Sunday Morning LIVE - November 25, 2018

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we are here to give it tons we are we have in twenties hosts with Thanksgiving and we are here to give embrace in return God is waiting to bless us it is a good team to be the house of God we praise the name of the Lord we are going to begin all worship this morning we're going to be stand-in on where we're gonna be singing from our Redemption song book the EM 350 when Israel out of bondage came I see before them lay the Lord reached on his mighty hand and rolled the sea away [Music] [Music] he wasn't me for me so great [Music] Cyril merci Oh pretty trash and when I reach ah very true Oh haha [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] trash [Music] haha very true [Music] [Applause] see trash wish I had we push ahead [Applause] Alleluia it's a conquering trade we're bouche I heard don't be lost our shots friend it's a conference and we will shine God we're all [Music] I love the Lord just wave your hand love the lines we are going to pray just hem to yourself of self this morning and seek God in your heart inviting him to come and to bless us this morning it in only if we have something so him to ourselves let us empty yourself and talk to God that some mater said just a little talk with Jesus tell him all about our struggle he will hear or cry with a conquering shred we will put Oh father we come before you this morning Lord we thank you for today this is the day that you have made your corridor how was your horn Oh God heaven rejoice on earth be glad I'm pretty surround your soul we thank you for your foot is privileged this morning oh God that you are lost to come into your house to call upon your name or God no good that we have done Oh God for the writer said not all the blood of an undulating good set a guilty chapter free but Christ that died alum and because you died this morning Lord your diet aright I say that we might be forgiven you died to make us good so that we will go at last with you to have it saved by your precious blood return to this morning Lord for your blood that was shed on Calvary Oh God to save a rich like me oh god a nice morning Lord all to Jesus I said we surrender all to you Lord we freely give will have a love will have a trust you'll order in your presence dearly liver we're trying to Lord one more time another day Lord you have given unto us O God O God will put us to bed last night on your walk us up this morning our write minor oh god I know heart is steadfast on you this morning I'm there into your house and as we are here this morning Lord we pray God that you will search this heart of also God and if you find anything really nice that shouldn't be oh god we pray God that you send a fire from heaven and burn it hold from it in awesome set us free revive your works with eNOS Okada or God I will pray like that your restored and also the joy of your tongues giving Lord our God on your spirit will restore it in our heart one more time we thank you for today we thank you all God for every one that I've gathered into your hosts to lift up your name oh god this one we pray God that you will help us O God that as we worship we forget about our celsa concentrate and you Lord worship you in spirit and in truth we pray in order to bless this service today oh god I pray that your bless each and every one that got into your house so god bless Jesus I pray those that will be taken part wrote today I pray that you reached on your hand touch requires oh God touch the person who's supposed to read the lesson all that I pray God at your touch individually Oh God more than all of God I pray that your touch the servant who will bring forth your word oh god I pray that you will help us O God and give us a listen here's all that to hear your word and to hearken unto your word and to repent if we need repentance knowing O God that you're coming up on your coming is sure all that and you're coming to pay every man according us or work shall be and for so gata2 the work we'll be ready Oh God our work will not fall launching Oh God but our work will be ready and acceptable unto you we pray that at your hem to each and every one of us and pillow so PO God we pray and all God I pray that each and every one of us that I get on to your house you will all God bless us to be vessels of Honor word it to be usable to your kingdom we are just depending on your God Lord we pray that you will bless again every one that are in your house oh god those are that in need of a miracle pray God I will bring a miracle and to them those that need of a blessing O God we pray that you will just blessed Oh God those are that I'd need to have spiritual revival we pray that you revive them Oh God and help them or God to come close to you and them to draw close to your God knowing that they're living in the last days and anything all God you will see near appearance so help us O God to prepare yourself I waited for that day when you shall burst the eastern sky I'm coming over to reward OHS elbow gotta throw a work with a phone not wanting but we'll be ready Oh God for your return heroes this morning oh God we pray O God while another our passing Jesus please do not pass us by o God because if you pass us by what will we do who have high and hurt beside thee O God whom in heaven body but we know that we have a God who hears an answer prior so God we pray that you will just bless each and ever had this morning revival hearts God we pray and bless us with your spiritual blessings pray God that you are sending out of Pentecost here today Oh God so everyone will have a word Oh God and will prophesy and testify Oh God and worship in their hometown here also God from heaven your dwelling place trend nose straight nose Arabic are we are weak we are ever late and I will come bird with a load of cure Lord your refuge and we bring it to you Lord now we take it to you prior I will take it and we put it that the cross because we know that at the cross where we first saw the lights we had a burden of our heart roll away it was my fate Lord will receive our site today tomorrow no happy all the day so we pray God at your continent to bless us hear us O God we pray we leave everything at your mercy feet we wait upon you for your blessing we tell you thanks jesus name amen and amen we're gonna repeat the Lord's Prayer our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from all evil for thine is the came down the power and the glory forever and ever God's people say Amen praise the Lord praise the Lord while you're having your seat these have your seats and stay focus keep your mind on God because surely a blessing is in the house today for each and every one of us if only we hope in our heart then surely God will come in and he will bless us Amen we praise the Lord I let me take the time out again to give God thanks and praise for His goodness to each and every one of us today's family Sunday and today the Martins family is in action I pray that you will pray prayers up because surely we told it your prior and at its time our scripture reading our Scripture will be read read to us from our own brother Richard Marcin praise the Lord then forward still Ashoka's will Dada be lost our shine spray we took on current trade we will push ahead and roll - yeah we're good more in church or scripture this morning is taken from Isaiah 6 from the first one through to eat please say Amen when your phone see him I read on you follow in ear that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple above it stood the servants each one had six wings between he covered his face and with twin he covered his feet and with twin he did fly and one cried unto another and said holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory and the post of the door moved the voice of him that cried and the house was filled with smoke and then said I whoa is me for I am undone because I am a man unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of people of unclean lips for mine eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts then flew one of the servants unto me having a live coal in his hand which he had taken with the turn from off the altar and he laid it upon my mouth and said lo these are touch thy lips and then iniquity is taken away and I seen heard last verse will read together also I heard the voice of the Lord seen whom shall I send and who will go for us then said I here am i send me here in the portion of God's Word corner I see in war be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost as it was in the beginning it's no one ever shall be worded out in Amen praise the Lord praise the Lord we praise the Lord amen let me take my mo to greet our bishop the right reverend dr. del fort davis and his wife minister dr. Petrova davis all the ministers let me greet you in the mighty name of Jesus we praise the Lord it is a wonderful thing to be in God's house isn't it because surely sometime when we are in God's house we are among wonderful people and I don't know about you but sometimes when I'm in God's house I'm among the best people because either to I would not be so privileged to be good company like yours and so at this time coming to make the general welcome is our own exhorter Anika Morrison shall we shall we bless the Lord hallelujah Joshua 24 and verse 15 declares and if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord choose you this day whom he will serve whether the gods which your father's served that were on the other side of the flood or the gods of the amorite in whose band he dwell but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord good morning welcome to the power of Faith Ministries International today is Ronald is at knowledge as family Sunday and as such we the Morison family will be serving you this morning are there any 1st or 2nd time visitors worshiping with us this morning please indicate by raising your hat god bless you on behalf of our pastor and spiritual daddy bishop dr. del Fred Davies his wife or spiritual mommy mr. dr. Petrova Davis or older siblings the ministerial staff and other members of the PSM family I extend a heartfelt welcome to all our first and second time visitors or viewers on Flo cable network channels 6 0 su & 6 7 su and did you play