Bard Engravings Guide - Lost Ark

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i'm going to go over the most important part engravings that you can go for these engravings make you a bubble and healing machine so they provide a pretty massive gameplay difference once you get them all set up engravings can be found on your pieces of jewelry on your stone and through engraving books where after getting 20 books of a tier you're able to equip up to two different engravings of your choice engraving books are especially nice because while they are a bit expensive there are three tiers of books and you need 20 for each tier they are a count bound so if there is an engraving you want from multiple classes for me i use awakening on both of my supports then you don't need to spend extra gold on it later you can get engraving books from clearing your daily chaos dungeons abyssal dungeons and guardian raids you can also get them from doing shadespire tower cube dungeons and you can also just buy them from the auction house although this can get a little expensive and hopefully after watching this you'll be able to hang on to important equipment pieces and books so you can build your character for success if you like this video please hit that like and subscribe button i'm also going to be streaming lost ark on twitch so catch me there for all the support content links in the description and quick disclaimer some engraving names might be slightly different for the naeu launch but the icons will all be the same the first and most important engraving you should go for on bard is the awakening engraving this engraving at level 3 reduces the cooldown for your ultimate skill symphonia by 50 allowing you to use it twice as fast which is huge considering your ultimate originally comes with a hefty 5 minute cooldown your ultimate also gives yourself and your teammates a massive shield allowing you to get through sketchy mechanics it also gives you a full bar of your serenade meter so it also allows you to save up either for your faster team watch damage boost or provide some quick burst healing with your heal skill so as you can see this one engraving enhances your kit quite a bit after getting awakening to level 3 you should get your class skill urgent rescue to level 3. this engraving maxed out gives your healing identity skill and extra 24 burst healing at the end of the skill this makes your healing identity skill feel much more powerful as you can provide more burst healing when it's needed the most those are the two priorities for bard engravings and these are a few that are good to grab afterward you can pick up whichever ones match your playstyle the best the heavy armor engraving is great as bards are one of the squishiest classes in the game and this gives them a pretty significant defensive bonus specialist is an amazing engraving for bard as it works to boost the effectiveness of your shield and healing by a very decent amount and on top of that if your party members are under half health it increases for an additional percent i highly recommend grabbing this engraving as it really gives your healing and shields the extra oomph factor spirit absorption is nice if you're lacking swiftness as it gives you a decent amount of movement if you're already running a lot of swiftness this engraving isn't necessary for you and likewise if you are running a lot of swiftness you might want to pick up mp recovery increase as running swiftness reduces your cooldowns and can really eat at your mana so this helps make up for that i hope this helps you guys out and you have fun gearing up your bard and if you're a support player like me and are looking for a paladin's engraving guide as well you can check out my video on that too i'll catch you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Myca
Views: 89,561
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Keywords: lost ark bard, lost ark bard guide, lost ark bard engraving, lost ark bard skills, lost ark bard build, lost ark bard gameplay, lost ark guide, lost ark bard gameplay and skills, lost ark tips, lost ark bard pve, lost ark gameplay, lost ark new player guide, lost ark 2022, lost ark support, lost ark support class, lost ark engravings, lost ark engraving guide, lost ark engraving books, lost ark support guide, lost ark, lost ark beginners guide, lost ark tutorial
Id: grL-M-GObms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 37sec (217 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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