Baptism by Fire Challenge - Huttsvicta Streams Repentance

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uh you're in right uh yes i'm just putting the capture up on the screen and i need to resize it real quick i am blindfolded interesting earn of souls oh we only can use turn off souls is that is that true on a guppy's paw that's a weird one well she thanks for the 1000 bits on top of that baptism then delete this if we finish this like really really quickly then yeah i don't see why not right yeah yeah um well this is going to be interesting how do we kill people i don't i think you use i think you have to use our inner souls was it infinite it's infinite or enough souls i guess you should have to charge it is it infinite i don't even remember how to think yeah you got to let me get acclimated reacclimated again um right trigger for you i think no left trigger all right let's go and this is gonna be easy let's just steamroll this and then do delete this on your save file okay just count it down oh i guess we're going it's not wait it's not working oh it's not going um why was it you both share a charge well what do i do now guys you only get one blast guppy's paw wait what yep oh we're using soul hearts for charge that's what happened we're using swords for charge oh yeah and now we have to just rely on not wasting it okay this is going to be tough but we have to be like very very careful on how we do this i might try to like line two of them up little double kill a little double blade smear taste action right down to four but we're up to three in the thing i see five on my end i know you have eight yeah wait are you grabbing them all or am i grabbing them oh look at that we probably need the hell fell to be honest yeah i would say the health for sure is the cracked crown does okay my stats went nowhere yeah i don't have any items um is there an item room you think uh we could probably kill the boss on five and seven yeah yeah let's see if let's see if you run out first and then if i run out okay i mean yeah you should take it you use the wait what that probably doesn't even matter okay i can't imagine that does anything at all um let's let's just double check for an item room right if there was what i'd i'd kick myself okay jess there's no item rums but they don't know anything you're drunk chad i'm i'm almost positive there are there is no item room so is this where i'm more concerned about you losing uh well wait we didn't that's right we didn't get a uh we didn't get a uh an eternal heart because we started with maggie's faith oh um all right little extra key there okay good finish good finish so nice being able to play isaac in front of my monitor for once instead of like off to the side like a good old classic days this is this this is doable i don't even know like i feel like i must not have even attempted this at all like not even once which is surprising i don't remember this one being that difficult the earnest souls is pretty darn strong especially if we don't i i'm i guess we don't share charges i guess chat was just wrong about that because like i still have 11 charges on mine i did say strong wow all right you killed this room you could do like every other okay just so we don't like double waste yeah um and do you have solar charges it just doesn't say what it is i haven't i haven't got any so hard i i i see what all right wait are you talking about charges are like on my master soul heart charges so like i've got two in the bank if i run out of money it just doesn't show mine yeah you still have it i assume so i don't know whoa not entirely sure all right uh we both killed the boss i guess yep i don't know if the the damage stacked do you think it does it looks like it does oh my goodness all right yeah that's good enough for me um i would say we definitely go angel his health is gonna be uh pretty important and i don't know if any of this matters to be honest and do you want it i'll take it do we want a full clear do we want to just leave immediately i think we just leave immediately this we should be i mean we're going we're going to isaac so we've got kind of a kind of a ways but maybe like there's a lot of easy enemies like flies and spiders that we could really charge our jar up with i don't know yeah hp ups do matters is undyne they do matter i started on that emergency but um i don't know i i six to one half dozen the other i mean we get secret i really think we can just i think we can just smash this to be honest all right all right let's do it yeah do all that charges on so hard are there shops what people say there are shops yes i don't think that matters [Music] people are saying that the only thing we share charges on are the actual soul heart charges so we can use we can use guppy's paw to create a to create like just like an emergency bank yeah i guess of charges yep i don't like this at all ah this is tough oh i won our angel deal oh [ __ ] why was this room so hard okay i'm sitting at five charges right now it's a weird one battery too bad you can't shove that in the jar a couple a couple of charges for a battery charge there are shops like we could totally take advantage of shops this sounds like a joke i'm gonna use it we'll just steamroll this one floor um do you think a solar it's worth it for what two charges in the bank i think probably not it only gives you two charges yeah i think one solar it's two isn't it or is it four yeah yeah it's two we should definitely find the secret rooms