HUGE TOOL SCORE AT Garage Sale pt 1 tubalcain

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how are they once again is tuple cane and this time with a little bit different twist than what I usually do but and I know you guys like that option videos and garage sale videos and I have to beg your pardon and make an apology here that I promised there would be no more options here in my final years and I know I'm a hoarder or an accumulator or some of you put it but I just couldn't resist the lure of an auction ad where they were offering a milling machine and a Colchester lathe and that will actually be in the second part this is going to be a two-part video because a lot happen on the way to the auction my wife said let's stop and go to a garage sale that said all tools I'll show you a clip of it here in a second I thought well that's related no good because I know they usually lie when they say all all tools that it was a little bit of a detour ten miles out of the way on the way to the auction but nevertheless I went and I was amazed it was one of the best garage sales that I've been to in 20 years no we do not get garage sale like this all the time I spent over an hour there and wasted another 134 dollars but in fact what I have in the car right now is what I got at the garage sale so I went then to the auction with the car that was already full and I don't know if you can tell here but its sagging a little bit but this is all stuff that has bought at the garage sale and I will it was wonderful I should have bought more next week they're gonna have another one they said they haven't even touched the motherlode yet but I don't think I can go to that that one nor do I need anything but these boxes most of them were job lots that were priced and you could deal if it said 10 usually you could get it for five and so on so I haven't even looked through them I would see one thing on the top you know I thought well that's good I'm gonna that's five bucks work alone so I think you're gonna enjoy this and then I had to have my grandson I know this is a long introduction I had to have my grandson drive the 40 miles to come up there because we bought some furniture for him as well as he since he's going away to college so I'm excited because I haven't looked at this stuff but I tell you it was hot out in the Sun at the auction and I was gone for seven or eight hours my wife bought some stuff and we just have more fun doing those together it's just a ball I hope that some of you get a chance to do this - all right let's get started here and see what I got as I go through the plunder one at a time and be sure and watch the second part of this video which will be what I bought at the auction although it's not nearly as good as this part believe me I am ashamed of myself but as I start to overhear there's a there's a box of tubing it's nothing but various sizes of a plastic tubing and there's a lot more in the back and the bottom but if you had to go to a hardware that's 100 bucks worth you know they sell it by the foot so now I'm gonna take these out and one of the time and go through them and you know what I had a hundred and thirty four dollars worth of fun at that garage sale the people were great and I even said to him hey you gotta help me load this so they loaded as I went through and bought just a few more things and then on to the auction I went but I should have stayed another hour at the garage sale all right I gabbed enough let's get over to the table and go through these piles first thing here I bought a a brand new tripod two or three dollars I flattened out the cardboard because I needed to try to protect the upholstery I'm kind of thrashing out my car is a laser but this looks like a nice tripod for up for three dollars which oh of course use in making my videos I don't know what this stabilizer but I'm sure it's a bunch of baloney but that was three bucks all right they'll be junk no there's gonna be a lot of junk and that just gets thrown away or or given away but you know come on I wouldn't even give that to my grandson there's a hacksaw that looks pretty generic yeah that's no good some kind of vice grips I remember seeing these it's it's not a real vise grip but what in the heck is this tell me someone what this is you know those there's going to be some no that's some kind of I don't know you can tell me in the comments on some of those stuff but there will also be a few things that I'm going to lay aside for my what is it video for instance that that's one of them I'm not going to tell you that there's a cheap combination square I think that's something to do with aluminum siding I mean you know these are all non-sparking there's a couple non-sparkling I got I'll lay that aside this is a five dollar box just subtle bit more mark that's a nice container that looks like it's for aluminum siding and still got a clip [Music] lifting eyes that's worth the price of admission there all right not a great box but fun to look through I will try to point out items that I bought individually there weren't in the job loss but this is a door