Baldur's Gate 3: Giving the Nightsong to Lorroakan in Sorcerous Sundries

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what's up for discussion mother's milk your visit speaks of ill tidings speak Ally mine what troubles you is he indeed pray tell what does he seek from Dame aylin [Music] let them come and let them find me day mailing will strike down any who seek to bring her to Harm's home yet it is better to cut off the head of the snake than to let its slithering snakelings swarm us unabated this wizard this wizard must be held to account I will ring his neck until he's dead [Music] oh his end will be one more strand in the great braid of our friendship I'm coming with you I'd like to get a few licks in myself my darling we agreed you'd Scout for the nearest saloonite Enclave this very night let us divide our efforts all the sooner to be reunited I won't let you go alone who knows what this wizard might have planned our closest Ally will accompany me well to you it will be a Swift and fruitful chore highway to this laroa can right away I am as eager to meet him as he is to ensnare me [Music] what have we here a magician in a tower hiding away from the frightening world what are you so scared of magus not the Night song surely why she's nothing but a relic to be purchased and pursued oh my God Night song is a person at last there you are my dear you will address me with due deference I am Dame Aiden and you are a wealth without honor without Pride with nothing but a tower full of trinkets apologies damn Allen I meant no disrespect perhaps we could start over I am laroican most pleased to make your acquaintance and that of your fine companion who perhaps heard I was looking for you Dame Aylen I have discovered a device that would allow your immortality to be shared it would cause you no harm no pain of any kind you serve your mother soluna I believe she who has blessed our realm with so many gifts honor her by sharing yours you do not seek to share my gifts you seek to poach them you dare to threaten me with the same magic that held me in torment for a hundred years I had hoped to appeal to your better nature perhaps I overestimated you no bother I have an arsenal of implements capable of convincing you to see reason say Madness and genius are separated by but a hair's breath perhaps the same is true of Madness and stupidity and you shall have it this I promise you traitor I will bring this Tower to the ground before I'll hear another word be reasonable Madam you can't outmatch two powerful Wizards there is nothing I cannot do [Laughter] eternity normal times imperative [Music] No Rest be your wicked or wise thank you baby I will rise lost again it is my foreign you take your payment well and and be gone come boys we have much work to do forever whatever I wish you've made a powerful Ally today you know this Tower's capabilities are exceptional and your enemies are now my own should I wish them to be you can count on ramus's Tower in future something tells me you won't leave Boulder's Gate without a few fireworks seeing what Master laroa can escape beloved I know my place is here thank you for settling any doubts witness me Ellen left to face that wizard laroican was it after all she's been through she thinks herself Unstoppable Invincible it all feels like recklessness to me that's my greatest fear I wanted to help her but she said she fights better when she knows I'm safe I understand I suppose I feel the same about her [Music] he certainly is foreign what how can how could some wizard overpower both of you you defeated the Apostle of Merkel you mean to tell me this laroican was stronger than the god of necromancy he must wield some kind of divine power or perhaps demonic Moon Maiden help me not another I need to get her out of there mad man's hands absolutely not absolutely not not ever foreign huh when last we met mercenary I had yet to attain my truth form witness me Immortal until the end of all days does for it and now high above the tides of Fate I feel at last at home I thank you for your role in my Ascension I hope you're enjoying your newfound wealth it pleases me to reward my faithful I give you leave to go so be gone and do not call upon razimeth's Tower again when I see its services might be of use to you I will rally of my own accord I do not give you permission to speak in fact I suggest you leave Rama's eth's Tower immediately we have no further business Isabel why did you bring her here what have you done when I am free I will destroy you I will murder you and your children and their children beside I will apart Plank and beam until every iota of your being is scolded by my light this is my promise this is My Vow
Channel: YannimalGR
Views: 165,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, dragons, dnd, larian, bhaal, mind flayer, lae'zel, githyanki, gale, astarion, wyll, shadowheart, paladin, karlach, true soul, absolute, tadpole, baldur's gate, wyrm's rock, lower city, aylin, aasimar, isobel
Id: Uh6oThs6MLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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