we we should do a full clear here just so we can have a uh we can get those free charges for the urns true that's a good one forever [ __ ] down not really a thing doesn't matter uh full clear you think or fight the boss yeah yeah no we should full clear because mom and meg is gonna give us free charges plus we can get the secret room nice good is range better on this nope i don't think so anyway well you won't be getting that yep well i guess we could get a flight card [Music] that might be pretty solid here [Music] yes you're you're full on uh you're full on charges i'm only sitting at 10 currently why aren't you getting any i don't know i'm not sure how it allocates the uh the spirit charges you're getting something i just got a bunch of them there are there red hearts in the ground because you could go walk into the curse room help out you want it uh sure health yeah i walk into the uh i walked into the curse room could be good could take us to the angel room that we're not gonna get i could but it won't nice [Music] sick bro i guess i could have walked in there too considering uh you don't lose your eternal heart when we when we move when we walk downward it just looks like we're just a floating head with a giant urn playing quarter body yeah well there you go yeah there we go all right i'm on full charges now sweet it's like it looks like we're riding a pod racer you can do challenges co-op damn [Music] yep yep indubitably all right it's my turn that one doesn't matter to my knowledge um let's go back at that red heart and fill this sucker okay now this is pot racing haha chat's funny that's pretty good actually i wouldn't have thought of that one good job chat so i'm very sorry that i lost the annual deal bomber crap thank you very much for the resub in 10 months they're shooting me right when i look at it i hate how how the however like it just propels you in the opposite direction makes it very difficult for precision doesn't age matter we're tied uh what is that uh that's the i feel what drinking that is torn card something really bad i think yeah um every 15 shots you shoot an epic my reflection yeah i wonder if that would even work with this probably not because we're not technically shooting any shots so shot shots shot shot shot shots i could see it counting it though damn it i'm down to six so i slow my roll this it's hard to see like which one i am too because we're the exact same character all i know is that you have a bone through your head that's all it's only distinguishing oh that's a haunted chest nice i'll take this okay i guess it doesn't matter yeah it doesn't we share the we shared this awards i gotta remember that presumably i'm down to four now so again i'm at eight frosted one thank you very much for 11 months i hate this room what we can just pretend like we're ghostbusters don't cross the streams uh chop i say yeah i guess okay good son of a biscuit what floor are we on catacombs okay so we could get some use out of that i say this too i mean we're gonna use our keys for too much else i guess chests we could pay the man for some keys yeah this is awkward please leave and come back with the with the flies yeah sort of burning through our stuff i'll give them down to 25 i don't wait here too long middle nice i tried to fake him ah we should wait at the same time hang on one two three yeah i did say down to 25 but i kind of want to leave okay we could bomb him how about that let's see if it gives me a key you had your chance buddy i got the bomb back it's like a gta hooker excuse me or you pay her and then you get the money back that's not good yeah not good business practice huts no i'm not saying we should do that right everyone knows what i'm talking about too angel peace and then we come back for it but yeah yeah yeah kuwaiti juniors should probably blow up our uh judgment for a higher chance but we got it anyways doesn't matter damn it shouldn't make a difference that one will the health at least what could possibly what could we get from this that would help holy mantle hey that's not bad go for it okay for sure well schleichen thank you for the five gifted subs come out i'm all out now you're up to one [Music] let's get the other one but i have trinity shield what's up no the blue dog i'll use it we can just lure him into the fire i guess yeah yeah that might be the way to do it what we're gonna do about the fetus though okay nevermind angel's got it dude the fire has blocked more fires than my fire has done did you just knock it off oh my god i'm getting clobbered well i got the charge i'm just gonna i'm just gonna burn burn baby burn all right there we go that should help what our angel room getting and our shops are going to hopefully be really really nice from here on out ready yep shield does not block your shots what is this nonsense our shots no that'd be silly shh don't tell butts oh uh welsh lion like and didn't give five subs so you didn't hear that well sure was over here as well sharing the love making the rounds i support you supporting sin victor welsh i mean how dare you i thought we had something special i'm the only streamer that matters you out my third favorite streamer i'm out you're passing that yeah i'm gonna go ahead and pass yeah i'm i'm totally out by the way i am as well i cannot stop taking damage i'm pissing i don't remember my health away we're getting just like really really really really really really bad rooms yeah we're not getting like any multiple any multiple