Lil Bibby on Signing Juice Wrld, Cries Over Juice Dying, Quitting Rap (Full Interview)

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all right here we go little baby welcome back to vlad tv you're the only person that spanish should get me on camera the only person seriously that i've ever interviewed that's basically forced me to be on camera to do the interview yep but i i only did one interview in about five years bless myself i'm gonna do this interview you gotta be on camera too right yep yep you strong army into it so you know here we are people got to see you blast see mines you looking too rich now what's going on i got to get richer man i'm not rushing out i'm trying to catch up to you and you know even though we haven't done an interview in a while we haven't in contact we talked to each other you know i mean i'm congratulating you on what you're doing we've had conversations about stocks and everything else like that uh congrats man at 26 you've accomplished a lot thanks man a lot a lot uh and the way you've done it i think is really special as well and you know i want to get into what you're doing now but i kind of want to lead into some of the stuff you've you know originally did leading up to what you're doing now to kind of tell the whole story yeah right okay so you of course grew up in chicago and i mean you started rapping in 2011. yeah i think so yeah okay what made you want to start originally i'm okay with 100 with you but i never thought about rapping or being a rapper i never even that never clicked in my head you know so i'm i'm on the corner just doing what i do you know selling little stuff i'm selling and i see i just get to hearing about chief keith little dirk rhys so i'm listening to it i'm like man like you know and i'm hearing all the like man they all they about to get signed or this label just like i'm like i could do this [ __ ] they paying [ __ ] for this so i get to plan around okay yeah and then in 2013 that was your first mixtape free crack so you're only rapping like two years at that point yeah okay and you kind of based the whole free crack on kanye west crack music no no that's not true okay all right i messed that up i i just got up on kanye west about a year ago maybe okay you know i ain't really i used to listen to her like that okay so why why freak crack um that [ __ ] just the most addictive [ __ ] in the world man so i'm like man it's a free mix tape man and people liking this [ __ ] [ __ ] free crack okay and little herb was on it yeah uh king l was on it production wise young chop who you know did a lot of chief keef stuff uh hit boy i mean that's a pretty big name to get on your first mixtape yeah yeah i was kind of hot yeah i was hot okay so here you are 2013 you put out your first mixtape and chicago was pretty hot at the time period uh i mean how was it to suddenly go from the guy hanging out on the street to suddenly now people know your face people know your name you're getting shows this mixtape is starting to move around that [ __ ] was weird you know i don't really i never did talk like that like i never liked talking to people or like attention at all so to go from you know my street corner like my neighborhood to that it's like i get to feeling weird like everybody like and you know back in the day vlad i used to be crazy like you know so i ain't know how to take this [ __ ] on you know people coming up while i'm eating oh man look i'm doing get the [ __ ] on you know that's how that's how i was taking them like man get the [ __ ] out of my face don't you see me but then i had to like get used to this [ __ ] like all right man look this you getting paid to do this [ __ ] maybe you won't come out the house this what come with it man if you don't want to deal with a stay in the house i have to you know and then you know how everything changed when you started getting money and fame and that's when you started getting that like everybody and everything change around you blast so it's like i i'm watching people just change like you just treated me like this a week like some time ago then you see me see me with um you know the rappers and see me with you you know if i'm famous or whatever you see me doing that now they treat me like a whole different person so i'm looking at me it's like you know i don't like this [ __ ] glass so that [ __ ] was kind of taking tough on me a little bit right you talked about how you hate taking pictures of people i hate it but like if you if anybody pay attention like it's no it's not that many photos of me before rap like in my neighborhood without my homies but i was outside every day you might see all my homies or even herb and a bunch of pictures but i'm not in no [ __ ] i just hated taking pictures you know my secrets are getting out of taking the pictures with my homies that's my secret i'll be like i'll take it here let me take it let me take it so i'm the one always taking the pictures because i ain't want to get not in the picture yeah right because you don't really have like a typical rapper personality you're not like super outgoing and flamboyant yeah you know like how certain dudes is like you know you're around certain people like uh like a dmx like they're just drawn to the camera yeah there's a camera they're like right there in a ti he's the same type of way yeah he's just drawn you'll be interviewing someone else and ti will get in that shot and do something yeah but you're not like that not at all i i wish nobody said nothing to you know i walked through the airport people like you look baby if you ask me that you know what i'm saying no i look like him yeah somebody just told me i look like him you know so you've told people no you just lied all the time if you gonna ask me right i'm gonna say no you know you don't have any tattoos right they can't google you real quick and be like nah like yeah i'm gonna say no somebody just told me i look like him that's crazy [Laughter] yeah people usually like with me i'll be talking to someone they'd be like you know you kind of sound like vlad i always i get the voice more so than people seeing me you know i mean but i mean people don't understand the advantage of actually not being known yeah man you don't get you know when you not know people don't know much about your business people don't you know what i'm saying you got i think it's advantages of staying low key man cause people don't know i don't get that many fake you know people know how much money you get or how much fame you got you get all type of fake [ __ ] all type of yeah you won't know what's real and what's fake when you start really you know getting known and you know you're getting features and everything else like that you talk about how people start to change what was just the most shocking thing that you went through like someone you thought you knew that you thought you were cool with they just acted out oh i don't wanna you know that that's that's kind of personal no you know oh you know i don't wanna dig that deep but you know [ __ ] everything just be happening man like that [ __ ] happened overnight like what family members bringing they they daughter like their daughter's over or like i'm like mom i tell i had to snap on my mama like mom don't don't i don't i ain't seen these people in the past year or two i don't want to see these people like don't let them in this crib do not let them in here my friend sent them in the last year too i don't want to see nobody like you know what i'm saying well early on wasn't drake a fan um yeah yeah he reached out yeah yeah you know that was before a free crack yeah that was before the project you know i met drake a few times and yeah we used to talk a little bit okay and i guess uh that kind of pushed you to go harder on that first mixtape yeah yeah cause you know like that was my favorite rapper so you know my favorite rapper hitting me up like oh i'm a big fan of you know i'm like damn you know but i don't know but still i'm just so weird i really have no songs together yeah and i'm just saying i'm just weird like i really don't be caring like i don't really be caring about this type of stuff like that though yeah i don't know why well then 2014 free crack two right and that had a lot of appearances on it right i mean you got a little herb again but then you got wiz khalifa you got juicy j you got kevin gates you got jadakiss which is one of your favorites right yeah and anthony hamilton dope i just interviewed him not too long ago uh why why stack up the mixtape this time around like that um i don't know you know i got more of a profile and you know i'm able to work with the people that i used to listen to you know i'm saying so i was trying to you know work with the people that i like uh well and you got to work with a lot of people i started going through the catalog this morning you got songs of future uh you got songs with uh ti i mean you're on the juicy j song with nicki minaj i mean a lot of people a lot of people so you're starting to really make your rounds yeah i'm trying to um forget about all that i'm trying to you know well yeah but that's the whole thing i'm leading into that yeah you know what i mean but like as i'm going through it it's like yo like you were really on your way you got the double xl