Bandman Kevo on Scamming, Prison, Chief Keef, Jay Z, FBG Duck, Flipping Money (Full Interview)

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all right here we go bam man kevo welcome to vlad tv what's going on hey madam yeah i've seen you doing your thing now selling on a few other platforms see you're you know kind of a very unique hip-hop figure yeah just trying to get it right you know trying to educate right now you know i'm seeing it i'm seeing it well it's your first time here so i want to get into your whole story so you grew up in chicago yes sir okay and what was chicago like in the 90s the early 2000s i mean chicago was kind of bad you know what i'm saying i always had the motive to really just leave chicago to be honest um it was always a lot of stuff going on as far as like dangerous things going like as a kid i shouldn't have basically seen so but i get to me honestly i feel like it made me stronger you know i'm saying to be who i am today but i just seen a lot that's the reason why i'm like always on my toes and really want money really bad you know what i mean because it's so much poverty out there and there's so much griminess you know i'm saying it's always pushes you to get to the next level in life that's what i feel like well with your situation you had a two-parent household right yeah okay siblings yep one brother okay so were your parents middle class you know they was like struggling yeah okay okay why do you think they were struggling i feel like the the our surrounding areas where we stayed at you know i feel like um by them standing in a poverty area to actually save money didn't bring any connections or relationships to really get rich or to make money you know what i mean because everybody was around us and around them was basically like-minded so by them being like-minded it wasn't no real motivation to get rich you you understand yeah so by them wanna like save money that means project buildings housing authority right so when you put yourself in that situation you actually by you putting yourself in that situation you want to save money but it's actually bad for you at the end for your future so a person like me making millions of dollars later and you being a parent and you seeing your kid like wow you know what i'm saying and your kid telling you like it's the it's it's your community that you're in you know i'm saying is the mindset that's all around you everybody's negative everybody's mad you know i'm saying everybody's shy see there's no real income flowing through that so that's what uh well you yourself growing up with that kind of environment what do you think were some of the worst things you went through you know as a teen um i feel like i've seen just well chicago was known for gang banging so i've seen a lot of kids joining gangs early to be accepted everybody was i never smoked a drunk in my drink in my life right so i used to see a lot of kids do it to make their friends happy i was never like a follower i was always one to be the leader i wanted to be the person that was of the kid that was doing it because he's trying to impress him i always wanted to be that person not the person that's oh let me have a drinker let me smoke to make him happy because i didn't see no benefits in making that person happy it wasn't making them rich you know what i'm saying i always wanted to be like that person that everybody liked and loved and everybody was really just gang banging and stuff like that so i just feel like i've seen a lot of people get beat up with baseball bats rob shot everything you know chicago so i mean um my only goal was to just get rich bro you know i'm saying i always and the reason because i watched a lot of tv now my parents they didn't really watch tv i was into watching like rappers and music videos but i didn't watch him to actually just watch him i was like damn i want that car i want this i want that house you know what i'm saying i was like damn i'm gonna get it one day i'm gonna get it i just need to do it i need to get around on people that they're around or something that's how i grew up thinking okay so growing up in chicago in the projects with this gang element around you did you ever dabble in that at all or were you always like not interested in that no i wouldn't i wasn't interested at all it was um like i told you i didn't really see no benefit from it like as far as i was always a kid that just really wanted some money now maybe if some money was involved i probably would have like jumped into it but everybody that i was watching getting into it it was it wasn't doing anything for them so i'm more of a i need benefits in certain things so that's why i never mess with it okay so you're growing up in chicago you go to high school and you graduate high school nah i actually did i actually dropped out about 10th grade yeah okay why is that i didn't i felt like college i mean well i felt like high school was a scam you know the stuff that i was learning um it wasn't benefiting me none at all in the world in society it was like a game like i was learning about people uh old presidents and um like weird subjects that i i didn't feel like my parents was older right so i'm like none of the stuff that i'm learning right now is doing nothing for their life right now so i'm not gonna do this you know so i feel like i should start learning things that um you know that can actually get me rich okay so you drop out of high school in the 10th grade uh but by 19 years old you start scamming yeah leading up to the scamming what were you doing for money i was actually working so i was learning how to make fake documents and um i was learning like i was really learning like mostly a lot of scam stuff before i really jumped in so what i did was uh you know they got sites for fake high school diplomas and stuff like that so i started working at a temp agency and um when i started working at the temp agency i got in with a fake high school diploma i was working there i was working a few factories and then after that my checks was like 2-300 a week i was working like crazy bro i'm like man this can't this can't be the life you know what i'm saying like so i started that's when i started skimming okay so what were your first few scams at 19 uh the first few scams i was i'm gonna be honest i wasn't like scamming by myself i've met some people that was scamming and i just like locked on to what they had going on so really at the time i was just passing information or cards to them people to make it go through and then i started watching them to learn what they were doing so i could do it myself because nobody in this even in 2021 is putting you on anything without you either without the benefits or you actually are going to have to pay them for their knowledge you know what i'm saying so i knew the person that i was dealing with wasn't just going just show me how to make hundreds of thousands of dollars they would have to eat off me but they didn't know i was so smart to start learning earlier on so when i started giving it to them i'm hitting a person up that i'm um that i'm like look for instance let's say if there's a bank card okay we was doing it for 20 30 40k at the time i was figuring out what they were doing to actually make the money go on account and i was actually hitting up the account holder to see what was going on on their end so i knew both ends of both worlds so when i learned that then i didn't need this guy no more you get what i'm