Galadriel: How NOT To Write A Likable Character | Asmongold Reacts

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so I've been watching this show uh you know I watched I watched the majority of rings of power I will admit I did not finish rings of power the reason why is that um I was watching it with my dad and like my dad was unable to watch the show without falling asleep like physically incapable of watching the show without falling asleep and like by the way yeah he's an old man right but like if we're watching a a war movie or something about like something where he can tell me what the like he can talk to me about like how much he knows more than the movie right he's going to be talking to me during the movie I I [ __ ] hate that but he does it and uh anyway but yeah with this like I'm pretty sure like even at the the starting screen he had passed the [ __ ] out but it never bother rings of power never bothered me and the reason why it didn't is that I just view it as fanfiction it's just fanfiction it's just it yeah so the same as like that uh Shadow of Mordor like oh you can make a blue one ring no like what the [ __ ] like yeah like I didn't give a [ __ ] about that hey kid are you interested in a story about an overpowered elf girl who after a tragic loss travels through a Fantasy Realm to fight evil alongside diverse quirky characters if you thought I was talking about the Lord of the Rings the rings of power you'd be wrong let's face it the rings of power had a CH to be fair though like the Lord of the Rings the rings of power thing we get let's face it we got a few really [ __ ] badass scenes this is one of them this was [ __ ] awesome the rings of power had a chance to be a good show but ultimately failed to capture the Whimsical nature of tolk's work luckily feren Beyond Journey's End or so so noin is everything the rings of power wishes it could be and does more Justice to tolk's work without even using the same name or characters but what I found most interesting is the surprising similarities between F and gadri as they both share similar character traits motivations and even some of the same flaws of course just having those traits doesn't necessarily make a character well written I know there are a ton of YouTubers who already ragged on gadriel calling her a Mary Sue and even speculating that she may in fact be Sauron in Disguise so it's great to have Feen as an example of how you could make a likable gadriel I highly recommend you watch at least episode one of Soo no freerun for context it's only around 20 minutes long and you will pretty much get everything you need to know about the story and the character and while I'm not planning to spoil anything that you wouldn't find in the synopsis it may lessen the impact of your initial viewing experience for fairness I guess you yeah I watched uh I'm up to the episode on frein uh where the [ __ ] it's where like the guy gets the girl a birthday present she gets mad at him because he didn't get her one in time like yeah 14 or 15 something like that yeah like I'm I'm pretty far into it watch the first episode of rings of power to also I got got to be honest with you whatever character analysis I do in gadriel may not even be accurate since her character is so onedimensional I'm afraid I might make her sound too complex and interesting than she actually is with all that out of the way let's start both Ren and gadriel set off on their Adventure after the death of a loved one for gadriel it was her older brother finrod and for frieren it was her friend and fellow Adventurer Himel both shows make it pretty clear that those dos had a massive impact on the protagonists and kickstarted the whole story so I think I think one reason why frein is better and it's better written is that there are a lot more things in the show that aren't outwardly stated like one problem that I think a lot of uh like Western shows have now is that there are there's never any subtlety in any of the like any sort of media there's never any subtlety everything is so outward and like overt and like you can even compare this it's spoonfed right yeah it is you can even compare this to like older movies that like it's not like that anymore media literacy is dead I I don't know really why I mean it could be like a bunch of different reasons but yeah I think that's true it's important to take a look specifically at how those tragic events are presented to the audience after all if the viewers are to stick around for the journey they have to be empathetic to the goals of the protagonists to make the death of a loved one impactful a writer has to make them likable or at least establish a strong bond between them and the protagonist the stronger the bond the more tragic the loss is to both the protagonist and the viewer most riters know this so they spend time building up the loved one in the story there are a ton of great examples so let's see how the rings of power and soos noan handled this Trope in the rings of power we get to see galadriel's childhood and fods roll in it finrod appears to be a caring older brother and a mentor to gadriel at least that's what I think the show is trying to establish the lesson finr teaches doesn't really make sense the stone sees only downward and also like one thing that annoyed me about this is that think about how badass it would have been if you actually got the