From Rags To Riches - Amir Timur Bandit Kingdom Campaign - Ch.1 Ep.1

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we've hit rock bottom we're starting with no money no friends no food they've taken all of our clothes weapons gear our Mount we have nothing it wasn't long ago that we were actually leading an army for a local Noble but with the recent change in power dynamics the new rulers labeled us as an outlaw and we've been thrown in jail so first order of business is we have to try and Escape unfortunately because of our recent activities we have been labeled as an outlaw everybody hates us and we have to stay that way for the entire game we finally made it out it's only taken us four days actually it's not too bad we're surrounded by enemies and they all have Cavalry and mounts to ride we're on Barefoot Buck Naked we've got nothing to our name literally nothing so we have to try and get out of here the first order business is to get away from the betanian lands because they do have the force movement speed as well so there's really no escaping them if they get close enough to you so let's try and run I think the valandian area is probably the safest bet by these looters really want a piece but we can't really allow that oh these guys yeah The Landings have a lot of calves so we do have to stay in the woods otherwise they will catch us quite easily too all right so we should be okay here oh there's dirt the dirt bag himself so we're we're in a little bit safer territory here the blandians don't have the movement speed bonus in the wooded areas so let's try and find ourselves a nice small group of looters or Bandits that will throw stuff back at us and we can use that to against them it's got to be a small enough party though because taking on a group of you know five sixes is going to be tough if we can find something small maybe two three maybe even four that might be pushing it it's possible we really got to be careful here yeah there's there's guys everywhere luckily The Landings are bloodthirsty and they're just going after whatever they can get but they'll leave us alone if we can get enough distance looks like we're we'll probably be okay here but man there's a lot of people going after us they just won't leave us alone let's go in the backfield I feel like we'll have a better chance this is kind of like a popular Lane that they like to travel through but we'll go to the back wooded areas maybe it's a little less populated with the with Nobles now we did gain a level so let's go ahead and put some points now we are the master at writing and bow so we do have to Max that out first that's the first order of business you know being of Mongolian Heritage he was he was mostly of a turkic tribe but I believe they were supposed to be mixed with both Mongol Heritage and turkey so I I believe the term is tartar like a mix of the two I'm not 100 sure on that I did quite a bit of research and it seemed like not everybody agreed on on that but either way these these people were raised as children to ride horses and to shoot bows so they're experts in that field you know we're not having a whole lot of luck finding these smaller groups but as you can see this long stretch of course is is a pretty good area for us to be unfortunately we're not getting good RNG with this with the the size of the the bandits that are spawning so we kind of have to keep moving around Let's uh let's head south oh perfect actually that's perfect if we can catch these guys now we don't have to worry about having a disorganized penalty because we have less than 10 troops so we can take these guys and move now what we want here is for these guys to throw some of the javelins and preferably not to get hit in the face now let's get one of the high chair first so what happens is if we pick up that crappy one that guy just threw it's gonna do almost no damage so we pick up the high tier one first and then everything we fill up after that is going to be the same even if it's not matching so like for example if you have regular arrows and then all of a sudden you drop it you see somebody with um piercing arrows and you pick up the piercing arrows and then you put I explained that really poorly let's just not get killed here okay so he's too close to us we need to get some distance now these guys are gonna start throwing at us because they have free line of sight so we need to make sure we don't get One Tap yeah I'd love to pick those up but unfortunately we just don't have the distance we can go back that way though I think they're all done right oh no this guy still got one all right we can pick that up for sure all right so we've got seven you know what we should do is let's get a little more distance this guy looks like he might throw another one though yep he is oh man I sidestepped that one barely so like that one's a pine Javelin or a needle or something it's like a really crappy one actually I see a couple more over here let's see if we can get these I think that one's out of bounds we can probably still get it but this guy's right on her butt now so what I was saying is if you get if you have a really nice one first and then you pick up so for example these are pine Javelin Pine Javelin throwing spear throwing spear so by using the throwing spear first actually we should probably switch to the wrong Spirit like this one when you pick up the other ones like let's say if we use the the throwing Spear and then we drop the pine javelins and replenish it'll actually fill up it'll fill them up as if they were the the expensive one all right right to the face 120 damage that's what we needed let's get this other guy that's