Odds and Ends 49: A collection of Tool and Die Maker Tools

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hello Keith Rucker here Vince Machinery org well I got in the mail over here three big flat rate boxes today and I thought we would open these up on camera and show you what's in them so a little bit of the backstory on this I got an email a couple weeks ago from one of my viewers Lou cousin who lives up in love Lima Ohio Ohio or Lima Ohio and Lou told me that he is a retired tool and die maker worked for Ford up there I guess most of his career and has recently come to the point in his life where he's needed to downsize some but Lou had had sold a lot of his equipment stuff on Craigslist and so forth in the area but he had a bunch of smaller items and said you know I just really didn't want to try to sell these one at a time so he contacted me and took some pictures of some stuff and asked me so would you be interested in buying this stuff is a lot and when he sent me the pictures I was quite honored that he selected me to become the new curator of these tools for a period of time and be able to use them and enjoy them up as he has for throughout his entire a very long career working in the in the trade and we worked out a price what I thought was very reasonable price up and we made a deal so to follow up with that I then got another one of my viewers and friend of mine Jack hoeing who lives up not too terribly far from there Jack went over actually picked all the tools up I sent him a check he wouldn't pick the tools up from Lou and was kind enough to pack them up and ship them down to me so Jack took advantage of the United States Postal Service here he filled these three boxes flat rate boxes up here with tools and I think he told me there's about 140 pound between three boxes and I think the total on the shipping was a little less than $60 on including insurance so anyway I think we got the better part of the Postal Service on on this deal so anyway I thought you guys might enjoy going through these tools I have not seen them in person I've seen pictures so I'll be looking at these really for the first time as well so let's get them in here and we'll crack open some boxes all right let's see what we got here alright so I'm gonna cover that up so you don't see the he put the shipping address on there he's got these boxed up very nice packing job I'm just going to split these boxes open this is the way you pack things guys when you got heavy items on and flat rate boxes build a wooden box inside that won't fall apart and shipping so Jack you nailed it Jack ships up to me before this is actually one of the lighter boxes we got here let me get something to pry that top open with so most of my carpentry tools are down the other shop so make them do what I got here all right excellent excellent packing job alright so I'm gonna move this over we'll just pull these out one at a time and let you take a look so start out with instead of a telescoping gauges this is a set that's made in Korea it says but they look like they're in good shape so that's exactly what you want to see nice full complete set very nice I think I mentioned before you know a lot of these tools I have but with me building my shop here at home and having a shop here at the house as well as needing to be able to still do things out in the museum I'm really needing putting together another set of basic tools so this will be great I can have a set of telescope engages both my home shopping out of the museum so very nice so let's move on I got some stuff in shrink wrap here slightly maybe some indicators trip it so a little test indicator in here half thousandth it's a little sticky but it works you know we can definitely probably get that reward looks like a very nice indicator though in the box so see another the other one says intrepid a little bit bigger one here again this one is a half thousandths and it looks like it's in not quite as a sticky although a little bit dirty we'll have to cut this foam in here's I'm just going to take that out so yeah some nice test indicators I don't have a big face one like that I like that when I was good and says Fowler micrometer another one going to have to get this foam cleaned up oh very cool so this one's got where you can read the the numbers they're numerically they change and you can also read it on the barrel like a traditional micrometer it measures to a thousandth of an inch on this scale but measures to ten thousandth inch over here so pretty cool I've seen these this type with the dial in it before but I've never had one so that's kind of cool I like that analog in I guess it's not really digital but in the modern said term but you can at least read it digitally there so to speak Vblock a couple of one two three blocks very nice not sure those are commercial or someone made those really doesn't matter I'll look here and very nice this is something I don't really have right here a couple of nice heavy-duty parallels I'm sure those are ground to the same height this is something you can use an advice or set up on the mill or whatever you need some good parallels very nice these are look like they're probably were made by someone but excellent excellent nice little sign bar here so you can use a gauge blocks put up underneath here to dial in a very precise angle this is a made by CR Wallace I think I saw his name on something else maybe not but a very nice-looking signed bar that's a user made item tool and die maker made that again I've got a smaller side bar I don't get to use a sign bar too much but now that I have my surface grinder this is something I'll probably be using a little bit more Oh leave those right there are more stapler Reimers looks like a number three size Morse taper reamer which is nice maybe it's number two number two Morse taper dreamers when I'm is a straight shank and one is a spiral shape that's some handy item to have I think I've got a set of number three Morse taper rumors