saying because when i found out okay how you do this how you do that oh you use this you use that you learn how to do this and that's when i started learning how to make my own checks that's when i started learning how to i learned everything about everything you know okay but then in 2012 you caught a case yeah and what did you get charged with at that point okay um 2012 i caught a case um i got charged with bank fraud uh it was through the state and um when i got when i caught the case it was kind of crazy because um it was because i had a whole lot of cards on me at a walmart um out in indiana and i had got pulled over it was a state case or whatever and they told me my bond was a hundred thousand dollars so i had the cash on me obviously i bonded out for ten thousand and we was going back and forth i paid my lawyer like seventy five thousand long story short he knew the judge which like like i always talk about i feel like the world is a scam in itself because like lawyers that know the judges and stuff like that how easy you can be cases but i guess that at the time like when i beat the case then the feds came and picked it up you know what i'm saying because if it's state line you know i'm saying usually feds will come get it up so when i found out that i was facing the fair case i'm just like i i got the same attitude like i'm like okay well [ __ ] i beat the state case i could beat the fair case you know what i'm saying so i put up another like 60 000 on the fair case but um when i when i hit caught the state case the feds basically was investigating around that time and then when they found my laptop and they took my cell phones away from me um they started digging more into more information so this is why like when i was when i was scamming i should have knew this which i knew better as far as like with laptops and phones a lot of people don't understand this all the information that you have in your phone or in the laptop will never get deleted whatever site that you own or whatever whatever you put in your phone will forever stay there so if the feds ever took your phone i don't matter what you think think got deleted it didn't get deleted so i was doing a whole lot of stuff so the reason why when i got caught in the 2012 case they put that case along with some other stuff that they had found in the computer in the laptop to make a bigger case and that's when 2014 i had actually got charged by the feds for a federal case i had um got locked up but since i never been in trouble ever right they had gave me a federal eye bond right so that means that if we gonna let you out but if you get any trying to trouble you're gonna have to pay this and you ain't getting out at all you're still gonna get hit with a fine and you gotta pay a fee so i'm like okay cool boom so in 2016 that's when i got citizen and that's when i had to go to go to jail and do the time okay and i want to get into that whole story but i'm just kind of setting up the timeline here so so you caught a state case in in 2012. yes sir right and then i guess you started rapping in 2013. yeah i became bad man kevin in 2013. okay and then you know i mean one of the big songs around that time was in 2014 the the bothering me remix with chief keef yep how did you get chief keef you know who was pretty hot at that point yeah so so with cheap keep um like i said i was like the biggest scammer in chicago i mean um i was i basically caught cheap keith right when he was blowing up you know what i'm saying so i was talking back and forth to him and [ __ ] it's like keep doing your thing and this and that so we knew each other right but um i knew chief keith like to actually get the song i got it through his uh one of his security you know what i'm saying he knew me real well and then we just got the vibe vibing i paid him i paid him like 14 000. he jumped on this track and [ __ ] we went up from there okay so here you are you're you're scamming on the side and you're trying to get your hip-hop career off the ground and you think that you beat your case but things are brewing on a federal level right okay so i actually went through the case and it was a pretty interesting case to say the least so so i guess you were one of 29 people charged in illinois indiana for uh for cracking cards which i guess is similar to like check kiting yeah so cracking cards is basically um taking a debit card with no money on it at all and actually taking a fake check that you made and putting the check in the account to make it clear basically it was catching the money before it got caught by the bank okay and so you would basically put a fake check into the account it looked like there's some money there then you go spend the money real quick yeah well not spend the money not spending money i i was i was going to like check cash in places getting the money off of the account before the banks knew so the bank's open at 8 pm so the money clears at like 2 3 4 5 a.m depending on what bank you with that's when the money cleared so i already have the whole 15 20 000 off the account before the banks found out before they let it go negative okay and i guess you were targeting uh university students no no no that was other people's cases me i was um actually okay the reason why i made so much money is because i was one of like the first people that started the uh direct message before anybody else was doing it so everybody was uh going to colleges and everybody was um meeting people in person i was meeting people through the inbox like on the internet so because you get mad you get massive more people when you're going versus me trying to go meet 20 college students i can just send 3 000 4 000 messages at one time okay and i guess you know one of the messages that was included uh in the case yeah which you allegedly wrote where you said you don't know me but we can make some cash together my brother works at citibank and he puts money on my account so i could do you a favor and have them put money on your account you know we can make up to 1900 profit per account you know we can do this every week no bs yeah that was one of your messages yeah that was one yeah okay so you would send a completely random person this message yeah and i guess if you said well how do you send thousands of dms so um it was like a little system that i had like um that like i was making pages and i it would be on the friend list so you you can basically send let's say if you got 5 000 friends you can send all 5 000 friends the same message so if i had 10 facebook pages with 5 000 different areas so 5 000 friends in houston 5 000 friends in new york 5 000 friends in cali with all the same message now you got you got to ask yourself that out of 5 000 people how many people you think gonna respond back and you got to think about the profit even if 100 spots respond back at 1900 all the way to 10 000 you do the math you know what i'm saying somebody is gonna want to do it it's a numbers game yeah so you send thousands of people messages a few respond and then boom you got you got the people that you're working with yeah okay so i mean based on the the complaint that got unsealed at one point you had three co-defendants yeah okay and you guys called yourself the rack boys no so so look this that's what they got confused at so the people that was in the case they basically just put me with a group of people that i never knew that i didn't know at all so they was like he called himself this he called us