got low low tier armor let's get him to the front we can take him out of the equation then it's just going to be a 2V1 which as you can imagine is much easier to do with than a 4v1 this might be a bad idea nope we still got it all right let's get some distance get this cloth helmet guy up at the front going for the head 99 damage wow that is unfortunate so we're going to use one of our cheap one of our Cheapo ones the pine Dart let's just finish them off we actually did 100 100 damage anyways that's pretty good now what we're going to do is this little Technique we want to we want to replenish our triangular throwing Spears because they're the high tier ones we'll drop the pine Dart and then we're gonna pick it back up but what it does is it actually replenishes your expensive one so notice how if we go back in here we don't have another pine Dart we have a two out of two throwing Spear and a one out of two throwing Spear and then we have the three out of four pine Javelin so we will save the pine Javelin for later we should be able to do a bit more damage with these things against these guys so let's try and do that foreign damage that's what I'm talking about it's kind of damage and we should probably drop these pine javelins at some point all right let's pick up a little bit so we replenish a couple we at least know where it is let's just circle around here so we don't lose it we need to try and get this guy in the face again fine damage what the heck well that did basically nothing where did we drop our our Pine javelins or yeah these little dinky ones yeah see that's that's the problem if you don't pick it up right away it's really easy to lose track of them oh there they are okay finally found it all right so we replenished a little bit more who's the guy that took so much damage then is it the front see if it's this guy no yeah there's the guy in the front so we just accident we hit the guy in the back because we aim too high oh man that's not what we needed to have happen Okay let's go back we got one more in the slot here oh man he's just not taking any damage we can't really throw these we've got only one left so it's it's not gonna make sense to throw it let's drop the spare Scabbard whatever you call it that we had we've got one left let's just use it in the melee we could also collect the weapons but let's see if we can hook this guy down maybe the nice thing is they are kind of slow with that Shield so that gives us a chance to get a few hits in on their posture and then back out so notice at the very top this guy's posture is draining a little bit all right here we go maybe one or two more hits and we can get him on the floor oh he switched yeah we don't want this guy we want the other guy yeah we want that one why is he not oh man he's not getting shoved out of the way all right well all that works for nothing so let's let's do with this guy again foreign [Music] a little too close there all right here we go we can get him on the floor now oh we got him we got him 52 damage now this guy we could probably fight heads up although I'm a little nervous because even blocking you take damage once you lose all your your posture and he's gonna be a tough one so let's at least get a maybe a hit or two for free and then we'll we'll take a man on yeah it's not like vanilla where you can just block forever and it's no big deal here we go all right let's get him it's not damage yeah see look he's not going to take much damage so we we do have to kind of Whittle him down a bit all right two more hits and we should be able to pick him out here we go oh I'll get a good kick in all right I think we're gonna have to utilize the kicks quite a bit let's get a little bit of this oh he blocked it man he's so tough yeah he's taking like almost no damage get a little bit of distance here give him a kick that's it thrust them to the face get out of my house son finish them off here oh well we missed this three let's try that again uh that's fine it's in his forearm all right this was a crazy battle wow we took out four only one of them survived I'm really hoping we get some decent gear from this though that's gonna be the key because if we don't get a weapon we're gonna have to do this all over again but we'll take the Hillman we can definitely use him and he will recruit up pretty nicely he'll go up to tier five so these guys are no joke oh man we didn't we did not get it but on the bright side we do have some gear that we can use so we we kind of look like a looter now but you know we essentially are actually if you think about it we're pretty much just like a fancy looter let's get rid of some of this stuff so we're not overburdened yeah and we'll we'll dine on this actually what we should do is lock these ahead of time it doesn't really matter they're all going to get eaten anyways we're not going to be selling that stuff right now so like I said we're not over we're not overburdened at this point because we are less than 10. we got 54 Dinars from that so we can afford wages for one or two guys for a few days when this guy converts anyways and we did pick up a perk so pull arm level 30. we're gonna closed captioning not available not afford but once we steal a horse from somebody because right now we're basically on foot we kind of have to deal with what we can now one thing we are going to want one attribute Point into endurance because we are going to want to be able to get the mounted patrols here we go Mountain patrols and then we're going to pair that with Keen site so that we can't we can capture people without letting them go a lot of people are going to die in this campaign we're going to be