Baptism Service - August 26, 2018

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in my life you pray for me good evening church my name is Alicia Dyer I've decided to get baptized tonight because god I spot that conviction on my heart so I'm coming back to my first love [Applause] good night everyone my name is T Angela's and the reason why I'm getting baptized tonight is because the Lord I was taken from shallow place and plant me on my feet he has delivered me and my children from that for my hands of my enemy so I'm just trying to walk the straight and narrow path that leads towards him thank you [Applause] and that has won so many things in my life so I decided to serve Him good night church my name is Maxine Scott the Lord is so good to me each everything I asked him for the Lord has got me so I product to grant him but my favor by serving him with my heart and my strength good night urge my name is Natalie Thomas I decided to get baptized today because God is an amazing God he's only two living King thank you my coworker invited me to this church many times she even Minister the Word of God to me and I don't see anything else outside that's why I'm giving my life to him I was robbed in January I could have been dead and I'm still alive thank God and I have seen everyone to pray for me and my family especially money's that law sir husband Wednesday thank you good night everyone I'm Martha Nelson and I'm here to work Texan and because god let's perform miracle in my life I'm very grateful and I just want to keep moving on with God so please let's pray for me and my family duolingo goodnight everyone my name is Melissa saw Patrick there is no way I'm getting baptized today is because I'm coming from where I'm at today no they pray for me Jesus name Amen good night everyone my name is Sophia Johnson and there is why I am baptizing tonight because I knock on deck for more than one time so prone to give my life to God tonight a pleasant night everyone I am shimmy my name from Clarendon I am here to get baptized Annette because god I've done so many things in my life and I've been going to wilderness since I got to see you funny this is a time that I want to surrender everything and to live a righteous life and I'm here to just you've got my heart mr. goodnight everyone my name is Kenny shagreen and the reason why I want to be website's tonight is because I see hello good night Church I'm Marcel Morgan I come to more than one baptismal I am a backslider come to alter more than one time and I decided today when passed alcohol this one not leaving me because to wash again than to lose praise the Lord praise the Lord my name is anne-marie coy in 2015 I was going through a period of fees I was here before I was a member here in 2001 backslidden went out there and got caught up in buying off cash but and I'm not ashamed to talk no because I'm no longer walk in that rule I would have spent all a lot of money I would have lost a lot of money and I would have gone to a situation where it felt as if the Rope was at my neck and I was about to die this law was lower than I could have ever dreamed I ever imagined when I was near with the sunday of the 22nd of November 2015 and I was ironing and I said Lord the way oh I am feeling no this must be you and this if this is really you I'm asking you for a confirmation and before I could have said the word the phone rang and a friend of mine who I witnessed when I was young in the field and is Noah Christian he said to me and the Lord said to Paul you want to tell you that the do you sit back foot in his house the blessings that he has for you you cannot contain it in and so God be the glory tonight I've been back from 2015 pondering radar net I should be baptized again but on father's knee when Bishop points and it told to say that you must come back and do your first words I said Lord this is it because I want to continue I just want to serve Him because there's no other way and when God has a plan for you you can run so far and no more until God be the glory tonight you know I'm happy you know I'm free no longer bone you pray for me because I mean well and I need to hear from him at the end of the day well done hallelujah thank you I mean well in Jesus we hallelujah I'm rosemary Perry and the reason why I'm trying to pop that it because of God I do so much for me it's the Lord get all the glory road heaven is now in you although the road be rougher times Jesus will carry me through me by [Music] [Music] Oh hallelujah hallelujah tonight hallelujah new metrics to opinion tonight we are saying get on the glory road because heaven is now in whew hallelujah it's not too late to say yes to the Lord hallelujah give your life to Jesus before it's too late testify but that church my name is Liana vassal and the reason I'm getting baptized is I have to serve the true and living God good night Church my name is Alton right and the reason why I want to get baptized I got a dream one night I went to bed at that time I was living in Daytona I went to look over by Monza it was like pure fire when I look into the sky I saw a bright light and in that bright light an image came down and then went in the fire and then I said to my mother my exact words were Jesus Christ la cama make God call I'm gonna give my life steam and she was inside celebrating on Allah that's so church tonight I decided to give my life to the Lord God I don't want it to be too late good night church my name is Nelson John's oblique you reason why I wanted baptized because Satanas have me done a very long time and tonight I'll make up my mind thank you good night everyone my name is Fiona Riley and I just want to thank God for his loving kindness and his tender mercies towards me and I also want to thank him for a second chance good night everybody the reason why I'm here to baptize tonight is because I want to be in the presence of the Lord and I want to get saved good night everybody I am on Mina poets and the reason why I want to get baptized because I was a backslider so the reason why I want to get bucked at because I've got trouble cuttings to life and this is a song I want to sing if you seek and you can't get well and your doctor can it help just turn it over to the Lord he believe you I know he we I no matter how long it takes my love believe you if you wait teach me more each below thank you sir tonight Church my name is Sharon Huey I've been coming here for many many years but and I have decided