up that never on my profile you would ever see the direct boys or whatever that was it was just i guess it was just something to put on me to make the case more stronger and make me look worser to the judge you get understand most of the people that was on the case i never knew ever so that's how the feds were dead like if if i find out you're doing something i'ma put you with a group all these people that they don't know and these people didn't put y'all all in the court you kind of get what i'm saying versus even though y'all don't know each other or never met i'm still gonna make us look good to the judge okay and uh you would have allegedly posted a threat to law enforcement on facebook no i don't remember that okay i mean it might be though they probably did they was i mean i don't know i don't know i don't i don't remember that but [ __ ] is she they was saying all types of stuff on me though bro when i was in court they were just saying crazy stuff so what is it i mean yeah well uh that was just one of the things you know it that ford is also accused of printing counterfeit checks and posting a threat to law enforcement on his facebook wall wow yeah it was on my ass bro i ain't gonna lie to you they was just saying i'll type stuff about it okay so at what point did you know that the feds were kind of you know monitoring you um when they did the when they did the raid on my crib um when they did the raid on my home and they took my computer they took two computers and like four cell phones from me i knew like okay cool they definitely own me like they watching my pages they they trying to find they're basically doing their job they're investigating and doing their research to make a strong case you know what i'm saying so whatever they're gonna find in that laptop whatever they're gonna find in that phone they're gonna dig deeper right because you know conversations pictures um websites whatever they just gotta dig deeper and dig deeper and dig deeper and you know create whatever they need to create so i knew that that was going on and while all this was going on all this pressure was going on i still was staying positive still trying to build my music career still trying to make connections still trying to make things work you know what i'm saying so okay uh so at what point did your house get raided my house got raided um when i beat the state case right when i when we celebrate it it got raided two months later two months later it was like a 40 police car well foley 40 black trucks real fbi cars and it was crazy it was unbelievable that's great how did that feel to go through a raid like that like a dream bro like i was doing i was just like please wake up like what the [ __ ] like you know what i'm saying like it couldn't i couldn't believe it like the whole and i had a uh i had a condo but i also had an apartment like a nice apartment in indiana that was super nice so when i tell you everybody was outside like everybody like like they man like they was coming to get somebody that killed like 10 people it was like that bro i was like i said man y'all i said when they came to the dope and they put me in handcuffs they didn't say no they had hella guns and i i knew for a fact that i was like they gotta have the wrong person i know they're not coming like this not like how they came well at the at the point that you beat the state case right did you think all right i just dodged a major bullet here let me just completely you know get out of this game maybe even move out of chicago just go do something that's legal that just separate myself from all this see this is damn this is what i'm trying to tell you about chicago bro it's hard it sounds easy to you bro but it's so hard that's why you think i move it's so hard to get on the right track when everything is so like um like negative and everybody need money it's like you might want to get out bad but it's hard to get out you can only get out to do right if you probably move you have to move most successful people in chicago that's successful that's still successful is not in chicago chicago is a trap it's you either gonna get robbed you're either gonna get killed or you're going to jail it's only three ways out oh yeah i mean chief keef i i don't think he's been back to chicago in like 10 years that's what i'm saying bro it's it's not worth it what is the reason to go back to chicago to make who happy you know what i'm saying so so everybody can be happy or be real negative when something happened to you that's all that's gonna happen like oh yeah it's like playing with fire chicago is very dangerous rappers know that why you think a lot of rappers don't like show chicago love or go there too much it's not it's not the place to go to well yeah i mean uh if you watch my my first interview with fbg duck you know he talked about how he's gotten shot at that point two times in chicago and i was like so you should move and he's like no i'm not going to move and there was like a back and forth almost argument for about 10 minutes about why he's not going to move why he knows how to you know how to go to certain places and not and oh the reason why our pa the reason why all of us rappers is so paranoid and so honored and so you know what i'm saying like remember even with the location with this remember i was just telling bro it's just because chicagoness is like nahs it's more of a risk going here like bro people are getting killed right downtown where you would never think nothing can happen they're doing mass massacres right in places where it shouldn't happen you get what i'm saying so how you how are you safe out there you're not really safe at all in chicago i mean i was like huh right because fpg duck got killed on the rodeo drive on chicago in broad daylight with hundreds of witnesses man i couldn't believe it bro i was like wow so i just know when i seen that i'm like that really like if i was thinking about trying to no you know let me just grab another hump no that would just tell you like nope that's a confirmed that's like that confirm it like y'all don't go back there boy yeah it don't think that people want to stay in chicago people want to get out is how why do you think that i sit on these interviews and talk about finances and i talk about trying to help them do this or build their credit cause if they can listen to me and learn from me instead of just rap flashing and this and that i can teach them a little something maybe they might catch on and say yeah let me go get a trade liner let me go let me go learn about llc what is llc or what's cause no rapper when i was growing up taught me nothing about none of this so i'm like okay well maybe i could be the first to teach them about some business you know what i'm saying like connections mentorships and programs all types of stuff that you can actually get into because people make money out there a lot of people out there don't know what to do with their money as well you know what i mean so if you are making money you can be smart with your money get out of chicago is one of them the best thing to do in chicago is to leave okay so you get arrested by the feds and you know like you mentioned a couple of times they kind of sort of mush you into this bigger case yeah so you know according to the paperwork 29 people were indicted yeah um you know and according to the feds millions of dollars and losses you know were you know the banks had to you know basically swallow over over you and everyone