Barbara O'Neill - Part 15: Rewiring the brain

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[Music] [Music] good morning everyone the Sun does shine in Invercargill and I know you were all here today to hear about the fact that you can be rewiring your brain right up until the day you die isn't that good news and you've heard the old saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks wrong you can you can be rewiring your brain right up until the day you die so to understand how this can happen I need first of all to show you the brain so we're going to have a look at the brain from sidon the brain from sidon looks a little bit like a slug and looking at the brain from top on it looks a little bit like a walnut and you'll notice that in the front of the brain there are two lobes medicine calls these two lobes the frontal lobe there so they are referred to as if they are one even though there are two because in the frontal lobe of the brain they have the same functions so the functions of the frontal lobe this is where our intellect is it's in the frontal lobe part of the brain where our judgment takes place it's in the frontal lobe part of the brain where our reasoning powers reside and the fourth function of the frontal lobe I call it the most wonderful gift that I believe God gave to mankind it is the will and the will is the governing power in the nature of man it is the power of decision or of choice and when you think about it everything depends on the right action of the will the power of choice God gave to mankind it is theirs to exercise you see God is not in every heart you would never say God was in Hitler or madaba or Stalin no no no God gave mankind a choice and this explains so much suffering and problems we see on planet earth because when someone chooses wrong innocent people it's the nature of the beast one lady was there with her husband at our retreat and he said well if I was the guy up top I'd get a machine-gun and mow them all down and their husband and his wife laughed she said and what good would that do then the next crop had come up it's a choice and in the human brain frontal lobe takes up between 33 and 38 percent of the brain so that would be approximately the front third of the brain his frontal lobe and science now shows us that the frontal lobe is not fully developed until the age of 30 in many countries traditionally young men were not given positions of responsibility until the age of 30 Jesus began his ministry at the age of 30 Florence Nightingale at the age of 30 she said away with marriage away with pleasure I am now the age my Savior was and I want to work for Humanity and how glad England are that she did because she had an incredible effect on the work that she did and she began at the age of 30 mind you she was not allowed till she was about 33 to really I think she was about 33 34 when she went to Crimea and did the amazing work there in those hospitals why is there a difference why is there a difference between 33 and 38 percent well you see the mind and the nerves gain tone and strength through the exercise of the will the whim is not a muscle but it is just like a muscle in that the more you use it the stronger it gets it's like if someone comes to me and says Barbara Barbara I want my son to come and see you I want him to come and do your program do you know what my next question to her is does he want to well well it'll be good for him you see a man convinced against his will will be of the same opinion still it is the well that God was when he wants us to know it is the will and the will only that I can use if someone wants my help if someone doesn't want my help I cannot we had a large health retreat in Melbourne about 15 years ago the staff would eat at our table and one young man said Barbara Barbara I want you to tell my mother what to eat I said no he said but she needs to lose weight I said maybe so but I'm not gonna tell her what to eat huh he said oh the health director I said no no no I will I will not say a word I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable at my table it was not happy with me a week later she came to me and she said Barbara I need to lose weight can you help me I said why certainly only when asked and it is actually the best way to train children to let me give you an illustration let's say you say to your little darling one you can go anywhere on this stage here but you can't go off the stage what's the first thing they do and they only just put a toe over and then they look straight at you why is what you said true now if you say to the child don't go off the stage mother will have to give you a smack and the child goes like this the parent says I'm so sorry you've chosen this make whack if it doesn't hurt it's useless got that if the fire didn't burn your finger the child would kick and the faster finger would go up Peggy's a wonderful teacher now every morning I do my high-intensity runs up the hills and down and I walk down the hills and I noticed my thighs are a bit sore I think it's because Jeremy likes running down hills and I've been running down those and I'm not used to running them but every morning I do that and every morning I dive in the creek now my daughter saw me scrambling through the bush and when she stayed she built me some wonderful little stairs because it's a bit steep going down the creeks and she put star pastes there well one day in the middle of the day I needed to go down there and I went down there and I held onto the star post and ah I'm jumping ant bit me or do they sting they're like fire maybe you're too cold to have jumping