tonight my name is because my name is good evening everyone I'm onika Morrison and the reason I'm being baptized tonight is as a child I was baptized in a Zion Church and I've been convicted multiple times that is the wrong foundation and so I'm standing here in full repentance and declaring my freedom from everything religious from everything like that back in the Zion Church and just full freedom tonight in Jesus name Amen [Applause] good night everyone my name is Anne Gina McLaughlin and even though I'm getting baptized it's because God is real and I want to be a part of Eden good night everyone my name is Karla and Burnett the reason why I decided to baptize tonight is because God has been good to me and I owe in my life good night everyone my name is Felicia Elaine saddle on and I want to get baptized tonight because my Havanese died what year and it very hard so I just decided to give my life to Jesus I just pray for me while I pray for myself in Jesus name good night everyone my name is sharon sutherland and i it's full time for me know to give my life to the Lord [Applause] my name is Brenda Watson I'm just here to give God my heart I've been baptized for 19 years but I started along the way because you Trevor go toward it move what I got no distant time I'm be a visitor for a very long time so I did smiling and I see that tonight is what I just decide my mind took to give God to do over about my baptism because God has been so good to me he has been saved me to time from God man I get shoot up in my car in in in 2002 and three people were standing on the sidewalk shred him get shot me not a car mini-mug an OSHA chairman finally said walk get shot one died I like Nick's more tree as I walk going to the market I'm good man stigma quit going in my neck and take off marine I miss a jacket on go I know staked out a finger go so I hear to refresh and I'm him category uncounted my way these are my food goodnight church my name is Kara Hamid and I was here before didn't want to come back because I said haha Bab so to church and a lot of people know me so I don't wanna come back because I don't want people to look at me and in a car or a ship god but I was talking to the Lord and I said God should I go to a different church and then I was saying it to somebody and they said no that's pride and I say ok then and then I was talking to the Lord and I said Lord can you give me a last chance is Vieira last chance for me and I said by the way how do you know when it's it is your last chance I was talking to him at my wall and then I got to work in the night on night shift when I finish talking to my god I love you know but I don't know how to let go I don't know how to let go for the life that I find myself in to come back on so God can you help me please God I'm not gonna go to anybody I want you God to reach me yourself Hannah was at work Saturday night last week hung as long as the night be the devil just couldn't let me sleep because it didn't want me to come here and I said I'm not going to church you know in the mind because I'm very tired and immediately I felt every tired life and I said god what is this I have no excuse now so I finished work and I run come live with my cousin us I have to go to church something is there for me and when I come to the door I sit in the seat I hear me shop said Sunday's baptism I like really and I sit down and then after that he was there talking and I am said to reach the last that is the message and I said God you're gonna deal with me today and then he started preaching Hannah earring said last chance 190mm said you know the number one two tree anybody know Josh but know that no money says someone you're waiting to get married to come on serve God but what if your chance run oh tell anyone I said god this is me and I'm not gonna die out here I said God I'm gonna serve you and you're gonna wrap me up on you're gonna tie me up with everything this time God I'm not gonna let you go too much our country the devil come against me so hard since I said I'm going to come I serve the Lord even last night after fight and I have to fight to be able to say god with everything in me I won't let it ever stop because I know that you are greater than him and that is why I'm here tonight to give my life to the Lord my name is Jada Smith the reason why I want to baptize because I have a dream once it's like it's a hurricane in my dream it's like a hotel every plane was everywhere and people was moving so I was telling everyone to come out of the hotel and I'm trying to save them but all almost all people died and one family survived and I was in that gym deep in my sleep and I was telling the one man to come out a rebellion I didn't refuse so I'll just start into praying and it didn't work so I wonder why this man is not getting up one building jot down could never get there as for Kamata the building like almost people died but thank God one has survived and I realized you know one time I was sitting under telling some ears some some so long which other tried to grip in it and a good bit so this is why I'm here today because I asking God how I work and talking these long with young people can and I can't do it when I unders only non some words that God is giving me any use me as I serve and in that bus at JATC bus I was singing a song to our old lady and she was praying that someone would give her a message cause she was praying for a message and this is why I'm here today to give my life to the Lord Amy [Music] but night the reason why I want to get baptized good night everyone my name is nakisha illness who is the why I'm here tonight is because I'm lost and I want to be found in Jesus face God what was hidden from the wise and prudent revealed to the babes and sucklings and God is a God of a second chance hallelujah just worship the Lord tonight hallelujah hallelujah bless the name of Jesus this is there's no whatever it takes out of me and I'm going to do it and if I've raised the Lord praise God please turn at my church and just lift up your hands in the presence of the Lord and just give God thanks for these souls tonight hallelujah glory to God hallelujah we are plundering hail and populate in heaven tonight hallelujah and many more all here tonight gonna be baptized today you need to come prepared but tonight I believe the Spirit of the Lord is gonna draw you hallelujah and you're gonna surrender your life to the Lord tonight so just lift up your hands tonight Church