that I've purchased some time ago for a job that I have but anyway those are nice you can use those to clean up Morse taper sockets that maybe need a little cleaning up on the inside or if you're making something that needs a Morse taper socket this will get that taper just exactly right look at that sweet sweet sweet so got a was like a number two Morse taper shank here and this is a criterion boring head it's like it's an excellent excellent shape that right there will be nice I've got a got some bigger boring heads but I'll have a small one like this so this will be this will definitely come in handy all right so what we have here is a planar gage very nicely made I like this kind of a not really a dovetail top but it's a taper top so there's a little screw in here that you can tighten that on this is a brown and sharp number of 624 it's got a little level down here the bubble still good in it Lou told me that I think there's five of planar gauges in this lot he's I think he had a thing for planar gauges and he found some nice ones and over the course of his career and just couldn't resist them so he picked them up whenever he could so anyway that's a nice of brown and sharp I really like that design with that the top on there that's kind of that's interesting I don't think I've seen one like that before I think we got more planar gauges here see all right I told you there were more planar gauges to come so very nice so here is a that one's really nice he told me one of them was one that he found that was a user made tool I think this must be it he just went on about how nice it was and he just couldn't resist it and that is a nice planar gauge there so here's another one this one too looks to be a user made tool it's got the little stand off here that you can put on here in different places of to get different heights for measuring so nice and this one okay this is a Pratt and Whitney number 901 a planar gage Hartford Connecticut very nice commercial made cleaner gauge it's got a like a fine adjust in here maybe or is that the lock I'm not sure there's two wheels in here one obviously is a to adjust it up and down I'm not sure what this other one does I think it does lock it down though there's a little level down here in the bottom too that's also a very nice planar gage says inside mics and that's what it is it looks like a starett number 823 inside mic set a smaller one here so these are for getting down inside of a bore and you can actually measure inside this has got the nice little clip to put on here so that you can drop it down inside something and hold it and obviously you can change out the anvils in this for different depths are different diameters to change it out so nice little set there boxes and in the greatest shape but the the contents look to be just great alright more stuff here alright we got here it says Mitchell oil in there another micrometer this one he told me about this one's interesting and this is something I'm really kind of looking forward to having because people always give me a hard time about metric versus imperial units and the nice thing about this one is is that the barrel reads in inches but the gauge here reads in millimeters so it measures both at the same time which is kind of neat and administer to ten thousandth of an inch so very nice very nice micrometer there I like that I really like that a lot that's cool small hole micrometer is brown and sharps what the box says oh cool so these are neat so these have three little legs on when you open them up the legs come out and you can use this to measure an inside diameter and with three points of contact it really gives you a nice accurate and got a couple of calibrations holes in here so you can put it down in here and check your calibration that's a one ten thousandth over a half an inch and this one is a three hundred fifty thousands and there's three of them in here so for to give you a range and this right here I'm sure plugs in screws in the end maybe or something to extend it down and deeper in the hole I'm guessing very nice I've seen this type of a inside micrometer before out but I don't have any so these are really cool very nice that's a keeper there for sure and this is a Lufkin depth micrometer so another very handy tool I know I've got a depth micrometer so this one will probably end up and either the museum shop or my home shop so you know I have one in both places very nice all right let's uh break open box number two all right we got box number two broken into here and just going through it looks like we got a little height gauge here see if I see any maker marks on it don't see anything jumping out at me and there's probably more parts to this in here push that down get it down flat so you would use this on the surface gauge and you could use this to hold a micrometer I mean a indicator or put a scribe in here to layout stuff anyway this is a nice little tool got to find adjust on there and I bet there's more parts to it in the box not exactly sure what this is this is an arbor for something and it may be a piece too something else in the box I'm gonna set it aside for right now I know jack told me had to take some of stuff apart to get it all in the boxes so here we got some parts I think for this of hiking over here maybe maybe some miscellaneous parts there's a little snap gauge or telescoping gauge ah there was a mirror in there but the mirror broke and I'm going to shut the camera off and clean that glass up so here's the little mirror that the mirror broke in but you know I'm looking this thing I'm going to get another piece of mirror and put it in there this is neat so how many times have you needed a a little piece of cardboard in there it's even got a little thing in here instructions about how to replace the mirror so anyway you would this has got a little mag mount on it you could kind of put it on a machine or whatever so many times you've been working on something need to see behind it so I've got a little