out oh oh it hurt hurt hurt hurt very painful I finally got home put a charcoal pull the silent took all the pain out and I'm right but you know every time I go down the stairs guess what I I don't want to touch that stomp ace there's a little pathway in my mouth in my brain that says pain there's a pain there is pain there now let's say the parent says to the child don't go off the mat the child goes off the mat parent says I told you not to go off the mat child that didn't hurt don't go off the mat I told you not to go off the net sorry that's not good for the camera child goes all over the place parent says I told you not to go over the mat that is the only time that it is wrong to strike a child and that is in anger never should a child be struck in anger and you know if the parent says oh you've gone you've gone off the mat so sorry you've chosen the way why does the parents say that no parent likes whacking their job but you know if the parent doesn't do that they have taught the child to live because they don't follow through with what they say so child got a whack last hunt they went off the stage and now they're to the edge and they really want to go off but they control themselves because last time it hurt I I don't touch that star post any time last time it hurt I probably could but it's dark and I can't see if there any jumping this pain is a wonderful teacher and when a child grows up in a home where there are limits around the edge and there are consequences for going out of those limit it's strengthens their frontal lobe so in homes where children are brought up with the hedge of safety around the home frontal lobe strengthens it's like the mother that said to me my child is so intelligent you heard that one you say that to a teacher what do they do roll their eyes what's the teacher interested in the teachers interested in a child that will sit a child that will listen a child that will do what they're told so this mother came to me and said my child is so intelligent I said are you yes she's four but I really think we should get her to read because she's so intelligent I said I am I said does she know how to make a bed does she know how to set the table did she help you in the kitchen did she help you put the clothes on the line has she got a little garden did she grow radishes the mother did not like my answer half an hour later I heard a bit of a noise and I saw the child punching the mother oh that child does not need to learn to read yet there are some basics in life that let little one needs to learn first it's like my sister she's a ballerina she always stands so beautifully she said to me my son answered me back once the ramifications were so uncomfortable that that son decided not to do that again and what that does is that strengthens frontal lobe the highest function of the frontal lobe is foresight another function of the frontal lobe is self-control another function of the self-control of the frontal lobe is morals and so in homes where children are brought up with the hedge of safety there are limits there are consequences when the line is crossed frontal lobe strengthens that strengthens the intellect the judgment the reason and the ability to make decisions can you see God designed the brain so that all our decisions are made here that's why I call the frontal lobe a very good boss because every decision that the good boss makes is made according to intellect reason and judgment the back part of the brain is the feeling part of the brain and the feelings make a bad boss feelings aren't bad they just make a bad boss because feelings go up and down like the wind have you noticed the decisions need to be made here that's why that is a good boss and sometimes there's a little bit of a dialogue have you noticed you wake up in the morning oh it is so nice and warm in this band says the feeling the feelings and frontal lobe says are crisp frontal lobe is foresight you really should get up now you really should pray you really should read your Bible you really should put your clothes on and get out there and run oh but it's cold can you see the dialogue who wins the one you listen to the one you listen to and then you come back in you have more water and you have your hard shell and feeling says I don't do the cold frontal-lobe says you really got to equalize that circulation you've really got to close your pores prevent shillings can you see the dialogue and I'm sure frontal lobe is saying to you it's only quick it's only quick one lady said Barbara you say that we should listen to our body and my body says don't have the cold after the heart we're going to define intellect reason and judgment and feelings in a monkey frontal lobe takes up about 17% of the brain in a dog frontal lobe takes up 7.5% of the brain in a cat then he guesses something new 3% one lady said are not my cares well if the human brain can strengthen or weaken in the frontal lobe Department obviously other creatures can though not as much research has been done on others than the human being so you can see by my illustration that the frontal lobe is a very important part of the brain it is in the frontal lobe that God communicates with mankind in Isaiah 1:18 God says come let us reason together that's where it is and when I was 25 I decided to read the Bible I think every person in their life should read the Bible God's letter to mankind I got to revelation and I got to Revelation chapter 3 about verse 19 and it's and God says behold I stand at the door and knock and if any man hear my voice and open the door he says I'll come in and sup with him and he with me