scene of angolian and melor and angolian actually like draining the life out of the Trees of valanor and we didn't get that why the [ __ ] not that would have been awesome it would be insane yeah it would be super cool darkness of the waters vast there is a stipple I think the writer is trying to make the scene appear more deep and profound but lacks the wisdom to actually make it profound the worst thing is that having gadriel and finra just sitting around talking in a monotonous voice doesn't help establish a strong familial Bond not only is it visually boring it makes the relationship appear cold and distant but you must learn to discern them for yourself I won't always be here to speak them to you you w't I'm just as confused as gadriel why would finrod say that I hope he's not implying that he will die because the show establishes that death isn't even a concept among the at this point we had no word for death for we thought our Joys would be unending so technically he could always be around then again I'm not sure he wants to there's nothing to indicate that they actually like each other when he tells her to come home with him gadriel just stands there and watches him go alone why I don't get it I thought they're meant to have a close relationship why couldn't you have well I think it's just all like trying to like make it foreshadowing for the fact that he's going to die right it's like again like there's the lack of subtlety walk together hold hands maybe maybe have her looking up at him while they walk next to each other anything to show the two are actually close look I know what the show is trying to symbolize with finrod leaving her alone but it wasn't earned yet which is why I doubt anyone in the audience felt sad when finrod went to war or when he was killed we didn't even see him say goodbye to Galadriel before going to war we don't even see anyone mourn his death besides Galadriel and and even she barely mustered out a tear one could argue that these elves still don't quite understand the concept of death but I'd argue it would be a good time to show them emotional and vulnerable for such an important plot beat the rings of power utterly failed to signify the importance of finrod and the tragedy of his death the well I mean like the big comparison there is the fact that like in frein like you hear about this guy at like the beginning of the show and then he's gone whereas like in frerin there's a lot of like they keep building up like the past storyline like very much throughout the entire show rather than it just kind of being like the springboard of the actual story so it is 1 hour long could they not have squeezed in a few scenes of finrod and gadriel doing something fun together or sure the moment gadriel hears about her brother's death gadriel is an adult by the time finrod dies could we not have had a scene where gadriel shows concern about finrod going to another War campaign his death could have been a warning to gadal about the dangers of very good point that like yeah it's like all this stuff is just totally skipped and ignored obsessions there are so many ways of making this good and they use none of them but no F was nothing more than applaud device that justified galadriel's insane actions throughout the show anyway let's see how Fan's relationship with himl is handled in so so no ferin unlike the rings of power so noan uses a lot of visual storytelling you can basically watch the show on mute or without subs and still follow the story pretty well and the show uses this to great effect to establish relationships and signified narrative changes just look at the first interaction between ferin and himl fen's face is covered by the book like a wall between her and the rest of the world himl calls her by her name making her drop that wall look at the framing of the shot and how fan enters it she could have been sitting in that shot already but no she raises into the frame almost like she was in her own world until now Des spite there being four characters feren Himel heer and E feren is almost always in frame next to himl signifying him's importance in Fan's life especially compared to the other two party members the dialogue too doesn't waste time to establish who they are their relationship well it's also like I mean even like the entire timekeeping of the show is around the frame of reference of this guy right and so whereas like I forgot uh glad ral's uh what do you call it I I forgot her brother's name like by the time I was on episode three I already forgot his name because who cares even some future events it feels like a natural conversation and already gives plenty of information for the audience to get a feel for each character much like gadriel fan has that elfish stoicism and appears detached from the other party members elves in this anime live for thousands of years so fan per receives the passage of time differently than her human or dwarf companions so there's a good reason why himl also said does something along the lines of I won't always be around but in a much more subtle way free Ren the life that lies ahead of you will be far longer than the rest of us could know or that we could begin to comprehend yes perhaps and it works better than the rings of power because it's a human telling this to an elf now if this was rings of power this would be the last time we see himl maybe we see him die