executing people but there is going to be an issue with mercenaries those small minor factions they don't die unless you capture all at once so we're gonna need to use these to eliminate them from the map so that's going to be key for us and as far as Focus points we've already got the bow and writing capped out we could probably afford to put a little bit more into pole arm we do need to start putting some some focus in on Stewart medicine that's going to be absolutely critical and then at some point we might want to look at some of these other ones I really don't know what else we're going to put it in we'll probably try and max out medicine Steward and Engineering but I think the most useful one for now is going to be coal arm because we are going to be relying on that quite a bit so let's go there now where do we head from here actually which we should probably do is we are kind of overburdened oh that's like a match made in heaven there's only one all right let's do this let's deal with we're not allowed to buy anything so if we starve we starve if we don't find a horse we're just gonna be on foot the whole time we have to actually loot everything that we that we use however there are unscrupulous people within people's kingdoms that are willing to to buy stuff from us but it's at a severely discounted cost because we're at war with them and it'll get even worse when we increase our criminal rating so we can still sell stuff to Villages it just doesn't really help us that much because the money is so low so we'll do that we'll sell that we're not getting rid of our prisoner we want to convert him and that'll help quite a bit at some point we got a little bit of food in the bank so we don't need to rush anything let's uh let's take this this group of one on he is running that's going to be a problem if he groups up with somebody else yeah see that's the problem so let's actually not take that fight let's try and stalk this guy the problem is we're probably gonna get stalked at some point so let's let's shake this guy we don't want him yeah bug raw and then we're gonna go back to chasing this this group of one actually let's go north we need to keep him in our sights as soon as we lose him it's gonna be tough all right we did we can't convert our buddy here now we can't get close enough to him because unfortunately these guys are just so close they're gonna join in the instant that we try oh this is it right here okay but we need to we need to approach him so that he doesn't run away into them that's the problem man this is tough it's like trying to do the Rubik's Cube while you're skydiving in the rain during a thunderstorm it just doesn't go too well we lost our group of one unfortunately let's see if we can catch back up to get inside of him and now that we're in the woods we should be a little bit better off yeah see and man it's gonna be really hard you know what let's do this let's hide out here this is going to be our savior oh beautiful that's it your toast you are toast and what we're gonna do actually let's recruit this guy so he's not slowing us down it'll incur a little bit of wage but I think it's worth it yeah we're not here to surrender we're here to fight like so this guy's got throwing weapons I hope this guy has throwing weapons too but he may not you faced the right direction oh that guy's actually oh he's throwing I was gonna say he's not moving but he's actually throwing stuff at us so we're throwing stuff back oh look at how slow we move in the rain I mean not having Athletics is rough but having no Athletics and and being tripled is uh not a good way to move all right so we can get one more shot off on this guy who he's gonna throw we need to stab him oh we hit our guy oh we got him look at that he took it like a chant though nicely plates or he was the distraction enabled us and he actually survived nice so we can pick up another Hillman here it's funny because all these little things you know in a normal campaign this is like okay get out of my face don't I'm not even gonna waste my time with this but now it's like the most exciting thing in the world oh when we picked up a mule that is massive so that actually increases our movement speed significantly so if you look right here our base movement speed let's see 2.84 with everything in with the mule 3.81 huge huge huge and because we can't spend money to buy these things we have to loot them so it's it's almost perfect that this guy had it and these boots might be worth a little something so oh boy so we're in much better shape now we don't have a weapon still so you might think oh you're still kind of screwed but really we're not we've got two people we can rely on how much does it cost three Dinars per day not really that bad we do need to spend a little time maybe recruiting this guy as well so we'll have three and I think we can probably take on groups of maybe two or three as well but really the key here is having that movement speed look at that that's in incredible 5.14 that's probably the highlight of the campaign we could probably wrap it up and just end it right here this is it's not going to get any better than this all right let's uh six maybe a little bit too much we could try and Retreat our guys off the map and just try and solo them again maybe we'll Whittle them down and then bring them back in once they're down a little bit five is probably doable let's go ahead and recruit this guy as well now one thing we have to be careful here is we are on limited Supply we've only got three food that buys us enough food for 22 days so it's not bad but again the more people we recruit the faster they're gonna burn through