BIG BRUTE's Stainless Steel Upgrade!

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oh yeah yeah we got rain we got like half inch  six tenths with what's out there that's enough   stop us for a few days like we thought and  they're still forecasting rain so we're going   what should we do with ourselves  do we just do nothing and wait   or do we make big route better i think we're gonna  go big brood so we actually have a lot of acres of   spray guys a lot a lot a lot of acres and we  only have one sprayer because big roots down   and you guys know all about that so i think  we're gonna grab that terrigator we're gonna   pull that tank off and we're gonna see if we can  get big roots set up in like three to four days   so it's ready to spray by the time we get back in  the combine hey hey your shoulder's on my shoulder it's not like we have a four-seater on the fire  yeah all right the terrigator if you guys didn't   watch we bought this at an auction for 2200  bucks uh it's uh an 84. 84. we'll call it that   it's got a 1500 gallon stainless steel tank  on it that's going to replace big bridge 600   gallon pastic tank that is cracked and a big mess  we're going to rip all this stuff off like all   the booms are coming off everything that's in the  way is coming off it's all just going to come off   and then we can get the frame get the frame  off and then we can evaluate we've already   did some measuring it looks like we're going to  barely be able to fit this tank between the cab   and the back boom supports on big brute so as  far as we can tell i think it's gonna work but   we're gonna have to move the hydraulic tank  on big route to a different location which we   have a spot i think figured out so let's get  the tailgater started let's get the tank off   maybe we'll rot it around a little bit in the mud  spin some brodies donuts cookies whatever you guys   call it and then um get big bree ready it's gonna  be fun guys let's go you ever drive this before i mean he hasn't driven yet but he has  driven a lot of big red three-wheelers   so if he's certifying that i think  he can take this thing on go for it try it again it must just drain back the fuel it'll  go don't worry it's sad all summer here oh smoke ring all right now we're gonna figure  out how to disassemble this thing   i see a couple pins here and there we can  take out or we can plasma cut it all off   we got a new plasma cutter if you guys didn't  know and it is amazing it cuts like one inch steel   pretty unreal our old one had a hard time with  quarter inch a beast it's gonna make this job nice would you just cut one yeah this thing's a  hydraulic line that's huge oh sit there the   blue balls and sunk down the leg guards  jumped and he just cut a hydraulic line   good job buddy it's huge look at this  thing that thing is a hydraulic heart i thought it was all right well i guess  we won't use hydraulics for chemicals okay all right i'm gonna start working  on these pins get these pins out so some of you're probably like that was a good  move i just cut that up because it's good iron   and we're gonna cut it up and  use it for a lot of good stuff oh thank you just give it to me okay two booms down now we gotta figure out take  the back of this whole cradle unit off i'm sure   it's not terribly hard when we have a plasma  cutter but we'll try to unbolt as much as we can now granted there is some pretty old sprayer  tech in this thing it's an old raven system   which actually if you guys don't know cnh  industrial acquired raven recently for   a lot of money so that's pretty cool  to see raven raven's good company   but besides that i've taken all these harnesses  out we're gonna try to keep my one piece cause   the all the valve bodies in the back is  all together and rather than just chopping   everything up and then some day down the road  you're like oh we could use that system we need   to splice it all back together again we're  gonna keep it together as much as possible that could hurt a tire he's fart he uses a rag when he touches that  stuff i've washed my hands like four times now i don't know how that happened just  scooting along and it just fell through all right so i disconnected the forks  i'm going to leave it in there for now   i'll have to get the plasma torch out  and chop up enough and get that freed   that is uh it's like one of those puzzles you  know can you get the little loop out of the   little string off the little rope you know  and you got twist and turn and pull and   find the combination yeah that's what happened  there there you have it the boomless just tank   that thing's coming off now we gotta figure this  part out how do we peel the tank off this thing okay he's gonna finish cutting off a little bit  of the bracket to hold on there i'm gonna go get   the 844 front end loader because that's probably  the best thing to lift that thing up with because   we know that things gonna be able to lift that up  they could lift the whole truck off the ground if   we wanted to so i'll get the 844 and we'll pick  that whole tank assembly frame up there's a couple   spots we got to cut off like all the fenders all  kinds of stuff we're taking off of it but so far   so good only in this about what hour and a half  i just looked at my wrists i didn't have a watch   that one actually looks a little low it's also  sitting in a mud hole that could be a problem too one thunder down let's cut another