in battle andan standing at his grave but no this is so so noririn and it's not done making you fall in love with these characters we have them celebrate together reminisce over their adventure with flashbacks we repeatedly told her it was and it's also like again it's something that that goes throughout the entire show like at least as far as I've gotten in the show like it's not something that's like it's a oneandone and then like there's the new story that follows that the dub yeah well I mean I think people I mean nobody wants not everybody wants to read subtitles like I get that I mean sometimes I watch shows on dub to I mean like I'm going to be totally honest I do like I don't speak Japanese I don't want to listen to something in Japanese and yet here we are it time to lose the elf the scene once again highlights the difference in perception of time between fan and her friends you made this Quest the Journey of my lifetime thank you all I feel the same way our adventure was a mere 10 years a mere 10 but that's a full decade Fen doesn't have the same sentimental Notions that they do mhm but himl and the others are understanding watch how himl reacts when feran offers to take them to a special place to watch the meteor shower again I know a good place I'll take us there when the opportunity arises in 50 years what's wrong nothing nothing in the world see again it's like it there's the subtleties that exist in this show that in a lot of modern shows don't exist they're just not there so it's a plan they extremely La years from now he doesn't tell her that he may not live that long he just Chuckles and agrees so now you're probably thinking oh I see they made a promise to go together she leaves for 50 years but when she comes back she finds out that himl was killed by an evil demon so she sets off an adventure to avenge him right no nope he's alive and well he's just old too old to go to see the meteor shower causing conflict they all meet up and go see the meteor shower huh now I got you on their Journey a demon attacks and kills her party setting her on a Revenge Quest they all successfully reached the location and enjoy the meteor shower damn unlike finrod himl is not just a plot device he's a character with his own identity and one that is easy to like in fact I'd argue that we as the audience begin to appreciate himl more than fan does and it's only been like 14 minutes I don't know if you felt like this when you were watching the first episode but the moment fan left my anxiety levels was starting to rise throughout the Montage of Freer and living by herself I couldn't help but think about him in my mind I was like is he all right is he alive F and you fool go visit him damn it and there was plenty of foreshadow it's again like more more subtleties things where it's like you can tell the story without having to like overtly say this person is sad right now and it's like they're ignoring the other person like what is this what show is this it's called freerun it's on a crunchy roll to make me feel that way even before they set out to see the meteor shower there was plenty of visual storytelling that made it clear what's going to happen this will be him's final Adventure once again so so noan takes time to showcase the importance of him's death by letting the audience be part of the funeral and it's full of wellth thought out visual story like this wide shot where we see F at the center with an empty space next to her think how many times we saw her in the same shot with him but now he's not there unlike gadriel Fen understands the concept of death she has seen plenty of it over the thousands of years that she lived so it makes sense that she's stoic during the funeral some of the locals even shame her for not showing any sadness that girl was one of himmel's companions I've yet to even see her frown how heartless but again for an elf a human's life is very short and insignificant and yet yeah she does cry at the end I think do a cut down years with him wasn't nearly enough time to learn I was aware that human lives are short but this why didn't I try to try to better know and understand you yeah this guy's my favorite by the way he's the best the priest geez the rings of power wishes they had a scene like that mhm there was no need for any demons or villains to come in and kill the loved one in all cases him will die in the best possible way peacefully among his best friends the real tragedy is Feer and realizing too late that her friends lives are short and that she missed out on making many great memories with them it's a far more Rel introspection that many grieving people feel Fen doesn't have some big bad evil guy to focus on killing to make herself feel better she has to deal with her guilt and all the uh all the the battles in the the story are like they're kind of like yeah they happen but like they're really not that big of a deal like it that's really not the main point of the story like there's that one uh where like the the fern is like fighting the the vampire guy that was kind of a big deal right but like besides that nothing else really was ways luckily heer and is comfort her letting her and the audience know that she still has two friends who are there for her and maybe she will learn to appreciate them more meanwhile I have no idea what gadal is thinking or feeling I don't really know what kind of introspection