else that they're trying to kind of charge with all this uh 16 of the defendants were facing 30 years in prison and a million million dollar fine each and you yourself were facing 30 years right yeah up to 30 years up to what they what they mean by that how the feds work is if you are facing up to 30 years it depends on your background so if you can if i if i let's say a little kid that just turned 18 catch a case they're going to say he's facing up to depending on if it's frau or murder or whatever if it's let's say if it's murder they're going to say up to 60 years but depending on how severe the case is how his background is they go off of a point system so the point system will show where you would be so if you've never been locked up i'm talking about never ever got in trouble your point system is going to go very very low so they're going to look at okay cool he is from 12 to 48 months you get what i'm saying so depending on you know say how you acted during probation because you get a probation period before you have to turn yourself in they're gonna say okay cool well he did okay 33 months okay but you do occasionally get that judge that says i'm gonna make an example out of you for whatever reason yes and i'm gonna give you the full 30 and that's the end of the story and if you want to appeal it you could try but then three judges above above me have to basically say that i was wrong so so this thing if a judge give you 30 years on a scam case that you never ever got in trouble for most likely you took that case to trial then i don't see them giving you 30 years on a case and you never got in trouble and you never you know what i'm saying it it just don't make sense without taking it to trial now yes if you take the case of trial they will hang you yeah because like i said me and you know the system is strictly about money so yes they would love to give you 30 years so they can make a couple million off you right but i feel like they still have to play by the book though bro you know what i'm saying like as far as with with cases and stuff like that okay so you weren't worried about 30 years at any point because you were what in your 20s no no no 30 years bro this if they 30 years like you kill somebody like i don't see them to give you 30 years like you kill somebody on a scam now i'm gonna tell you like this one of the real reasons why i didn't sell drugs and i rather had scam is because i knew how to time time works a lot of drug dealers get more time than scammers right so i was like okay i looked at all the times i knew bank fraud i knew this i knew that and i know the times they carried and i knew okay if i get caught doing this i know it ain't gonna be no like what a drug dealer get they get like 20 15 10 years for stuff that they was doing so i stayed in a scam lane at that time when i was doing what i was doing i knew that the time went crazy okay so ultimately you took a plea deal yeah and how many years was that plea deal the plea deal was 33 months so it's really two and a half years but when i found out see you don't really know the secrets to the feds until you actually get in the feds i could have actually knocked off a whole year if i would have took a program called the rdap program but i would had to go to court and lie and talk about oh well you know i got a drug problem or i got a massive lien problem and this and that and that will automatically knock off a year and without getting in trouble in jail which i did get in trouble so if i wouldn't got in trouble i could have knocked off six months so i could have knocked off a year and a half by taking the rdi program and not getting in trouble in jail okay and you also have to pay uh restitution yes i guess a 142 thousand dollars yep which was a 2004 audi and a 2006 maserati no that's that's also included yeah they they uh seize that in my in my audio okay so you took the plea deal you gave up your cars uh did you have to give some money on top of that or was just a car no they the cars they took um at the time i had a whole lot of designer gucci and stuff they uh had watches gucci watches with like 20 000 bezels on them they took all the bro they took a lot of stuff they took uh i had a custom-made 98-inch tv in my living room they they uh took that they took the i was one of the first people with the uh touch screen um like a it was like a not a mac but a regular desktop computer that was touch screen that was just very expensive they took they took a lot of stuff that was worth money basically so okay i mean how did it feel to spend all that time building up everything and then whoosh one one sweep they take everything they clear you out and they throw you in prison it just felt horrible i ain't gonna lie like um i was just sitting in jail just thinking like wow like this is like you know what i mean like it's crazy you know what i'm saying that's all i was really i couldn't really really think about nothing i was just thinking about like everything that just happened like damn i just they just took everything you know but like i said like one thing about life i feel like it just really just forced me to force me into the legal lane just like they took everything out just like them uh i was locked up with a lot of people that was in jail for being in the legal society right and they felt like they didn't supposed to be there and why was i here and why this and why that i'm just like damn so i felt a little better when i got to jail because of the people that i was surrounded by like two people that's worth 200 million 100 million people that uh i was locked up with people who lied on a credit card application bro talking about what they made like let's say if they said that they made fifty thousand dollars uh fifty thousand dollars a year and they really only made twenty that was in the feds for that i'm sure it was more than just that though no yeah it was it was a little stuff like that though i'm like i'm it was very petty like you know i'm like wow i realized when i went that you didn't have to be a super major to actually get up in there well you said you made 170 000 while you were in jail i made a lot of money while i was in jail like as far as um so what i do is i teach a lot of knowledge you know what i'm saying so i was basically teaching people like a lot about credit a lot about um okay so let me tell you about how jail works so if you know information you can sell information in jail right you can actually be like okay well um i got a classroom man um i'll need everybody it's 50 every two days to sign up you know i'm saying i'm gonna be telling y'all about this and and you gotta remember a lot of people who done a lot of time um don't really know too much information about none they lost so they're scared they on their way home they down in three years they just did 20 years right they worked their way down it was at a medium a low now they had a camp so they worked their way down they don't know nothing about credit they don't know nothing about nothing but the reason why they was coming to me is because i had like five six thousand pictures and while they was looking through my pictures they like damn you know some [ __ ] like you smirk you know what i'm saying so i'm they're like what did you do i'm like man i'm not giving no information for free but i definitely charge you you know what i'm saying if you want to know some information so people like man i give you this i give you that uh i'm like i so i