and just send up the praises to Almighty God just worship him tonight hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we worship you lie we bless your name Jesus you are worthy you are worthy you still join men and women to you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah my son is rejoicing [Music] the city business and is to the merciful God in spite of hallelujah in spite of booyah still of it is still coming mr. Mercer and we give him all the cool [Music] without no further I do I just turn over the rest of the service into the hands of gods and servants our bishop or pastor Bishop dr. Deborah Davis is making welcome [Music] praise the Lord thank you please be seated I'll just move right into reading of the scripture and seek to enter the water as soon as possible but let me bring greetings to all of us here gathered dozing off in our audiences and or sitting far back they want you to join us a little closer down front please two things to do before we enter upon the baptism brother Edwards are you here brother Edwards brother Edwards one of a faithful employees of this church works in the ear of the security will be my greeting and we are certainly gonna miss brother Edwards and his family wife and son we pray that the Lord will stand by them and bless them here tonight to receive opers his wife not very very well turn around let everybody see you brother Edwards I guess you all know him wonderful gentlemen so we are going to offer prayer for him right now let us stand please turn back to me son [Music] I must are the Savior with me for I do not walk alone I must feel his presence near me and his arms around me through that my soul let me where he will I will go without a murmur and it's footsteps [Music] Poynter and in his direction ours we asked the Lord municipal come stand with him please or gracious God we thank you that we can trust you at your word your faithful gods you tell us you'll be with us when we go out and when we come in you said you'll never leave us nor forsake us you said you'll be with us alway unto the end of the age we ask in the name of Jesus Christ that you look down upon your son or brother and his family O God Almighty as they prepare to migrate to another country the earth is yours they fullness thereof the world and they died wealthier here the captain of Thousand Hills we ask in Jesus name that you provide and make the best life for them possible in the name of Jesus coverage and protection every step of the way o God provide him a good place of worship wonderful fellowship with your people provide for them good employment amen good school for the children for it for the son and O God your agent will encounter on about them Lord let no evil befall them no plague con idea dwelling but seal them with the blood of Jesus Christ and grant O Lord that they will continue to walk with you so that when time shall be no more we all together will be with you in glory keep them in good health keep them strong keep them protected in the name of Jesus and father God - you will be the glory the honor on the praise as your blessings we pronounce upon brother Edwards and his family in Jesus name a man a robot is a blessing Lord glory listen [Music] United State New Jersey god bless you brother Edwards amen the gifted hands should have been estat this morning I made that on-the-spot change due to passing time on our guest speaker notice our service went all the way up to 10:45 way beyond so they are here tonight to do their ministry gift Aaron's will come at this tough time [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] thank you gifted and keep your hands upon me so no evil cannot harm me I pray for increase two portions of scripture from the Gospel of st. Matthew chapter 3 and chapter 28 chapter 3 says from verse 1 in those days Came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand for this is he that was spoken of by the Prophet as I saying the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straight and the same John had his raiment of camels air and a leathern girdle about his loins and his meat was locusts and wild honey then went out to him Jerusalem on all Judea on all the region round about Jordan and were baptized of him in Jordan confessing their sins but when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism he said unto them o generation of vipers who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance and think not to say within yourselves we have Abraham to our Father for I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham and now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and asked into the fire I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than I whose shoes I am not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire whose fan is in his hand and he will thoroughly gather his wheat into the garner but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized of him but John forbade him saying I have need to be baptized of thee and comest thou to me and Jesus answering said unto him suffer it to be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness then he allowed him or suffered him and Jesus when he was baptized went up straightway out of the water and Laurie Evans were open unto him and he saw the Spirit of like a dove and lightening up on him and lo voice from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased what a wonderful text john's preaching jesus's arrival the pharisees and the sadducees the pronouncement of john upon them the humility of john that demonstrates not wanting to baptize messiah i need to be baptized of you you're coming to me jesus said allow it to be so now we must fulfill all righteousness and here we see the manifestation of the Trinity in form in this baptism Jesus when he was baptized verse 16 went up straightway out of the water last Jesus and Lord Evans are open unto him and he saw the Spirit of God the Holy Spirit in the form for dove descending all the Spirit of God descending like a dove or a spirit and the voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son what john 3:16 says daddy gave oh ok so divorce from Efrain that the clear this is my beloved son could not be the voice of an angel or you're not following this the voice from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased john tree i'd so loved the world he gave is so the voice that spoke could it be an angel what an angel declared Jesus to be a son okay so perfect manifestation