closure they had a bunch of them it's a Norton hate to think what that is new it's a commercial one but the reason I bought that is I I was going to do a video on you know how does it work for door closed or something we all use every day and nobody knows anything about it let's see what we got here this also was a five dollar box I think they had it marked in but I tell you he would he would deal there was some nice Stanley screwed look these are I just do this at school I should make that what is it but that's for when you broke off a wooden handle in a push broom which the kids did because they wanted to play a hockey which the push broom but this was a repair right on the claw hammer that's a standard I got a million of them all right there's a little chuck with a number two Moore's taper but I don't really like those hand tighten ones matter of fact they're no good at all ah what do we yes oh these are cleaner blades look to be brand new six inch planer or jointer blades huh okay a bad screwdriver a bad tip I'll throw it out away there's a good one looks like it's almost new you know there's new stuff I'm not gonna show you all these screwdrivers you know there's the screwdriver handles oh man I just took a sniff of that as they decay I cannot stand those have you got those in a drawer well I'm glad I only paid $5.00 with generic a couple new screws wherever there's a drill bit that would cost $5 and it's new half-inch [Applause] I'm ashamed that I bought that box all right you can see this box is marked $10 which means I paid five there's a generic saw closet flange Oh some kind of level I don't like these gadgets that's just a gadget junk junk I'm out of frame here another piece of junk I don't know what these are but they got the little swivel joints on the end of them you know I needed this when I took my bike ride the other day there was a tree down on the trail I had to break the branch well I think I might back that on my bike that's nice junkie screwdriver okay what I bought here really I hope first of all here's a milk jug full of stainless steel nuts and bolts he went to my Ace Hardware and bought these that's $100 oil you know how it is when they sell those stainless steel or brass screws but this is the guys must award construction the man that died that the guy that was I was dealing with he really had no idea what anything was just no idea what is this Seiko it says that means he bought that at an auction this is a punch well that's a heavy-duty punch boy that ever have Yuri is that a Whitney I can't might be a Whitney but really a worthless piece of junk until I realized let me set this aside if this whole container here is contains the punches and the dyes for that that part usually these things get separated and people throw them away because they have no eye what they are but there they are they're taped together the punch along with the dye that looks like it's a hole opening so that might be a good deal if I ever do any heavy duty punching but I don't know if that thing has a handle missing or what but all right again not a great balk except for that punch all right the very first thing I bought when I spotted it before I started buying job Lots I took this up to the owner said how much is that needed well ten bucks well you know what this is this is a Jacob's Chuck that will fit inch and a half eight spindle on a small lathe like I have it's a 3/4 capacity looks to be virtually brand-new there are two Jacobs uh number 59 B so that that's a hundred dollar truck if it's if it's a dime so but that was ten bucks then I started buying things in groups but this is three bucks if it was if it was a value at three dollars I didn't squabble about prices but you know there's a nice selection of terminals actually that is three dollars if you go to the store that's the big three bucks so ordered all kinds of goodies in there and that was a nice buy this stuff here this got sticky on it that won't be any good because it's tooled before I go through this box real quickly there is the newspaper ad for the sale that I went to and it's a two-day or maybe they put more stuff out I probably ought to go up there right now but it is above 25 miles but I'm gonna cut away real quickly I took with my iPhone I know it'll be terrible footage and there's no sound but I just walk around the garage real quickly to get give you an idea of what it looked like as I bought this stuff that's it's shaky bad film I know it but most people make entire videos a shaky bad film so all right let's take a look at this and I'll see you in a minute once yeah you got a lot of neat stuff here or failure yeah right well I'm back how did you like the the looks of that sale they were just great folk it was out in the country really there's a little what all right they had a five-gallon pail full of rigid pipe wrenches so I just went through them you know I really have although but I didn't have one this shape and I will never use it and I don't know why I bought it but that was five dollars and I hate to think of what that would cost if I had to buy it here's a five