Baldur's Gate 3- TOP 10 AMAZING MODS for December 2023 showcase, you NEED to TRY this out! BG3

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happy holidays everyone Welcome to our monthly showcase I hope everyone is having a great time wherever you are and know that you are a wonderful and amazing person before we start I would love to have this opportunity to give you guys a channel update we now have the 3.6% of people who watch my videos and join our small community for you amazingly wonderful people subscribe thank you so much for being part of this Channel and for the 96.4% thank you so much for watching the videos without you guys we won't be here where we are now but if you want to help a brother out please consider to hit that subscribe button it really helps me out a ton and that being said we have the winners of the best mods of the month and all are well deserved to be in their Spotlight so buckle up grab your hot cup of chocolate these are boros gate 3's best mods of the month for December 2023 enjoy me going to start with a mod that I haven't covered in a video before this mod has been around since last month and has now racked in more than a million downloads already due to the amount of work and awesomeness the mod author did to make this amazing Beast to be honest I already know about this mod for a while now but couldn't get it in the list until now introducing the 5e spell mod the mod adds crazy amount of unimplemented spells from the DND 5 Source book The Mod is designed to serve as an additional selection of spells from the first to the ninth tier as well as adding additional class spells what's really cool about this mod is that it also serves as a base for a lot of spells mod so it is really advantageous to have this mod installed not only that it also introduces its own can trips first to six level spells there are some really cool can trips like shape of water which you can freeze water surfaces mold Earth that can make Muddy terrain lightning lure that is a kin so a lightning whip that can pull your target towards your direction Thunder clamp that does an AOE blast around the caster and so much more some examples of a level one spell that was added is Earth Tremor that is a wider AOE version of a mold Earth that also makes muddy terrain and a really cool unseen servant that is more of a mage arm that also has a really cool spell that can clean your party whenever you get too bloody for some reason second level spells are something like dust devil that summons a controllable moving tornado that can knock back anything in its area block of familiars that lets you summon three familiars in a single spell something like a cat frog crab Etc as for the level three spells you can actually summon a really cool shadow spawn you can select a to three Shadow spawns to fight for you and it has its own fear Aura and there are so much spells that you can get check out the mod page if you want to play around with the mod and see what spells fit your play style I highly advise you get this Beast of a mod if you want to add more spells in Your Arsenal for that 5e experience speaking of a really great experience want to experience playing like an MMO RPG in balls Gate 3 now you can with our feature mod of the month which is the emote and toggle walk mod the whopping amount of emotes this mod introduces is just insane with over 150 emotes as spells for you to choose from and the role play potential using this mod is what makes it an obvious pick for the list the mod is a wide array of emotes from basic ones like laugh sit down lie down Etc to looping emotes like the mosh ithd floats fist up ups and more if that's not enough for you it also has around 32 voice emotes not to mention the Romantic emotes is really cool now you can go crazy with the screenshots and role playing with your friends or maybe just a solo play for yourself this is a must-have for that ultimate RP Perfection now for another mod that screams Perfection this is the jid Perfection mod which is our first rework mod of the month this is a long awaited rework for the wild AP charges and multiclass viability of the wild shaped forms it also changes wild shape as a ritual spell and made it cost only bonus action instead of a main action which is why the vanilla version is really clunky and not really intuitive for Moon Druids not to mention you can swap wild shape while you're still in your previous shape without changing into a human form in between they also introduced this really cool jid initiative where you can use wild shape for free in any start of a battle which is absolutely a godsend both Moon and Spore Druids can benefit in this so Spore Druids main Rejoice the mod also introduces reworks with the summons and makes them more viable as possible not to mention the canps was also rework and strengthen and what's really cool is now you can multiclass your moon Druid if you want to have a level three spell from different classes now you can once to have that relating attack F blows smites and so much more imagine a goat that can do furrial blows Panther that can Smite with every hit or a wolf that can do reckless attack from the Barbarian class to be honest this feature should be implemented in the base game as it is much better for our Druid Mains out there the mod goes really well with the Druid Quality of Life mod or that added immersion dedicated to our moon boys fourth is our armor mod of the month which is the draconic sorcerer gear together with the draconic die from the same mod Creator this gear will bring the immersion that adds a tailor draconic goodline armor for your tab the gear provides you with the jonic sorcer vibe which you've been waiting for it is available for most body types as well as races that will fit for that caster which will make you look like a descendant of the Dragon without being a dragon born you can select from five variants of elements like fire cold lightning acid and poison each armor piece has its own passives and abilities like giving you a free dragon born breath attack of the specific element elemental weapons with the use of worms blessing with the specific element of your choosing not to mention the fear status that you can dish out to your enemies Etc what's really cool about this armor it is fully diable which brings us to its part mod the draconic D which adds 11 of the 10 draconic dieses available in in the game each D color is leaned into bold and vibrant colors for each Dragon element color palette all colors are made sure to represent each dragons perfectly if you want a mod that goes really well with draconic die mod is our second armor mod of the month which is again the extra Gear mod the mod author just graced us with an amazing update providing us with new sets of armor which are fully diable from patch 5.1 that adds armor crates for vendors and some some of the new variations of armors like the two versions of sleeveless No Leaf Druid armor solonite robes and scale armor monastic wraps for the dragon born and other creatures a really cool version of the Harper armor as well as Harper hoods Etc as mentioned