Bannerlord Perks Guide - Two Handed: Complete Guide To All Two Handed Perks

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hello and welcome back to another strat gaming video guide in this episode of the banner lord perks guide we will take a look at the two-handed skill perks by the end of this video you will have a complete understanding of what each one does and wish to pick based on your specific needs i put timestamps in the description for your convenience and without further ado let's get started strong grip in the previous perks guide i said handling increase isn't that good and i mostly stand behind that but with high damage two-handed weapons we can make an exception we test by striking the enemy with the extreme edge of our swing and test with and without without the perk most blows ended up in the low 70s and with the perk in the low 80s which is a decent increase it's especially good for two-handed axes where the cleave damage will never be right in front of you making handling very important the captain perk adding 30 skill to all two-handed troops is great if you plan on using large amounts of two-handed shock troops woodchopper a thirty percent increase in damage to shields is a big deal using a two-handed axe we can see that without the perk it takes 5 direct hits and with the perk only 4 hits this is especially useful during a siege assault where breaking enemy shields from a siege ladder or gate breach can help a lot the captain perked a plus 15 percent increase for troop damage to enemy shields feels underwhelming the ai doesn't attack as often or quickly as we do and unless we have mostly axe or falx troops we won't be destroying any shields tough pick here if you plan on using mostly two-handed axes then i would recommend stone grip for a two-handed sword focus go with wood chopper and use a fox blade when you need to take down lots of shields head basher 10 extra damage is pretty big although damage is rarely a concern with the two handed weapons the captain perk as great as 2 damage for all troops in the same formation is amazing stack a few of these and you have uber troops on the edge bias alert i love using two-handed swords and attack speed is crucial testing with and without we can see that with the perk we complete the combo seven frames faster than without there are 258 frames for this combo from start to finish so we see an increase of 2.7 percent in speed i love tailworld's maths when it's in our favor for the captain's part the same logic applies here if your troops are faster to hit then you cancel the enemies attack and deal damage in the same blow if you're planning on an axe heavy or mace heavy playthrough then head basher is the pick but for me personally it's on the edge 100 of the time baptized in blood i couldn't get the first part of this perk to work but the second part does increase melee infantry xp in several tests our troops averaged 32.7 xp more with this perk which was an 11.1 increase again tail world's maths show of strength we have a 30 chance to knock someone to the floor if we do over 25 damage i have mixed feelings about this one the majority of the time we're gonna one shot people but for those times when we don't it knocks them over making it take longer to get the killing blow in it can be nice if you're surrounded and need to buy some time as they can't attack you if they're on the floor 20 discount to troop recruitment is decent especially since we can get it fairly early on at level 75. if the average troop recruited is tier 3 which normally costs 100 in ours and we recruit 500 troops per year then for a 20-year period we would have saved 200 000 in ours if you're really struggling to level infantry then take baptized in blood but otherwise showa strength is the pick here beast slayer this is the type of bonus i like to see fifty percent makes a huge difference dispatching five horses without the perk took two to three hits but with the perk most were done in one hit the extra 10 percent for infantry against mounts is laughable especially since the ai rarely targets mounts on purpose shield breaker almost the same as the level 25 perk but we get 40 damage boost against shields i'm a fan again the 10 percent for infantry damage to shields is laughable and not even worth discussing the pick here is easy if you took wood chopper at level 25 take shield breaker if you took strong grip then go beast's layer stacking the shield bonus is amazing taking our earlier example to destroy a shield from five hits down to three berserker 20 is a huge increase to damage and since we are fighting without a shield the likelihood of us taking heavy damage is high 10 decrease to all garrison wages is very nice 15 is still a good bonus but we would have to maintain 90 of our hp to gain the bonus which is fairly unlikely a single arrow will remove the perk from the battle faster build time for town projects can be nice but there are better ways to boost a town's build speed berserker is my pick 100 of the time arrow deflection while the concept of this perk is pretty cool in practice it's extremely difficult to use don't count on it working when you need it as even with a bit of practice i was blocking at about 10 to 20 of incoming arrows i'm not sure what they were thinking with this governor perk but it's about as useful as the siege towers in the current patch hope while this perk may work it was nearly impossible for me to test its effectiveness in a rigorous way it seems like we need a big battle for the kills to have an effect but the more troops we have the more randomness and less control we introduce making results noisy and useless the secondary