uh see i think i think i'd hold this right well rick thanks for the gifted subs i appreciate it and welsh for a thousand nah it was an impostor mate i'm still here oh my god for the two gifted subs the plot thickens i like oh i got the charge i'm trying not to use like the full charge like you know what i mean like i'm trying to like half tap it but like it just doesn't deal enough damage like that yeah to kill anything or a half red heart oh it's locked yeah we're in trouble i've given up like three hearts so far yeah i'll sacrifice one next time that's not helpful um [Music] okay wow that was just convenient i'm out oh what yeah they're charging you uh judgment we can we can blow it up we can blow this up along with the shopkeeper the keeper yeah yeah uh this probably doesn't work i don't remember how to use a right bumper i believe yep your price loft trigger i i just used another guppy's ball so well we have a little bit more in the bank um so you know positive part about that uh jar of hearts does that even make sense positive parts i'm buying this just in case something happens play the beggar for hp oh if you put the beggar down and actually play it judgment judgment stefan dig thank you for the tier 2 sub yeah there you go okay back in the game i feel like it should give you three charges for music episode oh i hate this i've got two two charges left this is tricky for sure was there one yeah oh yeah oh yeah nice keep an eye out for top secret room all right i'm at three charges right now i can't really find super secret room might be left in here but i want to see what's the what the next room is above us okay we're just limping from from charge to charge yeah we could have we could have played the judgment in the boss in the boss room and then have it pay out with two items yeah that's that's where i would guess [Music] um blow him up for angel yeah uh yeah do you think he gives you charge i sincerely doubt it but try it we have enough money to try it sometimes you just run into something that's totally unexpected though and it just busts it up right yep and that's what we shoot for ah let's maybe just wait for him to jump twice and then we'll we'll shoot him when he's got the other flies with him like that so we get a little bonus action there [Music] yep okay good it's good we set five uh sword to the bank as well yeah i'd rather not use them though this one's yours nice yeah body box movement speed uh you can have that one you got the movement speed explosive diarrhea we can we could maybe kill something like yeah that might actually be useful against a boss the death card as well you want the death yeah i'll take the dough karen right bumper for death i believe and anything else that we need to do here i don't think so i think we're good to go ready yep oof this is taking more brain power than i thought it would it's just divvying out the soul hearts and being super accurate that's the hardest part right we're playing as [Music] blinded bethany for hutz's uh baptism by fire you try that challenge nice guy okay you try awesome cool awesome oh my god wow what you got to be kidding me we really want like i want that a lot oh i know i'm aware i had to slam down over here next to the oh oh that would have made sense you're right you're right sorry i'm not i'm not thinking fourth dimensionally here i told you more brain power than you thought yep oh lord one for that guy at least seven oh man left hand could be kinda pog for soul hearts instead of health i guess we're not even keeping it we're not yeah that's that's the thing is that i'm taking more hits than i'm profiting from so go for it i think that one of us having the left hand is probably a good idea because i mean what can we really get out of a golden chest that's going to help us out you know yeah health doesn't have a chance to get guppy so then back out you got all the charge here okay uh explosive diarrhea no yeah they charge it yeah it might be an explosive diarrhea a bull rum or a death card even yeah well i'm down to two charges now back up to two charges though last half full oh empty i'm on i'm on md um explosive or death uh i will use the depth card on pin i'll wait till he's in the air for maximum nublets didn't get any charges awesome that's really cool ed then what the heck yeah ah shoot well explosive diary i mean this is a big room and it would have been maybe easier to use explosive area here uh i mean we we pretty inside of that or we use guppy's ball so i'm gonna try it okay nice explosive diarrhea we got a charge is this rough man i got one left one left i missed him i hate the little delay that happens oh i got the charge thank you gave it to you all right oh god all you you absolute horseradish i don't want to lose my eternal heart use your guppy's paw then well don't don't miss both you what the mlg and then you got the charge oh my god the most impressive little ghost whatever angel baby i've ever seen in my entire life number robert thanks to the bits i think we may actually like die on this challenge if we have to go to isaac it's not going well okay well screw me i guess all right but someone's all you got them all grouped up together here group hug everyone group ugg bring it in nice nice left hand yep good quali dodd a broken stopwatch too mapping would be really good mapping would be really good mapping could be a thing um two cents and we could potentially get more than two cents every time we play the blood donation machine if we