that so we do have to be a little bit cautious fix is tough man that group of five was pretty appealing let's let's try and go back there yeah they're there all right this group a is gonna pick us up but like I said we do have movement speed so we don't have to worry too much about it all right so he's gonna bug up oh yeah there we go that's it and let's form them into the mountains so he actually didn't run he doesn't seem to be too concerned about this and we're gonna go ahead and Retreat our boys let's um see they should be okay yeah they should be able to be able to outrun him let's get rid of our donkey we don't want him getting are very very valuable to us and what we're going to do is let's go ahead and let these guys throw they should be throwing some yeah here we go right here right here boys they don't want us they want our companion or our troops as soon as those guys get off the map they'll probably turn and go after us if we had a weapon I wonder no you just turned I was gonna say I wonder if we could just start stabbing them but oh oh okay so they're not messing around now we got to be super careful here we might get domed holy crap all right what kind do we have with pine and throwing the Triangular let's pick this one up and then we should be okay let's move straight oh there's still no they still have some to throw oh nice they're turning that'll give us some time so we can pick whatever this guy throws oh that almost hit us uh we are juking all right so here's the Triangular let's do this let's uh let's drop the pine javelins we'll drop them both in the same spot so it might be a little easier for us to find and it's on this little Hill and again we're just gonna try and use those as replenishments with these high tier ones oh that could take that man actually we should probably do is try and find another triangular one see if we can get two because we're loading one at a time is is gonna take a little while people were they I think we we pissed them off right around here right actually this guy is like right on us yeah he's really close oh here's one oh we took a hit we took a hit I got greedy there yeah he's pretty fast because he doesn't have a shield so we need to take him out first let's stay over here oh man how did I miss that I really don't know how I missed that all right we're on our last one let's actually Circle back and we'll replenish with some of these ones that are on the floor yeah he's really close let's give it a little bit of distance again I think one shot to the face should do this guy in yep there we go beautiful and these guys have shields so they're a little bit slower we can probably pick up some of their weapons on the floor let's see here but there was one earlier I missed where it is actually I lost it let's go back to our Little Weapon stash where are you weapon stash oh crap did I lose it all right I'm confused I lost it wait I know it's right here oh did it despawn it might have despawned yeah it should be right here wow that's unfortunate we gotta make the best of it let's get this one and who's got the worst helmet these guys with the uh the fur helmets probably not the best so let's see if we can get a head shot on him Big C damage is not bad but unfortunately we don't have much left we've got one shot left we kind of need to keep it let's see if we can get some easy hits on these guys all right we're actually draining this posture really fast [Music] all right this should drop him oh oh it's so close we got a stab in his in his ankle or something what about this guy yeah these guys have almost no posture and this guy already took a a hit so all right here we go we gotta do double stab 16 damage not that much [Music] but we're gonna make make do with what we got all right let's next Stitch should drop him oh he's down we're down to two all right here we go yeah this guy took one to the stomach and walked it off so he's got mostly full health more hit we should do it 67 damage so one more hit and he's dosed this should do it oh no he tanked it oh that was it I missed it yeah this other guy's too close to us you can get the other guy up front first oh we just barely dodged that here we go here we go seven nice 77 damage now again we don't want to Tinker with this guy too much we should probably get a hit or two in and then we can man up maybe in the feet oh wow he's swinging he's swinging for the fences all right we gotta just man up now [Music] oh in the shoulder wow he was pretty damaged then if he went down to that it did 53 damage oh boy so unfortunately everybody died we didn't lose any of our boys because we sent him off map we got a little bit of XP here nothing really to write home about but well at least I think we'll hit Level 25 soon for the Athletics perk oh man we're just not getting any weapons this is this is rough uh we did to complete the outfit though so we are I don't know what this looks like like a trap like we're wearing a trash bag or something definitely look like a homeless which technically is accurate we are homeless so I don't mind it too much we did get a nice Shield so that should help us a bit we can keep that on our backs for future fights and that'll help protect when we're running and they're trying to slash us it should be a little bit easier to handle there's another group before wow what luck yeah we'll fight these guys again all right let's get those guys out of here again because he said it's it doesn't really they're just gonna go right for him they're 300 meters away it's going to take him forever to get here we don't want them chasing them the whole time so hopefully they get out now again we'll put we'll