freshman cover yeah in 2014 as a rapper not an executive right right so it's just interesting how everything is building up for you as a rapper and at one point things start to change right because i mean i looked it up 2017 that was the last song that you released uh something featuring black youngster right december 2017. yeah and you know before i kind of go on what was interesting was you had this interview back in uh when you were 19 and you said uh i need a hundred million in my bank account yeah yeah it was with alicia mohammed was on their npr that's fine you were saying i need 100 million in my bank account as a 19 year old back when most 19 year olds will say i need a million because a million seems unattainable but yeah you're already talking about 100 million but why is that uh vlad oh no vlad if i look at somebody do it i think i can do it it's it's jay-z like it's jay-z's in this world like i feel like [ __ ] he did i could do that [ __ ] you know what i'm saying yeah well you talked about at one point you know before you kind of shifted careers that you went broke before yeah for sure as a rapper or before being a rapper that's a wrap as a rapper so tell me about that whole situation you know trying to keep up with the jones just bad you know you know it's a couple thousand dollars on sweaters a couple thousand more outfit you know i look up i look in my closet and then i look at my bank account i'm like man this [ __ ] ain't right you know and uh you know like me and kevin gates are [ __ ] with gays like i used to talk to gays a lot he like man baby man like [ __ ] all that [ __ ] man like you only wear that [ __ ] one time man and you know what i'm saying like he like bro he said baby i spent 300 a month and he like buy a nike jogging shoe some polo box polo on shirts socks and one pair of air force ones he said i wish he saw where that [ __ ] oh my he like what what's somebody gonna say to me baby if somebody want to talk about me call me dirty i'm gonna put out fifty thousand they face and i'm like he said he spent 300 and he got way more money than me at that time you know and i'm like and i'm spending about six seven grand at least so yeah i'm like bro i'm doing something wrong i just that just always stuck with me so then i just started you know changing it like man i gotta lower my expenses man you know yeah i remember when i interviewed uh trick daddy he said if you look in your closet in your driveway and you see more money that's in your bank account you're a damn fool for sure yeah so including your driveway including your driveway if you've got a bunch of cars and you don't have that money in your bank account yeah you're [ __ ] up yeah but that's really that's everybody well i ain't gonna say everybody but most people try to keep up with the jones just man like it's i guess it's competition you know rappers want to look like oh yeah i don't know it'd be like that yeah i think instagram is a lot of the the reason for that just because when you know like i i was you know even this morning as i'm getting dressed i'm like i should i put on this fendi shirt i use that in this photo would be real so now i got this [ __ ] 500 shirt that i don't want to wear yeah having one photo yeah from two months ago and like that's so stupid like you know you're thinking about how stupid it is but you know everyone's going through the same [ __ ] so everyone's buying clothes so they can be fresh on instagram like you almost want to start a challenge like they wear that [ __ ] again challenge like you know you wear the same [ __ ] in all your photos yeah it'd be like that yeah that's why most of the time black t-shirts man black you know yeah throw a chain or two on your black t-shirt yeah yeah uh well at 23 you stopped rapping yeah was that around the time you met juice world um no it was like maybe like six months before aha or a couple months before i don't remember okay but yeah i just got to thinking like man i was around the time well okay i went broke then ah damn what'd i do i had to start thinking like man it ain't no sense of me keep making this money if i don't know what the [ __ ] to do with it i'm just gonna keep doing it so i started thinking like all right what do most most millionaires is made off of what vlad stocks real estate stocks and real estate so i'm like most millionaires made off of real estate let me learn about this [ __ ] man so i took some time off and learned that and um so boom i'm still doing shows do they don't save my life all my money saving like all my money and then i look up i buy some properties and [ __ ] bomb i'm making more money then i'm spending every month you know i'm making more money money that i'm spending like more money than my expenses every month from the rats and everything yeah from in my sleep i don't got to do nothing you know what i'm saying so i look up like you know what i'm rich i don't got to do nothing for the rest of my life and i'm just going to keep making money i can sleep every day like i don't got to wake up and do [ __ ] so um i started thinking like man you know what i don't know i don't know i just felt comfortable like i'm i'm rich okay so you decide at 23 that you're gonna retire from rap more or less i was kind of playing around okay so how did juice world come around boom my brother brought him to me okay that's when i you know i wasn't gonna retire from rap i was just you know but when i met juice i'm like hold on i know what this is you know what i'm saying i know what it what it sounded like i knew like every step to make you know what i'm saying i just knew what it was i'm like this is way bigger than what i'm like what i'm doing well let's talk about juice rolls for a second um i never got to meet him unfortunately but i was a big fan i was a big fan um grew up in chicago grew up in the burbs so here was a guy that that's not from the hood that doesn't have the street background he's more of a middle-class kid um he actually started playing piano four years old so he was like really super musical um you know started playing guitar drums trumpet everything else like that but the thing about about juice world is that uh he kind of started with drugs early on uh at 12 years old he started drinking lean and uh oh no the sixth grade oh no uh allegedly at 15 he started popping perks and xanax in high school that might be true yeah so he started with that early um sophomore year in high school he started putting out songs on soundcloud uh he was called juice the kid originally i guess juice was based on tupac yeah i think that's what he said yeah and uh i guess he was part of internet money at one point also right no no that's not true okay were they affiliated with him at all um he he was cool with nick mirror and um yeah he was cool with nick mirror so that's who he was getting beats from so like it was a point they was trying to sign him like right before me yeah like well he put out the ep 999 this is before you yeah and that had lucid dreams on it yeah when you met him you heard lucid dreams for the first time mm-hmm so you had you heard the song before meeting him or knowing about him or was that kind of the same time um so no no no like my brother i didn't i didn't know nothing about him it was so early he had 2 000 followers on instagram and he had like his biggest song was all girls are the same my brother sent up which that was already he already had that back then yeah so all girls are the same had about 70 000 plays on on soundcloud which is good but not crazy yeah i mean it's it's a million artists with that like yeah seventy thousand plays but so it had like seventy thousand plays on soundcloud and my brother was like man did it man this song right here so i'm listening to it i'm like yeah this one's this one is all right you know but it didn't i didn't get that excited off of that song you know what i'm saying so i you know he get to send me a bunch of stuff one more bomb and then i i get to dig and like i find lucid dreams on youtube i'm like and that one got like no numbers the biggest song was all girls lucid dreams had like nothing i tell my brother this right here is the best song that i heard in a long time you said 10 years yeah that's what i said i i said that to everybody i'm like this is the best song i heard in 10 years i said that to everybody and um you know i just knew what it was i could like when i heard that song that's when i got excited like i'm making calls now i'm like cole bennett i hit cole man it's this kid you gotta do that i hit my um like everybody like you could think of i could check my i'm in there so cold like i sent code a song called like all right now i have to keep gas and coal to do it you know to do the music video yeah like or just just link with the kid that's what i just wanted him to link with him and just build like you know event you know we wanted the video so yeah okay but you hadn't signed him yet um like i was getting my paperwork sent like cam he didn't sign yet but i was he was in the process of sign there was a there's a story about he how he showed up to the studio with his goth girlfriend oh yeah tell me about it that's when i knew like you know vlad i'm really good at what i do so boom juice the music he had the music but i'm like all right i'm