she's having besides acknowledging the horrors of war and choosing to seek out Vengeance against the one who killed her brother but not before stealing the blade out of R's cold dead hands wouldn't it have been great to see her comforted by her friends instead oh yeah do she even have friends does finrod have any friends maybe that's why she chose to deal with grief in such a toxic way by the way do you know why she took fin Rod's blade it's because the writers thought it's so clever to have a blade symbolized fin Rod look it's like her brother is besides her guiding her and protecting her the writers didn't even realized they were literally objectifying finrod would it not have been more meaningful if he gave her that blade rather than her prying it out of her brother's corpse again I don't even think that was the problem I I think that it's just as simple as that like you can't make something like if you want to have people like understand something on emotional level you can't just one and done it it just doesn't work that well something show their relationship in Fan's case we see her look at the ring after the funeral implying yeah I actually I don't think that the dagger thing is really that bad personally like it wasn't like I think that's okay thing she got from himl it's not yet clear what the significance of the ring is but I'm sure we will find out later in the series Himel himself made sure that he will not be forgotten by anyone especially feran you are constantly getting statues put up in your honor him well how else can I assure that people will remember us take a look at this face future Generations must see how handsome I was whatever I'm heading back to the Inn though there is a the greater reason when we three are gone maybe our statues will keep you from feeling lonely he also appears on flashbacks and in the characters that himl helped in the past his existence improved many lives and inspired many heroic Deeds it's a presence that never leaves FY inside even if him is dead finrod on the other hand uh he has one Statue I guess amongst other elves who died in battle he doesn't appear exceptional in that way and again because we never see any more scenes between him and gadriel it's really hard to empathize with galadriel's Quest so I guess the blade is better than nothing it could still do something I think that there's another problem where like a lot of the stories that like I feel like this is a common complaint that a lot of people have with like like female narratively driven stories is that I I don't think that a lot of writers at least like Western writers know how to write female characters with like believable flaws I think that often times they write male characters and then they just make them female instead I think that's really what the issue is is it like it's there's this fundamental uh like disconnect between like what would a guy do in this situation versus what would a girl do in the situation now I think that's really what the issue is it's that it's not relatable because it's not real it could be used like Luffy's had where she gives it to someone important to her but they don't so I don't know why I'm bringing it up but you may be thinking Trend we hear you these scenes are important but what about the main characters which elf girl is better what makes them similar or different look I think it's pretty obvious which character will be better written but you're right I did say there's a lot to compare between gadriel and fan I don't really subscribe the idea that gadriel is being a Mary Sue while the show is definitely trying to portray gadriel as aough tough and capable Warrior that is liked or feared by others her actions and dialogue make her out to be a highly flawed character remember when I here's another just reality fact it's much more believable to have female characters as really powerful Mages versus really powerful warriors because women are naturally weaker than men that's just how it is so it's just like basically just on like a very fun mental level like it makes a lot more sense to have a female Mage be really powerful versus like a Female warrior be really powerful and it's fantasy but it it's not though right it's not really fantasy it's just like a Fantastical world where humans are in it like there like I think that fantasy thrives in the cracks in between the fantasy where like the humanity is there like that's why something like the Rings is really good that's why a lot of like really popular fantasy movies are popular it's because they're fantasy but because they're telling a story in a Fantastical way they it like kind of gives them in a weird like abstract sense the ability to tell a very human story because everything else in the story is kind of like uh like you're you're not believing in that right you know that's not real and so the human element is the only thing that is real I probably could say that in a better way but like that's generally what I'm trying to say whicher three has done it's really good especially the in intelligence and and maturity of a mage it works well with the Betrayal of both younger and older women in fantasy yeah it does that's just how it is couldn't they be more agility melee fighter not power powerful but flexibility and dextrous yeah maybe but like come on man like what are we talking about like like ARA Stark yeah that works but