dollar box there's not much in there but here is a chalk tailstock chalk drill chuck for that matter this was a number three I never heard of the company it's West Germany I you know what I hope that's not it because I will not find a sucky to fit that I guarantee it I guarantee nothing else in here couple wrenches pulleys there's a I socket that's the number two to uh looks like a number I don't know three maybe nothing else of value in there and maybe I got taken on that because it's German and I won't find the Chuck key I know I won't here's an old craftsman toolbox mark ten I paid five this is still fresh enough in my mind to where I know what I paid for things but if not much in here but I think was worth five because I like that little Armstrong a wrench Arkansas so my socket wrench I know that there's a nice I do like the Stanley screwdrivers they were quality they even had the little hex here for around what is this that looks generic that's a crescent brand but I got a million line mainly junk what have we got in the bottom here if anything they're the claw hammer that's a Vaughn and Bushnell you saw me go to the plant you know I just hate these gadgets that you see it all of the box stores they're just so pathetic holy mackerel trim my fingernail I need a loan that's not a machinist one of that's just a cheap either no really not even worth five dollars but fun this items marked 15 I gave them five they didn't know what it was I don't know what it was that way and I'm not even sure anymore that will be in one of my what is it videos I was looking for that kind of stuff and then I throw them away you know but if it's no good but they had a lot of stuff there that probably cost a lot of money and they don't know what it is they have no idea all right here's a five dollar box that's falling apart but yours are worthless so that's the number one fit one of the little craftsman ways you know there was a 3/4 a little bit with our never been used apparently number two Morse taper but the reason I bought this limit dumper some junk about half junk in there but there are adjustable Remo that's why I bought it oh we got not a complete set now a reamer like this is adjustable also just a little bit as it where zealand and so is that one I don't think I have any adjustable you know why do they make something like this isn't this just mockable but you know people get these for father's day you know and boy they just spend the rest of the day pouting about it there's another bull Raymer looks like about a one-inch yeah and here are some larger drill bits there's another one of those and what else there's some bits improperly sharpened I needed sharpen those on my Lyle of anger or my Derek's when I get it be sure and watch all those Center drills there wasn't really much in the way of machine of stuff there it would more construction and no pipe pipe wrenches and shredders and all that kind of stuffs all right again that was five dollars I think they had at mark 10 and I offered five they were pretty generous I only one time that he balked when I threw him a pricing and I say why I don't really care you know I don't I don't want I don't need it anyway I don't need any of this now here's a great box and it's most appropriately marked Lyle and I didn't put up that on there you can see it's old taper but did I say it's a $5 bucks they wanted ten but I just looking through this just now and I bought it for this chunk but I this is one of these things I'll just grab that for $5 but in there is a what is that Melville they they make all kinds of sheet metal that's aluminum alright well we'll get to this right away oh this is so exciting this is a genuine Albrecht keyless chuck made in Germany number two more stable looks to be virtually new I'm gonna look it up in the catalog but I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't list at $200 so this is worth the entire price of admission of the money that I wasted today and I do mean wasted so that is a treasure along with that other spindle Chuck that I told you a few minutes ago let's go through the rest of it there's a little yeah I'm not gonna read it I got so many Chuck's of them what's bothering with us what do we got here enough oh geez toilet valve or something those are you this for uncrating you know that oh oh shoot I got a does in the world here is Oh die I don't see the handles for it die stock that's a one in or a three-quarter inch high speed steel fine die but you know what that says three-quarter 27 I don't think that's even fine doesn't that a special I'll have to look that up I'm not familiar with that thread sorry boy there's a nice chisel for those hammer and chisel mechanics that's no telling what some kind of repair I'll throw that out spade bit so I hate them it's about a 1 1 in 1/8 there's some you know what these are I think those go in a hammer I guess the other one good - maybe yeah yeah those are for a hammer pneumatic or whatever and a bunch of cable clips if you hook nice box very nice box well worth 5 bucks don't you agree I hope you're enjoying this as much as I do and