finna get people to i got to make him a star you know what i'm saying so i'm like you know you got to study your artist you got to study his personality you know like and you got to try to make as many people like feel him like you know what i'm saying as many people relate to him and like [ __ ] with him and like so when we in the studio i'm with all my homies right you know all my crazy homies from my neighborhood this man comes to the studio with his gothic girlfriend like you know just with the got the next you know she like real gothic you know what i'm saying and his time kissing her in front of all my homies that's when i knew like man this he just started you know what i'm saying because like i would never do no [ __ ] like that right i know like i knew he was just starting right there i'm like bro he don't care he don't care what people think didn't you say like that he had like like the the biker vest with like no shirt underneath and then look vlad this kid like he didn't care but that's why i liked him yeah no six-pack he wasn't all built uh he he didn't care a muffin top [Laughter] hey so we go we go in the meeting with bmg like this um publishing company we this kid had no shirt i'm like at all no sir he's going a real office build you like sit him down say hey man look can you find a shirt right now my son my little bro was hot he he hot like i just do what you want to do bro like you yo if you don't want to win no shirt bro bro you you the man like be yourself you know what i'm saying okay uh do you like these tattoos at this point or no no no i think he was thinking about getting the tattoo on like nah okay you got this artist and you know he's hot the rest of the world doesn't know it yet right you eventually end up taking him to interscope mm-hmm well no so before that though like even before juice before i met juice world so like before i met juice world everybody that worked at the labels the nr's and the presidents and stuff they all like knew me because i always tell my aunt i was like bro this the next artist right here i'm outside i'm outside like i know what i know what people like i know what happened when you mix this with this i know who got the lingo that we that everybody like i know you know so boom they won't they won't do it or then next thing you know it's the biggest [ __ ] in the world or sometimes they do do it and they oh thanks bill man you know so one of my guys um just do work at def jam that i'm really cool with he was trying to give me a whole label like you know what i'm saying before juice like i didn't even have no artists he just knew like my track record of just telling people like so he like man baby i'm gonna give you this money star do a label go get the artist you know so then i met juice so he like so so i already met with him about the label right so then he like man so what's the first artist i'm like [ __ ] i just signed this kid last week so he like who like who is he so i show him he he like there's no numbers or nothing but he like i'm in that saying this [ __ ] is the best artist i ever heard like but he looking like there's no numbers but he like but bill if you say it's that [ __ ] it's fly him out he flew him out he's gonna give me like he he put a crazy off on the table with no numbers no nothing no video out he didn't have nothing else but he just my homie believed in what i was you know so he was just gonna give me a bun like give like juice a bunch of money and and um you know we just was like holding off because like we just didn't do it you know what i'm saying because we was like oh man let me put do some stuff and put something out first you know what i'm saying because i already had a plan you know so i could have jumped at the first deal because it was really insane to offer that much money for somebody that didn't have anything out like but we just didn't do it and then i already had my place being set up i blinked juice with coal [Music] and yeah around lucid dreams no that was what do you mean all girls well you linked them and did you guys put out the song again first before the label deal or no no so boom then we go then we get a call in a scope like for my lawyer like interscope is um interscope is um interested so we fly to l.a we got still got nothing out no numbers nothing out you know we just you know so we la they watching them record well we're in l.a we do the meeting dinner there i'm in the meantime playing the music like look this is the best song that i heard in 10 years i know what i'm about to do with it i know it's when i finna happen i really don't need you guys like so whoever that i decide to partner with is like you know what i'm saying it's already you know it's already out of here so i'm like man this is the best artist that i ever heard he he like like if you in a studio with him anybody that asks any artist man they gonna tell you the same [ __ ] i'm saying he's the best recording artist i've ever seen in my life man so i just i knew what i had you know i'm saying so we're in l.a and [ __ ] you know we i think we went to chicago to shoot all girls they're saying witco and so we got the video being in the in in the works in l.a for like they ain't gonna let us leave we out here for like a month without so they just like man do not let them so now we were just having fun man that [ __ ] was fun as [ __ ] you end up signing the deal it was a three million dollar joint venture juice got a nice check out of it of course during that time were other people trying to pull them in different directions or whatever else he was like no i'm rocking with you bibby like i signed with you i'm [ __ ] with you i don't give a [ __ ] what else is going on yeah he was with me you know cause like everything else like everything i put together everything that i said was gonna happen bro it started yeah everything i put together it happened like and you mentioned you talk about you know him in the studio but i guess when you guys would hang out he would just be freestyling yeah all the time to the point where almost got annoying like i swear black all the time but he like it's going to be videos that i'm freestyling for a long time they're going to keep coming out yeah because i remember i saw him was it on tim westwood where he just went for an hour right yeah and he just started creating songs the melodies and the hooks he was the hardest yeah now he he was exceptional well lucid dreams comes out i looked at the numbers between spotify and youtubers at 2.2 billion views yeah billion the label was telling me like oh no don't don't put this one out yet don't don't don't put it out oh let let's work the first one let's work on your i said [ __ ] that song this is the you know what i'm saying i don't care what y'all this is the song that i need out right now cause i know this is the song that's gonna get everybody like all girls this is a good song it's cool but it's hard to get like the whole industry [ __ ] with you and like all of the people [ __ ] with you like just that oh like you know what i'm saying that song got that and that's what i that's what i wanted you know what i'm saying well there's a whole copyright issue around that song right sting i guess owns 85 percent of that song yeah was it not cleared before it got released no it wasn't clear he just put it on youtube you know okay but but at the point the interscope steps in you know this is a you know an old established label they know that things have to be cleared did they just not catch the the sting sample or the or the replaying of it this will happen we released the first video we wasn't signed yet all girls the same right we released that one boom and when we released that one people start looking at oh this [ __ ] they they finally see dreams so the numbers get to going crazy on that one and um we had to rush the video for that one you know what i'm saying so we end up signing then we end up rushing the video for lucy dreams so we was in the process of clearing it you know what i'm saying but this [ __ ] was blowing up so it's like damn right uh juice world said that uh i guess sting told him that this is gonna pay for his grandkids college he can tell him that he said that in the interview in an interview okay uh and from what i understand sting actually likes the song he performs the song in his own concert he loved a song he wouldn't do it [Laughter] but he actually performs it when he was on tour with shaggy he performed that song on stage yeah he he likes the the interpolation of it uh shape shape of my heart is the original song yeah we gotta i gotta shake um shakes thing down man yeah you gotta donate some money to my mom's um charity man yeah i definitely gotta i mean at that point did that just just mess up what you were doing financially when he just came in and took 85 of the biggest song that you've ever been involved in um you know it was that was a huge hit but that was a huge hit vlad but it's like i wow my little bro is a machine well how did juice world take that when he found out this thing was just don't care about money man really just don't care about that he's just like creating next okay and then all girls are the same that has over a billion streams that came out afterwards like after uh lucid dreams no before oh before