Anna breaks a Laptop ! Elsa & Anna toddlers visit Nikki's house - Playdate - TV Watching

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[Music] the best pleading effort whoa kick girls no man all right here's Nicki's house I'm excited to see her nail house aren't you kind of nervous girl yeah okay this is our first time to meet Nikki and her house looks very nice let's knock on the door oh that was the Elsa Anna oh hello everyone it's nice to see you hi Elsa Anna hi Niki oh you children are so adorable thank you oh thank you Nikki well come on in everybody Wow Nikki your house is so cool yeah double cool thank you girls what are your names my name is Anya and she is yeah oh those are such cute names welcome everybody this is my husband hi I'm Jason come on sweetie come on out you have two new girls to play with come on honey Barney don't be shy look else yeah I can see a little ponytail over there I wonder who it is I saw her I saw her away okay I can do this Oh hello my name is Rachel oh hi Rachel that's a beautiful name isn't it Elsie yeah yeah do you want to play with me oh sure it my name is Anya and my name's s yeah let's go play upstairs okay let's go through the elevator okay this elevator so cool Oh your house is amazing what's its name her name is milky milky oh that's so cute I take milk should we have to be quiet she's sleeping now um is your name Anya your my name is Anya Anya I like your cat ears they're cool oh thank you so much Rachel you're actually fun to play with Hey but I'm fun to play with too not trying to be mean but I just tell a telling you that I am a fun player too I don't believe you I don't want to play with you your toys are cool Jana play with those yeah the other puppets look at the puppets they have different sea wings it's not feelings it's feelings Hey look this one is crying it's sad earlier puppet well we're gonna cheer it up by playing with it here do you want it yeah let me put it on my hand I think I think this puppet is scared I'll put on my other hand Kate dancing pull me in your way okay okay you want to see the bedroom in the balcony upstairs over there I'm gonna call the elevator okay it's coming let's get in okay boom - potatoes look what I have here I have some fresh garden salad put it on the table Nikki ladies the mashed potatoes ready mm-hmm the mashed potatoes smells so good I can't wait to taste it it must taste so good Wow this food looks great can't wait to eat but Nikki you don't have to make any food for our kids they just ate before we came here that's okay I made them some popcorn so they can watch a movie whoa we're at the top level let's go here Wow was your parents room it's so big and cool yes this is my parents room you can see my shoes are so big I don't know but do you watch you guys and I'll put those and I want to try the spiky I think we should put them back I don't want my dad to be mad yeah let's put them back Rachel you have a balcony yes you want to go see it let's go get some fresh air - yeah oh wow it's beautiful out here your house is just so cool Rachel thank you ah so relaxing I just love the fresh air hey guys do you hear that what is it I think we lost it yeah the Bee is gone here okay wait for me my mom is here yes I want popcorn mommy can be also watch a movie hey popcorn and movie popcorn a movie come on Nicky okay let me put the pot on the table for you you can share one else in Anya oh thank you uh no where are you there you are Anya but what are you doing at Nicky's desk why don't we watch the movie on Nicky's laptop while the screen is too small for all of us to see so no and we're not even allowed to get it off of her desk I will ask Nicky no Anya we are not allowed to use her laptop well I will ask Nicky if we can use it no Anya that is not right to do so give me it no no no me stop it I'll see aha on your watch out the windows behind you I don't care ah ah [Music] [Music] it's all your fault what what what what what is it what what can I tell Mickey what he just caught down it's gonna be fine no it's not why are you crying Anya what happened well she I'm sorry to tell you this but we not out your mom's computer out the window we're so sorry Yaya how could you it I thought you were my friend it's so sorry Rachel well yeah I was a mistake but Elsa doesn't think it just actually true or are you just making a joke we are leave you let me see the desk if there's a computer there in that chair it's true how could you lose it Anya my mom is gonna be so mad at you let me call her did something bad hey dude yes I can hear it I better go see what's going on here daddy what happened the window you know that we watch movies on TV not the computer sorry mommy mommy the pictures with me and you and daddy are all gone now what Anya come here I am very mad at you why were you at Nicky's desk without asking this is not nice that was her computer and now it may even be broken and we have to pay for it Anya I don't like when you do stuff like this no toys for one day one day without them you have to learn your journey the day Anya we can figured out that later say say sorry - Nicky please sorry Nicky I know yo yo guys are upset but I'm really really really sorry do you really mean it yes I I really mean it Nicky in that case I will forgive you Anya it's okay honey we'll forgive you just make sure not to do it again okay I promise never to do it again hey guys the laptop might not be and the pictures might still be there maybe it's not even broken out though let's go outside and see it I'll be right back okay so are you coming okay let's go down do you see it else yeah not yet oh look there it is oh no it's broken Oh Nick he's gonna be so mad at us we really have to pay for it it was audience mistake yeah is this green crack see whoa oh no what do we do mommy it's okay we'll pay for it but I feel so sorry for Nicky but I get to show it to her yeah let's go let's go in the house that way okay we're back guys but back I'm afraid we have some bad news let's put on the table else y'all okay this is what happened to your laptop Nicky you're sorry Nicky I will pay for it don't worry it's on yes mistake poor a laptop and all our pictures are gone I mean they feel like crying don't worry sweetie we will get a new one in a better one and Elsa is gonna pay for it Thank You Elsa we are so sorry for this Nicky and I promise y'all buy another one we know how it feels to lose everything that was on the laptop hey honey bunny would you like to watch a movie with your friends and can we watch the movie all by ourselves yes of course girls and guess what I also made some cake for you to eat popcorn and cake that's delicious get it here's the cake girls hey hey don't eat too much you don't want to feel bad okay enjoy the movie 20 yeah I know her too and I like to watch her did you try the cake yet it's the best pleading ever visit our Channel and subscribe for more videos [Music] you
Channel: Come Play With Me
Views: 77,467,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elsa, Anna, frozen, dolls, toys, play, Come Play With Me, children, kids, play date, visit, Nikki, house, elevator, balcony, break, computer, laptop, screen, elsya, anya, elsia, ania, toddlers, Barbie, watch TV
Id: -a2stY6Fdlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2017
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