and this used to puzzle me I thought how how does God come in how does God come in and I had friends who a Christian and I said how do you do it and they'd say just ask him in so some I'd say come in nothing had happened and it puzzled me I wanted to know how this happened and then I read a book that explained things and then I realized that my intellect judgment and reason were understanding us and when I understood who God was what he was like I realized you see I started reading the Bible in in in the Old Testament and there was a story of Moses and if they held his hands up the battle won and if his hands dropped down the battle lost and I didn't know what was going on and then someone said try the New Testament Matthew Mark Luke John the stories of Jesus and I read about a wonderful Savior and I said I I I surrendered my will my basic frontal lobe to God now Stars and Stripes didn't happen but you know I had a warmth and I had a peace and I had a trust you see God is a gentleman notice what the verse says behold I stand at the door and knock and If any man hear my voice and open the door he can't open the door he gave mankind choice what a wonderful gift and he said if anyone opens the door he says I'll come in and sup with him and he with me some beautiful illustration of the Great God of heaven that the intimacy in which he wants to know human beings is such a very personal thing it's actually not in cathedrals it's not in great things it's just a very personal thing a human being wanting to know God it's that simple now as time went on I noticed that things changed I actually didn't want to smoke marijuana anymore I didn't want to drink alcohol anymore and about a two weeks later as someone swore and I thought oh dear I was saying these three weeks ago and I noticed a change and then i saw in ezekiel 36:26 where god says i will take away your heart of stone and i'll give you a heart of flesh and i will put my spirit within you god does a heart transplant it's such an amazing thing spiritual things are hard to put in in the nitty gritty nut and bolts of flesh and bones but as i understood how the brain works as i understood that in that front part is the frontal lobe and as I read in the Bible God says that he wants to write his name in our forehead I thought ah maybe I'm a bit slow that's what it's all about and inside that brain there are nerves in fact our brain cell looks like this and our brain cell is different to every any other cell because it communicates with each other via little chemical messengers these are the receiving stations they're called the dendrites the messages come down here into little filaments into little buttons and then they release out and communicate with the dendrites or the receiving stations of the next nerve cell we have one trillion of those in our brain so the messages come in they're encapsulated they come down the arm in their little capsule form into the little bit tongs and then they're released out to the next butonce that's how it all happens that's how the nerve cells worked and we as human beings develop habits yeah I am in the habit of washing my hands after I go to the bathroom and if I go in the bush I'm going like this and I'll go and wash my hands in the creek that's rare nicely I'm civilized it's a habit it's a habit and if I don't do it it's like something's crying into my brain what's going on I'm also in the habit of cleaning my teeth every night before I go to bed it's just a habit now our habits be our best friends or they can be our worst enemies and I was in some very bad habits before I became a Christian and then God gave me a new mind and a new heart and I don't know how all that happens but it does and I started to form some new habits basically I was rewiring my brain God gives us choice so we have the choice whether we want to do it or not and so I started to form new habits so I'm going to give you an illustration of how this happens so let's give the illustration and I'm going to give you illustration of a lady who used to get panic attacks notice what I said used to get panic attacks and she had a really strong panic attack pathway there and she came to our health retreat and she said oh I have to tell you I get panic attacks you know you can't you actually can't just get a pending attack so what I did was I put my detective hat on we should all be private investigators investigating why these things are so I said tell me when you got your first panic attacks she said ah a guy at work was diddling the books and I blew the whistle on him that night I got a brick through my front window Wow she panicked you know that's a very normal thing to do in fact if she didn't panic and run out the back door another brick might have come in and hit her in the head you see sometimes a panic is a very real and normal and understandable reaction but can you see what it did it made a strong pathway in her brain so the next time something stressful happened where her feelings going to go down that strong pathway and it got to the point where she was panicking nearly every day so her mother said you got to do something about this you got to go to the psychiatrist she told the psychiatrist what was happening he said ah you get panic attacks what did that do to the pathway put a bit of rail into it he made another pathway he said you'll be on pani can take medication for the rest of your life her mother said What did he say he said I get panic attacks will bit more he said I'll be on panic attack medication for the rest of my life can you see these are physical pathways in our brain and the more we go down them