of the Trinity in form right here in this baptism I told you we witness some persons who baptized themselves in the Jordan River and know about Taizo they dipped themselves three times down-up down-up three times did you saw that missionary all it was something to admire I mean okay Matthew 28 another wonderful text let me read just a few verses of this one for sake of time March 28 16 then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee into a mountain near Jesus into a mountain where Jesus are appointed them and when they saw him they worshiped him but some doubted and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in every and in earth go he therefore and teach a few people ok teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I'm with you always even to the end of the world our men these texts are self-explanatory they're plain text no ambiguity no big argument no philosophy in them Jesus just straightly commissioned the eleven disciples and he told all of them to do the same thing go into all the world and preach the gospel those who err believe except baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and teach them to observe all the principles and precepts of the word if you do so I'll be with you and whenever I read these texts the very fact that we actually set our feet right where Jesus stood with the disciples I mean it just come home so real to me I'm looking on the shores of Galilee right now where Jesus met with them according to history the Red Sea on the other side massive plane over here the Judean Valley to that side where the East the Judean Valley and the Jordan River across it's something to behold and just to read it in the scripture and to actually go there and physically see you know I was reading from March up to hate this evening and I say oh my God look at this where we sat where we walked any of that's for another time so here we are to baptize these persons who have believed ABC except believed confessed you have heard their confession except believed confessed the ABC of the gospel very simple and we thank the Lord that you have accepted Jesus Christ well you believe the gospel you accept Jesus Christ and you confess him as your Savior and upon the profession of your faith tonight we in obedience to the word of God will baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and if you make yourselves available we will teach you the Scriptures how to be Santa Fido to live holy how to present your body before the Lord all to prepare for heaven because preparation for heaven goes way beyond water baptism I didn't get an amen for that goes way beyond water baptism it is all in us without which no man shall see God not the preacher not the singer not the gifted hands not the musicians not the Baptizer not the choir member all in as we thought which Norma not the bishop not held up nobody's exempt everybody must live holy in order to see God all right finally baptism signifies death burial and resurrection dead to sin by the blood of Jesus Christ buried symbolically in this watery grave raised up to walk in the newness of life Colossians chapter 2 says our water about that so we want you to be mindful of this that this is not trying out a thing experimenting almost 47 years now I've been walking with the Lord is that experiment from 1971 whatever that is November 71 he's not experimenting you come with a made-up mind to serve God and I was thinking this even about what Paul says none of these things move me and things will come against you people will come against you situation will arise from time to time but you must know that you really want to serve God and live for God nobody can get you back make you backslide not even see it son can get you backslide what Jesus says and I give unto them eternal life John 10:28 29 I give you eternal life and you shall not perish neither shall any man pluck you out of my hand my father which gave you to me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck you out of my father son wave your hand and say no man say no man everybody said no man oh man oh man dear God I feel oh holy goes here no man people make them backslide make who box like you choose to backslide hallelujah it's a choice when your mind is fully made up what did I preach no price is too high you'll pay the price and live for Jesus Christ hallelujah I need more time oh god I feel Holy Ghost what ya need more time stand with me please it's a lot of you we gotta get in the water I want to take you into your vow at this time say after me from the depth of your heart all of you I confess that I believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of the Living God I believe in his death his burial and his resurrection I believe also in his second coming to judge this world in majesty and power I therefore renounce the world the flesh sin and the devil and pledge to walk in the newness of life in Christ Jesus I know in the presence of God angels and this assembly do take my solemn vow raise your right and please all of you thy vows O Lord are upon me until death thy vows O Lord are upon me until death I vow so Lord are upon me until death a vow I dare not break in Jesus name Amen praise God father we commit these precious souls to you right now and pray that you will seal them with the blood of the everlasting covenant grant Oh Lord that not one will go astray none need to be lost the son of perdition has already been lost so everyone Lord God can be secured in you secure them now we pray thee be a fence around them and when the moments of trials and temptation and testing come give them the strength and the grace to resist the devil to draw nigh to you and you will draw nigh unto them in the name of Jesus work out the things that ought to be worked out in their lives and lead them to complete victory we pray in jesus name a man less worship God everybody come on a star with me Church stand with me [Music] Deacon Rohan Coburn will be descending the steps of this spool with me tonight our chief baptized the minister Bobby chambers taking a break tonight again and we bless the Lord for him doing a fantastic job in that area a man but you also need to train some younger men oh yeah we need to train some younger man so I am the trainer a train Andrew Brown already so I'm training this deacon Oh cause young will have to take over from all the men you're not saying nothing Minister chambers can baptize all the days of his life neither can i I realize