but then but then interscope pushed it after you guys signed or i guess i'm trying to figure out how it all kind of came together so so we put out all girls bone i started doing numbers then i i you know i rushed them to put out those dreams yeah and then okay well and then the debut album comes out goodbye and good rinse hell of it out yeah did that album go to number one or i think i don't know it was up there yeah i mean because you got two huge singles behind it and people are looking at us like the next dude right now [Music] i mean by the time that album came out how were things was he you know really comfortable with what was happening yeah he was happy as [ __ ] now you know he was that was the happy like he was so happy for that right yeah and he didn't slow down um he put out the ep too soon which i guess was based on little peep and uh yeah was he close to those two he used to talk to x he used to talk to x so yeah he was kind of close with x they used to talk a bunch of times well uh then he showed up on astroworld which was like the biggest thing at that time yeah how did that come together um that was weird but uh so how did that this engine engineer just had a bunch of juice songs and i guess travis heard it and put his spin on one of the juice song oh so the jew oh so it's basically travis almost featuring himself on a juice world song in a way yeah because the song was already done by juice world yeah that's crazy yeah wow that says a lot about juice okay and then world on drugs so how did how did juice world and future come together um i kind of forgot i just remember when i went to meet i was um in the studio with future and one of my homies and he was just telling me how you want to do the project with them and that are there so yeah and then they just start working yeah i mean the only other person that future has done an album with is drake yeah so that the bar is kind of high yeah that's what he was saying yeah it didn't didn't like man i'm trying to remember this is this is right but didn't juice world like tweet like oh you know i wish i had a project with future yeah that was like way way back when yeah i feel like i made it once i get a project which yeah then he gets a project of the future yeah that's hard and then death race for love that came out in march of 2019 they had robbery on it then it had bandit featuring nba young boy oh yeah we added bandit to it yeah okay an nba young boy was hot to death at the time too yeah for sure wasn't that your idea yeah how do you know that i just know things wow there's gonna be one of the little baby moments like how do you know that okay you got no fight with a with a white dude you say was it like a racist thing was it like whites and blacks kind of clicked up in there how you know that that's just how prison is most times i'm telling how you know i got into it with a white dude though i think you may have mentioned it in the past like she flies to fence see see little baby just caught him i know stuff i'm in the industry for a long time uh and then was that the number one album when it came out oh yeah yeah was that the first his first number one yeah cause um the other two went to number two i mean how did it feel to be a label owner with a number one album yeah how did you care about this you didn't care no business wise you don't care no i already knew vlad i'm crazy man i already knew what was gonna happen so i don't get excited all right then he went on tour with nicki minaj uh you started working with bts like uh let me tell you like this it was just one part one time like when we first signed juice he had maybe he had about 10 to 15 000 followers at this time so we we go in the shoe store you know the shoe store out here they give me some free like free kicks like i just got you know post this man take these kicks out of there um so i got juice with me i'm like man look this is my artist man get like hook him up like he's gonna be more famous than me in 30 days but jules look at me like i'm crazy you know but you know i just knew what i was going to do and what was going to happen like juice is like probably looking at me like he didn't believe that [ __ ] but you know i just i just knew was it supposed to be a a project with ski master slump god called evil twins um juice was him and jews used to work a lot but jews get in the studio and he kind of do that a lot you know like you get in the studio with somebody like a lot and he'd do like 50 songs with him and like oh we're going to do this we're going to put out a project but you know i got to kind of you know reel him in a little bit or like you know we got to map it out for real we can't just be doing stuff without having a real plan you know yeah well the thing about juice world is that he talks about drugs on almost every song yeah and and he was using you know pretty much the whole time now you're you're drug free yeah uh are you even dabbled at one point or you just always been drug free um smoking i smoke weed a little bit a long time ago i used to do laying a little bit but not really yeah but well but you're not you're not yet i mean i i don't understand how people could get addicted to stuff right like i could just stop anything like anything i could just stop the next day if i want to if i feel like if it affect my business or my mind where i gotta think like no i can stop anything well uh would juice ever ever use around you um like in the studio hanging out like so in the beginning he was only taking one pill and that's nothing because the whole every rap would take pills you know what i'm saying he was only doing one pill right so yeah like well to be exact it was one and a half that's all my brother would let him do like max like you can't go over there you know what i'm saying because my brother and her but everybody do the [ __ ] perks but they only take like half or you know what i'm saying juice was like taking one and a half so they like bro you tripping you know i mean when it comes to the music i mean he's the artist right so so you don't want to tell the artist what to do but it was like all right every song has a drug reference to it did you ever talk to him about that or you just let him do do him um i kind of let him record because well i tell him sometimes like bro this are you talking about but you kind of got a lot of artists talking about say that what they feel you know what i'm saying you like that's how you people don't feel where you coming from if you're talking about some [ __ ] you ain't doing or talking about some [ __ ] that you ain't that ain't real then like well yeah no i mean that's the thing about being a real artist you really have to talk about what it is yeah living i remember the one thing that really affected me um there was an interview that we had that we had put up um with nipsey hustle and he said the one thing that's consistent and all the great music that comes out whether it's hip-hop rock soul whatever is truth mm-hmm and that's what i always tell jewish man bro you gotta tell the truth man how you feel like that's why i put the project out like that the first project goodbye good riddance i'm like when i'm in the studio with him he keep making songs about heartbreaking dinner there so i pulled him to the side like bro what happened to you you know what i'm saying and he tell me like man it was this girl i said so we got to make the album about that like we gotta do that that's we gotta we gotta tell the truth we gotta tell this story let's try to tell this story well i guess you know leading up you know to the incident at the airport that he was already checked into rehab he was already scheduled to go but this is uh all right this confidential but yeah he was um we already had had him signed up for rehab and he already agreed to go yeah because that was like pulling teeth with him was there a reason that was there like okay because you know i mean some people have their [ __ ] under control some people you know could deal with drugs 20 30 50 years and it's whatever but was there something that said okay we got to send you to rehab because of this yeah so we had um damn this is a flag i really gotta say this before come on i got you so i'm glad um you know like i said he was taking one and a half pills and like i thought that was crazy you know what i'm saying right because all of my like herb and all of them they only taken one or a half you know what i'm saying so one and a half compared to a half i'm looking like bro what the [ __ ] but then um i found out that he was doing like four you know what i'm saying four four what pills what kind of pills the the perkins says yeah so so i get the freaking out like bro what the [ __ ] like i get to telling everybody like man look we gotta send this kid to rehab he's doing four videos i'm freaking out you know i'm telling everybody from the label i'm telling everybody i'm telling everybody you know like because like i'm thinking that's a lot because all the people i know only do at the max one you don't even try perks yourself no and these are me neither yeah this is the ones that 30s you know i'm saying like like that bro four of those i'm thinking that's crazy you know what i'm saying it's heavy yeah yeah okay but how did you convince him to agree to go to