Bad Company Review - with Zee Garcia

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hey everybody z garcia here and today we're putting together a crew and going on some heists in bad [Music] company bad company here is a game in which each player is going to have a spread of characters in front of them numbered 1 through 12 and then you are going to be rolling dice making combinations of those dice and triggering your characters in order to fulfill heists in order to run away from the police and do a few other things trying of course to get the most victory points so let's go ahead and take a look at how it works show you on the table we'll come back up here and i'll tell you what i think of it so here's what the game looks like set up ready to begin we're looking at the area for one player which is this my my gang of characters here and then the two boards set up a couple of these that have been drafted which i've already skipped that step so these are the two i ended up with and then some new ones to replenish there now the players uh take a random two two random halves of boards here and put them together to create their gang so i'm the lucky eleven but of course you might you know from these other random ones maybe i would have taken this one and then that would have been here that's the the lucky ninjas and that's true for both halves of the game the difference is some of the symbols are in different places the character artwork of course will be different so how does the game work what are we trying to do well i'm trying to complete these heists here in order to get victory points there's a victory point track right there i'm also trying to advance my character you see the character there to these places spending money to do that and upgrading these people i'm actually replacing them but it the in essence they are getting better and then i'm also trying to stay ahead of the police car right here okay we each have one of these cars in this spot there and you're trying to stay ahead of them and you'll get things as you go down the track on that board as well so what does a typical turn look like well there's three steps the first one roll dice these dice right here if you are the active player second step activate gang members everybody gets to do this and then third and final step is just an end of turn step in which a couple of things are going to happen okay so let's say i'm the active player i'm going to pick up all these dice and i'm going to roll them once i've done that i'm allowed to spend coins to re-roll dice once i've done that if i choose to do it i'm going to make two pairs with these dice right here so i could for example say my numbers are nine and seven and then i'm going to activate my nine character and my seven character okay uh this die here will be for the police car to move up so we'll come back to that one so let's say that's what i do i'll be able to activate both of those the number seven here gives me two coins is listed right there so i'll grab them from the pool and add them to my amount of money and then this one has a symbol it's a little mask symbol and there's a few different symbols throughout they all show up on heists so to do that to utilize that i'll take a little check mark token and put it on any one of the masks on you know something i'm working on so i can put it right there okay i could also put it over here on the mask symbols here and you see the masks those and then these two are the flashlights and the locks okay but i can go right on to there and then every other player now is able to use one of the two combinations i roll so on your own turn you use both on anybody else's turn you use one of them that's it that's all i do so that is activating my gang members i can also on this uh on this turn if i had activated somebody that has the wheel the steering wheel i could move my car up if it crosses a threshold i'll get that thing i could get money or i could get these uh loot cards from this deck right here and they'll give me more money or more symbols or the ability to activate different people than what was rolled that sort of thing and um i can also spend money to move up my character so i'm gonna go ahead and do that now okay so the next step is three coins is listed right there let's say i'm playing uh blue i'm gonna take blue so i spend three coins taking one back and i am going to move up to the next step from this deck i will draw three cards and i am going to keep one so let's take a look at what we've got uh we've got here three characters they each have their own symbol down here in the corner they've got the number they'll be activated with and they might have victory points the 10 can only go on this 10 uh this other 10 obviously same place or this 9. so i'm going to go ahead and take this one here let me just scoot this over you add it right there you'll see the the artwork lines up they do get you know hilariously taller and taller these two are done and now next time i activate this 10 i'm going to get the flashlight and that hand symbol or glove or whatever that is so that's one way in which you're going to change your people out and also they get better right activating this now gives me two things that's basically it then we go to the final step end of turn in which we are going to move the police car it's going to move one step so it goes to there we are going to take new heists if you completed one of these you'll take a new one from over here and give yourself another active heist and then we check if the end of the game is triggered which is going to happen when someone has a certain number of these completed once you complete this you you scoot it down here so once you've got six completed or if any car has made it into this red area then there's one final turn and the game is over okay so that's how that works now throughout various roles here now the next player would go i am going to continue working on these heights and eventually i'll complete one when i complete one i'm going to i'll take these points anything in that purple background is end of game stuff so i'll take those at the end of the game i would flip this over you see the symbols are gone but these gems at the top remain i'll move that down here just put it there and now if i am uh during the end of round i am going to check if i have the most of a symbol uh across the things i've completed gems in this case let's say i have the most with two gems i'm going to take the matching necklace there's a gem one and one for paintings one for bags of money and i'm going to give that necklace to someone in my display i'm going to give it to this guy right here that means as soon as i take it i'm going to get a point and then every time i activate this character while i still have that necklace i get a point as well end of game having necklaces is also a couple of victory points two victory points all right so that's what those do they are going to make someone slightly better for uh you know while you have them but you might lose them if someone else has more of something than you do and then again at the end i would take a new one of these and this continues round over round now some of the cards have abilities that they give you once you complete them such as this one as soon as i complete this i would draw one of these cards i completed i flip it over and i grab one of these this one lets me when i'm choosing to activate someone i can activate a neighbor instead so if you know my opponent rolled and they gave me uh let's say a 10 and a uh six i can choose to discard this and say i'm going to use the 6 as a 7 and activate this guy right here yeah so that's what those do and some of the abilities instead of being one-time abilities like that are end-of-game abilities like this one this one says at the end of the game i'm going to get five victory points if i have at least seven or more of these upgrade cards in my display if i've done that seven times or more i'm going to get those victory points uh end of game