so we're training younger men also get them break into the radium total bow your knees and go down and dip okay who better to train you like but me I mean God is good so point your aunt over here please let us pray come Deacon hallelujah hallelujah spirit of the Living God for all of speedily be gone for Fred [Music] will you breathe [Music] Oh come on and fear Oh good God Minister Marge go and pray the strength of the Lord upon us everybody see a prayer come on [Music] father in the name of Jesus as we sign your mighty God to carry out your mighty commission mighty God we actually right no father in the name of Jesus that you could just open up your ears right now father you're great and mighty hit Lord could we gain heaven attention tonight mighty God if this pleases you and your son son it mighty God we ask you Lord we look to you right now Lord that your anointing could be right upon us Lord touch of a bishop might let you know how Lord ever be fresh upon a mighty God the Deacon Cobert spirit me as one one with the bishop one in the spirit one Lord one God one baptism one spirit hallelujah hallelujah touched on Holy Ghost touch the water touching Lord touch everything that is in this place touch those are to be baptized mighty God let the blood of Jesus Christ saturate this auditorium hallelujah hallelujah let fire liquid fire liquid fire liquid fire liquid fire from heaven rebetiko Darla's busca Kota hallelujah yes Lord yes Lord have your way hop your way mighty God in Jesus name Jesus name Amen [Music] who let the fire fall on me [Music] Oh [Music] fire the fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa we will brothers brother Andrey Maddow Layton Morgan Alfred reader Bevin hide Christopher Isaac Richard Grenville sure McAfee Jordan a cook according to your confession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and what Jesus had laid down for us the Commission we know baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost the water is troubled my friend [Music] [Music] Oh my power [Music] Oh Oh my Oh [Music] we will now begin with the sisters Julia room feel Patsy McFarland Nicole Sims and it Washington grant sorrow wall Walker Patricia Graham maybe's Thomas polio Kadena Vasa according to your testimony and your confession in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Great Commission given by the Lord Jesus we know about ties your water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost you can tell the word [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Brown [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise this phrase asleep just give the Lord praise in the house let's bless him for the feast tonight hallelujah hallelujah as we continue the baptismal service I call in Korean Alexander Lindsay Lorna Brown Alicia tyre Kiana Thomas Marcia Morrison Maxine Stewart Natalie Thomas Natasha Lane Marcia Nelson and malicious out Patrick according to your testimonies about the confession of your faith we know baptize you in the name of the Father and of the son of the mighty Holy Spirit amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on the other side of the big boy [Music] was [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] giving brains in the house bless His name for what he's doing god is great and greatly to be praised just give the Lord praise in the house as we continue with our sisters and I call Soviet Johnson shamekh Manon Kaneesha Queen Masha Morgan and Marie coy Rosemarie pearls linear apostle Althea write nesland Johnson Blake Fiona Riley and Daniel whites in that order please [Music] upon the confession of your faith on your testimonies we know baptize you in the name of the Father and of the son one of the holy spirits [Music] [Music] [Music] homina god where [Music] five [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] - ow [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Applause] find a lawyer what an awesome night shim in the devil and virus in the devil somebody give God a praise on this time we're going to give them a chance to get things tidy on the back but we were to use the few moments to bring that which we have brought into the hosts of the Lord cause on a night like this we're going to show the devil that we are given the best that we have to the Lord is that the amen so while all shows are getting ready so stand with me with your offering in your hand laughs all right it Karam bless it and consecrate it and those who are viewing by Facebook and YouTube live and by floor and by Digicel you can give your offering to you just go right to that page and you can see all the various mediums to which you can give is that an amen so that we can continue this great work of the Lord stand with me with your offering please father as we stand in your house this evening mighty God we are so right now that you bless that which we are going to give into your house and into your kingdom father that it will do the work for which you have already prepared beforehand not that you need us mighty God and what we have to give but this is symbolic that we are following the great command that you give to us that if we bless your house and give into your house and we prove it into this matter if you will not open heaven and pour out a blessing that we were not approved to it's a father for every one who give night we asked you might together to send it back to them twice the amount ten times the amount 100 time damn almighty God not their basket will never be empty they're covering their host the refrigerator the host will always be blessed even a bless will call them place father we thank you right now in Jesus name we pray amen amen come from wherever you are it doesn't matter right now from the left one to my right and just keep down please can we get one more of those like the chorus as we give and prepare ourself for me [Music] Oh [Applause] Bible open the heavens offer me open the heavens over me Viper open the heavens for me Oh [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] baba open the heavens Oh [Music] pappa open the heavens over me Baba open the heavens over me [Music] [Music] open the heavens Oh me [Music] they open the heavens over me come on church sign everywhere and were shy over me and one under my voice oh wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no sons together give gonna as I get ready to call the last set of our sisters received it we thank you Lord for this evening so please