Boy or girl ? Elsa & Anna toddlers - gifts - guests - friends - Barbie

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[Music] are we in the room yet yes looking this way i can't see we are and i'm so excited for you guys to see okay just a little more steps and where am i going oh that's the wrong way elsa oh okay i'm just gonna start okay and open your eyes surprise it's a girl [Music] a girl mommy you're having a sister i just can't believe her yes he's my first ever sister mommy oh honey this is awesome news i know i can't believe it i'm so happy which is hard to believe i'm happy yes sister so hard to believe [Applause] [Music] congratulations sis oh anna thanks for doing this party everything looks amazing over here everything is so pink do you like what i did i don't like it i love it anna this is amazing so this so this was your big surprise yes me and kristoff worked on this it's amazing and everything is pink loving a sister oh elsia are you happy you're having a sister yes cinderella i'm so happy oh and i like your bow dress thank you congratulations elsa oh and by the way your dress is so pretty thanks so much aurora congrats guys you will be blessed with another beautiful girl thanks kristoff yes thanks kristoff elsia looks so happy like she's actually having a sister i want to be happy like elsia look at her everybody is saying congratulations sister can you believe it elsia this girl will be having a sister and i'm gonna play with her oh i'm glad that you're happy i helped up oh wait do you want me to show you around come come elsia look do you like this tree tree oh it looks like a christmas tree it is in the christmas tree well it does look like one yes and we put pom-poms in it palms around and i put this it's it's a girl sign that's cool and over here we have the pink couch it with more pom-poms with so many pom-poms and me and my mommy made this pom-pom pillow that's amazing i want to see more i want to see more well yep there's lots to see here come with me and we set up so many delicious snacks on the table whoa fruit and cakes oh wait isn't that the cake we made yeah yes girls do you like how it turned out yes it did i can't wait to taste the brownies the chocolate part see yeah oh yeah i made the chocolate and yep you might be showing elsia around and i love it so far this is amazing whoa i want to see the big baby bottle oh it's so dragon do you think i can drink from it oh no elsia and we put pom-poms in it amazing amazing and look at these blocks they say b a b y baby let's see if i can build something out of them before we start playing with the blocks check this out elsia wait a minute it's a bottle and there's mini bottles in it yup there they come [Music] look at them so cool but don't actually drink from them i have a baby bottle baby bottle so many baby bottles and now elsia let's play with these blocks okay let's see what other words we can create with them um we can make a real word bae oh yeah like down by the bay baby baby baby baby baby anya watch this a twirling baby bottle lower it down and i can drink from it oh anya let's put it back together and now i'll show you this part there's so many more things oh wait anya but now i notice those pacifiers there oh yeah those ones these cupcakes are so good actually all the treats who made them glad you liked them rapunzel actually it was my sister anna and the kids they worked in the kitchen a lot of hours girls you should try your own cookies later we will we were just exploring okay and back to the pacifier i'll swing it around swing it around bright pink pink pink elsia be careful look there's a crown over there because your sister will be a princess we will actually be three princesses i think princesses can't wait to eat this i'm gonna go with anna and jack oh girls mommy we're almost gonna bump into you you better try the treats they're so delicious hi anna the cookies smell so incredibly good elsia yep i know we should try them oh look these are the cookies we cut out the heart-shaped ones and there's some cupcakes hello kitty cupcakes i'm gonna try a hell of kitty cookie and i'll try the ones we actually made the hearts i will pick the sprinkle one and i will pick this hello kitty face cookie taste test elsia that is so good try the hard ones try them anyhow i'm already gulping these cookies up they're so good and these are the cookies that we cut out i love the best baby shower this cookie's so good oh all the presents for the frost family and this one is the one that i got for elsia can't wait to see what she thinks of it huh are those like play balls can i go in it hmm i'll go ask elsia anya what is it look what i found here what oh some play balls yes and that's what i was saying maybe we can go inside it and play that actually will be so incredibly fun come on let's open it and see oh wait first let's push all these boxes there we go now we can open it way better three two one look at all that bright pink elsia it looks perfect to go in so amazing i call going in first all right well jump in what are you waiting for all right up the whole box oh i know i see another one here then i guess i'll go in this pink and purple one purple and pink purple and pink oop why am i spinning it so much all right attempt to open it this one is taping it oh yes yes yes here we go three two one did you hear that elsia ready three two one and now we have box legs see elsie oh we'll just take that later and now stuff ourselves and then we'll take that later too yes i'm so so clear you can see the pink balls be oh no i think i i made a hole there [Applause] what's going on what's that noise are these the candies so these were actually candies anya oh no and they rolled all over the place elsia do you even see this anya elsia did you do this um um we can explain we're so sorry yes yes we didn't even need to we we just were playing in these play balls at least we thought that they were play balls but they're actually candies and and then i knocked them over and then um this happened oh but girls you were supposed to ask us first yeah you just went ahead and played with them but we just really thought that they weren't candies yes we did well at least they were just for decoration we weren't planning on eating them should we do it elsia yes we should everybody we're sorry for all this that happened but don't worry because we will clean it up in a second oh don't worry girls we know you didn't mean it [Music] and all clean good job girls we are proud of you yay thank you so soon we're going to be opening the presents presents for the baby yes it's the seal are there all the gifts in the corner we saw them and there's so many bags i just can't wait to open them do you want to try some of our homemade k ganya yes let's go it's at this table girls i can't wait to see how it tastes daddy i'm sitting beside you you can sit over here yes and i will sit beside my mommy i actually do feel like eating some cake now which one should i try i think the chocolate one i love chocolate well i want to try this one strawberry vanilla this is the one that i think hmm delicious i love it homemade cake is the best well i want