want to try to cheese it that way and see if we can come up with the cash okay i'm starting to think i should pick up the left hand or uh maggie's faith again i guess you're free to run out of like we're gonna if we keep having to use hp we can bomb we got everything back for that we basically got refunded okay i'm gonna play this oh i have uh my thingy thing [Music] i forgot the old bandage old manager all right uh yeah we can go buy the thing and play this once okay which one of us is luckier all right not me apparently that's like what the ninth tenth play something like that yeah we've we've each played at least at least three times each um wilson thanks to the prime sub and zach's on five months i do think that we that i need i should go back and get maggie's faith because i think i should do this okay well i guess we're not getting the treasure map then no we will i'll go back and play it okay you know it's going to explode and give you iv back and then hey anything's possible with my uh my old bandage right now we gotta go big okay hey [Music] [Applause] uh well here let's spend this health to go into the curse room because i'll get a full health you should probably be the one to take the health upgrade but uh i think it'd be better on you to be honest i could spend the health uh-huh that was nice okay not bad hey another heart there big-time plays i could maybe hurt myself on the cursed room door to get into the boss trap room that that doesn't sound that nice though or even go over the sacrificial spikes don't we have both have to be low for the boss trap room oh yeah yeah um i mean we could play sacrifice you might as well play the sacrifice yeah yeah i'm gonna get full health anyways give it to sin for a speed up speed up with the controller though might backfire i don't know yeah it's it's it's better if i die and let hutz do the challenge then then hutt's diet and it be left to me old bandage just leave me high and dry there all right taking it now um we did want to get the full map i feel like the stopwatch could be a game changer though by the stopwatch now we can't buy the stopwatch we could gamble once again by the broken stop launch all right that was just that was a weird one now what what are we doing even um i want to go get i want to go get maggie's faith i think it is going to actually be better than taking uh gotta be spa yeah i cannot stop getting stuck in that little middle strip there all right sorry left hand i think if we were solo that that would be a better play but or at least maybe a comparable play but if we were solo if i was solo taking like considering taking the left [Music] trying to these are so hard charges all right hey i got charges steps two ready yep this is a good this is a good mom for uh for this challenge here like maybe we should wait till she spawns enemies to hit her nubs okay health in the bottom if you want it yeah these little spiders are great i get her to stomp on this i guess we could just stand around it we could she stomps a lot i'm out oh forgot you can't touch the foot i got two charges come out i don't know you got one you got one but oh i did you want that soul art it doesn't matter come on small rock really don't even take it don't even take it this is the speed down it's a literal speed down that's it any of these are explosive diarrhea could be helpful those diarrhea could be pretty good verb okay all right i mean one for eight is totally fine by me as far as speed goes i'm fine one of them was a tears up that didn't help us but that's not the pill's fault i think damage scale says one let me look it up and see if it says anything about damage scaling that i don't know and can be fired as a high damage flamethrower charges consumed roughly 0.5 seconds of use doesn't say anything about damage scaling on that anybody in chat know that for a fact that the higher damage i have the higher damage i have of like my fires do more damage no damage scaling there's a person for discord i don't i don't think it does isn't the urn just blue candle damage i don't know squad i have no idea is it all right that's good enough for me i say we just send it yep we use the explosive diarrhea pills in absolute emergencies or for bosses or like right now all right definitely calling going up and then left yep yep how did i miss everything these are these rooms man it'd be it'd be so much better if the urn acted like with a candle and actually blocked shots i think it can say goodbye to our uh eternal hearts yeah did the i'm pretty sure that the fire that the blue fire does not block shots i thought it looked like it was uh blocking it when i was shooting the ultra pride i i don't i don't think it does i could be wrong should we go for this sure i want to show you my skills and eyes have been training oh yeah dude tim will we'll play again soon man i should let you have that but here let's look at the secret room and uh you can take that half oh there's a super secret rock right there as well yeah double teammate yep yep yep nice got the bombs back and the soul hearts one of these might be a health up verb what did i take last i think i took a verb last no i took a speed down it was a it was a speed down yeah yeah that's what i meant to do okay question mark you get uh you get bomb into the challenge room yeah but why i mean we can just walk in there can't we no because you're not full health well let's go get smart so i don't want to use i don't i really don't want to use bombs right now