BALLERINA ! Elsa & Anna toddlers - Ballet Classes - Dance lessons

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[Music] whoa Wow watch this wow it looks soaring love it it says that it's this way the arrow is pointing okay let's go in Oh mom you're in our class too whoa since I'm so glad you're here with us so then we can dance together oh it Anya you have the same skirt as me isn't that funny oh yeah we do have them stain skirts okay girls we're gonna go somewhere else to watch you and you guys just wait till the teacher comes wait there's a teacher well yeah of course how were you supposed to learn Anya I'm sorry LC but I'm out of here I'm too scared come on Anya come back no too scared hey Anya what are you doing oh I just don't want to do ballet anymore but you didn't even start yet are you afraid of something oh yeah I'm afraid because I thought there would be no teacher but then there is and there what if I do do a wrong move if they she gets very mad at me course is a teacher because she will teach you and this is just your first time nobody's perfect in the beginning just try your best Anya I'm too scared mommy I just can't do it why don't you just sit here and watch LCI do a few tricks okay and maybe you'll feel better okay I'll watch with you hello do your students are you ready to dance hmm I thought there were three in my class but I guess I could just start the lesson anyway come on Ani I you scaredy-cat the lesson is about to start I already told you I am scared so stop talking to me stay there right like a bug hiding over there well we have fun this is it that's funny a bug I'm not a buck stop call me back to start you can warm up by dancing to the song yay here young - here comes the end very nice girl she didn't beat you teacher B Anya's there's nothing to be afraid of and now we are going to learn some cool ballet poses and you'll just don't get any fun just me who's that oh is that just lightly cousin Anya she's too scared to join though she won't be the third person but it's fun here why she's scared I don't know she's just afraid I if she does a wrong movie you will be very mad I won't be mad at her oh no sweetie hey honey come on out there's nothing to be afraid of Hey hello teacher I'm just scared to go handle a class I won't be mad at you don't worry just try your best and have some fun oh I see reason I guess I'll join ya come on hope this isn't scary we're gonna learn how to stand straight on one leg now oh that sounds fun and huh now that's my girl don't be scared Anya have fun Oh Yaya you came enjoy girls we're going to be watching you over here okay girls so this is what we're gonna learn to do stay on one foot like this wow that looks so hard teacher yes but if you practice you will do it perfect now it's our turn okay girls since you're beginners you can start by holding the bar to help you stand straight whoa it's kind of hard whoa oh I better try again whoa whoa no yeah this is really hard work we'll just try without the bar first I'm not sure this is really good Oh Auggie I do doing it very great oh really kicker oh yeah I don't believe you it's impossible to believe you how can you do it so great really I'm actually doing it yeah your balance is very good well I think I'm actually glad that way let's try some other moves okay well Anja I'm so proud of you good job thank you mommy that stranger Anja was was hiding more like a bug at the beginning and now she's better than me hm my next trick I am going to do the best trick in the whole world okay next trick is the split you have to bare legs all the way so your legs have to be really straight like now we will never be able to do that you can with practice now you girls give it a try yeah can't how it hurts I can't do it well that's okay for your first time just keep trying now it's my time to do the best splits in the world yeah what come on I was just pushing oh oh really this is all I can do how will I bet Anja can't can't stretch much further oh whoa oh I can still do it the best hmm you want me to do the best trick wonderful Giovanni 'you can do the splits very good your legs are very straight thank you teacher and I can't believe I'm doing this hmm sta what that way now yay well good job Anja there's a crazy head out outside of the window look sorry to scare you girls I just wanted to say good job on yacht thanks again mommy hmm again I was supposed to be the best one this time Anja get the big trick hmm if something wond elfia oh nothing just nothing but nothing good girls this is good for the beginning you're doing a great job speaking teacher well this is how really kind of hard whoa whoa hold on and Anya you look like you're doing the best one of all really I can't believe it girls you be nice I'm gonna go to the restroom okay get some water I'm so thirsty mmm fresh water to drink so nice to take a break and drink some water after we worked hard I want Anya to be better than me hmm I have an idea my plans in a work hmm Bonnie I you have to do good ballet anymore if you don't want to hmm I think I still want to do ballet are you sure you want to still do ballet because you are kind of scared at the beginning yes I'm sure oh where did work well there's still one solution yet I have to be the best at the last trick whoo it's the teachers piano and she's not losing it anymore and I really wanted to see what's inside it maybe if I just open the piano oh my water oh come on what what did you do you spell on your water oops I didn't mean to spill it oh no all the water's still no I don't have any water anymore well then we better clean it up so then the teacher doesn't find out Mulan what are you doing over there I just want to see a shiny you on the piano watch me do a twirl on