rehab because he's only what 21 at the time so vlad um we found out he was doing more than four oh like like a week before he passed you know we found out he was doing i ain't gonna say the number but it was a lot huge number yeah yeah so that that freaked you out that was the final straw like like that was like we like we had to really you know what i'm saying like you have a choice at this time you know i'm saying dude you gotta you know what i'm saying so did you have an actual like intervention i wasn't there physically but everybody else was there like oh like his cousin and everybody like my the road manager and everybody but i was on face i was on the phone when they was having it so we i was right there you know how did he take it was he like all right cool he's like nah y'all trippin i'm cool he's good you won't believe what he said what do you say he said what did he say he said wrong all right i'll go i'll go but i'm not stopping oh okay he said all right i'll go but i'm not stopping like i'll lower my dosage better there but i like like he said i like doing it too much like i stopped december 8th 2019. he gets on a private flight uh right here in van nuys actually on his way to chicago were you in contact with him that day um no no maybe earlier that day but no i don't think so so when he landed chicago law enforcement were actually waiting for him to arrive i guess they were notified by federal agents they were told there was guns and drugs on the plane later on they found three guns and 70 pounds of marijuana but i don't want to talk about that so we won't talk about it yeah i'm just stating the actual news facts you don't have to comment on it i'm just telling you what ultimately happened well i mean according to reports uh based on people from his management team they say that he had taken a few pills uh you know some perks they were saying you know in the report it said to hide them from the police when they're trying to board them that's just not true that's a lot but i don't want to talk about okay well i guess by the time the police started to arrive he had a seizure yeah he started convulsing um they try to give them a narcan you know which is a like a drug they use for overdose overdoses and they took him uh to the advocate christ medical center in oakland and they found out that he had died um i mean based on the the medical examiner he had high levels of oxycodone uh encoding in his system how soon did you get the call as all this is happening i got a call when the plane got pulled over by the police but they were saying like that juice was like you know like having stage or something but everybody thought it was good you know has he had seizures before uh no okay so this wasn't like something that he was this is normal has he ever had an overdose before no no no no no okay so you find out that the cops were there and they told you about the seizure did you think all right that's cool he'll pull through he's young he's 21 he's healthy is that what was kind of pretty much going through your mind at that point were you starting to really worry when you heard that uh of course i thought it was gonna be good [ __ ] i ain't never uh no i don't know nobody that died from you know well the the rappers i guess but i ain't never i thought it was good but you get i don't want to get in my feelings but i don't want to talk about this [ __ ] well uh you went on instagram you said rest easy little brother young goat most talented i've ever witnessed you'll be missed why you take watch you do one take platinum records gonna miss you freestyling around the crib all day even though that [ __ ] got a little irritating most genuine person i've ever met miss you love you brother did you go to the funeral yeah yeah glad you get me oh my feelings man yeah no i mean the whole world was shocked you know i mean obviously people didn't take it as hard as you did but i went to the funeral man yeah i had been to a funeral in about what like 15 years you know how many homies that have died that i know you would just get those yeah i'll go to funerals as well 21 years old i mean you're what 26 now yeah i'm 47. uh the amount of good times and memories that he missed out on is really just sad he didn't have any kids right he didn't have mom well well i guess there was a story that his girlfriend was pregnant no no that's not true i think she was trying to get pregnant just trying to get ready but yeah the craig the craziest part though is um like right before that he was um he had pulled me to the side like man because you know my stuff started moving moving boom i got jews you know i got i'm hired one of my um people from chicago to do the road manager's name pete got juice pete jude's cousin juice girl like to a juice friends that work like that was working so it's all of them going everywhere and i'm in l.a you know taking meetings you know trying to you know see what i could do to make it bigger you know taking means so i used to go to all the shows so juice like just pulled me to the side like man he like man um he said i miss hot stuff it used to be man let me begin he said you gotta start coming do you ever feel like if you had spent more time with him that you know instead of getting other people there if you were like his his day-to-day guy that this wouldn't happen i do feel like yeah i mean after he passed the first song that came out was the eminem song what was that made like probably like a week or two before okay that was godzilla um were they in the studio together they made that yeah yeah give me a minute yeah take your time whenever you're ready okay juice like like a week before you pass it's pulling me to the side like you gotta start coming around more i miss how i was in the beginning man that [ __ ] was so much fun doesn't do it i'm like so i tell them like juice you be acting weird bro oh like oh i don't like being around weird people bro like you'll be giving off these weird vibes like you know what i'm saying like weird weird habits like like like healing like him be like the happy or like him talking like that or just like you know i'd be feeling like man like you acting different you know i was there so i tell them like you be acting weird bro i'm like you called me six times to come on your tour right so i fly from l.a to new york to to go kick it with him and then you know he ain't coming out of this hotel room i call him like dude you call me out wait wait out here but you fly out and he just killed his hotel room so i'm like dude you called me six times to come to newt like six different days i'm telling him bro i don't really feel like so i had to get up and i'll take the six hour flight to go go go with him on his tour because that's what he begged me to do so oh so i come out there like bro we finna kick it at least you know what i'm saying like so he like he this man didn't come out his room so i so i get mad as [ __ ] like bro i go up to his room like dude and the man go you know he got a sweet so he go in the wrong so i go up to his ego in the room so i get mad as [ __ ] like man what the [ __ ] like you know rockstar [ __ ] yeah so then so that so then i tell them like bro the last time you told me to come to new york and better there i'll take the six-hour flight you ain't coming out you're wrong bro what's wrong with you bro like oh like i don't deal with that weird [ __ ] bro like i don't like i don't really be you know i ain't oh well what was his reason for nothing he told me like yeah man i know man i'm sorry i'm just dealing with anxiety and did it i said bro what the [ __ ] like what is i got anxiety too what are you talking about real like like i'd be stressed out too bro like but look on top of that anxiety but you don't do no drugs though so i got anxiety and i'm doing drugs i said what bro stop doing the [ __ ] drugs damn what the [ __ ] like stop doing that [ __ ] it's easy for you to say and do this i say bro like you know what i'm saying like why you just can't stop doing the [ __ ] and like that was the last real talk that we had yeah i mean that rockstar [ __ ] is real i mean when you see when you see these these guys and these females getting to these high levels you know like for example you know i i i've told this story a couple of times i had this little minor operation and they gave me a as they're getting ready to to basically put me under anesthesia i said oh what kind of anesthesia was propofol this is what they gave michael jackson when he died and i'm like you're straight right well no i mean i had to have it because i had a real operation but i'm but i remember waking up after like a three hour operation completely dead and i'm like yo this is what michael jackson was taking to go to sleep like this is crazy yeah michael jackson had a in-house doctor that would just give him heavy the heaviest anesthesia you could possibly give to a human just so he could sleep well at night you know i mean same thing with prince prince was all you know he had broken his legs doing the splits like in high heels or whatever on stage and he had you know problems healing up from that so he was just popping popping drugs all the time like you see this over and over again with these guys who reach this this high level you know you know what i'm saying