you must be or you would have turned it off by now but here's a $10 box that I paid 5 for a lot of junk a lot of junk like it yeah those are socket screwdriver without missing half of its part maybe they're in here screwdriver bits all right there we got a 12 foot stand it looks in pretty good shape a looking in good shape you're they're all worn out on the end hammer children mechanic's Armstrong wrench good screwdrivers a generic this is probably from Menards Center Plus that will replace the one that I did a cutaway on how it works did you watch that video with that actually if I dare say so myself that was one of my neater videos a couple of these and we're not gonna I'm gonna talk about those another time I what's left over for I'll put those into what is it there'll be a lot of people that don't know what those are believe it or not even though they're pretty common the voltage detector is that generic it's not a G nothing fine thread points Chinese iam screwdrivers a little screwdrivers chalk for welders soapstone I should say all right there's a box that really wasn't worth the 5 dollars although that quarter inch bit brand-new would be $2 sold but I got a million murder and thrilled this but it came with a peppermint just to sweeten the deal you know they had $10 on that here's a $5 box probably only worth $1 respond to masonry tools and drywall stuff and I'm never gonna do any of that and the rest of my life I bought some screws but help oh there you know those hacksaw blade oh those are starett those hacksaw blades would be worth $1 apiece those look generic we got saw blades all kinds of saw blades sawzall I hope they'll ship the genuine oh there goes that's $5 right there to the Linux bleeds I didn't know these were in here a lot of them I'll just throw all those in to the sawzall box that I have Wow you know what these costs Milwaukee and as you get one Linux so there's a handful of blades and there might even be some more to fill down in the bottom maybe that's what I why I was buying it there is a flowering tool I shouldn't have told you though you know what this stuff is if you watch my videos you're too old man I'll throw all this stuff away that it is for painting but I'm never gonna paint except oh I like you brushes for chip brushes big old used brushes or some more Linux blades oh oh that's why I bought the box that's why I bought have no idea what those are there's six of them they're a stolen you know what this stupid thing is I never have used one not put a paintbrush and flinging a goof all over the place all right they had I don't know how many of these laying on the bench brand new I thought it was a masonry hammer at first I just didn't pay any attention but I love the S wing products I've talked about therefore I love them I like them even more if they had the leather handle but this is a welding chipper hammer not something a MIG welder would use but that is nice I wish I'd have bought some of those other ones they were all marked about four or five dollars in there you know it favors love uh nestly I like their hatchets - I got a bunch of them alright I guess that box was worth five bucks here's a $5 basket you know that was a kind of basket they had at the swimming pool when I was a kid and then you'd have a safety pin with that number on you remember loss all right The Iceman Cometh just what I need diamond no damage to the tip all right I got a stop just a second and tell you this is not meant to be a bragging session and I'm just apologize if you think it is to me it is fun hope it is to you you know but the hecklers will find something wrong all right these old pipe dies that's you know where that's Dustin for hated those things this I bought this and I don't know why because of these dyes and to me I might be wrong but this appears to be a die acro dye for the dye acro bender why it's down welp somebody probably dropped it because I don't think you could damage it bending it but you know Bubba can pretty much damage anything I recognize these parts because I had a diagonal bender at the high school that's harder than steel so there are several of those that was for making some square bedrooms well here we got five bucks or two brass I'm getting ready to go to scratch everything my brass and talking to Branson please I don't know what's the rap there scrap here is uh oh that that's also for the dial bender I remember those because the kids would break these off and then I would make new ones with dowel pins yeah I wasn't kidding when I said dye a crow was I you know it's funny how as you get older you can sometimes recognize things like all right $5 but barely worth it I want to run something by you and this is a June of 2018 I am contemplating having a meet and greet here at my in my garage later in the summer let me know people from Illinois and the surrounding area 50 miles around let me know if if you would be interested in something like that or am i delusional and and saying that I would like to meet some of your people that lived close enough this box is and leave that in the comment was mark 25 and I