would get with this lawyer guy he was putting stuff together for me little packets of classes of how to do this how to do real estate and i was reading a lot so i took some of the books that i was reading and took like uh stuff out of the books and made them bigger on pages and i had classrooms but i was charging people to like come to the classrooms to learn certain certain things that i knew you know what i mean okay any really bad experiences in prison not really i used to see bad stuff happen to people who use snitches you know what i'm saying so like when snitches came in how they treated they treated them very bad you know what i'm saying so i'm saying like i was like i was telling you how chicago is like when you watching from the like let's say if you're watching a gang member beating up somebody else or are they all jumping them it was that bad so i used to see a lot of snitches getting beat up real bad you know what i'm saying or get have to get off the yard soon they come on they got to go they get shipped to different prisons but as far as prison prison wasn't um like as far as for me it wasn't like a crazy it was horrible to be there don't get me wrong but as far as the bad experiences no it was it was more like as like a legal slavery as i was sad i was sad from that point like when i went to the airport and i seen like mill thousands of people with their hands behind their back going on planes and it was just like it was like fake almost it was it was it was sad and scary at the same time like i was like i would have never thought uh this goes on in the world okay well then in march 2018 you get out and how much time did you serve at that point i did about um i did like three years because i got caught with a cell phone and stuff like that okay three years how did that first day out feel man it felt great like man um my girl she came to pick me up man and she was taking i had to go to the halfway house so when she took me to the halfway house i'm just like damn like i'm out life is like it just was a different feeling like i'm free i can't believe i can do like go where i want her talk you know it was instead of being you know chauffeur with a guard or you know it was it was it was a good feeling it was it was way different three years ago three years felt like six years you know you want to get out really bad like time is like everything you realize what you took for granted you feel like um damn let me go harder everything i do like my hunger versus other people's hunger is way different like you can put me in a room with somebody who say they want it and i will show you i wanted more than them because i just got out of a system where i was walking the track every day wishing and praying that i was out and i was told myself when i get out i'ma make millions of dollars teaching and showing people the wave of how to get rich and this and that you know legally well you get out was there at all something in the back your head where it's like all right well i got caught scamming this time but now i know what not to do let me just get back into the scam game again nah roby the cc not even gonna lie to you now i was just like man i could try to start scamming but i was like hell no i was like man i say how easy it was to go to jail and how easy it is for somebody to tell on you and me just actually going through it sending the bug walking the track wishing i was out i'm like no it ain't worth it it ain't it's not worth it it's really not worth it at all bro you know what i'm saying well right but you're getting out i mean you had some buzz on the rap side but not a massive buzz we were getting out and doing massive concerts you now have a felony on your record which means that you can't get a regular job you can't even rent an apartment if you want it you know in certain areas and so forth it's definitely one of these kind of forever punishments where you now have something against you which is why i think a lot of people end up going through the whole revolving door and ending up right back in prison again yeah so this but i i feel like this when i got out i feel like it actually made me bigger than what i was before i went in like as far as like when i got out it was people that was so excited to see that i was out that was just willing just to pay me a few bands just to meet me like man bro you know what i'm saying i sing your story uh man i just want to know like man how did you what is this what's that what is you know just asking me all types of stuff about everything and i'm just like damn like people really want to know like then i started linking with people that was real successful off of like it was like god really though bro that's how i think about it because it wasn't no other way like i didn't have to scam or i have to do none of that just to get on top quick you know what i mean okay and so you get back you know on your feet again yeah you you continue with the with the rap thing but it seems like the only fans aspect is what really started to blow up for you yeah crazy okay and you know up until you when i think of only fans i think of you know girls that are you know basically showing nudity or having sex yeah you know uh on camera but obviously only fans is a platform and it doesn't really matter what you're doing as long as you get people to subscribe so how did you come up with the whole idea of like okay i'm going to take this primarily you know ig model platform and turn it into something else that's what i see to this day i'm thinking about it like i don't know what made me do it it's so crazy because i was just thinking to myself like okay cool i'm gonna get on youtube i'm gonna be talking about this i'm gonna be talking about that but then i was just like man i'm just gonna make only fans and just start you know posting different stuff about trey cause so many people asking me right on um on youtube like what is this what is that what is trade lines i mean thousands of people right so i was like if i make only fans and just put all the information that they want to know on only fans then i'm gonna have hella people just signing up and it worked soon as i dropped i made 10 000 the first day and it just been crazy ever since okay so you launched your only fans uh and number one what were you selling initially i wasn't really selling nothing it was basically what i was doing with youtube i was taking my content from youtube and making smaller more personal videos of questions that they were asking in the comments so for instance let's say if they say hey uh i'm i'm telling you what a trade line is right but if you want to know what sites that i recommend or that i i would like for instance let's say if i go on google right and i put trade lines and i say i think this site is pretty cool like i go with a site with a lot of reviews right so i just posted on my only fans and you just you know what i'm saying and if you have more questions about about um like for instance somebody had been like man i can make money uh having good credit i'm like yeah you can make money off having good credit because if you let's say if you have a credit score 740 and you have a credit card with like a 40 000 limit you can actually sell your authorized user to the masters of people and make thousands and thousands of dollars a month people never knew that so that's the type of information that i'm posting on my only fans because they don't know that it benefits you to have good credit okay right