scoring which happens like i said in one of two ways is going to be any of these cards that are showing necklaces as i said and then you'll score up the completed heists if you're ahead of the cop um you are going to rather if you're behind the cop you're going to lose some victory points and then if you made any of these at the end you would have scored those and a couple of other things that are going to score right some of the different uh abilities on the cards that's generally it that's what you're doing you're triggering you're rolling dice on your turn triggering characters improving them running away from the car staying ahead getting those bonuses upgrading over here and completing these heists trying to be the one to control these necklaces a lot of little things going on but very quick little loops you know quick turns in the game uh one final thing i want to talk about is if you roll a two or you roll a 12 and those are the same for every player okay the 12 here lets you drive twice and the two lets you pick one of those symbols give me the lock or the glove or the mask and you get as many of these check marks as the the amount of those that you have showing and they can only go on that kind of thing also if you ever get tokens because you activate say uh you know i don't know a lock and i have no locks here there's also these places where you can put check marks there and once you have two then they translate into something else you can cash them in and they translate into a driving symbol one of the loot cards a check mark on anything or two coins all right so there you go that's how the game works the best part is seeing the artwork on these people i have to say it's pretty hilarious stuff in here uh look at this guy he's a i mean straight up wizard is robbing a place there you go everybody that's it let's go and go back up top let me tell you what i think of it so that is bad company and i got to tell you right up front uh aside from a couple of small tiny you know nitpicks i have with the game it is fantastic and i really like it i think this game is so fun it's uh just kind of pure joy is what this game gives me and uh i really really had a fantastic time with it so uh let's go ahead and talk about those two minor issues i had all right and they fall under the category of ease of play and then tactics luck and strategy so i'll start with ease of playing by the way these are all still getting pluses they're thumbs up from me these are just again minor things i want to mention my one little issue with ease of play is that the turn order in the game can be a little bit messy what i mean by that is some of the phases and some of the things in which which you do in the game have to be done in order for example if you complete a heist you know multiple players complete heists you need to take a new one you will do that in turn order okay but many of the things in the game are not in turn order when i activate my people if i want to hire someone new i spend my coins i grab three cards from the deck i pick one of those it doesn't matter the order in which you do that and so you have to be careful you don't sort of fall out of you know at some point you need to be done make sure everybody everybody's done okay we can move on okay let's move the cop car let's replenish our contracts it's a it's a minor thing but it's something to be aware of and then um everything else i like the the ease of plays is good other than that and then tactics luck and strategy i think the game has a lot to think about every turn i'm invested every turn i have something i want to do and i can do with what i'm given my only minor thing is i think the penalty victory point wise for being behind the cop car feels a little toothless where you are in relation to the cop car doesn't mean anything at all throughout the entirety of the game it's only at the very end of the game if you are behind the cops you lose three points that's it if you're ahead of them you don't gain anything there is a special card that if you complete that heist you'll get some points for being ahead of the cops but if you don't have that then it's nothing okay and it just feels a little like i said a little toothless it's a you know it's a big part it feels like a big part of the game but it's really not ultimately still the tactics the engagement the ability to hire new people and complete heists and race fast and upgrade i mean all these things are engaging and fun and highly tactical going back up to the top the theme i find it hilarious i think it's so fun it's handled with such a great amount of humor and joy and silliness i i really like the theme here this is a world with these goofy characters that i really enjoy spending time in the aesthetics just wonderful i like the artwork quite a bit i think like i said it's one of my favorite things in the game is grabbing those three cards and seeing these silly people this sort of cartoony wonderful characters that i might employ and add on to my crew tons of different artwork in here and everything is just well made you know everything is seems to have the the designer seems to have gone the extra mile to add humor and joy to every part of this even something as inconsequential as building your original crew there's those two words and you put them together and that's your your band name right that's really fun so uh i like the aesthetics quite a bit replay value there's plenty to do like i said on every turn things will go differently based on the dice based on what things come up based on the way you manipulate what's what's happening the game is always fun it stays fun it stays frenetic right um in a good way not like you know fast like you know you're grabbing things or anything but the energy stays high and i think it makes the replay value tremendous game arc um [Music] i like that everything feels like like it's giving you progress no matter what you're doing i have not seen anyone have a turn in which they roll something or somebody else gives them a role and you find yourself going none of this is useful there's always something you can do i really like how smart it is that if you have a symbol that you cannot use you can assign it to one of those two places on the extreme sides of your board where eventually two of something becomes something else right that's great that means i'm never wasting a moment i'm always gaining money or i'm racing or i'm completing something or gaining a special ability there's this forward momentum that keeps the game uh engaging and i think it should be that way right the theme goes hand in hand with that and you feel like you're always getting better the the turns eventually you're doing so many things on one i'm getting two tokens and i move the car and i get some money and i just cross the threshold so i get one of these loot cards and oh look at that i get to cash that in and i just completed a um you know an objective a a heist so i really enjoy that overall this is a winner i gotta say i really am uh a fan of it i think it's joyous it's uh fun silly engaging a great game to have as a conversation piece while you're playing as well so a big big thumbs up from me this is going to get because of my two little minor things i'm docking docking it a little bit but overall really recommend it this is getting a strong 9 out of 10 from me that is a seal of approval of uh i'm sorry seal of excellence uh nine out of ten and i i just think it's wonderful you should definitely pick this one up if you enjoy that idea of a dice driven game if you enjoy something kind of like space space right this is similar to that in many ways but i find this to be more grounded more fun first right bad company fantastic game everybody check it out my name is z garcia i'll see you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 16,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة, GeekUsername: ZeeGarcia
Id: 7bs_a1RS8w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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