put the shield on our back and we'll just leave it there if we can have them throw stuff at us right here we can probably Juke around these fences uh yeah this like an enclosed Benson area that should help a bit all right here we go what do you got oh looks like they got some rocks that's not going to do us too much good there's a javelin that didn't stick there's another javelin in there actually what we should probably do is get this Shield out because this is going to be rough oh man we're getting nailed if we don't want to block him with the shield though because unfortunately what that does is it it uses up so we do actually have a triangular we do have one in here and the other one's the pine Dart we don't really want to use the blind art they just don't do that much damage everybody's got rid of all their ammunition so why don't we do this let's uh let's get to a better spot I think we're okay leaving this on our on our back now oh wow that guy's fast okay he's like right on us the whole time okay we won't be able to pick anything up with him that close uh why don't we do this let's actually drop let's drop these pine darts for the pine Javelin we'll refill the Triangular and we just need to try and do these quick before that thing despawns again there we go there's one we'll pick up another one and again we're gonna use this fence a really good good effect here there's two people without good helmet oh not if we miss all our shots though anything that hits the shield is is wasted because that Shield absorbs it did we lose it no it's over here I think there's only two more left in there we got to be careful here quicker shots a little better here nice right in the face 154 damage all right one more and then we can man up with that guy get out of here all right will it let us fill yes it will nice so it actually gives us even though that that uh Scabbard or whatever you call it was empty it allowed us to fill up the Triangular one so we've got the nice one with decent reach let's actually man up with this guy foreign yeah we missed that kick nice 204 damage we got it right in the face we actually bypassed The Shield there's an RNG chance that you bypass their armor and we just hit him in the face for 204 damage and we got two people that are gonna survive so we can pick up our little Band of Brothers is growing very slowly but that's what we need to do because we don't have money to afford them anyways 1.7 we're down oh crap we can get an air SRI Caravan master I don't know if this is really worth it though because these guys are super expensive 12 Dinars per day and they're not really that good we'll take them for now I think we'll we'll try and get into a fight and get him sacrificed pretty quickly though we still aren't getting a weapon man this is a little bit frustrating to be honest we did get a much better Shield though although the coverage isn't as good yeah I don't know if that's a good upgrade we did get the rugged gambison this thing is really good because this is like the best looter armor that you can get but it actually provides decent protection I'm not bad at all there unfortunately we're overburdened let's see what we can take so the linen we don't really need some of this cheap stuff we can get rid of like the grain gonna overburden us we do need to start getting some Stuart XP which is going to help if we have a lot of different food types let's get rid of the salt because it's really not that expensive yeah we've got a decent amount of food here the date fruits are really expensive I prefer not to get rid of those the fish is is not that expensive let's let's keep that overburdened slightly you don't really want to be overburdened I don't want to give up the date fruits though we kind of have to though that's fine yeah so we're basically not overburdened anymore and since we're already here let's go ahead and sell some stuff I feel like we should probably save this Shield but I don't know if this one's gonna be better actually oddly enough the round Shield is is almost the same price you know what it is it's that when you're in that screen it gives you the stats based on like a global whatever but we're at War so the price they give us is significantly less yeah they're pretty close I think we'll we'll probably keep the round Shield it's going to give us better coverage let's get rid of all this garbage that we don't need this stuff is not going to do us any good and I feel like we should probably get rid of this Shield because it is pretty heavy 4.7 we'll have a little bit more space more food now that puts us at 11.88 so we're actually making really good money now wages are at 18 because we have that one asteroid Caravan Master but we'll deal with that later now as far as Athletics this is pretty much the only perk we're gonna get in this tree because we're we're capped out at this point just about we'll go up to maybe 20 28 or 30. I think we're gonna have to take well built we're not going to be on foot much so this isn't going to help much but having an extra five hit points can make a difference not not a huge difference but it can let's go I want to go cap out pole arm and then we can focus on Stuart medicine next I feel like this is going to be really important not having Athletics is so brutal though man it's it's tough now we do need to spend some time healing so let's just try and avoid getting captured here let's just Mosey around that'll do two things that'll allow us a little bit of time to not only replenish but it'll also give us time to convert these prisoners because we do have these two guys one of them is a tier three so that's that's not bad at all let's