now how many only fans subscribers do you have 12 000 12 thousand and how much are they paying a month fifty dollars okay let's do the math 12 000 times 50 is six hundred thousand dollars a month plus i do inboxes hundred dollar inboxes that they have to unlock so credit cleaning guides um that's a hundred dollars so you do the math on that a hundred dollars times twelve thousand you know that so i mastered that so let me tell you about only fans now i i said i'm gonna move on from only fans because only fans is getting people's instagram accounts banned because instagram and facebook don't like only fans so if you actually put a only fans link on your page they're going to ban your page so now i created cabo fans which launches next week and i will be out of control i won't have the only fans that made so much money off me already so then i won't have to give them 20 and i will be at also a lot of people sign up for my only fans and it's a lot of it's a high charge back um um volume on only fans so my new site i'm creating so people can't go in there and try to scam out kevin fans but i just the same amount of money that i'm making off only fans i'm starting to make on i sell courses and guides you know what i'm saying so i mean i'm turning into like a mass like mogul you know what i mean when it comes to education but now i want to still mix the music with it so me and my business partner you know rafael vargas we about to start one of the biggest labels in the world okay and what's that about we just basically just gonna take some of the top people that's uh that currently no longer have deals and just basically giving that push that they need to become number one you know with a nice budget about a two three hundred thousand dollar budget behind the song you know make it worldwide like i've been learning a lot with the music i'm really trying to just take over the music game while doing my educational thing so i'ma start throwing i might even start throwing like different events like you know credit events you know entrepreneur mastermind events because i feel like events i could make two three two three million at each event yeah i mean i've interviewed grant cardone a few times exactly and exactly outside of his real estate empire you know the whole thing of you know the classes and the events i mean he had kobe bryant yes did he have kobe bryant no no he didn't have kobe bryant he had floyd mayweather yeah i said his last event yeah so kevin hart i think yeah i've seen that too so just think about this all the rappers that you know that i know they will not make more money than me if i was doing events on stuff like how grand cardone level is just imagine if each 12 000 if 12 000 subscribers are only fans just imagine if i did an event and made them all paid three to five thousand dollars and they all came yeah come on man that's crazy right and i guess you know the other stream of income is you actually manage i guess instagram models oh yeah yes and you take 50 of whatever they make yeah so so okay by me being number one only fans a lot of instagram models hit me up they'd be like man can you help me make money i'm only making like 15 000 a month and this and that so i get with a team of people who already is who already is managing girls and what i could do is just give them the girls that want to sign to me and i make a cut off of but i don't have to do no work because it's very stressful you know what i mean so you just give them to a ma that's it's like signing a rapper but it's way easier you know what i'm saying just a girl just gotta show some news and do this and do that and you get all this money like only fans was great but like i said is is a lot of social media sites don't like it so they are banning accounts so is it worth losing your instagram account i don't think so but it is because if you can make millions of dollars losing your instagram account and still have twitter you know what i mean but not have facebook and instagram so i mean it's a crazy debate but i don't know i don't think it's kind of i don't think it's well for me i feel like youtube is very important a lot of people know me off of youtube so i will youtube don't even rock with only fans i don't think too much yeah yeah nobody fans i think just it's like a stigma of like porn stars yeah but but it's not just for porn though like it's i understand that everybody's getting only fans and um that do porn but i'm the first person that showed everybody that um it's not just strictly about porn that's because everybody's making it about porn and it went viral for like porn but you can get on any site and do that and make it major it's just only fans not doing too much more for you the reason why people make so much money on only fans is be it's through the inbox when they put the messages through the inbox and you unlocking them so if you got 12 000 people unlocking 100 messages twice a week that's a lot of money plus it's a subscription and i'm doing a hundred and fifty dollar facetime calls i do 50 calls a day but on kevo kevo connects is 250. so if you are if you are my only fans you get them for 150 but if you go through kevo connects it's 250 that's a lot of money as well it's just creating different avenues for yourself all day long well i'm a stock guy myself yeah you know i have uh i launched vlad stocks a few years ago right not as a business but just as a way of sharing information to the hip-hop community yeah because the reality is it doesn't matter how much money you make unless your money is making money yes you're essentially poor yeah you're right no you're just pay you're just paycheck to paycheck you can be making 100 000 a month and you ball out and then you're back broken yeah you got to learn how to invest that's the ma that's the key just like real estate real estate is great because it's park money and you can leverage this property to get this property in that property like that's that's what i do a lot of teaching on is being it's not about getting money it's about keeping money that's the main goal that everything right and for me like i'm not a real estate guy uh i don't even own the house i live in yeah i've been renting all these years but the reality is for me is that vlad tv takes up so much of my time that uh i don't have time to manage an apartment building and so forth i'd rather let you know give my money to jeff bezos and let him do whatever he needs and and i don't have to do anything yeah i can make money with him and literally do nothing yes as opposed to a real estate situation where you could potentially make more money but it's gonna be a lot more work okay let me tell you this okay now um i work with a team of people that do airbnbs right so they find airbnbs they say like oh we just found six airbnbs is airbnb uh proof meaning that you know they the building actually allows airbnb right so at first i was doing the real estate thing and you know you you get a tenant in there and then you get stressed out if they don't pay your rent but then when airbnb came out i found out you can make a thousand dollars you could you can make 500 to a thousand dollars every single day depending on what type of property you got so now you just turned this property that you were making only a thousand dollar profit from into a 30 000 a month profit like pr profit that's crazy that's different just like like i'm into exotic exotic cars right so a lot of people don't understand by having good credit