Baldur's Gate 3 - Withers Saves the Bhaalspawn - Minsc & Jaheira React

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thank you [Music] must you are the chosen one he is near he comes for you [Music] very good [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I expected the other but you live and her blood is returned to me You Are My Chosen I have a gift for you child lacerate this world a gift from your God your father an offering of his affection for you or confirmation that he owns you [Music] oh my spawn your veins course with my Unholy blood your life is mine accept your inheritance or I will reclaim it were made to conquer you reject my blood and so I will reclaim it another who is Worthy for the first time in over a century silence Falls over the Baal Temple no chance no screams no prayers in the end your own death brought you more joy than any you wrought on this land you are slipping into peaceful Oblivion but your journey is not over thou as defied bow thy liege and father and in doing so has turned a place among Champions and heroes but alas my courage was in opposition to the Divine cosmology that bound thee to the Lord of murder Thou Art now faithless Godless and do want to wander the few plain for eternity I will not permit that though all the powers of life and death dictates that it should be so I too still hold some power and I invest a portion of it in thee who have challenged the gods and now liveth to 10 of it thy fight is not over and it is that for one who can look upon bowel and oppose him can survive any crisis so rise Challenger of gods and prepare for battle once more death will not claim thee whilst I scribe essential a keeper of records and now thine advocate both here and in the city of the Dead so our way to atone for thine actions is to do better in a new dawn that dawn has come Baal tried to extinguish thee but his wrath is imprecise he only succeeded in killing the part of thee he knew the urge that drove thee to terrible acts the spark of brutality that made thee is but there is a new part of you that hath grown during my travels that part Baal could not extinguish and so instead of just of destroying the he hath made the Anew the heart of a savior hath overshadowed the mind of a murderer thou Hast vanquished thine I know all but to State truths is to interfere for the minds of Mortals are easily swayed my place for the most part is to observe this intervention the Reclamation of thy soul is beyond mine ordinary remit but Thou Art extraordinary and so are these times today Thou Art born anew a genuine pleasure to meet you again my friend means cut his doubts about you little Slayer but boo had none greets the bloodless Dawn child of none do not thank me trust in thy carriage and the conviction of thy companions as it was so it is again a hero has risen from a legacy of death it was no easy thing overcoming those urges that gripped you I'm not sure I would have managed in your shoes well done good I knew you had what it took to quieten your demons I'd hate to have lost the real you you are quite remarkable another ball spawn buried by our hand balls should learn better than to send his offspring against us they might as well be babes dropped bare bottom into the Russian winter congratulations are in order I fancied myself the sage advisor sworn to guide you through what it means to be a child of Baal and while I mulled on that solemn responsibility you went and took care of it on your own well done truly well done indeed though now you will never see a god of death cover before a miniature giant space hamster every choice has a cost I suppose the path of a ball spawn is not an easy one nor does it ever truly end you found your footing where so many before you have fallen wherever you lead from now we will follow believe you have an appointment with another brain lead them nature servant awaits
Channel: Kazuliski
Views: 139,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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