channel 20 and or browsers via Facebook and/or YouTube live channel @ pfm family dots or g who are worshiping with us we thank you for joining with our church family this morning and we invite you to stay fellowship and enjoy the rich and dynamic service we have for you today my church brothers and sisters please put your hands together and welcome all our visitors viewers browsers and death God's riches [Applause] thank you XO to Martha for such welcome you have already heard the welcome I invite each and every one who are browsing and viewing to stay tuned because certainly I know without a doubt that the blessing is coming your way just open up your heart and surely the Lord will bless us we praise the Lord Amen at time I know that you have heard the Morrisons family before and you are hearing it now and at this time I'm hocks there's gonna be a selection by the Morrisons family I hope you're not too tired of hearing them as yet but if so give us another chance to minister to you so the Martins family is coming again to render a selection [Music] [Music] [Music] amen bless the Lord there is no name so sweet honor no name so sweet in hey the name before is war dress bird cries the savior given a price or King Jesus for there's no word ear so sweet [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] three [Music] [Music] love [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the Lord we love to sing Popeye so I can [Music] Marty [Music] just way behind in the story and give God a note of praise isn't that name wonderful the name of Jesus the Sun man said the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess it's a wonderful name is the only name the right but we must be same but by the name of Jesus and at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess to be God and Savior of the world we praise God we're talking about the same Jesus who was born in Bethlehem Grace in Nazareth he was baptized in River Jordan died on the cross gone to prepare a place for us and he said where he is there we shall also if only we worship Him in spirit and in truth what a name a lovely name name the name of Jesus amen bless the Lord at this time we are going to have the ministries of the occurs of faith choir occurs of faith choir please make the echoes of faith welcome [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] setting some just one in verse 17 tada the sacrifice of the Lord that broke it [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] No and for to [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what you gotta do [Music] the underlay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Gordon into the Hornet in G behind Damon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] spirit console [Music] [Music] I see dress [Music] [Music] [Music] my trap [Music] you're on [Music] [Music] when you're near [Music] amen praise the Lord I'm sure you're sitting beside somebody this morning who you are not acquainted with now it's a good time to get acquainted with such a person since we are in God souls and we are one family I'm gonna sing a chorus and then you've just got a fellowship with your with your neighbors this morning greedy when my burden of sin goes by ready when my soul content for the reading find a price I could not pay [Music] it's better shipped Idaho Oh when eyes for God [Music] my my [Applause] Oh whoa goodnight whoa bori Oh praise the Lord amen free spot [Music] it's a wonderful feeling to be in the house and family Sunday knowing that we are all one big family together amen and it is that and at this time we are gonna have our selection from the silent worshipers for the price I could not be higher [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't mind waiting [Music] I don't mind waiting what about you sometimes we waited seems like we wait forever but please mindful that a thousand years in our scientists like an evening gone for the Lord because he's everlasting he has no hand therefore no matter how long we wait certainly it's not in forethought Sammy's remind us that we should wait on the Lord and be of good courage and he will strengthen our heart and when the psalm is realized that some of us who run short of patient you remind us again again I say wait on the Lord so let us wait and be under law be of good courage he will strengthen our heart we praise name of the Lord praise the Lord four of us will go to the United State we know what it is to go by family and you know what it is when you overstay your welcome they want to have you out of there therefore it is my time to be out of here but before I go I want to use to you the choir that will be coming to sing to us and after the singing of the choir please stand on your feet and make our president our Bishop our founder make him welcome because certainly we can't wait to hear a word from him God ever bless you at this time please make welcome if a choir ministry of the voice of child please make them welcome make our Bishop welcome god bless you have a wonderful service in the Lord [Music] hallelujah bless the name of Jesus shall we bless the Lord this morning bless the Lord it's all about you this morning Lord to God I'm humble this morning to be nice present are we ready to meet the king are we really ready to meet our Savior suppose God should search you even would he be fine one of us willing to be this morning let us bless the name [Music] just support search [Music] one way [Music] what [Music] you turn whoa [Music] whoa [Applause] [Music] whoa you [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] we pray [Music] [Music] [Music] when danger [Music] me Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh No [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] raise your head [Music] the cavalry [Music] what a man right [Music] [Music] hallelujah thank God my soul has been saved my soul has been saved I have been rescued I have been delivered I have been redeemed give God praise everybody give Jesus praise hallelujah I did not build for the man Christ Jesus forever my soul would be lost but I'm so glad he was willing to drink that bitter cup although he prayed a long time father let it pass for me and I'm so glad he did not call heavens angels he could have done all of that what he rescued me he rescued me the Lord bless you shake her name resign then take your seats let me give God thanks for so far so very good I want to thank the Morrises family for leading us in worship and in special ministry this morning led by elder Antonio Morrison his wife and their children amen bless you all we welcome again those who joined us late in the service from home and abroad wherever you are in planet Earth we welcome you to this wonderful worship expression as we lift up Jesus Christ who declared and I if I be lifted up from the earth I will draw all men unto me John 12 and verse 32 let's acknowledge missionary Gene Douglas from the Brooklyn Assembly we welcome you to this service here in Fort Worth this morning god bless you any others from any of the other overseas assemblies with your and if your there will be Christmas time and people are I see a hand over there stand up please let's see if we can recognize you from this distance somebody over there again well give them a begun please the Lord bless you we happy to have you [Applause] Turk and Caicos with Turk and Caicos Islands the Lord bless you all over way over there bless you our sister god bless shake your neighbors and tell them god bless you and if somebody tell you god bless you tell them I thank you yeah but everyone as a blessing to give missionary Sharon grant will you come at this time and make the presentation okay it's not here is gone minister Bobby Chambers may be gone to prison ministry I think that's what's happening okay we'll do so another time be mindful of the Gaussian assembly convention starts this morning goes through until Wednesday night's echoes of faiths choir I'm sure you're geared up those of you will make it this evening to Goshen I'll be preaching down there tonight also so I need you to be standing with me and with that Bishop Sutton and the Saints Wednesday Thursday Friday November 28 29 30 please mark your calendar fix your system fix your mind for three days of fasting and prayer as we fast the hole here halt and welcome the new here which is not far from us we have got some huge activities on the horizon we want to be trusting God to give us great success a multi production comes up and the end of your services the family comes up first when's that comes up on all of those big big ones we want to fast and pray and on the night of the 30th that's Friday night immediately after led to the oil flow which is from 7 o'clock to ten o'clock p.m. then at 10:30 on til daybreak will be all-night prayer meeting we hope all of you will plan your schedule so you can participate in these 3 days and nights of fasting and prayer and also into the all-night prayer meeting amen all right please come make the presentation to Minister Bobby chambers few weeks ago we showed him our love in tangible ways and this citation was prepared for him was not quite finished on the occasion of the Thanksgiving so let's give it to him at this time give them a hand please missionary Sharon grant and Venice Co Bobby chambers mr. Bobby and missionary Hillary chambers Hebrews 6 verse 10 declares for God is not on a righteous to forget to your work and labor of love which ye have showed toward his name in that ye have ministered to the Saints and do minister minister Bobby chambers you became a part of the power faith ministries and observe the Lord will heartedly indeed you have displayed true courage have endured hardness and have a confident hope of triumph you have been very faithful in carrying out your duties as you are always determined to win the battle at any cost you are driven by your devotion to God to your family and to your country thus you are dedicated to the cause of in second Timothy 4 verse 5 Paul shows a charge and the challenge of ministry which provided Timothy with an opportunity to display his character as for you always be super minded and your suffering do the work of an evangelist fulfill your ministry throughout the years you have been sober minded vigilant in preaching the undiluted