Bannerlord Perks Guide - Roguery Perks: Complete Guide To All Roguery Perks & Bonus At The End!

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in this episode of the band alert perks guide we will look at the rotary skill perks by the end of the video you will have a complete understanding of what each one does and which to pick based on your specific needs i put timestamps in the description for your convenience and without further ado let's get started no rest for the wicked both perks are tagged party leader the first increases xp gain for bandit troops by 20 we can see from testing taking out a looter group gives 1782 xp without the perk and 2138 with the perk which is roughly 20 the second perk increases rating speed by 5 which we can see a 34 hour rate time without the perk but only 32 hours with a two hour reduction which comes to nearly six percent faster sweet talker if we are attacked by bandits we will have a chance to pay them off to avoid a fight in our test we see 152 dinar costs to let us go without the perk but only 130 with the perk which is the 14 reduction the secondary perk is for governors and reduces the escape chance of prisoners by 20 for our main no rest for the wicked is the pick being caught by bandits and paying them off is rare and even so the cost isn't that high having 20 more xp gain for bandits can be great when you are able to convert them into elite troops with 150 leadership perk veterans respect sweet talker is the only option for the governor pick deep pockets the first part of this perk allows us to double the amount of betting we can do in tournaments the standard bet size is 150 per round with four rounds per tournament at 600 dinars in bets we are able to win 1170 without the perk with the perk we can now bet 300 per round and win up to 92 percent more which is good money for the early game the secondary perk reduces bandit wages by 20 this group of five hundred tier two bandits cost three dinars each coming to fifteen hundred per day total with the perk the daily wage reduces to twelve hundred or twenty percent less two-faced if you're at war with the kingdom or your criminal rating is too high with them they will refuse entry into their town with this perk you can increase your chances of sneaking in without the perk we have a 23 chance to sneak in but with the perk our chances increase to 35 percent an increase of 50 total the secondary perk removes the morale loss from converting bandit prisoners into troops without the perk we normally get a minus two morale per troop but nothing with the perk tough pick here i tend to take deep pockets for the wage reduction but the morale loss can be big if you primarily get recruits from prisoners either way either would be a fine pick but personally i go deep pockets in best light recently overhauled in 1.7.0 this perk allows us to forcibly take more troops from villages without the perk we have access to eight troops for free and with the perk that number increases to nine the secondary perk reduces the recovery time for villages that have been rated without the perk it took 12 and a half days to recover but only nine and a half with the perk which is 24 faster know how this perk increases the amount of loot you can take from villagers and caravans after battle we can see in the testing after defeating villagers we see no difference in the non-battle loot both with and without the perk however the testing with the caravans we see twenty one thousand an hour's worth of loot from this caravan without the perk and twenty three thousand with the perk resulting in seventeen hundred dinars more or an eight percent increase it's possible villager loot amount is too small to notice a difference but works great with caravans the secondary perk increases security by one per day while taking more loot from caravans can be useful in some playthroughs it pales in comparison to in best light forcible recruitment is amazing for getting noble troops without needing relations and villages recovering from raids faster is ester making in best light the pick promises the infamous food reduction perk this perk reduces food consumption for bandit units with 11 troops we would normally burn through 0.8 food per day but with a perk this number drops to 0.3 which is 62 and a half percent less be aware food reduction perks also reduce stewart xp gain by the same amount the secondary perk increases the speed of recruiting banded prisoners into our party this tier 2 troop gains 15 conformity per hour without the perk but 20 per hour with the perk or 25 more slave trader one of the many options for dealing with prisoners is ransoming them off for dinars without the perk our tier 2 prisoners are worth 12 dinars each but with the perk the ransom increases to 14 per troop or 16 more it also increases our prisoner limit without the perk we can have up to 15 prisoners but with the perk that number increases to 18 which is exactly 20 more unless you're planning on a bandit only playthrough i think slave trade provides a bit more value plus there is a perk coming up that negates the second perk from promises making slave trader the pick most of the time scarface if you attack bandits villagers or caravans with a large enough party there is a chance they will surrender to you this perk increases that chance of surrender for this test we attack 10 parties from each group with and without the perk with the perk villagers surrendered 40 of the time caravans eighty percent and bandits ninety percent with the perk villagers increased to sixty percent caravans to ninety percent and bandits stayed the same at ninety percent the secondary perk is for governors and gives a five percent chance to improve relations with a random gang leader by one per day we can