to try some fruits i would like a piece of pineapple yummy oh and elsa you're gonna sit on the special chair right over here when you open your presents are you ready oh yes oh yes present time let's go open presents mommy mommy get your special chair and until elsa comes i will stay here at elsia getting comfortable i can't wait to see if she likes my gift oh girls it's time for me to sit there i'll sit on the sparkly carpet jump ready for the presents mommy okay the first present is from cinderella oh i can't wait to see what's in here oh this is a really shiny box i love it oh look at this it's a cute rocking horse that's pink this is adorable i don't think elsia had one so this is gonna be cool oh it's so cute and the baby can ride on it rock rock rocking horse and i don't think i can go on it oh yeah i can't it's way too small for me oh thank you cinderella it's a wonderful gift glad you liked it elsa okay the next gift is from tiana here comes oh i see a little toy and it comes with this this cute play chair look at this i think it rocks let me see oh yes it does cool and then you put this over here look at these cute little toys and when she sits over here she can play with them oh cool and i think it's kind of like a bouncy too see oh yes i love this gift so much yes and i can't wait to sing rock bye baby to her thank you so much tiana glad you loved it elsa the next gift is from rapunzel oh it's it's a car seat oh so this is where you put the baby see elsia oh let me see let me see so she's going to stay in there and look i can carry it like this so we can carry her in this in the car what a lovely gift thank you for the gift you're welcome elsa gifts gifts gifts just for elsia's sister i want gifts for my sister or brother that's just not fair i want gifts what did you say oh nothing okay rockabye baby rocco my baby you're so cute elsia who are you singing to there's not even a baby in there oh well just i'm just imagining that that my sister is in there rockabye baby because i just can't wait i want to sing to my sister too okay the next gift is from jasmine let's see what jasmine got for our baby girl these are so adorable look at this it's a little toy to play when it when the baby lays down whoa and look at this beautiful dress oh she's gonna love to wear this elsa what do you think mommy that's the cutest dress look i know it's so cute in it and it even has like a long cape part here with like rainbows it's just just so cute i love it and this toy so how do you play with this toy do you go under it like this yes so you can't fit because you're too big yes to the baby can and i feel like there is something else in there there is yes let me see oh cute bunny for her to play with that's so cute and the bunny [Music] this dress is so pretty i want to keep it for my sister um elsia i want to kee if this for my sister okay um you can go get another dress okay oh anya but it's for my sister but but it's pretty but it's pretty from my sister jasmine got it for my sister onya no i wanted to please elsia please girls this is not nice tanya what are you doing that's elsia's sister dress you can't take it yes but it's so pretty i wanna and i wanna sit even for my sister okay elsia can just get a different but that gift is for elsa's baby and we don't even know if you're gonna have a brother or sister what are you i want a brother or sister what if you have a brother that won't be good for him oh kids yeah i think she's jealous okay this is elsia's gift you can't just yeah thank you and please don't take any any of my other presents did you like the gift elsa oh i didn't like it i loved it i'm glad to hear that thank you we have only two left snow white in aurora i'll just take both of them oh boy oh boy or should i say girl this is aurora's gift this is such a cute little merry-go-round makes a noise [Music] look at this toy it's so nice and when the baby goes to sleep you can play this song yes it's a lullaby it's a toy with a lullaby in it yeah it's a cute carousel with some cute little horses there's also something else in here oh really a purple one oh look so yeah we have a pink and purple bunny let me see if we've seen no you can't see no no but i won't take it okay please please okay fine that's so cute pink and purple oh but can i keep the pink and you keep the purple anya okay fine in the second bag oh look at this it's just pink and big it's a big thing in here no way this this is like a play card see oh it's so cute it's like a mini bumper car to play in yes oh look you know and it also has some wheels so we can roll let's see it seems rolly and i can push her in it that's so cool yes all these gifts are really so cool i didn't expect to have such lovely gifts yeah look and look i think i can fit it in a bit too how else y'all better not break it yep i better not so much cool gifts oh snow white that was a really cool gift glad you liked it but i didn't like your gift huh what i'm just kidding aurora it was amazing oh thanks i have a gift for elsia too let me go get it here it is the pink one girl else yeah look what i have you here a present just for you oh really thanks sonya can't wait to see what's inside hello this is such a cute pajama for the baby oh thanks sonia and it's pink and lovely and two little teddy bears that's so amazing i want to put them up here oh yes and look elsia purple bunny pink bunny oh yes and purple bear and pink bear so amazing thanks sonya i love the gifts you're such a good cousin well thank you everyone for the gifts i really enjoyed them they were so nice yes thank you for all your gifts we really appreciate it oh no no jack elsa huh what is it there is still some gifts from me and kristoff oh oops well i guess i don't mind more gifts surprise number one surprise number two whoa a strawberry wow wow anna kristoff this is just too amazing you didn't have to get all this so how do you like it whoa i just love it this crib it's perfect it comes with toys and the changing pad oh and there's also storage underneath to put some things in this pink stroller it's just everything is so adorable anna kristoff thank you so much well anything for my sister oh anna i love you so much mommy mommy look i can push it too i can push the baby oh elsa and there's also a changing table wow this is a cool crib yes i know it's amazing i love it this is wonderful it was such a nice party girls right yeah we just love this party i can't wait for my sister to come just can't wait you just gotta be patient girls okay i guess i can finally say thank you for every single gift every gift was amazing i loved it yes thank you so much everyone and i think i actually thought of a name for our baby girl for more videos go to our channel and subscribe [Music] you
Channel: Come Play With Me
Views: 33,185,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elsa, Anna, frozen, dolls, toys, play, children, kids, baby shower, elsya, elsia, ania, toddlers, anya, annia, come play with me, party, gifts, presents, princesses, friends, guests, dresses, gown
Id: u34GlP_zpZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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