start line up on account of your name Almina poets Sharon you if it Brown Katie and macaw Anika Morrison and Gina McLaughlin Caroline Burnett Lita Sutherland sharon sutherland Brenda Watson Carrie Hammett Jada Smith only five - nique Jennings nakisha wholeness upon the confession of your faith in Jesus Christ and your testimony and in compliance and accordance with a great commission that has been given to us we baptize you tonight in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost well you can tell the world about this [Music] [Music] [Music] ha then Jesus come another comforter we bring joy to my soul the word [Music] to my soul deep regard to my [Music] joy to my soul we bring joy to my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my tiger Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] let me go [Music] [Music] again one [Music] [Music] [Music] a very long time I wanna let me go now I'm free I'm on the running [Music] [Music] for a very long time I wanted to go let it go now I'm free [Music] I'm gonna take Oh ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] 20:10 I walked into a church with my bug buck and demand that I be baptized they said it could not be done because it was not about dismal Sunday they said he could not be done there was no water in the pool but I have news for you tonight if you are here and your name is not on this list water is in the pool this is a baptismal Sunday God is on your side tell me about ready if you hear how you never deep here this is a good night to eat it the water is ready Jesus it nice and water as a piece of Nakamoto nightie is there one who is right here right now with contemplating or come on church that I can't do it right now right now right now right this minute is there such a water oh Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we're ready fear the ladies are ready to receive our know is there one more Oh Lord another one coming come on church what you sitting here with why are you sitting same wear white somebody not worshiping God wait somebody not get an appraiser here is what Warhawk our God is moving God is moving God is moving hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord is there anyone else hola hola hola hallelujah hallelujah yes wah Jesus yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord oh c'mon turn worship Manolo Tobias no sphere don't be a speck da da now stop in the spirit and the war wah-wah hallelujah [Music] she-sus she-sus [Music] Jesus [Music] is there anyone else who said this is my night this is my dear this is my hour this is my night is there anyone else want to make the declaration hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus is there anyone who just want to sell fits with your theater I don't win to earn bye-bye they're anonymous hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah one word sit on your loose your Lord yah [Music] you're not dabbler [Music] yes the heart yes Lord I feel I open it up just for another minute just for another minute as you'll see me a contemplative should i what are they going to say what is my family going to say what are my friends going to say as you're contemplating there I can tell you what Jesus want to say welcome welcome well done good and faithful welcome [Music] hallelujah I can't tell you what Jesus want to sing welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome is there someone else who want to hear that a child shall lead them [Laughter] your Lord Jesus are you ready for them to get them ready right now is there someone else coming is something that's moving water is ready [Music] [Laughter] I love it lord I love it yes Laura minister to them all is near many such an MP Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus take the piss we take them this way take them to my right that we get them ready and then we can get their confession on their testimony take them is sweet come on church worship you worship it worship hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] can i I don't know if this chorus was sung already you know but I just want to sing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the Lord be seated for a few minutes be subahu Aten the others just to refresh you at some of the announcements made earlier today no morning's worship please be mindful of the services that were announced Wednesday our daytime fasting service for all those who can attend and please invite someone to come along with you it's been doing great every Wednesday and of course on Friday nights in the will of the Lord will meet for the believers feast let the oil flow with a very special emphasis on anointing so I'd love for you Saints to pass the word around and be here for Friday night I ask us to spend the day on Friday fasting and seeking the Lord as much as you can in preparation for what the Lord will release upon us on Friday night amen backing up a little on tomorrow evening as Monday we visit for the first time the assembly Holiness Church of God in Spanish town I think it is 13 to 17 Yonge Street almost at the corner where loj shopping center is that's Yonge Street the gas station to your left the church is over on the right so it's right in the town there the echoes of faith choir will be ministering and I asked those brethren who are in the Spanish tone area live in those general areas and you can come by that would be wonderful be mindful also of what minister Davis said concerning the production that is being rehearsed at this time final final final Saturday for you to get your children in if they are not yet in will be this coming Saturday after this Saturday then no one else can be admitted because rehearsal would have been too far advanced for them amen and all those who have been baptized on tonight we look forward to you being in church and Sunday morning well certainly before but on Sunday morning so you can be met with and meter administered Avis and her team so they were able to advise you on the teaching them to observe all things this is just phase one phase two will be the new believers class new members class we will teach you the Word of God some 27 topics biblical subjects that will open your understanding more on the Word of God so please be here on Sunday morning okay and all the men that were baptized a few weeks ago 43 men you will join in this class also so all the brothers were baptized prior to this baptism you will merge with this class so that everybody can be