gospel humbly being the forerunner as you prepare the way for our bishop and all other preachers especially when you wring out those old time gospel choruses in essence fulfilling your ministry God has blessed you with more than an helpmeet one who is always there with a listening air available for anyone in their time of need often a gentle tear just to help to lift the heavy load of a weary soul along life's Road missionary Hillary Chambers undeniably you are truly a woman of Worth who is firmly planted by the life-giving Springs of water earnestly desiring to be clothed with righteousness indeed a woman of excellence a woman of integrity no matter what you face with over 40 years in serving the Lord minister Bobby Chambers you are not tired or easily discouraged indeed you are given the opportunity to start again at the beginning and sure you would seize it in a moment you always stand tall in rivers seas and pool in being our John the Baptist baptizing hundreds of Saints which may include many of us in this congregation today yes we truly love and appreciate you so continue to work while it is day for the night comes when no man can work so heartfelt congratulations to you and your wife were whole actively supported the ministry from the entire power faith family friends viewers and faithful well-wishers we celebrate your person your personality and your ministries we love you and we pray that you will remain steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord may you both continue to walk according to Colossians 1 verse 10 that he might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God we saw be vigilant because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour [Applause] give the Lord a handful mini stop Bobby chambers I want to invite the all the members 30 years young and younger 30 years young and younger if that's you I'm talking to you to meet with Venice and I on Wednesday evening maybe about 7 o'clock the 12th of December so all all the young people 30 years and younger Sheena phrasal understand all right all the young people 30 years and younger meet with us as we talk with you in preparation for things that will be happening should be happening in short order amen okay let's turn to the Word of God and once you do Minister Davis or not don't be Holden football team footballers who are here where are you stand up young men are young women give them I began gon be old and football team the Lord bless you good to have you amen may you be successful in all of your matches god bless you we'll pray with you later thank you for worshiping with us amen I was about saying Minister Davis and I want to express again our since he had found for the expressions of love shown to us in all the ways you have last week at this time you were saying all kinds of stuff concerning us and listening to all kinds of we appreciate those who sent us a card and enclose a gift and all of that those were able to do so we appreciate and we thank every single person home and abroad members visitors friends because we are all in this thing together and we really appreciate it Isaiah chapter six my time is gone I'm gonna preach short I'm going to push in later to preach again Isaiah chapter six was read earlier and I figured the Lord would burn my heart on this text due to the fact that we will be engaging three days and nights of a sting and prayer leads into an all-night prayer meeting on the 30th let us pray gracious God send the anointing upon your servant and upon all or in my audience here and now whenever and wherever by whatever means you will reach them with this word I pray that it will be anointed it will be inspired it will be informative and more than all it will be convicting or God that will lead us to make the changes that we need to make in order to fulfill what you've called us to fulfill so we pray that your speak to all our hearts right now Holy Spirit take full charge preeminence we get to you every lump of clay is now in submission to the potter mold and brea can melt and shape after your own image and likeness and for your glory glory to God we give you thanks and prayers right now in Jesus name Amen let your vision lead you to victory let your vision lead you to victory Isaiah chapter six and the first eight verses an ox chapter 26 from 12 through 19 where the Apostle Paul took time to shared is vision to King Agrippa in that Acts chapter 26 text we will look at these two poor turns along with others time permits to see what the Lord would say to us especially those of us who receive visions from time to time but prophet Isaiah was one of the major prophets of the whole Testament and his called the eagle-eyes prophets one that prophesied messiahs coming long before his sign was shown he prophesied he is regarded as the greatest of the Old Testament prophets and not only was he a prophet but Isaiah unlike others of the major prophets he was a real statesman a statesman because of it is eloquence a statesman because of the things he is poor concerning his national issues he was an outstanding prophet of God he spoke of seven everlasting things jehovah provides for his people and those seven everlasting things are things that ought to adorn the believers things in which we should rejoice and give god signs that those provisions have been made for us no one speaks of everlasting strength chopped 26 and verse 4 and all these are in the book of Isaiah he speaks also of fasting judgment and having said that my mind goes back to Psalm 37 28 which says the Lord loves judgment and he will not forsake the Saints the Saints are preserved forever but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off when time come for God to stand up for the believers in judgment he will stand up he will not be like an advocate who simply stand by and hear judgment pronounced upon you he is going to me be the chief mediate he is going to be your arbiter not only everlasting strength and everlasting judgment which is in chapter 33 and verse 14 but he speaks also everlasting joy chapter 35 and verse 10 and the ayah tells us that it is with joy that we draw water out of the wells of salvation for it is a joy of the Lord that gives strength to the believers Oh hallelujah he also speaks of everlasting salvation 45 verse 17 a Salvation that goes on from time to eternity and if there is what one thing on earth that we can brag should hug and boast humbly about is that God has given to us his everlasting salvation and when time expires and time is no more when that mighty angel shall stand with one foot on the land and one foot on the sea and declare time shall be no more when that is spoken eternity a man will always be so we have an evil ass thing salvation body praise God he also speaks of everlasting kindness in chapter 54 and verse 8 everlasting kindness and mercies and love that have been expressed to us by none other than the Lord Jesus Christ this is reason for us to rejoice and then number six he speaks of everlasting covenant God has made covenant with his people that nothing in time will change the Covenant let people say what they want to say about you let that what they want to do to you let the ostracize you criticize you back bite you tear you down but if you are in Christ Jesus you have an everlasting covenant that is on your head that nobody can take away from you I know you hid me say I give unto you eternal life and you shall not perish neither shall any man pluck you out of my hand Jesus declared my father which gave them to me is greater than all and no man John 10 20 29 no man is able to pluck them out of my father sign wave your hand and say no man send a woman say no boy say no girl say no chachi pork ribs oh yeah nobody can pluck you out amen nobody absolutely nobody can pluck your - the father's hand Oh glory to God in his arms you are safe and you're secure and then finally he speaks of everlasting light chapter 60 and verse 19 the Lord shall be your light your everlasting light so yea though we walk through darkness sometimes there's always hope even assurance that at the end the tunnel is going to be a light that shines Oh glory to God as the psalmist David II will tell you yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil for Jehovah his sweet with me all praise God are many of confidence in the ability of your God to bring you out confidence in the ability of your God to see you through confidence in the ability of your God fight all of your battles confidence in the ability of your God to do exceeding abundantly above that which you may ask are saved by his mighty power what a mighty God we serve somebody should praise him in this house with me somebody in television should praise Him internet should praise him Facebook and YouTube everybody should praise him then everything that our friends hallelujah hallelujah amen scouting high part I saw people all from China we are watching from China god bless you all over the place those in China praise God over there what a mighty God we serve let your vision lead you to victory that's what I want to talk about this morning because sometimes people talk of having seen or had a vision I had a vision I wanted to clear that not all visions are evenly visions so you have to be careful when you say you have a vision indeed you could have a vision but where does it come from amen what's the origination of that vision not all visions are Eveleigh visions sometimes we call dreams vision sometimes we call imaginary thoughts vision sometimes we call multitude of business are played on the mind vision sometimes we call anxious anticipation vision sometimes we call obsession vision sometimes we call even cravings amen or even depression that sets in and work on your subconscious we call them vision and if you are not careful some people want you to be guided by fear vision because they have an ability to get vision for you even more than they get for themselves are you not with me here amen you know what I'm talking about some falsely every day they got a word for somebody yep daddy gets a vision for somebody and didn't want you to be guided by what they have imagined what was on their mind and think it is from heaven what you've got to try every spirit somebody give me praise give it praise again down there to all