it doesn't work as well as her just being a [ __ ] Mage it's just still not real mentioned elv traditional take it's not somebody says it's traditional isake yes it's there is no there is no other take to have that's it there's no other take that there's not another Viewpoint that you can have that's just that's just the reality and what I'm saying is that it doesn't it like clearly breaks the boundaries like you have to let me think of a way to put it like I I don't know how to explain it in like a good way but basically in a weird way it's more believable that there are Mages than that there's like some girl that's like able to like overpower Five Knights at the same time that are men it's a suspension of disbelief yeah I I I can't explain it it just feels weird to me yeah gadal struggles with that one in many scenes we see her barely holding her emotions in she always looks like she's about to snap M you know you're in trouble when Sauron tells you to keep it calm show some restraint let's try not to antagonize these people then if blood be the price of Passage I will pay it but one way or another I will depart if she had Darth Vader's Force choke abilities her arm would get from using it too much the only time I remember seeing her happy is when she's riding that horse and it's such a brief moment that the filmmakers decided to slowmo that scene just to have a longer take of her smiling the rest of the time she's arguing whining about her trauma glaring at people or standing around like an idiot look at the scene where the volcano is erupting and molten rocks are falling on the villagers um gadriel why are you standing there rocks are falling people are dying aren't you going to help them show some leadership H some self-preservation perhaps why are you standing there looking confused it's not that difficult to understand what's happening help them oh oh okay okay I'll guess you'll die when she's not acting like an idiot she finds a way to make herself more unlikable every reply she says sounds like the Renegade option in a video game I will take my chances on the ski that would leave me little Choice with a shout for your minders suppose the words never manage to escape your throat you do well to identify what it is that your opponent most fears and exploit it no surprisingly enough I think galadriel's like ability comes out most when she's interacting with hellbrand I'm not going to lie there is a sort of Chemistry Between the two it's not as strong as fens and Himel but it is there mhm don't tell me well and also like isn't that kind of a problem though cuz like spoilers right like this guy's supposed to be Sauron so I don't know I think it's kind of a big deal it's kind of a big deal like yeah I just can't seem to stop getting along with [Applause] saon man Tav BR sedition much like fan Galadriel struggles to relate to others but in a slightly different way she lacks matters and diplomacy skills often treating others as lessers who is this Mortal who speaks to me as if he has the slightest idea who I am so she often makes her own mission more difficult that's why it's nice to have hellbrand trying to help her navigate social conventions so by your standards it's like again like she's so obnoxious and unlikable in the show that she has to have saon all right look just calm down all right look what she's trying to say is it's like Jesus man cell because I yet to identify what the queen most fears my very low standards yes and I suppose you did having met her for all of a few moments during which you managed to demand a ship insult her people defy yeah in the show like I would say that saon is more likable than she is that's a really good point and it I don't even think it's close none of Quicken her pulse he's also the one who makes her acknowledge her own flaws and open up more I have been searching for my peace for longer than you know please for both our sakes let me keep it perhaps some peace could do you good as well there is a semblance of a good character Dynamic there however it would be better if they were in gadriel and Sauron because I don't like the idea of this gadriel becoming the kind and caring gadriel from The Lord of the Rings because of a totally different character it just doesn't feel right yeah it's not poison if that's your concern not for humans anyway if he wasn't likable numor would not attack valanor that's a good point yeah I mean and he is the deceiver and yeah he came off but like the thing is that he's not even really that much of a good dude in the show either so it's not like he's like this you know raining Beacon of light that everybody agrees with no he's an [ __ ] kind of in the show too but it's like compared to her he's better but let's be fair Fen also has immature qualities but much like the funeral scene everything is paced out to make sure the audience actually likes Fen and relates to her despite her quirks and shortcomings the early episodes of so so no fan are all about establishing characters and the world she's a stoic intelligent Mage who likes to collect spells while appearing to be calm and collected she's not Beyond getting into trouble being lazy naive or quirky more importantly she's quite detached from others well I think this is another thing is that a lot of the shows struggle to show like uh I think that because like there's so much and this is kind of the issue with like