How to Get to Tier 3 FAST! - Lost Ark

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congrats on hitting tier two the game only gets more fun from here there's a few really great things you can do to boost your gear score in the new tier and i'm going to show you how also if you like this video please like and subscribe i'm also streaming lost arc on twitch so come catch me live there link's in the description so right after defeating the rng boss and hitting 600 item level you should hop into your yarn quest line you're going to need to finish this so that you can do the next tier of chaos dungeons guardian raids and abyssals however unlike your shoeshire questline finishing yarn will not give you a full set of gear instead once you're done you can either run your new chaos dungeon runs for a full set or you can try and snag some of these gear pieces for cheap off the auction house it's up to you but wait don't start enchanting just yet make sure you go to the honing npc and click on gear transfer you should then transfer your old plus 15 gear onto your new gear for a free plus one enchant on all of your pieces and now what i want you to do is actually go to your stronghold and then scroll to the bottom of your researches and start researching the honing upgrades for your alt characters if you want a more detailed explanation on how to do this check out my video here i'll explain why you should do this later but it does take some time so it's good to get started on it now after this i recommend you doing islands there are not as many islands in t2 as there were in t1 but the ones you can do give you a lot of materials so fear not also make sure you finish all of the purple and yellow quests on these islands as they give lots of upgrade materials make sure that you first pick up the quest the perfect getaway from stern which starts the iwana island quest chain complete the first part on pato and then go to vern and take the ocean liner down to lutera which is where the next set of islands are located once you set sail in lutera head to fomona island and finish all the quests there quick note you can do fomona again on an alt if they are the opposite gender from your main for extra rewards you can then sail to iwana island and complete the quests there there is also a hidden quest on this island that you can grab by interacting with a glowing crate near the entrance of the island make sure you do this from iwana we're going to go to liebheim and finish all of the quests there one of the final quests will actually ask you to go to shoeshire you can ignore that one for now since there's still other islands in the area to do first next go up to revelry row which continues the quest chain you picked up in pedo complete all of the quests there and then head to distorted island do the quests on distorted island however you do need a cube ticket to finish this island don't worry if you don't have a cube ticket right now just complete it whenever you can then from distorted island we're going to go to twilight isle the quest you do on this island actually ends in lutera so just finish that part later from twilight isle we're going to gravis island same deal here finish all of the quests and then head over to hypnosis island on hypnosis island finish the quests and there is also a hidden quest that you can pick up on the first floor of calavus home just look for the glowing outline after that we're going to go to azerwin island this is the final destination of this island route and it actually takes a bit of time to do as there are a lot of quests here to complete all of these quests are actually from hidden objects and they include solving riddles timed quests to run to locations etc to complete this island you'll need the song of spring which you acquire from finishing the yellow quest on shangri you also need heavenly harmony which you get from harmony islands event and you'll need the suey emo but if you followed my t1 island guide you'll already have this emote so no worries for this island i actually recommend using a map to complete it since there are so many hidden items to find and i'll have a link for that down below from here forward feel free to finish up those quests that ask you to go to shoeshire and luterra and your cube dungeon now you should have a hefty amount of materials which should get you to at least 1 000 item level now if you still have chaos dungeon runs left for the day and if you have time before reset i recommend going to complete phaeton which requires 960 now that you have item level for it this way you can do the fate and chaos dungeons for more material drops if you don't have chaos runs left don't worry just complete fate in before the next reset for the same reasons now i'm going to talk about other ways you can get materials to help you with that final 100 item level to get to t3 which starts at 1 100 item level like in t1 you'll want to complete your guardian raids abyss dungeons and chaos dungeons for materials both daily and weekly this will be your primary source for upgrade materials after you finish your islands and remember how i had you go to research those two upgrades at your stronghold well if you have an alt that's close to t2 as well i recommend getting them there as they can help give materials to your main with those two upgrades researched it'll be much easier to get your alts up to t2 you'll also want to keep up with your unas dailies and weeklies as these give you lots of leap stones for dailies i usually pick the fastest ones that give leap stones and set bifrost points to them another daily that's good to get started on now is actually on anguished isle this is a tier 3 island but you can start doing the daily here in t2 to start accumulating keys which you'll be able to use to enter the dungeon on this island once you're in t3 this dungeon is so good because it will give you a currency which allows you to buy t3 upgrade materials engravings even legendary engravings gems and a legendary overwhelm rune i know this doesn't help you push your t2 gear score but it's worth it to get started on since each dungeon run consumes one key and you can only get one key a day you should also make sure that you do chaos gates world bosses and the weekly ghost ship i recommend doing the ones in phaetons since they are the right ones for your item level these drop a multitude of materials from moon's breaths to treasure maps which will help give you an edge as you push to t3 t2 is also the first tier you can start doing boss rush which like cube dungeons you enter by obtaining a ticket this drops from chaos dungeons or the bloodstone entrance ticket chest also like cube dungeons boss rush has you clear multiple floors with the best rewards gated by finishing all of the floors make sure that you queue for this with a full group to ensure that you can clear the entire instance boss rush is amazing for upgrading as it gives you a ton of leap stones moons breaths and so many gems that you can fuse into higher level gems to keep or sell tier 2 cube dungeons are also great to do as they give you lots of moons breaths too these are amazing for your plus 14 to plus 15 weapon enchants make sure you also queue for a full party if you snag a cube dungeon ticket and now onto your weekly merchants and bi-weekly i mean you can only buy out each material once a week the first weekly merchant you should buy out is right at the dock and it is the merchant ship you can go to honing materials and snag all the upgrade mats for t2 there next up is the bloodstone vendor hope you've been donating to your guild and the higher level your guild is the more materials you can purchase here you can also buy materials from the chaos engine vendor using the currency you get from running chaos dungeons after your first two runs are done for the day you can also get materials from making sure that you run the yarn and fate and story dungeons on hard mode and that's really it make sure that you do your islands your dailies and weeklies events boss rush cube dungeon runs and buy out your weekly merchants i hope this helps you guys out and that you have fun clearing t2 content i'll catch you all next time [Music] you
Channel: Myca
Views: 170,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost ark tier 2, lost ark tier 3, lost ark how to get 802 gear, lost ark how to get to tier 3, lost ark gearing guide, lost ark honing guide, lost ark how to get life shards, lost ark how to get leapstones, lost ark how to upgrade gear, lost ark 600 gear score, lost ark 600 to 802, lost ark 802 to 960, lost ark 1100, lost ark, lost ark tier 2 gear, lost ark tier 3 gear, lost ark gearing, lost ark gear guide, lost ark tips, lost ark honing, lost ark honing gear
Id: cGqbA5fzaVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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