Bannerlord Perks Guide - Bow Perks: Complete Guide To All Bow Perks & Rambo Bonus At The End!

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in this episode of the band alert perks guide we will look at the bow skill perks by the end of this video you will have a complete understanding of what each one does and which to pick based on your specific needs i put timestamps in the description for a convenience and without further ado let's get started bow control this perk was a little tricky to figure out how to test but i decided to superimpose two videos on top of each other so we can see exactly what difference our aiming reticle has both with and without the perk we can see a much tighter aim with the perk the captain perk gives plus five percent damage to both troops which by itself isn't very good but can be decent if you stack enough damage modifiers from other perks with it dead aim bias alert i love this perk that being said it does make a significant difference to our damage output we averaged 116 damage without the perk and 143 with picking up nearly 24 percent more damage this may not be necessary in the late game but it really helps a lot early and mid game allowing us to one shot most troops for the captain perk we can pick up plus 20 for bow equipped troops in the same formation i'm a huge fan of skill increase as it increases both accuracy and damage at the same time dead aim is my pick 100 of the time picking for captain dead aim as well since skill increase gives more than just a damage bonus bodkin armor reduction perks should act in a similar way to damage increased perks this assumption breaks down though at the lower tier armor there is virtually no difference against looters and only a four percent difference when shooting at her horse with the highest armor in the game at 125. the same can be said for the captain perk only giving a tiny five percent reduction not good rangers swiftness sometimes i wake up from a nightmare where i was dreaming about testing yet another movement speed perk and bannerlord this is the stuff horror movies are made of we moved while we're loading for over 20 seconds and there's literally zero difference between having or not having the perk the captain perk at least gives a flat moment speed bonus but three percent is not enough to make a difference for a main character bodkin is the pick as the armor reduction even though small will help us out in the late game for the captain perk it will depend upon what modifiers you are stacking if you stack a captain with damage boosts go bodkin movement speed perks gopher rangers swiftness quick adjustments for the testing of this perk i apologize if anyone gets motion sick from this we can see a huge difference with and without the perk this is particularly useful for aiming at fast moving enemies up close like a cavalry charge the captain perk boosts the accuracy of our archers which is quite a nice bonus i prefer accuracy over damage rapid fire this is one of those perks that we don't even need to test to know it's good you can immediately tell the difference with and without it good job tail worlds we need more of this we tested by taking five shots and with the perk we nearly shot all five in the same time it took us to shoot four without the perk the captain perk giving five percent faster bow reload speed is interesting the faster an archer releases his arrows the more damage per second they will do for our main character rapid fire is just too good to pass up for the captain perk this is a tough one if you have ranged units with low ammo count such as the empire archer line then accuracy will be more important for all others consider taking rapid fire for the reload speed merry men while plus 5 is a pretty small bonus i still think party size is a top tier bonus it's never a bad thing to have more troops on your side for the governor perk you can never go wrong with having more militia mounted archery for those who aspire to be like the great khan i present mounted archery we tested three shots while moving quickly and while it's tough to see there is a big difference if we look at both with and without together we can see much tighter reticle a quick note this perk has more effect the faster you're moving so sitting still has no effect and moving at maximum speed has a maximum effect the governor perk seems a little underwhelming at plus 20 security from garrison archers but it can help for some newly conquered settlements that need to be stabilized personally i pick merry men for my main character 100 of the time regardless of my build however the mounted archery perk is legitimately good so if you do a lot of mounted combat this is still a strong pick i just prefer party slice to everything else for the governor pick i prefer merryman for the militia increase strong bows i'm so happy to not see a two percent damage perk eight percent is a very big increase to damage output in our testing we shot ten times with and without the perk and the results were about as expected picking up on average six percent more damage overall for the captain perk we see another five percent damage increase but for tier three troops and above not great but not bad either trainer this perk gives passive xp bonuses to both our companions and our bull-equipped troops the nice thing here is that both perks are tagged as party leader meaning we have both active at all times for companions it adds 6xp per day to the lowest bow skill and for archers it adds 3xp each adding xp to a skill that our companions will not be using is only useful for raising the main level but every little bit helps i guess the pick here is easy strong bow 100 of the time discipline i'd love to see plus 50 bonuses but unfortunately this one is just a tease in our testing we were able to hold our aim for seven seconds without the perk and 10 seconds with i can't ever remember a situation where having 10 seconds to aim at something would have been useful another thing to point out this perk is really helpful with low tier bows but at level 150 we should have graduated to higher tier by then the governor perk is a different story plus one loyalty is a massive bonus even for settlements not having issues with rebellions higher loyalty will also give a construction speed increase hunter clan the hardest part of being an archer is usually dealing with cavalry this perk can help with that some we see from our testing an increase of over 26 percent to horses with the perk this perk is great for mounted archery builds as taking on other cavalry with ranged weapons is safer than dueling with a lance or a glaive up close the governor perk is quite good too at 15 wage reduction for garrison troops for our main the pick is hunter clan 100 of the time for governor i think discipline is the pick unless you are specifically building a wage reduction companion that stacks several other wage reduction perks plus one loyalty is just too good eagle eye for those aspiring to be a medieval sniper this is the perk for you in testing we can see a pretty big increase in the zoom my biggest issue with this perk is that you have to relearn how high to aim above the target making for a frustrating couple of battles while you're adjusting the secondary perk increases spawning distance by exactly 10 this can