expect to improve one relation for every 20 days that pass or four relations per year if there are two gang leaders in town we can expect to improve relations by two with each per year and not very useful white lies certain actions will increase your criminal rating with a kingdom such as stealing from a caravan or villagers this perk helps to increase the rate at which this number decays if we are a vassal or mercenary then criminal rating will drop by one and a half per day without the perk and 1.8 with the perk if we're not part of the kingdom but at peace with them then it will drop by one per day without the perk and 1.2 per day with the perk if we're at war with the kingdom then it will drop only 0.25 per day without and 0.3 with the governor perk is similar to the other but works with notables and only a 2 chance per day totally useless for middle rating increases trade penalties and at higher levels will keep you from entering towns if you find these penalties an issue then take white lies personally i take scarface as i find surrender chance more useful for the governor perk they are both bad but scarface is slightly less so making it the pick partners in crime this is another perk that was recently overhauled and increases surrender chance of bandit parties by 100 in the testing i caught over 20 bennett parties and each time they offered to join one thing to note if the bandits would normally attack you due to having a lower party strength than theirs then you will not have the option to recruit them the captain perk increases damage done by bandits by two percent smuggler connections this perk increases the body armor rating for gear that is rated as civilian by 10. in testing we looked at cut damage absorbed and without the perk our armor absorbed 28 damage on average but 38 damage on average with the perk the secondary perk is tagged as party leader and decreases the trade penalty caused by criminal rating looking at a sturgeon trotter for sale it would cost us 280 to buy it without any criminal rating then 367 with criminal rating but no perk and finally 312 with criminal rating and the perk we pay 31 more when we're a criminal but only 11 if we have the perk partners in crime is just too good not to pick as long as we have enough troops to avoid being attacked by bandit parties we can recruit them even if we don't want to recruit them we can remove them from the map which helps clean up around our thiefs later in the game it's also the only captain option one of the family this perk increases all vigor and control skills of the bandits in our party by 10. to test this we use the bandit only army and fight it twice without the perk it was a total loss and with the perk it was a very close victory the same tactics were used in both so i'm not sure what accounted for the huge difference but i'm doubtful the perk was the only contributing factor the governor perk allows us one more recruitment slot from gang leaders without needing the appropriate relations salt the earth another villager loot perk yay with the perk we should have access to 20 more loot we can see in the testing there was very little difference between having the perk and not the governor perk increases tariffs by 5 earning more profits for the thief in all my testing villager perks are underwhelming and having extra combat skill for our troops can be handy making one of the family the pick for the main for the governor if you need more recruiting power go with one of the family for more income take salt the earth carver this perk increases damage done by civilian weapons by 10 a civilian weapon will have this tag on it we can see on average 26 bonus damage per hit without the perk but 40 with the perk which is an increase of 55 percent it may be bugged with a two-handed mace as civilian swords are more in line with the ten percent the captain perk increases damage from one-handed swords by two percent ransom broker if you're the type to not let prisoners go after battle then this perk can help you turn those nobles into cash ransoming these 10 nobles without the perk earned 20 000 on ours but 25 000 with the perk or a 28 increase the secondary perk reduces escape chance of prisoners from the party by 30 but in testing it was difficult to notice due to the high amount of rng with escaping without the perk it took 24 days for the first noble to escape but only 12 days with the perk i don't think the perk is broken but i think escape chance can vary so widely making it very difficult to test if you plan on using any form of civilian weapon carver is a great pickup if you plan on ransoming nobles as a source of income ransom broker should be the pick carver is the only captain option arms dealer interesting perk for the rotary skill this one reduces trade penalty for selling weapons we test by selling 10 weapons without the perk and earn a 187 000 in ours with the perk this number increases to 216 000 in ours or a 15 increase the governor perk increases militia production by two well under siege dirty fighting this perk increases the stun duration from kicks looking at the side-by-side comparison we could see a bit of a difference without the perk stuns last for just under one second and with the perk it's closer to one and a half seconds or a 53 percent increase the governor perk adds two food per day while being sieged helping to slow down starvation for the main pick if you are struggling with cash then arms dealer can help this perk increases income for smithing runs as well as selling post battle loot if you use kicks often during battle then dirty fighting is the pick both are quite good for the governor perk dirty fighting is the pick as losing troops to starvation will easily outpace gaining two militia per day dash and