a lot of shows is that there's so much pressure on shows to be congruent with breaking social norms and not enforcing stereotypes that the different characters that are in the shows aren't really seen to have a lot of different weaknesses because if they show those weaknesses then it could be seen as a parallel to the real world whereas like frein does tons of dumb stuff she's [ __ ] lazy she sleeps in all the time she forgets about people's stuff like everything yeah she done yeah become unrelatable yeah exactly they're not really relatable Free Run to hum and their sentimentality you didn't come to the New Year's festival with us why not you broke poor heer's heart now he's bedridden what a sensitive Soul the only thing he's sensitive to are the effects of his drink the rest of you got to go so what's the issue you should have been there too we wanted you to enjoy it it's only after him's death does she begin to address her flaws but even then we see that it's a slow process and not one that she can overcome on her own that's why Fern an apprentice that hide her left for fre and to take care of is such an important character in the story remember when I told you about my frustration with feran when she was wasting her time while himl was getting old that's basically Fern she's there to Spur Fri and on to stop her from wasting precious time the time I spend isn't solely my own anymore we should go I promise that I'll end my search soon Mr how many years is soon friend works great as the audience is POV and lets them explore Fan's more vulnerable and relatable sides it's something that the rings of power is not willing to do with gadriel I don't know anything about Galadriel I only know her quest for Revenge but that's about it she's basically yeah they don't want to show the character having any weaknesses or having any shortcomings or anything like that I think that's like right now a very big problem with like a lot of this type of writing and are from drawn together I am Xander I'm on a NeverEnding quest to save my girlfriend I'm on a never ending quest to save my girlfriend I am on a NeverEnding quest to save my girlfriend but even Xander had more personality than gadriel unlike gadriel fan doesn't sit around on her rank or Laurels even though she defeated a more golf-sized enemy and became the hero of the land Fen isn't above helping villagers clean the beach or summon some flowers to make the Garden look nice but here's the cool thing frean takes seven episodes to finally introduce a real threat and many viewers who had fun watching the squirky elf will be taken AB by the change in tone and fen's behavior yeah bro like cuz the thing is in this show like she basically does nothing for like the majority of the whole show and then like she just sees this one dude with horns on and she like immediately squares up with them like just on site yeah kill on mistress frein Demon's approach as the audience we don't even need to know the backstory between fan and demons yet the shift in her character is Enough To indicate how she feels about them and lets us infer what may have happened in the past this part of the story is also where fan and Galadriel are the most similar oels hate the main monsters that they battle and they execute them without remorse yep let's talk this through got him surprisingly enough gadri is actually the more merciful between the two elves as she has concerns over what her pursuit of vengeance is turning her into before I drive my dagger well it's also the uh there's a degree of kind of there's the the comparison the ju position of you know how thoughtful and emotional and you know like I think thoughtful is probably the the best word that like all of the rest of the actions in the show are whereas whenever it's a demon well you just [ __ ] killed demons that's it yeah why because they're demons that's what they do all they do is lie and kill people and so you have to kill them before they kill you and it's like there's a certain level of uh [ __ ] like Simplicity to that that I I think kind of is is shocking right from that point in the show poisoned heart I will whisper in your Pik at ear that all your offspring are dead and the scourge of your kind ends with you it would seem I'm not the only elf alive it's being transformed by Darkness it's not a bad idea and if executed well I'd actually have to give a point to rings of power for this one and so so no ferin ferin remains as cold as ever when confronted by demons she's not conflicted by her actions at all and they wouldn't do that like the thing is I I I don't think that they would do that in a western show it was a God to your moment yeah it was so like this is a bit of a spoiler right I mean I think the whole [ __ ] the whole video has been a spoiler but basically uh this girl thinks that she's more powerful than frein she has this thing that will mind control you if you're the weaker of the two people to do the bidding of the more powerful one it turns out frein's more powerful so she gets to tell this demon girl what to do and she straight up tells the girl to kill herself she puts the sword up to her throat and she [ __ ] kills herself that's it and while the show gives us good reason to hate demons too you can't help but feel sorry for them Mommy please on one hand it makes fear and appear like a badass Demon Slayer on the other I'm concerned that the