and um because no one around them want to tell them no yeah you know that's probably why like anytime i come around them i don't know like i uh he don't do that [ __ ] around me because he know yeah he like after like i told you in the beginning he did but after that i never saw him do this [ __ ] he never do it around me because bro i'll make fun of like i would make fun like i would talk about you like bro what the [ __ ] is you know i'm saying like i think that [ __ ] stupid you know i never i don't like what i don't understand why people do that [ __ ] like i think all of that [ __ ] down you know what i'm saying like that's basically people running from their problems if you run it from you ain't gonna never deal with the [ __ ] you gotta sit you gotta face the problem as quick as possible so you can get it over with you know what i'm saying you keep running from them they gonna stay there yeah but he started early like i said i mean according to what i found 12 years old yeah you know 12 years old with lean by 15 you're popping perks and zam i did the [ __ ] too though man yeah but you're you're different you know what i mean just like i know people that have smoked crack and said nah it's not for me yeah i know people who are still crackheads 40 years later you know what i mean like it it's not just because it doesn't affect you a certain type of way people have addictive personalities and when i think about it that's that's probably that's what he had though yeah some people also are bipolar and have to self-medicate i've seen that you know what i'm saying like that they're going through [ __ ] and they figured out this this just kind of calms them i had one of my very close friends disco d the producer the guy you know betty blanco he came from disco he was disco dee's intern yeah he hung himself in his mother's uh in his mother's room at his house wow he was bipolar you know what i mean tried to commit suicide before this time he actually succeeded you you see you see a lot of stuff you know mental health is a real thing yeah and um yeah man right but that should be happening to me so that's what i thought was telling juice like yeah bro i like i can't stop thinking like sometimes i can't stop thinking like and i can't sleep you know what i'm saying and like i don't know i'd be getting migraines sometimes you know what i'm saying like but like oh no that [ __ ] don't make me act weird i will i think i probably do have weird because i i'll just be in the house by myself or like i don't really like being around people like that yeah uh my my condolences like i said i never met him but you know you're the one that saw the vision before anyone else did um well in 2020 legends never die gets released it goes number one and it's the most successful posthumous debut in 20 years uh i also had the most top 10 uh hot 100 song entries um the weekend is on it we can hop on it kind of late right yeah he um jumped on this song and then we added it to it after yeah i remember he like tweeted like oh i want to be on this album yeah uh trippy red's on it who he's worked with before paulo g uh kid leroy halsey uh marshmallow um come and go was on that which became uh his second biggest song uh i don't think so one of his biggest songs oh yeah yeah how was it putting together that album after he had died that was rough man yeah yeah because i ain't hear those songs but i didn't hear all those songs i started hearing him after he passed i'm like dad he was talking about you know what i'm saying i didn't like i didn't know he was saying all that [ __ ] man like did you hear the [ __ ] yeah he was saying like basically like he wanted to like like he wanted to die some [ __ ] black and that [ __ ] like that [ __ ] hit me like like you know i cried though like listening to some of that [ __ ] yeah there's supposed to be another album that's supposed to come out yes in the works yeah how many songs do you have of his like maybe like three thousand wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you know 3 000 songs or more i'll be fine and more songs oh no that kid was crazy 3 000 songs because remember all that the tupac albums that came out yeah that wasn't 3 000 songs yeah that was maybe 300 maybe or maybe a hundred well just got at least like six seven hundred songs that's leaked on the internet right now [ __ ] okay uh i mean his album was on stream by spotify 5.9 billion times which made him the the fourth most streamed artist in the world when you when you see these types of numbers and the effect and he's not even around to promote it you know i mean so it's kind of like you lose that part of it and still it does one of the biggest artists in the world like how do you feel um i feel good about it because there's no like people really he had a big impact on people yeah well i guess uh before he passed there was a group called yellow car that tried to sue him yeah over a lucid dreams yeah and i guess they continued the lawsuit even after he passed yeah is that still going i think it's over okay did you guys settle with them where they dropped it i think they dropped it okay they dropped it it's nice for them to drop in man well i guess they actually felt bad maybe about the whole thing the kid leroy yeah him and juice met when juice world was on tour in australia um yeah i think so okay so leroy is from waterloo sydney australia yeah uh at 10 years old he decided to pursue music right around the time his uncle got murdered you guys have talked about the situation yeah i guess his dad wasn't really around and his uncle was the one that was like pushing him to do music and you know while he was out in the streets telling him not to follow his footsteps and then when his uncle got murdered that's when he was like all right now i'm going to start taking it seriously yeah um you know at 14 he had his first ep called 14 with a dream this is way before he met him yeah uh and then i guess he was a finalist on some some competition in australia and by the time you met him was he like a star in australia or just sort of an underground kind of artist i think it was underground like he had about 15 to 20 15 maybe 1000 followers okay not a lot i think that's that's good for australia i think for australia yeah well uh well was he opening up for juice world or on tour or what happened i don't remember i think were you there in australia no no like i said i didn't go i didn't go to the show okay but allegedly they met in australia well this is what happened but okay i gotta tell you i'm in the office with one of my homies and they played me five seconds of this song of of kill leroy so it's the song called blessings and he like it's in the hook he was like oh i wake up and count my blessings but then second half of the hook he switched the flow and he i've been on a low low low and when i once i heard that i'm like i need this kid like i'm like for like i just don't know i know music and i know how hard it is to do that [ __ ] you know i'm saying so once i heard them do that [ __ ] and they say you're 15 i'm like bro this kid could do like he could do like like you know how when i first heard juice i knew i knew what it was but once if you could switch like flows like that in a hook you could do like bro you like i just knew right but just to be fair white rappers from australia have kind of a mixed bag when it comes to us success yeah iggy azalea right that's the last australian rapper that has crossed over into a u.s market and i mean she's had success of course but it's you know i mean didn't quite go according to plan yeah in terms of in terms of her being a major major artist uh so you have this white kid from australia who sings and raps what made you say okay i'm actually gonna put my resources behind this once i heard him switch that flow that's it that that little moment convinced you completely completely i just look i know how hard that is to do i i i've been rapping for a man i can't do that [ __ ] black so once i heard this little kid do that i said this is the one okay and i guess it took you a year to try to sign him yeah so what you reached out would talk to his mother or something yeah yeah the mom's like you know like you know it's hard to get somebody to trust you you know what i'm saying i tell i told my people whatever these people want give it to like i'm giving it to them you know what i'm saying whatever they want like i just knew what it was so i had my my homie calling them every other day like man i'm like bro tell him this that's not enough go up tell him this but then i found out he was already signed to a sony deal huh okay he wasn't telling you this um they they told me that eventually eventually okay so so what happened to get him out of that sony deal um he couldn't get out is either he would have had to wait it out or sign with a sony label so i meet with my lawyer and telling them like man look i need this kid whatever you got to do get me this kid so he like oh if he's in the sony deal well you could probably try to partner with sony or there so i'm like vlad i mean i mean i told my lawyer like i need this kid whatever i got to do so so we at the polo lounge and the the president of sony walked through the door he like oh you can do it with him hey ron check it out so like