before all of the armors are purchasable with various vendor as well as you can go crazy dying this badass armors to your heart's content the mod makes its way back into the list so it is a must have if you you want to expand your armor collection next is our UI mod of the month which is the better UI inventory mod from KES the mod is an absolute essential for loot goblins like me if you want that really nice and organized Dash tabs with mini icons to help you figure out what items are used for gone are the days you accidentally sell combinable and important consumables like I did now you have this amazing mini icons to guide you it also has an indication for vanity items and music instruments which is a very nice touch I advise you add Mark books as read in addition to this mod as it will give you a really nice frame background for your books it also has specific rarity colors for different type of Scrolls and if you want to really go fancy you can add the check MINI marks for all of the books that you want to read absolutely amazing work from the mod Creator as always now for mods straight out of a Skyrim this is the dunmer race mod this mod is really cool as it is a race straight out of the Elder Scrolls that focuses heavy on visuals and unique passives and abilities it is not your average race mod as it has not only one or two sub rces it has five representing the various houses that dunmer originated from which provides its own individual unique passives to a it in the battlefield from its Baseline passive like dun training that grants you proficiency like the elf race ashborne that grants fire resistance each house has its own respective passives at level one and will further be unlocked into a much more powerful version at level five not only that it has its own built-in present 124 and among those are various face skins tattoos eye colors that are specific to the race it also includes custom earrings and facial assets it also comes with your option to make the dunmer your very own Guardian the amount of detail and customization the mod Creator did with this mod is just insane this mod basically has it all which deserves its spot in the list for our visual effects mod of the month is the elemental spell mods are you tired of the same scorching Ray and Fireball spells the mod adds a new chromatic spells to the game for your scorching Ray and Fireball now you can select from an array of ice lightning acid Force psychic radiant and Chaos that has every spell type in one spell the mod also provides a really cool casting V effects for all the spell types making the particle effects more defined and intense you can easily just learn the spell from a squirrel and that's it the mod also introduces a new level four storm spell that rins down Elemental damage in a wide AOE but with a Twist The Twist is that it has a chromatic version that you can use with various types of element that you can utilize what's really cool with this spell is aside from the elemental damage that it brings down it also has a lingering AOE effect for example if you use storm force it leaves a fog Cloud storm of heat provides like a burning surfaces the storm of Holy Light or the storm of light has a lingering trail of Holy Fire around a 6 M AOE Etc the mod was designed by the same mod creator of the elemental ELD blast so you can really enjoy those spell effects to your heart's content time to introduce our second rework SL rebalance mod of the month to be honest I was having a hard time deciding which of the rebalance spell I would highlight among the mod Creator rebalance Series so I finally selected the rebalance C trip mod for this month's winner as the name suggests it rebalances the can trips that we just disregard specifically when we get to higher levels it is also a well-deserved rebalance of the poison spray that actually made it into a spray instead of a projectile like damn why would you call it the poison spray if it's not a spray not only that the mod also rebalanced one of the most useless spells in the game which is the true strike it made True strike a bonus action and can give Advantage for all your party members not only just the Caster not to mention removing the concentration requirements for the spell if you want to make your can trips by able I highly suggest this mod and include the rebalance level one spells where you add it watch out for the witch bolt rebalance as it is just so good finally our last and certainly not the least mod of the month it is a class mod I'm totally addicted playing as which is the fencer this mod is really fun to play around if you want to play as a one shot monster capable of moving from Target to Target and just melt their HP with its massive crits as as well as it can use sneak attacks without hiding from the start to guarantee that additional damage its play style is a k to the Rogue that utilizes exploit and sneak attack for devastating damage the class is unlocked around level three that provides you with the class features such as classical training that grants you proficiency with meteor armor and finesse weapons which is the bread and butter weapon for this class it also provides the ability to use sneak attacks if you use an export as part of your attack using your finesse weapons you also gain around two exploit charges that increases like the fighter class does all exploits are scalable with dexterity and strength including your proficiency bonuses as for the skills you can get something like debilitating strike that forces enemies to do a deck saving throw or have their speed reduced to zero until end of turn disarming strike that forces enemies to drop its weapon pain strike that consumes actions and both bonus actions to expend exploit die to attack Etc at level six you get the expert dualist that provides extra attack level 9 is sharp reflexes that grants you a plus4 initiative and for a level 11 it is a really nice Counterattack and that's it guys thank you for watching the mod showcase do you guys agree on the list that I made or what are the mods that you wanted to be highlighted for this month would love to know all of that including your questions clarifications in a comment down below shout outs for all the people who subscribe and keep supporting the channel I really appreciate you guys for all of the amazing support and for all the people who haven't subscribed yet thank you so much for watching the videos and I hope I earn your subscriptions in the future but if I ear it today please don't hesitate to hit that subscribe button on behalf of the modding Community thank you again for downloading the mods and enjoying the mod series if you guys want to support me directly consider joining our D20 rollers club by clicking the join button or joining the Discord with our guys or maybe just patreon finally that's it for me and I hope to see you soon on the next Master box show happy holidays everyone peace out
Channel: MasterBok
Views: 14,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: amsCE8o9iNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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