one what  did you say one finger down well we're kind   of one finger down but anyways let's chop  the other side because that that seems like   the most logical thing oh i love that plasma  cutter which we had that years ago now that our   fire hazard is about well let's just say there's  puddles everywhere so we're not gonna have a   firing time soon and the forecast is gonna be like  this for the next three or four days let's go to   empty big brute it's full of some nasty water  dump it on the ground and then get ready to rip   that tank off of it last time that truck will see  a poly tank on it here on out it's stainless steel hey there's any rails doing that it'll  take care of that kosher hey that stuff man   oh anybody want any hay for some animals i hear  it's uh in short supply this year i got a lot   of kosher you guys could bail i actually have a  neighbor who's uh i told him he's interested he's   to bring his swather over some of our p-ground  that we didn't even harvest because the kosher's   like this tall now in it he's going to swap a lot  of it and run it through a silage machine and uh   probably supplement that to his cattle so you know  what why not free hay might not be premium but   when there's a drought everywhere and hay is uh  hard to come by gotta feed those animals somehow   look at how green this grass is look at this  this is brown and crispy one match would have lit   this whole yard on fire literally a month ago now  it's just lush and green like it is in the spring   this hasn't happened in years or this  time of the year it's this gorgeous out   i it's just amazing getting like three and a  half inches of rain in a matter of two weeks this is why we bought that terrigator right here   got one dent right there we'll see if we can pull  that out i don't know how big the opening is but   maybe i could squeeze in there and get  a hammer and beat it out i don't know   that's small potatoes the grand scheme we went  ahead and pulled everything off got the tank off   we'll wash it i mean maybe try to buff it a little  bit i don't know stainless steel is the way it is   so that's that that's good and then of course the  terrigator's over here hanging out over over there   and uh it looks awesome without anything on  it i'll try to do a burnout eventually here   we'll get to that all the boots are sitting  way over here we're dealing with mud which is   honestly at this time awesome because it needs  winter weather seating there's all the bands   there's all the valve assemblies  manifold and then over here i've got   the tank cradle i'm going to pressure wash  it off get it as clean as i can because   we don't want orange or yellow or whatever that is  on big root because big root is white and black so   i got to paint that black and  we'll have a couple days to do it   so get that cleaned up wire brush it a little bit  get the paint out get it nice and painted but we   got to trim it on to cut some stuff off but it's  actually gonna fit really well big roof because   that's a 34 inch wide frame big roots frames  34 inches wide looks like they were meant to be all right so plan wash everything down as good  as we can at the moment root's gonna come in   here calf facing this way back in that way  we'll start disassembling everything because   once that is in here we take that cradle off it  can't drive because the hydraulic tank is part   of that and it can't run without the hydraulics  because it'll run the pump dry and i don't know   it's like disconnecting the pump so once it's in  here it'll stay so we'll take all that off the   old unit then we'll kind of clean up mock put this  one on there this is the cradle off the terrigator   kind of just eyeball it figure it out  figure out where we're going to mount it on   it will still make it so it can come off  we're not going to weld the frame obviously   then when we weld the brackets and get it bolted  to big root how we like it then we'll take the   tank put the tank on top of that make sure the  tank doesn't hit the fenders because it's going   to get kind of close to those fenders over  there i'm not sure if it'll hit or not then   when that's all good we won't worry about any of  the plumbing at that point as long as it doesn't   hit anything or in any way take the tank off take  that off paint it black paint all the straps black   then we'll start the process of mounting  the hydraulic tank to the side of big root   and when that's all dried we'll put that back  on big root permanently fold it down get the   tank put it on put the straps on and then we  gotta start the plumbing so all the suction line   agitation line all that stuff's got to be  hooked in and when that's said and done   then we can put the booms back on it but there's  more to it than just that so you guys will see as   we go and i'm sure we're running the problems  we're gonna be like oh didn't think about that   that always happens and if you guys haven't  subscribed to the channel please do we'd love it   i'd love for you to be a part so smash that  subscribe button because that's what they always   say i don't really care you can collect it too  it's up to you thanks it is day two which means we   need to start chopping on this clean off a little  bit of the tabs and stuff that we left on there   because i really really did a great job of cutting  off all the fenders and things and there's no   i didn't do that great of a job i really  