of those things multitude of business anxious anticipation measure of obsession or depressions are craving all of those things and play on the mind and produce some sorta for image in your dream in your sleeve and you think is a vision from God but visions from God are always lined up in the scripture come on somebody if you got a vision and it cannot be substantiated from from Genesis through revelation something is wrong with that vision it is not a heavenly vision somebody praising with me here Alleluia a vision from heaven I repeat is always supported by the scripture and that vision never falls to the ground so shall my word be set the Lord that comfort from my mouth he shall not return unto me void he shall prosper it shall accomplish and allure that vision tarry [Music] don't lose hope encourage wait for it till you never wait for it it may be long but it's coming to pass if God says it is coming to pass if the Bible substantiate said you can bet your life on it it's gonna come to somebody prays and with the air and I don't care what happened to you because of your vision and people know your vision and want to stop your vision if they saw in the pitch you'll be coming out in their cell you as a slave you are going to be delivered if the locking on in prison you are going to come out God is gonna bring you out somehow somebody praise God with me here somebody's sitting beside you may feel discouraged touch that person tell them God is gonna bring you out [Music] hallelujah so where it's on the Lord and be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine arm in you not say wait I say on the Lord the Holy Ghost touching for it's of God somebody showed something there hallelujah so vision about says of vision in Chapter two in the first three verses he says write your vision make it plain don't do not leave all of your visions the memory you will not leave all of your visions the memory I'm talking about those receive heavenly vision write down your vision are you not with me write down and wait on it when every day you must rehearse it live it day as though it has actually happened already come on somebody though it's how I shall come to pass and then proverbs 29 and 18 says if you don't have any vision you are going to perish and let's expand this vision thing here because this vision thing goes way beyond you go to bed at night and you put your head on your pillow or whatever you put it on and you go to sleep and some things come in your mind come in your imaginary whatever whatever vision goes way beyond that are you with me you can right where you're sitting this moment you can have what is called and hope and vision God can reveal something to you in the realm of the Spirit that you don't have got to bed to get you don't have to sleep to get it are you with me somebody right where you are I repeat walking in the street driving in your car sitting at home sitting her on the desk at the office wherever you are God can open up something before your very eyes and believe me those are the most powerful visions that you'll ever get somebody praise God oh no no no no nightmare cannot come into that vision because you're not dozing are sleeping you are wide awake and God is speaking to your your conscious spirits not your unconscious spirit of conscious spirit somebody prays of me here where there's no show where there is dullness where there is darkness and I'm speaking spiritually now where there is no sight or insight or foresight the believer is going to perish that believer is going to drift with the wind drift with the time okay something comes to mind I thought I would say well I can't say it okay that believe I will drift with the wind drift with time but when you have science when you have insight when you are four sites when you are guided by light you are not a drifter you're a person that is on that direction I do win don't take your it feels like taking you you're gonna set your sails you're gonna set your compass you're gonna set this is the way I'm going I don't know the current is coming against you because you're not the downstream believer you're fight the Florence you're gonna press along oh god I feel our freeze solid the devil puts on the pressure even if I'm going on the rough side of the mountain I'm gonna fight it until I break through because drag through my red boots wow I'm feeling talking to somebody not the devil a story that you can't make it telling me is a liar go Tonya buckle gear guard up your lines put on your shoes press play put on your helmet dry up Donna is gonna lead me to victory nice Asian hallelujah hallelujah [Music] missions from God they lead us to great personal and corporate victory not only personal victory Oh God 30 36 years ago almost 37 when God spoke to me there in New York City that October morning chilly morning was 2:30 a.m. when an odd visit is with me and showed me Matthew 9 36 37 I see the multitude there fainted there scattered abroad as sheep having no Shepherd return and preach my word said to her god that was so plain before my eyes you've heard this before shared it with different ones who said to me pastor Davis man are you sure you're from God be careful now don't make unwise decision your don't trim the sin the United States of America you're such a wonderful minister but God gave me that vision and that vision leads not only to a personal victory but there God look at look at Victor sitting before me this morning look at me do I have any Victor's he responded why are havin Invictus by television internet radio YouTube Facebook whatever do I am Anna fix the air this morning this vision did not just secure a personal victory over the network it does secured a corporate victory for the body of Christ blue eyed watt power of fed ministries I'll be doing on the landscape of the world today oh god somebody help me praise Him because somebody dared to believe God here to take him at his word fear to rest upon his promise fear to not us sang the Lord a picture for you a picture for your family a picture for your community a picture for your country I've been tricked by the world a vision from God was secured all of that somebody showed something [Music] hallelujah that's the reason why patriarchs of the Bible when they got vision and will not take it for granted when Abraham God is vision in Genesis 15 he'd not take it for granted when Samuel God is in 2nd Samuel 7 he did not take it for granted when a man Jacob God is in Genesis 46 he did not take it for granted oh no when Job God is in chapter 4 and verse 30 he did not take it for granted because they know that visions from heaven they were served divine purposes and people will be blessed somehow they praise God with me so all those prophets like Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Obadiah Micah named all of them when you read their writings every one of them spoke concerning a vision from God hallelujah and today if your life is not lighted by a heavenly vision you are in deep waters come on somebody if your life I repeat is not guided by a vision from heaven a word from God you will drift wherever the wind blows God we are not drifters Amen somebody praise Him there and it's trying to get accustomed to these things I wrapped me up like sneaker oh mercy thank you brother royal from Canada the Lord bless you my brother I'm enjoying it okay and you're hearing me lovingly let's get to the text as we are willing to get you because you you got the ice a part of the message already Isaiah chapter six the prophet had I believe vision it was so clear that he was able to describe it in full length and in specific detail when you read that chapter 6 of Isaiah let's look at 1 2 4 he says in here that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple above it stood the Seraphim each one had six wings with twain he covered his face with traini covered his feet and with twain he did fly and cried unto another and said holy holy holy is the lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory and the post of the door moved at the voice of him that cried and the house was filled with smoke i said i saw all of that he was able to describe it in detail because when god is speaking to his people god is not going to be ambiguous in his word in other words God is not gonna mix up your mind he's gonna be very clear because he wants for you to obey Him you must understand mess for you to obey God you have to know what he says if he speaks to you in Chinese language or any other language you can understand if he shows you all kinds of mysteries and do not reveal them unto you in other words other ways you cannot obey God and he wants you to obey Him so I say I said I saw all of those and he said it didn't stop there he says we are we now verse five he said then said I when I saw all of that thing I said woe is me for I am undone because I'm a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips for mine eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts I say Satan stop there having made that honest confession because when you come into the presence of perfection you will see your imperfections more than any time else are you not with me when we come into the presence of his fallenness and I'm not speaking of his all in this port John whatever I'm speaking of his holiness Jesus Christ the King of Kings and the Lord of lords and speaking of Jesus Christ the only perfect spotless amen one that walked this earth Isaiah said I came into the presence having entered a presence I saw so much of my imperfection I saw Thomas falls in the I saw so much fellas I saw so much sin because I stood in the glare of the brightest light that has ever shone upon me and it revealed me just as I have lived your initial Lord mere revelation of myself or you together it's a lot in me a revelation but really a revelation of the true me a revelation of who I really have yeah glory to God we can hide everything up we feel I hiding when we are in the darkness was standing in the grace of the brightest light that has ever shown it shows up every molecule the smallest thing a rod would have been revealed in the light of that glory that Isaiah saw I feel I'm preaching to somebody here today somebody shout your praise on my man Donna somewhere [Applause] marco la banda