actually hide out here this is going to give us a little bit of of uh I I don't think you use food when you're in these so that helps a little bit and we don't want to pop out when they're right on us so let's pop out early and then we can just go back there yeah if you're ever getting chased just hide these hiding the hideouts wait till night if somebody's on you and it's close to night time you probably want to get out pretty quickly and we did actually gain a Stewart level wow so we're getting a tiny bit of XP for that so 56 I think what we'll do is try and get back up close to 100 because yeah see right here this is a little sketchy we're gonna have to we're gonna have to leave if we wait until it's night time these two guys might be right on us yeah see that group of five wants to chase this down that's that's not ideal yeah let's go back in there and wait I think we probably don't have to solo people soon we can probably actually let's wait what we won't hire him yet let's make sure this guy gets converted we'll do them both at once save us a little bit of food and money we could probably fight these guys with our own troops if we get like a group of four or five we don't we don't have to cheese it anymore I I mean I say cheese it's not really cheesy because it is still quite difficult but um you know we can man up all right there we go that's both of them so we're there let's get all our guys ordered out now the hill band will convert all the way down to that troop tree the Bandit Lackey stops at tier four but they do have some decent line here so we could even get a crossbow a jab Lanier uh let's see this guy's got a base it looks like and some throwing axes and then the cab the calves probably trash if I had to guess 100 pole arm but only 40 riding yeah he's pretty trashy for a tier four so I don't know that we want to go that route I have a very interesting idea for how we're gonna get horse archers because we do need to convert to coarse archers at some point we can't just convert step Bandits because they don't exist since we're using jury military so we kind of have to think outside the box for that one we'll get into that soon let's let's maybe take on a group one less than us oh there's a group of four in there that that would actually be even better we do have a shield on our main guy so he's not completely useless and then once we once somebody throws something at us we can pick that up and use it against him but the shield will at least help draw some of the attention away from them nice we got scouting 75 this is gonna be a big one so if your party's more than 75 percent infantry we get 50 less speed penalty in forests and we're going to be mostly infantry for the beginning we'll probably convert to Cav eventually I don't really think desert Bourne is all that useful even when we get to that point because we'll probably be heavy Cav at that point so we can overcome that deficit so foreskin is going to be pretty good here all right what do we got where's that group of four group of five we could probably do I think they're gonna run from us yeah so they they don't want that let's let's try it I think we should be able to do this let's get everybody up top of the hill at least they'll be throwing uphill so it'll take a little sting out of it and I think what we probably should try and do is get up ahead of these guys maybe we can get them to throw at us and not them and actually let's talk fire here we go let's get our first weapon here no problem here's where the big boys come out yeah there's the big ones it's the Triangular this big one right here that's the one we want [Music] there's another triangular [Music] especially the wall but we don't want to get stabbed in the back of the head oh yeah good thing we had our Shield up [Music] yeah all right let's see if we this guy should be doing some damage especially that Caravan guy oh man what a terrible evening we've been spending a ton of a ton of money on keeping on his upkeep oh and I'm on the ground leave him alone I might need to hit his feet oh yeah there we go he's not armored on his feet as well [Music] throw him into him Adam boys there we go and unfortunately the asteroid Caravan Master did survive we'll probably just fire him to be honest that was terrible he just stood there and got dunked on there's no need for that I guess actually we could keep him because he is giving us a good amount of medicine X because he's a high level yeah we've we probably need to get medicine up as soon as we can and we did pick up two prisoners here so another Hill Warrior and a Hillman and we got an upgrade actually let's go ahead and upgrade him I'd rather have these guys at higher tier than to be more efficient here so let's do that at these guys that don't oh we finally got a weapon it's not really what we wanted but I guess it's better than nothing A little bit of Civilian gear we still need a weapon for the civilian side things I guess we could probably use this one-hitter because we don't really want a one-hitter we're not using one-handed in this campaign at least not on our main but on the bright side our party grows yet again so let's avoid getting into fights where we're outnumbered by a lot and actually so eight is probably gonna be okay six is what we would like to do think we should probably work on getting these guys upgraded or converted into into our troops and getting this guy upgraded is going to help quite a bit [Music]
Channel: Strat Plays
Views: 148,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LtysmC9SuhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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