unless if we're getting unless we're getting like either health backboard or like extra bombs for it because we may need the bombs for offense you know boss okay uh yeah you've got all the charges so i'm not gonna fire in here all of them all two of them we might have to explosive diary on this one okay right i'm gonna go for the side guys first the ads okay i can stand in front of you with trendy shields got him oh you got the charge you know what wrong time to disappear there we go there we go okay i got one charge oh i'm out i'm out too uh this might be the worst boss i could uh possibly imagine uh use your explosive diarrhea i guess okay good spot good spot i'm pretty sure that nothing hit him i'm pretty sure nothing i don't know how nothing hit him what is this hit box son of a oh my god are you kidding me this is just like this is just the worst oh my he's got no head oh bass this is the best you take it you take it the best around you're taking the luck up as well [Music] oh now what we have no bombs so just leave wait wait wait wait wait verb verb it hey convert we get explosive diarrhea into the challenge room do we want to get into the challenge room i i i don't know i feel like the explosive diarrhea would be a cool thing to have in the challenge room but okay nah i don't know but how do we get but we can't get in there though we need to i need to get health or or die use your guppy's paw twice explosive diary i'm just gonna i'm gonna end up hurting myself with this yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna use it and then i'm gonna leave the room before it explodes and then uh we'll come back in and move to other side ready okay explosive diarrhea easy yeah nice god i'm still going to open it i i don't think this is a good idea we need the hearts and the bombs but we have we're going to have to fight two bosses with five charges two bosses is it and no soul hearts regular challenge room on women's two bosses uh i think so or we could just we could just roast them and get a bunch of souls back three bosses i think oh god awesome real uh real real real plays being made today no bosses though paralysis yeah buddy just gotta get on my level i'm i'm out i'm not getting any charges for a lot of these guys [Music] nope i got it literally lost everything what did it cost wait wait wait wait wait wait paralysis it costs you one heart and all of our charges very very good we could have gotten to the super secret room had we had the explosive diarrhea that would have been way better than the challenge i'll have to complain want to see my pot did you know that you could have gone to the super secret room instead of not did you know everything was a cigarette but a super secret room would have been a lot better well are we both out or you got one you got one charge i have uh a library too nope there is nope oh good hey hey this thing can shoot for me oh wait wait i don't have to shoot at all i could just kill people sweet yep we just got to kite him okay super easy let's push the buttons okay which one one two or three yes see the punishment this is a good spot yeah it's a good spot for you to pop that one charge i think i'm getting a lot of yep all right good there you go i told you you get a lot of things with it i just push the other two buttons so i just send it sure yeah just send it hey we got charges hey look at that jar i can't push it i can't fire i thought i'd be able to fire you're blindfolded like that as well yeah yep this is it this is the run baby just smash this because you're blindfolded well i sacrificed myself for you sacrificed yep we have passive damage though so like watch me watch me do this you ready to watch did you just push a button how does that make sense this [ __ ] hey that's good yeah there you go good thing i get them all yeah i don't want to i didn't want to share this i understand it's easier when you're by yourself oh wait no hang on i'll get this grazie easy just getting brimstone blasted in the face you get hurt by the spikes too you die twice heroes died twice heroes i don't think you would get a charge of little haunt kill something i think it has to be done with the urn is that true i don't claim that to be truth or false well that's a no-go um i don't have a bomb either all right okay you got this it's all you buds i forgot it was the mom or the it lives battle see we are blocking uh tears down to three oh yeah it is i don't think i can afford to shoot unless i kill something else but if it's like a job tonight [Music] [Applause] we can go back and get the urn uh we gotta go here though half damage yeah you're gonna want half damage sweet that's pretty good can you move your shield or is it stuck that way i can move it you're holding it weird like out yeah it was like diagonally for some reason so hard on bethlehem wafer baby waif meister i could also if you want me to i could instead of me having yeah yeah yeah instead of me having the urn couldn't i take monster manual and then uh yeah i'd be down for that and i'll just get all the charges right wait a second i can use the soul charges for the what yeah you can always use soul charges as bethany or active items yeah but that would that would completely destroy your yeah don't it'll charge up normally but will the fall but if i die will the follower stay on me or will it transfer to you it might just disappear i don't know repentance he's so broken leave the paw on the floor oh that's right you could just keep the thing and