need to clean it up so we're going to prep   this get this ready then we're going to  take the big group bring it in the shop   and we're going to cut off the old frame take  the hydraulic tank off and then once we get   that taken care of we're gonna mount this thing  on get it kind of where we want figure it out   weld it all up and so forth and kind of go  through it so it's quite a process we have to do   this isn't just a bolt and play on some situations  it can be but most of it's a hot glue gun   so plasma cutter cut them  all off let's make it happen that's a little noisy in there oh man well brute  had time to dry off last night so i was running   the building i'm gonna drive it in there  get it situated to where it won't move again   until we get everything put back together i think i'm gonna leave it right  here so when we take this apart   we're going to leave the boom  arms we're going to call these   on here we have them welded to the old frame  which we're going to size at the filemaker   to cut that off and that whole frame will come off  those will stay but we got to somehow lift the new   frame and set it down on there but that's going to  be tricky because these are going to be in the way   it makes sense so i'm hoping we can use this door  or this door to run something sideways laying on   top so we'll see let me get the work starting to  disassemble this thing after looking at it closer   we decided we want to remove the rear fenders and  it's a lot easier to do that outside so i'm going   to back it back out rings the skid steer with  the forks and get up underneath here unbolt them   all and pull these fender off and set them down  somewhere gently i'm now able to have the room   we need to work around because we got a lot of  cut to do over here welding they're in the way you know fenders are great and all but no fenders  looks way better but also being able to look at   your windows not covered in mud it's way way  better so we put the fenders on but now we got   room that's good this will really help all right  now what we did is we drained the tank in the   hydraulics so that way we can remove the tank  because that has to be in a different location   one thing we did is we had a funnel to the  bottom of the tank to that big 55 gallon drum   and we took the plug out and it just started  dumping so fast that it was starting to overflow   the tank so i ran up on top real quick put my hand  on the vent so that way i can create a siphon and   suction and it slowed it down so it wouldn't  just make a big mess on the floor which we   still made a mess on the floor but you know what  can you do anyways what we're going to do here   is we actually took the support for all the arms  the structure and mounted it to the back of the   truck well we welded everything to this main beam  right here we need to keep this because this is   what control this what supports your your arms on  your uh your wings or what do you want to call it   i need to cut this here so that this is separate  from here and then we got to go up in the front   cut some things take the tank off and then take  the whole skid off and then that way we can figure   out the length that we need to cut the other skid  for the stainless steel tank and then get that on   here and mock it up and get it to where we want  it to sit and once we get it figured out then   we can weld it up to the back support and secure  it to the frame but that being said plasma type all right yeah we went overkill  when we attached this thing   there's six bolts in the front of this thing  that are big a lot of iron held together   and on the back we have another six we  made sure this thing would never come apart   but it's coming apart so i guess we failed there  play arms finishing detaching all the electronics   and hydraulic lines to the hydraulic tank as you  can see we have a big pile of wire here that's all   hydraulic lines and wiring to run the manifold  the valve bodies i mean on the boom themselves   need that oh not right now okay so when  that's all done that's all disconnected well   should theoretically lift the entire frame up off  and get it out of here take the hydraulic tank off   that tank is gonna go right here we already  haven't mentioned that yet it's not gonna look   as cool being there but it's a really practical  place for it and it's where it kind of was   actually originally on the truck before we even  started all this so my phone's ringing one second   that's not sketchy at all at all but it's off  that's all matters right safety first guys safety so we're doing now we're going  to mock that take-up on there   so we got the frame on it it fits pretty  good for what it is honestly i mean i had   to trim a little bit back here like like arms  said earlier but you can see these brackets   and they cradle it about perfect so we got to  build something here a bolt to that so that   way it's anchored well the backside here is gonna  be welded to this frame but we're just gonna put   the tank on right now this is just to see how it  fits and if we like what we see is paint in time that's a little different look ignore the the yellow that's changing remember but that's different you
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 309,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: 3xneva3vFAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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