mirror that I can kind of handheld back behind something this is something you can stick down like on a milling machine table and look behind it so if you're indicating or something like that and that indicator goes around the backside where you can't read it while a lot here you go very cool it's got a little adjustable on there so you can move it around than just that however you want so that's a keeper and we will we will definitely get a new piece of mirror for that cool alright looks like a snug and little I don't know it's like a hold down clamp for something who knows another Vblock here and it has a small v block on the inside of the big V block that's kind of neat and got the clamp on there I don't know don't think that matches the other one I see if I put my hands aren't real quick oh maybe it does so yeah because that is a match set there cool alright we got a little uh parallels here it looks like that's a set of parallels there's an adjustable parallel that's just a piece of ground stock and I'm sure that had some purpose not sure what it was it looks like it may I don't know might put that on a little stem or something and mount something on them holes not sure who knows it was in this toolbox though so we got a little spin index for here kind of like a little dividing plate or you know it is a dividing plate I guess and I'm guessing that it takes some type of collet I'm not sure I'll have to that's actually a taper so it's probably for turning between centers I guess if you wanted to index something you know you're just you're stuck with the divisions that are on here so direct indexing instead of a like a dividing head but still a fancy little or a nice little tool to have around for some quick indexing pretty cool looks like a couple of fly cutters here when I'm to got tool bit in it that one's got the bore for one but it's not one in there right now so those are probably homemade got a set of a carbide tip boring bars and there I think there's those will fit some boring heads which we've already showed you one I think there's going to be some more boring heads in here as well here's another criterion boring head this one is a r8 so that will fit right up in the middle machine very nice again.this very handy to have these we got an assortment of a boring bars here you know these are fitting the boring heads or you can use them in the milling machine just like they are lots of ways to use these boring uh boring bars cool and speaking of boring bars got a lifetime supply here so most of these are high speed steel there's a couple of them here that takes a carbide insert that one there's got a piece of carbide brazed on there it looks like so anyway I'm going to be set on boring bars for a while please got a little rust on these clean right up in some evapo rust I see one more little box in this big box very cool something that I do not have do now this is a another sign plate you know this is a one that you could will it would work on the on the surface grinder you would have to clamp something down to it it's not going to be mag up here but still very nice this looks like look at that I don't see any maker's marks on this I'm I'm willing to bet this is probably a user made homemade this would come from a tool and die maker so this is the kind of stuff he could make very very nice very nice all right let's crack open the third box got another feed block here this one looks like it's a user made Jay Bennett's name is on there so mr. Bennett made that one it's more parallels and piece of the high speed steel mo max you know a lot of this little miscellaneous stuff guys don't overlook this when you things like this when you see a tool box or something because quite often that when you're setting up a job having some little shims and things like this very nice to have don't overlook them because it's not a you know stair tool or something that you immediately recognize alright so this is a V block with a mag it's like it's got a mag in it that's kind of interesting I thought it was like an indicator holder but I don't see a place to mount an indicator on it I think it is truly just a magnetic I've ever seen one of those pretty cool look at that V block I'm sure that's a user made very interesting how they did that I'm not sure exactly why you would do it that way there's nothing wrong with it by any means that's that's pretty cool I saw a precision ground I'm sure this user made very very neat so those fit up into something I'm not sure what that looks like a extension for boring bar or something I'm not quite sure and Flynn manufacturing come he's got a micrometer head on it not exactly sure what that would have been for either that's pretty cool so we got a couple of angle plates they don't match but these are precision ground we'll have to check them but I'll be willing to bet they're pretty darn close very cool these will be great for doing some setups these are user-made got the guy's name I thought I thought on both of them I see them okay here it is yeah F Garland and same thing here F Garland I've seen several tools in here with F Garland's name stamped on them so he must have acquired some of mr. Garland's tools at some point in time alright so we got us a whole box full of parallels here some of these look like they wouldn't been ground together that's cool over your parallels but on the weather angled like that but that's kind of neat more parallels another nice little set of the V blocks here with the clamp on the top those are appear to be user made as well F Garland I got a federal dial indicator this one is a millimeters metric point zero zero five millimeters so this is very very fine resolution I mean it has hardly any travel at all needs a little stem put on the bottom there but a very high precision micrometer looks like cool so I don't know guys obviously this is a V block I'm not sure what this is we got a couple of holes in there kind of grimy dirty holes I'm not sure what that would have been