slash with this perk we increase the movement speed damage bonus for melee weapons while on foot in our testing we see a 32 bonus damage average without the perk and 50 damage average with or a 53 percent increase the captain perk gives a 2 damage increase to troops using two-handed weapons fleet footed we have not seen a movement speed perk in a few weeks now let's see how this one goes we start at 265 meter distance to the target and reach close range first with the perk there is a 14 meter gap between the two meaning the perk actually works you must not have a weapon or shield equipped for this to work the secondary perk increases escape chance of our nobles from mobile parties by 30 i'm shocked to be saying this but both perks are quite good and worth considering here if you need more damage take dash and slash fleet of foot can easily be used by placing your weapon and shield on your back allowing you to utilize this perk during battle the extra escape chance for nobles is nice for companion parties that like to get caught often dash and slash is the only option for captains rogue extraordinaire the final perk increases the amount of loot dropped after winning a battle by one percent for every level above 200. to set up this test we found the biggest army we could find and tested three scenarios without the final perk all the loot would sell for 234 000 in ours with the final perk and level 275 rotary we would have earned an extra 486 dinars or 0.2 percent more finally we tested the level 330 with the perk and earned 26 000 more i reran the test again using a much smaller battle to test 275 with and without the perk it seems the loot drop post battle will fluctuate around two to four percent without the perk and with the perk came in right around three percent more consistently which is well within the margin of error i'm not sure why it seems this perk doesn't work at the lower levels but unless you get to 330 rotary it's certainly not worth going for we are nearing the end of the video which means it's time for the bonus one of the most fun experiences i've had in bannerlord was a bandit playthrough it was also the most frustrating to start so for this part we will look at a much better way to approach the bannerlord bandit playthrough to help us out let's take a look at the perks we will be aiming for one of the most important perks here is the level 250 crossbow reducing wages of higher tier ranged troops by 50 as a bandit keeping overhead down is no easy task for the rogue perks we take anything that will boost bandit troops since our party will consist of bandits only we also need more ways to make money so stealing from caravans and ransoming prisoners for more money will be key the most important perk is 150 partners in crime allowing us to recruit banded troops for free one hundred percent of the time finally we take an easy steward perk reducing wages by five percent a penny saved is a penny earned betania is a good choice for a bennett playthrough giving that crucial movement speed bonus in woods however i think valentia can be just as good giving extra renown and a bonus to mercenary contracts this will be key to getting our economy established our beginning setup will consist of a light crossbow and up to three bags of bolts as always we don't need any clothing or equipment so sell it all starting out our main goal is to reach clan tier 1 as fast as possible the safest way to do this is to take on looter groups by yourselves if we stay solo renowned game will be much faster so take prisoners but don't recruit any for now once we reach clan tier 1 we can become a mercenary and begin recruiting bandits to join us now the real bandit tree begins take out villagers fight caravans raid villages all the usual bandit stuff our main goals at this stage are to continue to grow our bank account and leveling up rotary to 150 stop at all castles and towns possible looking for prisoners to break out it shouldn't take too many prison breaks to hit 150. the transition into late game happens when we reach level 250 crossbow at this point we only want forest and step bandits as both will have a 50 reduced wage step bandits are nice for movement speed and force bandits will shred just about anything they shoot at from here we can declare war on everyone and have fun causing mayhem i like to declare war on all but one kingdom giving us a place to call home personally i find late game gets a bit stale so i'd like to give myself tasks to accomplish one of my favorite tasks is to reduce a town's prosperity by a certain amount completely destroying the owner's hard-earned income this can be done by raiding villages consistently keeping village hearths below 199 and sieging the town down it's really fun to do great damage with such a small force if you want to help me out don't forget to stab that like button before you leave if you want to see more videos and guides just like this consider subscribing let me know in the comments section below what topic you would like to see covered on the channel up next we will look at all of the charm perks thanks again for watching and i'll see you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Strat Gaming Guides
Views: 81,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mount and Blade 2, Mount & Blade 2, Bannerlord, Bannerlord 2, Bannerlord II, Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord, Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord, Ultimate Guide Bannerlord, Bannerlord Guide, Skills, Perks, Bannerlord Perks Guide, Calradia, bonus, Strat Gaming, Garrison, Guide, Final Perk, Bandit, Raid, Villagers, Caravan, Loot, Prisoners
Id: I8FjcHcp7CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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