baby has an artist that's um in a development deal and that man y'all should partner on you but you know nobody heard this kid yet so [ __ ] you know we flew them out and we we did it every time in colombia yeah which is under sony yeah but it's under your label yeah well me and me and columbia partner aha okay 2019 uh let her go that was the first time that he started to kind of buzz okay that was the lyrical lemonade mm-hmm but then there's a story with him in juice world about how juice world did a verse for him yeah we was in greece and um like i said you know how juicy never wanted to come out is wrong so it's the kid birthday you know he wanna kick it with everybody kick it with juice juice didn't come out the room so i guess juice felt bad like you know what i'm gonna give you this a verse yeah and i guess that was a two hundred thousand dollar gift yeah that's what juice was versus it was was juice really charging two hundred thousand four charging more than that what more than that what was the most supercharged 250 300. [ __ ] can you say for who um who did we touch that i don't know we got it a couple of times eminem no we didn't charge everything right but just for like the popcorn yeah like yeah bts like that type of thing all right fine okay well you know he came out with diva with a little techa the addison ray that was a big song for him yeah yeah not really yeah it was it was it was big but okay i didn't really like th that type of stuff he was just recording he was recording the song in his room and it got on instagram or tick tock or something i just the process of him recording i think he preview previewed it and then just him previewing the song the addison rhaegar heard and she put it on her tick tock and then both and then boom all right we gotta release it now you know right uh that uh fade away a little tj and then this year he put out his album [Music] and the name of it is [ __ ] look why that name um because i don't know i i be studying my artists land and i listen to what they say the most you know what i'm saying and that's what i feel like we got to base their albums off like how do they really feel and if you listen to every song if this one thing come up all the time you know what i'm saying he'll always be saying uh like money over [ __ ] well like i'm trying to take some money then i worry about girls and i'm like man that that's what i'm gonna be about well he's howled right now 17 17. i mean you you talk you know he talks about all these issues but he's he's 17 yeah right he hasn't been in long-term relationships no just small little yeah that's what i'm saying so he's talking about a lot of these issues that are still kind of new to him but but he talks about it a lot um does he write all his own stuff yeah really hooks and all yeah so you don't have a writing team you know like what do you call it writing rooms and stuff like that um nah nah he write like nine over 90 of it sometimes i might bring like a real producer in like in a real producer that helps structure the song but you know he write it well then the album i mean it's got nba young boy he's got marshmallows got machine gun kelly he's got a little mosey and he's got juice world um the skits were a little weird that's funny look that was real life but it was actual real like two of them was real life and then the rest we kind of we fixed put a little stuff on it but he was on the phone with this girl and his dj was just recording him on the phone like on some sneaky that's recording him man he ain't even know you know well this became one of the biggest albums of this year yeah has it gone platinum already nice it's gold right now right now uh but his monthly streams are crazy yeah absolutely crazy do you feel like he's gonna surpass juice world eventually um that'll be hard it'll be hard to do that but he might he's going to have a lot more time to do it yeah because juice was 21. yeah man juice did all that two years yeah two years um well i mean it's crazy you just saw the vision of that man um to see a 16 year old white australian kid yeah and a lot of people were saying that like nobody's ever broke from australia like that like no rapper like i'm just like i just know what he could do i just knew label-wise what's next um i'm gonna sign a few more artists do you have anyone else signed right now besides leroy i'm in in the process of signing to where i got this uh other artist name clever that he signed with post milan you know grade eight productions you guys have two home runs yeah are you guys trying to be like the next interscope or are you just happy being the boutique label with just a couple of artists um i wanna i'm gonna sign a few artists maybe like five six smacks for now i don't really like dealing with too many personalities man like yeah but i don't really mix well with people so with the artists that i signed like they like family you know well since last time that we had an interview we lost king vaughn did you guys know each other no never mind never met vaughn um we also lost fbg duck did i think i saw some of y'all interviews yeah uh you s you know you've had in chicago rappers getting killed that that's always been a thing unfortunately for chicago but the rappers who were killed before were kind of like local local legends you know what i'm saying like they were big in chicago and all the neighborhoods in chicago but now you have actual like national international stars you know vaughn was a big artist like he was really on his way fbg duck with songs like slide 100 million views when you see this happening in chicago how do you get your head around that what do you mean i mean the fact that these are people that come from where you come from doing what you were primarily doing yourself doing shows going to parties going to videos you know you never really got into the [ __ ] you know into the back and forth and everything else like that but people you know have i mean i was in it too yeah it's just i don't i don't do that [ __ ] on the internet you know i don't do that on the internet oh [Music] that [ __ ] just regular chicago [ __ ] that's a gang everybody's in the game like so everybody like you beef everybody beefing with somebody you know everybody got at least two other neighborhoods that they going back and forth killing with do you ever have a situation as a you know as an executive where you [ __ ] with an artist but because of neighborhood lines of where you grow up you grew up and where they're from and what you were affiliated with and what they're affiliated with does that stop the process sometimes of course but like yeah if they from if they from some another neighborhood that my neighborhood don't [ __ ] with i don't [ __ ] with them really even though it's a good business decision i don't care about it but i i don't want to get no money with uh i can't [ __ ] with that serious huh yeah that's how ellie used to be yeah crips and bloods used to never mix with each other you know you can work with dj quick if you were from this neighborhood or wherever else but in 2021 that [ __ ] really doesn't matter yeah i'll be seeing that yeah nipsey and yg were close yeah they have hit songs together i don't know if they neighborhoods was direct like yeah but still the [ __ ] blood thing is still uh okay a ubiquitous thing to a certain degree at least it was i mean back then it was in the 80s in 2021 not so much people got people got over it people saw that okay this is stopping everyone's money yeah this is causing other scary problems look that's the difference vlad between chicago and la la they be getting money out here and they they care about money out here they get money so they gonna put money over the chicago no no like [ __ ] no like people don't really care that much about money in chicago they just want to kill like you know what i'm saying yeah no i mean the way fpg duck got got shot down in broad daylight on the rodeo drive of chicago with a thousand witnesses and cameras and they still haven't found who did it i interviewed his mother yeah did you see that uh no i see i seen some clips of it i see yo man she was crying yeah she lost three of her children two to gun violence yeah and then she had a three-year-old daughter who died in a fire um you know and now after that interview like like like the mothers like like uh tuka's mom yeah they're now getting together and doing stuff together and you know people like why interviews mom and i'm like people need to see this people need to see what happens after the the cloud chasing is over and the internet fans have gone on to something else you have someone's mother who has to deal with this every day for the rest of her life i mean but they they already be known like you know my mama knows this [ __ ] could happen to me any day you know you know what's going on you know what i'm saying you still go back to chicago yeah sometimes not not much these days because you know l.a is where the money is man atlanta at la yeah ain't no money in chicago like that so i really know like i gotta go with the money right now you know yeah of course of course you know i mean speaking of money me and you most of our conversations over the phone have been about money yeah for sure i mean used to when i started black stocks