for CR they probably don't go together this is uh this looks like a commercial tool here this one is a mod Co tools 1075 this right here's got a CR stamped in it so that's a user made tool another set of ground parallels very nice so we've got a r8 born bar don't see a name on that one but looks like a very nice high quality one and this is really nice here so we got a Jacob's hand Chuck here keyless chuck on r8 call it dad will be nice that right there will probably become a main Chuck on my middle machine I'm excited to see that that's nice I was like we have another depth of micrometer this is a brown and sharp number 607 box is not that great but it looks like it has most if not all the parts there so another good little user depth mic a little starett push button mica indicator holder and some other little miscellaneous that's right here I believe is a depth stop to go like on the Bridgeport milling machine that right there fits the threads on there and you just clamp this in there and it'll automatically kick out a year I don't know if that will work with my Wells index or not I hope you try it out and I don't know what that is got a little dovetail slot in it put more ground I don't know what you call those parallels I guess blots but for obviously doing some kind of setup work those will come in handy I think I'm going to be set on boring heads here so here's an Armstrong boring head this has got a Morse taper adapter on it actually I think yeah so there's another one that goes in there that's just a regular round one like you put up in a collet and then there's another one I'm not sure what that would have been known it maybe fits up on another stub or something but anyway that's what these extra arbors are for says angle parallels look at there a whole box of angle parallels one two three four so I'm not sure this is multiple sets that are just kind of all thrown together this kind of looks that way but these are great for doing setup work and I've got a set of these but I don't think I've gotten multiples so if there's matching ones in here this will be really handy because sometimes you can you need more than one of these up underneath something to set an angle up on I've used these many times so anyway that's that's nice very nice to have a couple more of these ground parallels here it's like there's a set of four those makes it even better in the last item in the bottom of the box another planer gage starett precision planer gage in the box wallah what a beauty got all the parts and accessories here that is nice that is really really nice very cool even has a little scribing here where you can use it set up to lay out with wow this is a this is a very very nice set which I this is number five planar gauge but with the accessories in here this one is really probably the keeper of all of them I think has both of the standoffs here this this little one here will fit in that hole so that it'll be complete very cool alright so that's pretty much it well guys I hope you enjoyed going through here and seeing some really nice tools once belonging to a tool and die maker I always enjoy going through tools when they're in a collection like this because it really kind of gives you an insight to a person's work and the work that they have done for many many years and it's also neat to be able to get a collection of tools together that you can put a name with you know who it came from and so you know I had a conversation with a blue at least over email so I've kind of gotten to know him a little bit and a little bit of his history and how these tools were used which to me just adds a personal touch and I really like that and it's always nice to to pick up a lot of tools a collection of tools like this you know I don't know these came out of his toolbox per se or whatever but a lot of this stuff is just the miscellaneous things that everybody has in their toolbox and you know I mentioned this I think before but don't overlook these little miscellaneous things like little ground parallels and you know a little snugs and just a little the little stuff that's in these toolboxes because so many times you're out setting up a job in the shop and you need that stuff and you know it's not things that you'd really think about when you're out looking you're looking for a micrometer or you're looking for a an indicator or whatever and you go by individual pieces but when you're able to get a lot like this a lot of times the little things that maybe don't have that much value you can really save the day some days so anytime I can pick up a toolbox full tools I'll always try to do that even though the the big-ticket items may not be what I need is the little things they kind of fill things out so Lou thank you so much for contacting me and offering these to me I know you guys will ask you know how much I pay for all this we made a deal Lou offered this to me his offer to me was $450 and I said yeah I think that's more than fair and and I also again I want to put out a thank to Jack who went by picked all the stuff up for me and packed it up and and there's actually one more piece that didn't make it in the shipment and that's a little rotary table on XY cross slide and it was just too big to put in a flat rate box and Jack's going to probably get that down to me this fall when he's making a trip down at least that's the plan right now so I'll get that from him at a later date but very nice set of tools Thank You Lou and thank you jack for for making available to me and hope you saw some interesting new things in there with that that'll be a wrap thanks a lot will a catch again soon you
Channel: Keith Rucker - VintageMachinery.org
Views: 66,493
Rating: 4.9196248 out of 5
Keywords: Machinist, Machine Shop, Grinder, Starrett, Brown & Sharpe, Pratt & Whitney
Id: Y0Iiq4LyKAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 29sec (2129 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2016
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