hallelujah it's not hard to get revelation on others it's that hard for us to see others what today we want a revelation of ourselves Oh glory to God or let's read the book and then Oh glory he said he didn't stop there then flew one of the seraphim's unto me having a live coal in his eye which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar and he laid it upon my mouth and said look Oh God this has touched her lips undying iniquity is taken away and I sin purged somebody praise God with me I said I believe I was led into this message because we are prepared to go before the Lord in fasting somebody said something there hallelujah so when I say I saw all of this and recognizing his own deficiencies before God he cried out long is me woe is me we see that the division first of all it had an impact on him everybody say on him he was impacted so greatly that it moved him in such a way to make personal cry woe is me for I am undone hear me church hear me God's people at home and abroad everywhere and they did name me my whole grandmother who said God reveal us as we ought to be filled that is gonna help us to be more compassionate be more loving to be more caring to be more understanding rather than being judgmental where others are concern because you'll realize than ever that we all are men with feeds of clay is why some people are so judgmental it's because they think they have faith of gold are you not saying nothing well let me preach us somebody help somebody in today you think you have feet gold but any their God reveal it show you and I [Music] [Applause] yeah you'll realize that the man that never feels and was stripped and beaten could not do so instead of passing by and looking and peered in on behind you would come down tell somebody time to come to home tell them like you be in it tell them it's time to come down it's time to help somebody it's time to realize that we're all in this thing together it's time to realize that we are not better than each other don't we shoot here hallelujah it's time to realize but if God don't help all of us all of us would perish or not say nothing alleluia alleluia I am NOT the preacher that preaches human perfection I praise you man in perfection and how much we need to depend on God I must stop the Savior with me for appear not walk I was fearless presence near me and his arms are all with fraud it is send my soul [Music] and I feel the Holy Ghost touching somebody pretty severe somebody praise amir don vision move him to a greater trick in his life because he was know getting ready to tape on what he never took on before Oh God Almighty somebody say help us Lord say like a meanie tell four story alleluia alleluia what an impact that vision and I saya someone says it was a three-fold vision you have heard this time and time again it was an inward vision and Oh to heart vision or inward vision an upward vision and an auto her vision he saw it from on high it impacted him greatly here and it propelled him to go an extra mile when he said Ihram i my lord send me somebody praise him with me hear me church when God speaks to your heart do everything in your power about help of the Holy Spirit to me of God obey God you can never be wrong when you will be a god and it's better to obey than to have a sacrifice obedience is better than sacrifice and to hearken unto God than to half the fat of rams give him praise somebody hallelujah well let me tell you in my estimation what Isaiah's vision did to him and I bring this message down in 15 minutes or less Lord let my vision lead me to create a victory lifter Hannah say to the Lord let my vision lead me to greater victory what's to stop him in his truck his vision stopped in chapter 1 through 5 you mean thundering judgment upon people or sinful nation people lived iniquity seeds of evildoers corrupt as we are hardly like she I mean II really found that some judgments the first thing the vision did was to stop him sister don't unless reason together he's either under Jews those words chapter 1 and verse 18 year come now let us his vision stopped him your vision must stop you and cause you to take stock take in your vision must cause you to do inventory are you not talking here because visions from God were not meant to hurt us to destroy us they were meant to make us better people so his vision stopped him right in his truck and he says what Allah I am NOT as pure and squeaky clean discover that Isaiah because my eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts and when the Seraphim saw me when I cried look at what they did to me what they did they went to the altar and took calls and the same talk that has been prophesying and preaching singing and praying for years he took the life calls from the altar put it on the same enough preaching with me the same when he lighted on my tongue what did he said to me I can't believe it what is wrong buying it with this much and I singed pardon me prophet Isaiah oh no nobody community knows nobody getting this revelation nobody absorbing this revelation come on charge malucia Shawn Navasota lift up your hand in its prisons come on pops up something up top something taking something shark tank tank tank tank it's top tip mini-sub Peter stop Jim look at yourself eyesight Charcot take Mandar Lama ha I feel the Holy Ghost on me I feel the Holy Ghost on me I said it's a deadly poppy man Oh somebody somebody every praising Allah why don't you praising me I meant why don't you praise him in this house no all it does is give in I rather last shot it stop - stop - [Music] Wow if God was tough some of us tactical from the altar hey hallelujah we are seeing good but we would sing better we are preaching good but would preach men will prophesy right but would prophesy war we are Prairie mood but would tread that up he would not stop us oh yeah it stopped it let's see what can be really is five things secondly only stopped him because when God stops us you know you know what to destroy us Oh No the second thing did in my judgment it was it's red tide him trenton him because said to him you can go higher you can Oh tell them now a new wind got Benitez wings and you fire got in his bones or glory to God somebody praise him with me hallelujah [Music] stop Tim it strengthened him the third thing I believe it did it took him out of his normal comfort zone by that I mean it stretched him [Music] someone you need to be stretched by the Holy Ghost take you beyond the norm take you beyond your comfort zone and stretch you a little further where you begin to lengthen your card strengthen your stack widen your bodice I'm getting ready to drag forth on the right hand lift your hand and say stop me trenton me set Treach me lobo shall come aside [Music] hallelujah hallelujah its top limits checked at him and it's trust him listen be summer you cannot much crap than you have gone somewhere you can do much more than you have done [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we could say somebody you could give much more than you have given to whom much is given much is required oh praise give Him praise you notice I'm using five s words s is a powerful word yeah you're not with me I said something wrong ago okay powerful letter I did say word I knew I said something around come on teacher powerful later are you with me somebody so your V John must stop you the vision must chant in you your vision must stretch you stretch you think you can only be employed all the days of your life to somebody gods give you a vision it stretches you beyond being an employee to become an employer it stretches you to the point do you you you you you stop being a borrower and become a lender somebody help me praise God here hallelujah it stretches you to the point where you think you could only just be a regular ordinary church member or get you in the thick of the thing and you begin to work for the master somebody praise him close it the fourth thing it did to Isaiah the fire is a powerful thing are you with me that element of fire it takes life it gives life its it does everything on both sides but the fire that touches Isaiah in my word I believe that fire did to him like it did to Jeremiah it saturated him he was saturated from head to toes and when he made the cry ear who when the hinge alas who will go and who we go for us when he cried out ere am I my lord send me it's comparable to what Jeremiah felt when he said I'm not gonna preach anymore I'm not gonna prophesy anymore I'm not gonna do this thing name anymore but while he said that the fire of God within it lives your fire [Music] [Music] I [Music] burned through the entire beam and when all of this was over Isaiah felt so comfortable in himself no but the final thing the vision did to him it made it satisfied you know what it means when you're satisfied a satisfied person is a relaxed person as satisfied first is a contented person a satisfied person is not a procrastinator going around in circles II know she knows exactly who he is and who she is so he said send me send me I'll go I'll go where you want me to go I say what you want me to say I'll do what you want me to do I'll be what you want me to be here Lord I close I know you love to get visions of people visions of prayer prayer warriors oh god the vision of the past to the bishop the elders vision of the choir members vision of the church what why not ask God to give you a vision of you as God give me a vision of me and not us I just cannot make me Lord what you can make me give me a vision myself and it will lead me to the victories you have for me it will take me to another level show me a vision of myself and fix me Lord as you fixed Isaiah I'm trying my best to think I'm doing my best for God my best is not good enough if I sigh us bastards seem not to have been good enough I knew you had to do a work on him about me [Music] give me a vision of me boy you helping me please I start hallelujah we should stop you let it strengthen you let distract you ha la vache Kumar said let it do all of those for you Jesus jeez Oh glory [Music] go ahead Minister Brian play what you played that's all right Oh glory to God let everybody do what you feel like doing now if you wanna make a response to this message in whenever where you choose to make a response a response not saved a