought that it was just a 1963 note which was worth it for me to take out of circulation and put it in my collection it was only later on when I learned what a bar note was that I saw it in my collection and was pleasantly surprised so what's it worth well the highest value one that sold recently on ebay sold for a hundred and twenty five dollars and it was in gem mint condition so unlikely to find such a specimen in your wallet or even hiding in your collection however that being said circulated specimens sell regularly for five to ten dollars with the start node version selling closer to twenty dollars each this makes sense given that only twelve point three million bar notes were issued as start notes so are they worth a fortune no but there are two important reasons why it's important to know about them one is that even if they're not worth a fortune they're still worth something and it's an amazing fine worth several times face value that I was thrilled to find in circulation and you would be too I'm sure and of course refining it again hiding in my collection and to arguably more important is that as time goes on these banknotes may actually appreciate in value and the end of the day no one really knows for sure how much this will be worth in ten twenty or a hundred years but I can tell you that I was absolutely thrilled to find one in circulation I know you guys would be too and they certainly are worth more than face value well that about does it for this video I hope you guys learned something and if you did consider subscribing we have a lot of fun stuff on this channel learning about coins banknotes gold silver picking thrifty and just how to make a little bit extra money on your own terms so hit the subscribe button and the little Bell next to it and be sure you don't miss anything if you want to support the channel beyond hitting the like button and subscribing check out the Amazon links below whatever you buy through those links will support my channel and won't cost you a dime or check out my exclusive silver picker merch get yourself a tee a hoodie or coffee cup in any case thank you so much for watching I've got a lot more awesome stuff coming down the pike so stay tuned and until next time silver pick her out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Silverpicker
Views: 22,386
Rating: 4.9025874 out of 5
Keywords: Silver, gold, coins, coinage, numismatics, numismatist, collector, silver stacker, stacker, silver bug, ASE, Eagle, cent, penny, dime, quarter, nickel, half, halves, scrap, 14k, 18k, 24k, 999, sterling, crh, coin roll hunting, Morgan dollar, peace dollar, bullion, silver bullion, coin collecting, coin collection, picking, thrifting
Id: Cfx3o1VXZWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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