taught male and females together amen all right I think that's what my memory tells me pray for the various leaders in the ministry pray for the exoneree leaders and give them your full support because we believe that Jesus is coming soon and we must work while it is day for the night cometh when no man can work also members visitors friends well-wishes supporters ensure that you get an envelope that we have been given out to make your special seed fade contribution first food contribution within the next this month next month they're about as we continue to do the work you know we're doing up let me call it a massive construction next door and we need quite some it might appear as though things have stopped but work is continuing they you'd have noticed the company is now working on the roof the roof is being fabricated and the windows also are being worked on so things are happening by the help of the Lord we hope to get it complete by or certainly well before or by December 2018 because oh yeah we mean that we get it complete especially if you make your special contribution we need hours checking out you they cost that in car so far and what we need and we need quite some funds to complete it or the roof roof is over nine million dollars oh yeah you heard me right the windows over five million dollars so things are expensive not to include the flooring and the ceiling and all kind of stuff so you're looking at almost twenty five million dollars to complete it but it shall be completed in the name of the Lord oh yeah shall be Saturday at 10 a.m. funeral service for brother grunts brother grants late wife please give your support 10 o'clock on Saturday brother grant are you here not his wife passed on and of course I announce that pastor Lloyd Maxwell from the agape Christian Fellowship there in burger bar commonness garden wherever it is Cedar Grove to be exact he has passed on to be with the Lord want you to pray for the family and for the church family and his service will be on Saturday the 10th pray for that Christian family okay do we have everybody here no all right so the Lord bless you take the testimonies and let's roll it along amen have you been blessed so far well give the Lord praise or it's a god wonderful alright give us a short testimony all of you in my life the Lord in our church my name is John Palmer and I met renewing my vows I'm apostolic when I feel a warmth written in the in the church I said no what if I make a second move again because it's limited by my so when I come here all over this church so it's no nothing for me to do except this certain to pray for the parents of these children are here where are your parents hello now we want to ensure that these children are on the supervision of their parents and they all rights okay go ahead my dear my name is Chris I'm Francis and I have a lot to say but mr. Bishop said make it short so I'm not really a good singer I can't sing so but I'm going to sing this song it came to me when I sat here I've got my liberty I'm finally free I will never be bound again about my liberty I'm finally free and I will never be bound again when Minister Murad said that we are we are quite something about war and I raised my hand to say okay I'm ready to fight the war but how am I going to fight our war that I'm awkward that I am basically losing because I'm not being truthful to myself and truthful to God so I come up here today to renew order to solve it myself from what I've been struggling with since 2016 I've been telling myself the lies that I'm okay when I'm really not okay and it's draining because I want to go further in the Lord but it's keeping me back in can hold me again goodnight my name is Tiffany Jackson and God has been so good to me when I look at where I'm coming from to him no it's just truly amazing and I want to hear the words well done good and faithful servant I felt I talked on my spirit when I was sitting down there and then my mom just got baptized to renew her faith and I said it's my time now I need to set an example for my little brother and do it as well so I want to renew myself in the Lord and give myself to the Lord and say yes I'm your servant no and I'll listen to you and obey her wishes good night church my name is Ann Marie Campbell swell I just want to say that God has been so good to me he saved me from so many things yes save me from the Gala's yes save me from death and tonight I just want to say goodbye world I can still no longer with you cuz I've made up my mind to go God's Way for the rest of my life you just pray for me while I pray for myself all of you stand please say after me I confess that I believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of the Living God I believe in his death it is burial and his resurrection I believe also in a second coming to judge this world in majesty and power I therefore renounce the world the flesh sin and the devil and pledge to walk in the newness of life in Christ Jesus I know in the presence of God angels and this assembly do take my solemn vow raise your right hand each of you I follow so Lord are up on me until death I've also Lord are up on me until death I fall so Lord are upon me on to death Wow I dare not pray in Jesus name Lord we commit these souls to you now pray that the Holy Spirit will see them with the blood and grant O Lord that when the time of testing and trials come they will lean on the sufficiency if your abundant grace and they will resist the enemy and he will flee from them they will draw nigh to you and you will draw nigh unto them we blessed them now in Jesus name according to your testimony confession of faith comission given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ we baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen call the names Maxine West Krishna and Francis John Palmer Tiffany Jackson and Marie Campbell swell and Trish on Hamilton assistants the two sons two brothers Kol and Colleen Sewell they will go right after [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] come on church worship [Music] [Music] whatever can we see my touch those [Applause] touch step touch hey hallelujah touch sucker yes [Music] [Music] yes hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah on a night like this when Mark sliders are being reclaim sinners of accepted Christ it is a night for celebration it is a night for consecration it is a night to put the enemy on notice that you shall not steal one of these you will