Bard Chaos Dungeon Solo Build - Lost Ark

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so you're ready to jump into chaos dungeons with your bard but you don't want it to take forever am i right don't worry i got you covered this build which is pretty similar to my leveling build if you've checked that out focuses on enhancing your aoe abilities for maximum chaos dungeon satisfaction also if you like this please like and subscribe i also stream lost arc on twitch so catch me live there for some live support content links in the description so the first two skills you want to max out are dissonance and stigma these are your wombo combo skills in terms of aoe as they both leave aoe puddles on the ground that continuously cc and damage enemies you can stack them together on large packs for massive damage too also quick note this build is based around my current skill points of 264. for dissonance i grab melody increase law of the jungle and harmony enhancement for lots of extra damage and serenade meter for stigma i grab sustain enhancement brilliant stigma and pain brand for longer duration and more damage next up you should take sonic vibration and prelude of storm for some nice aoe cc skills some of the mobs and chaos engines hit you like a truck especially as a bard so the ccs come in handy while you kite and group up packs for sonic vibration i just take tenacity for push immunity so that the mobs don't bully me and for prelude of storm i take jungle's law for some added dps and for elite mobs you have a few tools in your kit to quickly get rid of them i usually throw out heavenly tune and prelude of death before either using my awakening skill or hitting them with my sound-a-holic laser beam and remember killing the elite mobs in chaos dungeons reduces your cooldowns dramatically meaning your awakening skill and other high cooldown skills will either be ready to use again right away or pretty close to it right after the elite mobs die i recommend grouping all three elite mobs together before using your awakening skill for maximum cooldown reduction and damage potential for heavenly tune i grab quick prep tough tune and intense tune for that awesome damage and attack speed boost and for sound holic i take sound concentration sustained enhancement and focus fire for crazy burst damage for prelude of death i take passionate applause death amplification and arya of death this skill is really fun because of all the extra explosive damage it does along with a small slow not to mention it's an aoe the last skill i take on is note bundle for a little fun traveling slow cc skill i grab exploding note for this one for an extra burst of damage when it expires you can feel free to swap this skill out for any other ones that you prefer but i personally found this one to be really fun since it goes through packs for your awakening skill if you've unlocked your second awakening skill oratorio then you should use that for extra dps but if you haven't yet like me you can still use symphonia it gets the job done with decent dps and your shield for survivability you should also be using your serenade of courage identity skill for extra damage as well and remember you can use your heal over time health pots and chaos dungeons if you need them also as a side note remember that you have two skill presets by default so you can have your chaos dungeon build on one and your support build on the other i hope that this quick build helps you guys speed through your chaos dungeon runs let me know if you liked it in the comments or if there are any skills you prefer using instead and if you're looking for a support build for guardian raids and abyssal dungeons check out my video on that too i'll catch you guys next time you
Channel: Myca
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Keywords: lost ark bard, lost ark bard build, lost ark chaos dungeon, lost ark bard chaos dungeon, lost ark bard chaos dungeon build, lost ark bard chaos dungeon guide, lost ark bard dps, lost ark bard skills, lost ark bard guide, lost ark bard gameplay, lost ark bard gameplay and skills, lost ark bard solo, lost ark bard solo build, lost ark tips, lost ark gameplay, lost ark bard pve, lost ark dailies, lost ark, lost ark guide, lost ark support, lost ark bard skill guide
Id: G6MtO53QQcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 48sec (228 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 15 2022
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