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good morning welcome to the channel some fun stuff is happening today we got a phone call i love those phone calls it says hey special delivery for you guys but uh i can't get it to your farm because it's that big you need to you need to come give me a hand so we're going to do that but we need something big to go get it so you guys can kind of guess what you think it is i'm sure the thumbnail give it away by now let's go get the tractor so ken brought this card up here from underperth at the factory and uh this is his baby beautiful truck very envious envy's bad thing don't be envious but i really want that truck it's got a 3406 being and it's a 2018. that's a sweet truck but he's never driven a big bud they're like something he's always been admired of and so he's driving the bud get something to enjoy on a drive back to back home isn't that cool oh man that thing's huge look at that cart oh it's gigantic you guys guessed it it's a quad but this isn't any ordinary quad this is a 2021 afs connect 620 quad track this is the biggest most powerful tractor from kcih at 620 horsepower it boosts well up to the high 600's weighs in at about 60 000 pounds there's plenty of space on here to add another five to ten thousand pounds of weight if you wanted this 620 quad now has an entirely new set of remotes on the back they're supposedly a lot better to do with these high hydraulic use fans on these big large air carts supposedly it's a lot better system led lights throughout the whole tractor all across top of the cab all around the sides this thing lights the fields up really nice and this beautiful tractor is paired up with this mighty 2000 bushel brent 2096 grain cart it's got the avalanche and loading system on it this baby unloads at a thousand bushels a minute it's huge it's got the equalizer tracks on it this baby grosses or can net over a hundred thousand pounds of product in it plus the weight of the car this thing's gigantic even equipped with an unpreferred flag i suppose we should start this thing up you guys want to go inside let's take a look that color scheme is nice it's like a light beige with the case ih red all leather redesigned front steering console here they've got a all new fan outlets on and everything look at that seat that seat is beautiful instructional seat got full down little compartment here ooh that might work for my drone cup holder this is it right here though this is what makes the difference this is the pro 1200 so long pro 700 1200 from here on out plus a nice tablet here or i guess led display for i believe all your instruments for your engine fires baby up so immediately right away i've got our looks like we're in park drive got it fuel i need to put some fuel in this thing def level coolant level and oil pressure i believe oil temp it's in park our 1200 is booting up fire up the seat swivels like i think 30 or 40 degrees really nice is that 30 or 40 that's about 30 or 40. so i think it's gonna be really nice when i'm dumping on the go i'll be able to look back and see the combines right here rather than breaking my neck trying to look behind me i can also adjust this monitor swivel this back and forth my multi-function handle customizable buttons yes i can customize five six seven eight all of these to whatever one i can customize the remotes to which remotes i want my bumper shifter shift up shift down forward reverse i've got my colored remotes back here which is awesome color coded and you can change the colors on those as needed depending on what you plug in the back so if i plug something in wrong back there i can flip it and just adjust it up here in the pro 100 pro 1200 display this display is crisp it's snappy touch screen ability so yes it's just like your tablet you can drag your hand around and their fingers around and be able to adjust stuff as needed there's uh all sorts of cameras there's a backup camera a front camera you can see the car right there there we go another screen of the cart it's isobus ready so i can get into the you harvest for the cart right here well i don't know about you guys but uh harvest is going on right now this showed up right as we started our wheat harvest so let's get this thing to work we've got a lot of use for it we've got a grain bagger that we need to use this thing for to load so that's gonna be awesome let's uh let's go right now i big is huge oh man they make a 2500 bushel version of this thing this is 2 000. we need more combines utilize it properly on this farm 1950 bushels right there not quite 2 000 we're like 98 full yeah that's crazy where's my bagging guy someone's got to run this tractor looking like it's uh gonna rain a little northwest a little south of us but a little bubble in between it's okay we'll get back out there and we're back next day it kept sprinkling so we just decided let's just not go back out of the field we'll see if it's ready i'm pretty sure it is guys got the call mine's rolling i forgot my rag again these windows keep getting dirtier and dirtier and i keep forgetting to bring a rag to wipe them down so i'm going to bear with some dirty windows until i get something here to wipe them but let me show you something pretty cool about this tractor it's got something called a smart a smart fuse that's what it is a smart fuse and when i touch this little button here somehow it senses that my finger's touching it before i even press it i hear a clunk in the tractor and what's going on is it's basically starting to energize all the nodes in the tractor and the computers to get ready to start booting up did you hear that i gotta unlock it first too that's pretty cool the moisture in that field that we were in last night before the rain was already kind of high we just had a moisture test is thirteen five percent moisture that's a little high to be put in green without aeration and the bins we're putting in don't have variation so we're going to move to another field and leave what we didn't finish there and come back and get it later because i think i went on the farmers business network satellite imagery and i'm pretty sure i was able to tell which