the stronger they get so when she came to me I said few questions do you live in the house still no is the man still around not so what does intellect judgment and reason declare no need to panic can you say that no need to panic but she's panicking do you know there are many people who they're out of the trauma they're out of the terrible situation but they're still living it do you find that they're still living it because there's a rate very strong pathway there I said to her I believe that you can overcome your panic attack what did I do when I said that I started another pathway I said I believe eventually you'll be able to get off your medication I started another pathway do you think she liked that oh she loved it I've never met anyone who likes being on medication but what's gonna happen the first time she goes through a stressful situation where her feeling is going to go down that great big pathway so I made a prescription of what to do when the lightning strikes I don't like the word panic attack let's say lightning strikes I said the first time or you know after leaving our program if you come across something and you feel a panic attack coming I want you to laugh oh she said I will not feel like laughing I said remember that's your wild horse that's your world to us that's what feelings are they're wild horses and they need the board of censors that's sure that's your frontal lobe she said I won't feel like laughing I said that's right you won't but you'll be able to laugh what did i do then I made a you'll be on the life pathway what's the old saying if you say you can you will and if you say you can you're right you weren't I said a while you're laughing hahahaha just pretend a kookaburra hahaha Amalia hohoho get a crystal of Celtic salt put it on your tongue three magnesium's relax drink a glass of water our brains are hydroelectricity put the kettle on get a chamomile tea bag chamomile mild tranquilizer I said I'm warning you your body will be screaming and you go down the pub way down the pub I just ignore it just ignite that's what your feelings will be saying go down that pathway frontal lobe says not she drank that chamomile tea meanwhile she did some stretches went outside deep breathing deep breathing calms oh how excited was she when she conquered her first panic attack and when she can't get her first panic attack the pathway got a little bit stronger how long does it take before this pathway here gets bigger than that pathway and by the way the good news is that as that pathway is not frequented that pathway reduces how long does it take before the new pathway is bigger than the old one 21 days 21 days of going down the new pathway and 21 days of not going down the old pathway it gets thinner and thinner and thinner the first time will it be the most difficult because her body will be screaming at her that's the feelings your feelings are like a wild horse but we had a board of senses this is our board of critiques it's like me saying to a man can you take this wild horse for a ride but just please come back in half an hour he comes back five hours later I say what happened I asked you to do it for half an hour I said oh the wants wanted to go here I want to go out there and I want to and what's my answer what do you think the bridles formate well we have a bridle there it is feelings are not bad they're only bad if they're the boss and I was so excited when I found two sums that talk about the bridle one is some 16 verse 7 it says I will bless the Lord who hath given me council my reins also instruct me in the night season early this morning in the night my reins were instructing me as to what to speak about today my reins that's where God communicates with men the other verse is in some 39 verse 1 it says I will take heed to my ways that I earn not with my tongue I will keep my mouth with a bridle there it is how do you do it it's right there and in the softer Noons lectures I'll explore that a little bit more detail as well this lady rewired her brain it was 21 days before she went through a stressful situation she didn't think about it she just automatically went down the new pathway and remember what the science shows we can be rewiring our brain right up until the day we die some people say barber you must have a very good memory I've got a terrible memory I'm trying very hard to remember your names I'm having not in a bit of trouble and Joshua played some beautiful music this morning do you think he started playing that piano yesterday no well I didn't read some 39 this morning okay might be quicker for you it takes him about 21 days I go over it and over and over it and over it and over it and over it and over it well Joshua to be able to play like that he had to go over it it's the same thing so memorizing scripture playing the piano learning a new language you don't hear the new language and just know it do you it's just it's the same process we have more say than we think over the pathways in our brains and it's exciting to note that if I wanted to I could play like Joshua or the ladies that played but I don't because I just actually don't have the time to put in to what I got to do to do it you see the pauper in the streets and the king on the throne have the same amount of time what are you doing with your time now for me to be able to wake up at 5:00 and I came out to walk at 6:00 and I went back in cuz it's pitch black and I came out at hot by 6:00 and it's still black and I went and got my trusty friend called Jeremy through 7:00 I said do you think we can do it mate he said yeah and we could and the Sun the Sun was