perk is amazing as anything increasing our party limit takes priority terror this one was a little easier to test we started with a group of 20 looters without the perk most ran after five kills and all of them ran after seven kills with the perk most ran at five and the rest after six in a much larger battle this effect could be significant although again it would be difficult to test accuracy due to the battle size increasing prisoner count by 10 seems like a good idea but in practice it's just not that useful based on the party size increase alone my pick is hope but i wouldn't hold it against you if you wanted the 20 more morale damage reckless charge the extra speed damage on foot is fairly small so unless you are stacking damage perks then this is probably not worth it the captain perk is really nice though which complicates things extra damage and movement speed for all infantry is a two for one and worth considering thick hides more hp for a two-handed build is extremely important since we lose the shield the secondary perk is s-tier plus five hp for all troops not just infantry i take hp increase over damage 100 percent of the time thick hides is my pick blademaster a 10 damage increase to all two-handed weapons is pretty nice but again damage isn't usually an issue with these weapons however the two percent attack speed increase makes this perk a consideration for a companion vandal ignoring 25 of an enemy's armor is huge when fighting against high tier troops looking at a test between the two level 225 perks here we see an even bigger increase in overall damage by reducing the armor overtaking the 10 damage increase for the secondary perk i see what they're going for trying to tie in the name but 20 damage against destructible objects is objectively bad since we rarely even have the opportunity to use it if i'm picking for my main character then it's vandal 100 of the time if i'm picking for a companion i would consider blade master way of the great axe this perk is similar to the one-handed final perk giving both increased to attack speed and damage for two-handed weapons looking at the tests we see a massive difference between 250 and 300. i'm not sure level 330 is worth it as there isn't that much difference between 300 and 330. we are nearing the end of the video which means it's time for some bonuses so here we go ultimate shield buster battling a shield wall with a two-handed weapon can be tricky often times we must close the distance with our enemy and get a good kick in before unleashing our one hit kill potential however kicks are not easy to land and getting that close to the enemy wall opens us up for attacks from other angles if we can dispatch their shields in one to two hits then their ability to defend themselves drops significantly for this build we take both shield damage increased perks as well as all damage increase perks that affect axes level 25 wood chopper level 50 head basher level 100 shield breaker level 225 blade master and level 250 way of the great axe at level 300 two-handed skill this brings our shield damage bonus to 70 and our overall axe damage to plus 45 just from perks alone i don't even need to explain just watch this [Applause] the hostels of calradia if you watched a stewart guide then you might be familiar with this next strategy troops are expensive however with the right set of perks and culture we can significantly reduce their expense much like staying at a hostel instead of a luxury hotel some of our troops will even pay us for their lodging to make this work we start out as the empire culture giving both castles and towns a minus 20 garrison wage reduction for castles we can upgrade the castle line's office to level 3 giving extra 30 wage discount we finish off with the level 50 and 75 stuart perks giving 5 and 20 reduction respectively adding all this up we get a 75 wage reduction in total this means their tier 6 army of fee and champions that normally cost 6 800 in ours per day drops down to only 1700 we can achieve the same results with any troop type in a castle towns are a bit harder to reproduce the same results but with all of these perks we can achieve the exact same 75 reduction for all infantry and archers however when it comes to cavalry if we add in the level 225 perk we can reduce their wages by 105 which you guessed it means they pay us five percent of their daily wages time to open a bed and breakfast for all calvary and cal radio i want to thank you so much for watching another strat gaming video guide if you found any of this information entertaining or useful hit that like button as it's the best way to let the youtube algorithm know that i'm doing something right if you want to see more videos and guides just like this consider subscribing let me know in the comment section below what topic you would like to see covered on the channel up next we will be looking at all of the poll arm perks thanks again for watching and i'll see you on the next one [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Strat Gaming Guides
Views: 168,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mount and Blade 2, Mount & Blade 2, Bannerlord, Bannerlord 2, Bannerlord II, Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord, Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord, Ultimate Guide Bannerlord, Bannerlord Guide, XP & Leveling, XP and Leveling, Skills, Exploit, Efficient Leveling, Perks, Bannerlord Perks Guide, Two Handed, Falx, Axe, Shield, Hostel, Calradia, Cheap Garrison, Wage reduction, Derthert, Spear Brace
Id: V3MzSC5hmew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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