i remember you hit me up and i was you know telling you how i do it and you know not not trying to get in your bus you know i'm saying not trying to be like you know part of whatever you do i'll just say hey this is what i do if you want to do it like this that's how you do it you made me some money man i made you some money this is how you pay me back you come and do an interview with me yeah so i could make a few dollars all right you know and you know you talked about your heavy into real estate but now you you're shifting a little bit yeah vlad i ain't got the time to be worried about all the real estate [ __ ] i'm making you know what i'm saying my music business is making way more money real estate you know but real estate is cool to just have you know but like you know you got to put your main priorities first man yeah well this is why when you look at most billionaires yeah they got some real estate but usually most of their money is in stocks because you don't got to do nothing right you don't got to do anything tyler perry the latest you know billionaire a third of his his fortune is in stocks that's fun that's funny yeah i mean uh is there anything that can happen to make you go back to rapping um so like i wake up sometimes like maybe like three three four times after yeah i've been like you know what i'm gonna start like right yeah like maybe three four times out the year and you know it's just easy but it's like i'd be thinking like man how is that really gonna be cause vlad once you once crazy you always crazy you know what i'm saying so i'm still the same person from back in the day i still think it like like that but you know i got priorities and [ __ ] now so you know people look at me like you know i'm boss not vlad so well yeah i mean because when you look at it rappers retire all the time but usually on their way out yeah you know when it's like all right these last couple projects didn't do nothing i'm gonna go and just do something else but you kind of retired on top at 23 i never put out we put out mixtapes which are pretty much out yeah yeah yeah and and what's also interesting is that you don't have any songs with juice world right we we recorded once used to beg me to record with them every day like man let's do a mixtape man let's record he used to ask me to record every day i swear but i got in the studio with him one time and uh you know vlad i swear i thought i was quick at making music but i make a song in like 30 40 minutes i can make a song like 40 minutes to an hour like i can make a good song but when i got in with juice he did that [ __ ] in four minutes so i'm like bro you embarrassing the [ __ ] out of me like that [ __ ] doesn't make me feel like like less of a man that's uh you know you know who had that same story was andre harrell yeah he was in a rap group called jekyll and hyde and he said uh they went to go see l cool j perform and he said i'm done damn i'm gonna go over the executive he said i can't do that what ll is doing he's like i can't do that yeah let me let me get the [ __ ] up out of here i thought i was quick like you know i i get you know a juice he'd do that [ __ ] and fold man it's i'm taking 10 i'm just like he just looking at me crazy in the booth like what the [ __ ] you know he like he ready waiting this time i'm like bro give me a minute right and you don't have any songs with uh leroy either uh nah nah like you didn't really take advantage of your label situation by getting songs with all these big stars no yeah man well listen man baby uh you know very very interesting journey that you went through yeah you know what i'm saying and uh you know you came in with with little herb who's you know now g-herbo and he's still with it like he's still like a hundred percent rapping for sure you're zero percent you're rapping you guys came in together herb hit me all the time man we got to put out our tape we got to put out we got to put out our um we got to put up you know and uh i'll be thinking about it like you know sometimes i'll be ready to just get up and do it yeah but i think i'm gonna do it this year yeah yeah yeah right now i think i'm gonna do it good all right i'm gonna do it with her though you and her gonna come out with that project like that's how i'm starting all right this is what happens you have too much money you just started doing your first you know but look this is the only thing that's gonna be crazy black so look look okay i'm i'm awesome people look at me like a boss you know but i'm still crazy glad yeah so when in my reps i'm gonna be saying how i really feel and how is that gonna match up with you know without how you're how you're perceived how that's gonna match up black cause i'm gonna be talking about some crazy [ __ ] cuz i'm still crazy yeah yeah well well listen baby man uh at 26 years old you accomplished things that 96 year olds haven't been able to accomplish and uh you know i think you did it by focusing on what's important and not trying to grab everything that's just there i think that that's a lot of people's downfall is that they're just hustling yeah just grabbing whatever is available like i can't give up this rap money i can't give up this this whatever it's like now like i'm gonna give this up because i see a bigger purpose yeah and what it is that that i'm doing here um the whole time i've known you i've never heard you caught up in any [ __ ] i've never heard about you getting arrested you have no kids yeah you know you don't have any internet beef i don't see you going back and forth with people i'm sure people talk [ __ ] about you on the internet just like you know everyone talks [ __ ] yeah uh but you actually managed to keep your your maturity and what you've accomplished i think is because of the way you've handled yourself because a lot of people get tricked out of their position yeah but i can't let that beat me see back in the day i didn't care i didn't care about i didn't even care about living you know i'm saying i have nothing to live for i'm taking you risking like i'm i got in so many shootouts like i almost died so many times but i almost went to jail so many times but i ain't care what what do i got to live for black like it's just me i ain't got no kids i ain't got i ain't got no like real serious relationship i ain't got nobody no family to take care of so i'm just out here playing like with my homies you know what we doing yeah but now man i got chance of a life i can't [ __ ] this up black yeah i mean you're you're setting up multi-generational wealth yeah like and that's all i think about vlad like i know all the [ __ ] that i had to see when i was a kid i seen [ __ ] [ __ ] brains on the floor and i'm seven years old like i'm like i literally was [ __ ] like i didn't even know i was crazy until i get to go into every state and i'm seeing how it there is in neighborhoods and i'm like man i'm [ __ ] up i'm seeing how regular people really is vlad yeah but with that and this is something i think too many rappers have fallen victim to is that they don't put that part of their life behind them oh yeah you know i mean when you look at the situations you know with like you know most recently wife and lucci casanova two times uh you look at rallo you look at a.r ab um you know you look at busy who was sitting on death row at one point you know lucy said like you can't be a gangster and a rapper at the same time that those two things just do not work together i look at the [ __ ] like this i already did that [ __ ] black what i want i ain't got nothing to prove to know that everybody from my neighbor you know me you know what i you know you you know like yeah i mean you know you could say that like no you could say that i you they know you know yeah i did all that blood it's like i said it's [ __ ] like jay-z out here like i could do that you know what i'm saying that's how i look at it like if somebody could do it i could do it you know i just watch what they do and i try to do it better so and you've been doing it um i i i yeah yeah but i'll say this at 26 jay-z ain't where you're at i'll tell you that i got a nice start i got it you got a nice start you got a nice head start yeah you know what i'm saying so so baby man i truly appreciate you coming in we've been trying to do this for a while now we had a few few false starts along the way but this time and we we did it and uh i think this is an important story that people could learn from you know which is really why i do what i do you know to really record history and record important people during this era and you know your story is important and and you know your story tied into juice worlds is very important because not a lot of people could tell that story yeah you know i mean and i think he has a very important story and a very important lesson um you know and so congratulations on your success and i think we have a lot more to see you know in the years to come thanks man i appreciate you blind yes sir peace all right peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 1,284,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xZoKIOb69nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 33sec (5493 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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