response is a backslider a response as a believer that just needs some are what everybody should our response oh yeah [Music] that remedy should have a response one way or another a non-save jahnava respond box - you got response Chris response [Music] it is your time brothers and sisters do a sky shabih me I want to be a better me [Music] show me be tired to see people I'm tired of fitness that's not healthy Oh glory to God I'm tired of seeing others and it does not help me show me [Music] a new way oh Jesus my son Shrek Adama voila God I want the god somebody would [Music] yes yes yes hallelujah three days of fasting and prayer then we get a vision of ourselves hallelujah [Music] yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord come on time yeah [Music] raise us change them I hope those who are still in your seat I make it respond I hope to make in a response to the horn it goes I see chop just arch too bad that to me meaning the more consecrated me that's what I want to be [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus precious saw her precious lard lawless spirit I'm the living god taken on the altar if the sunny Archer water fire liquid fire liquid fire burn automatron burn onto the stage in the name of Jesus we are not in Puritans Impa Simpson Colonel weakness the work we can't be better we can't be better we want to be better stretchers shrek cannot saturate us we want to be satisfied in your presence yes yes yes yes whoa whoa hallelujah no Hardy causes in this degree Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Charcot demo Santa Rafa more chic attack we mama Katya - spirit this sounded on your Lord [Music] Oya glory to God hallelujah hallelujah Alleluia Hey hallelujah Jesus raise up hallelujah glory to God no pun sing it with me surprise raise up your hands in his presence until no Holocaust in our play Oh [Music] [Music] I will be what you will everybody [Music] let's figured one more time everybody [Music] in trees what you are what you Moorhead immersion come on go ahead my let me fire let the fire soar kid come on let the fire soak in come on charge let the fire burn let it saturate [Music] let it burn it let it sure it [Music] come on second taccot taccot Sanctifier it is God's Way he saw the gauze fire these are the God's fire they could take [Music] [Music] my god my ass my ass touching somebody please [Music] tie clip tag it take it [Music] my god [Music] hallelujah lor [Music] where he leads me up we'll follow where he leads me our [Applause] we're healing me [Music] father we thank you for your word thank you for the Holy Spirit thank you for the response of your people at home and abroad everywhere like it with the work that is being done and will continue to be done as a word of its effect upon our lives save the lost among us proclaimed about spiders strengthen to believe us helos was sick in body and mind in spirit and soul that physical healing and spiritual healing heal those who are broke financially financially healing supply knees god bless your people let the vision from heaven lead us to victory with legend if every step of the way he had challenges but you gave him the strenght on the grace to conquer them all and from the pits the party resolves to prison what it led it to the palace you're about to lead somebody stretch into their destiny Oh glory to God lift up your hands with me everybody stand up those who I feel the revelation is coming for somebody God is gonna hurt something in you right now I mean right now yeah I'm a socket or a Baba you are leading somebody into their destiny you're gonna stretch them beyond the enormous scope oh Jesus you're opening up doors for each right now for speaking to Thrones and dominions right now you're speaking to sounds and dominions right now you're right in the contract right now in the name of Jesus oh yes oh yes my God Almighty whoa you're giving to save up right now right so this paper is really right now right now receive a favor it's awesome haha you don't have to push no more you know not even top got signal on it off it will be automatic swing wide pop art walk in child of God walk in a kid was that [Music] the horizontal horny loss he must read to you we are not knowing can you [Music] they can take attackers this is not an ordinary day new dimension in the name of Jesus thank you walking there ah c'mon dude imagine [Music] don't be Charlotte he's gonna stretch your shred chill [Music] No oh yeah horndog this sentence Zion [Music] shred show show Bradshaw stretch up shred show [Music] thank you [Music] thank you the birds of a new spirit has taken place within many of you the norm is surprised are the new things you're going to attempt for God will be surprised but the exploits but you're going to do for God or be surprised because you'll receive the birth of a new spirit in the name of Jesus slap your hand son given me I praise will not just see praising God not said the i prophesy walk in victory [Music] halleluyah halleluyah Jesus is read is read I know yes praise God [Music] [Applause] our circle [Music] ah Jesus [Music] I'm seeing one more time everybody cheese jeez our fishery a misery ah [Music] god bless you beseech that please let's continue the other aspects of worship but look for it is coming coming coming oh my god yeowch ah Jesus Scotty this communist coming name of Jesus name of Jesus name of Jesus hey my cheese my Jesus Oh [Music] the name Archie [Music] hallelujah Lori by God [Applause] taught yourself insane my vision my vision will lead me a greater victory so to get my vision will lead me to greater victory amen glory we're going to try to see if we can do the other few things for the Holy Ghost is moving we will pray for those who celebrate wedding anniversaries will pray for you we will rejoice with the rejoicing ones and if there are weeping ones will weep with you will be of the same mind one to another we'll also try to worship in giving yeah we try that too we give time to give our friends we give special offer and we give seed faith tree everyone according to his several ability also we give we do not give grudgingly or sparingly are of necessity because we know what the Scriptures teach God loves a cheerful Giver and it is more blessed to give than to receive so Lord we ask you now to bless all our gifts bless all the givers those who do not have to give please Lord turn the tide for them turn the fortunes of their lives in the name of Jesus we now consecrate all givers and all gifts to your work and that which is consecrated to you Lord is in your hands so do with it and do for us as it pleases you in Jesus name Amen well you can worship in the spirit and can still talk in tongues and prophesied give or you so what the oceans are doing right now walking in the spirit to give nothing is wrong with that Thank You Lora [Music] my mother pray for Goshen and visit whenever you can Sunday night through Wednesday night of this week remember Wednesday Thursday Friday this week we do some special fast of course when the night also will be the couples get together so some of us may not fast all day Wednesday I don't know copper's will meet for the evening of fellowship with minister Davis and I and you and you we look forward to that also first Wednesday comes up final one for this year hope to see all of you and yours and on tomorrow night's 7:00 o'clock Ile the family meeting another planning meeting next tomorrow Monday the 26th 7:00 p.m. please all the stakeholders production 2018 December 16 6:00 p.m. last one you do not miss noir members of your family now please take note of this special announcement they all are special but on Thursday December 13 December 1 3:13 all the offices will be closed over lot 14 there'll be no administrative activities our function here on Thursday the 13th of December all the members of the staff will be on retreat for that day they are going to enjoy themselves in another way so Thursday the 13th no office activities there at lot 14 the Lord bless you and remember young people 30 years on unknown on the 12th of December last Wednesday evening meet with Minister Davis and I we've got to talk some things over by the way if there's anybody who works at the bank of Bank of Jamaica BOJ if you work at BOJ let me oh please I might ask you to do a small favor if you work at the BOJ or you're close by and there's someone that I loaned some money some times ago no no no don't go there okay I'd love for you to report to because I don't know the person is okay I just want to get your name for the record I'm not asking you for the money this is so crazy I am sometimes you got the money from me right but my vehicle under the tree outside here yeah a few thousand dollars well so I need to just get your name well let me see how much it is it was only $30,000 okay so if you are the person just report to me so I could you know of it for record amen whoever that person is I don't know unknown so please come and tell us a few things and keep it as quiet as you have it right now please stay in the spirits worship in the spirit thank you greetings came to our Bishop Minister Davies and the pfm family from the following brethren who are overseas brother Earl Lewis sister Sharon yes and the son is visiting from overseas and she's worshiping with us this morning and we received greetings from sister nerve Ella Robinson and family let us continue to keep our overseas and shutting brethren in our prayers you John Griffiths if you are worshiping with us this morning and you have misplaced your driver's license please collect same from the announcers office this afternoon at 5:30 p.m. baptismal instruction class was held for persons preparing for water baptism and for those who just want to know more about the plan of salvation persons who are interested in joining the new batch of ACCA program forms are available from Deacon Delroy green water an orientation will be held on Saturday December 8th at 12 noon we return this evening at 6:30 p.m. for our Sunday night evangelistic service as we continue to focus on the family there will be a family discussion domestic-violence part two how can the church assist in this painful process come out in your numbers and let's have a fulsome discussion in our meetings after service tavar Scott from Campion