just rising for me to be able to do that I have to eat breakfast like a king yesterday I have to eat lunch like a queen yesterday I have to eat tea like a pauper yesterday and I have to go to bed early and then I can get up early then I can spend time in the quiet allowing God to instruct my rains to instruct me and then can you see that you got to go back in fact today we are planning tomorrow and where does all that happen in for site so you can rewire your brain right up until the day you die but something's happening something's happening that's causing a compromise of the frontal lobe so people actually don't have the control that they would like to and that they could have what it is is bad air some people leave the window shut all night it's true are your windows open and you're getting that fresh air in if you don't when you wake up in the morning you know you're breathing your own waste that's a bit scary check your pillows how long this days like this you put your quilts and your pillows out in the Sun make sure where you sleep has fresh air sunshine I'm sure we'll be able to run out there when they select your finishes make sure you get Sun every day you see you know what the sunshine does it goes through a neurochemical pathways in your eyes to your brain and helps your brain function properly temperance what's temperance temperance means not taking anything into the body that will harm it and taking in moderation the good things well what will harm it sugar Oh surely not surely not surely in Hospice I'm referring to the pure crystallized acid that's been extracted from the sugarcane plant to know how this compromises frontal lobe we need to know that your brain consumes 15 times the fuel of any other cell and your brain can only hold a two-minute supply have you noticed that when someone puts on say 50 80 kilos their brain doesn't get bigger or their head Gus and get bigger because there's no room in there right that's all can't put fat on in the brain and so you've only got a two minute supply in your brain so when the pure crystallized acid from the sugarcane plant goes in blood glucose levels rise does that mean intellect judgment and reason rise now there bypass it's like trying to control a fast car then very quickly the brain says to the pancreas quick release insulin get it down so too much insulin is released where is it going now to low house internet judgment and reason down there our lights are on but no one's home how long does it take before lights are on and no one's home two minutes that's why one of the books we have in our health center is called sugar blues because sugar causes their news and we'll look at that again this afternoon when we look at depression being able to safeguard against depression people say to me Bobby homeschooled your children I had six and then I married Michael twenty years ago and he had two so I how can you stand having your children around you all and died you know it's easy when you don't give them sugar mm-hmm caffeine Oh surely not how does caffeine interfere with the function of the frontal lobe well caffeine interferes with the neurotransmitters in the brain we've got a book in the library caught on our health center called caffeine blues and he likens having a cup of coffee see you're walking along turn the corner our Tiger on the path what happens if there's a tiger on the path maybe where we are to be a red-bellied black snake what would it be for you I don't know you got any creatures sharp okay you're swimming out at Bluff very quickly adenosine levels drop why does the Dennison level stroke remember these are some of the neurotransmitters adenosine levels drop well adenosine is like the fuse box and when you're in a crisis fuse box has to go because you're going about to do the run or the climb of your life acetylcholine levels rise as if acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that has to do with the frontal lobe function and it rises when a person meets a tiger on the path no wonder you're gonna have to make some quick decisions do you think you can outrun the tiger do you think you can climb that trim can you get that that rock and hit him on the head doing David and Goliath can you see why this rises in a crisis dopamine is a neurotransmitter and it's the pursuit of reward pursuit of happiness the pursuit of escape it rises when you meet a tiger on the path but about half an hour later the brat says they're not running they're not fighting they're not because no tiger on the path so brain says and we've got this imbalance quick developed extra neuro extra little receptor sites for adenosine in an attempt to maintain the balance then the person comes to misty mountain health retreat and we don't serve any coffee and adenosine levels go back to normal and the receptor sites get flooded Oh does that hurt people say do you drink coffee Barbara I say no I just watch the people suffer day one misty mountain Health retreated but the good news is one lady said she had a headache for two weeks when she tried to do it at home and when she came to our retreat she only had a headache for 24 hours and we did lots of things to her to help brain says I know we've got an overload of acetylcholine stop making so much acetylcholine so now frontal lobe function drops dopamine week after week after month after month dopamine levels get exhausted how would you feel if you met a tiger on the path every day for six months three times a day for six months there's a die grinder part someone gobble gobble gobble do you know this is one of the causes of people having no energy hmm when we wake up