it no no no no that's the piano hey guys watch this oh my you broke the piano and are you okay yes I'm fine but I bet the piano is not okay what am I gonna do now she could be so mad at me one are you actually laughing at after you did something really bad yeah you're right guys what it's kind of funny no I spell let's see if anything is broken okay let's put that together okay okay girls time to do the last meal what are you doing on the things oh we did nothing bad we were very good teacher what what happened to the pan oh I don't know I just came off oh by itself girls you did something it can't come off by its own oh hey it was us but it was MoveOn woke up on the piano and then she broke this because she wanted to show us her swing mulan you only do the splits here who told you to go on the piano I'm mad at you Mulan teacher I can explain I was standing up on the piano because I really wanted to show off my tricks but then it was by accident because I tripping and this the law Mulan we don't we're not allowed to climb on pianos that's ridiculous don't please I'm sorry you don't ever heard it ever again okay okay I let him get the key if it still work okay the news it's working oh good what teacher are you still mad at me I guess I forgive you but please don't do crazy things when I'm gone okay okay they're all fixed yay okay and now that all the problems are solved the third trick we're going to learn is how to twirl on one foot oh that looks fun well I better be your at this trick because because it on our win the trophy or leaving the line but I want to win the trophy I'm going to do the best trick and I have a surprise for you two ballerinas who are here a long time ago they were little just like you but now they grew up and they can dance very nicely and they're going to show us how to twirl very good whoa we're gonna see real good ballerinas I'm going to tell her mommies to come here and see oh look oh uh candy looks so pretty they have nice poofy skirts and I love their outfits and we just have a tiny one hello everyone my name is Abigail and my name is Margaret oh and we're going to show you how to twirl cos show us that's very great and now she's switching legs love your trick hey watch how you hit my head thank you thank you for the applause we love to perform this Abigail and Margaret thank you if you continue to do ballet you can be as good as us one day really mm-hmm you seem to keep working hard okay we will bye bye I've gone for Lane let's see who can tour all the best and the music is coming it was a good try Milan it's not very sad LCI your name okay I'm gonna go on yes okay Wow you can't do it oh I have to trick on your teacher I had the best tricks right because I got tricked and I didn't MC ah I saw how you tricked her why did you do that she was twirling very nicely wait what are you talking about I never tricked her Elsie yeah we saw you well why are you being rude to her okay I'll tell you the truth I tricked her because I played because she wasn't doing all good tricks and I never had a time to show off just her well some people are just better than others and you can just keep practicing and you'll get better ah yes just good at ballet oh he made me very mound don't worry you can just keep practicing and you'll get better and better don't be mean to Anya okay he's your cousin you should be nice to her oh yeah no I feel sorry for her Lani are you okay let me help you up Anya no I don't want to hold your hand why I want the teacher tell me because you are mean to me but but I'm sorry did you just realize what you did yes I do and I'm really sorry I guess I'll forgive you because you're my cousin yay oh no my mommy is coming I heard everything from outside so no toys for two days for you Ella Miami no but you have to learn not to be mean to Anya and other people okay always have to talk about it I want this to stop right now okay this will never happen again girls before you leave today I have some stickers for doing a good job I'm going to give one to each of you and Anya since you did the best at ballet today you get this special trophy you can keep thank you so much teacher Oh Anya I'm so proud of you and I can't wait to tell Christoph your dad will be so proud of you too here's your trophy and it shows a girl doing a perfect leap for doing the move the most correct you get this trophy hey Thank You teacher you're welcome and here are some stickers for everybody else and Anya you get the one that is number one I'm going to put it on your shirt on you okay number one you did a great job mommy you'll get my knife like that I like it come give me a kiss on here okay can we get a sticker of course yay Milan you can have the well-done sticker hurray very well done my mom is going to be so proud of me I know she will and Elsie are you get the one that says good job yay mommy and be like my stickers yes my love Adele SIA it's so pretty good although you almost broke my piano good job today class it was very good for your first time thank you huh Oh a teacher I think I see my mom outside thank you for the lesson bomber welcome anytime anybody Maya thank you sure goodbye my love I have nice day bye visit our channel and subscribe for more videos [Music]
Channel: Come Play With Me
Views: 51,860,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elsa, Anna, frozen, dolls, toys, play, Come Play With Me, children, kids, ballet, ballerina, dance, classes, lessons, learn to dance, instructions, twirl, spinning, toes, piano, teacher, elsya, annya, anya, elsia, ania, toddlers, barbie, leap, training, learn ballet, contest, split, annia
Id: chxE-bBIamU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2017
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