College if you have lost your ID please collect it from us in our meetings after service all missionaries you're invited to a meeting with missionary outlet parish by the multi-purpose hall Minister Gilfillan he wants to meet with all our workers and persons who are interested in working as an auto worker you may speak with him also in the multi-purpose hall all senior citizens and volunteers you asked to meet with missionary Ione gossip by the restaurant The ministers care team takes this opportunity to thank all the departments family members who are wishes and all those who made the event held last week Sunday the success it was the final leg of the 40th anniversary celebrations will be the sumptuous couple's dinner with bishop and Minister day based on Wednesday November 28th so all couples who have registered to be a part of this event that's all couples who have registered to be a part of this event on Wednesday your acts to meet with the Minister Janet small and her team in the left wing you have some business to take care of in our upcoming events the evangelism team will be visiting Franklin town in Kingston for two nights of Street meeting on Wednesday November 28th and Thursday November 29 that's next this week Wednesday and Thursday that evangelism team be visiting Franklin town in Kingston for two nights of Street meeting the pfm Bob walk assembly will host their inaugural dinner and rally on Friday December 7 on the church grounds the serving of meals will commence at 12 noon and the rally at 7:00 p.m. tickets are available from Angelus Thelma Barrett and missionary novelette parish at a cost of $800 each the power faith ministries invites you our dedicated browsers viewers callers and well wishes to join our live studio audience on Tuesday December 18 on the hour of prayer for telethon 2018 join us on Facebook or website page at pfm family TV and help us raise valuable funds so that we can continue to spread the gospel keep listening keep watching for further information in our sick and death notices in the hospital John Joseph Johnson the brother of evangelist Philip Johnson we have sister Phyllis Roy who is in the Spanish stone hospital and the brother of sister jasmine gil Fillion is in the Mandeville Regional Hospital the following persons have passed and funeral arrangements will be announced at a later date sister Cecil sister Cecile Stewart George Jackson the brother of brother Christopher Jackson sister Beryl Patterson brother Charles Thomas and the grandsons of sister Paula Simmons the funeral service for the late sister retinyl O'Reilly will be on Friday December 7 right here at the pfm ministries beginning at 10:00 a.m. Herman's will be at dovecot photographs of the deceased members are posted on the notice board for your viewing our Bishop wife and the members of the power of faith family share with those who are ill or have lost your loved ones in our special thank you notes Deacon Dan Brown and family say thanks to the pfm family for the prayers and support received warm and heartfelt thank you holds more appreciation than any word can see you'll never be forgotten for the thoughtfulness you've shown to sister Shireen doir and family and sister Angela Parker and family during their times of their beef melt on Monday you know weekly activities the deer to be a Daniel school's devotion team will visit the naugahyde primary at 6:45 a.m. and Cumberland High at 8:00 a.m. still on Monday all married couples could you please stand once you're married could you please stand for me we're inviting all of you that's tomorrow evening at 7:00 p.m. we want to celebrate and recognize you in especially and that's American enrichment ministry they'll be hosting their month and social and you're invited out to an evening of fun food and after beginning at 7:00 p.m. and we look forward to seeing you are on Tuesday the hour of prayer the men will be in studio and we are inviting at least 50 men to be dead by the later 6:30 p.m. and at 7:00 p.m. all deacons you're invited up to a meeting on Tuesday on Wednesday or fasting service commences at 9:00 a.m. come with your heart and ears fully tuned to hear from God and all evangelists your acts to be out at 7:00 p.m. for a meeting that's on Saturday at 8:00 o'clock all brothers and sisters you're invited out to a work day it was indeed my pleasure serving you we invite you to remain with us for Bible studies where we will be having our senior quiz price giving ceremony and we invite you to stay with us persons who are interested in opening an account please visit the pfm thrift club god bless you okay we have another very important announcement to make so before we do so let's pray with the football footballers and let's invite mr. mrs. Corrigan celebrating wedding anniversary let's invite Deacon Jones and his wife missionary gloria jones celebrating 34 years let's invite sition sister tushy tushy tushy no Clark our tishanna Clark she'll be traveling all the way to India India we are come sister Clark let's pray for you an exotic Patricia Johnson will be leaving us the entire family migrating what only for strong young men Jesus I wish I could baptize all of you the next baptism [Applause] we wonderful gentlemen all right the commonly closer please the celebrants come to my right please all those who are celebrating your anniversary we're gonna pray with you who is a captain captain okay we pray for you gentlemen that God will help you not just to be successful on the field of football but to be successful in life overall the words of the wise man Solomon to all of you is trust in the Lord with all your hearts proverbs chapter 3 verse 6 and lean not unto your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him he will direct your path if you do not acknowledge him that he will be able to direct your path so before you go on the field for practice or for play go on your knees on pray and ask God to help I mean that you ask him to help you keep you safe from arm from injury and just protect you and make you successful in all that you do in life stand with me church spread for these young men bow your heads gentlemen glory yeah all lines together wonderful gentlemen are holding hands together Lord what a blessing what an honor you have placed upon these young men but of all the others who could be part of this Football Club team they are the ones chosen for such a timelessness o God we pray for them now that you'll watch over them with special.i we pray the angels will guard them on and off the fields we pray that their ways will be directed by you in the name of Jesus and we pray that your piece will resonate in their souls Oh God footballing is a very physical game and sometimes it can bring about agitation it brings about item emotion and temper but God we ask you to keep them cool keep them calm keep them collected and keep them Lord God say from armed those who guide them as coach and the captain and all of the support members we pray for them grant O Lord God Almighty that they will represent you in what they do as they will have knowledge you O God so watch over them now cover them under your blood give them your protection by night and by day your deeds are the days when young men are caught up in all kinds of behavior that do not we are not blessing to society but help them Lord God never to get involved but to keep their hands clean from guns from gangs from jogs keep their hearts clean their hands clean and the heart pure from everything amoral Oh God but may they be used by you even and a feel of play keep them Elton keep them strong as we bless them to success in Jesus name Amen [Music] bless every one of you okay god bless you thank you so much for coming hallelujah bless me bless me Oh Lord bless me indeed enlarge my territory [Music] will you come with me church Oh bless me [Music] hi territory [Music] let us pray : scope Lola's startup like in a stranger come on lord I pray for these couples you have been good to them for 35 years 34 years and all the other ears among them you're my sign angels to watch over them but they have been kept preserved by your mighty and Lord God life continues with them and for them so we pray that you be there to support to strengthen the guy to protect to shield from hurts Armour danger and to bless them abundantly but this poor basket will never be empty the windows of heaven will be their portion in the name of Jesus Christ but they shall continue to be exemplary in marriage bless the homes and families in the name of Jesus and our Lord will come into you your daughter's traveling over London see India for studies another country United Kingdom migration oh god your God of the whole universe we ask you to me provision for them we ask you to watch over them everybody say watch over them Lord Lord we ask them to shield them to shield them we ask you to protect them in the name of Jesus in the United Kingdom we ask you Lord God to be there every step of the way I'm glad that your coverage and your protection will be given and when all is said and done be thou glorified in the Saints in Jesus name Amen Lauren the Lord bless you we're gonna miss y'all but such life bless me bless me Oh [Applause] [Music] one more announcement whereas you know sister arscott very important announcement sit down for this one please as I know it's been inches on some of the thing I preached this morning if you capitalize on it go ahead my dear for the mic okay glory to God hallelujah halleluja halleluja [Applause] bishop dr. delaford Davis and minister dr. Petrova David thank you for allowing me this opportunity to share with the congregation those who are here and those who are being as well as listening sisters and brothers hallelujah what Bishop has been saying today and on previous occasions I can speak to that I remember earlier this year when I came to church I was planning to go to China and I was fasting and praying and I said to the Lord that Sunday that I am gonna stop the fasting and praying I need a word from you today and I remember when I came through those doors and I sat there Bishop was somewhere here and he said those of you are going abroad do not go anywhere stay here and build how many of you remember that word from the Lord put your hand up put your hand up and shame the devil