make a big difference for leveling scouting faster skirmish phase master there are a few things in bannerlord more frustrating than being taken down at distance from ranged troops this perk helps mitigate some of that with a 10 reduction in testing we actually see a 12 reduction into damage the captain perk is an interesting one as i generally don't like my archers to take direct engagements they are usually behind a shield wall which soaks up the arrows for them for our main i take skirmish phase master 100 of the time if you have a companion that will be leading a caravan then take eagle eye as the extra vision can help them avoid being captured bullseye for a captain perk 10 percent more xp for ranged troops is great since ranged units tend to inflict the bulk of the casualties during a battle the governor perk adding 2 xp per day is good if you need to level up low tier troops by leaving them in a garrison renowned archer increasing the morale of our ranged troops is not all that useful as they tend to be safe behind a shield wall not making much use of morale cheaper upgrade and recruitment is okay but by the time we are level 200 money is rarely a consideration main character pick renowned archer and bullseye for governor deep quivers picking up an extra plus three arrows per quiver is really nice in the testing we can see having three stacked bodkin arrows without the perk gives 96 arrows and with the perk 105 the secondary perk is nice as it's a party leader perk which we can use at all times and plus one arrow per quiver per troop is great for long battles horsemaster being able to equip any bow on horseback is a nice feature the noble longbow is extremely powerful and can only be used on foot without this perk the damage output is incredible i tested both the noble and the noble longbow side by side for a comparison the biggest benefit to the noble longbow is the damage in every other category the noble bow outshines it faster draw speed projectile speed and a tighter reticle for aiming the captain perk is amazing as plus 30 to both skill for mounted archers is insane the only situation where i will take horse master for a main is if i'm having issues one-shotting enemy troops from close range the noble longbow will shred anything it touches however for medium to long distance shots the accuracy and projectile speed of the noble bow can't be beat and deep quivers for extra arrows is my pick for a companion leading other mounted archers horse master is the pick quick draw i find this perk particularly useful in a siege battle 25 faster aim is quite nice when you need to get accurate shots off quickly and then return to cover to avoid being shot in testing it doesn't seem like much but in a real archery duel tenths of a second can make a huge difference the governor perk adding five percent tax is just bad salvo maybe i'm doing something wrong here can somebody let me know in the comments why none of these movement speed perks work both with and without the perk were exactly the same jesus what is that what the [ __ ] is that for the governor perk 20 security for ranged troops is marginal at best the pick for maine is quick draw for a governor salvo is a bit more useful but not by much deadshot the description says this increases damage in both speed but it actually changes more than that notice the speed to reload and shoot is the same from level 1 to 275 without the perk but faster with the perk and even faster at 3 30. also the accuracy is much better at higher levels since the reticle is tighter at higher levels the biggest difference is with the damage though as we can see from the testing at level 1 66 damage on average level 275 without the perk 80 damage 275 with the perk 88 damage and finally 330 with the perk 103 damage that's nearly double from level 1 to 330. we are nearing the end of the video which means it's time for the bonus the rambo build if you've ever seen rambo you'll know that you should never bring a knife to a gunfight or a sword to a bowfight in our case with the help of a few perks we are going to recreate rambo in band alert and make the nastiest aeroslinger that ever walked to calradia the rules are simple bow and arrow only no melee weapons taking up our arrow slots the perks we will need to achieve this are many but all in categories that would work well together starting out with a two-handed perk vandal which reduces armor for all weapons we use next we take all bow perks that will increase our mobility and decrease movement speed penalties and aiming penalties for moving since we are fighting with a bow at melee distances we need to be agile in the athletics category we take anything that helps our movement speed including reducing armor weight rotary we pick up a few utility perks that will help us survive and finish off with a movement speed perk in medicine and an engineering perk that gives us 50 more arrows during a siege for our loadout we take a noble bow with three quivers of stacked bodkin arrows for armor we pick the best in class that qualify as civilian armor this will allow us the greatest mobility but still have great armor and decent survivability our loadout weighs less than 14 in total while most troops would run away at the sight of a massive army approaching not rambo he runs into the enemy with his mighty bow collecting as many souls as he can snag as soon as the enemy are within melee distance we simply move back to get enough space for another shot enemy has a pesky shield on the way no problem kick him in the nuts and send him to the ground with an arrow the real strength of this build comes to light during a siege with 156 shots before we run dry we can easily rack up 100 kills or more although it ruins our chad image we will still pick defenders off the wall from a distance until our siege towers are in place once they are we are the first ones at the gate and rain down arrows upon everyone since we have great mobility we can easily outmaneuver everyone and continue to shoot while avoiding most damage from this close of distance every shot is a one shot to down them eventually we get lazy and wiff a shot from close range but i hope you can see the power of the melee bow build don't forget to stab that like button before you leave it really helps me out a ton if you want to see more videos and guides just like this consider subscribing let me know in the comment section below what topic you would like to see covered on the channel up next we will be looking at all of the crossbow perks thanks again for watching and i'll see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Strat Gaming Guides
Views: 189,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mount and Blade 2, Mount & Blade 2, Bannerlord, Bannerlord 2, Bannerlord II, Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord, Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord, Ultimate Guide Bannerlord, Bannerlord Guide, XP & Leveling, XP and Leveling, Skills, Exploit, Efficient Leveling, Perks, Bannerlord Perks Guide, Calradia, Governor, Captain, speed bonus, damage bonus, bonus, Bow, Rambo Build, Reload Speed, Draw Speed, Aim, Reticle, Sniper, Longbow, Noble Bow, Mounted Archery
Id: gtlMI3FMWlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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