you can put a down payment on the exotic car and you know you'll know probably about 20 25 all the way to 4 000 a month but if you get with a car company and not you don't have to worry about any stress you can make anywhere from 25 to 35 000 a month just renting the car out that's these are the hacks that people need to learn these days versus just you know joy in the car uh depreciate letting the car just go down the drain versus making money off because i let i get a car and build up 30 30 30 then take that down payment to go get another car now all these are making 30s 30s 30s you know what i'm saying it's just about being smart yeah i mean at the point that your money is making money that's when you completely go to a different level and that's when you start thinking long term that's when you look at money as a tool as a way yeah as opposed to how just something that you use for survival or something that you use to to buy things yeah if you're just trying to stack up your money so you could buy a car or buy a watch or whatever you're really no no that's not it that's not the key the key is relationships relationships is always the key to make more money as well because like i say like like grant cardone like let's say if you and him was best friends it's automatically going to attract you way more money you know what i'm saying so that's why it's always good to invest into different you know people different places and things you know it's just i'm just an investor bro like i always think about every time i get some money i think about going back down the drain like going like i think about those project buildings when i was a little kid like i don't ever want to have to be in that situation so it makes you go harder and be sharper with everything then i think about before i do any crime i think about that sale i think about walking the track so i be like oh my god like i need to do the right things i need to stay on doing the right things you know every a lot of people get in trouble you know what i'm saying and a lot of people come out richer and smarter you know i work harder so yeah i think for me the most important lesson i ever learned was you know after i graduated college i started a company right at the height you know towards the height of the dot-com bust and i was making tons of money at the time i bought a drop top fans i bought a house in the oakland hills you know i had jewelry you know i had girls everything else like that and then out of nowhere the dot-com crash happened no one no one predicted this and i was completely wiped out had to sell my house uh you know didn't have enough money to pay my taxes and i was homeless for a while like i was actually i moved to new york and i slept on couches yeah and the thing that i learned from that experience was thinking that whatever money is coming right now i'm going to keep on making forever so you you plan you start spending the money before you make it because you figure okay well next month i'll make another check yeah you can't think like that you can't you have to think you have to think um like not saying that you need to have fear in your heart but you need to have that fear like knowing like what if everything i have going on stops tomorrow right somebody is all with an uh uh somebody is always getting created every day right so it can always be another bandmate kevin it can always be another this or another cameraman or whatever you still have to prepare yourself for the worse every day all day you do you do you have to be prepared that whatever income stream you have coming right now could just end yes sir you know my fans could just shut you down yeah uh youtube could shut me down uh my website can get hacked and completely destroyed you know like whatever something could happen but the thing that really keeps you on track is you have your investments in your savings and if you build that up to a high degree where you know okay look if everything goes down here like you know for example when the pandemic happened yeah there was no panic at vlad tv because we're like all right we have enough money to last us for years you know i had a dozen employees nobody lost their job nobody nobody got a decrease in salary everyone still had their their medical benefits everything else like that because we were prepared for the worst this whole time and that fear that you're talking about i think that's healthy yeah yeah yeah it is i don't want to go back to being broke again by spending all my money so by having that fear of of being homeless again i said i'm never going to do this again i'm always going to assume that whatever's coming right now is not going to keep coming so i'm always going to live below my means right you know i drive nice cars but i don't have rolls royces or or ferraris even though i could buy them yeah just because for me it's like yes that's moving a little too close to the edge for me yeah you know see like i'm gonna be honest and tell you the reason why i am in it because i mastered that i'm gonna make money for having this car like i'ma drive it but i'ma definitely make money but if it's just draining and taking away then it's not worth it right it's like you know i have a big watch collection so i know when i buy this rolex it's not going to make money but it's also not going to lose money is that so when it's time for me to to sell my my plain jane rolex i'll get what i paid for it so it's almost a way of parking your money yeah yeah um you know now if i go and ice it all out and put my name on the side and whatever else yeah yeah i know that i'll lose at least half of the value when i sell it so that's why i never do that yeah i get it for sure you know and certain certain watch companies you know uh for example rolex automars richard meal those are ones that actually hold their value and get bigger you know actually expand but for example i had a you know a hublot you know you know the the um i forgot i forgot which model was but it was the big joint you know by the time i sold it i took a loss on it because it's not the same caliber of watch as these other ones so you know it's one of those things where man making money i feel is way easier than growing money yeah that's the hard part but so let me ask you about the bitcoin you you ever uh dealt with bitcoin i don't oh you don't i don't see i had so so i'm gonna tell you something crazy so okay people used to pay me um in bitcoin like for instance let's say if um i make five thousand or ten thousand dollars people like man i don't got cash i just got bitcoin can i send bitcoin so what's so crazy is people was paying me in bitcoin and bitcoin i had a bitcoin wallet and it was building up crazy the crazy thing about it at the time i never knew how to get it off off of bitcoin and to cash app actually came out where i knew that you can take this and deposit it like that so my bitcoin was so crazy to the point where i was like wow like it was like a whole nother only fans type of thing you know what i'm saying because i never knew how to withdraw from bitcoin which was always crazy yeah but listen there's so many there's always going to be so many investments out there that you're going to miss out on yeah right you're not going to catch every weight yeah true you you may not catch the bitcoin wave you may not have caught the tesla wave you may not have caught the real estate wave or whatever else but the one thing i've learned in terms of me being an investor