How to Level Up Your Tripods | Lost Ark

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so you likely already know about the tripod system in this game if you've done any sort of skill build for your character when a skill hits level 10 you can have three tripods activated making the skills stronger you might have noticed however that when you hover over these tripods you can see that they have even better effects at higher levels well today i'm going to show you how to level these up and in turn massively boost your character's build and if you like this video hit those like and subscribe buttons i also stream lost arc on twitch so catch me there for some live content links in the description and jumping right into it once you hit tier 3 and lost ark and get your first set of t3 gear you'll notice that every piece now has an added effect on it these effects are actually levels for your skill tripods all six pieces of your gear including your weapon can have tripods on them and each piece of gear can have up to three different tripods on it so there's a lot of room to get the tripods that you want the upside of these upgraded tripods is that they greatly enhance the effects they provide for your skills for example at level 1 my quick prep tripod provides a minus two cooldown reduction and at level three which is what i have right now i get a minus three second cooldown reduction however at level five it provides a four second cooldown reduction doubling the reduction from level one the downside of this is that the tripods you get on your gear are completely random and because of this there is something extremely important that you should do right off the bat when you hit t3 and you get that new t3 gear set which is to set notifications ideally you're going to want to level up your best tripods the ones you use in your skill build and not the grayed out ones that you never touch however since there are so many tripods for every class and these tripods appear randomly it's hard to hover over and instantly know which ones you want to make this easier all you need to do is open your skill menu and press settings in the bottom right hand corner now you can select the skills you use and click on the tripods that you want to keep an eye out for to level up in this menu you can track as many tripods as you'd like and now when you get gear drops you'll see the little tripod icon in the top right hand corner of the gear and you'll know that this has one of your saved tripods on it now you can dismantle the gear you don't want much easier and you don't need to risk losing important tripods next up i'm going to break down the tripod system for you since the system itself is a little bit complicated as there's a lot you can do to save and move these tripods around the maximum level for each tripod is level five and you'll notice that the levels of tripods on your gear drops are also random ideally you're going to want to be using the highest level tripods that you can find with that out of the way the first system for tripods i'm going to cover is actually how to save your tripods to do this you need to head over to the transfer skill tree npc and click on the inventory tab in this menu you can click on a piece of gear with tripods that you would like to save and then at the bottom you can click save in inventory now if you've got a brand new piece of gear and you wanted to move your tripods over to it you can simply go here and put your saved set right back onto it it overrides any old tripods on the new gear so keep that in mind you can also only save tripods to the same gear slot that you saved them in for example transferring from a helmet to a helmet and just like with your skill menu you can also save multiple presets here by clicking on the one and two tabs at the top in case you want to save different tripods for different gear builds this inventory system is also very nice because it's free to do and it has a 100 success chance to move tripods onto new gear however you might not have the right tripods on your gear for example you might have one great tripod and two other ones that you don't really need in that instance you're going to need to transfer a better tripod to override the bad tripod which leads me to the system of transferring tripods at the same npc that you saved your tripods to your inventory you can now click the transfer tab here you can select tripods from any piece of gear you have and transfer it to another piece of gear and unlike the inventory system they don't have to be the same kind of gear either you can mix and match if you want to just keep in mind that the gear piece you take the tripod off of will be destroyed after the transferring process and this is where the system adds in a little bit of rng a level one tripod is simple because it has a 100 success rate so if you're moving a level one tripod over you can do this without any worry however a level 2 tripod is significantly harder to move as it only has a 30 success rate this can be raised with a material called powder of sage which you can either craft in your stronghold or purchase from the chaos dungeon vendor or off the market and again remember each piece of gear can only have a total of three tripods equipped and a maximum tripod level of five so mix and match mindfully also tripods do not stack as the game will just choose the highest level of the same tripod that you have equipped and now that i've covered those two systems of saving tripods to your inventory and transferring specific tripods i'm going to talk about the different ways that you can move your tripods to new gear remember if you're using your inventory at the npc to transfer tripods always save your preset in that menu before transferring tripods to your new gear this way if you get a higher quality piece of gear that you want to transfer your honing levels over to but you don't want to lose your tripods because transferring honing levels gets rid of your old tripods you can just transfer the honing level over stress free and then head back over to the npc and reapply your safe tripods for free this method is great because you don't need to worry about success rates transferring the tripods around like you do when you're getting each piece of gear set up initially also if you get a new piece of armor with two tripods that you want on it instead of using the transfer system to transfer them over individually and potentially losing them you can just save both of those new tripods to your skill inventory and then apply it over your current gear as long as they are the same gear piece for example moving a chess pieces tripod over to your new chess piece and also something to note it isn't even possible to manually transfer two tripods over from one piece of gear because when you move one tripod over it the gear you moved it from is consumed meaning it disappears and the gear is also consumed regardless of if you succeed in your transfer or not so even if it fails you won't be able to try again so it's really up to you how you want to move your tripods around so that you can save your best combination of them in your inventory tab just be sure to keep an eye out for your saved tripods on your gear drops from chaos dungeons guardian raids and the like so that you don't miss out on any ones that you want i know that this system is a lot to take in so feel free to re-watch any parts of this video that are confusing for you i hope that this helps you out and that you have good luck getting your desired tripods and transferring them around successfully have fun with your upgraded skills and i'll catch you all next time
Channel: Myca
Views: 54,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost ark tripods, lost ark tripod system, lost ark tripod, lost ark tripod gear, lost ark how to transfer tripod, lost ark level up tripod, lost ark how to save tripod, lost, lost ark guide, lost ark, lost ark tutorial, lost ark tripod guide, lost ark tripod explained, lost ark tripod tutorial, lost ark T3, lost ark t3 build, lost ark t3 guide, lost ark skill guide, lost ark skills, lost ark myca, lost ark gearing guide, lost ark gearing, lost ark gear progression
Id: otfLh5sOw5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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