in the morning we should leap out of bed did everyone hear that if you don't you're gonna put the detective hat on is it because you wait too late is it because your bedroom is not great is it because you spent too much time on technology lace yeah is it because you're dehydrated you've got to put the detective hat on and find out why because as the proverb says in 26 verse 2 the curse causeless shall not come there is always a reason sugar causes of fuel imbalance in the brain caffeine causes a chemical imbalance in the brain the hybridized wheat that gets the blood sugar level up higher and lower than even sugar causes a fuel imbalance mercury what it does it actually eats holes in the myelin sheath around the brain and that's a fatty sheath someone that has mercury fillings in their mouth they're eating a lot of fish that's got mercury in it and they're on the fat-free diet they're in danger because our brain is the fattiest organ in the body hmm why do people drink another cup of coffee after they've had the cup of coffee will they get the initial rise it's like one lady said I love my coffee just gets my brain going it makes me feel good can you see that's the acetic are low and the dopamine but when the drop comes that's when they reach for the other one and if they have one straight after they know they're going to get a drop and they're going to try and prevent the drop can you see them mercury is a neurotoxin there's no safe dose of this stuff that's a good one-liner for your dentist did you know that dentists today in university are told that mercury is our poison and it is no safe dose of it why did they like it in dentistry because it's the only liquid metal and they amalgamate it so it molds to the shape of the tooth but one of the problems with mercury and of course that's a big problem that it's a neurotoxin is it's bioaccumulative what bioaccumulative means the longer it's in your fillings in your mouth the more it's accumulating and the bigger the fish the larger the accumulation of the mercury also alcohol alcohols a neurotoxin no safe dose of mercury no safe dose of alcohol in America alcohol was banned from 1920 to 1933 it's called the Prohibition and the statistics around that time are quite amazing mental institution occupancy dropped to 8% jails were nearly empty domestic violence all almost wiped out no safe dose of that one I was watching a documentary and it was interviewing paramedics and police they said we are called out to more alcohol-related incidents on a Friday and Saturday night than all of recreational drugs put together and they said and that's the legal one mercury and alcohol killed brain cells and one that brain cells gone it is gone in healing the mind this afternoon I will show you that there actually is a way to get new brain cells isn't that good news tobacco tobacco inhibits nutrients water and oxygen to the brain now this is how it does that here is the carotid artery got two carotid arteries going up there there the supply line to headquarters what tobacco does is it weakens the arterial wall okay students what plugs that up LDL cholesterol and the damage keeps cutting so what's happening in the arterial wall and as we looked at the other day tobacco isn't the only thing that damages the arterial wall other things can damage it too but in this illustration we are looking at the tobacco tobacco also causes the blood cells to clump well there's not a lot getting through there is there people that smoke will never attain to mental brilliance what also inhibits frontal lobe function are drugs unfortunately most recreational drugs also many other pharmaceutical drugs one man to me he got depression after being on his diabetic medication for six months another man told me he got depression after a bypass the anaesthetic gave it to him not everyone on diabetic medication will suffer like that not everyone who goes through surgery but it's almost like playing Russian roulette and also absolutely the recreational drugs I'm surprised at how many people I meet who know someone in their immediate or extended circle of family and friends who knows a young person whose mind is damaged from recreational drugs MSG MSC's monosodium glutamate causes the nerves on the suck on the tongue to over fire so the food tastes fantastic do you know that's one of the main causes of food poisoning these people are eating rotten food and they don't know because it tastes so good scary isn't know what that means a lump of mud would taste clean and what happens is MSG causes the nerve cells to over fire not just on the tongue to everywhere and they get exhausted and can die chemicals we're going to get the chemicals out of our homes out of our toothpaste out of our shampoo out of our food get the little book chemical maze start to investigate actually what you're eating what you're wearing this is a very socially acceptable list no need for me to talk to you about the dangers of arsenic and cyanide but there is definitely a need to talk about the dangers of this but today directly it affects I'm telling you it directly affects the functioning of the frontal lobe now when the frontal lobe goes down you can't make the decisions that you're actually going to start rewiring your brain can you see that but what also happens is late nights no exercise no exercise you haven't got as much oxygen going to the brain and if that brain cell has oxygen it will give you 18 times more energy well and it's something we'll pursue more when we look at depression this afternoon a proper diet how do you find the proper diet you go to Genesis 1:29 where God's telling