show will not have any Stakes or threats coming from the demon side anymore well also um like I I remember when whenever they like there was like that story of like the demon kid and like the reasoning I forgot exactly what it was I have to think about it for a minute but I remember like the reasoning that the demon kid had for killing the family that he was around uh yeah that's the the meme from Twitter uh there it is yeah the reasoning the demon kit had from killing the family that that they were around it made sense in like a really [ __ ] up way right it wasn't like oh we're just evil for the sake of being evil it was like a really distorted [ __ ] up sense of logic and yes you can say that so for the daughter she yeah yeah is not solely about slaying demons but I do want to see a bit more conflict there too in terms of who did it better I'm pretty sure you can all agree that frian has the upper hand the anime just gives so much more details about the characters their personalities their little quirks it's something that the rings of power should have really done with gadriel they desperately need to flesh her out more and strengthen her relationship with finrod but the rings of power is not just about gadriel there's a ton of Side characters and side plots that ultimately take away screen time from gadriel and unfortunately none of those stories provide any value to the tolken fan but if you like Lord of the Rings and you're willing to give animy a shot I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by what Soo noin can offer thank you guys for watching I'm sorry I had to reupload this video again hopefully it meets their transformative standards now this if you want to stay updated make sure to subscribe follow me on Twitter or join my Discord page the links are in the description so hopefully I'll see you there yeah I think this was really good I hadn't had a chance to watch this so I'm glad that I finally did yeah was great man I really liked it a lot demons are basically xenomorph that evolve to look and talk like uh people to make hunting easier yeah I know there's lots of boring stoic male characters too glad is just a boring stoic character men don't like it whenever women are stoic yeah I I think that's a that's true they'd rather the cute girl like in anime um I think that like men are looking for something different in a female character than what they look for in a male character like if you had the character of gadriel you could have written her character completely and had it been a guy and it would have been the exact same Freeman is literally stoic yeah she's very stoic I I think that's it it's like the aggression and like all that kind of stuff too it's not just the stoicism guys on sympathetic women characters uh in some cases yeah there's the video right there give it a like this is good no one likes boring [ __ ] character all the famous male stoic characters have more going on with them than just monotony the Chatters just burning dead well I think that also like some people do like like very basic level characters like for example Master Chief is a good example of this Master Chief in Halo 1 and two you don't really need to know [ __ ] anything about master chief right like there's nothing that he's doing he's just going in there it's like there's some aliens we're going to kill the [ __ ] aliens and then after we kill the aliens we're going to go back we're going to kill more of them after that that's it and so you definitely have that it it's totally like a thing and it's it's good but like again males look for things in male characters that they don't look for in female characters because for a lot of guys being stoic like that is something that they aspire to be like but that's not necessarily something that they're looking for in a girl I mean I I I I feel like I feel like I'm explaining uh just common sense I mean I'm like I I feel like I feel like a crazy person saying this but I also feel like I'm the only person who's not crazy this is common sense yeah exactly even that example is a case of benevolence and selflessness yeah yeah like Master Chief is never rude to anybody he's never disrespectful to anybody you know he's all like even like the uh the soldiers and everything people that are like way below him he's never disrespectful never talks down to anybody anything like that barely even speaks yeah I only somewhat agree look at Ripley from Alien she's a phenomenal stoic badass lead what matters is how the character is presented yeah it's just not a like I think the gadriel in uh rings of power is just not a likable character as I said yeah Sauron was supposed to be a deceiver and and likable but man like you have a problem whenever Sauron is more likable than gladel though but that's a real Pro like that's what the [ __ ] right that's a big problem Ripley it was not stowing yeah I I'd have to like I haven't seen alien probably in 20 years so I don't remember that well writing sucks doesn't make logical sense yeah there you go but yeah this is a video this is a great video I was glad I watched this
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 706,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: u19xC5rC5JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 44sec (2384 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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