Baldur's Gate 3: Triggering the lich queen Vlaakith to cast a wish spell on the party

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foreign [Music] a deathless queen has spoken you will did your quest teach you teach you nothing your choice of allies is most vexing they do not become blazel a long Island as did our fire before you seek purity I may get granted child of gift you carry what is mine do I call you loyal servant or Thief no it is not yours own something is to note that weapon the astral prison it is corrupted Queen there is someone inside their mind is Warped broken a blight they are an agent of The Grand Design sent to sabotage the astral prism Allah as they live prison is compromised tell them do this and I will cleanse you and your allies do this and ascend an honor gained a burden born you must accept fuse and you will know my Fury perhaps I misheard you would not speak ill of a god would you do not touch her she will be our ruin ing tongue you wish to think
Channel: Nardyst
Views: 18,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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