not come near where they live you will not come into their house you will not visit their place of employment you will not visit their business place sit on the Lord rebuke hallelujah for the worshiping worshiping worshiping worshiping hahahahaha worshiping hallelujah I hear a little worshiping from our spirit I am a little colony mode from our spirit is there anyone else who just want to worship Him who just want to undo who is that the shifter scream out I know it's late I know we entire but if you Candace deep down deep down muster ma stop bust up another praise Mustard's of worship I know you're tired on the job but we could not masa I know we're tired on a keyboard but we could not muster up another brace one more tear one more Valley one more curve one more one more I wear what we'll pray hallelujah brick doc see it done brick knocked me out red not lost if I break down demons hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to God Bless You Jesus [Music] Jesus as I hand over to the first lady minister dr. Petrova Davies receiver no care of the world [Music] glory to goddess we prepared to close whatever one that can't stand your cistern right now I wanted to hold hand with your neighbor glory to God hallelujah glory to God Christ can break every feather hallelujah he can do every unto every heavy burden and he can let the oppressed go free and as I stood there the verse of scripture came to me from revelation three and verse 20 and if you are dear tonight the word of the Lord says behold I stand at the door and knock If any man hear my voice and open unto me I will come in and sup with him and he with me and if you are dear and you have not yet made that full commitment of your life to Jeep you you may not have a second chance glory to God as we close it is anyone secure in your body Jehovah Rapha is in the house tonight clora to God hallelujah glory thank you Jesus hallelujah glory to God Heavenly Father you are our God and there is none like unto you and there's not to be compared God I say ourselves the heavens are high above the earth so are your ways and our ways and your thoughts than our thoughts Lord we thank you we are eternally grateful to you Lord for the many lies tonight that you are believed Oh glory to God hallelujah and no Almighty God as we are about to go one from another Lord if there be any sick bodies in our means right now you're still the balm in Gilead oh you are the Great Physician Oh glory to God just one touch from you tonight God can't change every situation release the healing virtue Oh glory to God that was release in Matthew nine with that woman with the issue of blood for 12 years Oh God one touch from you Jesus change the entire Oh God situation right now in the name of Jesus release Oh God that healing torture hallelujah hallelujah it may be chronic God but you are still the specialism Oh glory to God right now Holy Ghost of God ah Jesus Marie banelli Bo Suk and Ilocos Sheila biosea spirit of the Living God I charge every team Anna every devil every unclean spirit in the name of Jesus up oh god I distress by Xena in the life of your people I know please I can source blood the blood of Jesus in the atmosphere right no God no son deliver sadly right now Oh glory to God Jesus Jesus every oppressor must be set free Oh God Almighty everybody must be lifted Oh glory to God Jesus loser Rapunzel Sunda every chain right now God that Haley all your people can't ever break every chain hallelujah hallelujah never prison bar Jesus a mighty Holy Ghost deliverance right now in the name of Jesus but God if there be any amaz who have not yet made a full surrender of their life to you God let this night this moment with the turning point one more time in the name of Jesus Lord we thank you for your servant O God our Bishop and knowing him afresh God O God renew his strength as eglise renewed if I God hallelujah touch Deacon Coburn God in the name of Jesus let their bodies be feel divine God to every condition right now god those who moderated Lord those who led oh god the calling of the names the worship leaders of the a/v department the prior department God the general membership Oh God right now all our visitors and more than all the vine God these wonderful men and women boys and girls tonight God that I've turned their back on worldly allure Mensa enough taking up their cross and well and hallelujah to follow you tonight God them with your strength right now Paul them with your free spirit oh no demons no Devils Oh God Almighty will deceive them any longer see them with your blood see them with your blood they will not return to the beggarly elements of sin in the name of Jesus cover them under your blood God dismiss us now with your choicest blessings and may heaven Oh God benediction be pronounced upon us we thank you for tonight we thank you for all that you have done to your glory unto your honor and we look to you Lord and we say thank you in Jesus name God's people just wave your hands and just give him a notable worship just wash the Lord just bless his name tonight hallelujah hallelujah to God be the glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus glory to God we give God thanks tonight 60 more souls have been brought into the kingdom to God be the glory hallelujah God richly bless you the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the love of God the Father the full fellowship and communion of the Holy Spirit the comforter remain and abide with us no one for evermore and God's people say Amen God richly bless you thank you very much for coming and participating tonight would not have been what it is without you just greet somebody hug somebody love somebody and by this mess procure a copy for your collection on DVD or audio CDs please call the church office at nine eight eight seven six three eight
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 6,226
Rating: 4.5789475 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Worship, Praise, Sunday, Morning, Live, God, Bishop, Delford, Davis, Petrova, Power, of, Faith, Ministries, Portmore, St. Catherine, Miracle, Cathedral, echoes, faith, voices, inspiration, dynamics, silent, worshippers, united, triumph, golden, women, worth, town, center, lot 13, michael, maragh, smith, andrew, brown, icilda, noteman
Id: y83Gk2C7dM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 3sec (9183 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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