fields are riper by the imagery which is pretty awesome so we're gonna head to there take a look and uh if it uh it's ready to go i'll start rolling to this thing there we go look at these tracks oh man the quad track tracks are just a little bit narrower than the spacing on the brent cart track but the brant carts have yeah is that 40 42 inch wide tracks it's something like that just look at that that looks so cool man oh i was actually a little worried about the spot here i drove across because this is kind of more that alkaline ground we talk about it's a little soft but it's it's dry i am so thankful ksih makes these amazing camera mounts in the cabs appreciate it guys you can turn them you can twist them you can move them all over i mean look at that just for cameras like this one it's like a farm tubers dream come true one thing i keep forgetting is the swivel of this chair i sit here like this my neck kicks back watch and i'm like oh yeah there that's much nicer no really it's honestly that's makes life a lot easier the great card operator we just pulled into probably some of the best wheat we've cut so far we've got about a thousand acres of wheat done uh this stuff it's not like all necessarily our better ground but just nice probably running 40s and 50 bushel that's that's good let's just hope this is the new trend maybe we cut the bad stuff first we're getting into the good stuff that we do have about 500 acres i got hailed pretty bad but we'll get to that eventually 850 rpm lowest gear this tractor will do 1.1 miles an hour i don't know if there's granny gears i don't think there is i can lock the diffs up and stuff but uh that's pretty slow not quite like the cvx drive though cvx that they can get down to like .3 miles an hour you know it's probably one of my biggest pet peeves about farming in this part of montana abandoned gas wells it's like they come here and they make these wells for natural gas they abandon them and they just leave this stuff just begging for us to destroy that or that or all this stuff ah i'm sure there's a reason i got to leave that there but man it's annoying because all this grows taller than it gets a little dark one night you're out there farming and boom bye-bye header it's happened oh well just a challenge of uh farming in north central montana what i can watch movies while i'm waiting for the combines to fill up we're not cut 300 bushel corn guys nope there's one right there if i was mistaken i would say someone's at the front door it's uh telling me i need to put in park when i get out of the seat it's probably a smart thing to do but it's smart so it automatically puts it in park for me if i don't see for very long good feature to have don't want to be uh going down the hill so i'm still kind of learning how tracks roll like okay tires i understand i get on a hill i can see the tires slowly start to turn i know i'm starting to roll put in park whatever put the brakes on tracks your hand are different it's not but it is the way it starts to roll is just i don't know it's just different facts are definitely unique breed this though this is looking really nice this wheat is the kind of wheat that i wish we could see across the whole farm look at that it's almost up to my waist 40 50 bushel wheat here maybe even up to 55. big heads full of kernels nice plump kernels reason we don't have that across the whole farm is because uh well we recropped so a lot of that wheat that we were cutting that was 30s that was peas last year and those peas last year took the moisture out of the ground that would have made a crop like this this was on chem fallow followed ground so there wasn't a crop here last year that's the difference you get about 15 20 more bushels an acre by uh not cropping the ground every year now we also grew like 40 bushel peas on a lot of that ground that would have been followed that was in spring wheat last year so if we would have followed that ground we would have had all those peas and to gain 15 bushel and spring wheat next year that's kind of the key we just can't control the weather though that's the hardest part if we knew consistently how much rain we would get every year plan accordingly but well every farmer wishes that okay cool shot time yeah that was pretty lame all right let's get back in the tractor i finally synced my phone to the bluetooth in this thing it actually is not as hard as i thought it was i don't know why i had a hard time with the patriot it was quite easy this time same thing you must did something wrong but one issue that these things have always had are combines a lot of staggers it's just not very good speakers so uh let's uh this is the music sounds good so that's good well that's that for this field i think we're either going to park or run these things back to the farm yard and we're coming to shop and uh just make sure everything's good to go in the morning and do it all over again lights on this tractor at night are spectacular they're just as good as beast binds those thomas lights that we have on b spine beautiful lights do a wonderful job this thing's just got as good as lights there's everywhere in fact i turned a few of them to get them out of the face of some of the combine operators over there but it is pretty easy if you need to to go in and change the lights so for some reason you want to turn off those lights on that side i can just tap the buttons shut them all off as you can see i'm going to work out some kind of a pitch that i can give to case ih to you know get him to leave this tractor here for a couple years just a couple years this is case ih owned so this is this is the track this isn't a dealership tractor this is actually kci so i have to be a little bit more gentle with this one not that i'm not with dealership tractors but you know this is mother case gotta be nice to it would be nice to welcome farms out permanently all right i need to go to bed i'm getting loopy you
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 388,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: nKH4tWv0gq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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