Adam and Eve what to eat he says be I've given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of the earth herb bearing seed that's your Nance your seeds your legumes your lentils that's what legumes are grains what about wheat unfortunately the weak today is not the wheat God made in the 1950s it was hybridized and it's causing a whole lot of trouble but there are so many other grains you can get ancient grains which are from the original week like spelt kamut your vegetables your fruits that's the best food water our brains our hydroelectric system no hydro no water this weather is the hardest time to drink water isn't it I just say it's time Barbara drink feelings go I hope and I don't feel like drinking frontal lobe says you got a hydroelectric system if you don't drink water your juice can you see that so just do it don't wait till you're thirsty do you know in chronic dehydration you lose the thirst signal you just got to do it trust in divine power when we're anxious when we're upset when we're fearful do you know it inhibits frontal lobe function there are two opposites in our brain one is faith and one is fear and from fear come all the negative emotions and God gave us a lovely verse to counteract fear it's second Timothy 1 verse 7 where God says I've not given you the spirit of fear but of power of love and of a sound mind and over here we've got faith in the verse for faith is Hebrews 11 verse 1 where it says faith is the substance of things hoped for evidence of not think things not seen if you can see it is not faith have faith in this amazing body that has the ability to heal itself have faith in this brain that can actually be rewired right up until the day and die now if you've been inspired by the lectures and been doing everything right this week you've only got two more weeks and you're in the habit you're in the habit you can rewire your brain that's the good news it's very good news this brain cell has the ability to develop 70,000 dendrites whoa how do we develop new dendrites this is actually not just habits this is developing other things learning something new and I am the poet he said the world is full of so many things we all should be as happy as kings play music learn to learn to skate learn to ski learn to ride a bike when you're learning how to lymphocyte learn to play the recorder you may not be able to afford one of these but everyone can get a recorder sorry triangles out maybe it's a good start can you paint can you cook can you sir my husband's not interested in knitting and sewing but six years ago he learned to fly a helicopter rahid he developed a lot of dendrites you can be developing new dendrites right up until the day you die oh the tragedy is that most people go through their whole life never fully accessing the power of brain mm-hmm you can be anything you want to be where there's a will there's a way I would love to be a pianist but I recognize that my time and my memory has to go into other things I have to learn constantly new things I'm constantly memorizing things so that I can be an effective deliverer for you and I trust inspire you to learn more things so you can see that you can be rewiring your brain make sure you go to bed early make sure you exercise make sure you drink your water make sure you start learning those wonderful little Bible verses one is 26 eyes I 26 verse 3 where it says they will keep him in perfect peace here his mind his state of on me because he trusts us and me but when you give your frontal lobe to God you go one step for her you've got divine help divine help to give you strength to make the decisions that you want to make and there's a lovely verse in a book I think this is a little book called I'm Council on diet and food page 30 and it says write physical habits promote mental superiority intellectual power physical strength longevity depend upon immutable laws there's now happen so no chance about this matter nature's God will not interfere to preserve mint from the consequences of violating nature's law there is much sterling truth in the adage every man and every woman is the architect of their own fortune isn't that true so let me finish with a verse from Proverbs and it's proverbs 22 verse 17 about our nine ear and hear the words of the wise and apply thine heart to my knowledge for it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within me because they with all shall be feathered in thy lips you see what we take into our mind comes out in our lips have not I made known unto you this day have not I written unto you excellent things and counsel and in knowledge that you might know the certainty of the words of truth that you might be able to give an answer to them that ask you because they're going to say to you how come you look so good well I'm so glad you asked how come you've lost weight well I'm so glad you asked do you know that is the time that you can speak so ladies and gentlemen I trust you are inspired to take this frontal lobe give it the right conditions don't put anything that will harm it give it to the Great God of heaven and then start planning what you're going to learn next start planning the habits that you want to develop start looking at the habits you want to stop because where there's a there's a way thank you you
Channel: Wicklow Street
Views: 75,376
Rating: 4.8734527 out of 5
Keywords: Barbara O'Neill, Wicklow Street, habits, willpower, Invercargill
Id: -hgWENHuJ88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 24sec (2964 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2017
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