said 10 and I don't see they didn't know what what they had or what the value is so some things were marked way too high but they were negotiable but you know darn well with that genuine vice grips with his worth eight or ten there's another OS missing I think I got so spare unless it's laying in here someplace oh I won't show her that that's gonna be a you know what sure driver well there's another one missing not the same one you know in a toolbox sometimes the rattle off you know fist in a truck what's in there here's a stair it probably use I can't get it open dad well may be used once but it looks good no broken teeth you know how people like to run those at the at the wrong speed hammer and turtle mechanic fuse for another write scripts but it actually has the screw box of wing nuts you can see that if I someone had paid $25 for them it would be way way too much Katie I think that's for bleeding breaks rolling okay oh that's for the hysteric saw yeah I got cheated on this way ten bucks I love no worth nearly $10 that's a $2.00 bow oh oh oh there's one of the screws that we're looking for maybe another one I won't bother looking right now but but there no no there they both are as I told you I've seen those rattle loose and and get lost so so all the vise grips in it that's worth $10 for the vise cut because they're genuine vise grips and they're still made in the brass gun alright next box and we're about 3/4 through or more actually I'm almost done there's there's just two of these tubs aluminum toughest and there's that's worth $5 for boiling our good Illinois sweet corn in about two months here we got some of the best corn in the world here all right then and this is five dollars chainsaw I think this is for you know that I know what is right on the site about three bottles brand new propane this looks like something where maybe they emptied a drawer there's a box of 632 the screws that they were flatheads won't you I hate these no these are Miller's Falls yeah our heavy-duty all right there's a bunch of them and for all you guys have need wedges three or four packages of hammer wedges don't need them don't know what that junk wizard wrap oh there's chainsaw file what I like about chainsaw files is that they're perfectly cylindrical so they're very good in the shop they're they're not tapered most rat tail files are tapered there's a magnet one of the cheap stanley chisels or no no that's a good well it's professional yeah it's professional all right well it is it's not the so called handyman which is junk it's one of these those are good chisels list those Stanley's are good a big old Wiss snips that's something from a light meter electric meter or toes or wedges another chainsaw file different diameters chisel chainsaw file Makita used to have one of those full of those ranchers have no idea oh that ash leg that's something to do with LOX pipe dyes chasers goldfish wound wire flexible metallic fish tip you know I haven't oh that would be nice even for other uses and there'll hmm I haven't seen that kind I'm used to the flat ones all right needle lid rinse of oil corn with the big shuttle all right that that was not worth five dollars but it was five dollars worth of fund let's go to the very last container very last container again a nice aluminum pot past load battery charger several caulking guns I don't care about those there's a brand new set of craftsman the screwdrivers you know and it's a was over a twenty dollar value but they're both Miller's Falls frames which were quality I had those at school pry bar Oh plum plum hammer looks virtually new claw hammer ripping hammer duckbill another pry bar apply about a cup of wunderbar new wire brush see the name on it coping saw hey a rigid claw hammer a little rust on it and somebody's ruined that tip I'll grind down on my Lyle the grinder it looks like about a seven eight mile what do we got here there's a reamer alright not reamer there's a tap brand new in the wrapper three three quarter pipe tap tapered looks like a linoleum knife but in fact this is a Cline so that would have been a and it was a quality piece even though it looks kind of junky something to do with electrical work or ripping insulation or something I suppose tell me what it is somebody and you know what that concludes this long video here and I hope you liked it this is the sum total of 134 dollars here tell me bad how badly I was reamed on that but I had a hundred and thirty four dollars worth of fun and then I headed to the auction and that will be in the next video and it's gonna be a short video and I didn't buy a whole lot and what I did buy was electrical and it's uh it just wasn't good it was so terribly hot and I'll run that video so join me in that again this is a two-part video and this is tubal-cain so long for now you
Channel: mrpete222
Views: 150,092
Rating: 4.8553219 out of 5
Keywords: estate sale, auction, enco mill, colchester lathe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 20sec (2300 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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