now for for over 10 years you know primarily in stock markets is that as long as you go with something you're very confident in that will allow you to hold on to it as it's going up and down yes sir now if you're jumping into something you're not very familiar with like for for me it was bitcoin it was like okay i understand what bitcoin is i understand what it's used for but i still don't see a reason why bitcoin is more useful than using a credit card unless you're talking about illegal transactions exactly now for legal transactions you're right you're right you're right but but in general you know if someone pays me in bitcoin and bitcoin drops 20 the next day i just took a major loss so so for me the instability of it because it wasn't really even meant to be an investment it was meant to be a form of currency yeah right but most people are looking at as an investment so for me it's like all right i don't quite get it and i don't i'm not fully confident in the future of it so i'm just going to sit it out but my google stock that i've owned for 10 years that i kept buying year after year has done great yeah so it's not like i'm not investing i'm just not investing in this and i think that there's something called fomo which is fear of missing out that a lot of people do because they see everyone else making money they go and jump into like you know i remember when gamestop was going crazy yeah yeah you know and everyone started buying gamestop which is a failing company yes it's not a gamestop did better by all these investors the stores are still empty people are still downloading games online yeah but everyone wanted to jump in because they didn't want to miss out and a lot of people took a bath yeah i noticed that you know i so that's why i feel like a lot of that's why i say like i know i went to jail for scamming and stuff though but i i kind of be feeling don't you kind of be feeling like a lot of the stuff that we deal with in life is scammed out a little bit maybe not in the legal we're talking about the legal skin that goes on daily in our life like don't you be like damn this is this is free but it's like everything costs everything is like you know so systematic to me like i feel like but it's sad but it's just like this is how life is i guess hey man listen there's different ways to to do it and you know you have to do it in a way that you really understand what's happening and you have confidence you know whatever i invest in it's because it's a product that i use every day right it's not because i heard warren buffett did it or i heard that you know uh elon musk did it or i heard that batman kevin did it yeah yeah i mean yeah you have your ways of doing it i have mine you're successful in what you do i'm successful in what i do right and i'm not looking at other people to try to feel like okay let me just cash out all my [ __ ] and do what they're doing yeah exactly i've done that too many times and ultimately i've i've ended up losing the long term every time no that's true though it's definitely great to be confident in whatever you got going on and you got to basically find your niche you know what i'm saying to really win because you can try what i do and it might not even you might super fail at what i do you get what i'm saying so you definitely have to find something that you're confident and comfortable in as well you know so exactly smart so what's next for you um like i said i'm gonna start a record label you know with my business partner and i'm finna just start just trying to turn up the music a little bit more because i've been into business so much and you know teaching i feel like i want to get into the music land because i want the culture i want both sides if you get what i'm saying i don't want to get to business and then i don't still got the rap side to the life you know so i want to be at emerging both together and create something major like be on some jay z type you know also i seen a post on twitter um i noticed you know i've been teaching i've been talking about credit a whole lot right so i've seen that jay-z's coming out with this uh app that if you sign up it will teach you no it will help you build your credit so what do you think what do you think about like you know bigger artists is seeing like up-and-coming people that's coming up and then they see ideas do you think that jay watches people on the come up uh i mean i'm sure his team does yeah cause i was just thinking like damn i was just talking like i was just talking about it i'm like man i want to come out with stuff that help people build their credit and do this and do that and then i just feel like artists bigger artists with bigger bags can just take that idea and just blow it up not saying he did but it still was like like a coincidence like damn jay doing that now huh like after i just was talking about it you feel me well i think you've been around long enough to know that ultimately ideas are relatively useless it's the execution yeah you know like i could think throughout my life all the great ideas i had that ended up being billion dollar companies like i was thinking of post mates 15 years ago right but i didn't do [ __ ] i didn't do [ __ ] about it i'm getting mad at postmates because they actually turn it into a public company like no i thought about you know home hiv tests i was thinking about that in elementary school like or i mean high school yeah i'm saying yeah and someone finally came up with one yeah did i do anything to develop that nothing you know but it was my idea i may have even thought of it before then but then but who cares like it's the execution so right you know the only thing that really happens you know and people i think especially in this generation people feel their ideas are so valuable because so many people are like yo i got this idea i got this idea uh you know i'm thinking about doing this and it's like i don't i never even respond because i don't care what your idea is or what you're thinking now if you actually said hey listen i have an idea and i've built it up to this point and now i want to potentially work with you that's a totally different conversation no the execution is the key though because like just thinking about it really don't matter though like you said it don't at all it's because it's real yeah yeah you're right you're right it's basically just a dream so you know did they you know did jay-z potentially steal your idea maybe yeah but yeah your idea was just an idea exactly and that's it so there's nothing to steal right right exactly all right well batman kevin man i appreciate you uh coming in and talking i feel like you know we interview a lot of people and i feel like your approach to things is very different than anyone that we talk to in the hip-hop world which is you know i think the reason why you are where you are right now you know i think you've really approached it completely different you've gone very left field with it you've gone the non-obvious route and you know i think right now you're being rewarded for it yes sir thank you man it's a pleasure bro thanks for having me on absolutely until next time yes sir peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 71,535
Rating: 4.8228908 out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: K1wJbmH1jAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 3sec (3723 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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