hallelujah for three months after I was about to put a final thing on that application form to go to China and someone said to me babe do not go anywhere there are plans for you here and I'm here to tell you that I've been given an awesome responsibility when I say awesome I mean awesome responsibility I've been on the position of the Business Process Outsourcing coordinator to train and to certify thousands of trainers as well as to train and certify thousands of individuals for the business process sector let me give you some quick facts by 2013 they need 100,000 candidates for a sector at this moment the challenge for us is to get 2,000 candidates by March 2019 for the financial year and that target must be reached and part of that recently we trained photo are almost 50 trainers to train the 2000 persons around the island of Jamaica I will also be doing some training at my institution I know that there are persons here who need to be trained and certified persons who need jobs know I have to offer to you a free tuition program it's the ICT technical support program for the Business Process Outsourcing sector the vocational training Development Institute which is a training arm of the heart trust and taa to which I am assigned duties will be training 100 persons out of that 2000 persons do we have anyone inside here who have maths and English and one other subject and that is IT our IDI p.m. if you don't have those but you have city of guild subjects we will accept you if you don't have those but you have n vq j level 2 in IT we will accept you what is it you are what are the job opportunities you will be assigned positions once you have been accepted through the interview process you'll be assigned positions as technical support agents you must assign positions as customer engagement agents this is not simple a call center job what does it mean it means that there are for example you have one and two pure companies in Portmore most of them are located in Montego Bay and some of them Mandeville some in Kingston what it means that when you're in these positions the companies are given accounts for example from Apple so if you buy a computer from Apple and something is wrong with that computer you're the calling the company which means that you'll be calling an IT technical support agent and that person would do in troubleshooting to find out what is wrong with the computer or the network and will be able to advise you on how to have the problem addressed the IC technical support program it has three main components computer hardware and network technology that's one it also has voice and speech and we are getting the best of lecturers some of them are radio announcers who will be training individuals and then the last component is customer engagement those are the three components in the ICT technical support program the program starts December 3 2018 and the duration is 160 hours the sheduled options are bonded to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. that's approximately four weeks Monday to Friday 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. approximately 11 weeks Friday 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and on Saturdays 9 a.m. 5 p.m. that's approximately 15 weeks do I have anyone inside here oh is interested in taken up the offer I would like to invite sister Suzette Morrison Curtis to come to the front and I'll also like to invite elder Clyde Blake these are two of our lecturers who will be assisting with the program is elder tribe Blake hair not at this time oh please come forward the program while he gets here the program will be offered at the vocational training development Institute that is the V TDI which is up which is on Gordon tone Road just above you take you take just above you Tech if you pass you taking a continent up towards the hill the just a foot of the hill you'll see a beautiful sign saying heart just I I so standard that has been achieved we are certified for to do training so that's where the training will take place just a reminder the training trucks are Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Friday 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and on Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I'm going to invite you to meet us in the multimedia room to complete the multi-purpose and sorry hall to complete the application form elder Blake and sister Martha Curtis will be there to meet you in the hall on Thursday November 29 2018 we are going to be having an orientation at 10:00 a.m. at the V TDI and on at 5:30 p.m. at the V TDI this is my number my number is take out your pens take out your pencil take out your paper I want 100 persons from here God is blessing us let us utilize the blessing come next year you might be in a job they're looking for 7000 persons by March 2019 and this will include iTT Technical Support agents as well as those will be doing training inside of the BPO my number is eight seven six four four two one five eight zero eight seven six four two one five eight zero I'll be waiting for you in the hall to my left thank you very much praise God that's another big offer an opening one should ask you are there any age limit that is very important any age limit when we discussed this with a BPO companies one on two of them they are saying there is no age limit come ready to be trained it free you're not going to paying for any exams the jobs are there and we are to assist you to get into the jobs but remember remember you will have to do your part thank you alright so there are no age limit so you are here and if you're watching and you'd like to be a part it's not just for power of faith all right if you are there and you would like to be a part you can call in and get further information you have just one more week for this program to commence so you have the opportunity and especially among younger I mean communities of young people please make use of the opportunity you can't say that you're home and don't have anything to do this is a big opportunity for you where you'll be trained and assist with job placement all right so God richly bless you I'm gonna ask the congregation to stand with me now for those of us who remain we are going to be closing but just to say we are looking for a security guard a security guard to work either day or night the option will be yours we are looking for security god those job offers came in and yesterday all right and special greetings also came to us from sistersitaly Tov in Canada sister brings you and parents and guardians melodies of praise please remember the join forces with us and pray with us please we are having some challenges in the behavioral spec but we know God is able and so we ask your purse and that this production will be one historic one that will go down in the annals of history so please pray our department pray with us God richly bless you just hold on with your neighbor father in the name of Jesus we thank you for today oh god we thank you for the way you've spoken in our spirit Lord Oh glory to God Lord we thank you all of this honor will bring us into our victory God Almighty as Isaiah oh god he revealed by the Holy Ghost of God where he was Lord this morning let us not see no one else but see ourselves before you God you know imperfections but God Almighty as an angel touched the lip of Isaiah with that life call of Oh God let Holy Ghost verse 14 as God in a supernatural way of glory set us on fire God Jesus precious follicles let the Holy Spirit of God burn us like liquid fire no is no rest o God as we seek up hallelujah to fulfill the mandate that you have given our doors Lord no more excuses but God Almighty as Isaiah said here am I my lord save me oh Jesus do it for us now Lord do it in us know Lord that your name be glorified this church will be the better Lord will see the manifestation of your glory greater measures of source will be born the kingdom of God hallelujah Holy Ghost God do all the transformation hallelujah hallelujah Oh glory to God this morning will never be the same again Lord hallelujah have you with Jesus have you where Jesus have your way Lord Jesus glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yes Holy Ghost Jesus we thank you for your servant Lord may continue to anoint and inspire and use him along with all the others God Almighty as we commit ourselves into your hands this morning doing us do it through us and over ass Lord what no other power can do [Music] this blessings Jesus Jesus Oh God Almighty but shake you Jesus hallelujah glory spirit of the Living God Oh glory to God Almighty yes God do the transfer me Hashanah do all the transfer me a shot Lord we shall keep the glory the praise and the honor we tell you thanks Lord in Jesus name hallelujah just give the Lord a wave offering just give the Lord a wave up for us morning glory to God hallelujah God richly bless you we'll do our mantra and then you'll be this miss hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus I am healthy prosperous wise and strong I am God's anointed I shall live long I have my abundant life in Jesus Christ and no weapon that is formed against me shall prosper in Jesus name Amen and as we were doing the closing out [Music] pleasure serving you this morning and we hope that you were truly blessed nude and revived as you join us in our family Focus on the Family Services Molly on behalf of O Bishop dr. Dell for Davis and his wife - petrova Davis we thank you for joining our sunday morning life and we look forward to when next you will meet with us same time same place same church god bless you and until service god bless [Music] [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 12,439
Rating: 4.5636363 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Worship, Praise, Sunday, Morning, Live, God, Bishop, Delford, Davis, Petrova, Power, of, Faith, Ministries, Portmore, St. Catherine, Miracle, Cathedral, echoes, faith, voices, inspiration, dynamics, silent, worshippers, united, triumph, golden, women, worth, town, center, lot 13, michael, maragh, smith, andrew, brown, icilda, noteman
Id: NQRhRFM2aws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 33sec (12033 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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