Banjo Kazooie | The Completionist | New Game Plus

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Banjo Kazooie is one of the best platformers of our time it's great for both new gamers and old with that mind this skin gets my completionist ratings up finish it or complete it that was a really long time ago October 28th 2011 to be exact the show was still very much in this Nason see practically a newborn I hadn't even figured out what my own rating system was back then but even though a lot of things have changed since then my sentiments about banjo kazooie have not well maybe a little welcome to completionist new game+ where I continued my crusade to recompete the first 120 games featured on my show today I'm recomputing banjo kazooie a game that's near and dear to my heart but was surprisingly slightly everything I remembered it to be that that might just be my memory going considering how I'm getting old am I getting old like you have sleep apnea of course you're getting old I mean that's because I'm gonna be getting a lot of weight doesn't mean them as yeah mold [Music] ah coming back to Banjo Kazooie is like coming home to some comfort food you know it's gonna be good and it just might make you feel a little bit like a kid again but now that I've completed it again as a full-blown adult I realize that there's even more to appreciate about banjo kazooie than I originally thought this game is a bonafide classic 3d platformer complete with the collectathon main course and a side of charming whimsy the premise is your classic case of which wants pretty bear has pretty which steals bear and older brother of bear sets off to the rescue with his Platonic bird life partner simple elegant beautiful platonic banjo kazooie feels like a sub cultural touchstone since it seems like everyone who had an n64 also had this game it's like it was a mail-in rebate or something this game was so prolific and beloved then it helped to make rare a household name and cemented the 3d platformers genres place in the halls of gaming mario 64 may have gotten that party started but banjo kept the beats cranked up until the cops showed up at 4 a.m. you're sly Cooper's your hat in times and your ukuleles can all trace back their successes to the humble duo of the bear and the bird as I've said before I've come back to this game many times over the years which was mainly even easier in 2008 when it was remastered for the Xbox Live Arcade that's the version I originally competed for the show and that's the version I've completed this time around as well the first time I complete the banjo kazooie for the show I had a great time running around the worlds and collecting everything I could get my paws on interacting with those worlds Denison's was always a treat in unlocking new areas and techniques were great motivators to keep you playing besides collecting every single item in the game it wasn't much to completing banjo kazooie even when you account for the achievements that they added to the Xbox LIVE edition at the end of the day the game didn't offer much in the way of rewards but it's endearing nuances and Celer gameplay made it worth the effort and now after completing it again for the umpteenth time I'm genuinely astonished by the new elements I've come to a pre she thought it was a wrap that's it I formulated my opinion on banjo kazooie and nothing's gonna change it I thought I'd never get to see tricks in the shape of real fruit again it was nothing but generic spheres for me from here on out but I was wrong and I think I have an explanation for this phenomenon see back when I first did banjo for the show I was barely the completionist I had only completed four games for the show at that point leaving entire libraries of games as of then unplayed and outside of my immediate consciousness but now that I've been at this for eight years and have completed over 300 games I've got so many more games fresh in my memory to compare to banjo which is why it's clearer than ever to me how banjos influence is all over the place this game established several elements that would eventually become staples of the 3d platformer genre for instance this was one of the first 3d platformers I remember being truly populated with a bunch of memorable characters everywhere you turn in banjo kazooie there are crazy coops to interact with making each world feel more alive and real I mean as real as anything can feel with mumbo-jumbo walking around but you get my point nowadays fun and PCs and 3d platformers go together like peanut butter and chocolate so much so that if one of these games didn't have a healthy population of cartoon people players would feel cheated when I first completed banjo these characters were the things that stuck in my mind long after I turned off the game and four years after - it's hard to forget something as dope as a witch that speaks exclusively in rhyme she's great in fact all these characters are still just as enjoyable this time around but knowing that they blazed a trail for countless other fun characters makes them feel extra special I also realized that I've been taking something else for granted the fact that you don't get booted to the hub world each time you complete the mission this wasn't always the case with these types of games I know I've already made this comparison but it's a fair one Mario 64 is a masterpiece and everything but once you collect a critical item and are allowed to just keep cruising to the next activity it's hard to go back to that slow alternative sorry painting enthusiasts as far as I know banjo kazooie was the first 3d platformer to implement this kind upon interrupted gameplay or at least it was the first one that got enough attention to spread that particular design philosophy among its temporaries it wasn't in banjo might not have been in games like mario odyssey it's a trip to think about but cool nonetheless during my most recent time with it banjo kazooie kept revealing to me how ahead of the curve it's always been like including puzzles and secrets that link two separate worlds together and making certain collectibles really matter mechanically this game has always been the quintessential 3d platformer to me but now I see just how wide reaching its influence was and the only reason why I never reached so wide is because of the impression it made on its players it's hard to forget such vibrant locales and funky faces but now more than ever I realize just how much banjo kazooie sound design contributes to its uniqueness nothing sounds quite like this game which is thanks to in large part that weird gibber's Bing bong language in which the characters speak when I first completed the game for the show I was admittedly somewhat annoyed by this chopped-up jibber-jabber but now this is my jam I don't know what happened all I know is back in the day it seemed dumb now it seems dumb which is great this little dialogue oddity makes each character feel unique even without full-on voice acting plus it makes me laugh I'm starting to see the actual fruit pieces again and of course the music itself is still as great as it's always been this seriously might be my favourite video game soundtrack of all time they're the exact same songs as before but now that I've gotten to know the composer grant kirkhope better I'm lucky enough to have a little bit more insight into some of these tracks