leave the paw if you want i i think that i will die in the first room in the cathedral i don't think this is going to matter don't you say that i'm just i'm just being i'm just being real with everybody i don't mind sacrificing myself for butts i believe the book follower stays on the [Music] user okay would it be better if you didn't have the jar though because then i collect all the essence i don't know that's a that's what i was thinking that's the reason why i like i didn't want to pick it up chat maybe it still goes to you i don't know how it works you know i think co-op [Music] also also repentance things work in mysterious ways if they work just have sin be a human shield with an actual shield ding ding ding all right one more floor right this is it yeah it's super easy yeah it's it's been a walk in the park here this isn't for an actual achievement too this isn't for nothing this is a long path that's a long way to go ready yeah you're you're literally all of our offense so do you feel like you should just maybe use it with the six soul heart charges just to do it once i don't know guy okay massive damage which is fine great hey there captain i'm trying to i'm trying i blocked i blocked one let's get that passive damage charges for some reason freaking rip dude because you could have at least used them with the freaking jar and now they're just going down the drain walk your guy up here walk your guy up here and get him on that eye blob there we go i'm not saying uh it's your fault i'm saying that sucks that it works that way like how are we supposed to know no we don't have a bomb even nope oh jesus yeah yep all right well little han still there and you used to have another guppy's paw you have double paw hog i'm gonna wait until he passively kills him screw it yep i think i'm afraid and it does look like the followers do generate the soul charges too yeah buddy oh but i just lost mine it could have an extra heart yep [Music] oh no he's gone it may be worth it for you to to use your to use the monster manual there's no monster manual though only the paw dropped oh that's right 1000 bits from welsh how many bits for a hat daddy well historically i've always put a hat on for a hundred dollars there we go decent amount there you go and there we go i get both of them [Music] i think it's gonna happen oh no oh dragon arc 35 months thank you so much for that welcome back oh this guy's tough yeah i wish i really wish i could fire thank god for the wafer i just i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing safe and thank you for the 40 months of twitch prime subs what the actual crap am i supposed to do about this there you go yeah i'm just gonna cheese it the same way it's not cheese i mean i call that a strat it's always a net positive on souls there you go montreal there you go jump with me jump at me i'm gonna go as slow as i can because i'm just gaining souls for this one more yep see you guys in a half an hour so sassy oh god oh sassy 19. look at that hermit look at that dude do not use the recorder oh good okay nevermind it wasn't that bad this is okay you can go down to like 10 ish there you go this is a co-op in repentance yeah we're playing through uh through the uh steam remote play but it's not built into the game it's just through steam there's apparently a co-op that's supposed to be built into the game but we don't really know what's going to go on with that because vin says it exists but ed denies its existence straight up says it's not a thing not even like an i don't know i don't i don't see how you'd be able to do it if it wasn't built into the core of the game explosive diarrhea yep yeah good against isaac all the subs and cheers accumulator just 10 subs for glasses maybe um i'll do it for you welsh but normally i don't do a cumulative stuff because it's just way too hard to count and people are gonna lie but i know you're not lying i also can't really put a hat on effectively with the headset i'll do my best these spikes gonna go down can you get that for me you're able to push a button bomb it out what do you think is worth it no no it could be what's it going to give you what can it what can it possibly give you that can help a bomb one singular bomb two maybe i'm gonna go for it okay [ __ ] hey so what have we learned i got one charge out of it okay so nothing oh my god did that come out at a speed that's a little bit higher than usual i don't know if i didn't get freaking stop watch even though we dropped like 40 cents into it i'm running out dude aren't you supposed to be spot there we go oh my god i'm getting clobbered i was gonna breathe down isaac's neck hey isaac stop shooting no you want to i don't i don't know what to [ __ ] do i'm dead dude i'm super dead it's not enough not enough juice in the tank this doesn't give me enough even at a full charge i'm not sure how i'm supposed to do it hmm you got this you have one singular bomb don't forget oh my god are you kidding me right now touch the damn thing are you absolutely kidding me pugatori pagatori i've got a piece so bad [Applause] i also have to pee chat i forgot to press the record button oh i need to splice that up later
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 39,500
Rating: 4.9560437 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: e5dEZh2e9Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 48sec (3348 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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