this dude claims that banjo kazooie is one of his favorite games he's ever composed for and it shows with just how good the music is and how excited he is whenever he talks about it and now that I know what was going on through his head when he composed some of it it's like hearing this stuff with new ears brand new baby ears man so grant thank you for taking the time to talk to me today no thank you for asking me he's nice to be asked to talk so it's nice to get the old bloke out the co but now and then right to talk to what was the idea behind making the overall tone of banjo Dopey's not the right word but there's kind of this like quirky that's what I just asked what your inspiration was behind it I think what I started doing it I knew that I've dug I shouldn't we were trying - 64 right that was our plan now that we will try go for that game out with lead to beat it there was no point in me writing that kind of Nintendo poppy just because like koji kondo is fantastic at that and I'm terrible at that so it would be a disaster so I thought I need to find something somehow that's gonna make it me I came up with that dad I did I did I did I did it cut woods right I need to write jolly platform tune with some birds singing along make it jolly I don't know anything I could do with it I listen to Danny Elfman and only a Beetlejuice track he had that one pop oompah oompah oompah oompah all over the place and it gave it that really kind of upbeat tempo but you can still make it quirky and dark if it needs to be so I was like ooh this I might a little white world in my head so no you cuz it got dark chords I can do a non-pom pump but it doesn't it's not gonna scare the kids right I felt the characters of oddball I felt like musically did reflect and also the human the game was oddball I caught the team together we had that kind of oddball Monty Python asked if you want to call it where ever it is that split adult email so I think I had to try and get that in the music somehow thinking about that you never know you never know if you manage it cuz all you got to do is the dev team that you bounce it off if you'd have asked the dev team any of the guys at the time I'd probably gone well you did our best with no idea but you just don't know where those things it's just one of those things you know grant thank you so much for your time I really appreciate it any time Gerald I'm always hope to talk to you my friend absolutely some aspects of banjo kazooie see me exactly the same though completing this game is still just a matter of making your way through the ten worlds and making sure to pick up every single thing you see along the way every jiggy every jinjo mumbo token and extra honeycomb pieces grabbing items that make a difference like the stuff that transforms you or gives you access to new moves are always hype but then there are the things like the musical notes which are just there to get you for the most part I'm still just as tolerant of them as I've always have been and I'm still as understanding of what this game has always been it's a collectathon but it's the friends you meet along the way that make it special or something like that especially when you consider just how well these collectibles are distributed within each world providing just the right balance between challenge and ease for the player and making your way through those worlds feels smooth and intuitive thanks to the surprisingly good for its time camera which was only made better by the switch to stick controls in the Xbox Live Arcade version but yeah the end of the day you're still gonna be collecting a lot of crap because some things never change but then there's my impression of rusty bucket bay one of the late game worlds I used to dread it because of how long it would take me to beat it back in the day it would take a double or triple the time of any other world it was just so empty feeling and see me looking and to spread out and but this time when I got to rusty bucket bay I did something different I used my brain like an adult instead of going from what activity to the next willy-nilly I combed this muck for systematically no stone left unturned it turned out to not be that bad I beat it in my own record time making me not load the level quite as much genuine growth my being wiser and more experienced helped me enjoy one of my favorite games even more that's magical it's kind of cool to know that even when you think you know everything there is to know about something you can always learn more which gives me the confidence I need to see for myself what this cereal looks like to present-day mean let's just bite the bullet okay let's just let's just do this what the hell check the price check the prize tax forms tax forms [Music] your reward for doing it all and banjo-kazooie is the same as it's always been not that much if you're diligent about hunting down all the musical notes you'll unlock a double-sized to life bard to help you out in the final fight at least banjo kazooie does include some fun cheat codes of both the game breaking and harmless fun varieties but despite the lack of juicy rewards banjo kazooie is still an excellent platform even after all these years if you're a banjo a veteran you might be shocked at what new things you'll discover if you've give it a revisit completing this game is its own reward without a doubt and all for sure be completing it again one day in my recompression of banjo kazooie there were 900 notes collected 100 jiggies rescue 45 Jin discovered 24 extra honeycomb pieces found 12 achievements unlocks 8 and a half hours of total playtime and $1,500 that I owe the IRS after filling out those taxes it's the prize that keeps on giving I guess banjo kazooie to me and just for me I think that can firmly say is perfect it is what I loved about completing games it's what I love about video games in general and it's the kind of game that it's always Christmas whenever I open it up to play it just hits me that hard in the chest all across the board I love this game so with that in mind guys I give this game my completionist rating of completed and just complete it none of this and finish it stuff or finna peated complete it that's all time here today guys so please as always let me know what you thought about today's episode it's somewhere on the internet a big thank you to grant kirkhope er ticking the time today to talk about banjo kazooie and all of its awesomeness if you want to check out his channel there's only two that on screen somewhere or in the description box down below which I out saw you guys at patreon who are all awesome and we'll see you next week for the brand-new episode bye [Music]
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 544,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Banjo-Kazooie, nintendo 64, rare, banjo tooie, n64, platformer, rareware, rare replay, banjo-tooie, Banjo Kazooie gameplay, game reviews, game review, nuts and bolts, Banjo Kazooie 2, Banjo Kazooie 3, Banjo Kazooie nuts and bolts, jirard khalil, completionist, nintendo, nintendo switch, yooka laylee, yooka laylee review, grant kirkhope, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Kazooie review, yooka laylee gameplay, smash, smash ultimate, banjo smash bros, smash bros
Id: gqkpnLtKP6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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